German Law & Investment

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German Law & Investment German Legal System introductions, general info .................................................................................. Seite 2 Doing Business ................................................................................................. Seite 4 BGB / HGB ......................................................................................................... Seite 4 Contracts, Torts ................................................................................................ Seite 4 Company Law ................................................................................................... Seite 9 M&A / Takeovers .............................................................................................. Seite 13 Insolvency ....................................................... ................................................. Seite 15 Corporate Reporting ........................................................................................ Seite 16 Taxation ............................................................................................................. Seite 17 Competition Law ............................................................................................... Seite 18 Dispute Resolution ........................................................................................... Seite 20 Capital Market ................................................................................................... Seite 21 Intellectual Property ......................................................................................... Seite 24 Employment, Labour ........................................................................................ Seite 30 Infrastructures .................................................................................................. Seite 32 Constitution ...................................................................................................... Seite 34 Criminal Law ..................................................................................................... Seite 35 Construction ..................................................................................................... Seite 36 Miscellaneous ................................................................................................... Seite 36

Englischsprachige Literatur Stand: August 2011 Bettina Kube Telefon (089) 5 51 34-248 email [email protected]

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German Legal System introductions, general info Einführung in das deutsche Recht & die deutsche Rechtssprache Introduction au droit et au langage juridique allemand / Introduction to German law & language th

Heike Simon / Gisela Funk-Baker, 4 edition 2009 ISBN 9783406565786, 316 p. (C.H. Beck) Hardback, ca. € 29,00 Dieses Lern- und Übungsbuch ermöglicht den mühelosen Einstieg in grundlegende Bereiche des deutschen Rechts & entsprechende Fachsprache. Den Erläuterungen folgen Übungen zum rechtlichen Inhalt und zu sprachlichen Aspekten. Durch den separaten Abschnitt mit Lösungshinweisen eignet sich das Buch für den akademischen Unterricht wie für Selbststudium. Die Neuauflage ist komplett überarbeitet, berücksichtig alle großen Reformen der letzten Jahre, insbesondere die Schuldrechtsreform. Das Buch behandelt juristische Ausbildung und juristische Berufe; Zugang zum Recht; Verfassungsrecht; Verträge & andere Rechtsgeschäfte; Familien- und Erbrecht; Handels-, Gesellschafts- und Arbeitsrecht; Strafrecht; Verwaltungsrecht; Verfahrensrecht Musterklausuren und ein ausführliches Glossar Deutsch/Englisch und Deutsch/Französisch dienen der Vertiefung des Gelernten. Der perfekte Einstieg für Studienanfänger, um sich einen Überblick zu verschaffen; ausländische Juristen; Sprach- und Übersetzungswissenschaftler aus dem In- und Ausland.

English, French & German Comparative Law Raymond Youngs, 2nd edition 11/2006 ISBN 9781859419243, 558 p. (Cavendish Publ., UK) Paperback, ₤ 45,00 € 57,80 The areas of law dealt with are divided into small sections and the English, French and German approaches to each of these are considered. Where appropriate, the position in European human rights law or EU law is also covered. The student with a knowledge of English law will find features of the other systems. This book is intended for students of comparative law, French and German law. It will also be useful to any law student who is interested in nature & functions of law rather than just the black letter law of one legal system. Easy to assimilate, as each sub-topic is compared with the relevant material in the English system. Text includes translations of relevant French & German codal material, references to a wide variety of relevant cases from all the jurisdictions. Each chapter is followed by questions, some of a theoretical nature, other posing practical problems for solution under the rules of each system. Contents: Constitutions. Legal systems. The court system. Human rights. Tort. Contracts.

Provides a comprehensive introduction to the legal system and the core areas of substantive law. Constitutional law is the foundation of German law and this area has been given fuller consideration in this 4th edition. The constitutional organs of state, basic rights and administrative law are all thoroughly explained. The text has been fully amended & updated with regard to a wealth of legislation and case law which has radically altered the course of German law with considerable attention being given to the development of private law. Also included are expanded and updated extracts from the Grundgesetz and fully revised glossaries of German legal terms. Expanded coverage of private law introduces the reader to the most current developments in German law • More comparative examples to UK law adds context to the explanation and invites deeper reflection and further discussion • Increased detail on legal history sheds light on how and why the German legal system has developed into its present form Contents: Part I Introduction to the German Legal System 1: German legal history and legal development 2: Sources of German law 3: Legal institutions 4: Legal education and legal personnel 5: The operation of justice Part II Substantive German Law 6: Public law I: constitutional law, principles and institutions 7: Public law II: basic rights and the federal constitutional court 8: Public law III: general administrative law 9: Public law IV: criminal law 10: Private law I: the German civil code 11: Private law II: business and labour law. Appendix: extracts from the German Constitution

German Legal System & Legal Language. 4th edition Fisher ISBN 9780415465946 GB 2008/10 Taylor & Francis paperback 384 p. GBP 44,99 € 57,80 ISBN 9780415468565 hardback 384 p. GBP 100,00 € 128,50 This book explains the structure and terminology of some of the main areas of German public and private law. Amid the increasing complexity of international legal relations,the book provides a firm reference point for those native English speakers who deal with legal matters in Germany, for those who wish to grasp the nettle of the intricate German legal system and language for the first time and for those who aim to qualify as German lawyers. Contents: 1. Historical Introduction 2. The Federal State 3. Supreme Federal Organs 4. Supreme & Other Federal Authorities 5. The ‘Länder' 6. Local Government 7. Constitution 8. Basic Rights 9. Public & Private Law 10. Private Law: Civil Code (BGB) 11. Private Law: BGB Company Law & Commercial Code (HGB) 12. Private Limited Company (GmbH) 13. Civil Procedure 14. Administrative Law 15. Administrative Procedure 16. Criminal Law 17. Criminal Procedure 18. Employment Law 19. Business Law (Wirtschaftsrecht) 20. Private International Law 21. International Legal Cooperation 22. The Legal Profession & Court System

German Legal System Thomas Wegerich / Anke Freckmann, 10/2004 ISBN 0-421-87900-9, 352 p. (Sweet & Maxwell, UK) Paperback, £ 26,95 = ca. € 43,30 vergriffen, out of print  Neuauflage für 2011 geplant: ISBN 9780421879003, ca. £ 26,95

German Legal System & Laws. 4th edition Foster / Sule ISBN 9780199233434 2010/04 GB Oxford University Press paperback 720 p. GBP 37,99 € 48,80

An Introduction to German Law Gerhard Robbers, 4th edition 2006 ISBN 9783832920517, 409 p. (Nomos, D) broschiert, € 42,00 General Structures The Legal Tradition, Areas ofLaw and Sources of Law 1. The Legal Tradition 2. Areas of Law a) Private Law – Public Law – Criminal Law b) Substantive and Adjective Law c) Relationship to European and Intemational Law 3. Sources of Law a) Statutory Instruments b) Decisions of the Courts c) Custom d) The Hierarchy of Norms e) Interpretation Structure and Functioning of the Court System 1. General Structures & Principles 2. Structure of the Court System Legal Education and Careers


Sources of Legal Information and Research Tools Public Law History of Constitutional and Administrative Law Constitutional Law 1. General a) Concept, Nature and Function of the Constitution b) Territorial Applicability 2. Fundamental Rights a) General Principles b) The Various Fundamental Rights 3. Fundamental Constitutional Principles a) Democracy b) Rechtsstaat c) Social State d) Republic e) Federation f) European Integration 4. Constitutional Organs a) President of the Federation b) German Bundestag (Parliament) c) The Bundesrat d) The Federal Government e) The Federal Constitutional Court 5. Political Parties 6. Financial Constitution 7. Military Defence 8. Religious Communities Administrative Law 1. General Principles of Administrative Law a) Duties and Organisation of the Public Administration b) Legal Forms of Administrative Action c) Public Property d) Administrative Procedure e) State Liability and Rights to Compensation 2. Special Administrative Law a) Police Law b) The Law of Communal Administration c) Public Construction Law d) The Law Relating to Foreigners and Asylum e) Identity Documents and Residence Registration f) Data Protection g) Public Service Law h) The Law Relating to Cultural Administration i) Media Law j) Traffic Law k) Social Security Law l) Economic Administrative Law m) Environmental Law n) Law of Taxation 3. Administrative Procedural Law

1. Basic Principles 2. Intestate Succession 3. Deliberate Regulation of Succession (Including Wills) and Specific Gifts 4. Family Provision - The Minimum Claim of the Spouse and Blood Relatives 5. The Position of the Heir (Beneficiary) Conflict of Laws (Private International Law) Corporate and Commercial Law 1. Commercial Law 2. Corporations and Other Forms of Joint Undertaking a) Basic Principles b) Aktiengesellschaft (AG) c) Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung (GmbH) d) Genossenschaft e) Gesellschaft bürgerlichen Rechts f) Offene Handelsgesellschaft g) Kommanditgesellschaft and Related Forms Negotiable Instruments and Securities Competition Law and the Protection of Intellectual Property 1. Competition Law 2. Monopolies and Anti-Competitive Practices 3. Patents and Trade Marks Copyright Labour Law The Law of Insolvency Procedure in Civil Litigation and Special Procedures in Miscellaneous Matters 1. Basic Principles 2. The Course of Civil Proceedings 3. Summary Proceedings for the Recovery of Liquidated Claims 4. Execution of Judgment 5. Special Procedures In Miscellaneous Matters (freiwillige Gerichtsbarkeit)

Introduction to German Law nd

Criminal Law History and System 1. History 2. System General Provisions of the Criminal Code 1. Basic Principles 2. Commission of an Act Corresponding to the Elements of a Crime 3. Intention and Negligence 4. Liability as a Principal and other Forms of Participation 5. Completed Crimes and Attempts 6. Illegality and Grounds of Justification 7. Culpability (Mens Rea), Factors excluding culpable state of mind 8. Mistake in the Context of Criminal Law 9. The System of Penalties C. Specific Offences The Law on Juvenile Offenders (Jugendstrafrecht) The Law of Criminal Procedure Private Law History and Structure 1. History 2. Structure The Book of General Provisions of the Civil Code 1. Capacity to Have Rights and Duties 2. Capacity to Perform Juristic Acts 3. Juristic Persons 4. Declaration of Will 5. Void and Voidable Declarations 6. Legal Transactions 7. Contract 8. Standard Form Contracts 9. Form 10. Agency 11. Public Policy 12. Limitation of Actions (Prescription) The Law of Obligations 1. General Provisions of the Law of Obligations a) Fundamental Principles b) How Obligations Come Into Existence c) How Obligations End d) The Content of Obligations aa) Good faith bb)Place of Performance cc) Obligations to supply ascertained goods and obligations to supply unascertained goods dd) Liability for the actions of third parties (Vicarious liability) ee) Contracts for the Benefit of a Third Party ff) Plurality of Creditors and Debtors gg) Assignment and novation hh) Damages ii) Causation jj) Contributory Negligence e) Irregularities in the Performance of a Contract (Mistake, Breach and Frustration) aa) Impossibility of Performance (Frustration, and Certain Forms of Mistake and Breach) bb) Failure to Perform Within the Prescribed Time (Mora) cc) Positive Malperformance dd)Pre-Contractual Liability (Culpa in Contrahendo) 2. The Law of Obligations - Special Obligations a) Contracts Expressly Regulated by the Code aa) Fundamental Principles bb)The Contract of Sale cc) Contract of Donation dd) Contracts of Lease, Hire, Loan and Loan for Consumption ee) The Contract of Service and the Contract for Specific Services ff) Other Types of Contract b) Necessitous Intervention (Negotiorum Gestio) c) Unjustified Enrichment (Restitution) d) Law of Torts (Delict) and Strict Liability aa) Basic Principles bb)The Main Basis of Liability in Tort cc) Other Forms of Tort dd) Extent of Liability ee) Mandatory and Prohibitory Injunctions ff) Strict Liability The Law of Things (Law of Property) 1. Basic Principles 2. Possession 3. Ownership 4. Limited Real Rights Family Law 1. Basic Principles 2. Engagement to Marry 3. Marriage a) Entering a Marriage b) Rights and Duties Arising From Marriage c) Matrimonial Property d) Divorce 4. The Registered Partnership for Life 5. Law on Children 6. Relationship, Adoption, Guardianship and Similar Topics a) Relationship by Consanguinity (Blood) and by Affinity (Marriage) b) Adoption c) Guardianship, Supervision, and Curatorship for Specific Matters Law of Succession

J. Zekoll / M. Reimann, 2 edition 12/2005 ISBN 9783406537479 (C.H. Beck, D / Kluwer Law, NL) Hardback, € 88,00 Ein hervorragender Einstieg in das deutsche Recht in englischer Sprache. Die 2. Auflage berücksichtigt alle wichtigen Neuerungen der letzten Jahre, wie z.B. umfangreiche Reformen des deutschen Zivilrechts. Auch die europäische Rechtsprechung ist eingearbeitet. Ein umfassender Literaturnachweis dient als ideale Ausgangsbasis für eine tiefer gehende Beschäftigung mit dem Thema. Das Werk basiert auf dem erfolgreichen Titel von "Ebke / Finkin". Aus dem Inhalt: Allgemeine Charakteristiken des Deutschen Rechts. Verfassungsrecht. Verwaltungsrecht und –verfahren. Das deutsche Handelsgesetzbuch. Gründung und Führung von Gesellschaften. Vertragsrecht. Recht der Unerlaubten Handlung. Eigentumsrecht. Familienrecht. Erbrecht. Arbeitsrecht (Kollektiv- und Individualarbeitsrecht). Gerichte und Gerichtsbarkeit. Strafrecht und Strafverfahren It is nearly ten years since the appearance of the successful first edition of this convenient English-language introduction to the law of Germany. This new edition covers all the significant changes & innovations that have occurred during that period, encompassing the pervasive impacts of European law and of globalisation, the major recent reform of the German Civil Code, and the greatly increased activity of the German legislature in every area. With fifteen lucid chapters written by academic expects in their respective fields of law, as well as detailed bibliographies, this is the ideal starting point for research whenever a question of German law must be answered. The authors clearly explain the legal concepts, customs, and rules arising from such basic elements as the following: characteristic problems of Germany legal unity; principles and practices of constitutional law; administrative law and procedure; the German Commercial Code; formation and conduct of corporations and partnerships; contracts; tort liability; property rights; family law; succession and inheritance; labour and employment; issues of private international law; courts and civil procedure; the penal code and criminal procedure. Introduction to German Law provides an authoritative description of all issues likely to emerge in the course of normal application of German law in any context. Contents: Characteristic Aspects of German Legal Culture; Reinhard Zimmerman. Constitutional Law; Kay Hailbronner and Marcel Kau. Administrative Law; Michael Nierhaus. Commercial Law; Johannes K ndgen and George Borges. The Law of Business Associations; Hans-Dieter Assmann, Barbara Lange and Rolf Sethe. The Law of Contracts; Peer Zumbansen. The Law of Torts; Harold Koch. Property Law (Sachenrecht); Jürgen Kohler. Family Law; Dieter Martiny. The Law of Succession; Dennis Solomon. Labor Law; Manfred Weiss. Private International Law; Kurt Siehr. The Law of Civil Procedure; Astrid Stadler and Wolfgang Hau. Criminal Law; Heribert Schumann. The Law of German Criminal Procedure; Gerhard Dannecker and Julian Roberts.


Sourcebook on German Law Raymond Youngs, 2nd edition 8/2002 ISBN 9781859416785, 800 p. (Cavendish Publishing) Paperback, £ 39,99 € 51,50

The purpose of this book is to give the reader a selective outline of significant parts of the central areas of German substantive law: constitutional law, human rights, contract, tort & criminal law, along with original German legal material: extracts from Basic Law & the civil & criminal codes, judgments of German courts. This original German material is accompanied by an English translation. The book is therefore completely comprehensible to a reader who does not understand German, but the reader who does will have an opportunity to develop his knowledge of German law. Source material is accompanied where appropriate with comments and further references. The book will be of interest to students of German law & comparative law, students of the German language and contemporary German politics and society. The second edition incorporates new material from a number of recent cases. Contents: Introduction: General approach; sources of German law The Constitution: Nature; the German state; political parties; flag; international relations –Bosnia Flight Exclusion Zone case; the states; external relations; citizens’ rights - officials & authorities; coercion by the federation; the legislature; the all Germany election case; the executive; legislation; administration; the judiciary; finance; defence; transitional and final provisions Human Rights: Introduction; the principle of proportionality; the arrested admiral case; the basic rights themselves; the housework day case; the East German politicians trial publicity cases; the investment aid act case Rights and Obligations: Civil Code; Persons; injured foetus case; property; legal transactions; declaration of will; the unintended declaration of will case; the misdirected withdrawal declaration case; invalidity of a legal transaction; avoidance generally; periods and dates and limitation; exercise of rights; special defences Contract: Offer and acceptance; the factual contract; the Hamburg Parking case; the bus station case; need for agreement; auctions; interpretation of contracts; conditions; agency; consent; performance; frustration; fault; the fall in the Supermarket case; the termination of negotiations case; impossibility; the allergy to hair tonic case; delay; content of a contract; mutual contracts; promise in favour of a third party; reminder of second book Tort: Nature; two general principles of liability; fowl pest case; publication of a letter case; the newspaper delivery obstruction case; harm to financial status; harm contrary to morality; the film director case; limitation of liability; plurality of defendants; vicarious liability; fallen telegraph pole case; strict liability & animals; liability for buildings; liability of officials; the air traffic controllers strike case; liability as between defendants; compensation - limitation Criminal Law: History and effective scope; the shootings at the Berlin Wall case; definitions; principles; attempt; perpetrators and participants; self-defence and emergencies; crimes of insult; the insult of soldiers case; crimes against life; the base motive case; bodily injury; the rough ill-treatment case; protection of the public; the neglected assistance case.

gesellschafts-, arbeits- und steuerrechtlichen Fragestellungen, mit denen ein britischer Unternehmer bei der Aufnahme einer geschäftlichen Tätigkeit in Deutschland konfrontiert wird. Die Darstellung erfolgt praxisorientiert, dennoch aber umfassend, präzise und verständlich. Hilfreich sind die vielen Beispiele und Übersichten sowie der umfangreiche Anhang, der neben einem Formular zur Gewerbeanmeldung und einem Musterprotokoll zur Gründung einer Einpersonengesellschaft in deutscher und englischer Sprache zahlreiche Hinweise auf weiterführende Literatur und nützliche Kontaktadressen enthält. Die Publikation eignet sich unter anderem für Kanzleien, Steuer- und Unternehmensberatungen, die ihrer englischsprachigen Mandantschaft einen praxisnahen und einfachen Zugriff auf diese komplizierte Rechtsmaterie ermöglichen möchten. Daneben erlaubt sie dem deutschen Berater einen zielsicheren Zugriff auf die einschlägige englische Fachterminologie und erleichtert somit die qualifizierte Beratung auf diesem Gebiet.

BGB / HGB German Civil Code vergriffen, out of print, keine Neuauflage Bundesministerium der Justiz: Übersetzung des Bürgerlichen Gesetzbuches durch ein Übersetzer-Team des Langenscheidt Übersetzungsservice. Laufende Aktualisierung der Übersetzung durch Neil Mussett.

HGB - Handelsgesetzbuch German Commercial Code Dr.M.Peltzer / J.Doyle / M.T.Allen, 5. Auflage 2003 ISBN 3504455098 (Otto Schmidt Verlag) broschiert, ca. € 74,80  5. Auflage vergriffen. 6. Auflage geplant; kein Termin

German Commercial Code & Code of Civil Procedure in English Charles E. Stewart, 3/2001 ISBN 0379214342, 487 p. (Oceana Publ.) Hardback, ca. € 169,50 vergriffen, out of print, keine Neuauflage

Contracts, Torts Beck'sches Formularbuch Zivil-, Wirtschafts- & Unternehmensrecht Deutsch-Englisch

Doing Business Doing Business with Germany rd

Roderick Millar / Jonathan Reuvid (ed.), 3 edition 2/2002 ISBN 0-7494-3558-5, 352 p. (Kogan Page, UK) Paperback, £ 40,00 = ca. € 64,20 vergriffen, out of print, keine Neuauflage

Starting a Business in Germany 2009/08 104 p. German-British Chamber of Industry & Commerce € 117,80 Diese englischsprachige Publikation im anwenderfreundlichen DIN A-4 Format gibt einen umfassenden ersten Einblick in alle

Robert Walz, 9/2007 ISBN 9783406550829, 1000 p. (C.H. Beck, D) Hardback & CD-ROM, ca. € 126,00 Rechtssicherheit auf Deutsch und Englisch! Die Neuerscheinung bietet mehr als 150 kommentierte Verträge und kautelarjuristische Mustertexte zum deutschen Zivil-, Wirtschafts- und Unternehmensrecht, jeweils synoptisch in deutsch / englisch. Die Vorteile: Vertragsmuster auf Grundlage deutschen Rechts, die rechtssicher sowohl in englischer als auch in deutscher Sprache vereinbart werden können; praxisbewährte zweisprachige Formulierungen mit ausführlichen rechtlichen Anmerkungen. Besonders wertvoll: umfassende Wortlisten für die Auswahl der treffenden Begriffe, einheitliche englische Terminologie innerhalb des Gesamtwerkes. Formulare für alle Fälle: Allgemeine Vertrags- und Urkundenbestandteile, Vollmachten Schuldrecht - Grundstückskaufvertrag und -besicherung - Mietrecht


- Arbeitsrecht - Familienrecht - Erbrecht Personengesellschaftsrecht - Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung - Aktienrecht - Umwandlungsrecht • Unternehmensverträge • Unternehmenskauf - Vertriebsrecht - IT-Recht Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz - Finanzierungen Die CD-ROM enthält sämtliche Muster (ohne Anmerkungen) und ermöglicht die individuelle Anpassung an den eigenen Fall. Die Autoren sind der Herausgeber Dr. Robert Walz, LL.M., Notar und Spezialist auf dem Gebiet der englischsprachigen Vertragsgestaltung, sowie 16 weitere, im globalen Geschäft erfahrene Praktiker aus Anwaltschaft und Notariat.

Comparative Contract Law & Economics Kova ISBN 9781849809733 2011/07 GB Edward Elgar hardback 416 p. GBP 95,00 € 116,90 Provides a deeper understanding of the similarities and differences between the legal systems of France, England, the US & Germany in terms of contract law. The application of the economically inspired optimal model rule as a uniform term of comparison provides valuable insights into the pre-contractual duties of disclosure, the phenomena of unforeseen contingencies and the unilateral termination of contracts. The objective evaluation method enriches traditional comparative contract law by enabling further qualitative assessment. The book offers ample opportunities for further research and for 'better' law making, legislation and jurisprudence. Moreover, it enables comparative contract law to offer clear-cut, objective recommendations on the possible improvements of legal rules or decisions. This well-documented book will appeal to postgraduate students and scholars of law and economics, and comparative law. Judges and law practitioners will also find much to interest them in this pioneering volume Contents: 1. Introduction 2. Pre-contractual Duty to Disclose Information 3. Unforeseen Contingencies 4. Unilateral Termination 5. Summary and Conclusions

Compensation for Personal Injury in English, German & Italian Law Cambridge Studies in International & Comparative Law Basil Markesinis, 2/2005 ISBN 9780521846134, 280 p. (Cambridge University Press, UK) Hardback, ₤ 77,00 = ca. € 98,90 Cross-border claims for personal injuries are becoming more common, creating a need to know more about the law of damages in Europe and America. This book aims to fill that gap by looking at the law in England, Germany and Italy. Of special interest to practitioners specialising in personal injury litigation, as well as to academics and students of tort law. Of particular interest to lawyers interested in how to bring together & explain different legal systems (comparative methodology). Fills a gap in the market as there is little material available to practitioners advising their clients in cross-border claims for personal injuries.

The Contract - Tort Dichotomy & a theoretical Framework for Product Liability Law A Comparison of the Elements of Liability in Product Liability Law in Australia, France & Germany Kellam, Jocelyn, 2000 ISBN 9783789065248, 308 p. (Nomos Verlag) Paperback, € 56,00 Obwohl unterschiedlichen Rechtssystemen angehörend, haben Australien, Frankreich und Deutschland in den letzten Jahren Gesetze zur Produkthaftung erlassen, die alle auf der EU-Richtlinie von 1985 beruhen. Das Werk untersucht rechtsvergleichend die

Produkthaftungsgesetze dieser drei Länder, wobei neben individuellen Besonderheiten zutage tritt, daß alle letztlich zwischen der Haftung aus Vertrag und der aus unerlaubter Handlung unterscheiden. Im Mittelpunkt der Analysen stehen das Wesen der Vertrags- und Deliktshaftung, die Folgen der Einteilung von Anspruchsgrundlagen in vertragliche und solche aus unerlaubter Handlung, die Anspruchskonkurrenz sowie drei ausgewählte Grenzbereiche (Ausnahmen von dem Erfordernis eines Vertragsverhältnisses, Erörterung des Fehlerbegriffs und Ausgleich wirtschaftlicher Verluste und Mangelfolgeschäden im Deliktsrecht). Das Werk richtet sich an Rechtsvergleicher, es liefert aber auch Rechtspraktikern sonst nur schwer zugängliche Informationen zum französischen & insbesondere australischen Produkthaftungsrecht.

European Tort Law Cees van Dam, 5/2006 ISBN 9780199290710, 560 p. (Oxford University Press, UK) Hardback, ₤ 89,95 = ca. € 115,50 This is the first textbook on European tort law: Insight into the differences and commonalities between the tort law systems of various European jurisdictions, bringing together national tort law, comparative law, Community law and human rights law. The author shows that European tort law is still a matter of diversity rather than harmony, particularly at policy level. However, he also underlines that Community law and the European Convention on Human Rights are powerful engines for harmonization. For this reason, European tort law is of growing importance for practitioners and academics as European integration progresses. The first part of the book (Systems of Liability) provides an overview of the state of affairs of the tort law systems of France, Germany, England & the European Union. In a concluding chapter the author compares the various rules, cultures and policies of the legal systems and demonstrates the need for a European policy discourse. The second part (Requirements of Liability) analyzes and compares the requirements for liability in the various tort law systems: protected interests, intention and negligence, breach of statutory duty, stricter rules of liability, causation, damage, damages, and contributory negligence. The final part (Categories of Liability) also assumes a comparative and supranational point of view. It shows how national and European rules are applied in a number of categories, such as liability of public bodies, liability for defective products, motor vehicles, employees, children, premises and highways, and for environmental damage. The book is written in a concise yet clear style. Brief accounts of numerous cases elucidate breadth and depth of European tort law. Contents: Systems of Liability: Europe - France - Germany - England - Ius Commune Requirements of Liability: Protected Interests - Intention and Negligence - Violation of a Statutory Rule - Strict Liability Causation - Damage and Damages Categories of Liability: Liability for Movable Objects - Liability for Immovable Objects - Liability for Other Persons - Liability in Emergency Cases - Liability of Public Authorities

German Law of Contract A Comparative Treatise

Basil S Markesinis / Hannes Unberath / Angus Johnston, 2nd edition 2/2006 ISBN 9781841134727, 800 p. (Hart Publ., UK) Paperback, ₤ 58,00 = ca. € 74,50 Recently the contract section of the German Code was radically amended after 100 years of un-altered existence. German Law of Contract, radically recast, enlarged, re-written, details & explains for the first time these changes for the benefit of Anglophone lawyers. Along with its companion work, German Law of Torts, the books provide one of the fullest accounts of the German Law of Obligations available in the English (or German) language. 120 translated contract decisions make this work a unique sourcebook for students, practitioners, judges and academics wishing to have access to prime sources. Through its method of presentation, it also represents an original contribution to the art of comparison. An additional feature of the Contract volume is the way in which it reveals the growing impact which European Directives are having on the traditional, liberal, contract model, thereby bringing German & English law closer, especially in the area of consumer protection.


The book will be of use to law students in contracts & comparative law, practitioners, judges and businessmen.

German Law of Torts A Comparative Treatise

Basil Markesinis / Hannes Unberath, 4th edition 6/2002 ISBN 9781841132983, 1000 p. (Hart Publ., UK) Paperback, £ 55,00 = ca. € 70,80 th

5 edition planned for 2012/01: ISBN 9781849461696 ca. GBP 75,00 = ca. € 96,50 Since its first appearance in 1986 this book has won uniform praise from many of the world’s leading comparatists, been acclaimed by senior judges & cited by the courts of many countries. This new edition, substantially re-written and up-dated, contains over 150 leading judgments, most translated in their entirety, along with references to over 2000 other decisions from Germany and the Common law world. The book remains an ideal tool for teaching comparative torts & comparative methodology, but also makes an indispensable source of inspiration for those with a professional interest in tort litigation & tort reform. Topics discussed include economic loss, psychiatric injury, wrongful birth, life & sterilisation cases, products liability, traffic accidents, accidents at work, environmental liability, compensation for personal injuries & death. From the Foreword by Prof. Dr. Walter Odersky, Emeritus President of Bundesgerichtshof: "The author, having completed the 4th edition of his book (together with Hannes Unberath), has truly taken his vision of generating greater understanding between Anglo-American & German jurists to new heights. I am thus confident that I speak on behalf of all my colleagues at the Bundesgerichtshof when I say we wish this remarkable book the continuing success it so richly deserves".

German Law of Unjust Enrichment & Restitution Dannemann ISBN 9780199533114 2009/08 GB Oxford University Press hardback 348 p. GBP 55,00 € 70,80 The most comprehensive description of German law of unjustified enrichment in English. Explains to common law readers how German law generally allows restitution for transfers made without legal ground (rather than on the basis of individual unjust factors), an approach which the late Peter Birks proposed for English law to adopt, and which the House of Lords was careful not to rule out for the future in Deutsche Morgan Grenfell v Inland Revenue. Part I explains the workings of German unjustified enrichment law within the particular context of German contract, tort & property law. It shows how the German general unjust enrichment clause is controlled by limiting scope to intentional transfer, complemented by specific grounds of unjust enrichment. Also explains defences against and measure of enrichment claims. Part II places German law in comparative context of 3 different fundamental approaches towards unjustified enrichment, shows some unexpected similarities between English & German law, discusses whether English law could & should adopt the German approach. Gives equal prominence to structural issues & legal doctrine on one hand, practical application of the law on the other. Leading German cases & relevant statutory provisions in English translation. Contents: I Unjustified Enrichment & Restitution in German Law 1: Introduction: 2: Undoing of Performance: Basics 3: Undoing of Performance: Refinements 4: Defences Against Performancebased Claims 5: Restitution Not Based on Performance 6: The Measure of Restitutionary Liability 7: Concurrent Liability II The Wider Comparative Perspective 8: Classification & Consequences 9: Lessons to Be Learned? III Cases and Statutes 10: Cases

Münchener Vertragshandbuch Band 4: Wirtschaftsrecht III Rolf A. Schütze / Lutz Weipert, 6.Auflage 12/2006 ISBN 9783406549274, 1347 p. (C.H. Beck, D) Hardback, € 140,00

Wieder neu: Band 4 - für internationale Geschäfte Die 6. Auflage des Münchener Vertragshandbuchs ist wieder auf sechs Bände angelegt. Sie enthalten systematisch angeordnete Vertragsmuster, verfasst von kompetenten Autoren. Jedem Muster folgen Anmerkungen, die den Sachverhalt und die Wahl des spezifischen Formulars erläutern. Gestaltungsvarianten und Ausführungen zu den europarechtlichen Bezügen, zum Steuer-, Kartell-, Gebühren- und Kostenrecht komplettieren die Information. So gestalten Sie Verträge individuell, rechtssicher und effektiv. Der Band zum internationalen Wirtschaftsrecht in der Sprache des Welthandels, Band 4 Wirtschaftsrecht III bietet nach Sachgruppen zusammengestellte englischsprachige Muster mit deutschsprachigen Anmerkungen. Die Auswahl orientiert sich an besonders wichtigen Vertragstypen & enthält in der erweiterten 6. Auflage erstmals auch die Formulare Affidavit, Schweizer Standardschiedsklausel, Master Franchise Agreement, Non Recourse Financing Contract, Agreement for Special-Purpose Commercial Loans, Reisefrachtvertrag & Reisefrachtkonnossement (GENCON Charter mit CONGENBILL), Private Company Limited by Shares (14 Formulare) im neuen Abschnitt »Internationales Gesellschaftsrecht«. Contents: I. Vertragsvorbereitende und -begleitende Maßnahmen 1. Letter of Intent (Absichtserklärung) 2. Non-Disclosure Agreement (Geheimhaltungsvereinbarung) 3. Legal Opinion 4. Affidavit II. Schiedsklauseln 1. Schiedsvereinbarung (Institutionelles Schiedsgericht) 2. ICC Standardschiedsklausel 3. DIS Standardschiedsklausel 4. Wiener Standardschiedsklausel 5. Schweizer Standardschiedsklausel 6. LCIA Standardschiedsklausel 7. Stockholmer Standardschiedsklausel III. Vertriebsverträge 1. Agency Contract (Handelsvertretervertrag) 2. Distributor Agreement (Vertragshändlervertrag) 3. Consignment Stock Agreement (Konsignationslagervertrag) 4. International Master Franchise Agreement (Internationaler Masterfranchisevertrag) IV. Internationale Kauf- und Lieferverträge 1. Export Contract (Exportvertrag Maschine) 2. Sales agreement pursuant to the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (Kaufvertrag nach UN-Übereinkommen über Verträge über den internationalen Warenkauf) Qualitätssicherung und AGB 3. Quality Assurance Contract (Qualitätssicherungsvertrag) 4. Standard Terms and Conditions for the Sale of Goods (Export) (Allgemeine Lieferbedingungen beim Warenverkauf) 5. Standard Terms and Conditions for the Purchase of Goods (Import) (Allgemeine Einkaufsbedingungen) V. Internationales Industrieanlagengeschäft 1. FIDIC: Conditions of Contract for Construction for Building and Engineering Works designed by the Employer (Vertragsbedingungen über die Errichtung von Bauwerken und Anlagen nach Entwürfen des Auftraggebers) 2. FIDIC: Conditions of Subcontract for Works of Civil Engineering Construction (Unterauftragsbedingung für Ingenieur-bauarbeiten) 3. Agreement for external Consortium with Consortium Leader (Vertrag für ein Außenkonsortium mit Federführer) VI. Internationale Bankgeschäfte 1. Irrevocable Documentary Credit (Unwiderrufliches Dokumentenakkreditiv) 2. Tender Guarantee (Bietungsgarantie) 3. Advance Payment Guarantee (Anzahlungsgarantie) 4. Performance Guarantee (Erfüllungsgarantie) 5. Warranty Guarantee (Gewährleistungsgarantie) 6. Retention Money Guarantee (Einbehaltsgarantie) 7. OTCDerivate Teil A. 1992 ISDA Master Agreement (Multicurrency Cross Border) Teil B. 2002 ISDA Master Agreement (MulticurrencyCross Border) Anhang 1: 1994 ISDA Credit Support Annex (Subject to New Law Only) Anhang 2: 1995 ISDA Credit Support Deed (Security Interest; English Law) Anhang 3: 1995 ISDA Credit Support Annex (Transfer; English Law) Anhang 4: 1995 ISDA Credit Support Annex (Security Interest Japanese Law) 8. Non Recourse Financing Contract (Forfaitierungs-vertrag) 9. Agreement for Special-Purpose Commercial Loans (Vertrag für gewerbliche Darlehen mit Zweckbindung) VII. Seefrachtrecht 1. Time Charter; NYPE 1946 and 1993 2. BIMCO Liner Bill of Lading (Linien-Konnossement) 3. Gencon Charter (Reisefrachtvertrag) 4. Congen Bill of Lading (ReisefrachtKonnossement) VIII. Lizenz- und Know-how-Verträge 1. Patent & Know-How License Agreement (Gemischter Patent- & Know-how-Lizenzvertrag) 2. Patent License Agreement (Patentlizenzvertrag) 3. Know-How License Agreement (Knowhow-Lizenzvertrag) 4. Trademark License Agreement


(Markenlizenzvertrag) 5. License Agreement (gemischter Lizenzvertrag im Konzern) IX. Internationales Gesellschaftsrecht* 1. Private Company Limited by Shares 1.1 Articles of Association (Table A) 1.2 Memorandum of Association 1.3 First Directors and secretary and intended situation of registered office (Form 10) 1.4 Decleration on application for registration (Form 12) 1.5 Certificate of Incorporation 1.6 Handelsregisteranmeldung der inländischen Zweigniederlassung 1.7 Shareholder Resolution 1.8 Board Minutes 1.9 Return of Allotment of Shares (Form 88 (2)) 1.10 Notice of Increase in Nominal Capital (Form 123) 1.11 Change of Accounting Reference Date (Form 225) 1.12 Appointment of Director of Secretary (Form 288 a) 1.13 Terminating Appointment as Director of Secretary (Form 288 b) 1.14 Change of Particulars for Director or Secretary (Form 288 c)

Münchener Vertragshandbuch Gesamt-CDROM Edition 6E 2011 CD-ROM mit Kurzanleitung (61 S.). In Klappbox 2011 C. H. Beck ISBN 9783406611841 € 300,00 (3 Einzelplatzlizenzen inklusive) Für diese CD-ROM besteht Gesamtabnahmeverpflichtung. Mit der Edition 6E sind auf der Gesamt-CD-ROM zum Münchener Vertragshandbuch die Formulare aller sechs Bände der 6. Auflage verfügbar. Damit ist die Edition 6 abgeschlossen. Es besteht die Möglichkeit, die Gesamt-CD-ROM weiterzubeziehen. Sie wird mit Erscheinen des ersten Bandes der 7. Auflage des Münchener Vertragshandbuchs im Frühjahr 2011 als Edition 7A (mit den Updates 7B, 7C usw.) fortgesetzt, für die auch wieder eine Gesamtabnahme gilt. Bezieher der Edition 6 erhalten die Edition 7A automatisch zugesandt, worüber sie mit einem der Edition 6E beiliegenden Begleitschreiben informiert werden. CD-ROM: Die ideale Ergänzung zum gedruckten Werk Parallel zur 6. Auflage des Münchener Vertragshandbuchs erscheint eine Gesamt-CD-ROM. Sie enthält alle Formulare ohne die Anmerkungen des gedruckten Werkes. Die CD-ROM ermöglicht Ihnen eine komfortable Volltextsuche nach bestimmten Stichwörtern, auch bandübergreifend anhand eines GesamtSachverzeichnisses. Selbstverständlich können Sie jedes Formular in Ihre Textverarbeitung übernehmen, weiterbearbeiten und ausdrucken. Dank der BeckView-Oberfläche können die Formulare ferner mit individuellen Anmerkungen versehen werden. Damit ist die CD-ROM die ideale Ergänzung zum gedruckten Werk. Edition 6E enthält nun die Formulare aller 6 Bände der 6. Auflage: 1 Gesellschaftsrecht 2 Wirtschaftsrecht I (u.a. mit Unternehmenskauf) 3 Wirtschaftsrecht II (u.a. mit Gewerblichem Rechtsschutz und Urheberrecht) 4 Wirtschaftsrecht III (englischsprachige Formulare) 5 Bürgerliches Recht I 6 Bürgerliches Recht II

Münchener Vertragshandbuch Gesamt-CD-ROM Edition 7A CD-ROM mit Handbuch. In Klappbox C. H. Beck ISBN 9783406612978 ca. € 50,00 (3 Einzelplatzlizenzen inklusive) Hinweis: Die Preise beziehen sich auf die Einzelplatzversion. Für die Nutzung im Netzwerk und für jeden gleichzeitig möglichen Programmzugriff erhöht sich der Ladenpreis um jeweils 25%. Preis der folgenden 5 Updates bis zur Vervollständigung jeweils ca. 50,00 €. Gesamtpreis ca. 300,00 € Für diese CD-ROM besteht Gesamtabnahmeverpflichtung. Qualität und Komfort auch auf CD-ROM Parallel zur 7. Auflage des Münchener Vertragshandbuchs erscheint wieder eine Gesamt-CD-ROM. Sie enthält alle Formulare ohne die Anmerkungen des gedruckten Werkes. Die CD-ROM ermöglicht Ihnen eine komfortable Volltextsuche nach bestimmten Stichwörtern, auch bandübergreifend anhand eines GesamtSachverzeichnisses. Selbstverständlich können Sie jedes Formular in Ihre Textverarbeitung übernehmen, weiterbearbeiten und ausdrucken. Dank der neuen Benutzeroberfläche, die dem "Look

and feel" von Beck-Online entspricht, können die Formulare ferner mit individuellen Anmerkungen versehen werden. Damit ist die CDROM die ideale Ergänzung zum gedruckten Werk. Edition 7A enthält: 1 Gesellschaftsrecht in neuer 7. Auflage, 2-6 in 6. Auflage, die 2010 mit dem Erscheinen von Band 6 Bürgerliches Recht II abgeschlossen wurde.

New German Law of Obligations Historical & Comparative Perspectives Reinhard Zimmermann, 11/2005 ISBN 9780199291373 (Oxford University Press, UK) Hardback, 248 p. ₤ 50,00 € 64,50 On 1 January 2000 the German Civil Code (BGB) became one hundred years old. It had been remarkably resilient throughout a century marked by catastrophic upheavals and a succession of fundamentally different political regimes. Two years later, however, the most sweeping individual reform ever to have affected the Code entered into force. This was the Modernization of the Law of Obligations Act: triggered by the necessity to implement the European Consumer Sales Directive, but going far beyond what was required by the European Community. The most important practical implication of the Modernization Act is the fundamental reform of the German law of prescription. However, the most remarkable feature of the revised BGB in terms of innovative doctrine is the new regime concerning liability for general non-performance, and for non-conformity in sales law. Radically, the face of the BGB has been changed by the incorporation of a number of special statutes aiming at the protection of consumers. The draftsmen of the new law have thus made an effort to streamline, or harmonize, general contract law and consumer contract law. The four topics covered in Chapters 25 of the book are prescription, remedies for non-performance, liability for non-conformity, and consumer contract law. In all these cases a historical or comparative perspective is adopted in order to analyze and assess the new rules of German law. Even in its radically new form the German Civil Code continues to be a characteristic manifestation of German legal culture. At the same time, however, the reform has moved German contract law considerably closer to European thinking patterns. Termed 'a milestone on the path towards a European Civil Code', this book offers a unique and authoritative insight into the new German law of obligations. Examines reform of the German law of prescription and liability in sales law from a comparative and historical perspective. Reflects on the position of German contract law in relation to Europe, and theorizes about the possibility of a future European civil code Contents: German Civil Code and the Development of German Private Law. Remedies for Non-Performance, Viewed again the Background of the Principles of European Contract Law. The Development of Liability for Non-Conformity in German Sales Law. The New German Law of Prescription and chapter 14 of the Principles of European Contract Law. Consumer Contract Law and General Contract Law - the German Experience

Restitution at the Crossroads

A Comparative Study Thomas Krebs, 9/2001 ISBN 9781859416464, 392 p (Cavendish Publ., UK) Paperback, £ 39,95 = ca. € 64,20 vergriffen, out of print, keine Neuauflage This book contrasts two competing models of unjust enrichment liability: the common law and the civil law model. The former bases restitution on concrete, pragmatic unjust factors, rendering an enrichment unjust in the eyes of the law, while the latter operates with the negative requirement that restitution will follow if an enrichment is not supported by a legal ground or juristic reason. The common law of unjust enrichment is a very young subject, while its civil law counterpart is based on two millennia of development. Should English law therefore accept that the civil law model is superior and adopt an anglicised version of legal ground reasoning? This is indeed suggested by German commentators,


and the English case law seems to be moving our enrichment law in that direction. This book considers such arguments by examining the reasons for restitution in English and German law. This book will be a valuable resource for academics and students interested in the law of unjust enrichment and comparative law. It also provides an introduction to the German law of unjust enrichment which will be useful to lawyers in European private practice. Contents: Setting the Scene; Overview of German Private Law; Some Jurisprudential Reflections; Mistake in German Law; Mistake in English law; Contractual Failure of Consideration; Non-contractual Failure of Consideration; The Role of Policy; Nullity; ""Just Factors""; Defences; English Law of Restitution at the Crossroads.

Standardvertragsmuster zum Handels- & Gesellschaftsrecht Handelsregisteranmeldungen, Vertriebsverträge, Gesellschaftsverträge, Kaufverträge, Schiedsgerichtswesen - Deutsch-Englisch Dieter Stummel, 4. Auflage 2009 ISBN 9783406569579 (C.H. Beck, D) Hardback & CD-ROM, ca. € 84,00 Damit kommen Sie schnell zur Sache! Das Buch enthält ausgewählte Standardvertragsmuster parallel in deutscher und englischer Fassung, konzipiert für Rechtsanwälte und Mitarbeiter internationaler Unternehmen, die im Bereich des internationalen Rechtsverkehrs tätig sind. Die Beratung ausländischer Mandanten verlangt vielfach als Bestandteil der Serviceleistung nach Convenience Translations, um dem Bedürfnis der Mandanten nach Transparenz und Information gerecht zu werden. Auch innerhalb international tätiger Unternehmen kommt englischsprachigen Versionen deutscher Verträge eine wachsende Bedeutung zu. Für diese Anwendungsfelder bietet das Buch praxisorientierte und auch pragmatische Übersetzungsvorschläge. Die Form der Darstellung erlaubt ein schnelles Nachschlagen. Sämtliche Formulare des Werkes sind auf beiliegender CD-ROM enthalten. Neu in der 4. Auflage: Abgrenzungsvereinbarung bei kollidierenden Marken. Satzung SE. Joint Venture-Vertrag. Globalzession. Negativerklärung. Patronatserklärung. Dienstwagenvertrag. Schiedsgerichtsklauseln. Domainkaufvertrag. Softwareentwicklungsvertrag. Vertrag über Erstellung einer Website. Webhosting-Vertrag Dr. Dieter Stummel hat mehrere Jahre als Rechtsanwalt in international operierenden Anwaltskanzleien gearbeitet. Inzwischen ist er als Geschäftsführer und Chefsyndikus bei einem amerikanischen Konzern tätig. Inhaltsverzeichnis: Handelsregisteranmeldungen Anmeldung eines Einzelkaufmannes. Anmeldung einer GmbH. Anmeldung einer Zweigniederlassung. Anmeldung einer englischen Limited. Anmeldung einer Abberufung und Neubestellung eines Geschäftsführers. Anmeldung einer Abberufung und Neubestellung eines Prokuristen. Anmeldung des Eintritts und des Ausscheidens eines OHG-Gesellschafters Vertriebs- und Lizenzverträge Franchisevertrag. Handelsvertretervertrag. Vertragshändlervertrag. Lizenzvertrag Gesellschaftsrechtliche Verträge BGB-Gesellschaftsvertrag. OHG-Gesellschaftsvertrag. Gesellschaftsvertrag einer Kommanditgesellschaft. GmbHGesellschaftsvertrag. Satzung einer Aktiengesellschaft. Gesellschaftsvertrag einer Stillen Gesellschaft. Beherrschungsund Gewinnabführungsvertrag Gesellschafterversammlungen und -beschlüsse Gründungsprotokoll einer GmbH. Ein- und Austritt eines Gesellschafters. Umwandlungsvereinbarung. Gesellschafterbeschluss betreffend eine Kapitalerhöhung Kaufverträge und AGB Kaufvertrag über eine Immobilie. Unternehmenskauf a) Anteilskaufvertrag (Share Deal) b) Kauf von Anlagevermögen (Asset Deal) c) Absichtserklärung I d) Absichtserklärung II e) Vertraulichkeitserklärung f) Vereinbarung mit einer Investmentbank g) Due Diligence Checkliste. Allgemeine Verkaufsbedingungen. Allgemeine Einkaufsbedingungen Gebrauchsüberlassung Mietvertrag über Gewerberäume. Unternehmenspachtvertrag. Leasingvertrag Kreditverträge und Kreditsicherung

Darlehensvertrag. Einräumung einer Kreditlinie. Vertrag über die Verpfändung von Geschäftsanteilen einer GmbH. Sicherungsübereignung. Grundschuldbestellung Arbeitsrecht Angebot eines Anstellungsvertrages. Geschäftsführeranstellungsvertrag. Aufhebungs- und Abfindungsvereinbarung Schiedsgerichtswesen Schiedsvertrag. Schiedsklausel Sonstige Verträge und Erklärungen Bauentwicklungsvertrag für eine Industrieanlage. Entwicklungsvertrag. Sponsorenvertrag. Legal Opinion. Glossar Table of Contents: Registration with the Trade Register Registration of a Sole Tradesman. Registration of a Limited Liability Company. Registration of a Branch Office. Registration of an English Limited. Registration of Appointment and Withdrawal of a Director. Registration of Appointment and Withdrawal of a Procuist Holder. Registration of Entry and Exit of a Partner Distribution and Licence Agreements Franchise Agreement. Sales Agency Agreement. Authorised Dealer Agreement. Licence Agreement Corporate Agreements Civil Code Partnership Agreement. General Partnership Agreement. Limited/Liability Partnership Agreement. Shareholder Agreement for Limited Liability Company. Shareholder Agreement for a Public Limited Company. Silent Partnership Agreement. Management Control and Profit and Loss Transfer Agreement Shareholder’s Meetings and Resolutions Certificate of Incorporation of a Limited Liability Company. Entry and Exit of a Shareholder. Transformation Agreement. Shareholders’ Resolution regarding an increase of Share Capital Sale & Purchase Agreements and General Terms & Conditions Real Estate Purchase Agreement. Acquisition of a Company Business a) Share Purchase and Sale Agreement b) Asset Acquisition Agreement c) Letter of Intent I d) Letter of Intent II e) Confidentiality Letter f) Agreement with an Investment Bank g) Due Diligence Checklist. General Terms and Conditions of Sale. General Terms and Conditions of Purchase Rent and Lease Agreements Lease Agreement for Commercial Premises. Lease of Company Business. Leasing Agreement Loan Agreements and Collateral Loan Agreement. Grant of a Credit Facility. Share Pledge Agreement regarding Shares in a Limited Liability Company. Chattel Mortgage. Creation of a Land Charge Labour Law Employment Offer Letter. Managing Director’s Employment Agreement. Termination and Settlement Agreement Arbitration Arbitration Agreement. Arbitration Clause Other Agreements and Declarations Industrial Plant Development Agreement. Development Agreement. Sponsoring Agreement. Legal Opinion. Glossary

Vertraulichkeitsvereinbarungen Confidential Disclosure Agreements. Peter Kurz 2. Auflage 2008 ISBN 9783452261632 Carl Heymanns Verlag hardback, 370 p. € 108,00 Unternehmen die sich mit der Verwertung von Technologie befassen, sehen sich in der Notwendigkeit, vertrauliche Informationen abzusichern. Das Handbuch ist die einzige fallbezogene Sammlung von Vertraulichkeitsvereinbarungen (CDA oder NDA). Es ermöglicht die Einarbeitung in die Thematik und dient dem Praktiker als Nachschlagewerk für Detailfragen. Sämtliche Vertragsmuster sind in deutscher und englischer Sprache abgefasst und berücksichtigen die gesetzlichen Änderungen im Wettbewerbsrecht, Telekommunikations- und Medienrecht. Die Vertragsmuster sind im Internet abrufbar. Schwerpunkte der Neuauflage: grundlegende Vertragsklauseln; Standard-CDA/NDA; multilaterale CDA/NDA; Rahmen-CDA/NDA ; Sonderfälle wie M&A-CDA/NDA, Austausch personenbezogener Daten; innerbetriebliche Vertrauensrichtlinie; Automatisierung der Vertragserstellung; betriebliches Vertraulichkeitstraining


Company Law

Comparative Company Law: Text & Cases on the Laws Governing Corporations in Germany, the UK & the USA

Aktiengesetz & Mitbestimmungsgesetz German Stock Corporation Act & CoDetermination Act

Cahn / Donald ISBN 9780521143790 2010/08 GB Cambridge University Press paperback 956 p. GBP45,00 € 60,00

M.Peltzer / A.Hickinbotham, 3/1999 ISBN 9783504310059 (Otto Schmidt) Paperback, € 78,80 vergriffen, out of print, keine Neuauflage

Business Laws of Germany Wegerich ISBN 9780314933164 2010/11 US Thomson West 2 paperback volumes US$ 218,00 € 186,80 Written by a widely recognized expert panel from premier German and international law firms, this title explains key issues and pitfalls arising from clients' transactions in Germany. It helps the reader gain a better understanding of what actions need to be taken and possible outcomes of those actions. This softbound two-volume work is updated annually. Contents: 1. Stock Corporation and Societas Europaea 2. Takeover Law 3. Mergers and Acquisitions and Private Equity 4. Limited Liability Company under German Law: The GmbH 5. Commercial and Distribution Law 6. Terms and Conditions and Standard Form Contracts 7. Corporate Finance 8. Company Tax Law 9. Employment and Labour Law 10. Insolvency and Restructuring 11. Cartel and Antitrust Law 12. Competition Law 13. Patent Law 14. IT Law 15. Outsourcing and Data Protection 16. Selected Aspects of German Public Economic Law 17. Arbitration Law 18. Negotiations in Germany: The Business Law Perspective 19. Real Estate Law Table of Laws and Rules, Index

Business Transactions in Germany Dr.Bernd Rüster / Dennis Campbell (editors) 5 volumes, ISBN 9783406095245, ca. 5.240 p. (Matthew Bender, USA & C.H. Beck, D) Loose-leaf, ca. € 670,00 (updated twice annually) Dieses erste und bisher einzige Loseblattwerk des deutschen Wirtschaftsrechts in englischer Sprache bietet: einen Abriss des deutschen rechts- und Verfassungssystems. eine detaillierte Einführung in alle wichtigen Gebiete des deutschen Wirtschaftsrechts. eine systematische Darstellung, sowie auf die Bedürfnisse der Praxis zugeschnittene Einzelinformationen zu allen für die Wirtschaft relevanten Rechtsmaterialien. eine Darstellung der Besonderheiten des deutschen Rechts in Vergleich zum ausländischen, insbesondere anglo-amerikanischen Recht. einen reichhaltigen Fundus zweisprachiger Fachterminologie zur Erleichterung von Verhandlungen, Schriftsätzen, Gutachten und Korrespondenz. eine Sammlung wichtiger deutscher Gesetze in englischer Übersetzung Zielgruppe: Für Rechtsanwälte und Unternehmensberater, die ausländischen Mandanten das deutsche Recht erläutern wollen. A comprehensive guide to doing business with an integral member of the world business community. Written by some of the most respected authorities from the German business and legal communities, this treatise provides a basic understanding of the German legal system, and first-hand information on some thirty business-related topics, including the effects of German reunification. The publication is divided into five parts, including a statutory volume. Part 1 deals with Government and Legal Systems; Part 2 with Private and Commercial Law; Part 3 with Business Organizations; and Part 4 with Regulation of Business. A thorough appendix contains important laws, codes and acts of interest to practitioners. Part 5: Statutory materials (translations of laws etc)

It can be difficult for students of comparative company law both to understand the internationally relative nature of a legal system & grasp it in practical detail. This book is designed to address that problem. Each chapter begins with a discursive analysis of laws in Germany, UK, USA, framed by comparative presentation. Chapters also contain edited judicial decisions from at least two of the jurisdictions, which allow readers to perform their own comparisons in more detail and leave room for original analysis and discussion. Contents: Part I. The Essential Qualities of the Corporation 1. Approaching comparative company law 2. The partnership as a form of business organization 3. Corporations in a global market: the law applicable to corporations Part II. The Corporation and its Capital 4. Incorporating the company 5. Constituting the company's share capital 6. Increasing the company's capital 7. Distribution of dividends and maintenance of share capital 8. Repurchases of shares 9. The nature of shares and classes of shares Part III. Governing the Corporation: Subpart A. The Management 10. An introduction to the Board and its governance 11. Directors' power to represent company 12. Directors' duties of loyalty, good faith and care 13. Judicial review of management decisions (The Business Judgment Rule) 14. Executive compensation 15. Directors' duties in listed companies Subpart B. The Members 16. Shareholder voting rights 17. Shareholder information rights 18. Shareholder meetings 19. Shareholder duties 20. Judicial enforcement of shareholder rights Part IV. Corporate Combinations, Groups, and Takeovers: Subpart A. Mergers and Acquisitions 21. Techniques for business combinations 22. Governance rules for business combinations Subpart B. Companies in Groups 23. Corporate groups Subpart C. The Market for Corporate Control 24. The regulation of takeover bids and prices 25. Management interference with takeover bids 26. Special problems of leveraged buyouts.

Comparative Corporate Governance Shareholders as a Rule-maker Petri Mäntysaari, 2005 ISBN 3540253807, 445 p. (Springer, D) Paperback, € 123,00 An analytical overview of regulation of shareholder activism in the UK and Germany. At a more general level, the book shows how the comparative legal method can be used in the study of the corporate governance systems of different countries. The book deals with the regulation of the governance of listed companies within a wide framework that recognises the importance of company law, securities markets law, standards and internal rule-making. The author examines fundamental similarities & differences between the regulation of corporate governance in these two jurisdictions & argues that the nature of German law is often misunderstood in corporate governance scholarship. The book is an essential resource for all those studying comparative corporate governance. Contents: Comparative Law and Corporate Governance The Comparative Legal Method in General. Comparative Corporate Governance in Particular The Law of the European Union The Legal Basis. The Harmonisation of Corporate Governance Rules. Freedom to Choose the Company Form in the EU. The European Company. Conclusion The United Kingdom General Remarks. Basic Governance Structure. The Importance of Articles of Association. General Meeting and Internal Management. Agreements and Internal Management. Disclosure, Remedies and Management Duties. Shareholders and Dealings with Third Parties. Governance of Groups in the UK. Constraints an the Exercise of Shareholders' Powers Germany


General Remarks. Basic Governance Structure. The Importance of Statutory Rules. General Meeting & Internal Management. Agreements & Internal Management. Disclosure, Remedies and Management Duties. The Role of Individual Shareholders. Shareholders and Dealings with Third Parties. Governance of Groups in Germany. Constraints an the Exercise of Shareholders' Powers Comparison General Remarks. Convergence. Fundamental differences. Conflicts between models. Basic Governance Structure. Shareholders and Internal Management. Proximity and Objectivity in Monitoring. Consensus. Which Monitoring Model is Better? Constraints an the Exercise of Shareholders' Powers. Groups. Government Policy an Enforcement

Corporate Governance in Germany An Empirical Investigation Jens Köke, 2002 ISBN 9783790815115, 172 p. (Physica Verlag, D) Paperback, € 58,80 Corporate governance is an important issue on the research agenda of financial economists. Using a new & unique data set of German corporations this book examines 3 topics that are crucial to a better understanding of corporate governance: (a) frequency, causes, consequences of control transfers, (b) the determinants of acquisition & failure, (c) the role of corporate governance & market discipline for productivity growth. Points out methodological drawbacks of previous empirical studies and provides suggestions on how to avoid these problems in research practice.

Corporate Law in Germany German Law Accessible Gerhard Wirth / Michael Arnold / Mark Greene, 2nd edition 2010 ISBN 9783406572838, 400 p. C.H. Beck, D Hardback, ca. € 98,00 Für Praktiker im In- & Ausland: eine ausführliche englischsprachige Einführung in das Recht der GmbH und Aktiengesellschaft; streift auch steuer- und bilanzrechtliche Fragen, führt in das Konzernrecht sowie Fragen der börsennotierten Aktiengesellschaft ein. Enthält die beiden wesentlichen gesellschaftsrechtlichen Gesetze, das GmbH-Gesetz und das Aktiengesetz, in deutsch und englischer Übersetzung in synoptischer Darstellung. Durch dieses Werk kann sich der Praktiker in kurzer Zeit mit allen wesentlichen Problemen des Gesellschaftsrechts vertraut machen. Es verschafft insbesondere dem ausländischen Leser einen schnellen Zugriff auf die für die Praxis bedeutsamen Fragen. Contents: Die GmbH Gründung der GmbH. Rechtliche Stellung der Gesellschafter. Gesellschafterversammlung. Geschäftsführung und Vertretung der Gesellschaft. Aufsichtsrat und Mitbestimmung. Finanzverfassung. Auflösung und Liquidation der Gesellschaft. GmbH und CoKG Die Aktiengesellschaft Gründung der AG. Rechtliche Stellung der Aktionäre. Vorstand. Aufsichtsrat. Hauptversammlung. Corporate Governance Kodex. Finanzverfassung. Auflösung und Liquidation der AG. Buchführung. Konzernrecht. Die börsennotierte Aktiengesellschaften Besteuerung von GmbH und AG GmbH-Gesetz synoptisch D-E Aktiengesetz synoptisch D-E Durch zahlreiche anschauliche Übersichten und Tabellen ermöglicht das Buch einen besonders schnellen Einstieg und Überblick über das deutsche Kapitalgesellschaftsrecht. Die Autoren ... sind Rechtsanwälte im Stuttgarter Büro der international wirtschaftsberatenden Sozietät Gleiss Lutz und anerkannte Fachleute im Bereich des Gesellschaftsrechts. Sie beraten viele deutsche und ausländische Unternehmen auf diesem Gebiet und sind durch zahlreiche wissenschaftliche Veröffentlichungen ausgewiesen. Unterstützt werden die Autoren durch Mark Greene aus dem New Yorker Büro der renommierten US-amerikanischen Wirtschaftskanzlei

Creditor Protection in Private Companies. Anglo-German Perspectives for a European Discourse Bachner ISBN 9780521895385 2009/06 GB Cambridge University Press hardback 352 p. GBP 80,00 € 102,80 Limited liability companies form the backbone of our modern economy. However, there is a persistent danger of moral hazard on the part of directors and shareholders, particularly in closely held or private companies. Like all developed legal systems, English & German law both provide mechanisms designed to protect creditors from such risks. This book investigates some of these mechanisms, including avoidance of pre-insolvency acts, capital maintenance & creditor-regarding duties of directors. By analysing the different conceptual and doctrinal perspectives inherent in the English & German systems, it seeks to advance a discourse between audiences with different legal backgrounds. It will be an invaluable guide for those wishing to understand how the protective mechanisms operate and interact with each other, and how they do so in quite different ways in the two jurisdictions. Contents: 1. Introduction 2. Avoidance of acts that are detrimental to creditors 3. Capital maintenance and unlawful distribution 4. Directors' liability for contraventions of capital maintenance rules 5. Directors' liability for conduct in the vicinity of insolvency. Conclusions.

Das Deutsche Aktiengesetz German Stock Corporation Law Christian Zschocke, 3.Auflage 2001 ISBN 3831429006 (Fritz Knapp Verlag) Hardback, € 74,00 vergriffen, out of print, keine Neuauflage

Deutsche Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung / German Limited Liability Company Burkhardt W. Meister / Martin H. Heidenhain / Joachim Rosengarten, 7.Auflage 2010 (C.H. Beck, D) ISBN 9783406591853, 197 p. Hardback, € 64,00 Introduction to the Act on Limited Liability Companies with German / English text, synoptically arranged, of the act, a sample of articles of association, samples of other formation documents of the company, classification of the balance sheet & profit and loss statement of a company & an extract from the commercial register. Eine Einführung zum Gesetz betreffend die Gesellschaften mit beschränkter Haftung mit synoptisch angeordnetem deutsch / englischem Gesetzestext, Gesellschaftsvertrages, sonstige Gründungsdokumente einer Gesellschaft, Gliederung der Bilanz + der Gewinn- & Verlustrechnung,Auszugs aus dem Handelsregister

Founding Limited Companies in Germany Band 6 der Schriftenreihe: Die "Limited" in Deutschland Tobias-Georg Schmidt, 11/2006 ISBN 9783937686677, 150 p. (Salzwasser Verlag, D) Broschiert, ca. € 29,90 In a globalized Europe in which everything is merging together, especially the economies, keeping pace with rapid development of the Internet, one can ill afford not to take a look at the Limited company. The English Limited seems to be an alternative to the German GmbH. In the course of groundbreaking decisions, made by the European Court of Justice, a new legal platform for economic activity is made available in Germany. So far, it seems to be an attractive one. The fast and uncomplicated establishment of the company, as well as the rather liberal rules of capitalization, are typically perceived as advantages of the Limited compared to the German GmbH. However, the limited; being a foreign type of company; is, first of all, an alien element in the German legal system (Just 2005, Preface).


There are many questions to be answered and there is, additionally, a certain amount of legal uncertainty to be reasoned with concerning the decision of whether or not to choose the limited over the German GmbH. Also, the peculiarities, perspectives and risks of the limited are widely unknown to the general public. The purpose of this book is to provide an analysis of how an English private company limited by shares based in Germany may offer an alternative to German forms of business organization.

German Commercial Code & Code of Civil Procedure in English Charles E. Stewart, 3/2001 ISBN 0379214342, 487 p. (Oceana Publ.) Hardback, ca. € 169,50 vergriffen, out of print, keine Neuauflage

The perspectives and risks that come hand in hand with such an establishment will also be interpreted. To begin with, I will shortly explain the history of British companies. This is then followed, firstly, by an overview of the types of companies in England, and, secondly, the two types of businesses known to British company law in which liability may be limited to the paid-in company assets. A discussion of the new rulings of the European Court of Justice (ECJ), followed by the topics of freedom of establishment, incorporation theory and real seat theory are also presented.

German Limited Liability Company

The next chapter explicitly examines establishment and management of the limited according to English company law. In general, a branch office of the foreign company is established to engage in business in Germany. This process, as well as the taxation and the applicability of German law on this branch office are discussed in the following section. The subsequent chapter focuses on the perspectives and risks, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of a limited operating in Germany, before a final conclusion is drawn.

Martin Heidenhain / Hannes Schneider, 2.Auflage 6/2000 ISBN 340646419X - 9789041113351 (C.H.Beck / Kluwer Law / Aspen) Paperback, € 122,00 Beck: vergriffen, out of print, keine Neuauflage Kluwer: lieferbar

German Agency Law 3rd edition 2004, 103 p. (Deutsch-Britische Industrie- und Handelskammer, D/GB) € 85,60 Diese Veröffentlichung behandelt alle praxisrelevanten Rechtsfragen des deutschen Handelsvertreterrechts in englischer Sprache: z.B. die Rechte und Pflichten von Unternehmer und Handelsvertreter, die Beendigung des Vertrags und den Ausgleichsanspruch. Sie bietet daher eine wertvolle Hilfe bei den Vertragsverhandlungen mit den Handelsvertretern und mit Unternehmen aus dem englischen Sprachraum. Zahlreiche Beispiele erleichtern das Verständnis. Die relevanten deutschen Begriffe sind im Text drucktechnisch hervorgehoben. In der 3. Auflage dieser Publikation sind alle Rechtsänderungen bis Juni 2004 berücksichtigt. Neu ist ein kurzer Vergleich der britischen und der deutschen Vorschriften.

German Code of Corporate Governance (GCCG) Best Practice der Leitung & Überwachung eines Unternehmens - Konzeption, Inhalt & Anwendung von Standards der Unternehmensführung Axel von Werder (editor), 2.Auflage 2001 ISBN 3791019988, 184 p. (Schäffer-Poeschel) Hardback, € 49,95 vergriffen, out of print, keine Neuauflage

Rüdiger Volhard / Arndt Stengel, 3/1997 ISBN 0471965812, 468 p. (Wiley UK) Hardback, ca. € 162,60 vergriffen, out of print, keine Neuauflage

German Stock Corporation Act

German Tax & Business Law Guide Florian Wolff / Dietmar Voelker / Kristofer Bott, 9/2005 ISBN 9780421913301 (Sweet & Maxwell, UK) Hardback, ₤ 256,00 = ca. € 328,00 This book steers readers through all the most important aspects of German tax & business law in a concise & highly practical manner. It is aimed at English-speaking lawyers involved in German Business / Tax law cases, helping them understand how German law works and enabling them to anticipate issues that may arise. The text is based on that of the loose-leaf German Tax & Business Law Guide. Explains the technicalities of German tax and business law in understandable terms. Deals with all areas of business law - from commercial & consumer law to environmental law, IP and litigation. Covers corporate & personal taxation. Checklists & forms explaining essential information. Provides a clear overview of how to set up a business in Germany. Supplies expert guidance by German practitioners Contents: Checklists. Overview. TAX Section: Individual Income Tax. Corporate Income Tax. International Aspects of Income Tax. VAT & other Transactional Taxes. Capital Taxes. Other Taxes. Compliance and Procedure. Customs Duties. BUSINESS Section: Forms of Doing Business. Commercial and Consumer Law. Banking and Finance. Public procurement & Investment Incentives. Competition Law. Intellectual Property. IT Law. Labour Law & Social Security. Land & Building Environment Law. Litigation, Arbitration & Bankruptcy.

Germany Business Law Handbook German Commercial Code Afred Felix Schuster, 10/2009 (BiblioLife, USA) 300 p. ISBN 9781116194333, ca. € 32,00 ISBN 9781116194364, ca. € 26,50 ISBN 9781116194340, ca. € 35,80

2/2003 ISBN 9780739786642, 420 p. (International Business Publ., / Ingram, USA) Paperback, ca. € 115,00 Basic business legislation, laws, export-import regulations affecting business, business climate and contacts

alle Stand 1897, Reprint von 1911 …

German Commercial Code Revised & amended to Oct 28, 1994 Translated by Simon L. Goren ISBN 0837706564, 2nd edition 1998 (Rothman / Hein, USA) Hardcover, ca. € 75,00 vergriffen, out of print, keine Neuauflage

Germany Export-Import & Business Directory 5/2004 ISBN 9780739732663, 368 p. (International Business Publ., / Ingram, USA) Paperback, ca. € 115,00 Ultimate directory for conducting export-import operations in the country. Strategic economic, investment, export-import, and business opportunities information. Important export-import, government, and business contacts and more


Germany Government & Business Contacts Handbook 2/2003 ISBN 9780739796016, 344 p. (International Business Publ., / Ingram, USA) Paperback, ca. € 115,00 Important Government and Business Contacts and strategic information for conducting business. Updated annually

Gesellschafter-Fremdfinanzierung Shareholder Debt Financing (Thin Capitalization). Ines Leffers / Heinz-Klaus Kroppen, 3.Auflage 2006 ISBN 3482478139, 141 p. (NWB Verlag) Paperback, € 24,00 vergriffen, out of print, keine Neuauflage Englisch-deutsche Textausgabe mit ausführlicher Kommentierung. 1994 wurde in Deutschland erstmals eine gesetzliche Regelung zur Beschränkung der Gesellschafter-Fremdfinanzierung geschaffen insbesondere durch ausländische Gesellschafter. Die Regelung betrifft alle unbeschränkt steuerpflichtigen Kapitalgesellschaften, die Fremdkapital von ihren nichtanrechnungsberechtigten Anteilseignern, von nichtanrechnungsberechtigten nahestehenden Personen oder sogar von unabhängigen Dritten erhalten, sofern diese auf den Anteilseigner oder ihm nahestehende Personen Rückgriff nehmen können. Da die Nichtbeachtung der Regelungen zu verdeckten Gewinnausschüttungen und daher zu erheblichen Steuermehrbelastungen führen können, sind sie für jede Kapitalgesellschaft mit Auslandsbezug von besonderer Bedeutung. Die Finanzverwaltung hat der gesetzlichen Vorschrift einen äußerst umfangreichen Erlass gewidmet, der die gesetzliche Regelung zum einen erläutert, aber auch die Auffassung der Finanzverwaltung zu einigen unbestimmten Rechtsbegriffen widerspiegelt. Dieses Buch enthält den vollständigen Gesetzestext, die Gesetzesbegründung sowie den vollständigen Text des Erlasses der Finanzverwaltung. Darüber hinaus werden die gesetzliche Vorschrift und der Erlass der Finanzverwaltung in einem ausführlichen Erläuterungsteil besprochen und zum Teil kritisch durchleuchtet. In die 2. Auflage wurden drei zusätzliche Verwaltungsanweisungen im Volltext aufgenommen, die sich mit dem Holdingprivileg, der Ausnahmeregelung bei inländischen Gläubigern und dem Begriff der banküblichen Geschäfte befassen. Zum schnellen Überblick der wichtigsten Regelungen des § 8a KStG enthält der Anhang eine Checkliste sowie viele Hinweise auf Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten im Rahmen der Gesellschafterfremdfinanzierung.

The GmbH A Guide to the German Limited Liability Company. German Law Accessible Klaus J. Müller, 1/2009 ISBN 9783406569562, 234 p. (C.H. Beck, D) Hardback, € 62,00 With about one million companies the GmbH is the company form most commonly used in Germany. Written in English, this handbook is concerned with the German GmbH taking into account the current reform of the GmbH law and the Transformation Act which is of considerable importance for international concerns. Unlike other available publications on this subject this book covers both court decisions and current legal literature. Formation of a GmbH. Managing Director. Shareholders' Meeting. Supervisory Board. Financial structure. Assumption and loss of the status of shareholder. Transition. Group of companies. Winding-up of companies. GmbH & Co. KG. English Limited Company The 2nd edition is concerned with the current reform of the GmbH law (MoMiG) as well as the amendments required by the law on the electronic registers in commercial, cooperative and company matters (EHUG) and the Second Amendment of the Transformation Act. The book enables German law practitioners and corporate lawyers to explain to their clients and contact persons the German GmbH-law. Furthermore, it provides an indepth overview for foreign counsels and in-house lawyers. Dr Klaus Müller, partner of the international law firm Mayer Brown, practices law in Frankfurt on the Main. He has a long experience as

counsel for foreign clients in the field of corporate law. Die GmbH ist mit rund einer Million Gesellschaften die am meisten verbreitete Gesellschaftsform. Dieses Handbuch zur deutschen Rechtsform der GmbH in englischer Sprache geht auf das für international arbeitende Konzerne wichtige Umwandlungsrecht ein. Im Gegensatz zu anderen auf dem Markt erhältlichen Titeln zu diesem Thema verarbeitet das Werk nicht nur grundlegende Gerichtsentscheidungen, sondern auch die aktuelle Literatur. Die Gründung der GmbH. Der Geschäftsführer. Die Gesellschafterversammlung. Der Aufsichtsrat. Finanzverfassung. Erwerb und Verlust der Gesellschafterstellung. Umwandlungen. Konzerne. Liquidation. GmbH & Co. KG. Englische Ltd Die 2. Auflage berücksichtigt die aktuellen Reformbestrebungen des GmbH-Rechts (MoMiG), darüber hinaus u.a. auch die Änderungen durch das Gesetz über elektronische Handelsregister und Genossenschaftsregister sowie das Unternehmensregister (EHUG) und das Zweite Gesetz zur Änderung des Umwandlungsgesetzes.

GmbH-Gesetz German Law Pertaining to Companies with Limited Liability Synoptische Textausgabe, 4. Auflage 2000 Einführung von: Dr. M.Peltzer / J.P.Brooks / T.Hopcroft ISBN 9783504325367, 184 p. (Dr. Otto Schmidt Verlag) Paperback, € 49,80 Neu eingearbeitet sind die Änderungen des GmbH-Gesetzes durch das KapitalaufnahmeerleichterungsG, das Gesetz zur Kontrolle und Transparenz und das HandelsrechtsreformG. Auswirkungen des Kapitalgesellschaften- und Co-RichtlinienG (KapCoRLiG) werden in der englischen Einleitung berücksichtigt.

Handelsvertretervertrag nach deutschem Recht zweisprachig 2002, 52 p. (Deutsch-Britische Industrie- und Handelskammer, D/GB) € 69,80 Die britische Umsetzung der EG-Richtlinie zum Handelsvertreterrecht hat zahlreiche Unwägbarkeiten mit sich gebracht. Ein Vertreter in Großbritannien kann weiterhin nach deutschem Recht bestellt werden. Der Mustervertrag enthält eine ausgewogene Vereinbarung. Synoptische Gegenüberstellung von englischem & deutschem Text ermöglicht größtmögliches Verständnis und eine leichte Bezugnahme auf den Text in Verhandlungen. Checkliste & Übersetzung der einschlägigen Vorschriften des deutschen Rechts.

Joint Ventures in English & German Law Eva Micheler / Dan Prentice (editors), 6/2000 ISBN 9781841131061, 208 p. (Hart Publ., UK) Hardback, £ 78,00 = ca. € 100,00 Business between England and Germany has flourished in recent years and looks set to continue to develop in coming years. This collection examines the legal framework of joint ventures between English and German companies. It addresses the laws in these two countries and draws helpful comparisons. The contributions point out pitfalls that lawyers who are not familiar with both German and English law are likely to overlook, which may cause major problems when joint venture companies are established. This book consists of four parts. Each has been written by a team of leading German & English lawyers. The authors are specialists in this field, contributions are rich with their practical insights. The studies were presented at 1999 Anglo-German Law Conference in Oxford, organised under the auspices of the Oxford Law Faculty, with the support of three leading English and German Law firms. The first part deals with the formation of a joint venture company. It discusses the types of companies which are usually used to establish joint ventures as well as the rights and obligations of members. It also addresses the law and legal practice relating to memoranda of understanding, warranties and indemnities, joint venture agreements, valuation of contributions.


The 2nd part concerns the management of joint venture companies, analyses how shareholders can influence management decisions, rights & obligations of directors & parent companies, legal position of minority shareholders. Also describes the relevant laws protecting employees.

Liability of Corporate Groups Autonomy & Control in Parent-Subsidiary Relationships in US, German & EC Law

The 3rd part addresses EU as well as English & German competition law, considers the circumstances which trigger merger control mechanisms and presents two illuminating case studies.

Jose Engacia Antunes, 1994 ISBN 9789065447852, 588 p. (Kluwer Law / Aspen, NL) Hardback, ca. € 298,80

The last part deals with termination of joint ventures. It presents & analyses several popular termination clauses including Russian Roulette, pre-emption rights, rights of first refusal. This collection will be indispensable to practising lawyers and in-house counsel whose practice touches on Anglo-German business affairs. It will also be of real interest to legal academics concerned with European commercial or comparative law. Contents: Some Comparisons between Common Law & Civil Law by G Dannemann. Structuring the Joint Venture by I Hewitt & G Picot. Protecting the Various Interests in the Joint Venture by D Kershaw & W Witz. Joint Ventures Under EU & National Competition Laws by J Burrichter, R Carlton, T Mäger & A Byrne. Termination of the Joint Venture by G Goulding, H Hellwig, T Boxell & B Costelloe

Key Aspects of German Business Law A Manual for Practical Orientation Tremml, Bernd / Buecker, Bernard (editors), 4th edition 1/2009 ISBN 9783540685746, 480 p. (Springer Verlag) Hardback, ca. € 85,55 Due to the great number of changes in German Civil Code & Tax Law, this edition is a particularly important and useful tool for those entering the German & European Union market. The book presents a clear and precise overview. It was written by attorneys involved in the daily practice of business law in Germany & the EU, is aimed at people who wish to orient themselves quickly with the German legal system & the manner in which it impacts business purchases, establishment, operations and liquidations. In all sections special attention has been paid to highlighting & explaining the differences between the German legal system and that of the United States. Though the intention is to provide information that will prove valuable to all foreigners, particularly business people and lawyers advising clients with an interest in doing business in Germany. Contents: Overview of the German legal system, its role in light of Germany's membership in the European Communities - Bernd Tremml How to establish or acquire a business in Germany Recognized forms of business organizations - B Tremml, B Buecker. Establishment of a company or branch office - T Fischl. Acquisition of closely held Companies – B Tremml. Valuation of business enterprises - B Tremml. "Pseudo-foreign companies" in Germany - The Centros, Überseering & Inspire Art decisions of the European Court of Justice - K F. Sturmfels Commercial law The law of contracts: M Luber. General terms of business (AGBs): A Stadler, M Luber. Torts : T Tremml. Product liability under German & European law: R Grote. Real-estate property law Germany: C R. Wolf. Law of bankruptcy & security interests; R Nacke. Unfair competition: H Schroeder. Law of public procurement: N Müller. Distribution agreements: M Bihler. Private public partnerships: R Pietrzyk, KF Sturmfels. Copyright:C Gerlach Labor law Aspects of German Labor law - W D. Schenk. Residence & work permit - M Wendler, S Maiß. Essentials of social security law in the Federal Republic of Germany - R Pietrzyk, S Maiß Computer law Computer law - M Karger. Electronic commerce - R Walch. Protection of internet domain names - W C. Leonti, H Schroeder Procedural law Enforcement of rights & claims through the courts & arbitration tribunals / German attorney fees - R Nacke. Principles of the legal regulation of attorney fees - S Sandrock. Notaries in Germany - C R. Wolf European law Institutions of the European Community – B Tremml. Antitrust law in the European community - B Tremml, M Luber Tax law German tax law - I Badura IP PCT & enforcement of patents in Europe - K Rupprecht. Trademark protection in Germany & Europe - E Popp

Corporation law dates from the 19th century when the growth of business enterprise required a division between the private and the company sphere, making the company a legal person with its own rights, responsibilities and liabilities. The company was no longer the legal equivalent of its owner but became a separate legal entity, providing a form of legal protection for the owners, employees and the customers. The introduction of company law meant a great step forward for those engaged in big business in Europe, the US & elsewhere.

Liability of Publicly Held Corporations for a Violation of a Duty to Disclose, in Particular the “Ad Hoc Publicity” Comparative Study of the Relative Law in the United States & Switzerland (with consideration of the German law) Brunner Christoph, 1998 ISBN 372721404X, 148 p. (Stämpfli Verlag, CH) Paperback, € 29,00 vergriffen, out of print, keine Neuauflage

Starting a business in Germany 2009/08 104 p. German-British Chamber of Industry & Commerce € 117,80 Diese englischsprachige Publikation im anwenderfreundlichen DIN A-4 Format gibt einen umfassenden ersten Einblick in alle gesellschafts-, arbeits- und steuerrechtlichen Fragestellungen, mit denen ein britischer Unternehmer bei der Aufnahme einer geschäftlichen Tätigkeit in Deutschland konfrontiert wird. Die Darstellung erfolgt praxisorientiert, dennoch aber umfassend, präzise und verständlich. Hilfreich sind die vielen Beispiele und Übersichten sowie der umfangreiche Anhang, der neben einem Formular zur Gewerbeanmeldung und einem Musterprotokoll zur Gründung einer Einpersonengesellschaft in deutscher und englischer Sprache zahlreiche Hinweise auf weiterführende Literatur und nützliche Kontaktadressen enthält. Die Publikation eignet sich unter anderem für Kanzleien, Steuer- und Unternehmensberatungen, die ihrer englischsprachigen Mandantschaft einen praxisnahen und einfachen Zugriff auf diese komplizierte Rechtsmaterie ermöglichen möchten. Daneben erlaubt sie dem deutschen Berater einen zielsicheren Zugriff auf die einschlägige englische Fachterminologie und erleichtert somit die qualifizierte Beratung auf diesem Gebiet.

M&A / Takeovers Corporate Acquisitions & Mergers in Germany rd

Dieter Beinert, 3 edition 9/2000 ISBN 9789041198167 (Kluwer Law, NL) Paperback, ca. € 88,90 Every day economic importance of national boundaries diminishes. Globalisation of world markets proceeds with every-increasing speed, stimulated by developments such as a single European currency, even the smallest transactions frequently now include a cross-border element. Business executives & their advisers need a clear and concise framework of understanding, to enable them to identify the critical issues likely to affect the course of a deal, to formulate the questions on which detailed advice will be needed.


Corporate Acquisitions and Mergers in Germany provides a one-stop guide to the practical issues involved for this jurisdiction. The following key topics are addressed: cultural aspects; regulatory framework; common financing methods; antitrust/competition aspects; taxation aspects; employment considerations; procedural formalities; accounting treatment of acquisitions and mergers; and future developments. Professional advisers involved in merger and acquisition activity in Germany, including bankers, independent lawyers or in-house counsel, tax consultants, accountants, public relations advisers, and actuaries, will find Corporate Acquisitions and Mergers in Germany an invaluable and reliable source of practical reference and information.

German Public Takeover Law Bilingual Edition with an Introduction to the Law Thomas Stohlmeier, 2nd edition 5/2007 ISBN 9789041125125, 512 p. (Kluwer Law, NL) Hardback, ca. € 144,50 Since it was enacted early in 2002, German Securities Acquisition & Takeover Act has proven to be a well functioning body of law for public takeovers. With ample opportunity to work with the rules, all parties offerors, target company directors & managers, regulators, courts have established a firm basis for proceeding confidently with public mergers & acquisitions and public-to-private transactions in Germany. This shift from the uncertain business environment in which the 1st edition of this book appeared in 2002 calls for update. This new edition takes into account all the regulatory and judicial clarifications that have emerged during the intervening years, as well as the 2006 amendments that make use of the option not to apply the restrictive European model concerning defensive measures of target companies against public takeover attempts. Among the features of the Act (and the legal framework it represents) considered here are the following: the European passport for public offers; squeeze-out options for offerors; sell-out option for shareholders of target companies; the role of the regulator (BaFin); restructuring measures after a successful offer. A substantial portion of the book is taken up with texts of relevant German laws & regulations, synoptically arranged in both German and English. In particular it contains the complete Securities Acquisition & Takeover Act & all of its related regulations, together with substantial portions of the Stock Corporation Act and many other statutory materials that are relevant in public takeover and public-to-private transactions. German Public Takeover Law will greatly assist strategic and financial investors, their investment bankers, lawyers and other advisors in international and crossborder business to better understand what their German lawyers are advising them, as it facilitates communication between different legal cultures. The book is also an excellent guide to the current & future characteristics of the law governing German equity markets. Contents: Part One: Legal Framework for Stock Corporations. 1. Introduction. 2. Corporate Governance & the Corporate Bodies of a German Stock Corporation. 3. Shareholders’ Rights. 4. Share Capital & Equity Financing. 5. Compliance Requirements in Share Acquisitions. 6. German Partnership Limited by Shares. Part Two: Public Offers. 1. Overview. 2. Takeover Offer. 3. Mandatory Offer. 4. Simple Offer. 5. Overview of Defensive Measures. 6. Supervisory Powers of the BaFin. 7. Appeal Procedure. 8. Enforcement. 9. Costs. Part Three: Options of the Offeror after a Successful Offer. 1. Factual and Legal Position of the Offeror after a Successful Offer. 2. Main Considerations Regarding Changes at the Level of the Target Company. 3. Options for Action and Their Limits. Part Four: Statutory Materials. 1. European Takeover Directive. 2. Securities Acquisition and Takeover Act. 3. WpÜG Applicability Regulation. 4. WpÜG Offer Regulation. 5. WpÜG Fees Regulation. 6. WpÜG Advisory Committee Regulation. 7. WpÜG Objection Committee Regulation. 8. Stock Corporation Act (Excerpt). 9. German Corporate Governance Code. 10. Commercial Code (Excerpt). 11. Stock Exchange Act (Excerpt). 12. Securities Trading Act (Excerpt). 13. Securities Trading Notification and Insider Register Regulation. 14. Market Manipulation Regulation. 15. European Merger Control Regulation - ECMR (Excerpt). 16. Act against Restraints of Competition (Excerpt).

German Takeover Law A Commentary for Practitioners Gabriele Apfelbacher / Stephan Barthelmess / Thomas M. Buhl / Christof von Dryander, 2002 ISBN 3406487769, 600 p. (C.H. Beck) Hardback, € 77,00 vergriffen, out of print, keine Neuauflage

Mergers & Acquisitions: Germany Charles E.Stewart, 12/2000 ISBN 0379213869 (Oceana Publ., USA) Hardback, ca. € 83,90 vergriffen, out of print, keine Neuauflage

Mergers & Acquisitions in Germany Beinert / Burmeister / Tries 2009 ISBN 9783406480621 (C. H. Beck, D) hardback, 154 p. € 89,00 Das englischsprachige Werk gibt insbesondere ausländischen Investoren und ihren Beratern einen Überblick über die rechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen von Mergers & Acquisitions in Deutschland. Konzipiert für ausländische Investoren und Berater, Berater mit Muttersprache Deutsch, die ihren ausländischen Mandanten das deutsche Recht erläutern wollen, sowie alle Anwälte und Berater, die einen schnellen Überblick über die aktuelle Rechtslage in Deutschland brauchen. Die Themen: Gesellschaftsrechtliche & kapitalmarktrechtliche Rahmenbedingungen. Fusionskontrolle und Wettbewerbsrecht. Transaktionsformen. Finanzierungsmethoden. Steuerliche Aspekte. Arbeitsrecht. Insolvenzrecht. Verhandlung des Kaufvertrages Contents: A Introduction B The Corporate Environment I Common Forms of Doing Business II Majority Rights and Minority Protection III Shareholder Liability and Piercing the Corporate Veil IV Sources of Information C The Regulatory Framework I General II Restrictions on Acquisitions III Securities Law IV Disclosure Obligations V Insider Trading Rules D Merger Control and Competition Law I German Merger Control II Other German Competition Law Aspects III EU Merger Control E Types of Transactions I General II Acquisition of Assets III Acquisition of Shares IV Asset Purchase Transactions compared with Share Purchase Transactions V Corporate Reorganisations VI Takeovers and Tender Offers VII Leveraged Buy-outs and Management Buy-outs F Financing Methods I Introduction II Equity III Senior Debt IV Mezzanine Debt V Capitalisation Rules VI Financial Assistance VII Availability of Local Financing G Taxation Aspects I Principles of the Tax System and Relevant Taxes II Acquisition Strategies III Germany as a Location for Holding Companies H Labour Law I Individual Labour Law II Collective Bargaining Agreements (Tarifverträge) III Co-determination (Mitbestimmung) IV Particular Aspects Relative to Acquisitions I Negotiating the Acquisition Contract I General Background II Due Diligence III Obligation to Negotiate in Good Faith IV Letter of Intent and Pre-contractV Important Elements of Contract VI Formal Requirements J Corporate Insolvency Law I Tests for Insolvency II Filing for Insolvency III Insolvency Administration IV Types of Procedure V Satisfaction of Creditors Appendices I Glossary II Legal Forms of Business Organisations in Germany III German Merger Control Questionnaire IV Timeline for a Voluntary Takeover Bid V Legal Due Diligence Checklist VI Related Legal Literature (in English) VII Useful Weblinks VIII Useful Addresses IX English Translations of Selected German Statutes


Public Company Takeovers in Germany Johannes Adolff / Burkhardt Meister / Charles Randell / KlausDieter Stephan, 4/2002 ISBN 3406480705 (C.H. Beck) Hardback, € 98,00 vergriffen, out of print, keine Neuauflage

Takeover Law in Germany Rudolf Nörr / Alfred Stiefenhofer u.a., 11/2002 ISBN 9783406495076, 240 p. (C.H. Beck Verlag) € 34,00 Durch das zum 1.1.2002 in Kraft getretene Wertpapiererwerbs- und Übernahmegesetz hat der deutsche Kapitalmarkt erstmals einen umfassenden und bindenden rechtlichen Rahmen für öffentliche Angebote zum Erwerb von Wertpapieren erhalten. In Zeiten internationaler Verflechtungen muss man das neue Übernahmerecht in jedem Fall auch in Englisch parat haben. Dieses Praktiker-Handbuch behandelt alle wesentlichen Fragen des deutschen Übernahmerechts. Zu den Schwerpunkten zählen die Abgabe des Übernahmeangebots, die Reaktion des Zielunternehmens, Squeeze-Out von Minderheitsaktionären und mögliche Rechtsbehelfe. Contents: Corporate Structure of a German Stock Corporation. Development of Takeover Law in Germany. Need for Efficient Takeover Regulations. Takeovers under the new Takeover Act. Merger of Equals. Squeeze-Out. Comparison with UK City Code on Takeovers and Mergers. Appendix 1: The Act on the Purchase of Securities and on Takeovers. Appendix 2: Public Offer Regulation.

Takeover Laws in Europe Theodor Baums / Georg F. Thoma, 4/2002 ISBN 3814552008, ca. 1000 p. (RWS Verlag) Looseleaf, € 139,00 vergriffen, out of print, keine Neuauflage

Takeovers in English & German Law Jennifer Payne (editor), 8/2002 ISBN 9781841133409, 208 p. (Hart Publ., UK) Hardback, £ 47,00 = ca. € 60,50 This book arises out of the 2nd Anglo-German Law Conference in Oxford, held under the auspices of Oxford Law Faculty and with the support of two leading law firms. The law regarding takeovers has recently taken on a new dimension in Europe, nowhere more so than in England & Germany. These two jurisdictions have had to consider a number of issues, incl. ramifications of the Vodafone / Mannesmann takeover, the proposed Takeover Act in Germany, the impact of Financial Services & Markets Act 2000 in England. This collection examines the law regarding takeovers in England & Germany, taking account of these new developments, among others. It also deals specifically with the issues arising from crossborder mergers between the two jurisdictions.

Insolvency Commentary on the German Insolvency Code Of 5 October 1994 (BGBl. I p. 2866) as of 22 March 2005 (BGBl. I p. 2866) Eberhard Braun, 9/2006 ISBN 9783802112379, 672 p. (IDW Verlag, D) Hardback, € 110,00 Krisenbewältigung ist immer häufiger eine Managementaufgabe, die rechtliches Fachwissen im ökonomischen Zusammenhang erforderlich macht. Der Kommentar richtet sich daher an Rechtsanwälte, Wirtschaftsprüfer und andere Fachleute aus Sanierung und Insolvenz mit internationalen Aufgabenstellungen. Er stellt den Ablauf eines Insolvenzverfahrens dar, beschreibt die Sanierungsinstrumente des deutschen Rechts, insbesondere den Insolvenzplan. Eine Arbeitshilfe für alle, die sich mit grenzüberschreitenden Insolvenzverfahren im Zusammenhang mit dem deutschen Recht beschäftigen: Die separate Kommentierung jedes Paragraphen ermöglicht einen raschen Zugriff auf einzelne Sachfragen. Die kurzen, in sich nochmals gegliederten Ausführungen beschränken sich auf das Wesentliche. Die Paragraphen wurden ausschließlich von Praktikern kommentiert, haben daher größtmöglichen Bezug zur Praxis. Lässt eine Fallgestaltung mehrere Lösungen zu, so wurde bei der Darstellung immer der praxisbezogenen Lösung der Vorrang gegeben. Die Kommentatoren haben langjährige Erfahrung im Bereich der Sanierungsberatung sowie Insolvenzverwaltung. Die von ihnen vorgeschlagenen Lösungswege sind im täglichen Arbeitseinsatz getestet und haben sich als umsetzbar erwiesen. Der Text ist in allgemeinverständlicher Sprache geschrieben.

Cross Border Insolvencies: Germany Zweisprachige Ausgabe deutsch-englisch Kebekus / Sabel / Schlegel, 2nd edition 2011/12 Brosch. Ca. 440 Seiten ISBN 9783814590042 (RWS-Verlag, D) ca. € 98,00 Zweisprachige Einführung in das Recht deutscher Unternehmensinsolvenzen. Kommentierung des deutschen internationalen Insolvenzrechts und der EuInsVO. Gesetzestext der InsO in synoptischer Darstellung. Lesezeichen mit Glossar, abgeleitet aus der EuInsVO Points to note on German Corporate Insolvencies - an introduction in English and in German. Annotations on the European Insolvency Regulation (EIR) and on German International Insolvency Law (ILL). The German Insolvency Act (Insolvenzordnung, InsO). Glossary bookmark derived from the EIR

The Insolvency Laws of Germany Wertpapiererwerbs- & Übernahmegesetz German Takeover Act Martin Peltzer/ Elizabeth A. Voight, 2002 ISBN 350431012X, 144 p. (Otto Schmidt Verlag) Paperback, € 78,80 vergriffen, out of print, keine Neuauflage

Wertpapiererwerbs- & Übernahmegesetz Takeover Law Stephan Schuster / Christian Zschocke, 5th edition 2002 ISBN 3831429537, 412 p. (Fritz Knapp Verlag) Hardback, ca. € 82,00 vergriffen, out of print, keine Neuauflage

Dr. Hans-Jochem Luer, 8/2000 ISBN 9781578230419 Juris Publ., USA paperback, 95 pages $ 30,00 = ca. € 27,50 This reference guide is designed to present the law of German insolvency in a practical, non-technical manner that is easily accessible to lawyers and non-lawyers alike. Insolvency Laws of Germany describes the nation's forms of business entities & types of obligations that will usually be at issue in insolvency proceedings. Sections begin with an identification of the specific bankruptcy laws in force (including laws dealing with reorganization as well as liquidation). Coverage includes: Non-judicial workout procedures. Creation and enforcement of unsecured and secured debt in each of the countries. Protection of secured interests and legal distinctions between local and foreign creditors. Detailed analysis of operation of the bankruptcy system in the subject countries. Standards that must be met to start a proceeding. How claims are asserted. The operation of any discharge provisions. The automatic stay in the international stage


Conflicting rights to assets. Ability to assert avoidance powers extraterritorially. Issues raised in Sovereign Insolvencies

Corporate Reporting

Insolvenzordnung - Insolvency Act Deutsch-englische Textausgabe

Deutsche Rechnungslegungs Standards (DRS) German Accounting Standards (GAS)

Joachim Gres / Michael C. Frege, 7/2002 ISBN 3504430052, 251 p. (Otto Schmidt Verlag) Paperback, € 54,80 vergriffen, out of print, keine Neuauflage

Insolvenzordnung mit Einführungsgesetz zur Insolvenzordnung Insolvency Code & Act Introducing the Insolvency Code Charles E.Stewart, 1997 ISBN 3781928446 (Fritz Knapp) Paperback, € 72,00 vergriffen, out of print, keine Neuauflage

Konkurs- & Vergleichsrecht German Insolvency Laws Martin Peltzer, 1975 ISBN 3504400021 (Dr.Otto Schmidt) Paperback, € 38,00 vergriffen, out of print, keine Neuauflage

Restructuring a Business in Europe Legal Questions for Employers Gerhard Röder / Burkard Göpfert (editors), 2007 (Matthew Bender / Lexis, USA) ISBN 9780820563268 Paperback, $ 91,00 = 77,90 Written by practitioners in the countries, this handy guide is for attorneys and managers considering any form of business restructuring that affects workers in Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Spain, United Kingdom. Furthermore, the book explains what transactions are & are not considered to affect workers, explains European Works Councils & their impact on restructurings. Transactions discussed include: Layoffs. Transfers to another worksite. Asset transfers. Sale or purchase of a subsidiary or a plant. Dismissals. Collective Dismissals. Mergers Topics include: Works councils, unions, other employee representatives. Notice & consultation obligations; whether to inform & negotiate with a union, works council, or government agency. Veto rights. “Social plans,” i.e., severance packages, including severance pay and continuing benefits. Time frames. Consequences of not following the law. Political and social factors to be taken into account Contents: EUROPEAN WORKS COUNCILS General requirements for European Works Councils. Formation of European Works Councils. Rights & duties of the European Works Council. Principles for co-operation with European Works Council. Role of the unions. Penal provisions & provisions for the imposition of administrative fines. Disputes. Legal proceedings both before the courts and out of court (selected jurisdictions). Major publications For each jurisdiction: Applicable Laws. Employee Representation. Information Requirements & Proceedings. Severance Packages & Social Plans. Individual Redundancy Proceedings. Public Authorities. Employment Conditions. Additional Comments AUSTRIA, BELGIUM, CZECH REPUBLIC, FRANCE, GERMANY, HUNGARY, ITALY, THE NETHERLANDS, POLAND, SPAIN, UNITED KINGDOM

Deutsches Rechnungslegungs Standards Committee e.V. (Hrsg.) Deutsch-Englisch. Grundwerk in einem Ordner ISBN 9783820225006, 738 p. (Schäffer-Poeschel Verlag, D) Looseleaf mit FF: € 79,95 Looseleaf, apart-Bezug ohne FF: € 179,00 Die zunehmende Bedeutung der internationalen Kapitalmärkte für deutsche Unternehmen hat den Gesetzgeber dazu veranlasst, eine stärkere Annäherung der deutschen Rechnungslegung an internationale Grundsätze zu ermöglichen. Mit dieser Intention wurden Reformgesetze wie KapAEG & KonTraG verabschiedet, die rechtlichen Voraussetzungen für die Einrichtung eines privaten Rechnungslegungsgremiums nach anglo-amerikanischem Vorbild geschaffen. Diese Funktion hat das deutsche Rechnungslegungs Standards Committee (DRSC) übernommen. Das DRSC wurde im März 1998 gegründet, ihm angeschlossen ist als nationaler Standardsetter der Deutsche Standardisierungsrat (DSR). Das Werk enthält folgende, vom DRSC bereits verabschiedete Standards in deutsch & englisch: DRS 1 - Befreiender Konzernabschluss nach § 292a HGB; DRS 2 Kapitalflussrechnung; DRS 2-10 - Kapitalflussrechnung von Kreditinstituten; DRS 2-20 - Kapitalflussrechnung von Versicherungsunternehmen; DRS 3 - Segmentberichterstattung; DRS 3-10 - Segmentberichterstattung von Kreditinstituten; DRS 320 - Segmentberichterstattung von Versicherungsunternehmen; DRS 4 - Unternehmenserwerbe im Konzernabschluss; DRS 5 Risikoberichterstattung; DRS 5-10 - Risikoberichterstattung von Kredit- und Finanzdienstleistungsinstituten; DRS 5-20 Risikoberichterstattung von Versicherungsunternehmen; DRS 6 Zwischenberichterstattung; DRS 7 - Konzerneigenkapital und Konzerngesamtergebnis; DRS 8 - Bilanzierung von Anteilen an assoziierten Unternehmen im Konzernabschluss. Die DRS werden unmittelbar nach Verabschiedung durch den Deutschen Standardisierungs Rat in deutscher und englischer Sprache veröffentlicht. Pro Jahr sind 1 - 2 Teillieferungen mit den jeweils aktuellen Standards vorgesehen.

Deutsches Bilanzrecht / German Accounting Legislation Deutsch-englische Textausgabe mit einführenden Erläuterungen Gerd Fey / Guido Fladt, 4. Auflage 2005 ISBN 9783802111891, 505 p. IDW Verlag Hardback, € 48,00 Die 4. Auflage enthält drei Teile, jeweils in deutsch und englisch. Die Darstellung wichtiger Vorschriften des deutschen Bilanzrechts erleichtert Einstieg in Rechnungslegungs- & Prüfungserfordernisse deutscher Gesellschaften. Die Gegenüberstellung der HGBVorschriften mit den IFRS und US-GAAP soll einen Vergleich mit international üblichen Rechnungslegungsstandards ermöglichen. Mit der Übersetzung der wichtigsten Gesetzestexte aus HGB, AktG und GmbHG erhalten ausländische Anwender einen detaillierten Einblick in das deutsche Bilanzrecht. Insbesondere in Deutschland tätigen internationalen Unternehmen & den beratenden Berufen wird damit eine Orientierungshilfe gegeben. Die Einführung im ersten Abschnitt bezieht sich vor allem auf Kapitalgesellschaften, Personenhandelsgesellschaften i.S.d. § 264a HGB & Konzerne geltenden Vorschriften - auf Erleichterungsvorschriften für mittelgroße und kleine Gesellschaften i.S.d. § 267 HGB wird nur eingeschränkt eingegangen. Mit der 2002 auf Ebene der EU beschlossenen zwingenden Geltung der International Accounting Standards (IAS) International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) für Konzernabschlüsse kapitalmarktorientierter Mutterunternehmen - grundsätzlich ab dem Jahr 2005 - und der Veröffentlichung der meisten Standards in den Amtssprachen der EU in 2003 und 2004 sind die IFRS deutlich stärker in den Vordergrund getreten als bisher. Auf nationaler Ebene besteht darüber hinaus Wahlrecht für Konzernabschlüsse nicht kapitalmarktorientierter Unternehmen sowie für die Offenlegung von Einzelabschlüssen. Daher wurde in dieser


Auflage die Gegenüberstellung der deutschen handelsrechtlichen Vorschriften mit den US-amerikanischen Grundsätzen um die IFRS erweitert. Die seit der letzten Auflage vorgenommenen Gesetzesänderungen (z.B. durch das BilReG, TransPuG, KapCoRiLiG, KonTraG, KapAEG) wurden berücksichtigt. Inhalt: A. Überblick über die Grundsätze der deutschen Rechnungslegung / Overview of German Financial Accounting & Reporting Principles I. Gesetzestechnische Konzeption / LegalStructure of Law II. Jahresabschluss und Lagebericht / Annual Financial Statements and Management Report The German Accounting Provisions. II.1 Deutsche Rechnungslegungsgrundsätze im Überblick. II.1.1 Grundlagen II.1.2 Grundsätze ordnungsmäßiger Buchführung (GoB) und Maßgeblichkeit II.2 Ansatz, Bewertung und Ausweis im handelsrechtlichen Jahresabschluss II.2.1 Bilanz II.2.2 Gewinnund Verlustrechnung II.2.3 Anhang II.3 Lagebericht III. Konzernabschluss und Konzernlagebericht / Consolidated Financial Statements and Group Management Report III.1 Grundlagen III.2 Aufstellungspflicht III.3 Konsolidierungskreis III.4 Konsolidierungsmethoden III.5 Konzernabschlussstichtag III.6 Kapitalkonsolidierung III.7 Schuldenkonsolidierung III.8 Zwischenergebniseliminierung III.9 Aufwands- und Ertragskonsolidierung III.10 Quotenkonsolidierung III.11 Bewertung nach der Equity-Methode III.12 Konzernanhang III.13 Sonstige Konzernabschluss-Bestandteile III.14 Konzernlagebericht IV. Prüfung / Audit V. Offenlegung / Publication B. Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede / Similarities and Differences. Vergleich zwischen IFRS, US GAAP und HGB / A Comparison of IFRS, US GAAP and German GAAPAccepted Accounting Principles C Gesetzestexte / Legal Texts I. HGB §§ 238-330 / Commercial Code Sections 238; 330 II. AktG §§ 58, 148-161 / Stock Corporation Act Sections 58, 48; 161 III. GmbHG §§ 29,41-42a / Limited Liability Companies Act Sections 29, 41 - 42a

German Auditing Standards Synoptische Darstellung von IDW Verlautbarungen zur ISA Transformation, Deutsch-Englisch 11/2004 ISBN 9783802111631, 1457 p. (IDW, D) Hardback, € 79,00 vergriffen, out of print, keine Neuauflage

verdeutlicht werden. Die Gliederung folgt den vom deutschen Steuergesetz selbst vorgegebenen Berechnungsschemata für die einzelnen Einkünfte, das Einkommen und das zu versteuernde Einkommen sowie die steuerlichen Abschlusszahlungen bzw. Erstattungen. So lässt sich das Buch als Bedienungsanleitung nutzen, durch die man Schritt für Schritt zur Steuerzahllast gelangt. Dem Leser wird die deutsche Besteuerung von Kapitalgesellschaften, Personengesellschaften, Einzelunternehmen und natürlichen Personen durch die Corporate Income Tax, Trade Tax und Personal Income Tax erläutert. Das Buch stellt insbesondere auch die Unterschiede zwischen der Besteuerung von Kapitalgesellschaften und Personengesell-schaften in Deutschland dar. Merksätze, Definitionen und Zusammenfassungen erleichtern das Lernen. Prüfungsfragen fördern das Verständnis 20 Tabellen und 64 Abbildungen Das Buch wendet sich an Steuerberater und Wirtschaftsprüfer außerhalb Deutschlands, Investoren mit wirtschaftlichen Interessen in Deutschland, Internationale Studenten / Auszubildende des deutschen Steuerrechts, Internationale Fachverbandsvertreter mit wirtschaftlichen Interessen in Deutschland, Verbandsorganisationen der internationalen Wirtschaft und alle, die sich einen schnellen und umfassenden Grundüberblick über das deutsche Ertragsteuerrecht aneignen wollen.

German International Taxation - Deutsches Außensteuerrecht. Statutes & Materials, bilingual KPMG ISBN 9783406584152 2010/01 D C.H. Beck & Hart Publ. hardback 907 p. € 125,00 Deutsch-englische Textausgabe zum deutschen Außensteuerrecht mit nationalen Vorschriften & Doppelbesteuerungsabkommen, Stand August 2009. Ausgewählte nationale Vorschriften. Gesetzestexte und Rechtsverordnungen, z.B. Auszüge aus AO, EStG, KStG, u.a. Ausgewählte Verwaltungsanweisungen, z.B. KSt-RL, ausgewählte Erlasse zur AO und zum AußensteuerG. OECD-Musterabkommen 2005 zur Vermeidung der Doppelbesteuerung auf dem Gebiet der Steuern vom Einkommen und vom Vermögen (OECD-MA 2005). Ausgewählte Erlasse zu DBAs

German Tax & Business Law Guide

Taxation Dual Income Tax. A Proposal for Reforming Corporate & Personal Income Tax in Germany ISBN 9783790820515 2008/05 D Springer € 82,34 In its Annual Report 2003/2004, the German Council of Economic Experts launched a dual income tax as an option for a fundamental tax reform in Germany. In February 2005, the German government appointed the Council to prepare a detailed report on economic effects of a business tax reform, with special emphasis on a dual income tax. With regard to the latter, conceptual problems of tax law and of tax administration were to be addressed as well as possible transitional problems when implementing a dual income tax. This book presents an English version of the original report completed in April 2006.

German Income Tax. Personal Income Tax, Corporate Income Tax & Trade Tax (BB-Handbuch) Christiana Djanani / Gernot Brähler / Christian Lösel, 11/2006 ISBN 9783800520770, 280 p. (Recht & Wirtschaft, D) Paperback, € 39,00

Florian Wolff / Dietmar Voelker / Kristofer Bott, 12/2005 ISBN 9780421913301 (Sweet & Maxwell, UK) Hardback, GBP 256,00 € 328,00 This book steers readers through all most important aspects of German tax & business law in a concise & highly practical manner. It is aimed at English-speaking lawyers involved in German Business/Tax law cases, helping them understand how German law works, enabling them to anticipate issues that may arise. The text is based on that of the loose-leaf German Tax & Business Law Guide. Explains the technicalities of German tax and business law in understandable terms. Deals with all areas of business law - from commercial and consumer law to environmental law, IP and litigation. Covers corporate and personal taxation. Includes checklists and forms explaining essential information. Provides a clear overview of how to set up a business in Germany. Supplies expert guidance by German practitioners Contents: Checklists. Overview. TAX Section: Individual Income Tax. Corporate Income Tax. International Aspects of Income Tax. VAT and other Transactional Taxes. Capital Taxes. Other Taxes. Compliance and Procedure. Customs Duties. BUSINESS Section: Forms of Doing Business. Commercial and Consumer Law. Banking and Finance. Public procurement & Investment Incentives. Competition Law. Intellectual Property. IT Law. Labour Law & Social Security. Land & Building Environment Law. Litigation, Arbitration & Bankruptcy.

Das Lehrbuch enthält eine stark anwendungsorientierte Darstellung des deutschen Steuerrechts. Im Mittelpunkt stehen grundlegende Systematiken, die durch Beispiele auf nachvollziehbare Weise


German Tax Guide Robert Amann, 2.Auflage 2012 ISBN 9783472076285 (Luchterhand Verlag, D) Hardback, 1000 p. € 228,00 In englischer Sprache erläutern Fachexperten in diesem Werk die Grundzüge des gesamten international relevanten deutschen Steuerrechts. Die Bandbreite der dargelegten Kernthemen reicht vom steuerorientierten Unternehmenskauf, Besteuerung von Kapital- & Personengesellschaften, Besteuerung von Betriebsstätten, Verrechnungspreise, Gesellschafter-Fremdfinanzierung, internationalem Umwandlungssteuerrecht, Besteuerung moderner Finanzierungsinstrumente und Hinzurechnungsbesteuerung bis hin zur Rechnungslegung. Die wichtigsten Gesetzestexte werden synoptisch in deutsch/englisch gegenübergestellt. Herausgeber / Autoren: Dr. Robert Amann, LL.M. ist Rechtsanwalt und Steuerberater sowie Fachanwalt für Steuerrecht in München. Die weiteren Autoren, Dr. Michael P. Bricker, Dr. Jochen Ettinger, Dr. Johannes E. Mittermaier, Dr. Christian Dowe, Dr. Max Göttsche und Dr. Frank Stockmann sind ausgewiesene Praktiker im steuerrechtlichen Bereich und haben mehrjährige Erfahrung im deutschen internationalen Steuerrecht bzw. in der Rechnungslegung bei Auslandsbeziehungen.

Germany Tax Guide 5/2005 ISBN 9780739732854, 368 p. (International Business Publ. / Ingram, USA) Paperback, ca. € 115,00 Detailed information on corporate and personal taxation system and regulations

Interpretation of Tax Law & Treaties & Transfer Pricing in Japan & Germany Klaus Vogel (editor), 8/1998 ISBN 9789041196552, 256 p. (Kluwer Law) Hardback, ca. € 161,80 Different language structures and multiple potential interpretations have potentially significant importance to the interpretation of tax treaties, usually concluded in two, equally binding, authenticlanguage versions. Practitioners need am awareness of these differences and their import in order to avoid unexpected exposure and to understand tax treaties. The expert papers in this collection explore the methods of interpretation of tax statutes & treaties used in Japan & Germany, particularly in light of the wholly different structure of the Japanese language in comparison to European languages. They also present a detailed analysis of issues of international transfer pricing in Germany and Japan, highlighting both important differences and surprising similarities between the two legal systems.

Double taxation conventions (DTCs) raise a plethora of interpretational questions for the practitioner and student of tax law. This book provides the answers. An encyclopedic treatise on DTCs, Klaus Vogel on Double Taxation Conventions is a guide to all legal issues DTCs raise and includes information on worldwide case law and commentators' views. The OECD Model Convention serves as the organisational basis for this work. Each chapter focuses on one article of the Convention and provides: the wording of the article and that of the respective articles of the UN and US Models, the official Commentary by OECD, and an extensive discussion by the authors of the legal problems involved. In addition, the book offers an account of all German tax treaties, how they differ from the model provisions, and the potential practical impact of such differences. The first two editions have been used by lawyers, tax advisers, and scholars all over the world. Courts in Canada, Germany, South Africa, the Netherlands have cited them as authority. This revised edition includes the most recent OECD Model revisions & all recent case law & relevant literature. The authors have rethought many of the problems discussed, further improved their argument, amended their views where they have been convinced by opponents. As a rd result, this 3 edition of is a significantly enhanced version of one of the more seminal works in the tax law cannon and an important component in the libraries of practitioners and academics.

Umsatzsteuergesetz 1999 German VAT Law 1999 Constanze Hübner / Iris Schaefer (editors), 2/2004 ISBN 3-935808-18-6, 208 p. (Sellier European Law Publ., D) broschiert, € 39,00 Vergriffen, keine Neuauflage - out of print

Umwandlungsgesetz / Umwandlungssteuergesetz Law of Reorganizations / Reorganization Tax Law Manfred Benkert / Annegret Bürkle, 1996 ISBN 3-8145-8057-5 (RWS Verlag) Paperback, € 85,90 Vergriffen, keine Neuauflage - out of print

Umwandlungsgesetz mit Umwandlungssteuergesetz Transformation Act & Transformation Taxation Act Martin Peltzer / Anthony Hickinbotham, 1996 ISBN 3781928438 (Fritz Knapp Verlag) Paperback, € 70,00 Vergriffen, keine Neuauflage - out of print

Interpretation of Tax Law and Treaties and Transfer Pricing in Japan and Germany results from a recent conference in Germany in honour of Professor Hiroshi Kaneko, Emeritus Professor of Tokyo State University, where some 60 scholars & practitioners of international tax law from Japan and Germany convened to discuss questions of common interest. The collection provides an important contribution to the literature in international & comparative taxation. It proves indispensable reading for tax practitioners confronted with interpretation conflicts in Japanese tax treaties or with transfer pricing problems in connection with Japan.

Umwandlungssteuergesetz German Reorganization Tax Act

Klaus Vogel on Double Taxation Conventions A Commentary to the OECD, UN & U.S. Model Conventions for the Avoidance of Double Taxation of Income & Capital

Endres / Möller, PWC, 2.Auflage 2001 ISBN 3802109228, 732 p. (IDW-Verlag, D) Hardback, € 49,90  vergriffen, out of print, keine Neuauflage

Anthony Tulloch, 1995 ISBN 3504370033 (Otto Schmidt Verlag) Paperback, € 44,80 Vergriffen, keine Neuauflage - out of print

Unternehmensbesteuerung in Deutschland Corporate Taxation in Germany

Klaus Vogel, 3rd edition 1997 ISBN 9789041108920, 1520 p. (Kluwer Law / Aspen, NL) Hardback, ca. € 566,50 4th edition planned for 2012/04, no more info yet: ISBN 9789041122988


Competition Law Antitrust in Germany & Japan The First Fifty Years, 1947-1998 John O. Haley, 2001 ISBN 9780295979878, 264 p. (University of Washington Press / Ingram, USA) Hardback, ca. € 80,00 Presents an innovative, comparative analysis of the development and enforcement of two antitrust regimes, illustrating how each was shaped by American occupation strategies and policies following World War II. First imposed in 1947, antitrust controls in Germany and Japan were the world's first outside the United States. Those enacted in Japan continue in force, whereas in Germany, following a decade of debate, the occupation legislation was superseded in 1975 by the Law Against Restraints of Competition. This study explores the ironies and errors that led to the enactment of the German & Japanese statutes, emphasizes the unexpected degree of convergence that has occurred during the past fifty years through amendment and practice. It compares in detail institutional structure and processes for the enforcement of antitrust controls as well as the system of remedies and sanctions available under each statute. It notes debates in Germany & Japan over effectiveness of statutes, particularly the still timely debate in 1970s Germany over a proposal for criminal sanctions. This book reveals many unexpected and controversial similarities between the two antitrust regimes and demonstrates the extent to which American policy toward Germany determined American policy in Japan not only during pre-surrender planning but also throughout the occupation. It also challenges the prevailing view of the relative strength of antitrust controls in Germany relative to the weakness of antitrust in Japan. The book will be of interest to corporate lawyers as well as to legal historians and scholars of political economy.

Economic Regulation & Competition Regulation of services in EU, Germany & Japan Jürgen Basedow / Harald Baum / Klaus J. Hopt / Hideki Kanda, 11/2002 ISBN 9789041119681, 332 p. (Kluwer Law, NL) Hardback, ca. € 127,50 In Japan and most of the continental European economies, we are presently observing a shift from what has been labelled a "corporatist" system to more market-oriented structures. Regulatory competition caused by the globalization of markets is increasingly placing the traditional legal institutions of these jurisdictions under severe strain. This is especially true for the services markets. Of these, the markets for financial services and telecommunications services have to adapt most urgently. These adaptations are already underway to varying extents and degrees, made possible by a mixture of de-regulation and re-regulation. In this volume, scholars from Germany, Austria, Switzerland, and Japan as well as high-ranking practitioners from various institutions lay out the theoretical foundations and means for these developments. Through critical analysis, the various contributions show what has been reached so far in Europe and Japan and what remains to be achieved in the future.

German Act Against Restraints of Competition Carsten Gromotke / Johannes Zoettl, 2012/01 ISBN 9780379215328 (Oceana, USA / Oxford University Press, GB) Hardback, ca. ₤ 90,00 = ca. € 115,80 The recent amendments and revisions to the German Act Against Restraints of Competition bring about the most significant changes to German antitrust law since the 1950s. This volume contains the complete text in both German & English, with an introductory essay highlighting the major changes in the law and providing historical background on German antitrust law. The book features complete text of the Act in both the original German & its English translation. Related materials, including notices and cooperation agreements, provide further reference and an introductory essay provides useful context for the current changes in the law.

German Antitrust Law Recht gegen Wettbewerbsbeschränkungen Kartellgesetz Dr.Martin Heidenhain / Dr.Hannes Schneider, 5.Auflage 1999 ISBN 978-3-7819-2850-3 (Fritz Knapp Verlag) Paperback, € 56,50 Mit deutsch-englischer Textausgabe des GWB. Synoptic GermanEnglish text of the Act Against Restraints of Competition (takes account of the Sixth Amendment of the Antitrust Act which came into force on January 1, 1999), translations of a number of important statements by the German Federal Cartel Office, useful bibliography of English publications. This is the definitive source of analysis and commentary on the complex and detailed “Act Against Restraints of Competition” & all its various amendments, covers every provision of the Act, which includes substantive provisions relating to restrictive business practices, enforcement (agencies, courts, proceedings) & the scope of application of the Act. Besides including the full text of the Act (in German & English), appendices include official announcements, memorandums and regulations that impact on German antitrust law.

GWB 1980 - Gesetz gegen Wettbewerbsbeschränkungen Law against Restraints of Competition Dr.A.Riesenkampff / J.Gres, 1977 ISBN 3504411902 (Dr.Otto Schmidt Verlag) gebunden, € 39,80 vergriffen, out of print, keine Neuauflage

Law Against Restraints of Competition Gesetz gegen Wettbewerbsbeschränkungen A.Riesenkampff / Joachim Gres, 1977 ISBN 3504411902 (Dr.Otto Schmidt) Hardback, € 39,80 vergriffen, out of print, keine Neuauflage

Public Procurement in Germany Vergaberecht in Deutschland Dr. Lutz Horn, 4/2001 ISBN 3406470106 (C.H. Beck) Hardback, € 77,00 Vergriffen, keine Neuauflage - out of print Bei diesem Buch handelt es sich um die bisher einzige englische Übersetzung der deutschen Vergabeordnung mit den neuesten Änderungen. Rechtsstand: Januar 2001. Vor der englischen Übersetzung der deutschen Rechtsvorschriften erfolgt eine kurze Einführung auf Englisch als Leitfaden für Leser, die keine vertieften Kenntnisse im deutschen Recht haben. Ein 2sprachiges Glossar Deutsch-Englisch der Fachausdrücke bildet eine ideale Ergänzung. Einführung. Grundsätze der Vergabe. Die Pflicht zur öffentlichen Ausschreibung. Übersicht über das Vergabeverfahren. Allgemeine Vertragsbedingungen für die Vergabe und Ausführung von Bauleistungen (VOB/A, VOB/B) und Ausführung von Leistungen (VOL/B). Nachprüfungsverfahren für öffentliche Aufträge Contents: A. Terms: Contracting Entity and Public Contract I. Contracting Entity II. Public Contract B. Principles of Public Procurement C. Obligations to Call for Tenders when Awarding Public Contracts I. Awarding contracts above and below the threshold values II. Awarding a works contract III Awarding a supply or a services contract IV Awarding independent contractor services V Awarding contracts in the sector of water, energy, transport and telecommunications VI Exceptions D. Overview on the Award Procedure I. Types of award procedures II. Tender notice III. Time limits and deadlines within the award procedures IV Selection of candidates V. Dispatch of award documents VI Tender opening date VII Review of tenders VIII Evaluation of tenders IX Contract award X Cancellation of invitations to tender E. General Terms and Conditions of Contract for the Execution


of Public Works and Public Supplies and Services Contracts F. Legal Remedies unter Contract Award Procedures G. Statutory Material I. Act Against Restraints of Competition (excerpt) II. Ordinance on the Award of Public Contracts III. Procurement Regulations for Public Works (VOB/A) IV Procurement Regulations for Public Works (VOB/B) V Procurement Regulations for Public Supplies & Services A VI Procurement Regulations for Public Supplies & Services B VII Procurement Regulations for the Award of Independent Contractor Services (VOF) H. Bibliography I. Glossary of Key Words and Phrases

Escher, P. Nacimiento, C. Weissenborn. Enforcement of Decisions Declaring Awards Enforceable in Germany; S. Rützel, C. Krapfl. Annexes: I. Synopsis on the UNCITRAL Model Law and the German Arbitration Law. II. German Arbitration Law prior to 1 January 1998. III. Model Applications. IV. Bilateral Investment Treaties (BITs) concluded by the Federal Republic of Germany (as of 12 February 2007). V. German Model Treaty on the Encouragement and Reciprocal Protection of Investments (2005). VI. List of Arbitration Related German Court Decisions published in English. Bibliography. Index.

Civil Procedure in Germany

Dispute Resolution Arbitration in Germany The Model Law in Practice K. Bockstiegel / S. Kroll / P. Nacimiento, 12/2007 ISBN 9789041127181 (Kluwer Law, NL) Hardback, ca. € 192,80 In a country with a broad international reach, the German business community has always been - and remains - among the primary users of arbitration. Thus, when in 1998 Germany adopted with only slight modifications the UNCITRAL Model Law on Commercial Arbitration for both its international and domestic law, the stage was set for what promised to be a great proving ground for the Model Law, as Germany’s courts would have to consider many diverse and complex issues arising under the new law - decisions that would benefit courts and practitioners everywhere. Now, this hugely valuable publication provides the first full, detailed commentary in English on the German arbitration law, as well as on the rules of the German Institution of Arbitration (DIS). Thirty-eight leading German lawyers and scholars deal comprehensively with the particular ways in which German law handles all arbitration matters, including the following and much more: extent of court intervention; right to object; form of arbitration agreement; interim measures by court; appointment of arbitrators; form and content of award; effect of arbitral award; termination of proceedings; recourse; enforcement of award; and legal remedies. A particularly useful chapter covers the use of the arbitration law in such specific areas of practice as banking, insurance, construction, maritime, and intellectual property. With its clear, detailed discussion of the many issues that can arise in the course of commercial arbitral proceedings, Arbitration in Germany offers comprehensive guidance to all parties either planning to arbitrate in Germany or which are already involved in arbitral proceedings or arbitration-related court proceedings in Germany. In addition, the book will be an invaluable resource for understanding the Model Law in any of the many jurisdictions that have adopted that law. Contents: Part I. Germany as a Place for International and Domestic Arbitrations - General Overview; KH. Böckstiegel, S. Kröll, P. Nacimiento. Part II. Commentary on the German Arbitration Law (10th Book of the German Code of Civil Procedure). 1. General Provisions; G. Wagner. 2. Arbitration Agreement; R. Trittmann, I. Hanefeld, P. Huber, R. Kreindler, J. Schäfer. 3. Constitution of Arbitral Tribunal; P. Nacimiento, A. Abt. 4. Jurisdiction of Arbitral Tribunal; P. Huber, R. Kreindler, J. Schäfer. 5. Conduct of Arbitral Proceedings; K. Sachs, T. Lörcher. 6. Making of Award and Termination of Proceedings; B. Friedrich, F. von Schlabrendorff, A. Sessler. 7. Recourse against Award; S. Kröll, P. Kraft. 8. Recognition and Enforcement of Awards; S. Kröll. 9. Court Proceedings; H.-P. Schroeder, H. Becker, R. Schartl. 10. Arbitral Tribunals Not Established by Agreement; U. Haas. Part III. Commentary on the Arbitration Rules of the German Institution of Arbitration (DIS Rules); J. Bredow, I. Mulder, S. Elsing, K.-P. Berger, J. Risse. Part IV. Selected Areas and Issues of Arbitration in Germany. Ad Hoc Arbitration in Germany; S. Wilske. ICC Arbitration in Germany; D. Kühner. Trade Arbitration in Germany; R. Karstaedt. Maritime Arbitration in Germany; J. Wölper. Construction Arbitration in Germany; C. Benedict. Arbitration of Banking and Finance Disputes in Germany; N. Horn. Arbitration of Insurance Disputes in Germany; H. Labes. Arbitration of Intellectual Property Law Disputes in Germany; E. Schäfer. Arbitration of Corporate Law Disputes in Germany; C. Duve. Investment Arbitration and the Participation of State Parties in Germany; A.

H. Koch / F. Diedrich / P. Lemmens, 4/1998 ISBN 9789041105622 (C.H. Beck, D / Kluwer Law / Aspen, NL) Paperback, € 62,50 English-language description of the German system of civil procedure. After a summary of the political and legal systems and of the sources of German law, the book discusses the general features of the administration of justice in civil cases. Part I deals with the judicial organization of the German system. Courts and their members, bars and bailiffs are discussed. Part II deals with both domestic & international jurisdiction of German courts. Part III examines actions and claims brought before the courts, while Part IV analyses the court proceedings, such as pretrial proceedings, proceedings in 1st instance & review proceedings. Part V discusses specific incidents, Part VI addresses legal aid & legal cost. Part VII and VIII deal with evidence & matters as burden of proof and evaluation, admissibility of evidence, in particular administration of evidence. Part IX examines seizure for security & enforcement of judgements: both domestic & foreign proceedings (summary procedure with documentary evidence, collection proceedings, family matters, parents & child-cases & maintenance matters, simplified procedures in municipal courts and arbitration proceedings) are dealt with. Finally, Part X discusses domestic and international arbitration.

Commercial Dispute Resolution in Germany Stefan Rützel / Gerhard Wegen / Stephan Wilske, 5/2005 ISBN 9783406521690, 473 p. (C. H. Beck, D) Kartoniert, € 86,00 Behandelt in englischer Sprache die Besonderheiten von Gerichtsund Schiedsgerichtsverfahren in oder mit Bezug zu Deutschland sowie den wachsenden Bereich der außergerichtlichen Streitschlichtungsverfahren, einschließlich Mediation. Besonderes Augenmerk wird auf Verständnis von Lesern aus dem angelsächsischen Rechtskreis gelegt. Weiterhin enthält das Buch eine Reihe wichtiger internationaler Abkommen. Die jeweiligen deutschen Ausführungsgesetze sind ebenso wie die wesentlichen Teile der Zivilprozessordnung in deutscher Fassung und in englischer Übersetzung in synoptischer Darstellung aufgenommen. Das Buch ermöglicht es dem deutschen, aber vor allem auch dem ausländischen Praktiker, sich in kurzer Zeit mit den Grundzügen des deutschen & internationalen Prozess-, Schiedsverfahrens- und Streitschlichtungsrechts und den sich stellenden praktischen Problemen vertraut zu machen, verschafft insbesondere dem ausländischen Leser einen schnellen Zugriff. Inhalt: Prozessführung: Gerichtsaufbau - Einstweiliger Rechtsschutz Ablauf eines Verfahrens - Beweisaufnahme - Urteil - Rechtsmittel Vollstreckung - Rechtshilfe Schiedsverfahrensrecht: Schiedsvereinbarung - Schiedsgericht und Schiedsrichter - Ablauf des Schiedsverfahrens Schiedsspruch - Rechtsbehelfe - Anerkennung und Vollstreckung von Schiedssprüchen Mediation und Streitschlichtungsverfahren: Gesetzliche Vorgaben - Praxiserfahrungen - Synopsen Deutsch-Englisch Zivilprozessordnung - Internationale Abkommen in Englisch Ausführungsgesetze

Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights in Dutch, English & German Civil Procedure Cumming / Freudenthal / Janal ISBN 9789041127266 2008/10 NL Kluwer Law hardback 332 p. € 144,50


EU Directive 2004/48 EC obliges Member States to seek to achieve ‘partial harmonization’ of the remedies, procedures and measures necessary to enforce intellectual property law. These obligations provide what may be termed a minimum standard which must be fulfilled by the Member States in the course of their implementation of the Directive. However, the Directive is not faring well at the Member State level. The authors’ vastly detailed, articleby-article analysis of the fortunes of Directive 2004/48 EC in 3 EU jurisdictions offers enormously valuable insights into the complex ways Member States respond to Community law, and in so doing provides an important addition to the ongoing inquiry into the nature of the reciprocal tensions between EU law (both judicial and legislative) and the laws of Member States. The particular investigation undertaken here reveals three paradigmatic situations: the situation in which the Directive has not been implemented at all, either because the Member State believes that its current legislation is adequate or that the wording of the Directive is such that no special legislation is required (England); the situation in which implementation has been inadequate, because either the pre-existing legislation constitutes inadequate legislation or because the specifically adopted legislation proves to be legally uncertain (Netherlands); and the situation in which the relevant time for implementation has elapsed and no specific legislation has been adopted (Germany). If there really is, as the EC contends, an ‘enforcement deficit’ in the protection of IP rights by national rules of procedure, then the most effective remedial approach, Cummings shows, is through the principles of legal certainty, full effect, effective judicial protection. These principles will assist the national court in interpretation of the precise meaning of the substantive obligations under the Directive. Drawing on the tenor of ECJ law that national procedural rules should not present an obstacle to adequate judicial protection, the author considers the conditions that must be fulfilled before an eventual claimant, who has suffered loss and damage caused by either non-implementation or incorrect implementation of directive, may bring an action against the State for breach of Community law. The author presents his analyses in Dutch & English national procedure & his proposals for German implementation as three separate cases rather than comparatively, as any attempt to compare either the method of national implementation or the degree of adequacy or inadequacy inevitably obscures the essential particularities of each of the three national systems in relation to the Directive. Although this book will repay the study of anyone interested in European law, it will be of special value to practitioners and policymakers engaged in intellectual property law, particularly in EU Member States.

German Arbitration Act Text & Notes (English / French) Michael Bühler, 8/1998 ISBN 90-411-1041-0 (Kluwer Law / Aspen, NL) Hardback, ca. € 50,90  out of print, vergriffen, keine Neuauflage geplant

German Civil Justice Peter L. Murray / Rolf H. Sturner, 3/2004 ISBN 1594600031, 670 p. (Carolina Academic Press, USA) Hardback, ca. € 79,95 vergriffen, out of print, keine Neuauflage

German Commercial Code & Code of Civil Procedure in English Charles E. Stewart, 3/2001 ISBN 0379214342, 487 p. (Oceana Publ.) Hardback, ca. € 169,50 vergriffen, out of print, keine Neuauflage

Das neue Recht der Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit The New German Arbitration Law Klaus Peter Berger, 1998 ISBN 3814518764, 816 p. (RWS Verlag, D) Hardback, ca. € 75,67 vergriffen, out of print, keine Neuauflage

New German Arbitration Law in International Perspective Jurisdiction & Foreign Judgements in Civil & Commercial Matters The Draft Convention Proposed by the Hague Conference on Private International Law Klaus P. Berger / Catherine Kessedijan, 10/2000 ISBN 9789041114129, 72 p. (Kluwer Law / Aspen, NL) Paperback, ca. € 48,50 The contents of #. 26 of ‘Forum Internationale' series are related to procedural law. The first lecture has been written by well-known Klaus Peter Berger. It deals with the new German Arbitration Act. He provides a brief account of the drafting history, highlights six important areas of international arbitration law & practice, explains the solutions chosen by the German legislator. He treats, among other topics, arbitrability, arbitral interim relief & conflict of laws. At the end of the text is an English translation of the German Act. The 2nd lecture is written by Catherine Kessedjian, has as its topic the future Hague Convention on International Jurisdiction & Recognition & Enforcement. As deputy Secretary-General of the Hague Conference on Private International Law, Mrs. Kessedjian is heavily involved in the activities concerning this convention. The lecture discusses the need for such a convention & the structure such a convention could adapt (single, double, mixed). Further some grounds for jurisdiction, such as those for disputes relating to contracts & torts, forum non conveniens & provisional measures, basic requirements for enforcement are discussed in more depth. At the end the question is raised which mechanism can be devised to create a forum in which questions of interpretation can be solved in an easy and quick manner and against low costs, and how uniform interpretation can be guaranteed. Contents: Klaus Berger: The Drafting Approach of the German Legislature. Six Salient Problems of International Arbitration Law and Practice. Conclusion. Annex: The New German Arbitration Law (English Translation) Catherine Kessedjian: Direct Jurisdiction. Recognition and Enforcement of Judgements. Conclusion

Capital Market Banking on Global Markets. Deutsche Bank & the United States, 1870 to the Present Kobrak ISBN 9780521863254 2008/03 GB Cambridge UP GBP 47,00 € 60,50 Uses the story of the US business & political dealings of Germany’s largest bank to illuminate developments in the ongoing globalization of major financial institutions. Throughout its nearly 140-year-long history, Deutsche Bank served as one of Germany’s principal vehicles for forging links with the rest of the world, the US market probably remained Deutsche Bank’s highest foreign priority & its most frustrating challenge. Banking on Global Markets traces Deutsche Bank‘s involvement with the United States in the context of a changing national and international regulatory and economic environment. It is the story of how international cooperation furthered & conflict hindered those endeavors, how international banking evolved from a very personalized business between nations to one dominated by enormous transnational markets. Christopher Kobrak weaves together how these financial, political, and institutional developments have helped shape the emerging new international order. Contents: 1. Overview of the title and terrain; Part I. On Golden Chariots Deutsche Bank's U.S. Business 1870 to 1914: 2. First steps; 3. Deutsche Bank and American electrification; 4. The Northern Pacific bankruptcy saga; 5. The fallout; 6. Other transportation and commercial investments; 7. A taste for start-ups; 8. Transitions;


Part II. Deutsche Bank and the U.S. During 'Great Disorder' 1914–1957: 9. Personal, communication, and financial breakdowns; 10. War supplies, espionage, and expropriation; 11. Salvaging assets and business prophets in the war's immediate aftermath; 12. Deutsche Bank and reestablishing financial flows; 13. Deutsche Bank and the collapse of the fragile world economic order; 14. Second Phoenix; Part III. Renewal and Re-entry - 1957– 2000: 15. Divisive issues and the making of a new financial landscape; 16. From Abs to Kopper and from joint ventures to branching; 17. Bankers' trust; 18. Postscript: Deutsche Bank in the U.S. and the future of multinational banking.

Banking Regulation in Germany Scherer / Zeller ISBN 9783941389021 2009/10 D German Law Publishers & Boorberg hardback 296 p. € 198,00 Not only but also in terms of banking and financial markets, the Federal Republic of Germany is one of the leading market places in Europe and thus, in all modesty, also in the world. And Frankfurt is its financial centre. Frankfurt is not the world‘s biggest off shore centre. This is still London. It is not the centre of the world’s biggest domestic market either. That is still New York. But at the centre of Europe, surrounded by a strong national economy, with intensive contacts to the vital markets in Central and Eastern Europe, the host of the European Central Bank & one of the highest regulated markets in the world, the German financial markets and their regulation are certainly worth a closer look. Deutschland, genauer: Frankfurt, ist heute einer der führenden Marktplätze der Bank- und Finanzszene, auch im europäischen & weltweiten Maßstab. Bad Banks, Finanzmarktstabilisierung und Rettungsübernahmegesetz: Das Bankrecht; und insbesondere das Bankaufsichtsrecht; prägt seit dem Zusammenbruch von Lehmann Brothers die Schlagzeilen der letzten Monate. Scherer & Zeller legen mit einem Team erfahrener Bankrechtsanwälte aus der führenden Sozietät Clifford Chance das erste Handbuch vor, das alle aktuellen Entwicklungen des deutschen Rechts praxis- und anwendungsorientiert zusammenfasst. Das Buch berücksichtigt alle gesetzgeberischen Entwicklungen bis zum Juni 2009.

Banks as Financial Advisors A Comparative Study of English & German Law Thorsten Schlueter, 2/2001 ISBN 9789041198280 (Kluwer Law / Aspen, NL) Hardback, ca. € 126,50 Changes in banking and securities regulation in many countries since 1980 have allowed banks to expand their range of financial services far beyond mere lending; an opportunity banks have been eager to grasp. This business development entails a responsibility of offering informed advice on the choices that customers must make. If we are to judge by a steadily increasing stream of lawsuits, as well as the clear results of customer surveys, most banks fail this part of the challenge. Should the law intervene? That is the basic question posed by this important book. In examining and evaluating the complex answer, and its critical implications for the banking industry, the author uses a comparison of legal systems, developments, and events in two major banking jurisdictions, England and Germany. He investigates the relations in each system between the relevant legal rules and actual business practices in order to analyze such issues as the following: The adequacy of current legal concepts defining a bank's duties with regard to financial advice; ‘Mis-selling' of financial products; The socio-economic context of the bank/customer relationship; Governmental regulation and supervision; The English and German Ombudsman schemes; and Potential new statutory provisions setting standards for providers of financial services. Banks as Financial Advisers contributes significantly to the development of practical solutions to a serious problem in today's banking business practice. Banks and their counsel, financial regulatory officials, and other financial services professionals will find it of great value. Useful appendices contain all relevant English and German statutory provisions in force at the time of publication.

Banks, Finance & Investment in Germany Jeremy Edwards / Klaus Fischer, 1996 ISBN 0521566088, 264 p. (Cambridge University Press, UK) Paperback, £ 13,99 = ca. € 22,50  vergriffen, out of print, keine Neuauflage

Compliance for Securities Trading in Germany Machhausen / Schulte ISBN 9783000317538, 369 p. 2010/09 D Westport € 135,00 Das zweisprachige Werk enthält das BaFin-Rundschreiben 4/2010 - Mindestanforderungen an die Compliance-Funktion und die weiteren Verhaltens-, Organisations- und Transparenzpflichten nach §§ 31 ff. WpHG für Wertpapierdienst-leistungsunternehmen (MaComp). Daneben finden Sie die Referenztexte des Rundscheibens Katalog veröffentlichungspflichtiger Insider Informationen. Verzeichnis der Mindestaufzeichnungen. Rundschreiben; Mindestanforderungen an das Risikomanagement (MaRisk) AT 9 (Outsourcing). Liste der Bedingungen, bei deren Vorliegen die BaFin eine ihr angezeigte Auslagerungsvereinbarung der Finanzportfolioverwaltung an ein Unternehmen mit Sitz in einem Drittstaat in der Regel nicht beanstandet. Rundschreiben Aufsichtsrechtliche Anforderungen an die Vergütungssysteme von Instituten. Besondere Anforderungen an den Prüfungsbericht. Verordnung über die Analyse von Finanzinstrumenten. Fragebogen gemäß § 5 Abs. 6 WpDPV. Sowie alle Normen des 6. Abschnitts WpHG, WpDVerOV, FinAnV, relevante Normen aus dem WpPG, KWG und InvG, auf welche die MaComp Bezug nimmt. Anhänge / Appendices Abschnitt 6 des Wertpapierhandelsgesetzes. Verordnung zur Konkretisierung der Verhaltensregeln & Organisationsanforderungen für Wertpapierdienstleistungsunternehmen. Kreditwesengesetz (Auszug). Rundschreiben Mindestanforderungen an das Risikomanagement (Auszug). Fragebogen gemäß § 5 Abs. 6 WpDPV. Finanzanalyseverordnung (FinAnV). Handelsgesetzbuch (HGB). Investmentgesetz (InvG). Kreditwesengesetz (KWG). WertpapierdienstleistungsPrüfungsverordnung (WpDPV). WertpapierdienstleistungsVerhaltens- und Organisationsverordnung (WpDVerOV). Wertpapierdienstleistungsunternehmen, die Wertpapierdienstleistung, Kosten und Nebenkosten. Ausführung von Aufträgen. Finanzportfolioverwaltung. Wertpapierhandelsgesetzes 299. Wertpapierhandelsgesetz (WpHG). Wertpapierprospektgesetz (WpPG). Circular Minimum Requirements for the ComplianceFunction & Further Rules of Conduct, Organisation & Transparency. Scope of Application at a Glance. Objectives and Implementation. Compliance-Functions. Important Innovations Part 6 of the Securities Trading Act. Ordinance to Specify the Rules of Conduct and Organisational Requirements for Investment Firms. Banking Act (Excerpt). Circular Minimum Requirements for Risk Management (Excerpt). Questionnaire pursuant to § 5(6) WpDPV. Investment Act (InvG). Banking Act (KWG). Ordinance on the Audit of Investment Firms (WpDPV). Ordinance on Rules of Conduct and Organisation of Investment Firms (WpDVerOV). Securities Trading Act (WpHG). Securities Prospectus Act (WpPG)

Das deutsche Investmentrecht / German Investment Law Eine Einführung nebst Gesetzestexten & Materialien in deutscher & englischer Sprache Thomas Paul / Rüdiger H. Päsler, 3.Auflage 11/2007 ISBN 3831429561, 550 p. (Fritz Knapp Verlag, D) Hardback, ca. € 82,00 vergriffen, out of print, keine Neuauflage

German Banking Law & Practice in International Perspective Norbert Horn (editor), 9/1999 ISBN 9783110165739 (Walter de Gruyter Verlag) Hardback, 361 p. € 139,95


A study of German banking law and practice. Articles are designed to take a systematic approach. They are written by experts from authorities, banks and universities. The idea for the book was born in a conference on German and Chinese banking law.

German Capital Market Law Siebel, Ulf R. / Löwenstein, Michael zu / Finney, Robert, 1995 ISBN 9783406399138, 232 p. (C.H. Beck / Oceana, USA) Hardback, € 46,00 Versammelt englische Übersetzungen des gesamten deutschen Kapitalmarktrechts in der Fassung, die es durch das 2. Finanzmarktförderungsgesetz erhalten hat.

German Financial System Jan P. Krahnen / Reinhard H. Schmidt (editors), 4/2004 ISBN 9780199253166 Hardback, 328 p. (Oxford University Press, UK) £ 118,00 € 151,50 A comprehensive account of the many facets of Germany's financial system, this book explains and assesses the status of the system as the world's prototype bank-based financial system at the beginning of the 21st century. Covering corporate governance, equity markets, debt markets, investment banking, as well as accounting, regulation, competition, each chapter of this innovative reference book addresses the myths that surround Germany's financial system, and offers invaluable explanation and insight. Contents: Introduction and Overview J P Krahnen, RH. Schmidt: Purpose & Structure of the Book. RH. Schmidt, M Tyrell: What Constitutes a Financial System in General and the German Financial System in Particular? Financial Sectors and Corporate Finance A Hackethal: German Banks & Banking Structure. R Maurer: Instititutional Investors in Germany: Insurance Companies and Investment Funds. E Theissen: Organized Equity Markets. A Worms: Monetary Policy Transmission and the Financial System in Germany. R Elsas, JP Krahnen: Universal Banks & Relationships with Firms. S Franzke, S Grohs, C Laux: Initial Public Offerings and Venture Capital in Germany. FA. Schimd, M Wahrenburg: Mergers & Acquisitions in Germany: Social Setting & Regulatory Framework Regulation and Corporate Governance KH Fischer, C Pfeil: Regulation & Competition in German Banking. O Rieckers, G Spindler: Corporate Governance: Legal Aspects. RH Schmidt: Corporate Governance in Germany: An Economic Perspective. E Nowak: Investor Protection & Capital Market Regulation in Germany. C Luez, J Wüstemann: Role of Accounting in the German Financial System Perspectives. JP Krahnen, RH Schmidt: Taking Stock & Looking Ahead: The German Financial System at the Crossroads? Index

German Securities Regulation Börsengesetz Hartmut Krause, 5/2001 ISBN 9783406470998, 242 p. (C.H. Beck, D / Butterworths Tolley, UK) Paperback, € 66,00 The only English translation of German securities law & regulatory Codes, along with the text in the original language. Covers statutory and regulatory provisions dealing with the admission of securities for listing at a Stock Exchange, the distribution of nonlisted securities and the rights and obligations resulting from public offerings and exchange listings. Also includes prohibition of insider trading, duty to disclose information, disclosure of shareholdings and the regulation of takeover bids. The vast size and importance of the German Stock exchange ensures that this long awaited title covering Securities regulation & law in Germany will be essential reading for customers in the UK. Contents: Stock Exchange Act; Börsengesetz. Stock Exchange Admission Regulation; Börsenzulassungsverordnung. Securities Prospectus Act; Wertpapierverkaufsprospektgesetz. Securities Prospectus Regulation; Verkaufsprospektverordnung. Securities Trading Act; Wertpapierhandelsgesetz. Take over Code of Stock Exchange Expert; Übernahmekodex. Commission at Federal Ministry of Finance

Germany Business & Investment Opportunities Yearbook 2/2003 ISBN 9780739786635, 380 p. (International Business Publ., / Ingram, USA) Paperback, ca. € 115,00 Major investment, export-import and other strategic business opportunities and contacts, basic information for conducting business in the country

Germany Investment & Business Guide 2/2003 ISBN 9780739763636, 424 p. (International Business Publ., / Ingram, USA) Paperback, ca. € 115,00 Ultimate guide for conducting investment, export-import activity in the country. Strategic and business information, contacts, regulations and more.

Insider- und Börsenrecht German Insider & Stock Exchange Law Wertpapierhandelsgesetz / Börsengesetz / Börsenzulassungsverordnung / WertpapierVerkaufsprospektgesetz Deutsch-englische Textausgabe mit Kommentierung Dr.Konrad Mohr, 1994 ISBN 378192842X (Fritz Knapp Verlag) Hardback, € 44,00 vergriffen, out of print, keine Neuauflage

Kreditwesengesetz; Banking Act Herbert Zerwas, 1996 ISBN 3802106695, 212 p. (IDW Verlag) Hardback, € 44,90 vergriffen, out of print, keine Neuauflage

Private Equity. The German Experience Jowett ISBN 9780230537767 2011/02 GB Macmillan Palgrave hardback 480 p. GBP 75,00 € 96,50 Private equity came late to Germany & its early prospects seemed poor. The early players were told that only unhealthy German companies would be sold to a private equity house. Fraud was a significant problem, as sellers of struggling companies attempted to cover up their problems with inflated numbers. But as the private equity industry developed, lessons were learnt and converts won to the cause of management buyouts. This is the first comprehensive history of private equity written for any country in the world. Drawing on 125 interviews conducted with senior members of the industry, it reveals the ups and downs of private equity investing, warts and all. Compelling accounts of specific deals - including discussions of everything that can go right and wrong - feature alongside the most extensive collations of buyout data ever compiled for Germany. For anyone interested in the private equity industry, irrespective of geography, this will prove an essential work. Those interested in modern Germany will find the first detailed assessment of the contribution of private equity to determining the contours of German economics and finance.

Real Estate Investments in Germany. Transactions & Development Mütze / Senf / Möller ISBN 9783540721789 2008/08 D Springer hardback 362 p. € 85,55


The German real estate market is in motion. Single real estates as well as parts of real estate portfolios are still projected and brought to the market to a great extent. In addition, the ownerships of big real estate portfolios are changing. In the light of this situation, this book guides foreign investors and project developers through the legal, tax and economical requirements for real estate investments in Germany in a practical manner.

Wertpapiererwerbs- & Übernahmegesetz German Takeover Act Martin Peltzer/ Elizabeth A. Voight, 2002 ISBN 350431012X, 144 p. (Otto Schmidt Verlag) Paperback, € 78,80 vergriffen, out of print, keine Neuauflage

Wertpapiererwerbs- & Übernahmegesetz Takeover Law Stephan Schuster / Christian Zschocke, 5th edition 2002 ISBN 3831429537, 412 p. (Fritz Knapp Verlag) Hardback, ca. € 82,00 vergriffen, out of print, keine Neuauflage

Wertpapierhandelsgesetz Martin Peltzer / Paul Scesniak, 1995 ISBN 3504400609 (Dr.Otto Schmidt) Paperback, € 38,00 vergriffen, out of print, keine Neuauflage

Intellectual Property Designschutz in Europa, Band 1: Entscheidungssammlung zum Designschutz von Gerichten in ganz Europa Henning Hartwig (Hrsg.), 2007 ISBN 9783452264435, 280 p. (Carl Heymanns Verlag, D) Kartoniert, € 68,00 Mit dem Werk liegt erstmals eine Sammlung nationaler und europäischer Entscheidungen zum Gemeinschaftsgeschmacksmusterrecht vor. Dieser Band; weitere Bände sind jährlich vorgesehen; enthält 18 veröffentlichte und unveröffentlichte Entscheidungen aus Deutschland, dem Vereinigten Königreich, den Niederlanden und Spanien sowie zwei Entscheidungen der Nichtigkeitsabteilung des Harmonisierungsamts für den Binnenmarkt (HABM). Die Entscheidungen werden in vollem Wortlaut wiedergegeben, und zwar in englischer Übersetzung, soweit sie nicht ursprünglich auf Englisch oder auf Deutsch abgefasst waren. Für alle Entscheidungen gibt es englische Fassungen der Leitsätze. Die Entscheidungen sind mit ausführlichen Anmerkungen erfahrener Kenner des nationalen und europäischen Geschmacksmusterrechts versehen.

Designschutz in Europa, Band 2: Entscheidungssammlung zum Designschutz von Gerichten in ganz Europa Henning Hartwig (Hrsg.), 2008 ISBN 9783452268099, 399 p. (Carl Heymanns Verlag, D) Kartoniert, € 88,00 Der Erfolg eines Produkts hängt zunehmend vom Erfolg seines Designs ab; Produktneuheiten werden oftmals zuerst "über das Auge" wahrgenommen, viele innovative Produkte mit begehrten Designpreisen ausgezeichnet. Zugleich wird erfolgreiches Design heutzutage schneller und erfolgreicher kopiert als noch vor wenigen Jahren. Dies erklärt das große Interesse der Wirtschaft an einem effektiven Schutz von Designs gegen Nachahmung. Fünf Jahre nach Einführung des Gemeinschaftsgeschmacksmusters liegt mit Band 2 von DESIGNSCHUTZ IN EUROPA

wiederum eine Sammlung hochkarätiger Entscheidungen nationaler und europäischer Spruchkörper vor - diesmal aus Deutschland, Frankreich, Österreich, Schweden, Spanien sowie dem Vereinigten Königreich einschließlich einer der ersten Entscheidungen der Beschwerdekammer des HABM zum Grundsatzkonflikt zwischen älteren Marken und jüngeren Geschmacksmustern. Die insgesamt 19 Entscheidungen - oftmals bislang unveröffentlicht - sind erneut im Volltext wiedergegeben und mit ausführlichen Anmerkungen erfahrener Kenner des nationalen und europäischen Geschmacksmusterrechts versehen (in deutscher oder englischer Sprache). Ergänzend enthält Band 2 erstmals ein Register von Leitsätzen weiterer 37 - überwiegend unveröffentlichter - Entscheidungen, die nicht im Volltext abgedruckt sind (jeweils in deutscher und englischer Sprache).

Designschutz in Europa, Band 3: Entscheidungssammlung zum Designschutz von Gerichten in ganz Europa Henning Hartwig (Hrsg.), , 2009 ISBN 9783452270481, 460 p. (Carl Heymanns Verlag, D) Kartoniert, € 94,00 Die umfassende Entscheidungssammlung zum europäischen Designschutz Designschutz in Zeiten der Globalisierung hat unverändert Konjunktur. Beispiele wie Panamera (Porsche), iPhone (Apple), Frebeze (Procter & Gamble) oder Carrybag (Reisenthel) belegen die große Anziehungskraft, die gelungenes, zeitloses Design auf Fachleute, Medien und Käufer gleichermaßen ausübt. Auch die Zahl der Gemeinschaftsgeschmacksmusteranmeldungen in Europa; ein weiteres Indiz; steigt seit Jahren kontinuierlich.Sieben Jahre nach Einführung des Gemeinschaftsgeschmacksmusters ist Band 3 von DESIGNSCHUTZ IN EUROPA erhältlich; diesmal mit wichtigen, oftmals bislang unveröffentlichten Entscheidungen aus Deutschland, Italien, Österreich, der Schweiz, dem Vereinigten Königreich sowie des HABM. Die insgesamt 15 Entscheidungen sind erneut im Volltext wiedergegeben und mit ausführlichen Anmerkungen erfahrener Kenner des nationalen und europäischen Designrechts versehen (in deutscher oder englischer Sprache), darunter zu den Entscheidungen „Pralinenform“ (Bundesgerichtshof), „Schmuckschatulle“ (Bundesgericht), „Green Lane“ (Court of Appeal), „Zerstäuber“ (Oberster Gerichtshof) und „Fiat v Great Wall“ (Tribunale di Torino). Ergänzend enthält Band 3 ein Register mit Leitsätzen von 81 weiteren, überwiegend unveröffentlichter Entscheidungen aus Deutschland, Frankreich, Irland, Italien, Österreich, der Slowakei, Spanien, dem Vereinigten Königreich sowie des HABM, die nicht im Volltext abgedruckt sind (jeweils in deutscher und englischer Sprache). Abgerundet wird Band 3 von DESIGNSCHUTZ IN EUROPA durch ein; in seiner Aktualität und Vollständigkeit; einzigartiges Register der in Deutschland und der EU zuständigen Gemeinschaftsgeschmacksmustergerichte.

Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights in Dutch, English & German Civil Procedure Cumming / Freudenthal / Janal ISBN 9789041127266 2008/10 NL Kluwer Law hardback 332 p. € 144,50 € EU Directive 2004/48 EC obliges Member States to seek to achieve ‘partial harmonization’ of the remedies, procedures and measures necessary to enforce intellectual property law. These obligations provide what may be termed a minimum standard which must be fulfilled by the Member States in the course of their implementation of the Directive. However, the Directive is not faring well at the Member State level. The authors’ vastly detailed, articleby-article analysis of the fortunes of Directive 2004/48 EC in three EU jurisdictions offers enormously valuable insights into the complex ways Member States respond to Community law, and in so doing provides an important addition to the ongoing inquiry into the nature of the reciprocal tensions between EU law (both judicial and legislative) and the laws of Member States. The particular investigation undertaken here reveals 3 paradigmatic situations: the situation in which the Directive has not been implemented at all, either because the Member State believes that its current legislation is adequate or that the wording of the Directive is such that no special legislation is required (England);


the situation in which implementation has been inadequate, because either the pre-existing legislation constitutes inadequate legislation or because the specifically adopted legislation proves to be legally uncertain (The Netherlands); and the situation in which the relevant time for implementation for the Directive has elapsed and no specific legislation has been adopted (Germany). If there really is, as the European Commission contends, an ‘enforcement deficit’ in the protection of intellectual property rights by national rules of procedure, then the most effective remedial approach, Cummings shows, is through the principles of legal certainty, full effect, and effective judicial protection. These principles will assist the national court in interpretation of the precise meaning of the substantive obligations under the Directive. Drawing on the tenor of ECJ law that national procedural rules should not present an obstacle to adequate judicial protection, the author considers the conditions that must be fulfilled before an eventual claimant, who has suffered loss and damage caused by either the non-implementation or the incorrect implementation of a directive, may bring an action against the State for breach of Community law. The author presents his analyses of the implementation of the Directive in Dutch and English national procedure and his proposals for German implementation as three separate cases rather than comparatively, as any attempt to compare either the method of national implementation or the degree of adequacy or inadequacy inevitably obscures the essential particularities of each of the three national systems in relation to the Directive. Although this book will repay the study of anyone interested in European law, it will be of special value to practitioners and policymakers engaged in intellectual property law, particularly in EU Member States.

From Clones to Claims The European Patent Office's Case Law on the Patentability of Biotechnology Inventions in Comparison to the US Practice

interference and opposition proceedings (which also exist in Japan and which may also be forthcoming in the US).

Genetic Engineering Law (Gentechnikgesetz-GenTG) K. Hasskarl (editor), 2000 ISBN 3871932213, 64 p. (ECV Edition Cantor) Paperback, € 29,00 vergriffen, out of print, keine Neuauflage Englischsprachige Ausgabe des Gentechnikgesetzes Das Gentechnikgesetz, zur Zeit in der Fassung der Bekanntmachung vom 16. Dezember 1993 (BGBl. I S. 2066), stellt den rechtlichen Rahmen für jedes gentechnische Arbeiten in Deutschland, für das Betreiben gentechnischer Anlagen in Deutschland, für Freisetzungen in Deutschland und für das Inverkehrbringen genetisch veränderter Organismen dar. Dieses deutsche Gentechnikgesetz ist darüber hinaus eingebettet in europäische Richtlinien, nämlich die Richtlinie des Rates vom 23. April 1990 über die Anwendung genetisch veränderter Mikroorganismen im geschlossenen System (90/219/EWG) sowie die Richtlinie des Rates vom 23. April 1990 über die absichtliche Freisetzung genetisch veränderter Organismen in die Umwelt (90/220/EWG). Die englische Übersetzung soll allen ausländischen forschenden gentechnischen Unternehmen einen unmittelbaren Zugang zum Text des deutschen Gesetzes ermöglichen. Inhalt: Allgemeine Vorschriften. Gentechnische Arbeiten in gentechnischen Anlagen. Freisetzung und Inverkehrbringen. Gemeinsame Vorschriften. Haftungsvorschriften. Straf- und Bußgeldvorschriften. Übergangs- und Schlussvorschriften

German Regulations on Industrial Products

Jaenichen, Hans-Rainer / McDonell, Leslie A. / Haley, James F. / Hosoda, Yoshinori, 4th edition 5/2006 ISBN 3452247384, 900 p. (Heymanns, D) Hardback, € 178,00

Ulrich Blumenröder, 1997 ISBN 3406473024, 386 p. (C.H. Beck) Kartoniert, € 100,00 vergriffen, out of print, keine Neuauflage

The European Patent Convention now has 31 contracting states and 5 extension states are available. In 2004, about 115.000 patent applications were filed at the European Patent Office. A large number of these applications are biotech applications. As a result, the jurisprudence involving this technology has provides satisfactory absolute compound protection with claims of acceptable breadth in terms of enablement (as opposed to its contracting states Germany and France). The Technical Board has issued the final decision in the on-co-mouse case, deliberating extensively on the ethical aspects of patenting animals. The Enlarged Board also issued two very important decisions. They deal with the admissibility of disclaimers. Finally, the European Patent Office's jurisprudence has provided interesting decisions on inventive step that make it possible to patent human orthologues even though structural non-obviousness as a defense of inventive step is not available in the European Patent Office.

This publication gives an outline of German product liability law and the concept of the CE sign. It explains the steps an exporter resp. importer has to undertake to be entitled to affix the sign to his the respective products.

With harmonization being paramount, the US Patent & Trademark Office & US federal courts continue to examine & to rule on claims directed to biotechnological inventions. Among the important US decisions affecting biotechnology since the last edition are Merck v. Integra (defining the scope of the safe harbor); In re Fisher (applying the requirement of utility to ESTs); SmithKline Beecham v. Apotox (confirming that inherent anticipation does not require any scienter or appreciation requirement); Noelle v. Lederman (setting forth the enablement & written description requirement for antibodies); Rasmusson v. SmithKline Beecham (requiring more than just a right guess to satisfy the credible utility standard); and Phillips v. AWH (examining & clarifying rule for claim construction). This book again attempts to provide an overview of the jurisdiction of EPO & USPTO & US courts. This time, there also is a Japanese co-author who has contributed an overview over Japanese biotech patent practice. The Japanese contribution indicates that Japanese practice is more similar to EPO's practice than to US practice, although the written description requirement is now also rather restrictively applied in Japan. In view of its detailed content and insight into recent developments at EPO & in the US & Japan, this book is not only useful for beginners in the field but is especially useful for experienced patent practitioners in industry and private practice who want to be prepared when writing their patent applications for international filing, prosecution, litigation,

Contents: CE-marking. Concept of EU Directives. Harmonized Standards and Conformity Assessment Procedures. Affixing the CE-marking. Administrative Measures against Unsafe Products. Products Liability. Products Liability in Tort ("Classic" Products Liability). Liability on the Basis of the Products Liability Act. Large Annex: Important Acts, CE-Directives etc.

German Trademark Act / Das deutsche Markengesetz Martin Aufenanger / Gerhard Barth, 3rd edition 2006 ISBN 9783406527852 (C.H. Beck / D) hardback, 408 p. € 88,00 Das Werk macht Praktiker rasch mit Grundzügen des deutschen Markenrechts und Gemeinschaftsmarkenrechts vertraut. Es bietet insbesondere ausländischen Benutzern einen schnellen Zugriff auf alle praxiswichtigen Themen. Die Autoren sind ausgewiesene Praktiker im Bereich des gewerblichen Rechtsschutzes, beraten und vertreten in- und ausländische Unternehmen in Verfahren vor deutschen Gerichten, dem Harmonisierungsamt sowie dem Europäischen Gerichtshof. Der Inhalt: Deutsches Markenrecht. Überblick. Schutzvoraussetzungen. Kollisionstatbestände. Schranken des Schutzes. Löschungsgründe. Verfahrensrecht. Gemeinschaftsmarkenrecht. Überblick. Schutzinhalt. Verletzung. Anwendbares Recht und Zuständigkeit. Markengesetz (deutsch/ englisch). Gemeinschaftsmarkenverordnung (deutsch/ englisch). Glossar (deutsch/ englisch)


German Trade Mark Act & Regulation of January 1995 Markengesetz vom 1.Januar 1995 / Markenverordnung 30.11.1994 Rainer Kuhnen / Paul A.Wacker (ed.), 1995 ISBN 3452233332 (C.Heymanns Verlag) Kartoniert, € 25,00 vergriffen, out of print, keine Neuauflage

Geschmacksmustergesetz 1987 German Registered Designs Act 1987 Rainer A.Kuhnen / Paul A.Wacker, 1987 ISBN 3452209938 (Heymanns Verlag) Paperback, € 13,00 vergriffen, out of print, keine Neuauflage

Intellectual Property Law in Germany Protection, Enforcement & Dispute Resolution Alexander Klett / Matthias Sonntag / Stephan Wilske, 10/2008 ISBN 9783406545306, 250 p. (C.H. Beck, D) Kartoniert, € 98,00 Schneller Zugang zum deutschen IP-Recht Diese Neuerscheinung in englischer Sprache macht den deutschen & ausländischen Praktiker rasch mit Grundzügen des gewerblichen Rechtsschutzes in Deutschland einschließlich seiner europäischen Bezüge vertraut. Änderungen durch das Gesetz zur Verbesserung der Durchsetzung von Rechten des geistigen Eigentums sind bereits berücksichtigt. Die Themen: Patente. Urheberrecht. Geschmacksmuster. Marken. Know-how . Schiedsverfahren und Mediation. Synoptische Darstellung deutschenglischer Gesetzestexte in der Fassung des Gesetzes zur Verbesserung der Durchsetzung von Rechten des geistigen Eigentums. Muster für vorprozessuale Korrespondenz (Berechtigungsanfrage, Abmahnung, Schutzschrift, etc.) in englischer Sprache. Contents: Part 1: Protection of Intellectual Property Rights 1: Patents and Utility Models A. Sources of Patent Law I. National Statutes and Regulations II. European Legislation and International Treaties B. Requirements of Patentability I. General II. Patentability 1. Exclusions from Patentability 2. Technical invention 3. Novelty a) General b) Priority c) Prior Art d) Legal Standard of Novelty 4. Inventiveness 5. Susceptible of Industrial Application III. Term of Protection IV. Supplementary Protection Certificate C. Ownership and Assignment of Patents 1. General 2. Right to the Invention 3. Right to the Patent 4. Effect of the Registration of the Grant of the Patent 5. Patent Vindication D. Patent Office Proceedings I. Patent Prosecution 1. General 2. First-to-File Principle 3. Proceedings before the PTO a) Requirements b) Timetable c) Costs 4. European Patent Application 5. PCT-Application II. Observations, Oppositions and Patent Office Appeals 1. Observation on Patentability 2. Opposition to Patents 3. Appeals III. Modification of Patents E. Licensing I. Voluntary Licensing II. Compulsory Licensing F. Patent Enforcement I. Rights of the Patentee II. Limitations of the Rights of the Patentee 1. Priveleged Use of a Patent 2. Right of prior use 3. Exhaustion of Rights III. Types of Infringement 1. Claim Construction and Doctrine of Equivalents 2. Inducement/Contributory Infringement 3. Infringement by Activities Abroad IV. Remedies for Patent Infringement 1. Injunction against Infringement 2. Monetary Remedies for Infringement 3. Claims for Information and Rendering of Accounts 4. Claims for Destruction, Recall and Final Removal 5. Publication of Court Decision 6. Statute of Limitations G. Litigation in Patent Cases I. Civil Law System II. Pre-Litigation Strategy 1. Authoriziation Enquiry 2. Warning Letter 3. Filing without Warning III. Standing to Sue 1. Infringement Proceedings 2. Actions for Declaratory Judgment of Non-Infringement 3. Nullity Actions IV. Specialized Courts for Patent Matters 1. District Courts 2. First Appellate Level

(Berufung) 3. Second Appellate Level (Revision) 4. European Court of Justice V. Invalidity Defense / Separate Nullity Proceedings VI. Subsequent Action for Damages VII. Preliminary Relief and Anticipatory statement of defense 1. Requirements for Preliminary Injunctions 2. Proceedings 3. Anticipatory Statement of Defense 4. Standard of proof 5. Enforcement of Preliminary Injunctions VIII. Litigation Timetable and Trial Format 1. Duration of Proceedings a) Infringement Proceedings b) Nullity Proceedings 2. Initial Service of Statement of Claim 3. Early First Session 4. Motion for Security for the Costs of the Proceedings 5. Third-Party Notice 6. Pleadings 7. The Oral Hearing IX. Discovery and Taking of Evidence 1. No Pretrial Discovery 2. Taking of Evidence Prior to Commencing the Infringement Action a) Independent Procedure for the Taking of Evidence b) Disclosure Proceedings Abroad 3. Taking Evidence in the Course of the Proceedings a) General Principles b) Means of Evidence c) Court Orders to Produce Evidence d) Expert Testimony e) Witness Testimony 4. The Acting Persons in Patent Litigation a) Litigators b) Patent Attorneys c) Judges 5. Litigation Costs a) Court Fees b) Attorney Fees c) Reimbursement of Costs 6. Appellate Remedies a) General b) First Appeal (Berufung) c) Second Appeal (Revision) 7. Enforcement and Execution of Judgments a) General b) Provisional Enforcement c) Avoiding Execution d) Enforcement Abroad H. Utility Models I. Sources of Law II. Subject Matter and Scope III. Requirements IV. Validity Challenges 1. Novelty 2. Inventive Step 3. Grace Period V. Enforcement I. Emerging Trends I. London Agreement II. Community Patent and European Patent Litigation Agreement 2: Know-How and Other Technical Intellectual Property Rights A. Protection of Know-How and Trade Secrets I. General II. Know-How and Trade Secrets III. The Concept of Know-How Protection 1. Disclosure of Know-How and Trade Secrets a) Misappropriation of Know-How by Employees b) Industrial Espionage c) Illegal Exploitation of Know-How 2. Illegal Use of Documents 3. Practical Consequences IV. Remedies 1. Injunctions 2. Damages 3. Disclosure of Information 4. Destruction or Return 5. Publication of Judgments 6. Statute of Limitations V. Enforcement and Procedure 1. Pre-Litigation Strategy 2. Preliminary Relief B. Topographies of Semiconductor Products I. Sources of Law II. Subject Matter, Requirements and Ownership of Topographies 1. Topographies 2. Protectable Subject Matter 3. Duration of Protection 4. Requirements for Protection 5. Ownership and Assignment 6. Rights of the Owner of a Topography III. Office Proceedings IV. Validity Challenges V. Enforcement C. Plant Variety Rights I. Sources of Law II. Subject Matter, Requirements and Ownership 1. Protectable Subject Matter 2. Requirements for Protection a) Distinctiveness b) Uniformity c) Stability d) Novelty e) Suitable Designation 3. Ownership and Assignment 4. Term of Protection III. Office Proceedings IV. Rights of the Holder of the Plant Variety Right 1. Scope 2. Exclusionary Right as Regards the Variety 3. Exclusionary Right as Regards the Denomination 4. Limitations V. Enforcement 3: Copyright A. Sources of Copyright Law I. Domestic Statutes II. European Legislation and International Treaties B. Requirements, Scope and Ownership of Copyright I. Categories of Works Protected II. Requirements for Protection III. Copyright Ownership IV. Term of Protection C. Rights of the Copyright Owner D. Limits to Copyright I. Legal Licenses II. Permitted Use Without Remuneration III. Exhaustion of the Right of Distribution E. Licensing I. Form Requirements II. Scope of Licensing 1. Contractual Options 2. Contractual Interpretation if the Scope is Unclear 3. Rules for Licenses in Employment Relationships 4. Grants of Rights for Unknown Forms of Use 5. Reasonable Remuneration to the Licensor F. Neighboring Rights I. Protection of Scientific Editions and Unpublished Posthumous Works II. Protection of Non-Creative Photographs and NonCreative Films III. Protection of Performing Artists IV. Neighboring Rights for Entrepreneurs 1. Neighboring Rights for Organizers of Performances 2. Neighboring Rights for Producers of Sound Recordings 3. Neighboring Rights for Broadcasters V. Neighboring Rights for Film Producers VI. Neighboring Rights Protection for Databases G. Copyright Infringements and Remedies I. Types of Infringement 1. Direct Infringement 2. Contributory and Vicarious Liability II. Remedies for Copyright Infringement 1. Injunctions Against Infringement 2. Monetary Claims for Infringement a) Compensation for Actual Damages b) Compensation for Immaterial Damage 3. Claims Based on Unjust


Enrichment 4. Claims for Information and Rendering of Accounts 5. Claims for Destruction, Recall or Restitution of Infringing Copies and Equipment 6. Exceptions to Remedies for Infringement 7. Publication of Court Decision 8. Statute of Limitations 9. Criminal Law H. Copyright Enforcement Proceedings I. Pre-Litigation Strategy 1. Warning Letter 2. Starting Court Action Without a Warning Letter II. Standing to Sue III. Specialized Courts in Copyright Matters 1. Court of First Instance 2. First Appellate Level (Berufung) 3. Second Appellate Level (Revision) 4. European Court of Justice 4: Design Rights A. Sources of Design Law I. Domestic Statutes II. European Legislation and International Treaties B. Requirements, Scope and Ownership of Design Rights I. Protectable Subject Matter 1. The Standard for Novelty a) Legal Standard b) Grace Period for Novelty c) Priority of Previous Foreign Application d) Exhibition Priority 2. Individual Character of the Design 3. Parts of Complex Products 4. Designs Excluded from Protection II. Requirements for Protection 1. Registered Designs 2. Unregistered Community Designs III. Ownership and Assignment of Design Rights 1. Ownership 2. Presumed Entitlement 3. Assignment of Design Rights 4. Claim to be Recognized as Holder of a Design IV. Term of Protection 1. Registered Designs 2. Unregistered Community Designs C. Office Proceedings Before the German PTO and OHIM I. Application Timetable and Costs II. Application Proceedings Before the German PTO and OHIM III. Opposition Proceedings IV. Invalidity Proceedings 1. Application for Declaration of Invalidity Before OHIM and the German PTO 2. Cancellation Action Against a German Registered Design 3. Counterclaim for Declaration of Invalidity of a Community Design 4. Invalidity Action Against an Unregistered Community Design D. Rights of the Owner of a Design I. Scope of Protection II. Specific Rights of the Owner of a Design 1. Exclusive Rights of the Owner of a Registered Design 2. Exclusive Rights of the Owner of an Unregistered Community Design 3. Rights of Prior Use of a Third Party III. Limits to the Exclusive Rights of the Owner 1. Legal Limitations to Rights 2. Exhaustion of Rights E. Licensing F. Design Infringements and Remedies I. Types of Infringement 1. Direct Infringement 2. Contributory and Vicarious Liability II. Remedies for Design Infringement 1. Injunctions against Infringement 2. Monetary Claims for Infringement 3. Claims Based on Unjust Enrichment 4. Claims for Information and Rendering of Accounts 5. Claims for Seizure of the Infringing Products and Materials and Implements Used to Manufacture Them 6. Claims to Destruction of Infringing Goods and Equipment 7. Exceptions to Remedies for Infringement 8. Publication of Court Decision 9. Statute of Limitations 10. Criminal Law G. Design Enforcement Proceedings I. Pre-Litigation Strategy II. Standing to Sue III. Specialized Courts in Design Matters 1. Courts of First Instance 2. First Appellate Level (Berufung) 3. Second Appellate Level (Revision) 4. European Court of Justice 5: Trademarks A. Sources of Trademark Law I. Domestic Statutes II. European Legislation and International Treaties B. Requirements, Scope and Ownership of Trademarks and Commercial Designations I. Protectable Subject Matter 1. Trademarks 2. Commercial Designations 3. Geographical Indications of Origin II. Requirements for Protection 1. Registered Trademarks 2. Unregistered Trademarks Having Acquired Secondary Meaning 3. Secondary Meaning as a Tool to Obtain Registration 4. Commercial Designations 5. Geographical Indications of Origin III. Ownership and Assignment of Trademarks and Commercial Designations1. Ownership of Trademarks 2. Ownership of Commercial Designations 3. Assignment of Trademarks 4. Assignment of Commercial Designations IV. Term of Protection 1. Registered Trademarks 2. Other Designations Protected under the German Trademark Act C. Trademark Office Proceedings I. Application Timetable and Costs 1. German Trademarks 2. Community Trademarks II. Application Proceedings before the German Patent and Trademark Office and OHIM 1. General 2. Priority and Seniority Claims 3. Relative Grounds for Refusal 4. Appeals Against Office Decisions III. Opposition to Trademarks 1. German Trademarks 2. Community Trademarks IV. Challenges to Trademarks Beyond Opposition Proceedings D. Rights of the Trademark Owner I. Scope of Protection 1. Trademarks 2. Other Designations Protected under the Trademark Act 3. Geographical Indications of Origin II. Specific Rights of the Owner of a Trademark or

Commercial Designation III. Limits to the Exclusive Rights of the Owner 1. Legal Limitations to Rights 2. Exhaustion of Rights 3. Limitation/Estoppel E. Licensing F. Trademark Infringement and Remedies I. Types of Infringement 1. Direct Infringement 2. Contributory and Vicarious Liability II. Remedies for Trademark Infringement 1. Injunctions Against Infringement 2. Monetary Claims for Infringement 3. Claims Based on Unjust Enrichment 4. Claims for Information and Rendering of Accounts 5. Claims for Destruction and Recall of Infringing Goods 6. Exceptions to Remedies for Infringement 7. Statute of Limitations 8. Criminal Law G. Customs Actions H. Trademark Enforcement Proceedings I. Pre-Litigation Strategy II. Standing to Sue III. Specialized Courts in Trademark Matters 1. Courts of First Instance 2. First Appellate Level (Berufung) 3. Second Appellate Level (Revision) 4. European Court of Justice 6: Arbitration and Mediation of IP Disputes A. Introduction I. Traditional German Litigation of IP Disputes II. Advantages of Arbitration and Mediation B. Arbitration of IP Disputes I. German Legislation on Arbitration 1. Arbitration Act 2. International Treaties II. Arbitration Agreement 1. Arbitrability 2. Content and Form Requirements a) Content Requirements of an Arbitration Agreement b) Form Requirements III. Constitution and Composition of the Arbitral Tribunal 1. Appointment of Arbitrators 2. Challenge of Arbitrators IV. Jurisdiction of the Arbitral Tribunal 1. Competence of the Arbitral Tribunal to Rule on Its Jurisdiction 2. Interim Measures of Protection a) Dual System b) Enforcement of Interim Measures V. The Arbitral Proceedings 1. General Rules of Procedure 2. Language of the Arbitral Proceedings 3. Place of Arbitration 4. Default of a Party 5. Taking of Evidence a) General Approach to Fact-Finding and Gathering of Evidence b) Documents c) Witnesses d) Experts 6. Confidentiality of Proceedings a) Confidentiality of the Arbitration b) Confidentiality of Evidence inter partes 7. Settlement Attempt by the Arbitral Tribunal VI. Role of Courts in Arbitral Proceedings VII. Making of an Award and Termination of Proceedings 1. Applicable Rules to Substance of Dispute 2. Form & Content Requirements of an Award 3. Decision on Costs 4. Application f Setting Aside an Award VIII. Recognition & Enforcement of an Award 1. Domestic Award 2. Foreign Award IX. The German Arbitration Landscape 1. Tradition and Development 2. Specialized Types of Arbitration a) Business and Trade Specific Arbitration Institutions b) Domain Name Disputes C. Mediation of IP Disputes I. German Approach to Mediation II. Advantages of Mediation III. Mediation Required by German Law IV. Mediation Clauses and Agreements 1. German Law on Mediation Agreements 2. Ignoring an Obligation to Mediate a) Duty to Mediate b) Commencing Litigation in Contravention of a Mediation Agreement V. Mediation Proceedings 1. Reference to Rules of a Mediation Institution 2. Mediation and Court Proceedings a) Defense of Mediation Agreement b) Confidentiality Obligations c) Suspension of the Limitation Period VI. Mediator Service Agreement 1. Mediator’s Duties: Rules of Professional Conduct 2. Remuneration of Mediators 3. Liability of Mediators VII. Conclusion of Mediation Proceedings 1. Settlement Agreement 2. Enforcement of the Settlement Agreement D. Emerging Trends Part 2: Relevant Legislative Instruments 1: German Legislative Instruments (Excerpts) A. Patent Act B. Act on Utility Models C. Act on Copyright and Neighboring Rights D. Act on the Administration of Copyright and Neighboring Rights E. Act on the Protection of Designs and Models F. Trademark Act G. Act Against Unfair Competition H. Semiconductor Protection Act I. Act on Plant Variety Rights 2: European Legislative Instruments A. European Patents B. Community Trademarks C. Community Designs D. Community Plant Variety Rights E. Other Intellectual Property Legislation 3: Foreign National Legislative Instruments A. Collection of Laws for Electronic Access B. List of WIPO Administered Treaties Part 3: Samples and Other Tools 1: Samples of Pre-Litigation Correspondence A. Authorization Enquiry (Berechtigungsanfrage) B. Warning Letter (Abmahnung) and Cease and Desist Undertaking (Verpflichtungserklärung)


C. Application for a Preliminary Injunction (Antrag auf Erlass einer einstweiligen Verfügung) D. Anticipatory Statement of Defense (Schutzschrift) E. Request for taking of evidence (Beweisantrag) 2: Sample Calculations of Costs of IP Disputes in Germany 3: Internet Links A. PTOs and Other Authorities 1. Directory of Intellectual Law Offices Worldwide 2. Directory of Regional Offices 3. European Patent Office 4. Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market (Trade Marks and Designs) 5. European Judicial Atlas 6. German PTO B. Online Search Services 1. esp@cenet 2. DEPATISnet 3. Scientific Technical Information Network (STN) C. Case Law 1. European Court of Justice/European Court of First Instance: 2. Decisions of the EPO; Boards of Appeal 3. Decisions of the OAMI; Boards of Appeal (Trademarks) 4. Decisions of the OAMI; Invalidity Division (Designs) 5. Judgments of Community Design Courts Concerning Community Designs) 6. German Federal Court of Justice 7. German Federal Patent Court 8. Patent Chambers of Düsseldorf 4: Bibliography A. Commentaries and Books in the German Language B. Books, Articles and Journals in the English Language 5: German-English Glossary

Law of Domain Names in Germany Geiseler-Bonse, Sebastian, 5/2001 ISBN 3932881117, 23 p. (Universität Münster Inst. f. ITM ) Paperback, ca. € 5,00 vergriffen, out of print, keine Neuauflage

Lizenzverträge / License Agreements: Patents, Utility Models, Know-how, Computer Software Kommentierte Vertragsmuster nach deutschem und europäischen Recht / Annotated Sample Contracts under German und European Law Pagenberg / Beier, 6th edition 2008 ISBN 9783452256881, 1072 p. (C. Heymanns Verlag) Hardback, € 148,00 Das Werk verbindet Vorteile eines Vertragsmusterhandbuchs mit denen eines systematischen Lizenzkommentars und bezieht das deutsche & EG-Lizenzrecht in ganzer Breite ein. In der Praxis bietet sich damit eine erhebliche Erleichterung im internationalen Lizenzverkehr. Es besteht mehr Sicherheit in der Formulierung zweisprachiger Vertragsmuster; in den Erläuterungen finden sich weiterführende Hinweise und Lösungen zu allen Lizenzproblemen des deutschen und des EG-Rechts. Die Neuauflage vermittelt dem Benutzer einen praxisnahen Einstieg in das europäische Lizenzrecht, ohne dass er die zahllosen Rechtsvorschriften des europäischen Gesetzgebers selbst studieren & bewerten muss: Die neuen Vorschriften werden in einem völlig neuen Eingangskapitel ausführlich behandelt und kommentiert. Alle Muster sind vollständig überarbeitet und dem neuen Recht angepasst. Praxis-Tipps weisen auf Besonderheiten der Gerichtspraxis, aber auch auf gefährliche Fallen von Lizenzklauseln hin. Die Verweise auf die Rechtsprechung wurden erheblich ausgeweitet, so dass dem Benutzer für Spezialfragen Entscheidungen insbesondere der europäischen Instanzen und deutscher Gerichte zur Verfügung stehen. Das US-Recht wurde zu den wesentlichen Fragen eingearbeitet. Die wichtigsten Texte sind im Band abgedruckt - alle übrigen Bekanntmachungen der Kommission zum Lizenzrecht sowie die zweisprachigen Vertragsmuster sind bei Erwerb des Werkes online abrufbar.

Patents in Germany & Europe. Procurement, Enforcement & Defense. An International Handbook Harguth / Carlson ISBN 9789041131645 2011/07 NL Kluwer Law hardback 400 p. € 144,50

Germany’s patent system presents unique opportunities & risks for companies doing business abroad. It is one of the world’s top jurisdictions for patent enforcement because of the size of the German market, speed & cost of the proceedings, the expertise & reputation of the judges, and its advantageous “split system” that resolves infringement separately from validity challenges. Either as a stand-alone enforcement venue, or as part of a global IP strategy, Germany should be at the forefront of companies’ intellectual property plans. This handbook provides attorneys worldwide both the fundamental framework and practical pointers for navigating Germany’s patent system. It opens with an overview of the judicial system, along with background on patent prosecution & opposition proceedings in the European Patent Office. The handbook then explains key aspects of patent litigation in Germany, including Trial procedure; Claim construction; Damages; Nullity (invalidity) proceedings; Discovery; Customs enforcement actions; Employment law regarding inventions; and Budgeting of patent cases. The book also provides forms and legislative materials, including translations (unofficial) of key intellectual property provisions, such as of the German Patent Act, Utility Model Act and the Act on Employee’s Inventions. Authored by active patent litigators in Germany and the US, this handbook explains the German system in the context of US proceedings, concludes with a comparison of key provisions of the US and German patent systems. For in-house counsel, as well as for seasoned international litigators, this handbook offers valuable lessons for patent procurement, enforcement, and defense. Contents: 1 Why Germany? 2 Sources of Law 3 Structure of Legal System 4 Forms of Patent Protection: Background on Prosecution 5 Patentability Standards 6 Opposition Proceedings 7 Nullity Actions 8 Pre-Suit Considerations and Infringement Trial 9 Preliminary Injunction Proceedings 10 Claim Construction and Infringement 11 Discovery and Evidence Taking 12 Damages 13 Inventorship and Ownership 14 Customs Actions 15 Budgeting a Patent Enforcement Case 16 Samples 17 Legal Texts 18 Key Differences between U.S. and European Patent Laws

Protecting Inventions in Chemistry Commentary on Chemical Case Law Under the European Patent Convention & the German Patent Law Fritjoff Hirsch / Bernd Hansen, 1997 ISBN 3406473067 (C.H. Beck) Hardback, € 128,00 vergriffen, out of print, keine Neuauflage

Protection of Biotechnological Matter under European & German Law A Handbook for Applicants Goldbach, Klara / Vogelsang-Wenke, Heike / Zimmer, Franz J., 2. Aufl. 2002 ISBN 3406473512, 480 p. (C.H. Beck) Paperback, ca. € 118,00 vergriffen, out of print, keine Neuauflage

Protection of Technical Innovations & Designs in Germany Obtainment - Exploitation; Enforcement Gottfried Klitzsch / Winfried Stockmair, 2nd edition 2001 ISBN 9783406473555, 343 p. (C.H. Beck Verlag) Hardback, € 76,00 Darstellung des Systems des Gewerblichen Rechtsschutzes in Deutschland. In englischer Sprache umreißt dieses Werk, dessen 1. Auflage im Verlag Wiley-VCH erschienen war, das System des gewerblichen Rechtsschutzes in Deutschland, soweit es für die Industrie von Bedeutung ist. Dargestellt werden insbesondere die Möglichkeiten des Schutzes von Patenten und Gebrauchsmustern, Marken & Geschmacksmustern für diverse Produktgattungen. Das außergerichtlich, patentamtliche und gerichtliche Verfahren von der Anmeldung bis zur Abwehr von Beeinträchtigungen gewerblicher Schutzrecht werden praxisgerecht erläutert. Ein dokumentarischer Anhang umfasst außer nützlichem Adressmaterial unter anderem


Übersetzungen der Patent & Gebrauchsmusteranmeldeverordnung sowie Flussdiagramme zum Verfahrensrecht. Das Buch wendet sich an Rechts- und Patentabteilungen sowie Berater ausländischer Wirtschaftsunternehmen, nützt aber auch deutschen Praktikern, die mit englischsprachigen Partnern über Fragen des gewerblichen Rechtsschutzes korrespondieren und die korrekte Terminologie im Anwendungszusammenhang benötigen.

Technology Transfer Systems in the United States & Germany Lessons & Perspectives Norman Abramson / Jose Encarnacao / Proctor P. Reid / Ulrich Schmoch (editors) Fraunhofer Institute for Systems & Innovation Research, National Academy of Engineering, 1997 ISBN 9780309055307, 448 p. (National Academy Press, USA) Paperback, ca. € 57,80 This book explores major similarities and differences in the structure, conduct, and performance of the national technology transfer systems of Germany and the United States. It maps the technology transfer landscape in each country in detail, uses case studies to examine the dynamics of technology transfer in four major technology areas, and identifies areas and opportunities for further mutual learning between the two national systems. Contents: Overview & Comparison Understanding Technology Transfer. Factors Shaping National Technology Transfer Systems The German & US R&D Systems Major Similarities. Major Differences Comparison of Major Technology Transfer Institutions Functional Similarities: An Overview. Technology Transfer from Higher Education Institutions. Technology Transfer from Government Laboratories. Technology Transfer from Contract Research Institutes. Technology Transfer by Industrial R&D Consortia Selected Technology Transfer Issues in a Comparative Context Role of Start-Up Companies in Technology Transfer. Technology Transfer to Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Technologically Mature Industries. Intellectual Property Rights and Technology Transfer to Industry. International R&D Collaboration and Technology Transfer Conclusions & Recommendations General Conclusions and Challenges. Recommendations. Joint German-U.S. Recommendations for Fostering Transatlantic Collaboration in R&D and Technology Transfer Annex I: Suggestions for Transatlantic / International Collaborative Projects Transatlantic Cooperative Computer Applications over Global Networks Suggested Development of a Transatlantic Network of Information. Analysis Centers. Collaboration among German & US Industrial Research Associations Part 2: Technology Transfer in the United States The R&D Enterprise R&D Funders and Performers. Distribution of Publicly Funded R&D. The Industrial R&D Enterprise. Technology Transfer to U.S. Industry in Context Technology Transfer from Higher Education to Industry Distinguishing Characteristics of the Enterprise. History of University-Industry Relations. Technology Transfer by Research Universities and Colleges US Federal Laboratories & Technology Transfer to Industy Federal Laboratories by Major Mission Area. Federal laboratories and Technology Transfer: History and Legislation. The Federal Laboratories and Technology Transfer: Mechanisms. Measuring the Performance of Federal Laboratory Technology Transfer. The Future of Federal Laboratory Technology Transfer. Conclusions Technology Transfer by Privately Held, Non-Academic Organizations Organizations That Create and Transfer Technology. Organizations That Transfer or Facilitate the Transfer of Technology Created by Others. Conclusion Annex II: Case Studies in Technology Transfer Biotechnology Simon Glynn and Arthur E. Humphrey: The Development and Transfer of Manufacturing and Production Technologies to US Companies. Robert K. Carr: Microelectronics. Simon Glynn and William J. Spencer: Software. Simon Glynn: Electric Power Research Institute: The Boiler Tube Failure Reduction Program. Jim Oggerino Part 3: Technology Transfer in Germany Executive Summary, Introduction

The German R&D Enterprise General Structures. Industrial R&D Structures. Impact of European Research Technology Transfer from Universities Technology Transfer from Public Intermediate R&D Institutions Max Planck Society. Helmholtz Centers. Blue List Institutes and Departmental Research Institutes. Fraunhofer Society Technology Transfer by Industrial R&D Consortia Federation of Industrial Research Associations Technology Transfer in Selected Areas Technology Transfer in Information Technology. Technology Transfer in Microelectronics. Technology Transfer in Biotechnology. Technology Transfer in Production Technology. Conclusion: An Assessment of Technology Transfer in Germany Annex III: Examples of Technology Transfer in Germany GTS-Gral: Technology Transfer from University to a New Technology Based Firm (G.E. Pfaff). CO² Dyeing Process: Industrial Cooperative Research (Eckhard Schollmeyer). Production Automation: Transfer from a Fraunhofer Institute to Industry (M. Hagele). Medigene: Establishment of a Start-Up Company in Biotechnology (Peter Heinrich). Technology Licensing Bureau (TLB) of the Higher Education Institutions in BadenWürttemberg (Thomas Gering). Appendixes, Notes, References, Biographical Information for the Binational Panel, Index

Trade Mark Rights & Remanufacturing in the European Community With special emphasis on the rebuilding of automotive parts Gerhard Riehle, 2003 ISBN 9783406514937, 112 p. (C.H. Beck, D ) Kartoniert, € 25,00 Die neueste Abhandlung innerhalb der IIC-Studies befasst sich mit einer Frage: "Darf ein Dritter, ohne bestehende Markenrechte zu verletzen, ein aufgearbeitetes Erzeugnis auf den Markt bringen, das noch das Zeichen des ursprünglichen Herstellers trägt?". Die wirtschaftlichen Auswirkungen hängen mit der Entstehung eines neuen Industriezweiges zusammen. Beinahe unbemerkt von der Öffentlichkeit hat die Aufarbeitung von Produkten einen enormen Aufschwung genommen und sich zu einem wichtigen Wirtschaftsfaktor entwickelt. Das praktische Ziel der Studie, den wirtschaftlich unmittelbar Beteiligten verlässliche Richtlinien an die Hand zu geben. Ausgehend von grundsätzlichen Erkenntnissen und gestützt auf eine Fülle empirischen Materials werden in der Studie spezifische, vorhersehbare und justiziable Leitlinien entwickelt, die zu einem fairen Interessenausgleich zwischen Markeninhaber, Aufarbeiter und der Allgemeinheit führen.

Vertraulichkeitsvereinbarungen Confidential Disclosure Agreements. Peter Kurz 2. Auflage 2008 ISBN 9783452261632 Carl Heymanns Verlag hardback, 370 p. € 108,00 Unternehmen die sich mit der Verwertung von Technologie befassen, sehen sich in der Notwendigkeit, vertrauliche Informationen abzusichern. Das Handbuch ist die einzige fallbezogene Sammlung von Vertraulichkeitsvereinbarungen (CDA oder NDA). Es ermöglicht die Einarbeitung in die Thematik und dient dem Praktiker als Nachschlagewerk für Detailfragen. Sämtliche Vertragsmuster sind in deutscher und englischer Sprache abgefasst und berücksichtigen die gesetzlichen Änderungen im Wettbewerbsrecht, Telekommunikations- und Medienrecht. Die Vertragsmuster sind im Internet abrufbar. Schwerpunkte der Neuauflage: grundlegende Vertragsklauseln; Standard-CDA/NDA; multilaterale CDA/NDA; Rahmen-CDA/NDA ; Sonderfälle wie M&A-CDA/NDA, Austausch personenbezogener Daten; innerbetriebliche Vertrauensrichtlinie; Automatisierung der Vertragserstellung; betriebliches Vertraulichkeitstraining


Wörterbuch der Patent- & Markenpraxis Deutsch-Englisch / Englisch-Deutsch Alexa von Uexküll-Güldenbrand, 8th edition 2011/08 (C. Heymanns Verlag, D) ISBN 9783452274182, 500 p. Kunststoff, € 98,00 Erleichtert englischsprachige Korrespondenz im gesamten Bereich des gewerblichen Rechtsschutzes. Die in den vergangenen Jahren erlassenen neuen Gesetze & Verordnungen haben eine gründliche Überarbeitung und Ergänzung des Werkes erforderlich gemacht. Mehr als 2000 neue Begriffe, die im Wesentlichen aus TRIPs, PLT, der Rechtsprechung des Europäischen Patentamts, des BGH, der Biotechnologie-Richtlinie, dem US-Patentrecht, dem europäischen und internationalen Markenrecht, dem Geschmacksmusterrecht einschließlich HMA, Wettbewerbsrecht sowie ArbeitnehmerErfindergesetz stammen.

Employing Staff in Germany Martin Fischer / Siegurd Milde, 12/2005 (German-British Chamber of Industry & Commerce, UK) Paperback, ca. € 107,00 vergriffen, out of print, keine Neuauflage

Employment & Labour Law in Germany Arbeitsrecht in Deutschland - German Law Accessible Stefan Lingemann / Robert von Steinau-Steinrück / Anja Mengel, 3.Auflage voraussichtlich 2.Quartal 2011 ISBN 9783406605512, ca. 600 p. (C.H. Beck) Hardback, ca. € 98,00 Das Werk erläutert in englischer Sprache die wesentlichen Fragen des deutschen Arbeits-, und Dienstvertrags- sowie des begleitenden Steuer- und Sozialrechts kurz und verständlich. Im Anhang finden Sie die einschlägigen Vorschriften des Arbeitsrechts in Deutsch und auf Englisch.

Employment, Labour Betriebsverfassungsgesetz / LaborManagement Relations Act Deutsch-englisch Dr.Martin Peltzer / C.E.Stewart, 4.Auflage 1995 ISBN 3781904997 (Fritz Knapp Verlag) Hardback, € 61,50 vergriffen, out of print, keine Neuauflage

Comparison of the Trade Union Merger Process in Britain & Germany Joining Forces? Jürgen Hoffman / Marcus Kahmann / Jeremy Waddington, 5/2005 ISBN 9780415353786, 272 p. (Routledge, UK) Hardback, ₤ 105,00 = ca. € 134,80 This informative book focuses on the merger process in Britain and Germany and, uniquely, reviews the wider implications of these developments. A valuable resource for postgraduate students studying business and management, industrial employee relations and trade unions, this book draws on interviews conducted with senior policy-makers to explore the extent of internal union reform, and identifies the implications of this worldwide. Contents: List of Figures, List of Tables, List of Abbreviations, Terms of Union Government and Activity Introducing the Themes Defining the Merger Process. Reasons for Merger. Selection of a Merger Partner and Processes of Negotiation. Merger Outcomes. Towards an Explanation of the Merger Process. The Structure of the Book What Distinguishes the British and German Systems? Two Forms of Capitalism. Different Regulatory Regimes. Two Systems of Collective Bargaining. Mergers as a Means to Address these Challenges Locating our Cases German Trade Union Structure. British Trade Union Structure. Part 4 Pre-merger Membership and Financial Trends. Pre-merger Membership Trends: Germany. Pre-merger Membership Trends: Britain. Pre-merger Financial Trends: Germany; Britain. Conclusions Pre-merger Debates and Positioning The IG BCE Merger Process. The ver.di Merger Process. The GMB Merger Process. The UNISON Merger Process. Conclusions Settling the Terms of the Mergers T The IG BCE Merger Process. The ver.di Merger Process. The GMB Merger Process. The UNISON Merger Process. Conclusions Post-merger Developments Changing Relationships with the State, Employers and Other Unions. Post-merger Membership and Finance. Post-merger Organisation. Conclusions Conclusion The Merger Process and Its Explanation. Mergers, Renewal and the Future of Union Structure References

Die Darstellung umfasst u.a.: Abschluss, Durchführung und Beendigung von Arbeitsverträgen. Vergütung und Steuer. Umstrukturierungen und Transaktionen. Mitbestimmung. Betriebliche Altersversorgung. Vorstände, Geschäftsführer. Prozessführung sowie eine zweisprachige Synopse der relevanten Gesetzestexte: BGB (auszugsweise). Gesetz über Teilzeitarbeit und befristete Arbeitsverträge. EntgeltfortzahlungsG. KündigungsschutzG. BundesurlaubsG. Gesetz zur Verbesserung der betrieblichen Altersvorsorge. HGB (auszugsweise). EG Vertrag. Drittelbeteiligungsgesetz. TarifvertragsG. MitbestimmungsG. ArbeitszeitG. MutterschutzG. BundeserziehungsgeldG. Sozialgesetzbuch IX (ehem. SchwerbehindertenG). GmbH Gesetz. Aktien Gesetz. SGB III. SGB IV. ArbeitsgerichtsG. ArbeitnehmerüberlassungsG. NachweisG. Ein umfangreiches zweisprachiges Glossar dient als Nachschlagewerk. Seit der Erstauflage wurden folgende neue Gesetze bzw. Gesetzesausschnitte berücksichtigt: die mittlerweile auch für das Arbeitsrecht relevante AGB-Kontrolle nach §§ 305 - 310 BGB; die neu geregelte Mitbestimmung nach dem Drittelbeteiligungsgesetz; das neue Schwerbehindertenrecht im SGB IX; das Antidiskriminierungsrecht. Darüber hinaus haben sich zahlreiche Gesetze geändert, z.B. das KSchG, AÜG u.a. Die Autoren sind Fachanwälte für Arbeitsrecht und als Rechtsanwälte in den Berliner Büros international wirtschaftsberatender Sozietäten tätig. Sie haben umfassende Praxiserfahrung bei der arbeitsrechtlichen Beratung internationaler Mandanten und zahlreiche deutsche und internationale Veröffentlichungen zum deutschen Arbeitsrecht verfasst.

Employment in Germany IDS / Sweet & Maxwell 2010/08 GB ISBN 9780414029750 paperback ₤ 331,00 = ca. € 425,00 This guide will provide you with the essential briefing if you already have operations abroad, are considering setting them up, or simply need to understand the HR environment in this economy. The German economy has emerged from several years of economic doldrums into a phase of export-led, growth; aided by sustained falls in unit labour costs and stagnating real wages. The system of industry-level bargaining, which still dominates pay setting in manufacturing, has delivered both generally moderate settlements, and the introduction of options to allow firms to depart from industry standards, subject to negotiation and consultation with employee representatives and trade unions. One outcome of the upturn has been a marked drop in unemployment, with skill shortages emerging in a number of specialisms and regions. This has also prompted efforts to boost the employment of women and older workers. At the same time, there are concerns about regulating the lower end of the wage spectrum, as weakening collective bargaining and the impact of low-wage countries on its doorstep have led to a rise in inequality. Major recent legislative initiatives have included: New provisions on parental and paternity leave, in force from 2007, with encouragement to fathers to take leave by granting an additional two months of parental benefit if both parents participate.


Measures to promote the employment of people aged over 50, in force from May 2007, including employment subsidies to employers. Raising of the normal retirement age from 65 to 67 in stages, beginning in 2012. Agreement by the coalition in June 2007 of measures to regulate low pay. As well as context and detail on rules on hiring, dismissal, employment contracts, and employee relations, the IDS International Employment Guide to Germany 2008 reviews bargaining trends, and highlights topical developments in law and practice, backed up a statistics on pay, earnings, and labour costs. Contents: Main employment developments 2006-2008. Summary of legislative change and prospects 2002-2008. Section 1; Organisations Trade unions. Employers’ organisations. Official bodies. Research institutes. Employment tribunals and procedures Section 2; Commencement of employment Recruitment. Official notification & work permits. Works council rights on personnel issues. Young workers & trainees. Finding the applicant. Placement & recruitment services. Recruitment media. Graduate recruitment. Selection procedures. Appointment of employees Section 3; Contracts of employment The contract of employment. Types of contract of employment. Indefinite contract of employment. Probationary period. Fixed-term contracts. Part-time contract. ‘Zero hours contracts’. Job-sharing. Telework. Minijobs. Temporary agency employment. Contractual issues - employer & employee rights. Contractual penalties. Other employment. Confidentiality. Restrictive covenants. Employee liability. Repayment of training costs. Variation of terms. Antidiscrimination and equal opportunities. General Law on Equal Treatment, 2006. Federal Antidiscrimination Agency. Discrimination issues. People with disabilities. Bullying. Data protection & employee privacy. Drugs, alcohol, tobacco. Transfer of undertakings Section 4; Termination of contract Forms of termination. Notice periods & form of notice. Discipline & grievance procedures. Individual dismissal on non-economic grounds. Grounds for dismissal. Summary dismissal. Notification rules for non-economic dismissals. Works council notification & consultation. Termination on economic & operational grounds. Noredundancy & related agreements. Notification & consultation for economic dismissals. Collective dismissals. Severance pay & social compensation plans. Social Compensation Plans. Termination of managers. Termination by mutual agreement. Severance payments. Formalities on termination. Protected employees. Insolvency. Unlawful dismissal. Unemployment benefit Section 5; Industrial relations and collective bargaining Industrial relations & collective bargaining. Strikes & industrial action. Workplace employee representation. Corporate governance & board codetermination. Levels of bargaining. Recent bargaining trends. Flexible provisions in collective agreements. Employees outside collective bargaining Section 6; Pay and benefits Make-up of pay. Statutory pay determination. The Posted Workers’ Law. The law on pay. Basic pay. Reward management issues. Regional pay differences & local allowances. ‘13th’ month payments. Performance pay. Overtime premia. Night work & shift premium payments. Pay for public holidays & weekends. Pay for short-time working. Employee financial participation Section 7; Working time and time off Daily & weekly hours of work. Flexible working hours. Shop opening hours. Sunday & holiday working. Overtime & night work. Annual leave. Public holidays. Sick leave & sick pay. Time off rights. Short-time working Section 8; Retirement and pensions Retirement & pensions. Company & supplementary pension schemes. Industry-level pension schemes. Phased early retirement Section 9; Other labour costs Social security contributions & benefits. Other benefits. Appendices: Prices & comparative price levels. Pay & Earnings. Income tax. Total labour costs in West & East Germany. Labour costs in international comparison. Social Compensation Plans. Severance payments; tax & social security rules. Guidance notes for contracts

Gesetz über Arbeitnehmererfindungen Act on Employees’ Inventions H.Reitzle / A.Butenschön, 3.Auflage 2006 ISBN 9783406523465, 200 p. (C.H. Beck) Paperback, € 39,00

Das durchgängig zweisprachig auf Deutsch und Englisch verfasste Werk vermittelt eine kurze und verständliche Einführung in die wesentlichen Fragen des deutschen Arbeitnehmererfindungsrechts. Die aktualisierte und ergänzte Neuauflage berücksichtigt insbesondere die Neuregelung hinsichtlich Erfindungen von Hochschulangehörigen sowie die Änderung der Verjährung und erläutert kurz die besonders praxisrelevanten Regelungen zum Insolvenzverfahren. Darüber hinaus werden die Grundzüge des Arbeitnehmererfindungsrechts in einigen weiteren, für den gewerblichen Rechtsschutz wesentlichen Ländern dargestellt. Die Darstellung umfasst u.a. Gesetzestext des ArbNErfG; Richtlinien für die Vergütung; Einführung in die deutschen Regelungen; Überblick über Regelungen anderer Staaten; Glossar zur Erläuterung der wichtigsten Begriffe des ArbNErfG Die Autoren sind Patent- bzw. Rechtsanwälte aus dem Münchener und dem Berliner Büro der - auf das Gebiet des gewerblichen Rechtsschutzes spezialisierten - Kanzlei Pfenning, Meinig & Partner. Herr Dr. Reitzle ist darüber hinaus auch als Dozent für dieses Rechtsgebiet an der Universität Ulm tätig. Die Autoren verfügen über umfassende Praxiserfahrung bei der Beratung und gerichtlichen Vertretung internationaler Mandanten im Bereich des Arbeitnehmererfindungsrechts.

Key Aspects of German Employment & Labour Law Kirchner / Krempp / Magotsch ISBN 9783642006777 2010/02 D Springer hardback 250 p. € 96,25 A quick overview of the German labor Law. Serves as a perfect manual for international companies with locations in Germany. Gives a concise view of the legal requirements regarding personnel management in Germany. Offers practical legal advice on how to manage HR issues in Germany. Covers both individual and collective labor law. Includes case studies and possible solutions. This publication gives an overview of all key aspects of German labour and employment law as well as adjoining fields. Legal professionals with expert knowledge and long years of experience explain the legal basis of these aspects of German law, point out typical practical problems and suggest solutions to those problems. Additionally, examples are given on how to best manage legal pitfalls to minimize risks. This book will especially help foreign inhouse counsels and human resources managers at international companies to understand the complex legal regulations concerning labour and employment law in Germany. The editors are experienced legal professionals at the Frankfurt office of DLA Piper, one of the largest legal services providers in the world, with national and multinational clients. Their experience includes management of cross-border restructurings, outsourcing and transfer of undertaking measures, as well as the management of national and multi-jurisdictional merger & acquisitions projects, including post-merger integration processes.

Labour Law & Industrial Relations in Germany Manfred Weiss, 4th edition 9/2008 ISBN 9789041127938 (Kluwer Law / Aspen, NL) Paperback, ca. € 91,00 Labour Law and Industrial Relations in Germany gives the reader a broad understanding of German labour law covering all important aspects. The book deals with the sources of labour law, individual employment relationships, collective bargaining, remuneration, working conditions, and dispute settlement. It provides advocates, administrators, management, and especially students, with an overview of all aspects of German labour law, and, to some extent, of its social, economic, and political context. The third edition is a revised version and all the latest developments are covered. Contents: List of Abbreviations, Introduction. Selected Bibliography The Individual Employment Relationship Definitions and Concepts. Conclusion of the Individual Labour Contract. Duties of the Parties in the Course of the Employment Relationship. Working Time, Public Holidays and Annual Holidays. Remuneration and Benefits. Employee Liability. Termination of the


Individual Labour Contract. Covenant of Non-competition, Employee Inventions. Settlement of Individual Labour Disputes Collective Labour Law Freedom of Association. Trade Unions and Employers' Associations. Collective Bargaining. Dispute Resolution. Institutionalized Forms of Employee Participation: The Works Constitution. Employee Representation on the Supervisory Board. The Role of Courts in Collective Labour Law

Regulating Employment Relations, Work & Labour Laws: International Comparisons between Key Countries various jurisdictions

negotiate with a union, a works council, or a government agency. Veto rights. “Social plans,” i.e., severance packages, including severance pay and continuing benefits. Time frames. Consequences of not following the law. Political and social factors to be taken into account Contents: EUROPEAN WORKS COUNCILS Overview/introduction. General requirements for European Works Councils. Formation of European Works Councils. Rights and duties of the European Works Council. Principles for co-operation with the European Works Council. Role of the unions. Penal provisions and provisions for the imposition of administrative fines. Disputes. Legal proceedings both before the courts and out of court (selected jurisdictions). Major publications

Blanpain / Bamber / Pochet ISBN 9789041131997 2010/05 NL Kluwer Law paperback € 99,80

For all jurisdictions: Applicable Laws. Employee Representation. Information Requirements and Proceedings. Severance Packages and Social Plans. Individual Redundancy Proceedings. Public Authorities. Employment Conditions. Additional Comments

The complexity of employment arrangements in various countries tends to make it difficult to understand them. Nevertheless, it is important to ‘take stock’ periodically, particularly from an internationally comparative perspective. This remarkable book is a giant step in that direction. It is especially valuable in the context of increasing globalisation.

Austria. Belgium, Czech Republic. France. Germany. Hungary. Italy. The Netherlands. Poland. Spain. United Kingdom

For each of nine key jurisdictions, experts present detailed information and analysis on key issues: the European Union, Germany, Sweden, United Kingdom, United States of America, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, and Japan


They shed valuable light on trends in such specific areas of employment relations as atypical work and flexible work arrangements; dispute settlement procedures such as negotiation, conciliation, mediation, arbitration and other forms of governmental or judicial intervention; job security, anti-discrimination, and gender equality; recognition of unions and employers’ associations and forms of employee representation; how collective bargaining is regulated, who the collective agreements cover and what they contain; parental leave and childcare policy; the capacity of individual agreements to override or not override collective agreements; minimum wage levels; overtime and shift work; and paid leave entitlements. As a general framework, an introductory chapter offers a highly insightful summary of the underpinnings of current analysis of globalization, including discussion of the varieties of capitalism thesis, the divergence/convergence debate (with its models of bipolarization, clustering, and hybridization), and elements of historical and political-economic path dependency in various cultures. The information gathered here provides a powerful new understanding of the increasing ‘disconnect’ between the prevailing institutional framework for employment relations and the sweeping changes that are taking place in the world of work. With this book’s analysis, practitioners and policymakers will be able to overcome their dated assumptions and more effectively accommodate each others’ interests in the face of the complex mix of continuity and change that they are confronting. The team of authors are authoritative experts in these countries. They are active in policy or legal analysis, business and/or scholarship.

Restructuring a Business in Europe Legal Questions for Employers Gerhard Röder / Burkard Göpfert (editors), 2007 (Matthew Bender / Lexis, USA) ISBN 9780820563268 Paperback, ca. € 82,90 Written by practitioners in the countries, this handy guide is for attorneys and managers considering any form of business restructuring that affects workers in the countries covered. Furthermore, the book explains what transactions are and are not considered to affect workers! The book also explains European Works Councils and their impact on restructurings. Transactions discussed include: Layoffs. Transfers to another worksite. Asset transfers. Sale or purchase of a subsidiary or a plant. Dismissals. Collective Dismissals. Mergers. And More Topics include: Works councils, unions, and other employee representatives. Notice and consultation obligations; whether to inform and


GDD-Handausgabe deutsch-englischfranzösisch 3.Auflage 2002 ISBN 3895772305, 96 p. (Datakontext Verlag) Paperback, € 20,00 vergriffen, out of print, keine Neuauflage

Bundes-Datenschutzgesetz GDD-Handausgabe deutsch-englisch Synopse altes / neues BDSG 2002 ISBN 3895772763, 184 p. (Datakontext Verlag) Paperback, € 25,00 vergriffen, out of print, keine Neuauflage

Energy Law in Germany German Law Accessible Carsten Corino, 4/2003 ISBN 9783406480614, ca. 300 p. (C. H. Beck) Hardback, ca. € 77,00 Wichtige Rechtstexte zum deutschen Energiewirtschaftsrecht in deutscher und englischer Sprache sowie einführende Erläuterungen in englischer Sprache. Das Werk eröffnet einen ersten Zugang zum deutschen Energiewirtschaftsrecht in englischer Sprache. Neben dem synoptischen Abdruck der wichtigsten Rechtstexte in deutscher und englischer Sprache enthält der Band eine ausführliche Einführung in das Energiewirtschaftsrecht sowie kurze Einführungen zu den übersetzten Gesetzen. Eine Übersicht über wichtige Internet-Links ermöglicht den (ausländischen) Lesern den Zugang zu weiterführenden Informationen. Die jeweiligen Einführungen in die Gesetzestexte sind so gehalten, dass sie auch für nichtjuristische deutsche Mitarbeiter von Energieversorgungsunternehmen mit dem für ihre Arbeit erforderlichen juristischen Rüstzeug ausstatten. Energy law in Germany is undergoing fundamental changes owing to the introduction of competition in the supply of electricity and gas] and greater environmental regulation. These changes are increasingly being influenced by European law and public international law. The book Energy Law in Germany discusses the law governing the transmission, distribution and supply of gas and electricity in Germany. It provides an overview of the current status of energy law and expected future developments. The book also incorporates the most important source materials.


Contents: Basic Principles of the Energy Law Security of supply, competition, environmental protection, interrelationship of these principles, introduction of emissions trading. International Law Framework Convention on Climate Change and Kyoto Protocol, Energy Charter Treaty, other aspects of public international law.  Source Materials No. 1 Kyoto Protocol European Law Overview, coal & nuclear energy, EC Treaty, preparation of internal energy market, directives concerning Internal Market in Electricity & Natural Gas, completion of the internal energy market, law relating to competition & state subsidies, directive on renewable energy sources, further developments in environmental protection. Source Materials No. 2 Amsterdam Version of the EC Treaty (EG-Vertrag in der Fassung des Vertrags von Amsterdam) No. 3 Directive concerning the Internal Market in Electricity (Elektrizitätsbinnenmarktrichtlinie) No. 4 Directive concerning the Internal Market in Natural Gas (Erdgasbinnenmarktrichtlinie) No. 5 Directive on Renewable Energy Sources (Richtlinie zu erneuerbaren Energiequellen) German Laws (Deutsche Gesetze) Overview, Basic Law, Energy Industry Act, Act Revising Energy Industry Legislation, Act against Restraints of Competition, Laws on Excise Tax on Oil and Oil Products and on Electricity, Renewable Energy Sources Act, Law Pertaining to Combined Heat and Power Generation, nuclear energy, further legislation under energy law, privatisation of public utilities. Source Materials No. 5 Excerpts from the Basic Law (Auszüge aus dem Grundgesetz - GG) No. 6 Energy Industry Act (Energiewirtschaftsgesetz - EnWG) No. 7 Act Revising Energy Industry Regulation (Gesetz zur Neuregelung des Energiewirtschaftsrechts - NeuregelungsG) No. 8 Excerpts from the Law Against Restraints on Competition (Auszüge aus dem Gesetz gegen Wettbewerbsbeschränkungen GWB) No. 9 Excerpts from the Law on Excise Tax on Oil and Oil Products (Auszüge aus dem Mineralölsteuergesetz - MinölStG) No. 10 Excerpts from the Law on Excise Tax on Electricity (Auszüge aus Strom-steuergesetz - StromStG) No. 11 Renewable Energy Sources Act (Erneuerbare-EnergienGesetz - EEG) No. 12 Law on Combined Heat and Power Generation (KraftWärme-Kopplungsgesetz - KWKG) German Ordinances (Deutsche Rechtsverordnungen) Overview, Federal Tariff Scale for Electricity, General Conditions for Supplying Electricity to Tariff Costumers, General Conditions for Supplying Gas to Tariff Costumers, energy-saving, other regulations. Source Materials No. 13 Ordinance on Federal Tariff Scale for Electricity (Bundestarifordnung Elektrizität - BTOElt) No. 14 Ordinance on General Conditions for Supplying Electricity to Tariff Customers (Verordnung über Allgemeine Versorgungsbedingungen für die Elektrizitätsversorgung von Tarifkunden - AVBEltV) No. 15 Ordinance on Concession Fees (Konzessionsabgabenverordnung - KAV) German Associations‘ Agreements (Verbändevereinbarungen) Background to associations‘ agreements, Associations‘ Agreement on Electricity II with Amendment, Grid Code and Distribution Code, Associations‘ Agreement on Gas with Supplements. Source Materials No. 16 Associations‘ Agreement on Electricity II with Amendment (Verbändevereinbarung Strom II plus) No. 17 Associations‘ Agreement on Gas with Supplements (Verbändevereinbarung Gas mit Nachträgen) Important Internet Links and Addresses Glossary German-English and English-German Incl. list of abbreviations & indication of references (subject index).

Energy Policies in the European Union Germany's Ecological Tax Reform P.J.J. Welfens et al., 4/2001 ISBN 9783540416524 (Springer Verlag) Hardback, € 74,85 Global warming is a serious threat to the stability of world climate & economic prosperity in some regions. The book offers a theoretical analysis which focuses on double dividend issues. Moreover, the ecological tax reform in Germany & the options of modern energy policy are described & evaluated. The volume presents innovative model simulations & analyzes, in context of the model, the benefits of a modified tax reform, based on a Schumpeterian approach. Finally, implications for the EU and other countries are discussed.

German Environmental Law Mulloy, Máire / Albrecht, Eike / Häntsch, Tanja (editors), 2002 ISBN 3503060723, 434 p. (Erich Schmidt Verlag) Paperback, € 29,80 vergriffen, out of print, keine Neuauflage

German Environmental Law for Practitioners Horst Schlemminger / Holger Wissel (ed.), 8/2004 ISBN 9041121818 (Kluwer Law, NL) Hardback, ca. € 192,60 vergriffen, out of print, keine Neuauflage

German Internet Law Adviser

Legal & Tax Implications for E-Commerce Dr.Fritjof Börner / Stephan Heitmann / Markus Sengpiel / Dr.Günther Strunk / York Zöllkau, Rechtsanwälte (editors), 2/2000 ISBN 3887849507, 196 p. (Bundesanzeiger) Kartoniert, € 45,00 vergriffen, out of print, keine Neuauflage

German Telecommunication Law & the New European Regulatory Framework Hermann-Josef Piepenbrock / Fabian Schuster (editors), 2002 ISBN 3504560428, 383 p. (O. Schmidt Verlag / D) Hardback, € 64,80 vergriffen, out of print, keine Neuauflage

Halbleiterschutzgesetz Semiconductor Protection Act Bernhard Geissler (editor), 1988 ISBN 3452212033 (Heymanns) Kartoniert, € 26,00 vergriffen, out of print, keine Neuauflage

Information Technology & Productivity Growth. German Trends & OECD Comparisons Eicher / Strobel ISBN 9781848440913 2009/10 GB Edward Elgar hardback 112 p. GBP 49,95 € 64,00 Present an industry-level account of the recent changes in German productivity growth, compares trends Europe & US. Specific focus on how differential investments in information & communication technologies (ICT) affected economic performance of these economies. Not all industrialized countries shared the economic fortunes that ICT presented to the US economy. While the US experienced successive accelerations in its trend growth in 1995 and again in 2000, Germany experienced dual reductions in labor productivity growth. Some European economies fared better, others even worse than Germany. Since productivity is the ultimate determinant of living standards, the authors examine the sources of these productivity differentials. They also present a new German growth accounting database that utilizes unique ICT investment data, sourced directly from the industries, to place their findings into an international context. This book is targeted at economists and policymakers alike, and is designed to provide clear guidance for those interested in industrial policy and statistical account methods. Contents: 1. Introduction 2. Deriving New Economy Data at the Industry Level 3. Industry Origins of the US Productivity Accelerations and Germany’s Productivity Slump 4. ICT Intensity & Productivity Growth: International Comparison 5. Information & Communication Technology (ICT) and Productivity: Software Investments as the


Decisive Driver 6. Education & ICT Investment Complementarities 7. Industry Productivity, R&D Intensity, ICT Investment

Law & Economics for Landlines Telecommunications Liberalisation, Regulation & Deregulation in Germany Albrecht von Breitenbuch, 2001 ISBN 3631386133, 108 p. (Peter Lang) Paperback, ca. € 26,00 vergriffen, out of print, keine Neuauflage

Telekommunikationsrecht Schriftenreihe Kommunikation & Recht, Band 8 Wissmann, Martin (Hrsg.), 2003 ISBN 3800512459, 1789 p. (Verlag Recht & Wirtschaft) Hardback, € 295,00 vergriffen, out of print, keine Neuauflage

Telekommunikationsrecht in Deutschland Telecommunications Law in Germany Chrocziel / Esser-Wellié / Tschentscher, 7/1998 ISBN 3504560339, 376 p. (Dr.Otto Schmidt Verlag) Paperback, € 74,80 vergriffen, out of print, keine Neuauflage

Constitution The Constitution of Germany: A Contextual Analysis Heun ISBN 9781841138688 2010/12 GB Hart Publ. paperback 244 p. GBP 15,95 € 20,50 German Basic Law, enacted in 1949 after total defeat and the experience of totalitarian barbarism, has become a model for constitutions around the world, a prominent example of modern constitutionalism. It features 5 fundamental principles: democracy, rule of law / Rechtsstaat, the social state, republican government and federalism; each expressly guaranteed and protected against constitutional amendment. As such German Basic Law is a prime example of a cooperative and predominantly executive federalism characterised by a high degree of unitarianism and equality of its member states. The institutional structure, featuring the principle of separation of powers, is a parliamentary system of government, in which the Chancellor & the political parties play leading roles. The Bundestag remains a powerful Parliament, while Bundesrat and the Prime Ministers of the Länder act as an important counterweight. Constitutional Court, as interpreter of the Constitution & possessor of a broad range of competences, occupies an especially important position, acting as arbiter between the different Federal institutions as well as Federation & Länder. In the field of fundamental rights the Court has achieved far-reaching constitutionalisation and juridification of the whole political system, while at the same time creating a strong and consistent system of individual freedom and the liberalisation of society.

Constitution of the Federal Republic of Germany David P.Currie, 1995 ISBN 9780226131139 (University of Chicago Press, USA) Hardback, GBP 28,00 = ca. € 36,00

world: the Basic Law of Germany. He provides a comprehensive and accessible introduction to the study of the German constitution. Beginning with an overview of the essential features of the Basic Law, Currie then elucidates those features by analyzing a number of decisions of the German Constitutional Court. Contrasting German constitutional law with the American model, Currie further illuminates the German system and provides a comparative perspective on American institutions, judicial methods and constitutional principles. The German constitutional court recently has become the object of international attention as it has grappled with controversies involving abortion, ratification of the Maastricht Treaty and the reunification of East and West. Currie examines these issues and their impact on the German constitution.

Constitutional Comparison Japan, Germany, Canada & South Africa as Constitutional States Francois Venter, 3/2001 ISBN 9789041115102 (Brill, NL) Hardback, ca. € 164,80 In our globalized era it has become impossible to deal effectively with constitutional law and related subjects such as fundamental rights, administrative law and political science without knowledge of foreign systems. A wealth of literature is available on practically all constitutional systems and the intricacies of their application. This, however, presents the constitutionalist with a formidable problem: Which foreign systems should I explore in order to make relevant comparisons, and how should I go about it? This book addresses the core problems of comparability and appropriate comparative methodology in the realm of contemporary constitutionalism. The outcome is, however, not mere theorizing. Most of the text is devoted to an incisive application of the chosen comparative method to four geographically, historically, and culturally divergent, but thoroughly comparable, constitutional systems. In the course of the comparative exercise, contemporary constitutional dogma and constitutional mechanics are analyzed and explained, in many instances in their historical contexts, making the book itself a useful source of comparative and historical information.

Constitutional Jurisprudence of Germany Donald P.Kommers, 2nd edition 1997 ISBN 9780822318385 (Duke University Press, USA) Paperback, 648 p. € 42,80 Kommers's comprehensive work surveys the development of German constitutional doctrine between 1949, when the Federal Constitutional Court was founded, and 1996. Extensively revised and expanded to take into account recent developments since German unification, this second edition describes the background, structure, and functions of the Court and provides extensive commentary on German constitutional interpretation, and includes translations of seventy-eight landmark decisions. These cases include the highly controversial religious liberty and free speech cases handed down in 1995.

Dignity & Liberty: Constitutional Visions in Germany & the United States Issues in Comparative Public Law Edward J. Eberle, 11/2001 ISBN 9780275974916, 320 p. (Praeger Publ., USA) Paperback, GBP 24,95 = ca. € 32,00 Illuminates alternative visions of human dignity, personality, and community by comparing the constitutions of Germany & the US. Striking a balance between the aspirations of individual freedom and the demands of organized society is a central quest of constitutional law. Germany and America provide different paths toward accomplishing this equilibrium, revealing two paths to freedom and its relation to community. Eberle challenges current thinking in the field by setting out alternative visions of human freedom, dignity, personality & expression; demonstrating that use of comparative methodology has much to offer critical examination of major constitutional and public policy issues; and showing that different conceptions of fundamental ideas are possible.

A scholar of the constitution of the United States turns his attention to one of the most important bodies of constitutional law in the


German Constitutional Law The Protection of Civil Liberties Sabine Michalowski / Lorna Woods, 7/1999 ISBN 1855219204, 384 p. (Ashgate, UK) Hardback, £ 72,00 = ca. € 115,60 vergriffen, out of print, keine Neuauflage

Politics of Constitutional Review in Germany Political Economy of Institutions & Decisions Georg Vanberg, 2/2005 ISBN 9780521836470, 208 p. (Cambridge University Press, UK) Hardback, ₤ 50,00 = ca. € 64,50 This book investigates sources and limits of judicial authority in constitutional courts, focusing on the central role of public support for judicial independence. The book provides an in-depth study of the German Federal Constitutional Court, including statistical analysis of judicial decisions, case studies and interviews. Novel perspective on European constitutional courts. Stresses the limits of their authority, thus runs counter to much received wisdom in the literature. Combination of formal, game theoretic modeling and sophisticated empirical testing

Recent Trends in German & European Constitutional Law German Reports Presented to the XVIIth International Congress on Comparative Law, Utrecht, 16 to 22 July 2006 Riedel, Eibe H. / Wolfrum, Rüdiger (editors), 6/2006 ISBN 9783540346678 (Springer, D) Hardback, ca. € 80,20 This volume contains the German National Reports on Public Law presented at the XVIIth Congress of the International Academy of Comparative Law, Utrecht 2006. The authors are senior and junior research fellows at German universities and research centres. Their articles provide an overview over recent developments and new issues in both European Constitutional and German Public Law from a German perspective and offer an in-depth analysis of the legal issues discussed. The book offers scholars as well as practitioners a sound basis for studies on a wide range of current and interesting issues in the field of comparative law. Contents: Armin von Bogdandy: Constitutional Principles for Europe. Ralph Alexander Lorz: The Emergence of European Constitutional Law. Jürgen Bast: The Legal Position of Migrants - German Report. Markus Böckenförde: Constitutional Referendum in Germany Country Report. Thomas Fetzer: E-Government - Country Report an Germany. Kristian Fischer: Quangos - An Unknown Species in German Public Law? German Report an the Rule-making Power of Independent Administrative Agencies. Dirk Hanschel: Progress and the Precautionary Principle in Administrative Law - Country Report an Germany. Sebastian Graf von Kielmansegg: Legal Means for Eliminating Corruption in the Public Service. Thilo Marauhn: Characteristics of International Administration in Crisis Areas - A German Perspective. Anja Seibert-Fohr: Constitutional Guarantees of judicial Independence in Germany.

Criminal Law Criminal Responsibility of Children & Young Persons A Comparison of English & German Law Thomas Crofts, 8/2002 ISBN 9780754622659, 282 p. (Ashgate, UK) Hardback, £ 75,00 = ca. € 96,50

the issue of whether there is still a need in modern society for an individual assessment of the criminal responsibility of children and young persons. After finding that the evidence suggests that there is a need, the author addresses the question of how these special rules could best be formulated and applied in practice. The book provides a thorough and comprehensive approach to this highly controversial issue, critically evaluating the recent abolition of the presumption of doli incapax in England and also providing valuable material on the German Law in this area. Contents: England: Historical development of the criminal liability of the young; Presumption of Doli Incapax: how it functioned; Abolition of the Doli Incapax presumption: reasons and consequences. Germany: Historical development of the criminal liability of the young; § 3 Youth Court Act: how it functions; Excursus: measures which may follow the criminal act; Evaluation of § 3 Youth Court Act: criticisms and reform. Comparative Analysis: Historical development; The individual test of criminal responsibility; Conclusion; Bibliography; Index.

Deutsches Strafrecht, Allgemeiner Teil German Criminal Law, General Part Teil 1: Grundlagen (Straf- & Verfassungsrecht, Strafrechtsprinzipien, Einteilung der Straftaten) Volume I: Basics Volker Krey, 2002 ISBN 9783170170469, 212 p. (Kohlhammer Verlag) Paperback, € 42,00 Das Lehrbuch ist eine „systematisch-induktive“, d.h. zwar systematisch aufgebaute, aber weitgehend vom Fall ausgehende Darstellung des Allgemeinen Teils. Prof.Dr. Volker Krey, seit 1975 ordentlicher Professor für Straf- und Strafprozeßrecht sowie Methodenlehre, Universität Trier; von 1978-1998 Richter am Oberlandesgericht.

Deutsches Strafrecht Allgemeiner Teil German Criminal Law General Part Teil II: Tatbestand des vorsätzlichen Begehungsdelikts Glossar - Volume II: Legal Elements of the Intentional Offence Committed by Action Glossary Lehrbuch in Deutsch und Englisch / Textbook in German & English Volker Krey, 2003 ISBN 9783170182431, 198 p. (Kohlhammer Verlag) Kartoniert, € 40,00 Das Lehrbuch ist eine "systematisch-induktive", d. h. zwar systematisch aufgebaute, aber weitgehend vom Fall ausgehende Darstellung des Allgemeinen Teils. Prof. Dr. Volker Krey, seit 1975 ordentlicher Professor für Straf- und Strafprozessrecht sowie Methodenlehre, Universität Trier; von 1978 bis 1998 Richter am Oberlandesgericht. Volker Krey German Criminal Law General Part Textbook in German and English Volume II: Legal Elements of the Intentional Offence Committed by Action (Three-stage Structure of Crimes, Concept of Action, Causality, Objective Attribution, Intent) / Glossary on Volume I and II This textbook is a "systematicinductive" presentation of the General Part, i. e. it has a truly systematic structure, but to a great extent it is based on cases.

German Penal Code as amended as of December 19, 2001 Thaman, Stephen (Translator), 2002 ISBN 083770054X, 275 p. (Rothman / Hein, USA) ca. € 102,00 The revised Criminal Code does not create a new administration of criminal law, but provides a framework within which administration of justice can ensure maintenance of law & protection of society.

Using a comparative and historical analysis of the relevant law and practice in England and Germany, this incisive volume examines


Leitfaden Untersuchungshaft in 8 Sprachen Rainer Endriß, 1999 ISBN 3824003546, 187 p. (Deutscher Anwaltverlag / D) Paperback, ca. € 20,00 vergriffen, out of print, keine Neuauflage Nicht nur für Strafverteidiger, auch für von Untersuchungshaft Betroffene und Angehörige sind Voraussetzungen & Ausgestaltung der U-Haft von Belang. Nicht immer hat der Rechtsanwalt genügend Zeit, die Fragen der Betroffenen erschöpfend zu beantworten. Hier ist der Leitfaden die geeignete Hilfe. In auch für den juristischen Laien verständlicher Sprache wird über alle wesentlichen Punkte der Untersuchungshaft informiert. Mögliche Sprachbarrieren zwischen Verteidiger und Mandant werden beseitigt, da der Leitfaden in 7 Fremdsprachen abgefasst ist. So können ausländische Mandanten in englisch, französisch, italienisch, spanisch, türkisch, albanisch und arabisch ihre Rechte nachlesen. Der Anwalt wird auf diese Weise entlastet und kann gleichzeitig durch die umfassende rechtliche Orientierung seiner Mandanten die Betreuung optimieren.

Construction German Construction Contract Procedures (VOB 2006 in English) Übersetzung aller DIN-Normen der VOB, Teile A-C DIN (Hrsg.), 4th edition 2007 ISBN 9783410164555, 934 p. (Beuth Verlag) 2 Ordner, ca. € 134,00

Die Verdingungsordnung für Bauleistungen (VOB) ist das einschlägige Grundlagen- und Nachschlagewerk für Bauvergabe in Deutschland, seit über 75 Jahren Maßstab für gute Bauverträge & solide bauvertragliche Abmachungen. Sie schafft Chancengleichheit und Transparenz, sorgt für ein faires Vergabeverfahren, fördert gesunden Preiswettbewerb. VOB 2002 in Englisch enthält alle Übersetzungen der VOB-Normen (Teile A, B und C). Everyone involved in construction projects in Germany is familiar with the German Construction Code, or „VOB“. And, as contracts are increasingly awarded across national borders, so use of the Code is becoming widespread throughout Europe. From site investigation to building management systems, the Code covers virtually all aspects of building and civil engineering. It stipulates general conditions of contract, contains technical specifications for each trade or sector, describes good practice, and deals with measurement and accounting of the work. It is both a work of reference and a manual. The fully revised and updated VOB 2002 is more relevant than ever. Comprising a total of 60 standards in two ring binders, the Code is now available in English translation.

Glossar zur Verdingungsordnung für Bauleistungen (VOB) German Construction Contact Procedures (VOB) Wolfgang Hageman / DIN (editors), 1994 ISBN 3410130640, 256 p. (Beuth Verlag) Paperback, € 36,00 vergriffen, out of print, keine Neuauflage

HOAI Honorarordnung für Architekten & Ingenieure vom 21. September 1995 / 20. November 2001Official Scale of Fees for Services by Architects and Engineers dated 21st September 1995 / 10th November 2001 ISBN 3528116676, 275 p., 2nd edition 2002 (Vieweg Verlag, D) Paperback, € 28,90 vergriffen, out of print, keine Neuauflage

Public Procurement in Germany Vergaberecht in Deutschland Dr. Lutz Horn, 4/2001 ISBN 3406470106 (C.H. Beck) Hardback, € 77,00 vergriffen, out of print, keine Neuauflage Bei diesem Buch handelt es sich um die (bisher einzige) englische Übersetzung der deutschen Vergabeordnung mit den neuesten Änderungen. Rechtsstand: Januar 2001. Einführung. Grundsätze der Vergabe. Die Pflicht zur öffentlichen Ausschreibung. Übersicht über das Vergabeverfahren. Allgemeine Vertragsbedingungen für die Vergabe und Ausführung von Bauleistungen (VOB/A, VOB/B) und Ausführung von Leistungen (VOL/B). Nachprüfungsverfahren für öffentliche Aufträge Vor der englischen Übersetzung der deutschen Rechtsvorschriften erfolgt eine kurze Einführung auf Englisch als Leitfaden für Leser, die keine vertieften Kenntnisse im deutschen Recht haben.Ein zweisprachiges Glossar Deutsch-Englisch der Fachausdrücke bildet eine ideale Ergänzung. Contents: A. Terms: Contracting Entity and Public Contract I. Contracting Entity II. Public Contract B. Principles of Public Procurement C. Obligations to Call for Tenders when Awarding Public Contracts I. Awarding contracts above and below the threshold values II. Awarding a works contract III Awarding a supply or a services contract IV Awarding independent contractor services V Awarding contracts in the sector of water, energy, transport and telecommunications VI Exceptions D. Overview on the Award Procedure I. Types of award procedures II. Tender notice III. Time limits and deadlines within the award procedures IV Selection of candidates V. Dispatch of award documents VI Tender opening date VII Review of tenders VIII Evaluation of tenders IX Contract award X Cancellation of invitations to tender E. General Terms and Conditions of Contract for the Execution of Public Works and Public Supplies and Services Contracts F. Legal Remedies unter Contract Award Procedures G. Statutory Material I. Act Against Restraints of Competition (excerpt) II. Ordinance on the Award of Public Contracts III. Procurement Regulations for Public Works (VOB/A) IV Procurement Regulations for Public Works (VOB/B) V Procurement Regulations for Public Supplies & Services A VI Procurement Regulations for Public Supplies & Services B VII Procurement Regulations for the Award of Independent Contractor Services (VOF) H. Bibliography I. Glossary of Key Words and Phrases

Miscellaneous Academic Freedom & the Law: A Comparative Study Barendt ISBN 9781841136943 2010/11 GB Hart Publ. paperback 336 p. GBP 40,00 € 51,50 Provides a critical analysis of the law relating to academic freedom in 3 major jurisdictions: United Kingdom, Germany & United States. Outlines the various claims which may be made to academic freedom by individual university teachers and universities and other higher education institutions, examines the justifications which have been put forward for these claims. Three separate chapters deal with legal principles of academic freedom, a further chapter is devoted to the restrictions on freedom of research which may be imposed by the regulation of clinical trials, by intellectual property laws, by the terms of contracts made between researchers and the companies sponsoring medical and other research. Also examines the impact of recent terrorism laws on teaching & research freedom of academics, discusses their freedom to speak about general political and social topics unrelated to their work.


The first comparative study of a subject of fundamental importance to all academics and others working in universities. It emphasises the importance of academic freedom, while pointing out that, on occasion, exaggerated claims have been made to its exercise.

Comparative Advertising in Germany with regard to European Community Law Frank Bachmann, 1998 ISBN 3415024199, 152 p. (Boorberg Verlag) Paperback, € 29,00 vergriffen, out of print, keine Neuauflage

Corporate Germany Between Globalization & Regional Place Dependence Business Restructuring in the Ruhr Area Christian Berndt, 6/2001 ISBN 0333912810, 277 p. (Palgrave MacMillan, UK) Hardback, ₤ 78,00 = ca. € 100,00 Investigates how German corporate actors respond to globalization and the apparent crisis of the German Model, exploring the role of economic and non-economic factors in shaping business strategies. Based on empirical research in the Ruhr area, the book argues that routine interaction at the regional level continues to play a crucial role in shaping corporate adjustment.

Family & Succession Law in Germany Peter Gottwald / Dieter Schwab / Eva Büttner, 7/2001 ISBN 9783406480638 (C.H. Beck) Paperback, € 50,00 For a concise exposition and analysis of the essential elements of German law with regard to family relations, marital property, and succession to estates, this volume has no peers. It covers sources & instruments of family & succession law as practiced in Germany; courts that adjudicate & administer the laws; issues surrounding the person as a legal entity (especially in relations to consent), and the legal disposition of property among family members. The legal aspects of such matters as nationality, domicile, and residence; marriage, divorce, and cohabitation; adoption and guardianship; intestate and testamentary succession and inter vivos arrangements; and the acquisition and administration of estates are all treated to a degree of depth that will prove useful in nearly any situation likely to arise in legal practice. Dieser Band bietet eine umfassende Darstellung und Analyse des deutschen Familien- & Erbrechts in englisch, einschließlich Quellen & Instrumente dieser Gebiete. Staatsangehörigkeit, Wohnsitz; Zusammenleben; Eheschließung und Scheidung; Adoption und Pflegschaft; testamentarische & gesetzliche Erbfolge, Erwerb und Verwaltung von Nachlass werden ausführlich behandelt. Inhalt: General Introduction. General Background of the Country. Historical Background of the Family and Succession Law. Sources of Family and Succession Law. The Courts Administering Family and Succession Law Part I. Persons The Status of a Person. Registration for Civil Status. Personality Rights. Names Part II. Family Law Marriage. Divorce. Cohabitation without Marriage. Filiation. Adoption. Parental Care. Guardianship, Curatorship and Care and Control. Financial Support Among Relatives Part III Matrimonial Property Law The Contractual Matrimonial Property Regimes. The Statutory Matrimonial Property Regimes. Equalization of accrued gains

German Administrative Law in Common Law Perspective Singh, Mahendra P., 2nd edition 2001 ISBN 3540423656, 377 p. (Springer Verlag) Hardback,€ 85,55

A thoroughly revised edition of the author's book on German Administrative Law, first published in 1985. From the perspective of a common law jurisdiction the author presents the basic framework of German administrative law, along the lines administrative law is understood in the English speaking world. It covers all the essential elements of German administrative law. It is updated to include the latest developments and the impact of EC law in different spheres. Contents: Nature, Scope, Growth of German Administrative Law. Legislative Powers of the Administration: Delegated Legislation. Administrative Powers: Administrative Act. Administrative Powers: Contracts, Private-Law Acts, Real Acts, and Planning. General Principles of Judicial Review. Judicial Review of Discretionary Powers. Administrative Courts. Judicial Remedies & Procedure. Liability of the Public Authorities. The Basic Law (Grundgesetz). Law on Administrative Proceedings of 25 May 1976 (VwVfG). Code of Administrative Court Procedure (VwGO). An Illustrative Judgment.

German Drug Law Axel Sander, 12/1999 ISBN 9783871932090, 232 p. (ECV Editio Cantor) Paperback, € 44,00 vergriffen, out of print, keine Neuauflage

The German Economy Beyond the Social Market Horst Siebert, 1/2005 ISBN 9780691096643, 416 p. (Princeton University Press / Wiley, USA) Hardback, ₤ 38,95 = ca. € 50,00 One of Germany’s most influential economists describes his country’s economy, the largest in the EU and the third largest in the world, analyzes its weaknesses: poor GDP growth performance, high unemployment due to a malfunctioning labour market, and an unsustainable social security system. Horst Siebert spells out the reforms necessary to overcome these shortcomings. Taking a broader view than other recent books, he considers Germany’s fiscal policy stance, product market regulation, capital markets, environmental policy, aging & immigrating policies, its system for human capital formation as well as Germany’s role in the European Union, including the euro zone. Germany’s system of economic governance emerges as a common theme as Siebert examines why this onetime economic powerhouse is today a faltering giant. He argues that what Germany needs, above all, is a market renaissance; that it must throw off the shackles of its social welfare economy and hallmark consensus approach, whereby group-based cooperative decisionmaking has undermined competition and markets. In doing so he examines both the country’s social security system and its labour market, including trade unions. His focus throughout is on present concerns, foreseeable future problems, long-term policy issues. The definitive word on post-war German economy to the present day, this book is essential reading for economists & finance professionals as well as students, researchers, others interested in modern Germany, its place & prospect at the heart of Europe.

German Reports on Public Law Presented to the XV.International Congress on Comparative Law, Bristol, 26 July to 1 August 1998 Eibe Riedel, 1998 ISBN 9783789055263, 151 p. (Nomos Verlag) Paperback, € 34,00 Angesichts der immer stärkeren europäischen und internationalen Verflechtungen spielt Rechtsvergleichung auch im öffentlichen Recht eine wesentliche Rolle. Der Tagungsband enthält Beiträge zu aktuellen Fragen des deutschen öffentlichen Rechts und seiner internationalen Bezüge. Die Wirkungen von Resolutionen des Weltsicherheitsrates im deutschen Rechtssystem, die Konstitutionalisierung der deutschen Rechtsordnung und ihre Beeinflussung durch die europäische Integration sind ebenso Gegenstand des Tagungsbandes wie Fragen der Staatshaftung, der Justizgewährleistung, des Schutzes berechtigter Erwartungen sowie der verfassungsrechtlichen Grenzen von Privatisierungen. Der Tagungsband gibt einen vertieften Einblick in die diskutierten Rechtsprobleme aus


deutscher Sicht und bietet damit in- und ausländischen Wissenschaftlern und Praktikern eine fundierte Grundlage für rechtsvergleichende Studien.

Immigration as a Democratic Challenge Citizenship & Inclusion in Germany & the United States Ruth Rubio-Marin, 3/2000 ISBN 9780521777704 (Paperback) (Cambridge University Press) Paperback, £ 25,99 = ca. € 33,50 This study argues that liberal norms of justice & democracy should require a time threshold after which immigrants (legal and illegal) should either be granted the full right of citizenship, or should be awarded nationally automatically, without any conditions or tests.

Innovation in Local Economies. Germany in Comparative Context Crouch ISBN 9780199551170 2009/05 GB Oxford University Press hardback 256 p. GBP 60,00 € 77,00 The study of varieties of capitalism is moving on from analysis of static national types to embrace local & sectoral diversity, and the study of systems in the process of major change. This volume addresses the issue by examining 4 localised sectors, comparing a German case with one in another European country. The general changes taking place in Germany itself and the other countries (Hungary, Sweden, UK) form the context of the studies. The case studies concern Furniture making in North-Rhine Westphalia and southern Sweden, Automotive manufacture in east Germany and northern Hungary, Biotechnology around Munich and Cambridge, TV programme and film-making in Cologne and central London. The studies find a complex pattern of conformity with, and deviation from, national types, but only occasional examples of where divergence takes the form of a direct confrontation with a national model. This is partly because national models are themselves changing; partly because they are often capable of accommodating more diversity than is often assumed by national studies; and partly because firms are increasingly able to reach outside their national boundaries for institutional resources.

Labour Costs & Living & Working Conditions Comparison UK & Germany 2004, 41 p. + Anhang (Deutsch-Britische Industrie- und Handelskammer, D/GB) € 45,00 + MWSt Diese englischsprachige Veröffentlichung vergleicht Lohnkosten und Lebens- und Arbeitsbedingungen im Vereinigten Königreich und Deutschland. Insbesondere werden die Unterschiede bei Renten, Besteuerung und Löhnen behandelt. Diese Studie enthält auch eine Aufgliederung der Lebens- und Arbeitsbedingungen nach Regionen. Zahlreiche Statistiken erleichtern das Verständnis.

Law of Medical Negligence in England & Germany Stauch ISBN 9781841136462 GB 2008/09 Hart Publishing hardback 182 p. GBP 45,00 € 57,80 This new work adds to the theoretical understanding and discussion of possible solutions to various conceptual and practical problems that arise within the field of medical negligence - an area whose legal treatment is perceived, both in England and Germany, as containing a number of special difficulties and shortcomings. In addition it seeks to make a contribution to the developing field of comparative law, by employing a detailed and closely focused analytical approach in a tightly defined subject area. These twin aims serve to reveal the similarities and differences between two legal cultures in a particularly clear and striking way.

The book offers an analysis which is neutral as between the English and German approaches. The issues are dealt with thematically so far as possible, so that where a similar approach is taken in both countries to a given issue, e.g. the standard of care owed by medical practitioners, these will discussed side-by-side. By contrast, where there are significant differences in the respective treatments, e.g. the standard of risk disclosure, the English approach will be discussed first; then the German (in individual sections within the overall chapter). The book thus avoids the 'country-report' style, whereby the systems are presented largely separately from each other; instead, the book offers a close and detailed comparison and contrast, as between the two systems, of their respective legal rules. It will be of interest to comparative lawyers, tort and medical lawyers, and practising lawyers working in these areas.

Legal Handbook for Refugees A Practical Guide Through German Asylum & Alien Law Heinhold, Hubert, 2000 ISBN 3860594966, 228 p. (Loeper Karlsruhe) Paperback, € 12,90 vergriffen, out of print, keine Neuauflage

Legal Protection against Breaches of Duty on the Part of the German Works Council A Fata Morgana? D.W. Belling, 2000 ISBN 3-540-66835-7 (Springer Verlag) Hardback, € 48,10 The German works councils enjoy far-reaching powers and can exert tremendous influence, which creates an indisputable danger of abuse of power. However, the employees and employer are scarcely protected from any breaches of duty it may commit. The legal protection provided in the industrial governance regulations is still insufficiently developed. On the other hand, the powers of the unions in the United States of America have long since been limited by the duty of fair representation. In a state governed by the rule of law, it must be possible to hold anyone exercising power accountable. Proceeding from this principle, the author develops and proposes a comprehensive system of legal protection on a civil law basis. Today, in light of the reform of the Works Constitution Act which was agreed upon in the German federal government's coalition agreement, this work is of great topical immediacy and represents an important contribution to questions of legal policy.

Medizinproduktegesetz (MPG) Law on Medical Devices Axel Sander (editor), 12/2002 ISBN 387193271X, 332 p. (Editio Cantor) Paperback, € 70,00 vergriffen, out of print, keine Neuauflage

Real Property in Germany Legal & Tax Aspects of Development & Investment Rüdiger Volhard / Dolf Weber / Wolfgang Usinger, 7.Auflage 2009 ISBN 9783831408207, 512 p. (Fritz Knapp Verlag, D) Hardback, € 56,00 Das Interesse ausländischer Investoren am deutschen Grundstücks- und Immobilienmarkt ist ungebrochen. Wichtigste Voraussetzung für erfolgreiche Investitionen aber ist die Kenntnis der dafür geltenden Rechts- und Steuergrundlagen in Deutschland. Der praxisorientierte Ratgeber vermittelt alle wesentlichen zivilrechtlichen, öffentlich-rechtlichen und steuerlichen Aspekte eines Immobilien-Investments in Deutschland auf aktuellstem Stand von Rechtsprechung und Gesetzgebung. Neue Themen der 7. Auflage sind die Krise am Immobilienmarkt (Zwangsversteigerung & Insolvenz) sowie Grundlagen & Struktur von G-REITs. Der Anhangteil enthält Vertragsbeispiele wie Grundstückskaufvertrag, Generalunternehmervertrag & Mietvertrag (zweisprachig). Ein umfangreicher deutsch-englischer und englisch-deutscher Index erleichtert darüber hinaus das sprachliche Verständnis.


Ein unverzichtbarer Begleiter für international tätige Praktiker aus Immobilienwirtschaft & Investmentgesellschaften, für Steuerberater & Wirtschaftsprüfer. Die Autoren sind Rechtsanwälte und Steuerberater in einer großen, international tätigen Fachkanzlei. Inhalt: I. Real Property: Title, Ownership, Land Register: Klaus Minuth, Christian Keilich II. Sale & Purchase Agreement: Klaus Minuth, Christian Keilich III. Property Companies, Closed-End Funds & Joint Ventures: Rainer Maschmeier, Arndt Stengel IV. Real Property Consultants, Estate Agents, Architects & Engineers: Klaus Minuth V. Public Law: Hans-Josef Schneider, Horst Schlemminger VI. The Building Contract: Stefan Löchner VII. Public Procurement: Steffen Amelung VIII. Public Private Partnerships: Steffen Amelung Beda Wortmann IX. Lease Contracts: Frank Stellmann X. Real Property Finance: David Elshorst, Arne Klüwer, Christian Trenkel, Beda Wortmann VIII REAL PROPERTY IN GERMANY XI. Real Property in Crisis; Compulsory Auction / Compulsory Administration / Insolvency: Jörn Stobbe, Christian Trenkel, David Elshorst, Stefan Sax XII. General Terms & Conditions of Trade: Wolfgang Usinger XIII. G-REITs: Jörn Stobbe, Klaus WeinandHärer XIV. Basics of Real Property Taxation: Klaus Weinand-Härer XV. Taxation of International Property Investments: Klaus Weinand-Härer XVI. Open-End Real Property Investment Funds & Their Taxation: Stefan Behrens XVII. Sample Contracts. A. Real Property Purchase Agreement: Klaus Minuth B. General Contractor’s Agreement: Stefan Löchner C. Lease Agreement: Frank Stellmann

Reform & Perspectives on Social Insurance: Lessons from the East & West A Comparative Study of Social Insurance in China, EU, Germany, Great Britain, Japan, Sweden, Taiwan & the USA Ming-Cheng Kuo / Hans F. Zacher / Hou-Sheng Chan, 7/2002 ISBN 90-411-1819-5, 182 p. (Kluwer Law / Aspen, NL) Hardback, ca. € 84,60 The social security systems that, perhaps more than any other governmental programs, have characterized the development of industrial societies are under siege. On the threshold of the 21st century, the future of social insurance is uncertain; it may even be seriously threatened. In this book, 9 leading scholars probe deeply into the nature of social rights, trying to read the near future and locate the most meaningful and effective role that social insurance can play as today's new socioeconomic patterns develop. In-depth chapters analyse existing systems, recent and ongoing reforms in 7 countries: Germany, United Kingdom, Sweden, United States, Japan, Taiwan, China. There is also a chapter on the European Union's work toward a harmonised scheme to match other programs of integration, and a chapter on the all-important interpenetration of social insurance and human rights. The authors clearly demonstrate that the unprecedented challenges faced by social insurance today arise not only from changes in the patterns of society, but also from lack of confidence & ideological prejudice on the part of both academia and public policy. As a major analysis of why and how a great milestone in human progress is faltering under contemporary pressures, this book is of enormous value. It deserves to be read and absorbed by all professionals in the field who want to use their knowledge and skill to ensure a future in which every man, woman, child is provided with opportunity to live as full a life as possible. The essays are based on papers first delivered at an international symposium held in Taipei in September 2000 under the auspices of the Center of Labor Law and Social Law of Chengchi University, with the support of several public and private agencies in Taiwan.

Religion & Law in Germany Robbers ISBN 9789041133526 2010/10 NL Kluwer Law paperback 392 p. € 114,50

media. After a general introduction describing the social and historical background, the book goes on to explain the legal framework in which religion is approached. Coverage proceeds from the principle of religious freedom through the rights and contractual obligations of religious communities; international, transnational, and regional law effects; and the legal parameters affecting the influence of religion in politics and public life. Also covered are legal positions on religion in such specific fields as church financing, labour and employment, and matrimonial and family law. A clear and comprehensive overview of relevant legislation and legal doctrine make the book an invaluable reference source and very useful guide. Succinct and practical, this book will prove to be of great value to practitioners in the myriad instances where a law-related religious interest arises in Germany. Academics and researchers will appreciate its value as a thorough but concise treatment of the legal aspects of diversity and multiculturalism in which religion plays such an important part.

Stocktaking in German Public Law Beiträge zum ausländischen & vergleichenden öffentlichen Recht, Band 17 Eibe Riedel (editor), 2002 ISBN 3789079014, 233 p. (Nomos Verlag) Paperback, € 42,00 vergriffen, out of print, keine Neuauflage

Zivilrechtliche Regelungen zur Absicherung der Patientenautonomie am Ende des Lebens - Regulations of Civil Law to Safeguard the Autonomy of Patients at the End of Their Life Eine internationale Dokumentation - An International Documentation Taupitz, J., 2000 ISBN 3540677054, 1049 p. (Springer Verlag) Paperback, € 279,00 In zahlreichen Ländern wird über das Thema "Selbstbestimmung am Ende des Lebens" diskutiert. Dabei gehen Auffassungen weit auseinander, in welchen Formen die Autonomie Schwerkranker und Sterbender rechtlich abzusichern ist bzw. welche objektiven Grenzen die Rechtsordnung der Selbstbestimmung und Selbstverwirklichung ziehen oder anderen Disziplinen (insbesondere der medizinischen Wissenschaft) überantworten darf. Die hier vorgelegte Dokumentation umfasst 23 Landesberichte, die diese & weitere (vor allem zivilrechtliche) Fragen der Patientenautonomie am Ende des Lebens aus dem jeweiligen nationalen Blickwinkel aufarbeiten. Die Dokumentation soll dazu beitragen, ausländische Erfahrungen in die Diskussion um die Fortentwicklung des deutschen Rechts einzubringen; sie soll darüber hinaus aber auch den internationalen Diskurs um das rechtliche Umfeld von - im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes - "Lebensentscheidungen" fördern. The topic of "patient autonomy at the end of life" is currently under discussion in various countries. The opinions differ about the legal means of securing the autonomy of fatally ill patients on the one hand and about the limits of self-determination on the other hand. This documentation contains 23 country reports presenting a thorough picture of national regulations in the field of private law to safeguard the autonomy of patients at the end of their life. It was prepared as a contribution to the "63. Deutscher Juristentag 2000" (63rd German lawyers'conference) where (from the German point of view) the question will be discussed whether additional private law regulations are recommendable to safeguard the autonomy of patients at the end of life. The documentation also aims at intensifying the international discourse on the legal aspects of what may - in the utmost sense of the world - be called "life decisions".

Derived from renowned multi-volume International Encyclopaedia of Laws, this convenient resource provides systematic information on how Germany deals with the role religion plays or can play in society, the legal status of religious communities and institutions, and the legal interaction among religion, culture, education, and


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