INTERNATIONAL NEWS. Newsletter /2013 (Februar 2013)

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1 INTERNATIONAL NEWS Newsletter /2013 (Februar 2013) Pädagogische Hochschule Kärnten / Viktor Frankl Hochschul...



____________________________________________________________ Newsletter 2 – 2012/2013 (Februar 2013)

Pädagogische Hochschule Kärnten / Viktor Frankl Hochschule Servicestelle „Bildungskooperationen und internationale Kontakte University College of Teacher Education Office for International Affairs Hubertusstraße 1 A-9020 Klagenfurt

Die Rückmeldungen sowohl vom Rektorat, von Lehrenden und Studierenden der Pädagogischen Hochschule Kärnten / Viktor Frankl Hochschule als auch von Kolleg/innen von Partnerinstitutionen aus dem In- und Ausland zeigen, dass der Newsletter „International News“ auf großes Leser/inneninteresse stößt.

Feedback from the rectorate, students and staff of the Pädagogische Hochschule / Viktor Frankl Hochschule as well as from international students and teachers has shown that the Newsletter „International News“ is of great interests to readers.

Auch in dieser Ausgabe finden sowohl diejenigen, die an der Pädagogischen Hochschule arbeiten und studieren als auch Student/innen und Kolleg/innen der Partnerinstitutionen wieder interessante Beiträge und Informationen. Besonders hingewiesen wird auf die Stellenangebote für Studierende und die Fördermöglichkeiten bei Bachelorarbeiten.

Also in this issue both students and teachers at the Pädagogische Hochschule and from partner universities will find interesting articles and pieces of information. Special focus will be on placement offers for students and support opportunities for Bachelor theses.

Erasmus-Exkursion Österreich / Slowenien / Italien: Erasmus-Studierende der PH Kärnten und PH Wien; Foto: Samet Ünal

1 Pädagogische Hochschule Kärnten / Viktor Frankl Hochschule – University College of Teacher Education Servicestelle „Bildungskooperationen und internationale Kontakte“ / Office for International Affairs – International News – Nr. 2/2013

Inhalt dieser Ausgabe

Content of this issue

Berichte aus der Servicestelle „Bildungskooperationen und internationale Kontakte“

News from th Office for International Affairs

Gratulation zum Studienabschluss Neue Erasmus-Assistentin / Sommersemester 2013 Den nya Erasmus-assistenten i vårtermin 2013 Incoming-Studens / Sommersemester 2013 Kooperation mit dem Wieser Verlag Yhteistyö Wieser-kustantamon kanssa Vorbereitender Besuch an der Universität Lettlands / Riga Universität Lettland International Training an der Universität in Budapest Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE) / Budapest Intercambio académico - Visita desde Zaragoza Universidad de Zaragoza Staff-Mobility from Greece - Erasmus in Klagenfurt Universtiät Winchester

Studierend berichten / Informationen aus erster Hand Klagenfurt came back into my life!!! Winchester was waiting for us My Erasmus internship at Pädagogische Hochschule Kärnten Excursion within the triangle Austria, Slovenia, Italy Erasmus - One of the best experiences in my life

Informationen für Studierende / Lehrende Erasmus-Informationstag Stipendium für wissenschaftliche Arbeiten Sommerpraktikum mit internationalem Weitblick Schulpraktikums-Plätze an der Grundschule Harmonie Master Course in “Advanced Spectroscopy in Chemistry” Finnisch Kurs für Anfänger/innen Call for Proposals:12th International Students' Research Conference

Congratulations New Erasmus-Assistant / Summer term 2013 Uusi Erasmus-assistentti kansainvälisten asioiden toimistossa Incoming-Students / Summer term 2013 Cooperation with Wieser publishing company Koperacija z Wieser založbo Preparatory Meeting at the University of Latvia / Riga University of Latvia International Training at the University of Budapest Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE) / Budapest Staff-Mobility - Visit from the University of Zaragoza Universität Zaragoza Staff-Mobility from Greece - Erasmus in Klagenfurt University of Winchester

Students Report / Firsthand account Erasmus työharjoitteluni Pädagogische Hochschule Kärntenissä Біздің Словения мен Тарвисиоға ұйымдастырған экскурсиямыз

Erasmus - Viena no labākajām manas dzīves pieredzēm

Information for Students / Staff Erasmus Information Day Grant for research work Summer internship with an international vision Places for Teaching Practice at the Grundschule Harmonie Master Course in “Advanced Spectroscopy in Chemistry” Finnish Course for Beginners Call for Proposals - 4th International Week of Professors



Für den Inhalt verantwortlich / Layout: Mag. Dr. Pia-Maria Rabensteiner Leiterin der Servicestelle „Bildungskooperationen und internationale Kontakte“ Pädagogische Hochschule Kärnten / Viktor Frankl Hochschule Tel: +43 / 463 / 508 508 218; Fax: +43 / 463 / 508 508 99 218 [email protected]

Responsibility for layout and contents: Mag. Dr. Pia-Maria Rabensteiner Head of the Office for International Affairs

Nicht namentlich gekennzeichnete Artikel und Bilder wurden verfasst bzw. aufgenommen von Mag. Dr. Pia-Maria Rabensteiner

The articles and pictures not labeled by a name are by Mag. Dr. Rabensteiner.

Gekennzeichnete Artikel geben die Meinung der jeweiligen Autorin / des jeweiligen Autors wieder.

Articles labeled by name express views of the author in question.

Pädagogische Hochschule Kärnten / Viktor Frankl Hochschule Tel.: +43 / 463 / 508 508 218; fax: +43 / 463 / 508 508 99 218 [email protected]

2 Pädagogische Hochschule Kärnten / Viktor Frankl Hochschule – University College of Teacher Education Servicestelle „Bildungskooperationen und internationale Kontakte“ / Office for International Affairs – International News – Nr. 2/2013

Berichte aus der Servicestelle „Bildungskoopera- News from th Office for International Affairs tionen und internationale Kontakte“



Herzlichen Glückwunsch, Martin Wieser, BEd, Mitarbeiter in der Servicestelle „Bildungskooperationen und internationale Kontakte“, zum Abschluss des Studiums an der AlpenAdria-Universität und zum „Master“!

Martin Wieser, BEd, Assistant in the Office for Interantional Affairs has finished his studies at the Alpen-Adria-University of Klagenfurt. Congratulatins to the degree „Master of Arts“.

Neue Erasmus-Assistentin /Sommersemester 2013

New Erasmus-Assistant / Summer term 2013

Seit Beginn des Sommersemesters 2013 arbeitet in der Servicestelle „Bildungskooperationen und internationale Kontakte“ Frau Kia Koskinen von der Universität Lappland / Lapin yliopisto als Erasmus-Assistentin. Frau Kia Koskinen studiert an der Universität Lappland die Fächer Sozialwissenschaften und Tourismusforschung und wird bis zum 30. Juni 2013 in der Servicestelle tätig sein. Herzlich willkommen! Herzlichen Dank für eine außerordentlich kompetente und sorgfältige Arbeit an Hanna Nakari, welche in der Servicestelle „Bildungskooperationen und internationale Kontakte“ von Mitte September 2012 bis Mitte Feber 2013 als ErasmusAssistentin tätig war.

From the beginning of summer semester 2013 will Ms Kia Koskinen work as an Erasmus assistant at the Office for International Affairs. Ms Kia Koskinen comes from the University of Lapland, where she studies sociology and tourism research. Ms Kia Koskinen will be working at the office until the 30th of July 2013. Welcome!

Den nya Erasmus-assistenten i vårtermin 2013

Uusi Erasmus-assistentti kansainvälisten asioiden toimistossa

Från början av vårtermin 2013 jobbar Kia Koskinen vid servicestället i byrån för internationella ärenden som erasmus-assistenten. Kia Koskinen kommer från Lapplands Universitet, där hon studerar turism i den samhällsvetenskapliga fakulteten. Hon ska arbeta vid byrån till slutet av Juni 2013. Välkommen! Ett hjärtligt tack för Hanna Nakari av det väldigt kompetenta och sorgfälliga arbetet. Hanna Nakari har jobbat som Erasmus-assistenten vid byrån för internationella ärenden från mitten av september 2012, till mitten av februari 2013.

Heartfelt thanks for the extremely thorough and competent work of Hanna Nakari, who worked as an Erasmus assistant at the Office for International Affairs from mid-September 2012 until mid-February 2013.

Kansainvälisten asioiden toimistossa työskentelee kevätlukukauden 2013 alusta lähtien Erasmus-assistenttina Kia Koskinen Lapin yliopistosta. Koskinen opiskelee Lapin yliopistossa sosiologiaa sekä matkailututkimusta, ja työskentelee toimistossa 30. heinäkuuta 2013 asti. Lämpimästi tervetuloa! Sydämelliset kiitokset erittäin pätevästä ja huolellisesta työstä Hanna Nakarille, joka työskenteli Erasmusassistenttina Kansainvälisten asioiden toimistossa syyskuun 2012 puolivälistä helmikuun 2013 puoliväliin.

Incoming-Students / Sommersemester 2013

Incoming-Students / Summer term 2013

Im Sommersemester 2013 können an der Pädagogischen Hochschule 19 Studierende aus 7 Nationen, 11 Partnerinstitutionen begrüßt werden:

During the summer term 2013 those 21 students from seven nations, 11 partneruniversities are welcome to study at the UCTE.

3 Pädagogische Hochschule Kärnten / Viktor Frankl Hochschule – University College of Teacher Education Servicestelle „Bildungskooperationen und internationale Kontakte“ / Office for International Affairs – International News – Nr. 2/2013

Sophie Hall (England / United Kingdom) Kati Lipponen** (Finnland / Finland) Katariina Huovinen** (Finnland / Finland ) Karoliina Väyrynen** (Finnland / Finland ) Kia Koskinen (Finnland / Finland) Eliza Wilczyńska (Polen /Poland) Kamila Szkarłat (Polen / Poland) Maria Santos (Spanien Spain) Ruben Crespo Martinez (Spanien / Spain)

Lucie Kubankova (Tschechien / Czech Republic) Kristyna Zandova (Tschechien / Czech Republic) Aneta Kletzanderova (Tschechien / Czech Republic) Busra Yesilmen (Türkei / Turkey) Emel Derin (Türkei / Turkey) Gül Arman (Giresun / Türkei) Andriana Mylchuk (Ukraine / Ukraine) Markiyan Kovalenko (Ukraine / Ukraine) Oksana Kostyshyn (Ukraine / Ukraine) Andrij Nazarchuk (Ukraine / Ukraine)

** SPX Vocational School - 11.02.2013 – 22.03.2013

Kooperation mit dem Wieser Verlag

Cooperation with Wieser publishing company

Seit Feber 2013 konnte die Zusammenarbeit mit dem Wieser Verlag weiter ausgebaut werden. Vereinbart wurde mit Herrn Lojze Wieser, dass Studierende auch literarisch auf Europa vorbereitet werden.

Since February 2013 it has been possible to widen the cooperation with Wieser publishing company. It has been agreed with Lozje Wieser, that with literature, students can also be prepared for their studies abroad.

Beim Erasmus-Informationstag gibt es für diejenigen Student/innen, die sich bereits für das Wintersemester 2013 / 2014 für ein Erasmus-Semester an einer Partnerinstituion beworben haben, eine Überraschung.

At the Erasmus information day there will be a surprise for those students who have applied for Erasmus exchange in one of our partner institutions, for a semester in 2013/2014.

Hier gibt es den Link zu Wieser Verlag und zur Serie „Europa erlesen“ und „Europa erhören“

Here is a link to Wieser publishing company, and to series „Europa erlesen“ and „Europa erhöhen“

Yhteistyö Wieser-kustantamon kanssa

Koperacija z Wieser založbo

Helmikuusta 2013 lähtien on ollut mahdollista laajentaa yhteistyötä Wieser-kustantamon kanssa. Lozje Wieserin kanssa on sovittu, että opiskelijoita voidaan valmistella kirjallisuuden avulla vaihto-opiskeluun Euroopassa.

Od februarja 2013 naprej se je sodelovanje z Wieser založbo dalje izgradilo. Z gospodom Lojzetom Wieserom se je izgovorilo, da bodo študentje tudi slovstveno pripravljeni na Evropo.

Erasmus-infopäivässä on tiedossa yllätys niille opiskelijoille, jotka ovat hakeneet Erasmus-vaihtoon johonkin yhteistyöinstituutioistamme syyslukukaudeksi 2013/2014.

Pri Ersamus-informacijskem dnevu dobijo študenti in študenke presenečenje, ki so se že za zimski semester 2013/2014 prijavili za Erasmus-semester v eni partnerski ustanovi. Tukaj je link k založbi Wieser in k seriji „Europa erlesen“ in „Europa erhören“.

Tässä vielä linkki Wieser-kustantamon internet-sivuille, sekä sarjoihin „Europa erlesen“ ja „Europa erhöhen“

4 Pädagogische Hochschule Kärnten / Viktor Frankl Hochschule – University College of Teacher Education Servicestelle „Bildungskooperationen und internationale Kontakte“ / Office for International Affairs – International News – Nr. 2/2013

Vorbereitender Besuch an der Universität Lettlands / Riga

Preparatory Meeting at the University of Latvia / Riga

During the period from 6 to 9 January, 2013 there took place the preparatory meeting for a Comenius multilateral project called: „Development of Teacher Identity in Promoting Student Engagement, Motivation and Competencies for 21st Century Citizens – “The European PATHS”.

During the meeting negotioations concerning the participation of students from the UCTE at the 12th Students’ Conference took place which will be held at the University of Latvia in May 2013. Students who are interested in presenting there the research for their Bachelor-Thesis are invited to come to the office for International Affairs to receive further information.

Participants were hosted at the University of Latvia, in Riga, from Dr. Indra Odina (Head of the Department for Foreign Languages) and Dr. Ilze Kangro.

Participants of the preparatory meeting and future national coordinators of the project finalized the work on the application form for reaching the deadline for applications. The project will be coordinated from the Office for International Affairs, Pädagogische Hochschule Kärnten / Viktor Frankl Hochschule. The former “BEAM”-members hope that the application will be accepted from the European Commission and that it can start in autumn 2013.

Austria: Pia-Maria Rabensteiner / Günther Prommer Belgium: Sylvie Navarre Finland: Marja Tuomi / Jari Aarnio Latvia: Ilze Kangro / Indra Odina / Anita Auzina Norway: Asbjorn Kolberg / Aage Jensen / Trond Nilssen United Kingdom: Sandra Cammish / Karen Phethean Further information can be given at the beginning of the academic year 2013/2014. Let´s cross fingers that we all reach the common goal!

Universität Lettland

University of Latvia

Die Kooperation mit der Universität in Riga wurde von der Servicestellenleiterin im Jahr 2008 angebahnt, begonnen und wird seit damals ständig gepflegt. Zu Beginn war diese Zusammenarbeit gekennzeichnet durch den regelmäßigen Austausch von Lehrenden im Rahmen der Staff-Mobilitäten. Da wie dort wurden unterschiedliche Vorlesungen und Seminare in deutscher und englischer Sprache abgehalten. Am Erasmus-Intensiv-Programm „BEAM“, welches von der Servicestelle „Bildungskooperationen und internationale Kontakte“ initiiert und koordiniert wurde, nahm das Team der lettischen Universität eine bedeutende und tragende Rolle ein.

The Head of the Office for International Affairs prepared the cooperation in the year 2008, after which the cooperation was initiated and has been fostered since then. In the beginning, the cooperation was characterized by regular Teaching Staff Mobilities. Various kinds of lectures and seminars were held in German and English both in Latvia and in Klagenfurt. The team of the Latvian University had also an important and leading role in the Erasmus Intensive Programme “BEAM”, which was organised and coordinated by the Head of the Office for International Affairs.

5 Pädagogische Hochschule Kärnten / Viktor Frankl Hochschule – University College of Teacher Education Servicestelle „Bildungskooperationen und internationale Kontakte“ / Office for International Affairs – International News – Nr. 2/2013

Seit dem Wintersemester 2010/2011 nehmen auch Studierende das Angebot der Studierendenmobilität regelmäßig wahr und studieren an der „Faculty of Education and Psychology“. Das bilateral agreement, welches zuerst nur zwei Studienplätze vorsah, wurde im letzten Semester auf drei erhöht, da sich immer mehr Studierende der Pädagogischen Hochschule für das Studium an der Universität in Riga bewerben. Studierende können nicht nur Lehrveranstaltungen in deutscher und englischer Sprache belegen, sondern auch die Schulpraxis in diesen beiden Sprachen absolvieren. Neben einem besonders reichhaltigen Angebot für Studierende werden für Incoming Students von der Universität immer wieder Studienfahrten ins Inland und ins nahe gelegene Ausland angeboten. Es lohnt sich, die wunderschöne Stadt im Baltikum kennenzulernen. Eine Möglichkeit dazu bietet sich an, an der Student/innenkonferenz im Mai 2013 teilzunehmen. Nähere Informationen findet man auf der Seite 23. Since winter semester 2010/2011 are also students taking the opportunity for a Student Mobility seriously and studying at the “Faculty of Education and Psychology”. Because there are more and more students at the PH Kärnten interested in an exchange semester at the University of Latvia, the bilateral agreement between these institutions was last semester upgraded for three students instead of the previous two. Not only can the students visit lectures in both English and German, but they can also complete their school practice in both of these languages. In addition to the rich variety of the studies at the University of Latvia, Incoming students are also offered study trips both within Latvia and to other neighbouring countries.

Zur Homepage der Universität Lettland gelangt man über folgenden Link:

Nähere Auskünfte und authentische Berichte über ein Studium an der Universität in Riga geben am 11. März 2013, Erasmus-Informationstag, folgende ehemalige ErasmusStudierende, die ein Auslandssemester in Riga verbrachten: Gabriel Kofler Vanessa Krznar Kerstin Oberwandling Mirjam Rauscher Martin Stuck Christian Wrulich

In addition to the rich variety of the studies at professional teacher education programmes on bachelor and master level at the University of Latvia: 1. The English language and literature; 2. The German language and literature; 3. Visual arts and history of arts; 4. Sports and health education; 5. Applied IT; 6. Home economics and history of culture; 7. Social pedagogue, 8. Special education, Preschool education, 9. Primary education, 10. Social sciences education. Incoming students are also offered study trips both within Latvia and to other neighbouring countries. It is well worth, to get to know this beautiful Baltic city. One opportunity to do is to participate in the Students’ Conference in May 2013.More information is given on the page 23. Klick here for further information about the University of Latvia 6

Pädagogische Hochschule Kärnten / Viktor Frankl Hochschule – University College of Teacher Education Servicestelle „Bildungskooperationen und internationale Kontakte“ / Office for International Affairs – International News – Nr. 2/2013

Foto: Gabriel Kofler

Frau Vanessa Krznar und Herrn Gabriel Kofler verfassten gemeinsam, die in zwei selbstständige Bereiche gegliederte Bachelorarbeit mit dem Thema „Blitzlichter im lebenslangen Lernprozess - Der Umgang mit dem Fremden / Anderen aus dem Blickwinkel des sprachlichen und kulturellen Bereichs“

The following ex-Erasmus students, who have spent a term at the University of Latvia, will give more information and share their personal experiences about their exchange semester on Erasmus Information day on the 11th of March: Gabriel Kofler Vanessa Krznar Kerstin Oberwandling Mirjam Rauscher Martin Stuck Cristan Wrulich

Begleitend zu dieser Bacheloarbeit wurde in aufwändiger Arbeit ein Film erstellt, der Einblicke in die Studierendenmobilität gibt und Parallelitäten zwischen den Städten Riga und Klagenfurt aufzeigt. Darin kommen u. a. auch der österreichische Botschafter in Riga, leitende Personen aus der Österreichischen Nationalagentur Lebenslanges Lernen u.v.m. vor. Der Film, der von beiden erstellt wurde, wird im Rahmen des Erasmus-Informationstages in der Aula präsentiert. Lehrende, Mitarbeiter/innen der Pädagogischen Hochschule und Studierende sind dazu herzlich eingeladen. Seit 4. Feber 2013 kann beiden, Frau Vanessa Krznar und Herrn Gabriel Kofler, wie auch Herrn Martin Stuck und Herrn Christian Wrulich, zum „Bachelor of Education“ gratuliert werden!

Foto: Gabriel Kofler

Ms Vanessa Krznar and Mr. Gabriel Kofler wrote together their bachelor thesis covering two independent topics on the theme „Blitzlichter im lebenslangen Lernprozess - Der Umgang mit dem Fremden / Anderen aus dem Blickwinkel des sprachlichen und kulturellen Bereichs“. In addition to the written work great efforts were invested also shooting film, which gives insights into the exchange semester and shows parallelisms between the cities of Klagenfurt and Riga. Also the Austrian ambassador in Riga and the leading personnel of the Austrian national Agency appear in the film. The film that was prepared by both of them will be shown at the Erasmus Information Day in the Aula. Teachers, other staff and students of the Padagogische Hochschule Kärnten are warmly welcome to the event. Foto: Gabriel Kofler

After 4th of February 2013 can both students be congratulated (as well as Mr. Martin Stuck and Mr. Christian Wrulich) on a “Bachelor of Education”!

7 Pädagogische Hochschule Kärnten / Viktor Frankl Hochschule – University College of Teacher Education Servicestelle „Bildungskooperationen und internationale Kontakte“ / Office for International Affairs – International News – Nr. 2/2013

International Training an der Universität in Budapest

International training at the University of Budapest

Das „Internationale Training“ für Lehrende und Personen, die in den International Offices“ an universitären Einrichtungen tätig sind, fand in der Zeit vom 14.1.2013 bis 18.1.2013 an der Universität Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE) in Budapest statt. Daran nahmen neben der Leiterin der Servicestelle „Bildungskooperationen und internationale Kontakte“ Personen folgender Institutionen teil: Comenius University, University of Vienna, University of Lisboa, University of Würzburg, University of Turku, Altevelde University College, University of Lille, University of Tallinn, University of Nottingham, University of Jyväskylä, University of Pecs.

The “International Training” for teachers and staff working in International Offices in higher education took place in Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE) in Budapest between 14th and 18th January 2013. In addition to the Head of the Office for International Affairs at the UCTE, the participants came from the following institutions: Comenius University, University of Vienna, University of Lisboa, University of Würzburg, University of Turku, Altevelde University College, University of Lille, University of Tallinn, University of Nottingham, University of Jyväskylä, University of Pecs.

Bei diesem in englischer Sprache abgehaltenen Training wurde im Laufe der Woche in zehn Workshops internationales „Know-how“ ausgetauscht, vertieft, erweitert und umgesetzt. Ziel des Trainings war es, die Fertigkeiten in internationaler Kommunikation und die interkulturellen Kompetenzen der Teilnehmer/innen zu stärken.

In this training that was conducted in English, international “know-how” was exchanged, deepened, widened and conveyed from one participant to the other. The main goal of the training was to strengthen the participants’ intercultural communication skills and competencies. Both similarities and differences within a culture and cultures were discussed. Identity and identities were focused on specifically and how to handle prejudices and stereotypes was demonstrated. Also strategies and means for establishing an intercultural perspective and the efficiency of intercultural communication were presented.

Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede innerhalb einer Kultur, innerhalb von Kulturen wurden erarbeitet. Ein spezieller Blick wurde auf die Identität / auf Identitäten gerichtet und der Umgang mit Vorurteilen und Stereotypen wurde aufgezeigt. Strategien und Mittel zur Entwicklung einer interkulturellen Perspektive und die Effizienz interkultureller Kommunikation wurden vorgestellt. Neben viel Theorie, den Partner/innen- und Gruppenarbeiten wurde der gemeinschaftsbildende Aspekt harmonisch in das Programm integriert. So wurde die Hauptstadt Ungarns durch die Besichtigung des Budapester Schlosses, des Parlaments, das serbisch-orthodoxe Museum näher kennengelernt. Sachkundig und informativ erfolgte die Führung von zwei jüdischen Studentinnen durch das jüdische Viertel, in welchem sich die Universität befindet, führte über den Besuch von drei Synagogen zur Mauer des ehemaligen jüdischen Ghettos und ließ die unglaubliche Hilflosigkeit und Verzweiflung der ungarischen Juden, die dieses Leid erfuhren, ermessen.

In addition to theory and partner and group work a social events were smoothly integrated into the program.

This way the Hungarian capital became familiar to the participants through excursions to the Budapest Castle, the Parliament and the Serbian-Orthodox museum.

8 Pädagogische Hochschule Kärnten / Viktor Frankl Hochschule – University College of Teacher Education Servicestelle „Bildungskooperationen und internationale Kontakte“ / Office for International Affairs – International News – Nr. 2/2013

Der Rundgang hinterließ bei den Teilnehmer/innen unterschiedliche Eindrücke und anknüpfend an das Wissen und die Erfahrungen wurden diese in einem Workshop aufgearbeitet. Bei den gemeinsamen Wanderungen und Führungen durch die Stadt, während den Kaffeepausen, bei den unterschiedlichen Mahlzeiten wurden die internationalen Fäden weiter geknüpft und für die Pädagogische Hochschule Kärnten / Viktor Frankl Hochschule Anbahnungsgespräche für weitere Kooperationen geführt.

This was followed by an informative tour by two Jewish students who lead the group through the Jewish quarters, where also the university is situated, to visit three synagogues and finally to the wall of the former Jewish ghetto which represents the unbelievable helplessness and desperation of the Hungarian Jews. The tour left the participants with mixed feelings which were later discussed in relation to knowledge and experiences in a workshop. On the common walks and tours through the city, during coffee breaks and various mealtimes strings of international cooperation were tied and also discussions for new partnerships with Pädagogische Hochschule / Viktor Frankl Hochschule took place.

Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE) / Budapest

Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE) / Budapest

Die Pädagogische Hochschule Kärnten / Viktor Frankl Hochschule besitzt seit dem Jahr 2008 mit der „Faculty of Elementary and Nursery School Teachers’ Training“ der Universität Budapest, ein bilaterales Abkommen.

Pädagogische Hochschule Kärnten / Viktor Frankl Hochschule has had a bilateral agreement with the Faculty of Elementary and Nursery School Teachers’ Training at the University of Budapest since 2008.

Eine Intensivierung der Zusammenarbeit mit der Universität wird durch verstärkte Werbung für ein Erasmus-Studium an beiden Institutionen sowie durch eine Staff-Mobilität von Budapest nach Klagenfurt ins Auge gefasst. Weitere Kooperationsmöglichkeiten werden für das Jahr 2013/2014 überlegt.

An intensification of the cooperation with the university will be realised by increased advertising of Erasmus studies at both institutions as well as through a staff mobility from Budapest to Klagenfurt. Further cooperation are ongoing within the year 2013/2014.

Studierende, die an einem Studium an der Universität Budapest interessiert sind, haben die Möglichkeit, nähere Einzelheiten entweder am Erasmus-Informationstag zu erhalten und / oder sind eingeladen, eine eigene Recherche bezüglich eines Erasmus-Studiums hier zu finden.

Students who are interested in studies at the University of Budapest have the opportunity to receive more information either on the Erasmus Information Day and/or through independent enquiry under the following link:

9 Pädagogische Hochschule Kärnten / Viktor Frankl Hochschule – University College of Teacher Education Servicestelle „Bildungskooperationen und internationale Kontakte“ / Office for International Affairs – International News – Nr. 2/2013

Intercambio académico a través de la movilidad staff en la Universidad de Klagenfurt Visita desde Zaragoza

Staff-Mobility to the University College of Teacher Education in Klagenfurt Visit from Zaragoza Text and picture: Prof. Dr. Manuel Lizalde

Durante la semana del 6 al 13 de enero tuve la oportunidad de visitar de nuevo a mis colegas de Educación Física de la "Pädagogische Hochschule Kärnten - Viktor Frankl Hochschule", profesores con los que mantenemos una colaboración estable y continuada que ha venido propiciando a lo largo de estos años la realización de intercambios de estudiantes y profesores de manera paralela al programa Erasmus. Este año y durante mi visita, los profesores de ambos países hemos podido trabajar de nuevo y de manera conjunta en el intercambio de experiencias docentes y de innovación educativa, así como de materiales y recursos didácticos.Por otro lado, mantuvimos algunas reuniones para avanzar en el intercambio de estudiantes entre ambas universidades, para ajustar más a la realidad la oferta del programa Erasmus y buscando estrategias de motivación para la participación de los estudiantes en estos programas. A su vez, participé de algunas de las actividades docentes programadas durante esa semana; concretamente en sesiones de actividad físico-deportiva con raquetas de nieve en la cuál se intentó aportar mi experiencia metodológica en la conducción de grupos en el medio natural. Considero nuevamente que la experiencia de estas visitas docentes es siempre positiva ya que posibilita el contacto personal con profesores y estudiantes, así como muchos momentos de reflexión personal sobre la profesión docente e investigadora.

During the week from 6 to 13 January, I had the opportunity to revisit my colleagues in Physical Education "University College of Teacher Education", teachers with whom we have a stable and continuous collaboration that has been encouraging to over the years as exchanges of students and teachers in parallel to the Erasmus programme. This year, during my visit, teachers from both countries have been able to work again together and exchange experiences in teaching and educational innovation, as well as teaching materials and resources. On the other hand, we had some meetings to advance the exchange of students between the two universities, to set more realistic supply Erasmus program and seeking motivation strategies for student participation in these programs. In turn, I participated in some of the teaching activities scheduled during the week, particularly in sessions exercise regularly snowshoeing in which they tried to bring my experience in conducting methodological groups in the wild. Consider again the experience of these teachers is always positive views since it allows personal contact with teachers and students, as well as many moments of personal reflection on the teaching profession and research.

Universidad de Zaragoza

Universität Zaragoza Bereits während der Zeit der Pädagogischen Akademie des Bundes in Kärnten gab es mit der Universität Zaragoza einen regen wissenschaftlichen Austausch. Seit 2007 bestehen mit vier verschiedenen Departments an der Fakultät für Erziehungswissenschaft bilaterale agreements. Es stehen den Studierenden insgesamt 12 Studienplätze zur Verfügung. Departments Erziehungswissenschaft (4 Plätze) Musikerziehung (2 Plätze) Sportwissenschaft (2 Plätze) Anglistik / Germanistik (4 Plätze) 10

Pädagogische Hochschule Kärnten / Viktor Frankl Hochschule – University College of Teacher Education Servicestelle „Bildungskooperationen und internationale Kontakte“ / Office for International Affairs – International News – Nr. 2/2013

Ya durante la época de la antigua Academia Superior de Ciencias Pedagógicas de Carintia (Pädagogische Akademie des Bundes in Kärnten) hubo un intenso intercambio científico con la Universidad de Zaragoza. Desde hace el año 2007 hay acuerdos bilaterales para cuatro departamentos de la Facultad de Educación.

Staff-Mobilitäten werden zu allen vier Departments regelmäßig gepflegt und in den letzten Jahren studierten sehr viele Studierende an beiden Institutionen.

Así que para los estudiantes existen 12 cupos disponibles en los siguientes departamentos: Pedagogía (4 cupos) Educación Musical (2 cupos) Educación Física (2 cupos) Filología Inglesa/ Alemana (4 cupos) En los últimos años muchos estudiantes han sacado provecho de esta posibilidad, y también varios profesores a través de una movilidad staff han visitado a las universidades de Zaragoza y Klagenfurt. Los estudiantes austríacos que quieren estudiar en la Universidad de Zaragoza con una beca de Erasmus no solo tienen la posibilidad de disfrutar de la vida académica, sino también después de la medianoche pueden explorar la vida nocturna española y comer las típicas y ricas tapas hasta el amanecer.

Staff-Mobility from Greece Erasmus in Klagenfurt

Die österreichischen Studierenden, die in Zaragoza studieren wollen, können nicht nur das akademische Leben in Zaragoza kennenlernen, sondern auch noch nach Mitternacht das spanische Nachtleben kennenlernen und die tapas bis in der Früh genießen.

Staff-Mobility from Greece Erasmus in Klagenfurt Asimina Papageorgiou

Asimina Papageorgiou

Έφτασα στη Βιέννη αεροπορικώς από την Αθήνα, και μετά από μια μονοήμερη περιήγηση στην πρωτεύουσα της Αυστρίας, πήρα το τρένο για το Κλάγκεφουρτ. Το Κλάγκενφουρτ βρίσκεται στην περιφέρεια της Καρινθίας στα νότια της χώρας και είναι μια αρκετά γραφική πόλη με πληθυσμό που φτάνει περίπου τους 100.000 κατοίκους. H πόλη, κυρίως στο κέντρο της, διατηρεί ένα

Ι arrived in Vienna by plane from Greece, and after one day of sightseeing in the capital city, Ι took the train to Klagenfurt. Situated in the prefecture of Carinthia, in the south of Austria, Klagenfurt is a very beautiful city with a population of about 100.000 people. The centre of the city still keeps its traditional architecture style that reveals its history, but it is also a modern and lively city. Outside the residential area, 11

Pädagogische Hochschule Kärnten / Viktor Frankl Hochschule – University College of Teacher Education Servicestelle „Bildungskooperationen und internationale Kontakte“ / Office for International Affairs – International News – Nr. 2/2013

παραδοσιακό αρχιτεκτονικό ύφος που αναδεικνύει την ιστορία της, αλλά αποτελεί ταυτόχρονα και μια σύγχρονη, ζωντανή πόλη. Στο τέλος της κατοικημένης περιοχής, βρίσκεται η λίμνη Worthersee, η οποία αποτελεί πόλο έλξης τουριστών, κυρίως τους καλοκαιρινούς μήνες, και προσφέρει ευκαιρίες για δραστηριότητες όπως βαρκάδα στη λίμνη, πεζοπορία αλλά και ποδήλατο στα μονοπάτια γύρω από αυτήν. Το Κλάγκενφουρτ αποτελεί, επίσης, φοιτητούπολη καθώς έχει τρία τριτοβάθμια ιδρύματα. Το Padagogische Hochschule (πανεπιστημιακό κολλέγιο), το οποίο επισκέφτηκα, προετοιμάζει τους μελλοντικούς δασκάλους της πρωτοβάθμιας και αρχικής δευτεροβάθμιας εκπαίδευσης (γυμνάσιο) όπως και δασκάλους για παιδιά με ειδικές ανάγκες. Στο χώρο του κολλεγίου στεγάζεται, επίσης, δημοτικό σχολείο και γυμνάσιο. Προσφέρει τη δυνατότητα για μετακίνηση σπουδαστών μέσω Erasmus, έχοντας συνδέσεις με όλες τις χώρες της Ευρώπης και οι επισκέπτες σπουδαστές μπορούν να παρακολουθήσουν πολλά παιδαγωγικά μαθήματα και, επίσης, να πραγματοποιήσουν την πρακτική τους άσκηση σε γενικά και τεχνικά σχολεία ως εκπαιδευτικοί. Στο χώρο του κολλεγίου θα έχουν υποστήριξη και βοήθεια από το προσωπικό του Γραφείου Διεθνών Σχέσεων που θα τους κατευθύνει σε ότι χρειάζονται. Το κολλέγιο επίσης προσφέρει και δραστηριότητες όπως γυμναστική και κολύμβηση σε χώρους και πισίνα εντός των εγκαταστάσεών του. Η εμπειρία της μετακίνησης μέσω Erasmus στο συγκεκριμένο κολλέγιο για κάθε σπουδαστή παιδαγωγικών επιστημών, πιστεύω, είναι χρήσιμη και θετική γιατί θα έρθει σε επαφή με εναλλακτικούς τρόπους και διαδραστικές μεθόδους διδασκαλίας εμπλουτίζοντας έτσι τις ικανότητες του σαν μελλοντικός καθηγητής. Τέλος, το Κλάγκενφουρτ λόγω της γεωγραφικής του θέσης στο κέντρο της Ευρώπης, μπορεί να αποτελέσει αφετηρία για αρκετές διαδρομές και ταξίδια τόσο εντός όσο και εκτός Αυστρίας. Είναι μια καλή ευκαιρία για έναν σπουδαστή να γνωρίσει διαφορετικές κουλτούρες τόσο μέσω των σχέσεων με συμφοιτητές του όσο και μέσω των ταξιδιών που μπορεί να πραγματοποιήσει, σπουδάζοντας ταυτόχρονα σε μια μικρή και εύκολα προσπελάσιμη πόλη.

there is the lake “Wörthersee” that many people visit during the summer, and there are a lot of leisure activities to do there such as biking and walking around on the paths. Klagenfurt is also a student-city, as it has three high-level education colleges and universities. Pädagogische Hochschule, which I visited, prepares future teachers for primary and secondary schools, as well as for schools for children with special needs. Within the university college there are also a primary and a secondary school. Pädagogische Hochschule gives the opportunity to students from all over Europe to come over for a study period through the “Erasmus programme” and have many pedagogical courses and also teaching practice in general and vocational schools. In the University College the host students will find help and as much information as they need in the Office for the International Affairs of the College. The College also offers many facilities such as gym and swimming pool. The experience through Erasmus programme in Pädagogische Hochschule for students who study pedagogical science is very useful and absolutely positive, because they will come in touch with alternative teaching methods and enrich their abilities as future teachers. In addition, Klagenfurt, because of its position in the centre of Europe, can be a starting point for trips all over Europe. Concluding, it is a very good opportunity for students to get in contact with new cultures through their co-students and by visiting new places, while studying in a small and easily accessible city.

Pia-Maria Rabensteiner, Head of the Office for International Affairs and Asimina Papageorgiou, Anotati Scholi Pedagogikis & Technologikis Ekpedesis (ASPETE, Greece)

Mit der Institution ASPETE – Anotati Scholi-Pedagogikis & Technologikis Ekpedesis besteht die Kooperation seit 2012/2013.

A bilateral agreement between the UCTE and ASPETE exists since 2012/2013.

12 Pädagogische Hochschule Kärnten / Viktor Frankl Hochschule – University College of Teacher Education Servicestelle „Bildungskooperationen und internationale Kontakte“ / Office for International Affairs – International News – Nr. 2/2013

Universität Winchester

University of Winchester

Mit der Universität Winchester wurde ein bilateral agreement im Jahr 2008 gezeichnet.

The bilateral agreement with the University of Winchester was signed in 2008.

Ausschlaggebend für die Zeichnung eines agreements war der gegenseitige Informationsaustausch über beide Institutionen und die Studienangebote an beiden Ausbildungsstätten während einer „International Week“ an der Partneruniversität Tallin in Estland.

The decisive move was the mutual change of information about the institutions during the international week in Tallin, Estonia.

Danach folgten Staff-Mobilitäten nach Winchester, wobei neben der Lehrtätigkeit zahlreiche Gespräche und Verhandlungen mit den zuständigen Personen aus unterschiedlichen Departments geführt wurden. Gegenbesuche wurden durchgeführt, vertiefende Gespräche über die jeweilige Organisation bei Incoming-Students wurden geführt. Eine Bewerbung für das Studium an der Universität Winchester oder an der Pädagogischen Hochschule erfolgte bisher sowohl im Rahmen der „International Meetings“, abgehalten an der Pädagogischen Hochschule Kärnten / Viktor Frankl Hochschule, als auch beim Erasmus-IntensivProgramm „BEAM“, bei welchem die Universität Winchster zwei Jahre lang mitarbeitete.

After this, staff mobilities were carried out in Winchester during which numerous talks and discussions with responsible persons from different faculties were held. Return visits followed and applying for studies at the University of Winchester was advertised at the time during the International Meetings at the Pädagogische Hochschule and in the Erasmus-Intensive-Programme „BEAM“.

Im Laufe der Zusammenarbeit wurde das bilateral agreement auf drei Studienplätze erhöht.

In course of the cooperation the bilateral agreement was upgraded for three study places. Priority in the allocation of the study places was given to students who study to become English teachers.

Vorrangig werden Studierende, die sich in der Englischlehrer/innenausbildung befinden, bei der Vergabe der Studienplätze bevorzugt.

Feedback from the rectorate, students and staff of the Pädagogische Hochschule / Viktor Frankl Hochschule as well as from international students and teachers has shown that the Newsletter „International News“ is of great interests to readers. Also in this issue both students and teachers at the Pädagogische Hochschule and from partner universities will find interesting articles and pieces of information. Special focus will be on placement offers for students and support opportunities for Bachelor theses.

13 Pädagogische Hochschule Kärnten / Viktor Frankl Hochschule – University College of Teacher Education Servicestelle „Bildungskooperationen und internationale Kontakte“ / Office for International Affairs – International News – Nr. 2/2013

Studierende berichten / Bericht aus erster Hand

Students Report / Firsthand Account

Klagenfurt came back into my life!!! Text and pictures: Iryna Sherstobitova

Classroom observation and teaching practice was a big part of my studies there. I spent a lot of hours looking how Austrian teachers and students give lessons. Thanks to Ms. Elfriede Koschina, the head of teaching practice, I had an opportunity to feel myself in the role of teacher and share my knowledge of English with pupils.

Life is so unpredictable. Four years ago if somebody told me that I would go to study abroad as an Erasmus student, I wouldn’t believe. I heard about this programme in my home Ternopil National Pedagogical University and decided to use this opportunity, as Austrian people say: “Warum nicht?” At the beginning , I could

Singing in the choir with both Austrian and Erasmus students was a fantastic invaluable experience. We had a lot of performances at the Pädagogische Hochschule. One day our teacher told me: “You know, today I have notes of Ukrainian song “Shchedryk” and I want you to help us to learn it”. I was proud of my culture and traditions. Before Christmas Eve we were singing this song in front of teaching staff and students. I was impressed by such deep intercultural learning at this University College.

not even imagine how it would, to be an Erasmus student. Some months of preparation and finally I received the acceptance letter from the head of the Office for International Affairs to study at the UCTE. I had a chance to visit very nice cities in Austria (Vienna, Salzburg, St. Veit, Villach, to name but a few) with a group of Erasmus friends. So it was a memorable time including studies, traveling and having fun. The time of studying at Pädagogische Hochschule gave me a clear understanding that Austrian system of education is a very good one.

Besides studies, the Erasmus program gave me a lot of advantages. I met a lot of new people (Erasmus are always together like a big family), so it was easy to make friends there. While studying there I got a huge experience concerning the Austrian educational system. Incoming students have the op opportunity to choose subjects on their own, among which are very very creative ones: theatre, drama, choir, sports and so on… where you can use your imagination and creativity and also have fun and pleasure.

14 Pädagogische Hochschule Kärnten / Viktor Frankl Hochschule – University College of Teacher Education Servicestelle „Bildungskooperationen und internationale Kontakte“ / Office for International Affairs – International News – Nr. 2/2013

Being an Erasmus student at Pädagogische Hochschule Kärnten / Viktor Frankl Hochschule motivated me to come back to Klagenfurt and continue studying after getting my Master’s degree in English and French Philology at my home university. I was sure that among all cities in the world, I would choose Klagenfurt, as after being there for 4 months it became my second home town. Coming back to the familiar city and visiting Pädagogische Hochschule was and is a great pleasure for me. Concerning my studies, I decided to make a scientific research and continue my academic life in Alpen-Adria Universität, as it is considered to be a very good intercultural university, with innovative technologies in different fields and a high teaching level.

And that’s not all… My choice has fallen on Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik, as I am very interested in the field of linguistics.

So, now I am doing my master degree at the Department of English and American Studies and I am very satisfied with my studies and my life here, in my second home town KLAGENFURT. To conclude, I recommend all ERASMUS students of Pädagogische Hochschule Kärnten / Viktor Frankl Hochschule: enjoy your studies and come back to Klagenfurt, as only here you can get the experience of being a multicultural person.

Winchester was waiting for us  Elisa Starzacher / Christina Schmiedhofer We decided to study abroad because the only way to truly become fluent in a language is to be immersed in it. Overall we can say we enhanced our English, got a taste of teaching and living abroad, improved our professional potential, saw many different places in Great Britain, broadened our experience, got to know people from all around the world, learnt from other cultures and gained new insights and outlooks through these new relationships. We could expand our knowledge of the world by actually being there, seeing it, touching it, and experiencing it. As Erasmus students we were more than a tourist, because we lived and participated in the day to day life of England. It surely was a challenge, because we were ourselves facing unexpected situations, but overcoming these situations brought us great new life skills. Over this past term, we were able to experience a great experience in life by being able to volunteer at some schools in Great Britain. The work we did there was both fun and self full filling. We really felt like we were doing something good and helping out, which made us feel very great about what we were doing.

We felt welcomed by everyone there. The staff was very helpful, supportive and friendly. What has really surprised us is the amazing vocabulary of the students here. It was the most rewarding experience and we truly fell in love with the kids. They were the cutest kids we have ever met and their appreciation for our help was astonishing. The kids here work really hard. Besides enjoying our students, we enjoy living in Great Britain too and tried to travel around the country every weekend to see as much as possible of the island. Overall we gained an excellent experience about schools and life in the United Kingdom that we would definitely recommend to anyone. Furthermore, this international experience is now a critical and impressive part of our resume. In addition to the personal growth we underwent while being abroad, the international and cross-cultural skills we developed will certainly expand my employment opportunities. We can honestly say this was the best experience of our entire life. Now we go back home and be a teacher, who tries to enkindle the pupil’s passion for English, like we have it. Information about the University of Winchester: page 23 15

Pädagogische Hochschule Kärnten / Viktor Frankl Hochschule – University College of Teacher Education Servicestelle „Bildungskooperationen und internationale Kontakte“ / Office for International Affairs – International News – Nr. 2/2013

My Erasmus internship at Pädagogische Hoch- Erasmus työharjoitteluni Pädagogische Hochschule Kärnten / Viktor Frankl Hochschule 24th schule Kärntenissä / Viktor Frankl Hochschulessa 24.9.2012 - 15.2.2013 September 2012 - 15th February 2013 Text and picture: Hanna Nakari

Hanna Nakari

After having started my studies in primary education at the University of Jyväskylä, Finland in 2006, I thought I would apply for an Erasmus semester in Germany after a couple of years. However, things turned out different. I ended having my exchange semester in Halifax, Canada in spring 2010 after being persuaded by a friend to apply there instead. After this, I decided to forget about the idea of improving my German skills by staying in a German speaking country. After some time, however, I got the spark again and applied for Erasmus internships in Graz and Wien, unfortunately without results. I got a new chance to make my dream come true when I heard about a vacant position for an intern at PH Kärnten in Klagenfurt. I sent an application and already the next day I got a phone call from the Head of the Office for International Affairs, Mag. Dr. Pia-Maria Rabensteiner, who wished me welcome to work in the office in Finnish! My work in the office as an intern has been interesting and varied. My main responsibility was working for the organization of the International Meeting 2012 at the University College of Teacher Education in November 2012 which hosted lecturers and administration staff from universities of 20 different nations. Communication and cooperation with international partners has indeed been the most motivating part of my work. In addition, my tasks have included support for incoming and outgoing students, translation and paperwork in the office. Not only have I got more work experience in international relations but also my German skills have improved almost unconsciously. I can sincerely recommend both Erasmus-exchange and -internship to all students who are interested in a longer stay somewhere in Europe to improve their language skills, get new experiences and to gain valuable work experience. It is also worth keeping in mind, that it is possible to do both Erasmus exchange and -internship during ones studies. ;-) I’ll travel back home to Finland on 15th February 2013 having gained many new experiences, new friends and fresh ideas. Most of all, I’m happy that I had the courage to make a dream come true.

Aloitettuani luokanopettajaopinnot Jyväskylässä 2006 luulin lähteväni muutaman vuoden kuluttua Erasmus vaihtoon Saksaan. Toisin kuitenkin kävi. Päädyin kaverini suostuttelusta vaihtoon Halifaxiin, Kanadaan keväällä 2010. Tällöin ajattelin haudata haaveeni saksankielentaitoni kehittämisestä jossakin saksankielisessä maassa. Myöhemmin kipinä syytyi uudestaan ja hain Erasmus-harjoittelijan paikkoja Itävallassa Grazissa ja Wienissä, kuitenkin tuloksetta. Uusi tilaisuus toteuttaa haaveeni tarjoutui kuitenkin saatuani maisterintutkintoni valmiiksi kesällä 2012 ja kuullessani vapaasta harjoittelijan paikasta PH Kärntenistä, Klagenfurtissa. Lähetin hakemuksen ja jo seuraavana päivänä sain soiton PH Kärntenin kansainvälisen toimiston johtajalta, PiaMaria Rabensteinerilta. Hän toivottikin minut tervetulleeksi töihin toimistoon selvällä suomen kielellä! Harjoittelijan työ toimistossa on ollut vaihtelevaa ja mielenkiintoista. Keskeisin työtehtäväni oli korkeakoulussa järjestetyn kansainvälisen tapahtuman järjestelyt marraskuussa 2012. Tällöin korkeakoululla vieraili opetus- ja hallintohenkilöstöä 20 eri maan korkeakouluista ja yliopistoista. Kommunikointi ja yhteistyö kansainvälisten verkostojen kanssa on ollut työni motivoivinta antia. Lisäksi työtehtäviini on kuulunut vaihto-opiskelijoiden neuvontaa, käännöstöitä sekä erilaisia toimiston paperitöitä. Kansainvälisen työkokemuksen karttumisen lisäksi saksankielentaitoni on kehittynyt lähes huomaamatta. Voin lämpimästi suositella niin Erasmus-vaihtoa kuin -työharjoitteluakin kaikille opiskelijoille, jotka haluavat oleskella Euroopassa kehittääkseen kielitaitoaan, kerätäkseen uusia kokemuksia ja saaden arvokasta työkokemusta. Lisäksi on hyvä muistaa, että opiskelijan on mahdollista suorittaa sekä Erasmus-vaihto että Erasmus-työharjoittelu opintojensa aikana. (; Palaan kotiin Suomeen 15.2 monia uusia kokemuksia, ystäviä ja ajatuksia rikkaampana ja olen tyytyväinen, että uskalsin toteuttaa haaveeni. Uskallathan sinäkin?

You will too, won’t you? 16 Pädagogische Hochschule Kärnten / Viktor Frankl Hochschule – University College of Teacher Education Servicestelle „Bildungskooperationen und internationale Kontakte“ / Office for International Affairs – International News – Nr. 2/2013

Excursion within the triangle Austria, Slovenia, Italy

Біздің Словения мен Тарвисиоға ұйымдастырған экскурсиямыз Aziza Kalbaeva

Aziza Kalbaeva

The excursion began on Fri 26th October when we met the Viennese Erasmus students. Unfortunately, there were no students from Kazakhstan but there were students from Russia, Spain, Turkey, Ukraine, Poland etc. That day PiaMaria told us a lot about Klagenfurt. The next day, our trip began to the largest city and the capital of Slovenia, Ljubljana and continued to Tarvisio, Italy. We were about 50 students and two leaders.

Біздің экскурсиямыз 2012 жылы 28 қазанда басталды. Осы күні біз Венадан келген Эрасмус студенттерімен таныстық. Өкінішке орай Қазақстандық студенттер болған жоқ, бірақ біз Ресей, Испания, Турция, Украина, Польшадан келген студенттермен таныстық. Осы күні ПиаМариа бізге Клагенфурт жайында егжейтегжейiмен айтып берді. 28 қазанда біз Словения мен Тарвисиоға деген саяхатымызды бастадық. Біз 50 шақты студент және 2 жетекшіміз болды.

Fotos: Samet Ünal

We arrived in Ljubljana at around 10 am. Nastja, a Slovene Incoming student, was our guide and could give us important information about her country and the capital. We found out, for example, that the symbol of Ljubljana is a dragon as in Klagenfurt. We got a map of the city and with the help of the map we walked around buying some souvenirs and making a lot of pictures. Afterwards we had a typical Slovene meal in Granjska Gora, which was wonderful. We liked the lunch, because it was very tasty and the service was good with hospitable waiters. Then we drove to Tarvisio in Italy and arrived back to Klagenfurt in the evening.

Біз Люблянаға шамамен сағат 10-да жеттік және біздің жол маманымыз Настя болған, өйткені тек Настя ғана өз елі мен астанасы жайында ақпарат бере алатын еді. Таңқаларлығы Клагенфурдт пен Люблянаның нышаны Айдаhар. Біз Люблянада осы қаланың картасын алдық және осы картаның көмегімен серуендедік, көптеп базарлық алдық және суретке түстік содан кешкі ас іштік. Кешкі асымыз өте керемет болды. Шынымды айтсам әр тағамның атауы есімді жоқ бірақ өте дәмді және қызметкерлері өте қонақжай болғаны рас. Содан соң Тарвисиоға жолға шықтық. Тарвисио өзінің дүкендерімен танымал қала. Біз Клагенфуртқа кешкі 7 қайтып келдік. Осы саяхатымыз үшін Пиа-Марияға және оның көмекшілері Ханна Накари мен Мартин Висерге көп рахмет.

17 Pädagogische Hochschule Kärnten / Viktor Frankl Hochschule – University College of Teacher Education Servicestelle „Bildungskooperationen und internationale Kontakte“ / Office for International Affairs – International News – Nr. 2/2013

Erasmus One of the best experiences in my life

Erasmus Viena no labākajām manas dzīves pieredzēm

Laura Karole Latvia (Rezeknes Augstskola)

Laura Karole Latvia (Rezeknes Augstskola)

The reason why I decided to apply for Erasmus programme was because I really needed some change in my daily routine. I must say this was the best decision I could have ever made.

Iemesls kādēļ es nolēmu pieteikties Erasmus apmaiņas programmai bija vēlme kaut ko mainīt savā dzīvē, pierastajā rutīnā. Un jāteic, ka tas bija labākais lēmums, ko jebkad varēju pieņemt.

When everything was ready for my departure I still could not believe that I am actually going to live in Austria for five months knowing nobody there, going on my own. Some people even told me that I am crazy doing so. Excitement and fear - quite nice mixture of feelings I had back then.

Kad viss bija gatavs aizbraukšanai vēl joprojām nespēju tam noticēt, ka dzīvošu Austrijā piecus mēnešus, nezinot tur nevienu, braucot viena pati. Daži draugi pat teica, ka es esot “traka” tā darot. Satraukums un bailes - tāds jūtu sajaukums tad manī valdīja.

When I arrived in Vienna I still had to pinch myself to recognize that I am actually here. First problem I came across then was that I could hardly get a word out of my mouth which would be in German. Though fortunately I didn’t get in any significant misunderstandings because of that. When I got to the railway station from the airport I had to wait for some three hours for the train to Klagenfurt. During these hours I was observing people. Different nation, culture, language. I suppose at that moment I actually realized that this is it - I am here. Trip to Klagenfurt took quite much time but the view out of the window was breathtaking especially for someone coming from rather even land as Latvia.

Kad ierados Vīnē, man vēljoprojām vajadzēja sev iekniebt, lai noticētu, ka tik tiešām esmu šeit. Pirmā problēma, ar ko saskāros bija tas, ka nevarēju pateikt nevienu pašu vārdu vācu valodā. Par laimi neradās nekādi pārpratumi sakarā ar šo faktu. Kad nokļuvu vilciena stacijā, man bija jāgaida 3 stundas līdz vilcienam uz Klagenfurti. Pa šo laiku vēroju cilvēkus, citāda tauta, kultūra, valoda. Laikam jau tieši tad beidzot sapratu, ka tik tiešām esmu šeit. Brauciens uz Klagenfurti bija ilgs, bet skats pa logu bija neaprakstāms, jo īpaši kādam, kas nāk no valsts, kurā nav augstu kalnu.

I was kindly welcomed in Klagenfurt. Martin even met me in the railway station and took me to the meeting place with all other students. Entering that room was exciting. I had more than 25 people looking at me and I did not know what to say. On the first evening I did not get to talk so much probably because I was tired and this meeting was overhelming for me.

Es biju laipni sagaidīta Klagenfurtē. Martins atbrauca man pretī uz vilciena staciju un aizveda uz satikšanās vietu, kur jau bija visi pārējie studenti. Ienākšana tajā telpā, kur bija visi pārējie bija satraucoša. Vairāk kā 25 cilvēku skatieni pavērsti uz mani un es nezināju ko teikt. Pirmajā vakarā man nesanāca daudz parunāt, jo biju nogurusi pēc garā ceļojuma un šī tikšanās dēļ manis bija ļoti nozīmīga.

Long night of languages Our first assignment here was to prepare a presentation in field of music, poetry or dancing. So we were divided in three workshops according to topics which we choose. In the beginning it was difficult to start to work in team because we hardly knew each other except some people who were from the same countries. It was a little bit depressing when they were speaking in their own languages, I was the only one who were alone from my country. But soon the communication improved. This event turned out to be really good and interesting. Only minus was the lack of people in the audience but that could be explained by the miserable weather outside, it was pouring down all evening. This was the evening when we got to know each other better. In our group we were presenting some information about our home land and song or dance.

Valodu nakts Mūsu pirmais uzdevums šeit bija sagatavot prezentāciju par sekojošām tēmām: mūziku, dzeju vai dejām. Mēs tikām sadalīti 3 grupās attiecīgi pa tēmām, kuras izvēlējāmies. No sākuma bija sarežģīti uzsākt darbu grupās, jo mēs nepazinām viens otru, izņemot, protams, tos, kas bija vairāki no vienas un tās pašas valsts. Tas bija nedaudz nomācoši no sākuma, jo viņi mēdza runāt savās dzimtajās valodās un es biju vienīgā, kas ir viena pati no Latvijas. Bet diezgan ātri mūsu visu savstarpējā komunikācija uzlabojās. Beigu beigās šis pasākums izvērtās ļoti labs un interesants. Vienīgais mīnuss bija skatītāju trūkums, kas bija pateicoties sliktajiem laikapstākļiem, visu vakaru ļoti stipri lija lietus. Šis bija vakars, kad mēs iepazinām viens otru daudz labāk. Manis pārstāvētā grupa prezentēja nedaudz savu valsti un dziesmu vai deju.

18 Pädagogische Hochschule Kärnten / Viktor Frankl Hochschule – University College of Teacher Education Servicestelle „Bildungskooperationen und internationale Kontakte“ / Office for International Affairs – International News – Nr. 2/2013

During first weeks I became really close with other erasmus students. In the same time we met also Austrian students. We were exploring the city, preferred to walk instead of taking the bus. The weather was favorable. I found studies extremely interesting and useful. It was something different from what I had had during previous three years. I suppose this study experience which I have gained here is invaluable.

Nedēļām ritot mēs ļoti sadraudzējāmies ar citiem studentiem. Iepazināmies arī ar austriešu studentiem. Pa šo laiku izpētījām pilsētu, priekšroku devām pastaigām nevis autobusam. Laikapstākļi bija ļoti labi. Mācības augstskolā man jau no paša sākuma iepatikās, bija interesantas un noderīgas. Tās atšķīrās no tā, kas man bija bijis iepriekšējos 3 gadus. Es uzskatu, ka pieredze, kuru ieguvu šeit tieši māčibu ziņā, ir nenovērtējama.

Excursion to Slovenia and Italy In our trip to Ljubljana and Tarvisio we were accompanied with Erasmus students from Vienna. So there were approximately 50 Erasmus students. Unfortunately, the weather this during all day was not so likable but still we had a lot of fun and gained memorable experience. We looked at few most

Ekskursija uz Slovēniju un Itāliju Braucienā uz Ļubļanu un Tarvisio mums pievienojās studenti no Vīnes. Apmēram 50 studenti devās šajā ekskursijā. Diemžēl, laikapstākļi nelutināja, visu dienu lija lietus, bet par spīti tam mums gāja ļoti jautri un mēs

interesting sights in Ljubljana and had dinner in some restaurant outside the capital. Then we went to Italy, to small town called Tarvisio. We wandered around the market and had some coffee in a cafe. This trip was again good way how to get to know each other better. And of course to see some stunning landscapes and places.

ieguvām neaizmirstamas atmiņas. Apskatījām dažas interesantas vietas Ļubļanā, pēc tam mazā pilsētā netālu no galvaspilsētas, ēdām pusdienas, kam sekoja brauciens uz Itāliju, uz mazu ciematu ar nosaukumu Tarvisio. Tur mēs staigājām pa vietējo tirgu un dzērām kafiju mazā kafejnīcā. Šī ekskursija ļāva iepazīt vienam otru arvien labāk. Un protams redzēt burvīgas ainavas un vietas.

Common cooking before Christmas This event took place in PH vast kitchen. Our “guide” was professional chef. First we were divided into groups according to individual wishes to prepare either meat, vegetables or cookies. When it was done, we commenced the preparation. At this stage we already knew each other quite well so the process of cooking and of course after enjoying the meal was great. We prepared three course menu and it was delicious. We have to say thank you to the chef who had prepared many things already before and was excellent and surprisingly patient tutor.

Kopīgā ēst gatavošana pirms Ziemassvētkiem Ēst gatavojām lielajā augstskolas virtuvē. Mums palīdzēja profesionāls šefpavārs. No sākuma mūs sadalīja grupās attiecīgi pēc katra vēlmēm gatavot gaļu, dārzeņus vai saldo. Kad tas tika izdarīts, gatavošana varēja sākties. Tagad, kad jau zinājām viens otru ļoti labi, gatavošanas process izvērtās jautrs un interesants. Mēs pagatavojām trīs kursu ēdienus. Mums ir jāpateicas šefpavāram, jo viņš daudz ko jau bija pagatavojis iepriekš un bija ļoti labs un pacietīgs skolotājs

To sum up, I would like to suggest everyone who has such chance to go on this exchange programme, to not waste it and certainly go. It is amazing opportunity:  To have something new in your life;  Get remarkable experience in your studies;  Travel;  Get to know a lot of new people (contacts abroad);  Change with opinions, experiences, knowledge;  And very important, in my opinion, to enjoy life, take opportunities, use them, have no regrets after some time about being afraid. This time gave me a chance to look on everything back at home from different point of view, to have new, fresh ideas, to improve language skills and not only English and German, but many others.  And the most important are those people who in short period of time became my best friends here. They shared this amazing experience with me and I will never forget them. There were good days and bad, but there were always somebody with you to enjoy it together or to support.

Nobeigumā gribētu ieteikt ikvienam, kuram ir tāda iespēja doties šajā apmaiņas programmā, noteikti izmantot to un doties. Tā ir lieliska iespēja:  Piedzīvot kaut ko jaunu savā dzīvē;  Iegūt nozīmīgu pieredzi mācībās;  Ceļot;  Iepazīt daudz jaunu cilvēku (kontakti ārzemēs);  Apmainīties ar viedokļiem, pieredzi un zināšanām;  Manuprāt, ļoti svarīgi ir izbaudīt dzīvi, izmantot iespējas, nenožēlot pēc tam to, ko neesi izdarījis, pamēģinājis. Šis laiks deva man iespēju paskatīties uz visu no malas, no cita skatu punkta, iegūt jaunas idejas, uzlabot valodas spējas un ne jau tikai angļu vai vācu valodas.  Un vissvarīgākais ir šie cilvēki, kas ātri kļuva par labiem draugiem. Ar viņiem es piedzīvoju šo pārsteidzošo pieredzi un es nekad to neaizmirsīšu. Pa šo laiku bija labas dienas un sliktas, bet vienmēr bija kāds, kas ar mani kopā tās izbaudīja, vai atbalstīja, kad vajadzēja. 19

Pädagogische Hochschule Kärnten / Viktor Frankl Hochschule – University College of Teacher Education Servicestelle „Bildungskooperationen und internationale Kontakte“ / Office for International Affairs – International News – Nr. 2/2013

Informationen für Studierende / Lehrende

Information for Students / Staff


Erasmus Information Day

Am 11. März 2013 findet der Erasmus-Informationstag statt. Alle Studierende aller Semester sind herzlichst dazu eingeladen, nähere Informationen über Studiermöglichkeiten an Partnerinstitutionen einzuholen.

Erasmus information day will be organized on the 11th of March. Every student from every semester is warmly welcomed to come and find out more information about study possibilities at our partner institutions.

Informationen für Studierende Ort: Aula / Foyer Zeit 09.30 Uhr bis 11.30 Uhr

Information for student Place: Aula Time: 9.30 - 11.30

Informationen für Lehrende und Mitarbeiter/innen der Administration Ort: Aula / Foyer Zeit: 11.30 Uhr - 12.15 Uhr

Information for teachers and colleagues of the administration Place: Aula Time: 11.30 - 12.15

Stipendium für wissenschaftliche Arbeiten „Wissen schaft Europa in Kärnten“

Grant for research work „Wissenschaft Europa in Kärnten“

Stipendien für Studierende der Pädagogischen Hochschule Kärnten / Viktor Frankl Hochschule zum Themenbereich EU-Bildungsprogramm "Erasmus für alle": Dokumentation von Forschungsarbeiten im Rahmen von ErasmusAuslandsstudien oder Arbeiten mit bildungspolitischem Vergleich werden vergeben.

The grant will be allocated for students at the Pädagogische Hochschule Kärnten / Viktor Frankl Hochschule, concerning the theme EU education program „Erasmus for all“: documentation of research work within the limits of Erasmus studies abroad or work within the comparison of educational policies.

Höhe des Stipendiums 3 Monate lang € 500,-- für Arbeit an einer Bachelorarbeit

Value of the grant for 3 months 500 €, for working on bachelor‘s thesis

Teilnahmevoraussetzungen  Student/in ader Pädagogischen Hochschule Kärnten / Viktor Frankl Hochschule  Staatsangehörige der Europäischen Union  Hauptwohnsitz Kärnten  Bewerbungsabgabe (Abstract der wissenschafltichen Arbeit) und Lebenslauf bis spätestens 31. März 2013

Terms for participation  Student at the Pädagogischen Hochschule Kärnten / Viktor Frankl Hochschule  Citizenship of the European Union  Main residence in Kärnten  Return of the application letter (including abstract of ones’s research work) and CV latest on 31st March 2013

Zuteilung Eine Jury (Expert/innen der Pädagogischen Hochschule Kärnten / Viktor Frankl Hochschule, der Alpen-Adria Universität Klagenfurt, der FH Klagenfurt und des Landes Kärnten) entscheidet über die Zuerkennung des Stipendiums

Allocation of the grant A Jury (including experts from Pädagogische Hochschule Kärnten/Viktor Frankl Hochschule, Alpen-Adria Universität Klagenfurt, Fachhochschule Klagenfurt and the State of Kärnten) will decide on allocating the grant.

Nähere Informationen zum Stipendium erhält man in der Servicestelle „Bildungskooperationen und internationale Kontakte“.

More information is available at the Office for International Affairs

20 Pädagogische Hochschule Kärnten / Viktor Frankl Hochschule – University College of Teacher Education Servicestelle „Bildungskooperationen und internationale Kontakte“ / Office for International Affairs – International News – Nr. 2/2013

Sommerpraktikum mit internationalem Weitblick

Summer internship with an international vision

Einblicke in die internationale Finanzwelt und das Bankgeschäft bietet im Rahmen des Sommerpraktikums 2013 die BKS Bank AG Studierenden der Pädagogischen Hochschule Kärnten / Viktor Frankl Hochschule.

Students of Pädagogische Hochschule Kärnten / Viktor Frankl Hochschule are offered an opportunity to gain insights into international finance and banking world by a summer internship offered by the BKS bank.

Praktikumsplätze: 5 Ausmaß des Praktikums: von einem Monat bis zu drei Monaten Bewerbung: Motivationsschreiben

Internship placements: 5 Length of the internship: from 1 to 3 months

Nähere Informationen gibt es in der Servicestelle „Bildungskooperationen und internationale Kontakte“.

More information can be obtained at the Office for International Affairs.

Schulpraktikums-Plätze an der Europaschule Grundschule Harmonie / Eitorf

Places for Teaching Practice at the Europaschule Grundschule Harmonie / Eitorf

Seit bereits 15 Jahren besteht die Kooperation mit der Europaschule und mehrfach ausgezeichneten, mit vielen Preisen dotiereten Grundschule Harmonie in Eitorf / Deutschland.

There has been cooperation with the Europaschule for already 15 years and even more successful, with the Grundschule Harmonie in Eitorf / Germany, that has been awarded with numerous prizes.

Studierende der Pädagogsichen Hochschule aus der Volksschullehrer/innen- und Sonderschullehrer/innenausbildung, die Interesse haben an  Auseinandersetzung mit Schulentwicklung  Aktivierung von eigenständigem Lernen  Inklusion  Teilhabe der Schüler/innen am Tagesgeschehen an der Schule  Individualisiertem und kooperativem Lernen  Erforschung des eigenen Lernens  Klassenrat  Selbstgestertem Lernen  Kinderuni...,

Students at the Pädagogische Hochschule: primary school teacher students and students to become teachers for children with special needs, who have interest for:  Examination of the school development  Activating independent learning  Inclusion  Participation in the students‘ daily events at school  Individualized and cooperative learning  Research of one’s own learning  School council  Self-regulated learning  Children’s university

können an der Grundschule Harmonie ein Schulpraktikum ablegen.

can perform a teaching practice at the Grundschule Harmonie.

Zeitdauer: 2 Wochen Praktikumsplätze: 8

Duration: 2 weeks Places for practice: 8

Nähere Informationen über die Schule gibt es hier:

Further information about the school can be found here:

Informationen zum Schulpraktikum gibt es bei der Leiterin der Servicestelle „Bildungskooperationen und internationale Kontakte“

Information about the places for teaching practice you can receive at the Office for International Affairs.

Application: Motivation letter

21 Pädagogische Hochschule Kärnten / Viktor Frankl Hochschule – University College of Teacher Education Servicestelle „Bildungskooperationen und internationale Kontakte“ / Office for International Affairs – International News – Nr. 2/2013

Beyond borders, beyond expectations - Master Beyond borders, beyond expectations - Master Course in “Advanced Spectroscopy in Chemistry” Course in “Advanced Spectroscopy in Chemistry” Ein Masterprogramm von höchster wissenschaftlicher Qualität eröffnet die on-line Bewerbung. Wir bieten Techniken und Praktika in allen Bereichen der Spektroskopie, auf dem neuesten wissenschaftlichen Stand. Stipendien für europäische und nicht-europäische Studierende werden angeboten.

High quality Master programme opens on-line application procedure. We are offering state-to-the-art techniques and practical experience in all fields of Spectroscopy. Some scholarships are available for European and International students.

Profitieren Sie von unserer interkulturellen Lerngruppe und den stark individualisierten Ausbildungswegen. Ausbildungssprache ist ausschliesslich Englisch. Das erste Studienjahr wird in der Universität Lille, Frankreich organisiert. Die Wahl Ihres zweiten, oder sogar dritten Studienortes hängt von Ihren wissenschaftlichen Neigungen und Interessen ab. Kandidieren Sie jetzt auf unserer Webseite:

Enjoy our intercultural learning experience and the possibility to create your individual learning pathway. Our medium of instruction is the English language. The first study year will be organized in Lille, France. The place of second study year depends on your scientific orientation - you can even attend three different partner universities. Apply now on our website:!

Einsendeschluss für Ihre Bewerbung ist der 15. März 2013, für einen Kursbeginn Anfang September 2013.

The deadline for applying is March 15th 2013 for entering the course in September 2013.

Sie werden in mindestens zweien dieser Universitäten studieren und ein Doppel- oder Mehrfachdiplom erhalten:

You will be studying in at least 2 of the following institutions and receive a multiple MSc degree:

Jagiellonian University Krakow, Poland

Jagiellonian University Krakow, Poland

Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna, Italy

Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna, Italy

University Lille1, France

University Lille1, France

Complutense University of Madrid, Spain

Complutense University of Madrid, Spain

University Leipzig, Germany

University Leipzig, Germany

University of Helsinki, Finland Wenn Sie mehr über den Master ASC erfahren oder sich bewerben wollen: oder schreiben Sie an: [email protected]

University of Helsinki, Finland Find more about and apply to ASC programme: or write an e-mail to: [email protected]

Finnischkurs für Anfänger/innen

Finnish Course for Beginners

Im Sommersemester wird von der finnischen ErasmusAssistentin KIA KOSKINEN an der Pädagogischen Hochschule Kärnten / Viktor Frankl Hochschule ein Kurs in Finnisch für Anfänger/innen angeboten. Während des Kurses werden Grundkenntnisse in der finnischen Sprache vermittelt und Phrasen des Alltags erlernt.

In the summer semester will KIA KOSKINEN, Finnish Erasmus-assistant at the Office for International Affairs, organize a course Finnish for Beginners at the Pädagogische Hochschule Kärnten / Viktor Frankl Hochschule. During the course you will learn the basics of the Finnish language and also some important everyday phrases.

Dieser Kurs eignet sich besonders für zukünftige ErasmusStudierende, welche ein Studium an den unterschiedlichen Universitäten in Finnland ins Auge fassen, kann aber von allen interessierten Studierenden und Mitarbeiter/innen der Hochschule ebenso besucht werden.

This course is designed especially for the future Erasmus students who have a mind to studying at some of the Finnish universities. Regardless of this, everyone at the school - students and staff - is more than welcome to attend the course, which will begin in March 2013.

22 Pädagogische Hochschule Kärnten / Viktor Frankl Hochschule – University College of Teacher Education Servicestelle „Bildungskooperationen und internationale Kontakte“ / Office for International Affairs – International News – Nr. 2/2013

Nähere Informationen zum Kurs, der im März 2013 startet, gibt es in der Servicestelle „Bildungskooperation und internationale Kontakte“, wo auch die Kursanmeldungen entgegen genommen werden.

Further information about the course will be available at the Office for International Affairs. Also registration for the course is possible at the office. Contact information: Kia Koskinen Office for International Affairs [email protected] +43/463/508 508 218

Kontaktdaten: Kia Koskinen Servicestelle „Bildungskooperationen und internationale Kontakte“ [email protected] +43/463/508 508 218

Call for Proposals

Call for Proposals

12th International Students' Research Conference

4th International Week of Professors

Date: May 14 - 16, 2013 Aim: to motivate students to carry out their research and present it in a foreign language - English, German or French, thus preparing and leading them in personal development as professional researchers and strengthening the collaboration between educational institutions in Latvia and in Europe.

Date: May 13 - 17, 2013 Aim: to welcome and give opportunity to professors from European universities to give classes/lectures/workshops to students, present research, give home institution presentations to would-be exchange students, advertise project initiatives and participate in students’ research conference events.

Conference participants: students studying teacher education, education sciences, education management and administration, pedagogy and psychology.

For additional information contact: Dr. paed., asoc. prof. Indra Odiņa E-mail: [email protected]

Additional information Homepage: E-mail: [email protected] Chairperson of the Organizational Committee Anita Auziņa [email protected]

Venue: University of Latvia, Faculty of Education, Psychology and Art, Teacher Education Department Address: Jurmalas gatve 74/76, Riga, Latvia

23 Pädagogische Hochschule Kärnten / Viktor Frankl Hochschule – University College of Teacher Education Servicestelle „Bildungskooperationen und internationale Kontakte“ / Office for International Affairs – International News – Nr. 2/2013

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