September 5, 2017 | Author: Darrell Watts | Category: N/A
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Short Description







EXPLANATORY NOTE The Learning Partnerships are grouped in the Compendium according to the country of their coordinating institution. The countries appear alphabetically and in the following order by EU, EFTA/EEA and Acceding/ Candidate countries respectively: BELGIUM CZECH REPUBLIC DENMARK GERMANY (Deutschland) GREECE (Ellas) SPAIN (España) FRANCE IRELAND ITALY LATVIA LITHUANIA LUXEMBOURG HUGARY (Magyarorszag) MALTA THE NETHERLANDS AUSTRIA (Österreich) POLAND PORTUGAL SLOVENIA SLOVAK REPUBLIC SUOMI/FINLAND SWEDEN UNITED KINGDOM ICELAND NORWAY BULGARIA ROMANIA TURKEY

TABLE OF CONTENTS BELGIUM ...................................................................................................................... 1 Mémoires d’Europe - Les fils de l’immigration .......................................................................................................... 1 ELEMENT................................................................................................................................................................. 2 Ecoute, partage et échange autour du vécu familial des femmes migrantes et de leur intégration à la société d’accueil .................................................................................................................................................................. 3 Midi-Art-Education ................................................................................................................................................... 4 NAILS....................................................................................................................................................................... 5 STAC: Strategies Towards Active Citizenship........................................................................................................... 6

CZECH REPUBLIC.......................................................................................................... 7 The Revival of Grundtvig - Adult Learners Week (TROG – ALW) ............................................................................... 7 Women and Work Network - W and W Net ................................................................................................................ 8 GRundtvig Active Parents Education (GRAPE) ....................................................................................................... 9

DENMARK .................................................................................................................. 10 New Approaches for Adult Learners and Their Multiple Intelligences...................................................................... 10 Guidance and Counselling ..................................................................................................................................... 11 Learning by doing .................................................................................................................................................. 12 Learning Partnership for the European Institute for Performing Arts ...................................................................... 13 Innovative ways of reaching out ............................................................................................................................. 14 How to Make Integration More Efficient Through Language Teaching Focusing on Intercultural Awareness........... 15 Nye indfaldsvinkler - Det vigtige kendskab ............................................................................................................. 16 Second Chance Education and Training................................................................................................................. 17 Language and Literacy teaching to migrants via social integration and multicultural awareness ............................ 18 Ways from Exclusion to Inclusion as an Active European Citizen ........................................................................... 19 ELPN - European Learning Partnership Network. "Get together - learn together".................................................... 20 Adult Learning of Science (ALOS) .......................................................................................................................... 21 www-Golden-Age ................................................................................................................................................... 22 Integration with Dignity and Democratic Competences........................................................................................... 23

Mobile Learning Lab Europe................................................................................................................................... 24 Empower Life ......................................................................................................................................................... 25

GERMANY .................................................................................................................. 26 CMCE - Competencies in Marketing for Trainers in Continuing Education .............................................................. 26 GILE- Generationsübergreifendes inter-kulturelles Lernen in Europa ..................................................................... 27 New Approaches to Nutritional Education in Museums........................................................................................... 28 RealGeM - Gender meets Reality ............................................................................................................................ 29 Encourage LLL - employability for senior citizens .................................................................................................. 30 TIES Theatre: Ideas by Exchange and Support ....................................................................................................... 31 Wer bin ich - bin ich wer? ....................................................................................................................................... 32 MOBYS - Motivation by sports................................................................................................................................ 33 NetCo Erfolgreiche Netzwerke und Kooperationen als eine Strategie für

LLL in Europa ..................................... 34

Competent and Active Citizens in Europe............................................................................................................... 35 Vermittlung christlicher Werte im europäischen Vergleich...................................................................................... 36 Methoden zur Identifikation formell und informell erworbener Kompetenzen .......................................................... 37 Second chance education - Standards and Innovation in Europe ........................................................................... 38 Deep impressions - parents learn the narrative method for parents work in drug prevention .................................. 39 MAESTRO - Multipliers in Adult Education - Structures and Organisation .............................................................. 40 A hanseatic league of Learning (Bildungshanse).................................................................................................... 41 New ways of adult education in multicultural societies........................................................................................... 42 Music education in early childhood for disabled and non-disabled children: significance for parents and grandparents.......................................................................................................................................................... 43 VIA - Voluntarios para la inserción delos adultos - Ehrenamt für die Integration von Arbeitslosen.......................... 44 Citykirchen als Lernorte europäischer Identität ...................................................................................................... 45 Entwicklung und Erprobung neuer Lern- und Lehrmethoden für sozial benachteiligte Jugendliche im europäischen Kontext .................................................................................................................................................................. 46 The Knowledge Shop ............................................................................................................................................. 47 Erfahrungsaustausch der Lehrkräfte und Planerinnen in der Erwachsenenbildung in den Ländern Ungarn Deutschland und Österreich................................................................................................................................... 48 Getting experience from applying the European Language Portfolio in adult education for migrants...................... 49 Exploration of the Relationship between Individual Motivation, Work and Citizenship ............................................ 50

EE - European Encounters ..................................................................................................................................... 51 TALE – Transeuropean Adult Learning................................................................................................................... 52 Weiterbildungsmarketing in Europa ....................................................................................................................... 53 Approaches to the Promotion of Active Citizenship with disadvantaged communities (ATPAC) ............................. 54 Unterwegs mit den Partnern: Generationen- und Arbeitsbeziehungen in drei europäischen Regionen.................... 55 Pathways to Learning............................................................................................................................................. 56 Network of Intergenerational Learning in Europe (NIGEL)....................................................................................... 57 Euro Visio - Making Life Long Learning visible and support it on a communal and a European level. ..................... 58 Nachbarschaftlich Lernen, informell und multimedial ............................................................................................. 59 Bildungskonzeptionen zur Qualifizierung von Menschen im 3. Lebensalter für neue Rollen und Formen eines freiwilligen Engagements im europaïschen Vergleich............................................................................................. 60 Frauen als Akteurinnen des Europäischen Zusammenwachsens (FAKT)................................................................ 61 Meetingpoint-Ethiks ............................................................................................................................................... 62 Erfahrungsaustausch über beste Konzepte interkultureller Vorbereitungsseminare - Grenzen überwinden und Mobilität fördern..................................................................................................................................................... 63 Mainstreaming Gender in Social Work.................................................................................................................... 64 Open Doors for Europe (ODE) ................................................................................................................................ 65 Modularisierung in der Erwachsenenbildung - Transnationaler Erfahrungsaustausch zum Aufbau eines Netzwerkes .............................................................................................................................................................................. 66 Challenging actions in gender mainstreaming - strategies and tools for implementing gender mainstreaming in Europe ................................................................................................................................................................... 67 Making Womens's History Visible in Europe........................................................................................................... 68 Men and Non-formal education – participation and learning of social skills (MENPART) ......................................... 69 Persönliche Stadt-Geschichte(n) ............................................................................................................................ 70 Grundtvig-Media - Blended-Learning in der eurokulturellen Erwachsenenbildung .................................................. 71 Traditionelle Handwerkstechniken (OSWU) ............................................................................................................ 72 Museum as Places for lifelong learning - European Qualification Training .............................................................. 73 Das Leben wieder in die eigene Hand nehmen........................................................................................................ 74

GREECE ..................................................................................................................... 75 ARIADNE – Fighting against social exclusion of women single parents.................................................................. 75 European coalition against unemployment............................................................................................................. 76

Hagiography in Internet.......................................................................................................................................... 77 Bringing Agricultural Adult Education into the Era of Innovation............................................................................ 78 Building a new approach for foreign adult education.............................................................................................. 79

SPAIN ........................................................................................................................ 80 WOW: Widen Opportunities for Women.................................................................................................................. 80 Building up of the FRAME for adult education related to basic skills and intercultural issues: Project: EU_CORAS 81 Journey to the roots of Europe: sharing culture and traditions with the help of ICT ................................................ 82 SHIFT: Sharing Initiatives and going forward using ICT in adult people training ..................................................... 83 NERO- New roads in the adult language learning.................................................................................................... 84 EUROPIZATE: Learn to prevent with Europe .......................................................................................................... 85 How to reach Maria, John and Manfred?................................................................................................................. 86 Engaging new groups of adults into LLL. (ENGALL)............................................................................................... 87 Multilingual and cultural approach for language teaching as a contribution to world peace.................................... 88 ENRAMUS- European Network of Traditional Music Schools .................................................................................. 89 Training and Intervention in Community Mediation................................................................................................. 90 "m-M" minority in Majority Community Integration ................................................................................................. 91 Towards a better world: adult education and European culture .............................................................................. 92 To learn and enjoy through the use of information ................................................................................................. 93 Adult education institutions and active citizenship................................................................................................. 94 European Women: images of interaction ................................................................................................................ 95 ITE: integration through education ......................................................................................................................... 96 Good Practice Handbook for training ski and horse riding monitors for young palsy persons ................................ 97 ADEPA: Digital literacy in adult education ............................................................................................................. 98 VAI: Volunteers assisting immigrants..................................................................................................................... 99 Barriers to employment (B to E) ........................................................................................................................... 100 As you like it ........................................................................................................................................................ 101 The World of Advertising...................................................................................................................................... 102 I feel good ............................................................................................................................................................ 103 New approaches to LLL process in European Dimension (AMICA) ....................................................................... 104

Social Inclusion of families at risk- Ulysses.......................................................................................................... 105 To know our country: similarities and differences in Europe (SADIE) ................................................................... 106 Extract the vocabulary universe of literacy from the participants’ point of view .................................................... 107 IMPATH- Immigrants pathways............................................................................................................................. 108 CONSA 3: Consumerism and Health..................................................................................................................... 109 Appreciate the difference ..................................................................................................................................... 110 EQU@LANG ......................................................................................................................................................... 111 Family Learning ................................................................................................................................................... 112

FRANCE ....................................................................................................................113 Countrybution ...................................................................................................................................................... 113 La dynamique intergénérationnelle ...................................................................................................................... 114 Coopération pour la formation de personnes handicapées physiques dans le domaine mécanique et électronique médical ................................................................................................................................................................ 115 Intégration de la Diversité dans l'Education des Adultes dans les Régions Ultra Périphériques de l'Europe (IDEARUPE) .................................................................................................................................................................. 116 L'insertion sociale par la prise en charge des personnes en difficulté : identification et étude comparative des publics en difficulté en voie de réinsertion par l'emploi dans les secteurs éducatif, sanitaire et social.................. 117 L’intégration des immigrants : vers une meilleure compréhension et une éducation de qualité dans le cadre d’une coopération européenne ...................................................................................................................................... 118 Auto-formation et formation à distance ................................................................................................................ 119 Etre parent(s) aujourd'hui / Education intergénérationnelle en Europe ................................................................. 121 AMIE (Acteurs MIlieu rural Enfance) : une formation des acteurs de la vie locale en milieu rural........................... 122 Motiver des jeunes aux métiers de l'artisanat : "ARTISAN'AVENTURE" ................................................................ 123 HANDI COOP........................................................................................................................................................ 124 SPRINGBOARD (un tremplin pour l'intégration sociale des jeunes publics en difficulté)....................................... 125 CINEMAVILLE-EUROPE........................................................................................................................................ 126 Développement d'outils de formation pour les lieux de culture indépendants en Europe ...................................... 127 Participation locale, engagement citoyen et intégration des immigrés.................................................................. 128 Insertion professionnelle des Gens du Voyage en Europe .................................................................................... 129 ADEX : Adults Development Education Exchange (Echange d'expériences en éducation des adultes) ................. 130 DECLIC : appui à la citoyennté par le droit ........................................................................................................... 131

Education transgénérationnelle............................................................................................................................ 132 NEWROLE............................................................................................................................................................ 133 Publics défavorisés et Chances Europe ............................................................................................................... 134 Motivating Adult Language Learners through ICT................................................................................................. 135 TIC et insertion sociale des usages ...................................................................................................................... 136 L’Alternance comme Pratique Pédagogique Européenne Commune (APPEC) ...................................................... 137

IRELAND ...................................................................................................................138 Empowering mentors and other bilingual adults to work within the wider community .......................................... 138 R.E.S.P.E.C.T. - Raising Esteem and Standards for Participation in Employment, Community and Training.......... 139 Knowing Me Knowing You.................................................................................................................................... 140 Methodologies in education for Learners and Tutors (MELT)................................................................................ 141 Integrating Immigrants and Asylum Seekers through Language Learning ............................................................ 142

ITALY ........................................................................................................................143 Development of a new type of inclusion using art................................................................................................. 143 Cooperatives of Women for the commercialisation of local products from handicraft and the agro-food sectors in order to stimulate the soci-cultural development and the promotion of local traditions in a European perspective 144 AGRISUPPORTAL: A supporting portal for agriculture activities .......................................................................... 145 Integrating Elderly Citizens into Information Society (IECIS) (Non è m@i troppo tardi).......................................... 146 Language Learning Ware...................................................................................................................................... 147 Family help and school success: adult continuous education for parents and children’s achievement................. 148 E.T.N.A. Adult Education takes @ new approach .................................................................................................. 149 Evaluation and self evaluation in informal education............................................................................................ 150 Sviluppo rurale attraverso le conoscenze acquisite.............................................................................................. 151 Learning of the English language in the new multiethnic contests........................................................................ 152 Modern Housekeeping through Culture and Language ......................................................................................... 153 Live English: Improving English Teaching for Adult Women................................................................................. 154 Under European Skies.......................................................................................................................................... 155 E.D.O.L. (European Digital Older Learners)........................................................................................................... 156 Day Centre for Mental Health in Europe: a comparison between the European standards..................................... 157 Il Merletto: a European Net ................................................................................................................................... 158

Development of Competences and Methodologies in the field of Adult Education with the focus on ICT.............. 159 “Alternative jobs using creativeness”................................................................................................................... 160 Raccontare l’Europa – Intrecci di storie, per incontri tra diverse culture europee.................................................. 161 Development and valorisation of competencies in social tourism......................................................................... 162

LATVIA......................................................................................................................163 E-Link .................................................................................................................................................................. 163 Empowering Rural Consumer (EmRuCo).............................................................................................................. 164 Learning for starting business in Europe.............................................................................................................. 165 Developing skills and knowledge’s of social care staff ......................................................................................... 166

LITHUANIA.................................................................................................................167 Social inclusion of persons returned from imprisonment ..................................................................................... 167 The models of adult educational organisations .................................................................................................... 168 Awareness of needs for continuing learning/ motivation & sensitising – measures .............................................. 169 “The Icebreaking scheme“ for people with multiple sclerosis into employment through virtual learning and sport170 SOCIMMA - Social integration of immigrants increasing their intercultural knowledge trough e-learning environment ............................................................................................................................................................................ 171 Practice Makes Perfect: Promoting European Citizenship Through Language Practice......................................... 172 Lifelong Learning and Career Development (LEACADE) ....................................................................................... 173

LUXEMBOURG ...........................................................................................................174 Gender Training Methods Learning Partnership ................................................................................................... 174

HUNGARY..................................................................................................................175 European Chat-Club-Network (ECCN)................................................................................................................... 175

MALTA ......................................................................................................................176 Curricular Education for Professionals Allied to Medicine (PAMS) working in Epilepsy ........................................ 176 EuroSafe .............................................................................................................................................................. 177 Designing Inclusive Sports Activities & Facilities ................................................................................................. 178 Effective Parental Participation in Early Literacy .................................................................................................. 179

THE NETHERLANDS....................................................................................................180

Sustainable Development and Modern Information Technology in AE .................................................................. 180 Educational Inclusion (ED-IN)............................................................................................................................... 181 Development of ICT Learning ............................................................................................................................... 182 ALIA, Adult Learners in Arts................................................................................................................................. 183

AUSTRIA ...................................................................................................................184 Auf dem Weg zu einer offenen europäischen Gesellschaft ................................................................................... 184 ARTE.................................................................................................................................................................... 185 Theatre as a scope of experience for developing new methods in the education of little children: A learning partnership for educators in day nurseries, for kindergarten teachers and leaders of parent- child- groups ......... 186 Lernen für eine Kultur des Lebens: Konzepte zur lebensbegleitenden Förderung von Selbstbildung und sozialer Verantwortung (Lernmotive- Lernbiographien- Lernarrangements)....................................................................... 187 Bridging the cultural divide .................................................................................................................................. 188 European Music Schools Unison.......................................................................................................................... 189 Promotion of Women in European Regions - POWER........................................................................................... 190 SGE Safety goes Europe ...................................................................................................................................... 191 Dyslexia- Parents´ and Teachers´ Collaboration (DYPATEC)................................................................................. 192 GEnFOOD- InfoNet ( Genetically Engineered Food- Information and Education Network) ...................................... 193 Connecting Memories. Gesammelte Tondokumente als Hörbilder vom Eigenen und Fremden.............................. 194 Exchange of experience and best practice of intercultural trainings- core elements and culture- specific requirements (INTEREX)....................................................................................................................................... 195 Performing Life: Site Specific Performance as a Means of Active Citizenship ....................................................... 196 Radio for a new Generation .................................................................................................................................. 197 Auf dem Weg zu einer offenen europäischen Gesellschaft ................................................................................... 198 ERDE – European rural development by means of educational activities .............................................................. 199 Euroskills – Erweiterung der sozialen Kompetenz im zunehmend interkulturellen Kontext ................................... 200


BODO TRAINING, BUDAPEST, HU ..........................................................................200


MACHWÜRTH TEAM, VISSELHÖVEDE, DE ..............................................................200


SYSTEMISCHES INSTITUT, WIEN, AT......................................................................200


VITAMIN T/DIE BÜHNE FÜR VERÄNDERUNG, MÜNCHEN, DE.....................................200

POLAND ....................................................................................................................201 Diagnosis of teachers’ needs and evaluation of teachers’ development forms in partner countries - comparison and looking for the most effective solutions................................................................................................................ 201 Shaping of Active Attitudes in Opposition to Passive Ones Among Socially Disadvantaged Adults...................... 202 Entrepreneurship Incubator as Form of Adult Unemployment Fighting................................................................. 203 ENETRAC - Education in gender........................................................................................................................... 204 VISION 21- Volunteerism and social services: teaming up to tackle social exclusion in the 21st century .............. 205 ITAL 40+ IT teaching to adults learners - brainstorming European ideas/didactic problems/) ................................ 206

PORTUGAL ................................................................................................................207 Avoid info-exclusion - Open a New Window ......................................................................................................... 207 Traditional Cloth and Patterns applied on Modern Design .................................................................................... 208 TÁGIDE – Senior Expertise for Social Development.............................................................................................. 209 Promoting quality in institutions and services – a need to balance family and career ........................................... 210 Developing social and cultural associations......................................................................................................... 211 Development of Social Entrepreneurship ............................................................................................................. 212 Mental Health – The Socially Inclusive Life Project ............................................................................................... 213 PARENTS SELF - DETERMINATION...................................................................................................................... 214 Adult Students – LET’S KNOW EACH OTHER....................................................................................................... 215 “REMA – Results management in delivering and designing trainings for adults”.................................................. 216 Assessment for Adult Educators in non Formal Education - A-AENFE.................................................................. 217

SLOVENIA .................................................................................................................218 New opportunity................................................................................................................................................... 218 Possibilities of Lifelong learning of mentally handicapped adults......................................................................... 219

SLOVAK REPUBLIC ....................................................................................................220 Travail Social En Europe ...................................................................................................................................... 220 Learning from Experience: Sharing and Transferring the best Practice in Rural Development among Women Leaders ............................................................................................................................................................................ 221 People and Religions ........................................................................................................................................... 222 Formation Pour Les Jeunes Rom ......................................................................................................................... 223

FINLAND....................................................................................................................224 Gender Equality in Learning and Employment...................................................................................................... 224 COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP .................................................................................................. 224 Project title: Creative Cultural Integration............................................................................................................. 225 Developing Skills for Efficient Communication with People from Different Cultural Backgrounds......................... 226 Museum as a source of knowledge....................................................................................................................... 227 ReadMe – Reader Development Project ................................................................................................................ 228 European Senior Citizen´s Story Board ................................................................................................................ 229 Project title: Sport and Education......................................................................................................................... 230 Learning European Success Team ....................................................................................................................... 231

SWEDEN....................................................................................................................232 COTELL – Coming Together Through European Language Learning.................................................................... 232

UNITED KINGDOM.......................................................................................................233 Arts & Crafts across Europe................................................................................................................................. 233 Women in Europe................................................................................................................................................. 234 TEDDY BEAR Twinning the Elderly Disadvantaged and Disabled with the Young By Enabling Active Reminiscence ............................................................................................................................................................................ 235 Building Bridges into the Community................................................................................................................... 236 Embracing E-Learning.......................................................................................................................................... 237 From Offender to Adult Learner (FOTAL).............................................................................................................. 238 Motivating the Disadvantaged through Empowering Learners (MODEL) ............................................................... 239 Voice and Choice for Older Learners (VOCAL)...................................................................................................... 240 POPPIE – Promoting the involvement of older people in partnership learning experiences................................... 241 LIVE – Learning in Voluntary Experience.............................................................................................................. 242 Welcome to My Home – International Tourism from a Community Perspective ..................................................... 243 Second Chance Working Winners ........................................................................................................................ 244 Belonging ............................................................................................................................................................ 245 No Barriers........................................................................................................................................................... 246 WINGS (Women in Need of Greater Support) across Europe................................................................................. 247 Marginalised Young People – Cultural Similarity, Diversity and Good Practice ..................................................... 248

AXLE (Adults Exchanging Learning Experience) .................................................................................................. 249 People with special needs dating with special arts ............................................................................................... 250 E Network: an Approach to Second Language Teaching and Learning ................................................................. 251 Learning, Life Histories and Citizenship ............................................................................................................... 252 Mentoring Strategies for Social Inclusion ............................................................................................................. 253 Learning Europe................................................................................................................................................... 254 Tandem Learning ................................................................................................................................................. 255 Enhance............................................................................................................................................................... 256 plaNET ................................................................................................................................................................. 257 Basic Skills and Social Enterprises ...................................................................................................................... 258 Smiley Faces – European Learning Bags.............................................................................................................. 259 Community Creativity for Community Development ............................................................................................. 260 When Writing We Communicate – ........................................................................................................ 261 Cultural Integration and Citizenship Experiences of Migrant Learners .................................................................. 262 Creative and Performing Arts in the Community................................................................................................... 263 READ – Rural Exchanges and Access for investigating new ways of Developing rural districts, through developing new learning opportunities for people living in rural areas.................................................................................... 264 MABEL – Multi-disciplinary Approach to Adult Basic Education and Learning...................................................... 265 Arts as a Catalyst for Social Inclusion through Shared Intercultural Learning....................................................... 266 Reflex - reaching out with flexible learning ........................................................................................................... 267

ICELAND ...................................................................................................................268 Women’s Empowerment for Active Citizenship .................................................................................................... 268

NORWAY ...................................................................................................................269 e-ValEurop ........................................................................................................................................................... 269 HIDDEN ARTS ...................................................................................................................................................... 270 Adapted Adult Education in Prison and how to follow up after release ................................................................. 271 ADHD among prison inmates. How can the health, welfare and school departments cooperate in finding a positive way of improvement? ........................................................................................................................................... 272

BULGARIA .................................................................................................................273 MOSLA: More Opportunities for the Civil Society, Less Obligations for the Local Authorities............................... 273

ISEM Improvement of Strategies for E-Learning in a Multicultural Context............................................................ 274 Development And Initial Implementation Of An Educational Strategy On Internet Safety For Multipliers, Teachers And Parents ......................................................................................................................................................... 275 Gendering the skills, encourage learning ............................................................................................................. 276 Development and Delivering of Good Practices for Information and Guidance for Supporting Transnational Regional Collaboration - DDGIG.......................................................................................................................................... 277 16+....................................................................................................................................................................... 278 Knowledge of the Nature ...................................................................................................................................... 279

ROMANIA ..................................................................................................................280 European Entrepreneurial Culture for Disadvantaged Groups on the Labour Market ............................................ 280 Eliminate Poverty - Development of the entrepreneurial spirit in rural areas, through ITC and Business............... 281 SITS Social Innovation In the Textile Sector ......................................................................................................... 282 Arts as a Means for Improving the self Confidence of socially disadvantaged people - AMIC................................ 283 Improvement of Employment Chances of the Unemployed and the Visual and Audible Disabled by using Virtual Learning............................................................................................................................................................... 284 Internet for Autonomous Lifelong Learning .......................................................................................................... 285 Social Worker Skills Innovation ............................................................................................................................ 286 Promoting Adult Education by Art in Rural Areas – PRO-ART............................................................................... 287 Bringing ICT into Adult Education ........................................................................................................................ 288 MedIALITE - Advancing media literacy in adult education..................................................................................... 289 Forum Theatre in Adult Education ........................................................................................................................ 290 “Advocate of the people with disabilties” – trainingn and on-line counselling ...................................................... 291 Educational strategies and counselling interventions for the parents of children and teenagers with difficulties: good practices ..................................................................................................................................................... 292 EUROCONSEIL La découverte et la découverte de soi-même en ce qui regarde la personnalité – comme but du conseil concernant la carrière .............................................................................................................................. 293 EDUCATIONAL PARTNERSHIP “ - JOIN US” ........................................................................................................ 294 Linking the European Family – I, You, We............................................................................................................. 295

TURKEY ....................................................................................................................296 Parents Education In Disadvantaged Areas (PEDA).............................................................................................. 296 To increase the consciousness of woman workers on self-development and personal re-engineering (SDPRWW) 297



Mémoires d’Europe - Les fils de l’immigration Le projet (‘Mémoires d’Europe – les fils de l’émigration) a pour but de promouvoir l’échange d’informations et la coopération entre des associations de migrants de 5 pays de l’U.E. (4 pays d’émigration : Espagne, Grèce, Italie et Portugal, et 1 pays d’accueil : la Belgique). L’objectif est, d’une part, de favoriser une meilleure intégration des émigrés en veillant au développement de leur vie sociale, et culturelle dans le pays d’accueil et au maintien de liens avec le pays d’origine et, d’autre part, de faciliter l’intégration des ex-émigrés rentrés dans leur pays d’origine tout en s’attachant à maintenir les acquis culturels du pays qui les a accueillis. Les activités prévues porteront sur les pratiques pédagogiques et/ou de formation des associations (apprentissage des langues, formation professionnelle, séminaires d’information sur les droits des migrants (protection sociale, retraite, démarches à suivre pour retourner dans le pays d’origine, construction européenne et migration, …) ainsi que sur leurs différentes activités culturelles (musique, théâtre, gastronomie, fêtes…) Total Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered

Project Objectives

Target Groups

Funding Year: 1 Connaissances de base Enjeux interculturels Education aux pays européens / à l'Union européenne Le concept du genre - Expérimentation d'approches pédagogiques innovantes - Identifier et réunir les bonnes pratiques de gestion et d’encadrement des migrants au sein des associations (activités réalisées par le personnel d’encadrement des associations) afin de réaliser un guide sur la mise en place et la gestion d’ associations de migrants ; - Mise en place des activités de coopération et d’échanges sur des thèmes socioculturels (activités 1 menées par les apprenants) entre les associations de migrants du pays d’accueil et des pays d’origine, et les évaluer afin d’élargir l’éventail de leurs activités pédagogiques et/ou d’apprentissage. Femmes Toute personne dans son genre spécifique

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Aquilone ASBL Adresse: rue du Laveu,112 4000 Liège Name of the contact person: Nicolin BRIALE Address: e-mail : [email protected] Tel: +32. 496/21-50-46 fax: non Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) BEF : Association des Portugais émigrés en Belgique – BRUXELLES - [email protected] BEF : Communauté Héllénique de Bruxelles – BRUXELLES - [email protected] BEF : Union des émigrés siciliens et familles – ST NICOLAS - [email protected] ES : Association sévillane des émigrés retournés – SEVILLE - [email protected] PT : Association de rencontre des émigrés – LISBONNE - [email protected] GR : Business consulting group AE – THESSALONIKI - [email protected]


BELGIQUE (COMMUNAUTÉ FRANÇAISE) Project Reference: 04-BEF01-S2G01-00001-1

ELEMENT L’enseignement pour adultes tout au long de la vie est non seulement un outil indispensable à l’épanouissement des compétences personnelles mais aussi le moyen de mieux s’intégrer dans les communautés locales et régionales. Outre l’enseignement tout au long de la vie et la bonne utilisation de méthodes d’e-Learning, le but principal de ELEMENT est de permettre aux enseignants et employés de centres d’enseignement pour adultes d’utiliser les techniques et méthodes d’e-Learning pour une co-opération et collaboration européenne. Grâce à des réunions et exemples de « meilleures pratiques» des pays participants, les apprenants seront capables d’améliorer et mettre à jour leurs capacités à organiser des séminaires, des réunions, des formations, dans le contexte de projets européens dans les domaines d’e-learning, de cours de langues, de remédiation, d’échanges inter-culturels mais aussi de disséminer dans leur région. Les activités principales et les objectifs sont : - Avoir une vue d’ensemble et meilleure pratique de méthodes et outils d’e-Learning. - Mettre en pratique les compétences en e-learning et collaborer sur le web - Utiliser des systèmes d’e-Learning pour permettre et continuer des échanges d’informations par soi-même pendant et après avoir planifié et organisé des réunions et voyages d’étude au niveau européen, des remédiations - Gérer et mesurer les résultats à chaque niveau de formation - Préparer et organiser des vidéoconférences, des cours d’e-learning en direct et des collaborations sur le web -Disséminer et fixer les résultats sur le web pendant et à la fin du projet Total Duration: 1 an Area(s) covered

Project Objectives

Target Groups

Funding Year: 1 Connaissances de base Technologies de l'information Citoyenneté active Développement durable Enjeux interculturels Langues Education aux pays européens / à l'Union européenne e-learning Stratégie pour stimuler / promouvoir la motivation des apprenants adultes Conseil / orientation / information ou autres services d'assistance Expérimentation d'approches pédagogiques innovantes Méthodes de validation des connaissances ou compétences acquises en dehors de l'éducation formelle 1 : Groupes de la communauté locale 2 : Personnes vivant dans des zones rurales ou défavorisées 3 : Autres : multiplicateur

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation: Name of the organisation: Ecole industrielle Marcinelle-Monceau Adresse: rue du chemin vert, 66 - 6001 Charleroi Name of the contact person: Véronique BEQUET Address: e-mail : [email protected] Tel /Fax: + Organisation/Project website: Non Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) FI : INNOVA : Centre d’education pour adultes – LAITILA [email protected] EE : Tartu vocational education centre – TARTU [email protected] ES : Adult education center Francisco Largo Caballero – TOLEDO [email protected]


BELGIQUE (COMMUNAUTÉ FRANÇAISE) Project Reference: 04-BEF01-S2G01-00021-1

Ecoute, partage et échange autour du vécu familial des femmes migrantes et de leur intégration à la société d’accueil Ce projet a pour principal objectif de permettre aux apprenants adultes de s’exprimer librement autour de leurs vécus familiaux et d’intégration et, en base aux prises de parole différentes, facilitera socialisation des divers vécus. En plus de cette prise de conscience, le projet vise aussi à renforcer les compétences des femmes migrantes en termes de réflexion et de synthèse. Chacun des partenaires travaillera dans son propre champ d’action (expositions, conférences, ateliers, …) Total Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered

Project Objectives

Target Groups

Funding Year: 1 Citoyenneté active Enjeux interculturels Arts, musique, culture Connaissances de base Egalité entre femmes et hommes santé - Etablir une cartographie des vécus, des besoins et des attentes des femmes migrantes concernant diverses thématiques telles que : l’éducation des enfants (adéquation des horaires de crèche avec le rythme de vie, rapport aux corps, soins des enfants, partage des tâches de soins entre femmes et hommes, …), les relations entre femmes (autour et alentour de la santé, de la sexualité, de libertés de mouvement…), entre femmes et hommes, et, l’intégration des femmes à la société belge. Ce dernier thème sera envisagé à partir de deux entrées : d’une part, la participation à la vie publique du quartier, de la commune et, d’autre part, l’accès et l’utilisation des infrastructures collectives mises à la disposition des habitants de la commune (salle omnisports, foyer culturel...) - Stratégie pour stimuler / promouvoir la motivation des apprenants adultes - Expérimentation d'approches pédagogiques innovantes - Femmes - Travailleurs migrants / itinérants / minorités ethniques ou autres

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Ligues des familles ASBL Adresse: rue du Trône,127 1050 Bruxelles Name of the contact person: Patrick GOVERS Address: e-mail : [email protected] tel: +32. 2-507-72-32 fax: +32.2-507-72-00 Organisation/Project website: www.ligues Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) ES: Asociation salud y familia – BARCELONA - [email protected] PT : Association GRAAL – LISBOA - [email protected] BEF : Le monde selon les femmes ONG – BRUXELLES - [email protected]


BELGIË (VLAAMSE GEMEENSCHAP) Project Reference: 04-BEN01-S2G01-00002-3

Midi-Art-Education Through art education of any kind, which is music, word art, (gymnastic) dance and visual art, the project aims to collaborate between some organisations from different European countries to exchange experiences and to work out common programmes for teaching and active citizenship building. The main target groups are ethnic and other minority groups of every kind, disadvantaged people and disabled persons. By better integrating these target groups in our organisations we want to lower barriers to reach better acceptance and understanding in both directions, create possibilities for active citizenship and change pedagogical attitudes of the teachers. We are convinced that personal expression has a good chance to be the key to reaching our aims. In a later stage, our experiences will be very helpful in working out anti-prejudice training programmes for teachers that are not provided in pedagogical and didactical high school education for the moment. Through the project we can also create opportunities for our learners to become teachers themselves, apply to learning other subjects or integrate in the community in general and in organisations that promote chances for the target groups. Total Duration:

3 years

Area(s) covered

Funding year: 2 - Arts, Music, Culture - Active citizenship

Project Objectives Target Group(s)

- sustainable development, intercultural issues, consumer education - active citizenship through cultural exchanges by ART-education

- Migrants / traveller / ethnic or other minorities - Disabled persons - Women

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Gemeentelijke Academie voor Muziek en Woord Name of the contact person: Hiëronymus Van Hileghem Address: Kroninglaan 42 – B-1200 SINT-LAMBRECHTS-WOLUWE e-mail: [email protected] tel: +32 2 7611127 (16h00 – 19h00 ) or +32 497 200940 fax: +32 2 2756691 Organisation/Project website: Partners • The Public Institution Roma Community Centre, Vilnius (LT) • SPORT SOCIETY FOR PEOPLE WITH SPECIAL NEEDS "IRIS KAVALAS", Kavala (GR) • Andragogical Society for Experiential Education of Slovenia, Ljubljana (SI) • IZKS International Centre for Cultures and Languages, Vienna (AT)


BELGIË (VLAAMSE GEMEENSCHAP) Project Reference: 04-BEN01-S2G01-00002-3

NAILS The aim of the project is to increase the accessibility to and participation of adults in both formal and non-formal adult education, and to create a positive learning culture for adults by recognising and responding to their wide ranging needs. The main objective of the project is to develop a range of effective tools for establishing and analysing the needs of adult learners in education both pre- and post-entry. It is envisaged that more holistic programmes of education can be designed by taking into account the needs identified and through active participation of learners in all stages of the process. If these needs can be made explicit, adult learners can be supported more effectively in learning. The needs of all stakeholders will be considered (eg. local community, institution, tutors, etc.) but the focus will be on those of adult learners. The development of tools will be supported by a continuing process of evaluation and review which will involve active participation of learners at every stage. To this end the partners will also share information on the structure and the main providers of adult education in the countries concerned and disseminate examples of good practice with regard to needs detection at the local, national and European level. Total Duration:

3 years

Area(s) covered

Project Objectives

Target Group(s)

Funding year: 3 -

needs detection and analysis, accessibility for learners, creating a learning culture

- strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learning - experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) - Local community groups - other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in prison - young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of social marginalisation

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: SoCiuS vzw Name of the contact person: Theo Van Malderen Address: Gallaitstraat 86 bus 4, 1030 Brussel e-mail. [email protected] tel: + 32 2 215 27 08 fax: +32 2 215 80 75 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) The Vysocina Regional Authority, Department of Education, Youth and Sports, Jihlava (CZ) AOF Grindsted Dayfolkhighschool and Center of Education, Grindsted (DK) Second Chance School of Patras, Patras (GR) Inchicore College of Further Education, Dublin (IE) Centro Territoriale Permanente per l’EDA c/o Scuola Media Statale ‘Cesare Battisti’, Disceglie (IT) Escola Secundaria Anselmo de Andrade, Almada (PT)


BELGIË (VLAAMSE GEMEENSCHAP) Project Reference: 04-BEN01-S2G01-00020-1

STAC: Strategies Towards Active Citizenship The STAC project brings together various programmes/processes concerned with the dynamics of Active Citizenship in a European context. Each partner will develop a local project/process and will report, in an agreed and structured way, in its different phases using ICT. The general aim is to develop, learn and disseminate practical pathways towards this goal. The partners strongly share the view that this growing group of European Citizens can play an increasingly important role in society through their involvement in local and regional projects. Involvement has a positive impact on the well being and quality of life of the older citizen as well as in the general area of social capital. STAC will exchange expertise and good practice in relation to enrolment, retention monitoring, managing, and assessment and progression strategies. Both partners and participants will benefit from the dynamics of learning and teaching. Total Duration:

2 years

Area(s) covered

Project Objectives

Target Group(s)

Funding year: 1 - Active citizenship

strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning guidance / counselling / information or other support services

- Migrants / traveller / ethnic or other minorities - Disabled persons - Women

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Unie Vrijzinnige Verenigingen (UVV) – IMD Oost-Vlaanderen Name of the contact person: Suzy Mommaerts Address: Coupure Rechts 4 – B-9000-GENT e-mail [email protected] tel: +32 2 2160926 fax: idem Organisation/Project website: Partners • Belfast Institute of further and higher education, Belfast (UK) • WIZARD, Plzen (CZ) • Spectrum – Instituut Maatschappelijk Welzijn, Velp (NL) • University of Molise, Campobasso (IT)


CZECH REPUBLIC ČESKÁ REPUBLIKA Project Reference: 03-CZE01-S2G01-00008-1

The Revival of Grundtvig - Adult Learners Week (TROG – ALW) Project partners support the Grundtvig-concept of making education available to all groups in society by the Living Word. Every project partner has positive experiences in organising ALW-activities. However, we observe that there are areas to improve: the ALW should be directed at all adults, but in reality there are significant difficulties in reaching disadvantaged groups. This project concentrates on the exchange of successful strategies, methodologies and practices to reach these groups. The main target groups of the project are local organisations which provide LLL-opportunities, policymakers and national coordinating agencies of the ALW in the different countries. They will be organised in national second circles where they will discuss the outcomes from the international seminars and look at the transferability of experiences of other partners. The main activities of the project are exchanges of experiences through international seminars and national second circle activities. The outcome will be a list of new methodologies of how to involve disadvantaged groups of learners in ALW-activities. Total Duration:

2 years

Area(s) covered

Project Objectives Target Group(s)

Funding year: 2 Basic skills Active citizenship Intercultural issues Languages Media Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner Guidance / counselling or other support services Economically or socially disadvantaged groups Local organizations which provide ALW, local policy makers, national coordinators for ALW

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: ABS WYDA, s.r.o. Name of the contact person: Jaroslav Bezchleba Address: Horní 22, 591 01 Žďár nad Sázavou, Czech Republic e-mail [email protected] tel: + 420 566 630 460 fax: Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Eesti täskasvanute koolitajate assotsatsioon ANDRAS, Tallinn, EE Fristads folkhögskola, Fristad, SE Stichting voor Volkshogeschoolwerk in Netherlands, Bakkeveen, NL


ČESKÁ REPUBLIKA Project Reference: 3-CZE01-S2G01-00012-1

Women and Work Network - W and W Net W&W NET stands for women and work network. It is a project which reflects the precarious situation in the labour market in Europe that many women face. The main goal of the project is training and empowerment of women learners in order to support disadvantaged women in Europe as well as reflection and comparison of the situation of women in the labour market in different European countries. Through staff and women learners who are active in the field of equal opportunities, the project helps disadvantaged women to access training and re-qualification in order to be empowered and be able to re-enter the labour market. The project focuses on sharing of good examples and effective strategies on how to combat discrimination and unemployment, sharing experiences, practical learning, study visits, strengthening of co-operation and development of new strategies and training modules. There are four official partners in the project: European Contact Group in the Czech Republic, Prowomen Foundation (Romania), Community Connections (UK) and Bridge to Life (CZ). Nevertheless there are more organisations and individuals who are involved in the project activities. They come from Lithuania, Germany, Great Britain, Romania, Moldavia, Serbia etc. All partners are engaged with learning and training activities, empowerment as well as work with disadvantaged women (e.g. unemployed women, discriminated women, women working under precarious working conditions, young women with no working experience, teenage mothers, women from disadvantaged regions etc.). Each organisation comes from a different background, has different experiences and uses various methodologies, training modules and empowering strategies. This enables us to co-operate effectively and work towards a better position of women in the European labour market as well as encourage women to be involved in active learning and active development of civic society. Total Duration:

2 years

Area(s) covered

Project Objectives

Target Group(s)

Funding year: 1 Basic skills Active citizenship Sustainable development European countries / European Union Empowerment, women issues Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learners Guidance / counselling or other support services Management of adult education organisation / institution Women Economically or socially disadvantaged groups Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Evropská kontaktní skupina v České Republice Name of the contact person: Ivana Šindlerová Address: Žitná 45, 110 00 Prague 1, Czech Republic e-mail [email protected] tel: + 420 222 211 799 fax: +420 222 211 799 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Fundatia Pro Women, Iasi, RO Community Connections, Great Yarmouth, UK Most k životu, Trutnov, CZ


ČESKÁ REPUBLIKA Project Reference: 04-CZE01-S2G01-00001-1

GRundtvig Active Parents Education (GRAPE) The project aims to develop a model (strategy) that could be used to help parents, who are in some way disadvantaged, improve the way in which they might be able to better understand developmental problems of their children, to help them improve their understanding of how the education system works, and thus enable them to take a more active part in the education of their children, so the children themselves could become more active in creating their own future within the European Community. Our project will further include a comparative evaluation with respect to similar studies and projects already carried out elsewhere in Europe. At the same time we will aim to exchange professional insights between different European partners with respect to their experience in the area of dealing with disadvantaged parents with respect to the above, and to establish a European network of professionals from various fields and institutions in social and educational environments in order to promote the issue of lifelong and life-wide education in relation to developing citizenship skills particularly of disadvantaged social groups.

The project will focus on the following: - improving socially disadvantaged parents’ understanding of the educational system; - developing a positive and outgoing attitude with respect to co-operation with the school and the teachers; - giving them specific strategies for becoming more involved in the education of their children and thus enable them to overcome their sense of being socially excluded or in some way marginalized; - improving parent-child relationships in the sense of becoming more supportive towards their children in their educational struggles. The project will be developed in three stages. Stage 1 includes the following: identifying individual beneficiaries; sending out and collecting questionnaires; analysing the data gained through the questionnaires; finalising the interview procedures on the basis of the feed-back from questionnaires; overall evaluation of stage 1 Stage 2: conducting interviews; analysing data; developing two versions of a manual, one for professional workers, the other for beneficiaries Stage 3: trial run of the manual in the partnership and other European countries; final evaluation of the manual; final evaluation of the project, including a comparison of results with other similar projects; publication of the manual in respective national languages Total Duration:

3 years

Area(s) covered

Project Objectives

Funding year: 1 Basic skills Active citizenship Intercultural issues Education for parents Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learners' demand for learning Guidance / counselling / information or other support services Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)

Target Group(s)

Migrants / travellers / ethnic or other minorities Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in prison Disabled persons COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Jihočeská univerzita, Pedagogická fakulta Name of the contact person: Václav Souček Address: Jeronýmova 10, 371 15 České Budějovice e-mail: [email protected] tel: +420 387 773 233 fax +420 386 354 927 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) ASOCIATIA DE EDUCATIA ADULTILOR “RADACINI SI ARIPI”, Suceava, RO Tarptautine moteru organizacija Zonta Alytus Club, Alytus, LT VAKSCHOOL WAGENINGEN, Wageningen, NL ALBERGARIA – A – VELHA’S SECONDARY SCHOOL, Albergaria–a-Velha, PT VOCATIONAL SCHOOL CRISTÓVAO COLOMBO, Funchal , PT



DANMARK Project Reference: 04-DNK01-S2G01-00001-3

New Approaches for Adult Learners and Their Multiple Intelligences An exploration of Howard Gardner's Theory of Multiple Intelligences is the focus of this project, which targets disadvantaged adult learners. This theory implies that individual learning strategies, based on learners' individual strengths, will enhance learning opportunities for students whose education has been inadequate. In the process of exploration, partners will meet at seminars to share expertise, knowledge and experience. Experimental pilot projects are to be based on the theory studied, using new approaches to teaching and learning. Learner involvement in the planning, implementation and evaluation of these pilot projects is important. One pilot project, a student newsletter with IT communication between rural, mono-cultural and urban multi-cultural learner groups will combat rural isolation, xenophobia and racism. A homepage and a conference for professionals in the field of adult education will ensure the documentation and dissemination of the knowledge and experience acquired by the partnership project. In our third year the goals remain the same. We aim to focus on learner activities to include learner mobility and to increase international learner interaction via internet. Since the web page will exist after the project's life, we would like to spend this year expanding learner involvement in its design and use. Total DURATION: 36 Area(s) covered

Project Objectives Target Group(s)

FUNDING Year: 3 Basic skills Information technology Intercultural issues Arts, music, culture Languages Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Migrants / travellers / ethnic or other minorities Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in prison

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation: Name of the institution: Kofoeds Skole Name of the contact person: Margaret Ryan Hellman Address: Nyrnberggade 1, 2300 København S e-mail: [email protected] tel: +45 3268 0200 fax: +45 3295 6217 Organisation/Project website: Partners: Sisä-Savon kansalaisopisto; Suonenjoki; Finland Warrenmount Community Education Centre; Dublin; Ireland Shotton Partnership 2000 Ltd.; Shotton Colliery, Durham; Great Britain


DANMARK Project Reference: 04-DNK01-S2G01-00002-3

Guidance and Counselling The purpose of the project is to further develop good practice in guidance and counselling in order to: • Strengthen adults with special needs •

Secure the learning possibilities to accomplish a scheduled education

Develop good conversation

Strengthen contact with the surrounding society

This will be achieved through international seminars where the project’s participants meet for mutual inspiration and learning. The participant countries share experiences and practices after which they are tested by the other participants. The results of the projects are published partly in a flyer, in developing a website and finally through exchanging experiences at national network meetings. Total DURATION: 36 Area(s) covered

FUNDING Year: 3 Basic skills

Project Objectives

Guidance / counselling / information or other support services

Target Group(s)

Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of social marginalisation Local community groups Women

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation: Name of the institution: VUC FYN Glamsbjerg Name of the contact person: Ninna Gammelgaard Jepsen Address: Nørregade 42, 5620 Glamsbjerg e-mail: [email protected] tel: +45 63722080 fax: +45 63722085 Organisation/Project website: Partners: Labour Centre of Békés County; Békéscsaba; Hungary AGORA; Barcelona; Spain VUC Holstebro-Lemvig-Struer; Denmark


DANMARK Project Reference: 04-DNK01-S2G01-00004-2

Learning by doing The project will develop good practice in education, training and guidance as a means of integrating migrants and others in the labour market. In the development of ‘Learning by Doing’, we will seek to identify the needs for social skills, cultural understanding and communication codes used in the workplaces and to transform this knowledge into good guidance, teaching and training practice. The project will look for ways to help learners to find a job in the country where they live, and look for ways to improve the teaching process in the field of practical use of learned skills and knowledge. The partners in the project will exchange experience in uncovering the non-formal competencies of the target group and of making the target group aware of these competencies. The project will finally try to influence the policy of the private and public labour market for it to become more receptive to ethnic minorities and to people with special educational needs. Total DURATION: 24 Area(s) covered Project Objectives

Target Group(s)

FUNDING Year: 2 Active citizenship Intercultural issues Languages, i.e. language at work Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learners' demand for learning Guidance / counselling / information or other support services Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Methods for providing credit for knowledge or competence acquired outside formal education Migrants / travellers / ethnic or other minorities Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in prison Women

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation: Name of the institution: Videnscenter for Integration Name of the contact person: Ib Jespergaard Address: Skolegade 1, 7100 Vejle e-mail: [email protected] tel: +45 7644 4162 fax: +45 75832630 Organisation/Project website: Partners: Strand Voksenopplæring; Jørpeland; Norway Organism de Formation de Rocher de Guyenne; Rudeau; France Ländlische Erwachsenenbildung Prignitz-Havelland e.V.; Rathenow; Germany SOZE Sdruzeni obcanu zabyvajcich se emigrantly; Brno; Czech Republic Vantaan aikuispisto; Vantaa; Finland


DANMARK Project Reference: 04-DNK01-S2G01-00005-2

Learning Partnership for the European Institute for Performing Arts The objective of the project is to establish a learning partnership for a new and innovative European institute of performing arts. The tuition of the institute will focus on aesthetic subjects: theatre, dance, music, but with a multi-aesthetic interdisciplinary approach so that these disciplines can interact and enrich each other. Through focus on artistic professionalism the project wants to enhance the learning process with personal development, the meeting of cultures and vocational/personal qualifications such as the willingness to adapt, commitment, attentiveness, mobility, tolerance, interpersonal skills, responsibility, creativity and entrepreneurial skills and problem-solving ability and other competencies. Through interaction between theory and practice, interaction with the research environment and an international network, the project will create a knowledge centre for aesthetic interdisciplinary learning processes. This will ensure development, documentation and the spreading of experience within the area. Total DURATION: 24 Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s)

FUNDING Year: 2 Intercultural issues Arts, music, culture Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Migrants / travellers / ethnic or other minorities Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of social marginalisation

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation: Name of the institution: Højskolen Performers House Name of the contact person: Lars Ilum Address: Åhavevej 2A, 8600 Silkeborg e-mail: [email protected] tel: +4586800820 fax: +45 86890169 Organisation/Project website: Partners: Amsterdamse Hogeschool voor Kunsten; Amsterdam; The Netherlands Magyar Népföiskolai Társaság; Budapest; Hungary L'Outil; Montpellier; France Studio Maria P; Voohout; the Netherlands


DANMARK Project Reference: 04-DNK01-S2G01-00006-2

Innovative ways of reaching out The purpose of the learning partnership is the experience on innovative ways to reach marginalized groups or other such groups threatened by marginalisation and ensure the completion of the courses through pedagogical and educational strategies. These groups vary between regions, but they have certain traits in common: 1) difficulties in obtaining steady jobs, 2) the discipline to participate in education voluntarily and 3) they are not affected by traditional methods of marketing education. The learning partnership is a transnational cooperation between different teaching institutions with a common wish to try to use untraditional ways of reaching these groups. Each institution has targeted a group that it will attempt to reach and engage through educational activities. The framework for the cooperation is: 1.

an internet conference with a common homepage. The coordinator is responsible for constructing and maintaining the site technically. Partners regularly exchange experiences on information material, marketing strategies etc.


an annual conference (preceded by a preparatory meeting for key staff) in alternating countries to exchange experiences directly and strengthen the European dimension.

Total DURATION: 36 Area(s) covered

Project Objectives Target Group(s)

FUNDING Year: 2 Basic skills Information technology Health Active citizenship Sustainable development Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learners' demand for learning Guidance / counselling / information or other support services Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in prison Disabled persons Women

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation: Name of the institution: Københavns VUC Name of the contact person: Anne Jelsøe Address: Helgolandsgade 6, 1653 København V e-mail: [email protected] tel: +45 82326605 fax: +45 8232 6601 Organisation/Project website: Partners: GRETA Vaucluse Nord; Carpentras; France Volkshochschule Reutlingen GmbH; Reutlingen; Germany I.T.C.P.C.E. 'Biagio Pascal'; Romentino; Italy Volkshochschule Meiding: Vienna; Austria


DANMARK Project Reference: 04-DNK01-S2G01-00008-2

How to Make Integration More Efficient Through Language Teaching Focusing on Intercultural Awareness The project aims at becoming familiar with learning systems in the partner countries and from that then selecting and improving the tools used in teaching immigrants. The project will focus on learning and observation of partners ‘in action’, exchange of curricula and study plans and organisation of relevant events with the students. Selected curriculum and study plans will be translated, compared and evaluated and teaching strategies through practical examples will be exchanged. During visits, class-room observation will be video-taped and brought back to the students and fellow teachers/trainers. Current documentation of the findings will be elaborated. Total DURATION: 24 Area(s) covered

Project Objectives Target Group(s)

FUNDING Year: 2 Sustainable development Intercultural issues Arts, music, culture Languages Learning about European countries / the European Union Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learners' demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Methods for providing credit for knowledge or competence acquired outside formal education Migrants / travellers / ethnic or other minorities

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation: Name of the institution: VUC FYN Odense Name of the contact person: Bent Funder Address: Jernbanegade 20, 5000 Odense C e-mail: [email protected] tel: +45 63139393 fax: +45 63133394 Organisation/Project website: Partners: AOF Svendborg Sprogcenter; Svendborg; Denmark IPSSCT 'Marisa Bellisario'; Milano; Italy Centro de Educacion de Adultos 'Manolo Collado'; Sevilla; Spain Jyväskylan tysväenopisto; Jyväskylan; Finland


DANMARK Project Reference: 04-DNK01-S2G01-00009-2

Nye indfaldsvinkler - Det vigtige kendskab We intend that the differences between those taking part in this project shall be considered its strength. We shall together make new recognition and pedagogical products for our work with disabled adults. We shall allow new thoughts and exchange experiences, and remove the acts and thoughts that exist out of habit in our culture, just as we shall create proper opportunities to use the new pedagogical methods in each country. The partners will meet at executive level in seminars/workshops where “new approaches” will be the focus, and through which we obtain “the important knowledge” that aims at individual service to disabled persons and towards lifelong learning for all involved. The preliminary process shall “tie up all proportions of the project” which can form a shared database of knowledge in the virtual and existing space. Subsequently we will establish trans-national groups, which will work with different subjects and make a coherent view of life with the focus on work situations, quality of life, understanding for disabilities and a social network. Completion of this work will finish with an evaluation. A new process will be started with a development stage that involves employees. Total DURATION: 24 Area(s) covered

Project Objectives Target Group(s)

FUNDING Year: 2 Basic skills Intercultural issues Sustainable development Information Guidance / counselling / information or other support services Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of social marginalisation Disabled persons

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation: Name of the institution: Landsbyen Sølund Name of the contact person: Britt Bach Madsen Address: Dyrehaven 10, 8660 Skanderborg e-mail: [email protected] tel: +45 87931122 fax: +45 86521185 Organisation/Project website: Partners: Quinta Essencia; Cascais; Portugal V.Z.W. Den Dries; Evergem; Belgium


DANMARK Project Reference: 04-DNK01-S2G01-00010-2

Second Chance Education and Training During the project, the participants wish to focus on the group of students, who don’t complete an education through the established youth educations. During the project we wish to study in how you deal with that specific group of students in the countries of the participants: France, Ireland, Rumania and Denmark. The main focus lies within learning methods as also the practised initiatives. Total DURATION: 24 Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s)

FUNDING Year: 2 Basic skills Intercultural issues Mobility Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Methods for providing credit for knowledge or competence acquired outside formal education Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of social marginalisation Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in prison

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation: Name of the institution: Brovst kommunale ungdomsskole Name of the contact person: Kristen Henriksen Address: Skolevej 5, 9460 Brovst e-mail: [email protected] tel: +45 98233122 fax: +45 98233222 Organisation/Project website: Partners: Youthbreach; Hospita, Co.Limerick; Ireland Mission Locale - Espace Ressources Jeaunes; Roubaix; France


DANMARK Project Reference: 04-DNK01-S2G01-00018-2

Language and Literacy teaching to migrants via social integration and multicultural awareness The main aim of the project is to explore the ways of second language and literacy teaching and learning in the context of the social integration and multicultural awareness for asylum seekers, refugees and migrants (i.e people living in a country different from their country of origin, for a range of reasons, eg. employment, marriage, etc). The project will focus on the implications of teaching and learning another language in a new country where learners are trying to make a new life, integrate into a new society as well as gain access to information, education and employment. The project will entail carrying out some research into the existing language provision in 5 different countries, visiting these countries, observing the language provision there, engaging learners and teachers in direct feedback on good practice as well as areas to improve, and finally designing a common framework for language and literacy learning based on the model of best practice to be implemented for common use. Total DURATION: 24 Area(s) covered

Project Objectives

Target Group(s)

FUNDING Year: 2 Basic skills Active citizenship Intercultural issues Languages Learning about European countries/the European Union Information technology Arts, music, culture Health Environment Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Guidance/counselling/information or other support services Experimentation with new pedagogical approaches Management of adult education organisation/institution Methods for providing credit for knowledge or competence acquired outside formal education Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in prison Local community groups

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation in: Name of the institution: Sprogcentret Kigkurren Name of the contact person: Jesper Væver Jensen Address: Kigkurren 6-8, opg. M, 2300 København S e-mail: [email protected] tel: +45 32540854 fax: +45 3254 1562 Organisation/Project website: Partners: Hull College; Hull; GB Karel De Grote Hogeschool; Antwerp; Belgium Centro de Educación de Adultos; El Puerto de Santa Maria; Spain


DANMARK Project Reference: 04-DNK01-S2G01-00021-1

Ways from Exclusion to Inclusion as an Active European Citizen We are five partners from five different European countries sharing a common idea: A project for our learners: excluded groups of citizens, threatened by marginalization of different reasons (immigrants, refugees, young unemployed, workers, Muslims, disabled). We intend through various activities - to open the local community for the excluded by visits in organisations etc. - to present for the majority group the personal and cultural strengths of the excluded group through exhibitions or meetings, presented by the project group, - and to give common experiences to the (former) excluded minority and the majority in the local society. The project will work on the inclusion of the learners as active citizens in different ways in the five countries, according to the target group and the conditions of the organisation. The project will include corporation with various local organisations and groups of people, and we want to utilize the resources in the partnership. This will be done by continuous interaction between the partners by exchanging innovative methods and examples of good practice. The media for performance and dissemination in the local community shall be for instance photo, video, drawings, drama, lectures, and exhibitions. The continuous interaction between the local participants and partners is secured - through dialogue between staff, teachers and learners in a frame of activities such as meetings, courses, and supervision for learners - through IT correspondence with the partners, and - through personal meetings of learners and staff from the five partner groups in seminars in the countries. The dissemination of the project will be both on the local, the national, and the European level. Total DURATION: 24 Area(s) covered

Project Objectives Target Group(s)

FUNDING Year: 1 Basic skills Active citizenship Intercultural issues Languages Arts, music, culture European countries / European Union Information technology The media Strategy for stimulating adult learners' demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of social marginalisation Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in prison Disabled persons Local community groups

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation: Name of the institution: Frit Oplysningsforbund i Jægerspris Name of the contact person: Agnete Andersson Address: Vestervangsvej 3, 3630 Jægerspris e-mail: [email protected] tel: +4547522206 fax: Organisation/Project website: Partners: Vereinigung voor Ontwikkeling en Emancipatie van Moslims - VOEM vzw; Antwerp; Belgium Työväen Sivistysliitto TSL ry Opintokeskus; Helsinki; Finland Towarzystwo Oswiatowe "Integracja"; Warsaw; Poland Marieborgs folkhögskola; Norrköping; Sweden


DANMARK Project Reference: 04-DNK01-S2G01-00025-1

ELPN - European Learning Partnership Network. "Get together - learn together" The idea of the project is to promote lifelong learning focusing on innovative teaching and learning methods. The project will explore the effect and efficiency of different ways of planning and practising training in terms of place, time, appearance and pedagogical methods. The target group is less educated adults who need to be motivated to continue life long to build up competencies, which can help them to keep up with the growing demands on the labour market or for unemployed to get a job. The project will try to find answers to questions like: Does the way of planning the education have an effect on whether students get their certification or drop out? Can e-learning be the answer to continue learning instead of dropping out? The partners represent a varity of institutions with very different experiences. Best practice examples to inspire trainers to deliver more qualified education and a living network of teachers, coaching groups and students groups in the partner countries will be some of the useful results. The project is planned as a two-year project. In the first year the partners plan to exchange practice and experience. In the second year the focus will be on transformation of ideas in different structures (groups, countries, subjects) and if possible we will experiment with various forms of flexible learning. This approach gives a new dimension to the idea of lifelong learning. Total DURATION: 24 Area(s) covered

Project Objectives Target Group(s)

FUNDING Year: 1 Basic skills Active citizenship Intercultural issues European countries / European Union Information technology The media Sustainable development Strategy for stimulating adult learners' demand for learning Guidance / counselling or other support services Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Persons living in rural or disadvantages areas Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of social marginalisation Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in prison

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation: Name of the institution: Center for Fleksibel Voksenundervisning Name of the contact person: Anne Marie Damgård Address: Vestergade 12, 6200 Aabenraa e-mail: [email protected] tel: 73613333 fax: 73613399 Organisation/Project website: Partners: Dalslands Folkhögskola; Sweden Association for Development and Reforms; Razlog; Bulgaria A.I.J.E.Z. Asociacion Independente de Jovenes Empresarios de Zaragoza; Zaragoza; Spain Volkshochschulverband Mecklenburg-Vorpommern e.v.; Schwerin; Germany


DANMARK Project Reference: 04-DNK01-S2G01-00026-1

Adult Learning of Science (ALOS) The project aims at exploring multicultural varieties of adult teaching and learning strategies within the area of science and it will involve both learners and teachers in the process. The project intends to develop an international network of science teachers, for exchange of experiences and development of new methods. One problem is whether and how the various methodologies and ideas used by each institution can be integrated in order to foster common or new educational methods. The project intends: to explore the teaching and learning strategies in the different participating countries. Establish a network between teachers in different countries. Create a web-site for exchanging learning and teaching experiences in science. Establish a science competition for learners at the participating institutions. Make use of the institutions’ particular resources to promote and add to the success of the cooperation Total DURATION: 24 Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s)

FUNDING Year: 1 Information technology Other, namely: Science Strategy for stimulating adult learners' demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of social marginalisation Women Others: Adults who need accredited courses in science in order to continue higher education

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation: Name of the institution: VUC Roskilde Amt Name of the contact person: Lene Hedegaard Jensen Address: Læderstræde 4, 4000 Roskilde e-mail: [email protected] tel: +45 46 30 86 40 fax: +45 46 30 86 19 Organisation/Project website: Partners: Berufskolleg Senne der Stadt Bielefeld; Bielefeld; Germany Deltion College Unit Educatie; AE Zwolle; the Netherlands


DANMARK Project Reference: 04-DNK01-S2G01-00027-1

www-Golden-Age The main topic of the project is introducing seniors to IT. We will focus on different aspects of the teaching/learning process and also how to improve the functioning of older citizens in the Information Society. IT skills have become “basic skills” without which it is very difficult to function in the modern world. Although in all European countries the population of seniors is growing, their IT skills remain very low. There are very few initiatives in Europe trying to solve this problem. Our project has the aim of trying to fill this gap. We are planning a 3-years project which will reach 8 partners from 8 different countries in the last year. The work will be centered around 8 seminars: one in each partner-country. Each partner will be responsible for planning and running one seminar devoted to one subtopic. Furthermore each partner will run an Internet activity involving all partners. We are planning to involve both teachers and senior students in all activities. We will design and run a special webpage where we can collect and share information and experiences from all partners. There will be also a discussion forum for everyone interested. Total DURATION: 36 Area(s) covered

Project Objectives Target Group(s)

FUNDING Year: 1 Active citizenship Intercultural issues European countries / European Union Information technology Strategy for stimulating adult learners' demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Senior citizens

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation: Name of the institution: VUC FYN International Department Name of the contact person: Holger Duus Address: Toften 600, 5330 Munkebo e-mail: [email protected] tel: +45 65975576 fax: +45 65977117 Organisation/Project website: Partners: Elderly Women's Activities Centre; Kaunas; Lithuania Women Returners Network; Chelmsford; GB Fullness-of-Life Academy; Krakow; Poland Vaasan institute for Adult Education; Vaasa; Finland


DANMARK Project Reference: 04-DNK01-S2G01-00033-1

Integration with Dignity and Democratic Competences Folkevirke wishes, together with European partners, to undertake an experimental project, which will involve a wide range of age levels and nationalities. Through the project, the partners will exchange experiences from the area “Integration with dignity” from ethnic minorities. By this we can educate mentors and afterwards be able to set up networks and find persons with resources from the ethnic minorities so they can pass on the ideas we have developed and described in the project. The project is aimed at newer groups of ethnic minorities - both young and adult persons. The intention of the project is to focus on the importance of building networks and will enable to question the norms and traditions which are carried from other cultures. Some of the subjects we intend to put under debate would be to find adequate limits to what is acceptable to yourself and focus upon your own needs instead of accepting what the family has chosen for you. Total DURATION: 12 Area(s) covered

Project Objectives Target Group(s)

FUNDING Year: 1 Basic skills Active citizenship Intercultural issues Sustainable development Strategy for stimulating adult learners' demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Methods for providing credit for competencies acquired outside formal education Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Senior citizens Others: Adult interested in active citizenship

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation: Name of the institution: Folkevirke Name of the contact person: Annemarie Balle Address: Niels Hemmingsens Gade 10, 3., 1153 København K e-mail: [email protected] tel: +45 33328301 fax: +45 33328311 Organisation/Project website: Partners: Intercultural Center of Cypres; Nicosia; Cypres Centro Nord Sud Institution; Pisa; Italy


DANMARK Project Reference: 04-DNK01-S2G01-00041-2

Mobile Learning Lab Europe The project aims at giving inspiration and ideas on how to develop new and different ways of supplementary education and training of teachers in adult education on the basis of teaching practice. Furthermore, the project will enable institutions of adult education to establish a network between different types of schools, countries, formal and non-formal education. Participants: MOBILE LEARNING LAB EUROPE is a learning project with the following participants: • Institutions of education offering education and supplementary education of teachers in adult education • Institutions of adult education • Schools / classes • People interested in non-formal education Involved in the project are: Educational planners and advisers, teachers in adult education and participants in courses / learners. Partial objectives: The participants in the partnership project will experience teaching practice in the different partnership countries with their different traditions, theories and culture and thus be given ideas and the possibility of developing new types of supplementary education. Being part of the learning process, learners / participants in courses will have the possibility of reflecting on their own learning and their motivation for learning. After its finalization the project will still, by means of the established IT communication, enable the participants to ”meet” for mutual inspiration and development with the purpose of continuing further and new development of best practice. Teachers in adult education from the partnership countries will develop methods of reflecting on their own practice and relate them to theories and practice presented in the represented involved countries and this way hopefully become even better teachers (reflective learning). Being part of the learning process, learners / participants in courses will have the possibility of reflecting on their own learning. This will be continued and a new topic will be added: Evaluation in adult education: New aim: 1. Establish criteria for specific evaluation in adult education 2. Share materials in teaching adults to improve teaching practice in participating countries. 3. Study the minimum requirements / adult real competence to value experience as a part of their training. Total DURATION: 24 Area(s) covered

Project Objectives Target Group(s)

FUNDING Year: 2 Basic skills Active citizenship Intercultural issues European countries / European Union Information technology Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Senior citizens Local community groups

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation: Name of the institution: Syddansk VPC Name of the contact person: Bent Alminde Address: Damhaven 13 A, 7100 Vejle e-mail: [email protected] tel: 76 43 76 43 fax: 75 82 76 90 Organisation/Project website: Partners: GRETA Reseau Graphique; France I.P.S.S.C.T.S. Paolo Frisi; Milano; Italy CEPA Camp Rodó; Palma de Mallorca; Spain


DANMARK Project Reference: 04-DNK01-S2G01-00050-2

Empower Life This project aims at enhancing the quality of the European Dimension, through access to adult non-formal education, as well as the promotion of Sustainable Development and mutual solidarity. The partnership is focusing on techniques and methods for inclusion of adults with special needs, and adults from disadvantaged groups. During practice in the institutions and organizations there have been discovered gaps between competences and life challenges among adult learners from rural areas and disadvantaged groups, and the need for the renewal of participatory methods. The partnership will compare and benefit from each others’ practice, which helps the respective institutions to adjust actual educational programmes in our non-formal schools. The exchange of experiences focuses especially on preparing people for a world with fast growing progress in communication technology, unemployment and personal burned-out ness, which will marginalize more and more people from rural areas and disadvantaged groups from the society. The project Empower Life has been running for one year and the discussion during this year has shown the importance of sharing experience in between institutions from different parts of Europe. The results of this partnership will be disseminated via Web Site “http//” Total DURATION: 24 Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s)

FUNDING Year: 2 Active citizenship Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learners' demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Methods for providing credit for knowledge or competence acquired outside formal education Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of social marginalisation Local community groups

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation: Name of the institution: Baaring Højskole Name of the contact person: Erik Bukh Address: Højskolevej 2, 5466 Asperup e-mail: [email protected] tel: +45 6448 1108 fax: +45 6448 1552 Organisation/Project website: Partners: Vara Folkhögskola; Sweden Rite Tautas Augstskola; Latvia


GERMANY DEUTSCHLAND Project Reference: 04-DEU03-S2G01-00001-1

CMCE - Competencies in Marketing for Trainers in Continuing Education Seit Mitte der 90er Jahre ist die europäische Bildungslandschaft im Wandel. Auf neue Weiterbildungsinteressen von Teilnehmer/inne/n haben die Organisationen nur schwerfällig oder gar nicht reagiert. Die tatsächliche Entwicklung der europäischen Kooperationen im Bereich der Weiterbildung bleibt weit hinter den neuen Herausforderungen und der gewünschten Kooperationskultur zurück. Eine europäische Zusammenarbeit von Bildungsanbietern erfolgt bisher lediglich in Einzelfällen. Der Weiterbildungsmarkt hat sich verändert. Das Marketing wird für kommerzielle und nichtkommerzielle Institutionen zu der wichtigsten Quelle des Unternehmenserfolgs. Auf diesem Feld wird derzeit viel experimentiert und Ausmaß und Qualität des Bildungsmarketing sind noch sehr unterschiedlich. Um sich professionell auf dem Markt zu behaupten müssen auch Bildungsanbieter ihr Know-how an neue Marketing-Konzepte anpassen. Kleinere Anbieter sollten sich darauf vorbereiten, dass unter dem Zeichen der Globalisierung auch eine Internationalisierung der Weiterbildungsträger bevorsteht. Das Projekt will die Marketingpraxis kleiner europäischer Weiterbildungsanbieter erfassen und optimieren und eine neue europäische und transnationale Kooperationsform im Bereich der Marketingstrategien initiieren. Damit sollen deren Planungskompetenz sowie Effizienz und Transparenz ihrer Unternehmensführung verbessert werden. Total DURATION: 2 years Area(s) covered

Other (describe if applicable) Project Objectives Other (describe if applicable) Target Group(s) Other (describe if applicable)

FUNDING Year: 2004 Consumer education Intercultural issues Languages European countries / European Union Marketing / Präsentation / Unternehmensführung Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner Guidance / counselling or other support services Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Management of adult education organisation / insti Women Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Lehrende, Dozenten, Kursleitende, Beschäftigte bei Bildungsanbietern

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: ttg team training GmbH Name of the contact person: Annerose Walter Address: Holzmarkt 7, 72070 Tübingen e-mail: [email protected] tel: +49-(0)7071-51396 fax: +49-(0)7071-51396 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Société Civile Auvillaraise De Contacts, FR Mainstreaming Agenda, IT Buskerud University College, NO Behacker & Partner OEG, AT Fundacion Objetivo 1, ES Initial-Traning GbR, DE Centro Linguistico Italiano Dante Alighieri, IT Telsiai Teachers Education Center, LT ATHENA - Association for Training, CZ


DEUTSCHLAND Project Reference: 04-DEU03-S2G01-00002-2

GILE- Generationsübergreifendes inter-kulturelles Lernen in Europa Der biographische Ansatz in der Erwachsenenbildung kann den Prozess lebenslangen Lernens effektiv unterstützen. Er fördert das gegenseitige Verständnis individueller Erfahrungen, Probleme und Motivationen. Besonders produktiv kann die biographische Methode in gemeinsamen Lernprozessen von Teilnehmenden mit unterschiedlichen persönlichen Erfahrungen, Altersstufen und beruflichen Zusammenhängen sein, vor allem dann, wenn die Teilnehmenden unterschiedlichen Generationen und unterschiedlichen Nationalitäten angehören. Ziel des beabsichtigten Projektes ist es, diesen Bildungsansatz in gemeinsamer Arbeit von Bildungseinrichtungen verschiedener europäischer Länder weiter zu entwickeln und damit neue Zugänge, Lehrpläne und Methoden für das lebenslange Lernen zwischen Generationen, in internationalen Lerngruppen und Lernprojekten zu erarbeiten. Dabei stehen der Austausch individueller Perspektiven, die Wissensvermittlung über aktuelle soziale Veränderungen und europäische Entwicklungen im Vordergrund. Mit dem Projekt soll zugleich ein konkreter Beitrag zur Integration der mittel- und osteuropäischen Beitrittsländer/Beitrittskandidaten geleistet werden. Total DURATION: 2 years

FUNDING Year: 2004

Area(s) covered

Other (describe if applicable) Project Objectives

Intercultural issues European countries / European Union Verständigung zwischen den Generationen, Aktivierung für den Prozess lebenslangen Lernens Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner Management of adult education organisation / instiExperimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)

Other (describe if applicable) Target Group(s) Other (describe if applicable)

Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of soc. marginalisation Senior citizens Lehrkräfte / Multiplikatoren

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Landeszentrale für politische Bildung Thüringen Name of the contact person: Helmut Schuchardt Address: Regierungsstr. 73, 99084 Erfurt e-mail: [email protected] tel: +49(0)361-3792740 fax: +49(0)361-3792740 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Klub feministickych filozofiek, SK Druschestwo sa obrasowanie na mladeschi, BG Latvijas Universitate, LV Fundacja Krzyzowa dla Porozumienia, PL Evangelische Erwachsenenbildung, DE


DEUTSCHLAND Project Reference: 04-DEU03-S2G01-00007-1

New Approaches to Nutritional Education in Museums Nutrition-related disorders are on the increase throughout Europe. The controversial discussion about what constitutes ‘proper’ nutrition underlines the need for up-to-date nutritional education in place of the insufficiently effective classical nutritional education, particularly for adults. The food sector is also subject to increasing global uniformity. Since nutrition is closely related to traditions and lifestyles, museums – as places of historical and social reflection and of aesthetic perception – can combine these two aspects. By offering sense and taste-training sessions and events that emphasise the enjoyment of food and regional specialities, these extramural places of learning can play an important role in the development of responsible eating habits. The project is intended to discuss these challenges by promoting an exchange of experience between museums and scientific institutions, in order to improve the partners’ practice-oriented programmes. The museums’ educational staff will get new ideas. The target groups are people with disabilities, senior citizens and other sections of the population. Total DURATION: 2 years Area(s) covered

Other (describe if applicable) Project Objectives Other (describe if applicable) Target Group(s) Other (describe if applicable)

FUNDING Year: 2004 Consumer education Sustainable development Health Environment Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner Management of adult education organisation / insti Disabled persons Senior citizens Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of soc. mar

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Stiftung Deutsches Hygiene-Museum Dresden Name of the contact person: Jörg Naumann Address: Lingnerplatz 1, 01069 Dresden [email protected] tel: +49 (0) 351 4846 777 fax: +49 (0) 351 4846 587 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Heureka, suomalainen tiedekeskus - FI Eesti Tervishoio Muuseum - EE Agropolis-Museum - FR Fondazione IDIS-Città della Scienza - IT


DEUTSCHLAND Project Reference: 04-DEU03-S2G01-00008-1

RealGeM - Gender meets Reality The partners of the Learning Partnership RealGeM compare experiences and methods of their respective activities and working fields to implement Gender Mainstreaming. The different experiences and practices of the partner organisations will be compared, integrated and assessed in terms of transferability, in order to facilitate a trans-national and trans-sectoral learning process. More detailed, this learning process contains the following elements: 1. Discussion of the role of Gender Mainstreaming in the profile of tasks/in the self-conception of bodies and institutions in the above mentioned areas for conceptual educational work 2. Identification of aspects, demands, and themes in connection with Gender Mainstreaming that are characteristic for the abovementioned areas, with the focus on educational practice Opening new areas for Gender Mainstreaming which build a potential transition between general adult education, the consolidation of daily life knowledge and professional knowledge, e.g. tackling consumers policy and participation and future-oriented governance strategies taking into account the perspective of gender equality. This shall be the object and advised goal for a second project year and orientates on the demand of participation and gender equality mentioned in the general policy of the European Union, representative is for example Art. 3 of the Treaty of Amsterdam. Total DURATION: 2 years Area(s) covered

Other (describe if applicable) Project Objectives Other (describe if applicable) Target Group(s) Other (describe if applicable)

FUNDING Year: 2004 Basic skills Consumer education Intercultural issues European countries / European Union Gender equality Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Management of adult education organisation / insti Methods for providing credit for knowl. or comp. Women Local community groups Women and men in political adult education namely Gender Mainstreaming processes

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: DISSENS / GenderWerk Name of the contact person: Andrea von Marschall Address: Allee der Kosmonauten 67, 12681 Berlin e-mail: [email protected] tel: +49-(0)30-549875-35 fax: +49-(0)30-549875-31 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Grameipuls, Societat municipal de Santa Coloma, ES Frauenservice Graz/Genderwerkstätte Graz, AT Verein Männerberatung Graz, AT Mirovni institut Institute za sodobne druzbene in Ljubljana, SI


DEUTSCHLAND Project Reference: 04-DEU03-S2G01-00009-1

Encourage LLL - employability for senior citizens Under the habit to "prolong active citizenship" we understand learning from one another, reflecting own habits and experiences, learning to learn, enhancing motivation and active participation of learners, understanding other cultures and countries, intergenerational contacts, making new friends. For people aged 50 and over the working world may appear to be closed. At this stage in life it is often assumed that one has reached the stage of unemployability. At the same time children leave home and people are faced with the possibility or necessity to re-structure or even change their jobs or working patterns. It is possible to identify a trend of lacking expertise in companies. This phenomenon has led to the first attempts to bring older people back to work. There is a growing need throughout Europe to provide opportunities for people over 50 to use their learning and life skills in a range of socially valuable contexts. The project intends to increase the capacity of senior citizens for active citizenship and their way back to working context by improving their cultural awareness, by increasing their employability, by upgrading their general skills. In workshops carried through in the participating countries, they will be trained in different packs, composed to a creative curriculum, to learn from one another, to exchange and to pass special units in order to gain self-consciousness Total DURATION: 2 years Area(s) covered

Other (describe if applicable) Project Objectives Other (describe if applicable) Target Group(s) Other (describe if applicable)

FUNDING Year: 2004 Active citizenship Intercultural issues Sustainable development Environment Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner Guidance / counselling or other support services Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Senior citizens Women Local community groups

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Kulturkuratorin GbR Name of the contact person: Dr. Jutta Thinesse-Demel Address: Geyerspergerstraße 42, 80689 München e-mail: [email protected] tel: +49(ß)89-5806664 fax: +49(0)89-5803466 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) A.O. Poseithonas Patras, GR University of Strathclyde, UK Trondheim Kommune, NO European Citizen's Awareness, GR


DEUTSCHLAND Project Reference: 04-DEU03-S2G01-00010-1

TIES Theatre: Ideas by Exchange and Support Furhter to the European Year for People with Disabilities, institutions working with people with disabilities shall get in contact and exchange their ideas and experience of pedagogical work with learners with disabilities – mostly mentally handicapped. Focus shall be laid on the support of the free time activities of the learners and to offer some of them the possibility to get in contact with disabled people from other European countries. The already existing creative work – music in some institutions, theatre and dance in others – shall be brought together during the project to a joint performance at the end. As the focus of the learners will be laid on communication by rhythm and music there are no larger problems in language barriers to be expected. Aim is the encouragement of self – expression, gaining independence and self –confidence as well as mobility in public. The integration of people without disabilities as well as the reinforcement of a stronger presence of people with disabilities in public is the chief aim of the project. The planned partners in this project are a civic association in Slovakia, a vocational institute in Finland, an integrated working secondary school in Portugal, a day centre for disabled people in Lithuania and an adult education centre in Germany. Total DURATION: 2 years Area(s) covered

Other (describe if applicable) Project Objectives Other (describe if applicable) Target Group(s) Other (describe if applicable)

FUNDING Year: 2004 Active citizenship Intercultural issues European countries / European Union Arts, music, culture Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Disabled persons Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of soc. mar Local community groups

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Volkshochschule Solingen Name of the contact person: Jürgen Lenski Address: Mummstraße 10, 42651 Solingen e-mail: [email protected] tel: +49-(0)212-2903254 fax: +49-(0)212-2903259 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Escola Scundária de Oliveira do Bairro Oliveira do Bairro, PT Kauno Neigaliojo Jaunimo Uzimtumo centras Kaunas, LT Zdruzenie Divadlo z Pasaze, SK Alavus Eritysammattikoulu, FI


DEUTSCHLAND Project Reference: 04-DEU03-S2G01-00011-1

Wer bin ich - bin ich wer? Dieses Projekt greift den Bedarf an (nachholenden) Intergrationsangeboten für viele bereits in Deutschland, in Österreich und in den Niederlanden lebenden Frauen mit Migrationshintergrund auf. Im Vordergrund steht die Entwicklung, Erprobung und Verbreitung von Modulen für Frauen mit Migrationshintergrund und/ oder sozio-kulturellen Randgruppen. Zum einen werden sich die regionalen Organisationen, die mit Migrantinnen arbeiten, untereinander vernetzen und sichtbar gemacht werden. Mit diesen regionalen Organisationen sollen Strategien zur Erreichbarkeit der Frauen mit Migrationshintergrund entwickelt werden um anschließend nach einer Bedarfsanalyse entsprechende (nachholende) Integrationsangebote in Form von Modulen der Erwachsenenbildung zu erproben. Die Frauen sollen durch Module der Erwachsenenbildung in ihrem Selbst- und Fremdbild als qualifizierte und anerkannte Individuen in den Gesellschaften gestärkt werden. Diese Module werden unter den Projektländern ausgetauscht, ausgewertet und veröffentlicht. Total DURATION: 3 years Area(s) covered

FUNDING Year: 2004 Active citizenship Individuum und Gesellschaft, Rechte der Frauen auf Landes- und Europaebene

Other (describe if applicable) Project Objectives Other (describe if applicable) Target Group(s) Other (describe if applicable)

Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Methods for providing credit for knowl. or comp. Women Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of soc. mar Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: HVHS Haus Neuland e.V. Name of the contact person: Sabine Venker Address: Senner Hellweg 943, 33689 Bielefeld e-mail: [email protected] tel: +49-(0)5205-912624 fax: +49-(0)5205-912699 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Österreichische Gesellschaft für Kinderphilosophie, AT Hogeschool van Arnhem en Nijmegen, NL


DEUTSCHLAND Project Reference: 04-DEU03-S2G01-00014-1

MOBYS - Motivation by sports Die bisherigen Erfahrungen aus der Arbeit mit sozial benachteiligten Gruppen zeigen, dass Lernanreize, bis hin zur gesellschaftlich gewünschten Eigenverantwortung des Einzelnen nur marginal wahrgenommen werden. Klassische schulische Methoden vermögen nicht, Lernmotivation zu schaffen. Im Gegensatz hierzu könnten im Sport- und Bewegungsbereich Möglichkeiten liegen, positive Motivations- und Lernimpulse zu erzielen. Das Projekt richtet sich an ausgrenzungsgefährdete oder bereits ausgegrenzte männliche und weibliche Erwachsene, die aufgrund ihrer Lebensumstände nicht (mehr) dazu neigen, an Initiativen für Erwachsenenbildung und Lebensbegleitendes Lernen teilzunehmen. Ziel des Projektes ist es, herauszufinden, ob es in den Ländern und Arbeitsfeldern der Projektpartner schon Angebote oder Nutzen gibt, die sich aus dem Gedankengut des LLL in Verbindung mit Sport ergeben. Sollten Erfahrungen vorhanden sein, ist zu eruieren, ob spezifische Effekte aus dem Sportbereich zu generalisieren und in andere Lern- und Lebensbereiche zu transformieren sind. Sind keine Erfahrungen vorhanden, ist zu ermitteln, ob sie gemeinsam entwickelt werden können. Die Erkenntnisse sollen durch Erfahrungsaustausch und mittels Fragebogenaktion gewonnen werden, wobei die Einbeziehung Lernender in die Lernpartnerschaft eine große Rolle spielt. Total DURATION: 2 years Area(s) covered Other (describe if applicable) Project Objectives Other (describe if applicable) Target Group(s) Other (describe if applicable)

FUNDING Year: 2004 Basic skills Active citizenship Intercultural issues Information technology Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner

Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of soc. mar sozial benachteiligte Erwachsene

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Fachklinik Im Deerth Name of the contact person: Marion Wassermann Address: Im Deerth 6, 58135 Hagen e-mail: [email protected] tel: +49-(0)2331-908418 fax: +49-(0)2331-908490 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Langhe Monferrato Roero Soceta Cosortile ar.l., IT Stadtsportbund Hagen e.V., DE Probens, ES Volba pro Slavonicko (VPS), CZ OHP Slaska Wojewodzka Komenda, PL


DEUTSCHLAND Project Reference: 04-DEU03-S2G01-00016-1

NetCo Erfolgreiche Netzwerke und Kooperationen als eine Strategie für

LLL in Europa

Die europäische Lernpartnerschaft „NetCo“ soll dazu beitragen, die regionalen und transnationalen Strukturen sowie die professionellen Kompetenzen von Bildungsanbietern für vernetztes und kooperatives Arbeiten zu verbessern. Es ist davon auszugehen, dass Netzwerke und Kooperationen über vielfältiges Potential zur Verbesserung regionaler und europäischer Strukturen für lebenslanges Lernen verfügen. Gleichzeitig stellen Netzwerke und Kooperationen sensible und störanfällige Systeme dar. Sie aufzubauen und zu managen erfordert spezifische professionelle Kompetenzen. Im Rahmen der Lernpartnerschaft sollen zunächst folgende Aspekte untersucht werden: - Mit welcher Zielsetzung entwickeln die Bildungsanbieter in den beteiligten Partnerländern Netzwerke und Kooperationen? - Wie tragen Netzwerke und Kooperationen dazu bei, neue Zielgruppen zu erreichen? - Es wird eine Liste mit Good-Practice-Beispielen erfolgreicher Netzwerke und Kooperationen, an denen Bildungsanbieter beteiligt sind, zusammengestellt. Auf der Grundlage der Erhebungen und Vergleiche wird eine Handreichung erarbeitet. Die Lernpartnerschaft NetCo möchte eine Basis für weiterführende europäische Kooperationsprojekte schaffen, in denen zur Qualifizierung von Weiterbildungsanbietern und anderen Akteuren zur Gestaltung von Netzwerken und Kooperationen beigetragen wird. Total DURATION: 2 years Area(s) covered

Other (describe if applicable) Project Objectives Other (describe if applicable) Target Group(s) Other (describe if applicable)

FUNDING Year: 2004 Intercultural issues Information technology Sustainable development European countries / European Union Netzwerkbildung, Lernen und Lehren im Verbund Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learners Guidance / counselling or other support services Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Management of adult education organisation / institution Local community groups Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Andere Beschäftigte in Kleinen und Mittleren Betrieben

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Move OrganisationsberatungGbR Name of the contact person: Stephanie Frenzer Address: Alter Steinweg 46, 48143 Münster e-mail: [email protected] tel: +49-(0)251-44042 fax: +49-(0)251-44137 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) ROC Utrecht, NL Romanian Institut for adult education, RO Landesinstitut für Qualifizierung, DE Miluse Jurosková Business link, CZ


DEUTSCHLAND Project Reference: 04-DEU03-S2G01-00018-1

Competent and Active Citizens in Europe Using Citizenship (local, national and European) studies to teach language to refugee & migrant groups to promote social inclusion at work and leisure. The project will examine and develop the ethics, approach, syllabus, materials and methodology of active citizenship teaching and learning. Developing intercultural competences of teachers in order to enhance competences of learners. Creating learners’ awareness of their strengths and weaknesses to help the learner to clarify realistic possibilities and potentials to make a meaningful contribution to their new community. Conducting field research, evaluation and then exchanging good practice between the partners’ teachers. Although at 9 participants the size of the group will present a challenge in respect of co-ordination and communication it is also a significant advantage in addressing the size, complexity and diversity of the issues active citizenship learning presents. The possibility of dividing the work into two groups at various stages is clear and may well be implemented. Total DURATION: 2 years Area(s) covered

Other (describe if applicable) Project Objectives Other (describe if applicable) Target Group(s)

FUNDING Year: 2004 Basic skills Active citizenship Intercultural issues Languages European countries / European Union Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Asylum Seekers

Other (describe if applicable) COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Kommunaler Eigenbetrieb “Kultur und Bildung” Name of the contact person: Ute Grun Address: Heinrich-Mann-Str. 35, 02977 Hoyerswerda e-mail: [email protected] tel: (0049) (3571)600800 fax: (0049) (3571) 607993 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) CO Wexford VE, IE ROC van Amsterdam, NL Stovring Hojskole Stovring, DK Vitus Bering Centre for higher education, DK Volkshochschule Schaumburg, DE Rosenhof voksenopplaeringssenter, NO


DEUTSCHLAND Project Reference: 04-DEU03-S2G01-00019-1

Vermittlung christlicher Werte im europäischen Vergleich Unsere Gesellschaften benötigen Werte, auf welchen aufbauend sich menschliches miteinander Leben gestalten kann. Vielerorts wird ein Werteverfall beklagt. Auch für das zusammenwachsende Europa stellt sich die Frage gemeinsamer Wertegrundlagen. Ziel des Projektes ist es, sich mit der Vermittlung christlicher Werte in verschiedenen Ländern Europas auseinanderzusetzen. In einer ersten Phase werden sich die Beteiligten (Religionslehrer, Pastoral- und Gemeindereferenten, Katecheten und ehrenamtliche Mitarbeiter in katholischen Gemeinden) mit der Vermittlung christlicher Werte in ihrem eigenen Land beschäftigen. Dabei wird auch die Rolle der Kirchen und kirchlichen Einrichtungen beleuchtet. Beim ersten Austauschtreffen steht die Bestandsaufnahme der aktuellen Situation in den Partnerländern zu Möglichkeiten, Orten und Formen der Vermittlung christlicher Werte im Mittelpunkt. Beim zweiten Treffen soll die vergleichende Methodik und Didaktik im Vordergrund stehen. Für das zweite Projektjahr ist die Erweiterung des Kreises der beteiligten Einrichtungen erwünscht. Der Akzent wird dann auf die Erprobung neuer päd. Konzepte gesetzt, die aus den Erfahrungen des ersten Projektjahres entwickelt werden. Die Projektergebnisse sollen über eine Internetseite, einen Radiobeitrag und eine Arbeitshilfe (Broschüre) veröffentlicht werden. Total DURATION: 2 years Area(s) covered

Other (describe if applicable) Project Objectives Other (describe if applicable) Target Group(s) Other (describe if applicable)

FUNDING Year: 2004 Basic skills Intercultural issues Media European countries / European Union importing values Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Local community groups Women

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Katholische Erwachsenenbildung im Land Sachsen-Anhalt e.V. Außenstelle Halle Name of the contact person: Sabina Lenow Address: Bernburger Straße 12,06108 Halle /Saale e-mail: [email protected] tel: (0049) (345) 5220023 fax: (0049) (345) 5235380 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Kaisiadoriu vyskupijos katechetios centras, LT Kuria Metropolitalna Wydzial Katechizacji i Szkol Katolickich, PL


DEUTSCHLAND Project Reference: 04-DEU03-S2G01-00020-1

Methoden zur Identifikation formell und informell erworbener Kompetenzen Informell erworbene Kompetenzen rücken immer mehr in den Fokus bildungspolitischer Überlegungen. Menschen, denen klar ist, was sie alles können, wird auch klarer, wo sie sich einbringen und wie sie sich weiterentwickeln können. In dieser Lernpartnerschaft werden die Lernbilder der beteiligten Einrichtungen analysiert und diskutiert und unter dem Kriterium beleuchtet ob der Lernende in der einzelnen Institution durch die Brille eines Defizit- oder eines Potentialansatzes betrachtet wird. Als zweiter Schritt werden die verschiedenen Konzepte diskutiert, wie informell erworbene Kompetenzen bei Kursteilnehmern identifiziert und berücksichtigt werden, bzw. welche Möglichkeiten praktikabel sind. Die verschiedenen Konzepte werden mit den Vertretern der einzelnen Einrichtungen auf einem gemeinsamen Symposion diskutiert und die Ergebnisse in die einzelnen Einrichtungen zurückgespiegelt. Ziel ist es, best practice Modelle aufzuzeigen und eine Entwicklungslinie in den Weiterbildungseinrichtungen zu stärken, die von einem Potentialansatz getragen ist und Methoden fördert, die bei Kursteilnehmern die vorhandenen Kompetenzen identifizieren. Ggf. können in Zukunft diese Kompetenzen mit Mitteln wie einem Weiterbildungs- bzw. Kompetenzpass dokumentieren werden. Total DURATION: 1 year Area(s) covered

Other (describe if applicable) Project Objectives Other (describe if applicable) Target Group(s) Other (describe if applicable)

FUNDING Year: 2004 Basic skills Intercultural issues European countries / European Union Sustainable development Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Methods for providing credit for knowl. or comp. Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of soc. mar Direkt : Haupt- und nebenberufl. Lehrende; indirekt: Teilnehmer von Weiterbildungsa ngeboten

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: HeurekaNet – Verein zur Förderung von Lernenden Regionen e.V. Name of the contact person: Max Balint Address: Windthorststr. 32, 48143 Münster e-mail: [email protected] tel: +49 251 39 99 59 42 fax: +49 251 39 99 59 43 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Burgenländische Volkshochschulen, AT Akadémia vzdelávania, SK KAB Dülmen, DE ROC Twente Plus, NL


DEUTSCHLAND Project Reference: 04-DEU03-S2G01-00021-1

Second chance education - Standards and Innovation in Europe The Participating Institutions are going to learn about: a) Target groups of second chance education in European states. b) Strategies to lower drop-out rates and to re-integrate students who have dropped –out. c) How second chance education in European countries provide school leaving certificates. Aspects of organisation – advertising, recruitment, finance are going to be treated as well as questions of methodology and didactics and of social integration. Achieving the integration of minoritiesunderprivileged adults shall be a key aspect of activity. The participating institutions will be able to implement good practice through exchange of information and experiences. In addition they will have the opportunity to consider their activities in a European perspective. Teachers and other members of staff will be given the chance to improve their abilities and skills in the fields of organization, methodology and didactics of second chance education. Total DURATION: 2 years Area(s) covered

Other (describe if applicable) Project Objectives Other (describe if applicable) Target Group(s) Other (describe if applicable)

FUNDING Year: 2004 Basic skills Re-integration of adult learners to education

Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner Management of adult education organisation / institutions Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of social marginalisation Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Volkshochschule und Kulturbüro Osnabrücker Land gGmbH Name of the contact person: Werner Hülsmann Address: Am Schölerberg 1, 49082 Osnabrück e-mail: [email protected] tel: +49-(0)541-5014200 fax: +49-(0)541-5014423 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Instituto Diarkous Ekpaideysis Enilikion, GR Zspól Szkól Zawodowych w. Dobrym Miescie, PL


DEUTSCHLAND Project Reference: 04-DEU03-S2G01-00022-1

Deep impressions - parents learn the narrative method for parents work in drug prevention The target group of the project are parents who are active in parents work. The parents will learn a special learning method – the narrative method-. They will be able to understand it, use it for themselves and other people in various areas in parent education. The narrative method shows how an emotional access to a theme can be used to get a deep impression on a target person to make it able to refer with the theme and to process solutions. Starting point of the learning process is the common visit of an international appreciated interactive exhibition on the field of drug prevention in Hungary, where this method is used successfully. The project participants of five European countries attend the learning process by visiting the exhibition and exchanging their impressions and learning to represent the process of the own deep impressions to make it accessible and usable for other people, too. The project progress will be represented by the learners themselves through a material collection (letters, photos, draws, poems, reports and so on to use for the method) and evaluated on international meetings. By this way the learners will process their experiences and make them usable for themselves and other people. Total DURATION: 2 years Area(s) covered

Other (describe if applicable) Project Objectives Other (describe if applicable) Target Group(s) Other (describe if applicable)

FUNDING Year: 2004 Intercultural issues Languages European countries / European Union Education for parents Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Local community groups Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Parents

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Ländliche Erwachsenenbildung Thüringen e.V. Name of the contact person: Evelyn Sittig Address: Hinter dem Bahnhof 12, 99427 Weimar e-mail: [email protected] tel: +49-(0)3643-749813 fax: +49-(0)3643-749810 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Siauliai Didzdvaris gymnasium Siauliai, LT Köztes Atmenetek Egészségmegörzö és Kommunikációs Köshasznú Társaság, HU


DEUTSCHLAND Project Reference: 04-DEU03-S2G01-00024-1

MAESTRO - Multipliers in Adult Education - Structures and Organisation In diesem Projekt soll es darum gehen, Erwachsenenbildung an sogenannten „anderen Lernorten“ zu stärken. Es werden jeweils eine Einrichtung der Erwachsenenbildung mit einem regionalen Museum zusammen arbeiten, um gemeinsam mit den Fachleuten des Museums Module zu entwickeln, die für „Lerneinheiten im Museum“ oder zur Unterstützung der Erarbeitung historischer, künstlerischer und kultureller Themen geeignet sind. Es sollen in dieser Zusammenarbeit gemeinsame Konzeptionen erstellt werden, die mit den europäischen Partnern ausgetauscht werden sollen und die ggf. auch zu einem Material bzw. Personalaustausch führen können. Zusätzlich soll begleitend zu dieser Lernpartnerschaft ein Grundtvig 1 Projekt beantragt werden, in dem es darum gehen soll, Kompetenzen zu entwickeln und zu schulen, die gerade in diesem Schnittbereich Bildung / Kultur wichtig sind. Geplant ist ein kleiner „Lehrreicher Museumsführer“, der es Einzelpersonen, Gruppen oder auch Seminarteilnehmern ermöglicht, Ausstellungen unter solchen Aspekten zu erkunden, die bewusst in Frage gestellt, problematisiert, reflektiert, in einen größeren Kontext eingebracht etc. werden. Total DURATION: 3 years Area(s) covered

Project Objectives

Target Group(s)

FUNDING Year: 2004 Active citizenship Intercultural issues Arts, music, culture Media Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner Guidance / counselling or other support services Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Management of adult education organisation / insti Local community groups Women Senior citizens Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Erwachsene im Lebenslangen Lernen

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Westfälisches Forum für Kultur und Bildung e.V. Name of the contact person: Dr. Ulrike Kurth Address: Oberntorwall 25, 33602 Bielefeld e-mail: [email protected] tel: +49-(0)521-69893 fax: +49-(0)521-69893 Organisation/Project website: -Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) CVO Tweedekansonderwijs vzw, BE(FL) Hogeschool van Arnhem en Nijmegen, NL Moysikologiki Etaireia Kyproy, CY Österreichische Gesellschaft für Kinderphilosophie, AT


DEUTSCHLAND Project Reference: 04-DEU03-S2G01-00026-2

A hanseatic league of Learning (Bildungshanse) Building an international e-learning network of adult learning institutions in the Baltic Sea area – through 1. consolidating and intensifying previously initiated contacts between institutions in, Germany, Latvia and Sweden and other countries in the baltic area 2. developing common educational projects for and with young adult learners with a special emphasis on projects relating to various aspects of the integration and enlargement of the European Union and the deepening of the intercultural dialogue and cooperation 3. testing various tools and formats of e-learning as well as selected project ideas for the integration of information and communication technologies into international educational activities. 4. involving young adult learners in the partner institutions, thereby preparing them for future activities within the network as well as enhancing the media competence of both trainers and learners for the demands of virtual international communication. Total DURATION: 1 year Area(s) covered

Project Objectives

Target Group(s)

FUNDING Year: 2004 Arts, music, culture Active citizenship Intercultural issues European countries / European Union Communication skills and competence Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Target Group(s) Other (describe if applicable) young adults (18-30 years)

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Hamburger Volkshochschule Name of the contact person: Hans-Hermann Groppe Address: Schanzenstr. 75, 20357 Hamburg e-mail: [email protected] tel: +49-(0)40-42841-2751 fax: +49-(0)40-42841-2788 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Vilniaus suaugusiuju mokymo centras, LT Vanajaveden Opisto, FI Malmö Folkhögskola, SE Zachodniopomorskie Centrum Edukacyjne, PL Liepajas pedagogijas Akademijas Regionalais, LV


DEUTSCHLAND Project Reference: 04-DEU03-S2G01-00027-2

New ways of adult education in multicultural societies Unsere Lernpartnerschaft verfolgt die Absicht, anhand eines erweiterten Bildungsbegriffes ein Bildungskonzept für eine Verbesserung des Zusammenlebens von Migranten und Einheimischen in unseren Gesellschaften zu entwickeln. Dieser erweiterte Bildungsbegriff umfasst neben dem kontextbezogenen Spracherwerb eine politische und gesellschaftliche Bildung, einen interreligiösen Austausch und eine allgemeine Kompetenzverbesserung für Migranten. Dieses Bildungskonzept hat den Anspruch, Migranten das Rüstzeug zu vermitteln, damit sie zu aktiven und gleichberechtigten Staatsbürgern in unseren multikulturellen Gesellschaften werden. Ausgehend vom Vergleich der vorhandenen Bildungsangebote für Migranten in den jeweiligen Ländern werden neue Ansätze der Weiterbildung in einer multikulturellen Gesellschaft erarbeitet. In die Lernpartnerschaften werden Akteure aus Migrantenorganisationen, Vertreter von Ausländerbeiräten, Ausländerbeauftragte von Gewerkschaften und Kirchen einbezogen. Die Ergebnisse der Lernpartnerschaften werden in einer Broschüre zusammengefasst, die dann Bildungseinrichtungen, Vereinen, Nichtregierungsorganisationen, Kirchen und Gewerkschaften, die aktiv mit Migranten arbeiten, zur Verfügung gestellt werden. Total DURATION: 1 year Area(s) covered

Project Objectives

Target Group(s)

FUNDING Year: 2004 Basic skills Active citizenship Intercultural issues Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Local community groups Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Migranten

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Oswald-von-Nell-Breuning-Haus Name of the contact person: Wilfried Wienen Address: Wiesenstr. 17, 52134 Herzogenrath e-mail: [email protected] tel: +49-(0)2406-955812 fax: +49-(0)2406-4632 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Institut de Formation Sociale (IFS), LU Uniòn Centros de Estudios del Mediterráneo, ES Slotemaker de Bruine Instituut Polska (SBI), PL Arbeitnehmer-Zentrum-Königswinter, DE


DEUTSCHLAND Project Reference: 04-DEU03-S2G01-00028-2

Music education in early childhood for disabled and non-disabled children: significance for parents and grandparents In der heutigen Zeit ist Musik überall präsent, aber im Bildungsverständnis hat Musik in den europäischen Ländern einen unterschiedlichen Stellenwert. Die Lernpartnerschaft stellt die Bedeutung der Musikerziehung im frühkindlichen Bereich für behinderte und nichtbehinderte Kinder sowie die Bedeutung der Musik für den älter werdenden Menschen in den Mittelpunkt. Mit dem Vergleich kultureller Unterschiede in der Musikerziehung und in den Angeboten für das Lebensbegleitende Lernen soll aus der Lernpartnerschaft eine Lernende Partnerschaft (Eltern – Großeltern, Erzieher/innen, Lehrer/innen, Ärzte, Wissenschaftler) für Kinder werden, die den Aufbau eines europäischen Netzwerkes „Musizierende (cantare et sonare) Kindergärten und Schulen mit Eltern und Großeltern“ initiieren möchte. Dadurch wird die Fähigkeit durch Stimme und Sprache mit anderen zu kommunizieren gefördert, der Dialog der Generationen unterstützt und der Einsatz von Musiktherapie bei Sprachbehinderung besonders beachtet. Total DURATION: 2 years Area(s) covered

Project Objectives

Target Group(s)

FUNDING Year: 2004 Arts, music, culture Health Education for parents Methods for providing credit for knowledge or competence Eltern und Großeltern Local community groups Senior citizens Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Elternverein Baden Württemberg e.V. Name of the contact person: Dr. Renate Heinisch Address: Kurpfalzstr. 37, 97944 Boxberg e-mail: [email protected] tel: +49-(0)7930-8851 fax: +49-(0)7930-8852 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Metodicko-pedadogicke centrum Presov, SK Lietuvos Muzikos Akademija, LT Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Musikerzieher, AT


DEUTSCHLAND Project Reference: 04-DEU03-S2G01-00029-2

VIA - Voluntarios para la inserción delos adultos - Ehrenamt für die Integration von Arbeitslosen An der Lernpartnerschaft sind vier lokale Organisationen beteiligt, die sich mit der beruflichen Integration von benachteiligten Personengruppen beschäftigen. Alle haben in unterschiedlichem Ausmaß Erfahrungen mit dem ergänzenden Einsatz von Freiwilligen und ehrenamtlichen Mitarbeiter/innen in verschiedenen Problemfeldern ihrer Arbeit. Ziel des Projektes ist 1. Verbesserung des öffentlichen Ansehens des Ehrenamts in der sozialen Arbeit und als Hilfe zur Integration von Arbeitslosen 2. Vebesserter Einsatz von Freiwilligen und eine effizientere Gestaltung der Lernprozesse 3. Zusammenführung von Ehrenamtlichen aus verschiedenen europäischen Ländern und gemeinsame Arbeit zu thematischen Fragestellungen 4. Verbreitung der Ergebnisse und Dokumentationen in Papierform und via Internet 5. Schaffung eines Kommunikations- und Informationsnetzes von Ehrenamtlichen und interessierten Organisationen über eine WebSite im Internet. Total DURATION: 2 years Area(s) covered

Project Objectives

Target Group(s)

FUNDING Year: 2004 Intercultural issues European countries / European Union Sustainable development Ehrenamt Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner Guidance / counselling or other support services Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of soc. mar Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Arbeit und Bildung e.V. Name of the contact person: Angelika Funk Address: Krummbogen 3, 35039 Marburg e-mail: [email protected] tel: +49-(0)6421-9636-0 fax: +49-(0)6421-9636-37 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Centre Régional de formation et d'animation, FR Probens, ES Asociacion Semilla, ES Europartners 2000, BG


DEUTSCHLAND Project Reference: 04-DEU02-S2G01-00030-2

Citykirchen als Lernorte europäischer Identität Historische Kirchenbauten sind als Denkmäler des Abendlandes zugleich Zeugnisse einer durch das Christentum geprägten gesamteuropaïschen Identität. In ihrer Entstehung, Geschichte und Nutzung wirken universale, grenz- u. kulturüberschreitende Impulse und Gemeinsamkeiten. Zudem werden sie nach wie vor gemäß ihrer ursprünglichen Zweckbestimmung genutzt. Damit erweisen sie sich als hervorragende Lernorte europaïsche Kultur, die für ein intergenerationelles und LLL ebenso wie für einen interkult. und interrelig. Austausch genutzt werden können. Der wachsende Städtetourismus, die wachsende Bedeutung von Kultur und Freizeit für die städtliche Bevölkerung stellen die Zentralkirchen europ. Großstädte vor neue pädagogische und organisationale Herausforderungen. Sie müssen sich Besucherströmen und kommerziellen Kontexten öffnen, ohne ihren eigentümlichen Charakter als Orte religiöser Präsenz zu verlieren. Zugleich eröffnen sich neue Chancen als Lernorte kultur., histor., polit. u. relig. Identität; auch als Orte einer "Kultur der Unterbrechung". Hierzu sollen in dem Projekt auf der Basis direkter Koop. verschiedener Institutionen Erfahrungswerte verglichen u. ausgewertet werden. Geplant ist die Entwickl. didakt. Materialien und der Aufbau nachhaltiger fachlicher Koop-strukturen, welche in naher Zukunft evtl. gemeinsame pädagog. Standards oder die Entwicklung von Austauschmodellen u. Partnerschaften ermögl. sollen. Total DURATION: 1 year Area(s) covered

Project Objectives

Target Group(s)

FUNDING Year: 2004 Intercultural issues European countries / European Union Arts, music, culture Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner Guidance / counselling or other support services Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Management of adult education organisation / institutions Local community groups Senior citizens tourists, visitors

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Domforum Name of the contact person: Harald Schlüter Address: Domkloster 3 e-mail: hsclueter@domforum tel: +49(0)221-92584732 fax: +49(0)221-92584731 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Kathedral Antwerpen, BEF Katholische Erwachsenenbildung, DE Laurenspastoraat Rotterdam, NL Folkekerkens Pädagogische Institut, DK Dompfarre St. Stephan Wien, AT


DEUTSCHLAND Project Reference: 04-DEU03-S2G01-00032-2

Entwicklung und Erprobung neuer Lern- und Lehrmethoden für sozial benachteiligte Jugendliche im europäischen Kontext Das spätestens seit der Pisa-Studie zu Tage getretene Niveaugefälle bei Jugendlichen verschiedener europäischer Länder hat uns veranlasst, nach Lösungen im internationalen Rahmen zu suchen. Da ein wesentlicher Grund für Lese- und generell Lernschwächen in mangelnder Motivation und Selbständigkeit junger sozial benachteiligter Erwachsener zu suchen ist, sollte an der Fähigkeit zur aktiven Beteiligung an gesellschaftlichen Prozessen gearbeitet werden. Als Partner eignen sich Einrichtungen, die - mit sozial benachteiligten Jugendlichen arbeiten - Jugendliche in berufsvorbereitenden Maßnahmen betreuen, - Jugendliche auf nachzuholende Schulabschlüsse vorbereiten. Über diese Partner können wir die Zielgruppe der sozial benachteiligten jungen Erwachsenen der Partnerländer erreichen und einbeziehen. Entwicklung neuer Unterrichtskonzepte, d.h. neue Lehr- und Lernmethoden, die lebenslanges Lernen im europäischen Kontext ermöglichen. Weitere Aktionsfelder betreffen Konzepte zum Erwerb von Schlüsselqualifikationen, die Förderung individueller Selbständigkeit sowie die Umsetzung interkultureller Lernarrangements im Rahmen des Projekts. Das wünschenswerte Ergebnis ist die Knüpfung von dauerhaften Kontakten zum interkulturellen Austausch 1. als Mittel zum sozialen Lernen (Toleranz, Verständnis) 2. zur Förderung eines gesamteuropäischen Bewußtseins. Total DURATION: 1 year Area(s) covered

Project Objectives Target Group(s)

FUNDING Year: 2004 Basic skills Intercultural issues Sustainable development European countries / European Union Soziale Kompetenzen Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner Guidance / counselling or other support services Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of social marginalisation

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Volkshochschule Fürth gGmbH Name of the contact person: Susanne Scharrer Address: Hirschenstr. 27/29, 90762 Fürth e-mail: [email protected] tel: +49-(0)911-974-1711 fax: +49-(0)911-974-1706 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) U.F.I.L Puerta Bonita, ES KEK Nomarhiakis Aytodiokisis Serron , GR


DEUTSCHLAND Project Reference: 04-DEU03-S2G01-00033-2

The Knowledge Shop The knowledge shop's assignment is information, counsel and supply. To achieve this, the atmosphere of the shop has to be of a genuine and natural attraction. The LP will analyse existing models like "sportello" from Italy, "Internet Cafè" etc. and see what elements of these models can be of used in the design of the knowledge shop. The learning process has to be moved from its current environment and restrictions to a situation where an animated surrounding makes it a pleasure to talk about learning, comparable for example to talking with friends in a cafè or espresso bar. The image of the "learner", the project is based on and characterised by motivation, independence, partnership and self competence. This Leitbild, however, today is not matched by adequate concepts of the providers of education and training. Both in school and in vocational education formalised ways of learning and curricular teaching make self controlled and joyful learning a thing hardly to be experienced. The concept strived for in this partnership wants to give new input to the pretension of the empowerment of learners. The knowledge shop is designed to be a meeting point for all who want to obtain (or offer!) knowledge. Total DURATION: 2 years Area(s) covered

Project Objectives

Target Group(s)

FUNDING Year: 2004 Basic skills Active citizenship European countries / European Union Information technology Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner Guidance / counselling or other support services Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Women Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Akademie Überlingen N. Glasmeyer GmbH Name of the contact person: Hugo Kirchhelle Address: Wasserstr. 55, 48431 Rheine e-mail: [email protected] tel: +49-(0)5971-929455 fax: +49-(0)5971-929472 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Institut FBI, AT Kuldigas 73. Arodvidusskola, LV Bourgas Free University Burgas, BG FACEPA, Federacion de Asociaciones, ES Speha Fresia S.C. ar.l., IT


DEUTSCHLAND Project Reference: 04-DEU03-S2G01-00034-2

Erfahrungsaustausch der Lehrkräfte und Planerinnen in der Erwachsenenbildung in den Ländern Ungarn Deutschland und Österreich Erfahrungsaustausch der teilnehmenden Partnerorganisationen in den Weiterbildungs-bereichen: Grundbildung, Zweiter Bildungsweg, Bildungsabschlüsse, Sprach- und Integrationskurse für Ausländer, Aussiedler Zu folgenden Fragen und Themenfeldern: • der Bildungsprogramme, Bildungsmaßnahmen • der Zielgruppengenerierung • der Ausbildung des Lehr- und Betreuungspersonals • der unterstützenden Maßnahmen (Beratungs-, Begleitung- und Betreuungsangebot) • der Methoden – auch im Bereich der neuen Medien bzw. Informationstechnologien • des internetgestützten Lernens (Distanzlernen per Internet) • der notwendigen Anpassungen der Organisationen/Bildungseinrichtungen auf sich verändernde • Rahmenbedingungen (Qualitätsmanagement, Finanzierung, Professionalisierung • Vergleich der regionalspezifischen Ausgangssituationen (strukturelle, wirtschaftliche, soziale und geografische) in den Partnerländern, • Kennen lernen der jeweiligen Bildungsprogramme und Maßnahmen zu den Themenfeldern und Fragestellungen, • Präsentation von Modellprojekten (z.B. Qualitätssicherung, Lehrgangskonzepte, e-Learning unterstützte Lehr- und Lernformen) • Austausch und Erprobung von KursteilnehmerInnen- und KursleiterInnenbefragungen (Evaluationsbögen), • Erfassung von Indikatoren (z.B. TeilnehmerInnenstruktur) und Vergleich von Zahlen, Daten, Fakten, • Problemen, sowie Erfahrungen, Vergleich und Verbreitung der kenngelernten neuen Methoden. Total DURATION: 1 year Area(s) covered

Project Objectives

Target Group(s)

FUNDING Year: 2004 Basic skills Intercultural issues Information technology Bildungsabschlüsse, Qualitätsmanagement Guidance / counselling or other support services Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Management of adult education organisations/institutions Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of social marginalisation Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Bildungszentrum des Handels e.V. Name of the contact person: Christoph Scheffel Address: Baarstr. 5, 58363 Iserlohn e-mail: [email protected] tel: +49-(0)2371-835333 fax: +49-(0)2371-835335 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Zala Megyei Müvelödesi es Ifjusagi Központ, HU Burgenländische Volkshochschulen, AT


DEUTSCHLAND Project Reference: 04-DEU03-S2G01-00035-2

Getting experience from applying the European Language Portfolio in adult education for migrants The project aims at getting common experience in applying the European Language Portfolio (ELP) in adult education for foreigners. Specific objects are: • Use of tools for self-assessment • Exchange of experience in foreign language teaching methodology • Intercultural communication (two-way learning, teacher-learner) • Involvement of learners in structuring and planning learning processes The target groups are foreigners, migrants who are adults or young adults who are not involved in formal education. The main activities are the introduction of different tools for the active involvement and self-assessment of language learners. The project implementation will consist mainly in the application of the European Language Portfolio in current language courses for foreigners of partners’ institutions. The project evaluation will take place mainly in international seminars / workshops. Total DURATION: 2 years Area(s) covered

Project Objectives

Target Group(s)

FUNDING Year: 2004 Basic skills Active citizenship Intercultural issues Languages Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner Guidance / counselling or other support services Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Methods for providing credit for knowledge or competences Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of social marginalisation Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Akademie Klausenhof Name of the contact person: Barbara Spannhake Address: Klausenhofstr. 100, 46499 Hamminkeln e-mail: [email protected] tel: +49-(0)2852-89-358 fax: +49-(0)2852-89-300 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Vantaan Aikuisopisto, FI Arendal voksenopplaering, NO EDUCA-vzdelávaci centrum, CZ Escuela Oficial de idiomas Melillia, ES Weiterbildungs-Testsysteme GmbH, DE


DEUTSCHLAND Project Reference: 04-DEU03-S2G01-00036-2

Exploration of the Relationship between Individual Motivation, Work and Citizenship We believe motivation is the basis for individuals to achieve their goals and is their motor for personal achievement and that active citizenship is an essential context in which personal, social and economic growth takes place. Therefore, we intend to explore the relationship between individual motivation, work, and citizenship. We will do this by investigating theoretical and practical processes of lifelong learning by: 1. Inviting partners to carry out a local programme, to test, and evaluate a common and agreed methodology with different target groups. Evaluating the experiences of both trainers and learners 2. Each partner will produce an evaluative study. 3. Managing a two year project involving exchange of findings through transnational seminars, conferences and best practice workshops. 4. Forming our conclusions and disseminating the results through national institutions, European meetings, workshops and final conference and posted on a common website. The target groups to be involved and consulted will be people living in disadvantaged areas, young adults at risk of social marginalisation, and finally young specialists, adapting to social and cultural environments. The broad subject areas will be active citizenship, intercultural issues, information technology, basic skills and arts. This project will contribute to sustainable lifelong learning for all. Total DURATION: 1 year Area(s) covered

Project Objectives

Target Group(s)

FUNDING Year: 2004 Basic skills Information technology Active citizenship Sustainable development Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of social marginalisation Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Local community groups

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Ringwald Mikroelektronik GmbH Name of the contact person: Verena Kaarow-Fuellbeck Address: Seiterichstrasse 6a, 76131 Karlsruhe e-mail: [email protected] tel: +49(0)721–623 50 50 fax: +49(0)721–623 50 79 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Adulta Institute of Further Education Järvenpää, FI Fundatia Central de Resurce pentru Diversitate, RO


DEUTSCHLAND Project Reference: 04-DEU03-S2G01-00037-2

EE - European Encounters Das Ziel dieser Lernpartnerschaft zwischen Einrichtungen der Erwachsenenbildung ist die Entwicklung einer Reihe von europäischen Bildungsbegegnungen an wechselndem Ort, die auf einer länderübergreifenden, von Lernenden mitstrukturierten Planung und Vorbereitung beruhen. Im Zentrum der jeweiligen Bildungsbegegnung steht die Kultur des Gastlandes, vermittelt durch Bildungsangebote von Dozenten und Kursteilnehmern der lokalen Erwachsenenbildungseinrichtung. Durch den multidisziplinären Ansatz und die Einrichtung von Übersetzungspartnerschaften sollen auch nicht Fremdsprachen kundige Menschen einbezogen werden. Die wichtigsten Aktivitäten sind: transnationale Vier-Tage-Treffen mit jeweils 10 Personen pro Land (Leiter und Teilnehmer), Eröffnung einer Internetseite zur Dokumentation, Entwicklung und Verbreitung des Projekt-Konzeptes, Vorbereitung der Bildungsbegegnungen in den bestehenden Kursen jeder Einrichtung, Supervisions-und Dokumentationsmaßnahmen der ersten Bildungsbegegnungen, 1 Abschlusstreffen. Konkrete Ergebnisse - Bildung einer dauerhaften Projektgruppe von Lernenden und Lehrern in jeder Einrichtung - Stabile Kommunikationskanäle - Aufbau der Beziehungen zwischen Bildungseinrichtungen und lokalem Umfeld und von Verbindungen zwischen Tourismus und Bildung - Erstellung eines musterhaften Konzeptes für fremdsprachenunabhängige, europäische Begegnungsformen Total DURATION: 1 year Area(s) covered

Project Objectives

Target Group(s)

FUNDING Year: 2004 Active citizenship Intercultural issues Languages European countries / European Union Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Management of adult education organisation / insti Local community groups Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas users of adult education

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Volkshochschule Tempelhof-Schöneberg Berlin Name of the contact person: Dr. Frank Dittmer Address: Barbarossaplatz 5, 10781 Berlin e-mail: [email protected] tel: +49-(0)30-7560-3518 fax: +49-(0)30-7560-3503 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Università Aperta "G. Masina e F. Fellini", IT Centro de Educacion de Adultos Pisuerga, ES Università Popolare "Guiseppe Cristaldi", IT


DEUTSCHLAND Project Reference: 04-DEU03-S2G01-00038-2

TALE – Transeuropean Adult Learning Das Projekt dient dem Austausch zwischen Erwachsenenbildungs-Einrichtungen im groß-städt. Umfeld, die eine langfr., multidiszipl. Koop. suchen. Gegenstand des Austausches sind: das gesamte päd. Angebot (Ziel: internat. u. interne Synergiewirkungen durch fach- und grenzübergreifende Veranstaltungen wie z.B. parallele Kurse mit europ. Themen etc.), das Fremdsprachenangebot (Ziel: Erweiterung durch bilingualen Sachunterricht, Sprachlern-partnerschaften, Internet-Kontakte, Austausch von Lernenden, Sprachreisen usw.), int. u. ext. Kommunikationsprozesse, andere mögl. Koop-bereiche. Die wichtigsten Aktivitäten sind im 1. Jahr: 3 Treffen mit den Zielen: Analyse u. Vergl., Bestimmung von Fachbereichen und Formen der Zs-arbeit, Ausarbeitung von Vorschlägen für Europa-Veranstaltungen, Eröff-nung einer Internetseite als Austausch- u. Verbreitungsforum. Im 2. Jahr: Modellhafte Erprobung von Europa-Veranstaltungen, 2 Treffen und 1 Abschlusskonferenz zur Evalu-ierung und Weiterentwicklung, Vorb. Maßnahmen zur Eröffnung eines Koord-büros für Kontakte und Teilnehmeraustausch zw. den Einrichtungen. Das Projekt wird in allen Partnersprachen gleichberech-tigt durchgeführt. Europ. Mehrwert: Europ. Bildungsver-anstaltungen als fester Programmteil, Etablierung einer dauerhaften Europagruppe von Lernern und Lehrenden, Stabiler transnat. Kursteilnehmeraustausch, Aufbau von Kommunikationskanälen Total DURATION: 1 year Area(s) covered

Project Objectives

Target Group(s)

FUNDING Year: 2004 Active citizenship Intercultural issues Languages Arts, music, culture Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Management of adult education organisations/institutions Local community groups Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Nutzer der Erwachsenenbildung

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Volkshochschule Tempelhof-Schöneberg Berlin Name of the contact person: Dr. Frank Dittmer Address: Barbarossaplatz 5, 10781 Berlin e-mail: [email protected] tel: +49 (0)30-7560 3518 fax: +49(0)30-7560 3503 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Stichting Volksuniversiteit Amstelland Amstelveen, NL Volkshochschule Hietzing, AT Universita Popolare di Roma - Upter, IT


DEUTSCHLAND Project Reference: 04-DEU03-S2G01-00039-2

Weiterbildungsmarketing in Europa In Zeiten ständigen Wandels wird von den Weiterbildungseinrichtungen in allen europäischen Ländern Zukunftskompetenz, Innovationsbereitschaft, fortwährende Kurskorrektur und Zieloptimierung der Weiterbildungsarbeit erwartet. Sie nutzen daher zunehmend Marketing, um ihre Qualität zu verbessern und bei verstärkter Konkurrenz ihre Existenz zu sichern. Wir wollen wissen, wie die Projektpartner mit diesen Anforderungen umgehen: - Zunächst muss das Verständnis von Weiterbildungsmarketing definiert werden, da wegen unterschiedlicher Bildungstraditionen und Bildungsmärkte Missverständnisse möglich sind. Verschiedene Instrumente und Methoden zur Entwicklung einer marktorientierten Weiterbildungseinrichtung werden vorgestellt und die erforderliche Qualifizierung des Personals beschrieben. - Das Projekt befasst sich mit der Ansprache unterschiedlicher Zielgruppen, insbesondere sozio-ökonomisch beeinträchtigter oder in unterschiedlicher Weise behinderter Menschen. Ein weiterer Aspekt ist die Heranführung Jugendlicher an Lebenslanges Lernen sowie die Entwicklung angemessener Angebote für die über fünfzigjährigen bzw. die aus dem Berufsleben ausgeschiedenen Menschen. - Zur Überbrückung des Grabens zwischen Anbietern und potentiellen Kunden sind die bei einigen Partnern schon vorhandenen Instrumente der Befragung/Beratung ebenso von Interesse wie die Vorstellung von best-practice-Beispielen. Total DURATION: 1 year Area(s) covered

Project Objectives

Target Group(s)

FUNDING Year: 2004 Intercultural issues European countries / European Union Information technology Health Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner Guidance / counselling or other support services Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Management of adult education organisations / institutions Senior citizens Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of social marginalisation Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: hvv-Institut des Hessischen Volkshochschuleverbandes gGmbH Name of the contact person: Bernhard S.T. Wolf Address: Winterbachstrasse 38, 60320 Frankfurt am Main e-mail: [email protected] tel: +49-(0)69-56000828 fax: +49-(0)69-56000810 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) LFI Steiermark, AT Wyzsza Szkola Bankowa we Wroclawiu, PL Studiefrämjandet Stockholm, SE Centre International de Séjour du Périgord Noir, FR Kloster Seeon, DE Zveza Ljudskih univerz Slovenije, SI Centro Interculturale Villa Palagione, IT


DEUTSCHLAND Project Reference: 04-DEU03-S2G01-00042-1

Approaches to the Promotion of Active Citizenship with disadvantaged communities (ATPAC) ATPAC is seen as a platform of NGO`s and other public educational organisations devoted to promoting a better understanding of active citizenship. In order to ensure greater respect for democracy, it is necessary to seek practical means of promoting active citizenship. These practical means will be the results of a fruitful learning partnership. The ATPAC will serve as a forum for partnership co-operation and for the development of a strategy for European aspects in the context of active citizenship. This platform will facilitate communication, the sharing of experiences related to the promotion of active citizenship and the creation of a process for disseminating best practice. These goals are achieved on three levels: At the organisation level - to develop an understanding about methods, skills and tools to work on in the different fields of active citizenship. To dicover a common strategy of project-management on a European level as a result of work with target groups in different European countries. At the participant level - to profit from the experiences of other countries in Europe. To adapt best practices to empower individual citizens and groups to make full use of their democratic rights. At the European level - to organize, develop and test European partnership as a process within different organisations, working in the filed of active citizenship. Total DURATION: 2 years Area(s) covered

Project Objectives

Target Group(s)

FUNDING Year: 2004 Basic skills Active citizenship Intercultural issues Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Management of adult education organisation / insti Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of social marginalisation Local community groups Economically or socially disadvantaged groups

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Gustav-Strsemann-Institut e.V. Europäische Tagungs- und Bildungsstätte Bonn . Name of the contact person: Dr. Klaus Dieter Leister Address: Langer Grabenweg 68, 53175 Bonn e-mail: [email protected] tel: 0049 228 8107160 fax: 0049 228 8107 198 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Vincentian Partnership für Social Justice, IE AAPA Establecimiento Penitenciario de El Rosario, ES Katholike Hogeschool Leuven, BE (Fl) Aulas De Educacion de Adultos del Cenetro, ES ROC van Amsterdam, NL


DEUTSCHLAND Project Reference: 04-DEU03-S2G01-00043-1

Unterwegs mit den Partnern: Generationen- und Arbeitsbeziehungen in drei europäischen Regionen Demograph. Wandel u. Veränderung von Industrie- und Arbeitswelt beherrschen die polit. u. öffentl. Diskussion. Defizitär daran ist der Mangel an Verklammerung dieser Prozesse. Alternde Gesellschaften u. solche, denen die Arbeit ausgeht, fordern einen neuen Blick auf die Beziehungen zw. den Generationen u. auf die Veränderung der Bedürfnisse als Ursprungsorte neuer Berufs- und Arbeitsbilder. Um diesen Blick zu ermöglichen, bedarf es eines Prozesses, der Menschen die Chance eröffnet, ihre bisherigen Muster der Lebens-gestaltung zu hinterfragen u. diese mit Personen unterschiedlichen Alters und Berufe, in lok., reg. u. europ. Zshängen zu ent-grenzen, um sie dann neu zusammenzuführen. Die Partnerorg. arbeiten in von Abwanderung (Nordosten Litauens u. Polens) u. starker Zuwanderung (Kreis Offenbach) betroffenen Regionen. Eine gemeinsame Recherche von Lehrenden (Erwachsenenbildern, Berufspädagogen, Sozialarbeitern) u. Lernenden (wechselnde ortsansässige Bevölkerung, Frauen, Jugendliche) ist beabsichtigt, um die reg. und sozialräumlichen Ressourcen im Sinne nachhaltiger Entwicklung zu markieren. Die Art und Weise, wie sich das Zuhause der jeweiligen Gastgeber in den Augen der Gäste widerspiegelt, lässt das allzu Vertraute neu erkennen, spürt im Auge des Gastes aber auch Erinnerungen an schmerzhafte Wunden zw. den Nachbarn infolge hist. Verwerfungen des 20. Jh. auf. Total DURATION: 1 year Area(s) covered

Project Objectives

Target Group(s)

FUNDING Year: 2004 Basic skills Intercultural issues Sustainable development Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Local community groups

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Christliche Initiative Internationales Lernen e.V. Name of the contact person: Ute Wannig Address: Vilbeler Str. 36, 60313 Frankfurt e-mail: [email protected] tel: (49) (69) 28 49 24 fax: (49) (69) 29 51 04 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Kauno Paslaugu Verslo Darbuotoju Profeesinio, LT Wspólnota Kulturowa "Borussia", PL Kreis Offenbach Ehrenamtsagentur, DE


DEUTSCHLAND Project Reference: 04-DEU03-S2G01-00045-2

Pathways to Learning The aim of the project "Pathways to Learning" is to promote access to and full participation in Lifelong learning for poorly represented / marginalized groups in disadvantaged urban areas in the participating regions. It will encourage and support learning institutions to become more accessible and enhance the capacity of the target 50 groups (Migrants, asylum seekers, refugees, and ethnic minorities including Travellers in Ireland) and to engage positively with Lifelong learning opportunities. The project partners have carried out literature reviews on the needs of target groups for lifelong learning and on barriers to taking part in the services and courses of learning institutions. Focus – group – meetings were and workshops will be facilitated locally with representatives of the target groups and the learning institutions to get feed – back on the findings of the reviews. During year 2 of the project the cooperation will get the motto: "Use the learning partnership itself as a laboratory for intercultural learning!"; and representatives of the target groups shall be involved more strongly in the (transnational) activities of the learning partnership. Local working groups will work on certain aspects of "pathways to learning" (e.g. on "cultural mediators"); the results will be exchanged and examined during the transnational activities. Total DURATION: 1 year Area(s) covered

Project Objectives

Target Group(s)

FUNDING Year: 2004 Active citizenship Intercultural issues Sustainable development Guidance / counselling or other support services Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Management of adult education organisation / insti Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Local community groups

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Kommunales Forum Wedding e.V. Name of the contact person: Hans-Georg Rennert Address: Wiesenstraße 29, 13357 Berlin e-mail: [email protected] tel: +49 (0)30–46507355 fax: +49 (0)30–46294447 Organisation/Project website: [email protected] Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Bund gegen ethnische Diskriminierung, DE Clondalkin Partnership, IE Volkshochschule Berlin Mitte; DE Martineum Felnött Akademia, HU


DEUTSCHLAND Project Reference: 04-DEU03-S2G01-00047-2

Network of Intergenerational Learning in Europe (NIGEL) The request of this learning partnership is to establish over the period of two years the foundation for a European Network in the field of Intergenerational Learning. For this purpose our focus will be on the following selected topics of Intergenerational Learning: working on remembrance, peace education and conflict cultures, opening the schools to the community (life long and social learning), environment and sustainable development. We want to • improve personal capacities by critical self-reflection on our work and sharing methodological innovations and practice • exchange information on effective ways networking between organisations • explore the possibilities of agencies, service-centres and networks of national, regional and local action to disseminate intergenerational learning approaches in communities, formal and non-formal institutions • develop tools for the dissemination of intergenerational learning approaches • initiate a European Forum of practitioners, academics and policy-makers in order to promote Intergenerational Learning Total DURATION: 1 year Area(s) covered

Project Objectives

Target Group(s)

FUNDING Year: 2004 Active citizenship Intercultural issues Sustainable development European countries / European Union Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner Guidance / counselling or other support services Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Senior citizens Local community groups Children and young adults

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Projektebüro “Dialog der Generationen” Pfefferwerk Stadtkultur gGmbH Name of the contact person: Iris Mareel Address: Fehrbelliner Str. 92, 10119 Berlin e-mail: [email protected] tel: +49(0)30-44383475) fax: +49(0)30-44 383452 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Alapitvany az Emberi Jogok es a Beke, HU Inrtergen Sale Chesshire, UK Ost-West-Europäisches FrauenNetzwerk, DE Gernika Gogoratuz Asociacion, ES Konfliktkultur Verein, AT


DEUTSCHLAND Project Reference: 04-DEU03-S2G01-00050-1

Euro Visio - Making Life Long Learning visible and support it on a communal and a European level. A number of interesting and innovative projects are already promoting the idea of “Life Long Learning” with different target groups. Every community from which the European partners derive, features a range of “good examples”. In general only people directly involved with the projects get to know about them. This is where Euro Visio comes in: selected projects promoting different models of Life Long Learning will be exhibited and brought into the public vision through a travelling exhibition. The approaches shown address the members of the Learning Partnership, educational facilitators, citizens of the local community and of the European partner communities. During the first year the main focus is the development of the Learning Partnership. This process includes: establishing efficient communication structures, defining milestones and timelines, developing basic strategies (e.g. target groups, local research), presentation of the chosen projects within the Partnership, creating the exhibition content and last but not least: opening the first exhibition. The second year is for the transfer of good practice and knowledge: the travelling exhibition will be carried like the Olympic flame from country to country and reach its conclusion with the Greek partners. The previous exhibiting country will bring the exhibition to the next destination and attend the opening. Total DURATION: 2 years Area(s) covered

Project Objectives

Target Group(s)

FUNDING Year: 2004 Intercultural issues European countries / European Union Arts, music, culture Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner Guidance / counselling or other support services Methods for providing credit for knowledge or competence Women Senior citizens Disabled persons Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: FWZ Frau und Technik gGmbH Name of the contact person: Ursula Lemmertz Address: Günterstalstr. 17, 79102 Freiburg e-mail: [email protected] tel: (+49 761 28 85 92) fax: (+49 761 28 85 02 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) South Trafford College Manchester, UK Associcao de Jovens Professores da Regao, PT Centro Publico Municipal de Educacion, ES KEK Evros Ekpedeftiki, GR


DEUTSCHLAND Project Reference: 04-DEU03-S2G01-00052-1

Nachbarschaftlich Lernen, informell und multimedial Mittels informellem Lernen sollen Menschen in benachteiligten Stadtteilen motiviert und befähigt werden, die Vernetzungen in ihrer Nachbarschaft durch Betreiben eines Forums oder einer Homepage im Internet mit den Eigenschaften des "Schwarzen Bretts" zu unterstützen. Dazu sollen sich MultiplikatorInnen aus den Arbeitsbereichen Erwachsenenbildung und Stadtteilarbeit zusammensetzen und gemeinsam mit ihren Erfahrungen und Kompetenzen über ein niedrigschwelliges Angebot eine Checkliste entwerfen, die es in der Praxis erleichtet diese benachteilugten Gruppen (wie sozial Schwache, psychisch benachteiligte, Kriminalisierte, Obdachlose) einzubinden. Dadurch wird die partizipation im Stadtteil auch sonst ausgeschlossener Gruppen verbessert. Total DURATION: 2 years Area(s) covered

Project Objectives

Target Group(s)

FUNDING Year: 2004 Intercultural issues Information technology Arts, music, culture Media Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Management of adult education organisation / institution Local community groups Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of social marginalisation

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Melanchthon-Akademie Name of the contact person: Leonore Kampe Address: Im Media Park 7, 50670 Köln e-mail: [email protected] tel: +49(0)221-5743346 fax: +49(0)221-5743349 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Türkiye Cocuklara Yeniden Özgürlük Vakfi, TR Somewhere Else - Methodist Church in the City, UK


DEUTSCHLAND Project Reference: 04-DEU03-S2G01-00053-1

Bildungskonzeptionen zur Qualifizierung von Menschen im 3. Lebensalter für neue Rollen und Formen eines freiwilligen Engagements im europaïschen Vergleich In diesem Projekt werden Bildungskonzeptionen zur Qual. von Menschen im 3. Lebensalter für neue Formen des ehrenamtlichen Engagements ausgetauscht und weiterentwickelt. Dabei wird die Vielfalt an modellhaften Konzeptionen, die in den europ. Ländern auf je unterschiedl. hist., pol., wirtschaftl. und soz. Realitäten entstanden sind, gewürdigt. Im interkult. Dialog werden neue Perspektiven gewonnen und Synergieeffekte erzielt. Eine nachhaltige europ. Zs-arbeit in der Qualifizierung zum freiw. bürgerschaftl. Engagement ist angestrebt. Um Befreiungspotentiale und Autonomiespielräume zur Entfaltung der Persönlichkeit und zur aktiven Beteiligung am soz., kult. und pol. Leben zu entdecken und zu gestalten, muss Identitäts- und Partizipationskompetenz entwickelt werden. Empo-werment-Strategien bieten Rahmen, Konzeptionen und Methoden für ein eigenver-antwortetes Finden von Engagementformen. Sie stellen Lernarrangements bereit für eine Qualifizierung zum selbstbestimmten freiw. Engagement. Die Erwachsenenbildung unterstützt auf diese Weise Such-, Erprobungs- und Findungsprozesse einer neuen Verantwortungsrolle im freiw. Engagement. Damit kann ein hohes Potential an Gemeinwohl-Aktivisten/innen und „sozialen Netzwerkern/innen“ für die Gesell. in Europa nutzbar gemacht werden. Die Lernenden in den Qual.-massnahmen werden selbst zu lokalen Multiplik. u. Moderat. der Erwachsenenbildung. Total DURATION: 1 year Area(s) covered

Project Objectives

Target Group(s)

FUNDING Year: 2004 Active citizenship freiwiilligen Engagement

Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner Senior citizens Local community groups Lehrende in Projekten der Qualifizierung für ein bürgerschjaftliches Engagement

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: kifas gGmbH, KAB-Institut für Fortbildung und angewandte Sozialethik, Waldmünchen Name of the contact person: Bernhard Eder Address: Hofgartenstr. 2, 93449 Waldmünchen e-mail: [email protected] tel: +49(0)99 72-9414 60 fax: +49(0)99 72-94 14 65 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Polo Europeo della Conoscenza Scuola Media, IT Uniwersytet Jagiellonski UTW, PL Phoenix Carita Societa, RO


DEUTSCHLAND Project Reference: 04-DEU03-S2G01-00065-1

Frauen als Akteurinnen des Europäischen Zusammenwachsens (FAKT) Der Prozess der EU-Erweiterung ist mit einem tiefgreifenden gesamteurop. Wandel und Herausforderungen an Politik und Zivilgesellschaft verbunden. Fragen nach einer europäischen Identität, nach nationalen und kulturellen Identitäten stellen sich neu. Nachbarschaftsbeziehungen zwischen den bisherigen Mitgliedsstaaten und den Beitrittsländern der EU und v.a. auch zwischen den Europäischen Ländern, die EU-Länder sind und denen, die vorerst nicht zur EU gehören werden, müssen neu konstituiert werden. Das friedliche Zusammenleben und Verständigung in Europa ist durch neokonservative, nationalistische, fremdenfeindliche und rassistische Tendenzen in vielen europäischen Staaten gefährdet. Distanzierende, ablehnende Haltungen bis hin zu Aggressionen gegenüber kulturellen Minderheiten und MigrantInnen treffen zunehmend auf offene oder verdeckte Zustimmung. Der Bedarf nach zivilgesell. Initiativen, die den interkult. Dialog und den Ausbau gut nachbarschaftl. Beziehungen in den Regionen an der zukünftigen Außengrenze der EU fördern und unterstützen, ist groß. Hierfür gibt es in den verschiedenen europ. Regionen zahlreiche positive Beispiele, die bekannt gemacht und miteinander verbunden werden sollen. Mit dem vorgeschlagenen Projekt sollen insbesondere Vertreterinnen von Minderheiten und Migrantengruppen und -organisationen Kontakte zu einander aufbauen. Total DURATION: 2 years Area(s) covered

Project Objectives

Target Group(s)

FUNDING Year: 2004 Active citizenship Intercultural issues European countries / European Union Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Women Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Ost-West-Europäisches FrauenNetzwerk e.V. Name of the contact person: Joanna Barelkowska Address: Elsa-Brändström-Str. 15, 13189 Berlin e-mail: [email protected] tel: +49-(0)30–280 85 41 fax: +49-(0)30–283 22 52 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Assiciació Catalana de Formació Polivalent, ES Stowarzyszenie Regionet, PL


DEUTSCHLAND Project Reference: 04-DEU03-S2G01-00067-1

Meetingpoint-Ethiks Das Projekt "meetingpoint-ethics" führt aktuelle ethische Fragen und multimediale Lernformen in einem neuen Projektdesign zusammen. Im Mittelpunkt des Projektes steht der Bildungsserver, der allen Lernendenmodule zur Informationsgewinnung und zum Kommunizieren über unterschiedliche ethisch-relevante Themen bietet. Auf der Basis des Servers wird ein Bildungsraum geschaffen, in dem Lernende ethische Fragestellungen über Ländergrenzen hinweg kontrovers diskutieren können. Dabei soll über nationale Sichtweisen hinaus die europäische Perspektive ins Blickfeld kommen. Ziel ist es, Verständnis für unterschiedliche Lebensweisen zu entwickeln und europäische Verständigungsprozesse möglich zu machen. Gleichzeitig sammeln Lernende Erfahrungen mit dem Internet und Blended-learning-Angeboten im Bereich informellen Lernens. Darüber hinaus bietet das Projekt Dozentinnen und Dozenten die Möglichkeit, im gänzlich neuen Bereich des Blended-Learning zum informellen Lernen gemeinsam Konzepte zu entwickeln, beraten und umzusetzen. Der Austausch der Lehrenden findet permanent in einem moderierten Diskussionsforum auf dem Server sowie durch Treffen statt. Total DURATION: 2 years Area(s) covered

Other (describe if applicable) Project Objectives

Target Group(s) Other (describe if applicable)

FUNDING Year: 2004 Intercultural issues Information technology Education for parents Health Sämtliche ethisch relevanten Fragestellungen können eingebracht werden Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner Guidance / counselling or other support services Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Management of adult education organisation / institution Local community groups Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas an ethischen Fragestellungen interessierte Menschen

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Katholische Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft für Erwachsenenbildung Name of the contact person: Helga Gisbertz Address: Joachimstraße 1, 53113 Bonn e-mail: [email protected] tel: +49(0)228-90247-0 fax: +49(0)228-90247-29 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Gyvenimo ir tikéjimo institutas, LT Landeszentrale für politische Bildung Baden-Württemberg, DE Ausbildungsinstitut für Mitarbeiter in der Erwachsenenbildung, AT Katholische Sozialakademie Österreichs, AT


DEUTSCHLAND Project Reference: 04-DEU03-S2G01-00072-1

Erfahrungsaustausch über beste Konzepte interkultureller Vorbereitungsseminare - Grenzen überwinden und Mobilität fördern Um Europa als Arbeits- und Lernort für alle Zielgruppen real werden zu lassen ist es insbesondere für nicht akademisch gebildete Menschen, für junge Arbeitnehmer in der beruflichen Erstausbildung oder in der Weiterbildung, eine wesentliche Unterstützung der Mobilitätsabsichten, wenn sie diesen Schritt über die Grenzen durch ein interkult. Trainingsseminar vorbereiten können. Durch eine intensive interkult. Vorbereitung kann der Aufenthalt im Ausland optimiert und die Betreuungsintensität durch die aufnehmenden Einrichtungen erheblich abgebaut werden. Im Rahmen der LernP sollen Ausbildungscurricula für die sprachl. u. insbes. interkult. Vorbereitung von TeilnehmerInnen, verglichen, evaluiert und gute Beispiele ausgetauscht werden. Auf der Grundlage der verschiedenen Lehr- und Lerninhalte soll bei jedem Partner ein Seminar exemplarisch durchgeführt u. von den Ausbildern u. Lehrkräften der beteiligten internat. Partner hospitiert und evaluiert werden. Das Ziel der LernP besteht in der nachhaltigen Kenntnisnahme der inhaltl. u. method. Instrumente, die die Partner für ihre Zielgruppen einsetzen u. welchen Nutzen dies für die Teilnehmer bringt. Die Ergebnisse werden dann für alle Partner und Interessierte dokumentiert u. können so zur Optimierung der europ. Berufsbildungsabschnitte von Mobilitätsteilnehmern im Ausland nutzbar gemacht werden. Total DURATION: 2 years Area(s) covered

Project Objectives

Target Group(s) Other (describe if applicable)

FUNDING Year: 2004 Intercultural issues

Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of soc. mar Women Junge Menschen in der berufl. Erstausbildung

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Arbeit und Leben DGB/VHS Hamburg e.V. Name of the contact person: Hans Thormählen Address: Besenbinderhof 60, 20097 Hamburg e-mail: [email protected] tel: +49(0)40-28401621 fax: +49(0)40-28401616 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Société Philomathique de Bordeaux, FR Tartu Haritlaste Liit, EE Centro Europeu de Linguas, PT


DEUTSCHLAND Project Reference: 04-DEU03-S2G01-00073-1

Mainstreaming Gender in Social Work Die Partner werden Wissen und Erfahrungen zu Gender Mainstreaming Implementierung in der Sozialpolitik und der Sozialarbeit austauschen und praktisch anwendbare Gender Mainstreaming Kompetenz für Prozessgestaltung erwerben. Sie wollen in Lernund Bildungsarrangements Methodenkompetenz erarbeiten und verbreiten, und mit öffentlichkeitswirksamen Präsentationen das Thema umsetzungsorientiert bearbeiten. Die Durchführung einer europäischen Konferenz zum Abschluss der Projektarbeit soll Arbeitsergebnisse der Partner für eine breite Fachöffentlichkeit verfügbar machen. In der transnationalen Arbeit wird durch gemeinsames Lernen (common and mutual learning) den jeweils spezifischen Transformationsprozessen und daraus für die soziale Arbeit resultierenden Konsequenzen in den Partnerländern entsprochen. Total DURATION: 2 years Area(s) covered

Project Objectives

Target Group(s) Other (describe if applicable)

FUNDING Year: 2004 Basic skills Intercultural issues European countries / European Union Sustainable development Other (describe if applicable) Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Methods for providing credit for knowledge or competence Disabled persons Senior citizens Women Tätige in sozialen Diensten, Sozialpolitiker, ErwachsenenbildnerInnen

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: strategy transnational e.V. Name of the contact person: Dr. Heidemarie Wünsche-Piétzka Address: Theaterstr. 76, 09111 Chemnitz e-mail: [email protected] tel: +49-(0)371-3346015 fax: +49-(0)371-3346015 Organisation/Project website: -Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Amimbo GmbH, AT Institutul Roman de Educatia Aduldilor (IREA), RO Deutscher Gewerkschaftsbund Region Chemnitz, DE


DEUTSCHLAND Project Reference: 04-DEU03-S2G01-00076-1

Open Doors for Europe (ODE) Durch die Identifizierung bestimmter länderspezifischer Informationen (Basics) werden älteren Menschen die Beteiligung an europäischen Begegnungen und Austauschprogrammen erleichtert und somit „Türöffner für Europa“ erarbeitet. Im Rahmen des Projektes werden die beteiligten Institutionen (aus den Ländern Deutschland, Italien, Polen, und Spanien) aktiv an der Erstellung von didaktischen Modulen und Arbeitsmaterialien arbeiten. Im Sinne der Aktionsforschung erfolgen Bedarfserhebung, reale Erprobung und multimediale Aufbereitung. Das geplante Ergebnis ist ein Repertoire an Basics über die jeweils anderen Kulturen. Diese „Basics“ umfassen Schlüsselsituationen, -themen, -wörter, Rituale, Lieder, alltägliche Umgangsformen etc. Dadurch werden Grundlagen erarbeitet, die den Zugang zu anderen Ländern und Kulturen Europas ermöglichen und die Einstellung zum Fremden verändern können. Der Projektverlauf der einzelnen Gruppen wird auf einer projekteigenen Webseite dokumentiert. Modellhaft zu entwickelnde Arbeitsmaterialien sollen mit jeweils einem Partnerland erprobt und nach Ablauf der Projektphase von verschiedenen Bildungsträgern verwendet werden. Die Ergebnisse sollen in Form einer multimedialen CD-ROM einer breiten Öffentlichkeit zur Verfügung gestellt werden für zukünftige Projekte im Bereich der Seniorenarbeit, aber auch für andere Zielgruppen. Total DURATION: 3 years Area(s) covered

Project Objectives

Target Group(s)

FUNDING Year: 2004 Basic skills Intercultural issues Languages European countries / European Union Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Senior citizens Women Local community groups

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Verein Institut für virtuelles und reales Lernen in der Erwachsenenbildung an der Universität Ulm (ILEU e.V.) Name of the contact person: Carmen Stadelhofer Address: Universität Ulm, Kloster Wiblingen,89069 Ulm e-mail: [email protected] tel: +49(0)731-502-3193 fax: +49(0)731-502-3197 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Lodzki Uniwesytet Trzeciego Wieku, PL Association de Alumnos y Ex-Alumnos de la Unversidad de Alicante, ES Towazystow Wolney Wszechnica Polskiej, PL Istituto Culturale di Scienze Sociali Nicolo, IT


DEUTSCHLAND Project Reference: 04-DEU03-S2G01-00079-1

Modularisierung in der Erwachsenenbildung - Transnationaler Erfahrungsaustausch zum Aufbau eines Netzwerkes Im Mittelpunkt der Lernpartnerschaft steht die Modularisierung von Bildungsangeboten der Erwachsenenbildung im transnationalen europäischen Kontext. Lernen in Modulen mit (Teil-) Zertifizierungen ist in den Partnerländern nach Modellversuchen und Übergangsphasen auf je spezifische Weise eingeführt worden oder in Planung. Ziel ist es, sich über modularisierte Angebote insbesondere im Bereich e-learning auszutauschen, voneinander zu lernen und ein gemeinsames Netzwerk aufzubauen. In allen Partnerinstitutionen ist eine weitergehende Modularisierung des Bildungsangebots vorgesehen. Dafür sollen die unterschiedlichen Erfahrungen zunächst evaluiert werden, um über einen intensiven partnerschaftlichen Austausch mit Lehrenden und Lernenden das jeweilige Bildungsangebot zu verbessern. Eine Folge der individualisierten Lernprozesse in Europa ist das Anliegen vieler Erwachsener (Teil-) Kompetenzen transnational zu erwerben. Dies trifft insbesondere auf Migranten zu. Die wechselseitige Anerkennung von Zertifikaten erfordert auch die stärkere Einbindung von interkulturellen Lernkonzepten in modulare Lernsysteme. Gemeinsam werden die Projektpartner daher bestpractice-Module entwickeln und in dem geplanten Netzwerk weiter entwickeln. Total DURATION: 2 years Area(s) covered

Project Objectives

Target Group(s)

FUNDING Year: 2004 Basic skills Intercultural issues Information technology Sustainable development Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Management of adult education organisation / institution Methods for providing credit for knowledge or competence Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of social marginalisation Women Migrantinnen und Migranten

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Landesinstitut für Schule Name of the contact person: Karin Bödeker-Schröder Address: Paradieser Weg 64, 59494 Soest e-mail: [email protected] tel: +49-(0)2921-683292 fax: +49-(0)2921-683392 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Centrum voor Talen en Techniek Limburg, BE VUC Fredericia, DK Instytut Technologii Espoloatacji, PL


DEUTSCHLAND Project Reference: 04-DEU03-S2G01-00083-1

Challenging actions in gender mainstreaming - strategies and tools for implementing gender mainstreaming in Europe The overall aim of the project is to compare, develop and improve strategies and tools for gender mainstreaming implementation. The persuance of this aim will entail an investigation and exchange of good practice in the field of gender mainstreaming (GM) and the use of information technology in delivering training courses for trainers: 1. We will start comparing the work that every partner and organisation participating in this learning partnership has already done in consulting and training concerning GM in public, private, political and educational sectors throughout Europe. 2. The result will be obtaining a general idea of good practice. We will identify criteria and necessary skills in implementation of GM, gender training and training teachers and trainers acting gender sensitive in their work. These outcomes will have an improving impact on our work concerning gender equality. 3. The improved knowledge we will transfer to our clients, the decision makers, change agents and members of our own organisations. 4. In this way the learning partnership will contribute to the development of improved cohesive strategic plans and training courses in operation. Total DURATION: 2 years Area(s) covered

Project Objectives

Target Group(s)

FUNDING Year: 2004 Active citizenship Intercultural issues European countries / European Union gender mainstreaming Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner Guidance / counselling or other support services Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Women Senior citizens men, decision makers (politicians, mayors, municipal and provate sector executive

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: mänz + rossmann organisationsentwicklung Name of the contact person: Heike Mänz Address: Callinstr. 43, 30167 Hannover e-mail: [email protected] tel: +49-(0)511-1318825 fax: +49-(0)511-1318875 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) ADT Center SARL, LU VSI Du Pasauliai 2 IR KO, LT Aberdeen College Aberdeen, UK


DEUTSCHLAND Project Reference: 04-DEU03-S2G01-00084-1

Making Womens's History Visible in Europe Die Lernpartnerschaft hat das Ziel, im zusammenwachsenden Europa durch gemeinsame Lernprozesse die Unterrepräsentanz von Frauengeschichte sichtbar zu machen und für die Verstärkung geschlechtergerechten historischen Bewußtseins zu wirken. Die Verbreiterung und Stärkung des Anteils frauengeschichtlicher Präsentationen in historischen Museen Europas und die Förderung eines geschlechterdemokratischern Perspektivenwechsels in den unterschiedlichen Darstellungen sind projektübergreifende Zielstellungen aller Projektpartner. Durch das Kennenlernen und Wertschätzen sowohl der Unterschiede als auch der Gemeinsamkeiten sollen die Zugänge zu gemeinsamen Wurzeln in der kulturellen Überlieferung erweitert und in entsprechenden Bildungsangeboten sichtbar gemacht werden. Die Partner werden in einem Symposium Sichten auf einen frauengeschichtlichen historischen Zeitraum zusammentragen, sich über die jeweilige Methodik des gemeinsamen Vorgehens sowohl bei der Arbeit zu den auf Geschlechtergerechtigkeit zielenden Inhalten als auch in einer die Vielfalt wertschätzenden Arbeitsweise bei der Durchführung des Lernpartnerschaftsprojekts verständigen. Sie wollen sich im Verlauf des partnerschaftlichen Austausches mit Formen webbasierter Museumsarbeit bekannt machen und bedienen sich im Prozeß der Projektdurchführung verschiedener Arten von neuen Informations- und Kommunikationstechniken. Total DURATION: 2 years Area(s) covered

Project Objectives

FUNDING Year: 2004 Basic skills Intercultural issues Sustainable development Arts, music, culture Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Methods for providing credit for knowledge or competence

Target Group(s) Other (describe if applicable)

alle mündigen Bürgerinnen und Bürger

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Haus der Frauengeschichte e.V. Name of the contact person: Prof. Dr. Annette Kuhn Address: Rodderbergstr. 95, 53179 Bonn e-mail: [email protected] tel: +49-(0)228-345422 fax: +49-(0)228-345422 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Seminario de Estudios de la Mujer Universidad Oviedo, ES Université d'Angers, FR Südwind Entwicklungspolitik Niederösterreich, AT The Women's Museum Denmark, DK Minjasafn Reykjavikur, IS Research Centre for Gender Equality, GR


DEUTSCHLAND Project Reference: 04-DEU03-S2G01-00099-1

Men and Non-formal education – participation and learning of social skills (MENPART) Since men's participation in adult education is low, a new approach is needed to reach men. This project aims to research men’s participation in education primarily on an informal or basic skills level. We intend to learn about what attracts men into the education field. The research projects starting point is to look at what educational programmes are provided for men and what men's participation levels are on other courses as well. This research will be compared by the learning partners. We will then analyse the results on a European basis. This will give us an overall indication of what men’s interests are in different countries and what is being provided educationally for men. This will provide us with information about the uptake of men in adult education courses. We also intend to examine if men’s educational needs are being met. The learning partner’s will collate this data so that it may be availed of by others. We then intend to produce a document of Good Practice which will inform workers in the adult education field about the models of education which encourage men’s participation. The primary goal of this learning partnership is to examine men’s current participation level in education and to see how their participation level can be improved. Total DURATION: 2 years Area(s) covered

Project Objectives

Target Group(s)

FUNDING Year: 2004 Intercultural issues Men’s social learning

Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Men

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Frauenbildungsnetz Mecklenburg-Vorpommern e.V. Name of the contact person: Dirk Wilke Address: Heiligengeisthof 3, 18055 Rostock e-mail: [email protected] tel: +49(0)381-4583143 fax: +49(0)381-4907714 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Coiste Gairmoideachais Thiobraid Arann, IE Kolding Pädagogseminarium, DK Zentrum Bildung der EKHN, DE Bradford Metropolitan District Council, UK Kauniaisten Kaupungin Kansalaisopisto, FI


DEUTSCHLAND Project Reference: 04-DEU03-S2G01-00126-3

Persönliche Stadt-Geschichte(n) Das Projekt ist ein Austausch zwischen Einrichtungen, die Zeitzeugengruppen, Gruppen des kreativen Schreibens und Fremdsprachkurse anbieten. Durch den Austausch werden die bestmögl. Formen gesucht, wie Fremdsprachenlerner den internat. Austausch unter Gruppen, die Zeitzeugenarbeit betreiben, vermittelnd ermöglichen. Das Ausgangsthema ist die Vorstellung der eigenen Stadt bzw. des eigenen Wohnbezirkes aus der Sicht des Alltags u. der Biographie der Teilnehmer. Die wichtigsten Aktivitäten sind im ersten Jahr: 3 transnat. Treffen, Eröffnung einer Internetseite, die den Austausch dokumentiert, Entwicklung von Bausteinen für eine mehrsprachige Ausstellung über das o.g. Thema. Im zweiten Jahr: 3 Treffen in anderen Ländern und 1 Abschlußtreffen, Ausbau der Ausstellung u. der Internetseite. Im dritten Jahr: 2 transnat. Treffen, Ausbau der Internetseite, Veröffentl. von einem Buch mit den besten Texten des Projektes und einer CD. Method. des Projektes: Gegens. Kennenlernen von Menschen und Aktivitäten, Erarbeitung von Vorschlägen für gemeins. Aktivitäten, vor allem internetgestützt. Auswirkungen auf die teilnehmenden Ein-richtungen u. auf die Teilnehmer: Bildung von Lerngruppen, die den Austausch ko-ordinieren und verbreiten, Aufbau eines Netzes von Übersetzungspartnerschaften, die über die Internetseite selbständig aktiv bleiben. Entwickl. von Koop. z.B. zw. Städten, Senioren Total DURATION: 1 year Area(s) covered

Project Objectives

Target Group(s)

FUNDING Year: 2004 Intercultural issues Languages European countries / European Union KulturellesErben, Vermittlung des Erlebten Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Senior citizens Women Erwachsene in der Weiterbildung

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Heimatmuseum Treptow Name of the contact person: Barbara Zibler Address: Sterndamm 102, 12487 Berlin e-mail: [email protected] tel: +49(0)30-61725629 fax: +49(0)30-61725630 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) ZAWIW Ulm, DE Universita Della Terza Eta, IT Ceke vysoké uceni technické v Praze, CZ


DEUTSCHLAND Project Reference: 04-DEU03-S2G01-00137-2

Grundtvig-Media - Blended-Learning in der eurokulturellen Erwachsenenbildung Das Projekt „GRUNDTVIG-MEDIA“ will in den beteiligten Ländern Aktivitäten zu Blended-Learning in der eurokulturellen Erwachsenenbildung erkunden, systematisieren und in Europa verbreiten. Dazu wird in jedem Land ein GRUNDTVIG-MEDIA – Wettbewerb zur Ermittlung qualitativ guter Weiterbildungsangebote zu Blended-Learning in der eurokulturellen Erwachsenenbildung organisiert. Die besten Beispiele werden in Konferenzen in jedem beteiligten Land vorgestellt und ausgezeichnet sowie für die Bildungspraxis präsentiert und verbreitet. Im Zentrum der Projektaktivitäten in jedem beteiligten Land stehen die Ermittlung und Verbreitung beispielhafter Bildungsangebote zu eurokultureller Bildung mit Multimedia bzw. Internet, die in Form von BlendedLearning durchgeführt werden und vor allem lebenslanges selbständiges Lernen auf unterschiedlichen Gebieten und bei einem breiten Anwenderkreis fördern wollen. Die Zielgruppe umfasst Lehrende in der Erwachsenenbildung und alle Personen, die sich mit selbständigem lebenslangen Lernen mit Multimedia und Internet befassen wollen, insbesondere die Gruppe der Lerner über 25 Jahre, Frauen und Senioren. Total DURATION: 1 year Area(s) covered

Project Objectives

Target Group(s) Other (describe if applicable)

FUNDING Year: 2004 Basic skills Active citizenship Intercultural issues Information technology Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Women Senior citizens Lehrende in der Erwachsenenbildung

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Institut für Bildung und Medien (IB&M) der Gesellschaft für Pädagogik und Information e.V. (GPI) Name of the contact person: Dr. Bernd Mikuszeit Address: Alt-Friedrichsfelde 60 (Haus 14), 10315 Berlin e-mail: [email protected] tel: +49-(0)30-51069333 fax: +49-(0)30-51069333 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Infinity GmbH, HU RCI, Institut für Forschung und Bildung GmbH, CY ASCoR, The Amsterdam School of Communications Research, NL Universität Wien, AT


DEUTSCHLAND Project Reference: 04-DEU03-S2G01-00155-1

Traditionelle Handwerkstechniken (OSWU)

Total DURATION: 2 years Area(s) covered

Project Objectives

Target Group(s)

FUNDING Year: 2004 Languages Arts, music, culture European countries / European Union Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Local community groups Women

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Verein zur Beruflichen Förderung von Frauen in Sachsen e.V. Name of the contact person: Ilona Seifert Address: Elsasser Straße 7, 09120 Chemnitz e-mail: [email protected] tel: +49(0)371-5605180 fax: +49(0)371-5605186 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Langhe Monferrato Roero Soceta Cosortile ar.l., IT Knihovna Kraslice, CZ


DEUTSCHLAND Project Reference: 04-DEU03-S2G01-00156-1

Museum as Places for lifelong learning - European Qualification Training The potential of museums as ideal learning environments for lifelong learning has been explored during different regional, national and European projects within the last decade. The existence and study of collections is only a tool, their conservation only a condition; therefore education is the most crucial and fundamental task of the museum. As David Anderson mentioned: “museumeducation is not any more an ‘add-on’; it becomes an increasing core function integral to all museums activities. Otherwise the fulfilment of the museum’s mission cannot be afforded which could raise the crucial question why museums in general should be obtained”. Learning in the museum promotes, enhances and facilitates learning-results for every target-group and every purpose. Therefore specific training-conditions are necessary. Herewith we prepare a European training which opens up 3 possibilities: 1) to be trained in intercultural competence and new innovative trends for learning-projects in the museum 2) to have a live exchange with experts from other European countries and come into contact with programmes and colleagues on place 3) to receive a certification from every institution Total DURATION: 1 year Area(s) covered

Project Objectives

Target Group(s)

FUNDING Year: 2004 Basic skills Intercultural issues Sustainable development Arts, music, culture Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner Guidance / counselling or other support services Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Methods for providing credit for knowl. or comp. Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of soc. mar

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Kulturkurator GbR Name of the contact person: Dr. Jutta Thinesse-Demel Address: Geyerspergerstr. 42, 80689 München e-mail: [email protected] tel: +49(0)89-5806664 fax: +49(0)89-5803466 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Reinwardt Academie, NL Pécsi Tudományegyetem University of Pecs, HU Regione Emilia-Romagna, IT


DEUTSCHLAND Project Reference: 04-DEU03-S2G01-00159-2

Das Leben wieder in die eigene Hand nehmen Mit zunehmender Arbeitslosigkeit geraten viele Menschen in eine Art „Lähmungszustand“. Als „Bildungsversager“ und „Aussteiger“ sind oft auch frustrierte junge Menschen von einer "Lern- und Bildungsabstinenz“ betroffen. Diese Menschen nehmen keine Bildungsangebote mehr in Anspruch und stellen sich auch sonst keinen neuen Lernerfahrungen. Zur Entwicklung sinnstiftender Lebensperspektiven sind sie nicht in der Lage, ihr geistiges Potential verkümmert. Durch Reflexion und Optimierung der sozialen Arbeit sollen diese Menschen motiviert werden, sich wieder Lernerfahrungen zu stellen und am Lernen Freude zu erleben. Um dieses Ziel zu erreichen, tauschen sich Fachkräfte des sozialen Sektors aus Deutschland, Tschechien und England über ihre jeweilige Praxis aus und gehen folgenden Fragestellungen nach: - Wie können behinderte Menschen zu neuen Lernschritten zur Integration in die Gesellschaft motiviert werden? - Wie kann ehrenamtliche Arbeit als Methode dafür genutzt werden, um Menschen neue Freude an Lernerfahrungen zu vermitteln? - Wie sollten Rahmenbedingungen gestaltet sein, damit sich soziale Fachkräfte optimal auf ihre oben genannte Arbeit konzentrieren können? In der Partnerschaft wurde festgestellt, dass transnationales Arbeiten erheblich mehr Zeit als angenommen benötigt. Das vorgesehene Programm wurde entsprechend korrigiert. Total DURATION: 2 years Area(s) covered

Project Objectives Target Group(s) Other (describe if applicable)

FUNDING Year: 2004 Basic skills

Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner Guidance / counselling or other support services Disabled persons Women Menschen, bei denen keine inneren Antriebe mehr erkennbar sind, ihr Leben aktiv selber zu gestalten

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Diakonisches Werk der Ev. luth. Landeskirche in Braunschweig e.V. Name of the contact person: Juliane Bauer Address: St. Andreas-Weg 2, 38226 Salzgitter e-mail: [email protected] tel: +49-(0)5341-888814 fax: +49-(0)5341-888820 Organisation/Project website: -Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Christliches Jugenddorfwerk CJD Salzgitter, DE Slezska diakonie, CZ Diocesan Board for social responsibility, UK


GREECE ELLAS Project Reference: 04-GRC01-S2G01-00007-2

ARIADNE – Fighting against social exclusion of women single parents The project “Ariadne: Social Inclusion of Single Parent Families” has the purpose of establishing strategies for an inclusion process of single parent families, either young women (15 – 25 age range) at risk of social marginalisation or other women who face economical and social problems. The activities settled for the project development are related to several strategies that can be divided in two main areas: - The exchange of experiences, good practices and methodologies between transnational partners, aiming at the development of innovative work in areas of common interest, especially related to the defined target group - The intervention in the target group is to find measures for the reintegration of the excluded persons based on the contractual principle, by means of occupational training, acquisition of skills and restoration of their sense of social uselfulness. The activities of the project are the following: 1. Identification of good practices, products and materials in each regional / European context 2. Diagnosis of the target group’ s specific characteristics and needs, in articulation with other local services 3. Building of local partnership (to all participating countries) which will provide additional support to the project 4. Transnational meetings 5. Development of shared communication and evaluation tools 6. Development of a Guide for the development of personal and social competences 7. Evaluation actions The partnership has already realised these activities for the first year (August 2003 – July 2004).More information about the Project “Ariadne” can be found in the address: Total DURATION: 2 years Area(s) covered

Project Objectives Target Group(s)

FUNDING Year: 2 Basic skills Active citizenship Intercultural issues Education for parents European countries / European Union Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner Guidance / counselling or other support services Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Women Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of social marginalisation Economically or socially disadvantaged groups

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: KEKANAM, Training and Research Center of the Prefectural Administration of Magnesia Name of the contact person: Triantafyllou Vassilis, Ekmetzian Elizabeth Address: Makrinitsis 131, Volos 38333 Greece e-mail:[email protected] tel: 00 30 24210 71466-7 fax: 00 30 24210 71468 Organisation website: Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Euro – net – Potenza ,IT Bauskas Rajons Padomes Izglitibas Parvalde (Bauskas Region Council- Department of Education), LV Centro Social Paroquial de Cristo Rei, PT


ELLAS Project Reference: 04-GRC01-S2G01-00056-2

European coalition against unemployment This project focuses on the preparation of people at risk of social exclusion for their integration in the labour market. It includes psychosocial support, vocational orientation, active participation in educational procedures, training programmes and work placements. The project aims at sharing experiences and models of work used by organisations across Europe, concerning the preparation for employment programmes in order to improve employability within specific target groups. The objectives of the project are to identify the methods by which each partner makes contacts with relevant organisations, in order to realise actions of training for socially excluded people, to examine and describe practices and methods of work followed by professionals in each of the partners’ countries, to exchange good practices, to implement an example of good practice in each of the partner organisations, to conduct initial formative evaluation by trainers and learners and finally, to disseminate all findings and results. More analytically, the activities of the project concern selection, preparation and adjustment to a profession through teaching of basic and life skills, development of self-awareness, self confidence, interests and talents and training on job searching techniques, CV formulation and interview skills. The project through its activities will ensure the active participation of trainers and learners and will have a positive impact in terms of expanding and improving professional practices and exploring new ways of collaboration between the organisations, the local authorities and the local labour offices. Total DURATION: 3 years Area(s) covered

Project Objectives

Target Group(s)

FUNDING Year: 2 Basic skills Active citizenship Intercultural issues Sustainable development Arts, music, culture The media Sustainable development Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner Guidance / counselling or other support services Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of soc. mar Economically or socially disadvantaged groups, u Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: ARSIS, Association for the Social Support of Youth Name of the contact person: Dionyssia Lali, Olga Vamvakouri Address: Derigny and 3rd September st, Athens 10234 Greece e-mail: [email protected], [email protected] tel: 00 30 210 8259880 fax: 00 30 210 8259880 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) IES AS Fontinas (ES) Milton Keynes College (UK) Labour Office (CZ)


ELLAS Project Reference: 04-GRC01-S2G01-00037-1

Hagiography in Internet The proposed project entitled “Hagiography in Internet” is developing in two educational pivots: The Byzantinian Hagiography as Art and the development of skills in the use of internet as a mechanism of printing icons from Internet. This educational procedure is for deaf or hearing people and is supported by:educators who are deaf or hearing people, a person who translates in deaf’s language, technological equipment, participation in places for practice (for example churches), visits in museums and by theoretical lessons in the Art of Hagiography. The project will be prepared through cooperation among the groups of deaf people from every country with the support of a specialist for the communication. The expected results are: mobility among countries, social incorporation, vocational orientation in Hagiography, encouragement in developing skills, improvement of self-esteem, realization of the European’s citizens conduct, knowledge of the multi cultural society. Also, it is proposed to support deaf people at family level (systemic approach) Total DURATION: 3 years Area(s) covered

Project Objectives Target Group(s)

FUNDING Year: 1 Basic skills Active citizenship European countries / European Union Languages (and especially the deaf’s language) Intercultural issues Education for parents ICT Professional orientation and counselling Guidance / counselling or other support services Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Disabled persons Young adults

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Daphne KEK Name of the contact person: Vassiliki Tsekoura Address: Girikomeiou 94-96, Patras, Greece, 26224 e-mai: [email protected] tel:0030 2610624213 fax: 00302610624214 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Union of Deaf of West- South Greece, GR Deaf club of Limassol, CY Deaf Association frm Girona, ES Scarabeus, IT Polish Association of Deaf People, PL


ELLAS Project Reference: 04-GRC01-S2G01-00082-3

Bringing Agricultural Adult Education into the Era of Innovation Τhe Socrates – Grundtvig 2 Learning Partnerships project “Bringing the Agricultural Adult Education into the Era of Innovation’’ aims to create a common space of communication, research and development for adult education organisations that specialise in the training of adult farmers and inhabitants of rural communities in four European countries: Greece, Finland, France and Italy. It addresses all aspects of the organisations’ function and structure i.e.: • Management of adult education organisations • Research of the educational needs of the population in the countryside • Development of strategies for stimulating the adult farmers' demand for learning • Design of new curricula according to the educational needs of the target group • Introduction of new subjects through new pedagogical approaches • Exchange of experience in the provision of support services (counselling after the completion of the training, encouraging enterpreneurship etc.) In its second phase, the project has already allowed for the meeting of trainers and scientific staff and the exchange of views and methodology as well as the development of curricula and training materials. In its third and last phase, trainees from rural areas of all four countries will have the benefit of an international training experience. Total DURATION: 3 years Area(s) covered

Project Objectives

Target Group(s)

FUNDING Year: 3 Information technology Sustainable development Environment Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner Guidance / counselling or other support services Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Persons living in disadvantaged areas Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of social marginalisation Women

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Thessalonica Agricultural and Industrial Institute Name of the contact person: Dr Evaggelos Vergos, Despina Theodoridou Address: P.O. Box 23, GR 55102 Kalamaria- Thessaloniki- Greece e-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] tel: 0030 2310 492854 fax: 00 30 2310 492860 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Centre de Formation Professionelle et de Promotion Agricole (FR) Istituto Nazionale per l'istruzione professionale agricola (IT) Svenska yrkesinstitutet [Swedish Vocational Institute] (FI)


ELLAS Project Reference: 04-GRC01-S2G01-00021-1

Building a new approach for foreign adult education The project intends to build a new approach concerning foreign adult education through: A. strategic aims: 1. Gathering information about each country’s foreign adult education system 2. Getting the knowledge, getting to know the methods and forms of teaching - educating work within the frame of education and environmental integration of migrant workers’ families, occupational travellers and refugees. 3. Forming the competence of using modern methodical knowledge in less favoured foreign groups’ tutoring. B. operational aims: 1. Getting to know the culture, religion of migrants and refugees communities. 2. Getting to know the method of working up problem situations in the background of ethic, religions and races. 3. Getting to know how to support the integration. 4. Getting to know the procedures of getting the citizenship in each country. 5. Learning to know the standards of ethic concerning teacher’s work with people coming from foreign groups. 6. Learning to know the methods and forms of teaching work used in education of families with different culture. 7. Forming a new approach in teaching foreign groups. 8. Undertaking activities oriented on solving the problems concerning the education of less favoured groups. 9. Running an information activity. Total DURATION: 3 years Area(s) covered

Project Objectives

Target Group(s)

FUNDING Year: 1 Basic skills Active citizenship European countries / European Union Languages Intercultural issues Education for parents Sustainable development Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner Guidance / counselling or other support services Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Local community groups Women Migrants / travellers

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: K.E.K. N.A. N.EL.E Kavalas Name of the contact person: Nikolaos Papas, Nikolaos Moulas Address: K.Piitou 18, P.O. BOX 1234, Kavala 65201, Greece e-mai: [email protected] tel: 00 30 2510 831126 fax: 00 30 5610 838634 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Teacher Continuing Education Institute, PL CTP Istituto Compensivo "Maria Capozzi", IT


SPAIN ESPAÑA Project Reference: 04-ESP01-S2G01-00023-2

WOW: Widen Opportunities for Women The Project is going to try and develop attitudes, values, and strategies for gender equality and violence prevention. It intends to offer forums to exchange experiences, training and guidance. To help access to the labour market under equal conditions, to know about good practices in Europe and to stimulate self-esteem. Total DURATION: 3 years Area(s) covered

Project Objectives

Target Group(s)

FUNDING Year:4 Active citizenship Intercultural issues European countries / European Union Information technology Health Media Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner Guidance / counselling or other support services Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Economically or socially disadvantaged groups Women

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Centro de Educación de Adultos Juan José Lorente Name of the contact person: José María Galdo Address: Castellote, 3, 50017 Zaragoza e-mail [email protected] tel: +34 976 31 31 99 fax: +34 976 32 67 00 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) 1. GRETA-GEPS, Paris, FR 2. University Comenius, Science Faculty, Bratislava, SK 3. Higher Education Centre, Bolton, Manchester, UK 4. Adult Education Centre Las Rosas, Madrid, ES


ESPAÑA Project Reference: 04-ESP01-S2G01-05089-2

Building up of the FRAME for adult education related to basic skills and intercultural issues: Project: EU_CORAS Goal: To build the FRAMEWORK (CORAS is the Gaelic word) about the adult education fields of basic skills and intercultural issues, through the exchange of adult training experiences among the partners, in a first phase. Each partner will then involve their own adult learners in the research of what basic skills are, what intercultural issues are, and how they are interconnected with other facts and elements of adult education, as the new methodological approaches, the teacher/trainer basic skills needs, the funding, etc in this un-defined framework. As results: It is expected to get an exchange of experiences through different ways, international conferences for partners, and the production of a European Newsletter about project issues. In a second phase (second year), it is expected to produce staff exchanges, to continue with the Newsletter and to celebrate a final international conference. Total DURATION: 2 years Area(s) covered

Project Objectives

) Target Group(s)

FUNDING Year:2004 Basic skills Intercultural issues European countries / European Union Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)

Economically or socially disadvantaged groups Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of social marginalisation Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Asociación Columbares Name of the contact person: Andrés Abad Pacheco Address: Adrián Viudes, 9, 30570 Beniaján, Murcia e-mail [email protected] tel: +34 968 82 42 41 fax: +34 968 82 03 20 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) 1. Vuc Kolding, Kolding, DK 2. Coiste Gairmoideachais Chontae na Gallimhe, Ballinasloe, IE 3. Movimondo GSI, Perugia, IT 4. ROC van Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL 5. Oslo Voksenopplaering, Oslo, NO


ESPAÑA Project Reference: 04-ESP01-S2G01-00032-1

Journey to the roots of Europe: sharing culture and traditions with the help of ICT Our project intends to bring together different realities of distant countries which are a common core in Europe. In the first phase of the project, we intend that our learners know better the legends, culture and traditions of their area. The use of ICT for field work and research will be an essential tool at this stage of our Grundtvig project. The history and culture of each country is a fundamental pillar of the history of Europe. In the second phase, the learners will be able to share and disseminate among the participating institutions the results of the work done at regional or local level. To transmit and to share are paramount features in the development of understanding and tolerance among people who live a different reality, being all of them valid and precious. In the last stage, we will build up materials with the involvement of learners in all institutions, starting from their own roots and coming to a common reality that is the Europe we belong to. Total DURATION: 1 year Area(s) covered

Project Objectives

Target Group(s)

FUNDING Year: 2004 Intercultural issues Information technology

Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)

Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in prison

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: IES nº 1 Ribeira Name of the contact person: Isabel Peleteiro Address: Avda. da Coruña, 170, 15960 Ribeira, (A Coruña) e-mail [email protected] tel: +34 981 871740 fax: +34 981 871758 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) 1. 2. 3. 4.

Swarthmore Education Centre, Leeds, UK Tecnopras, S.A., Passo Corese, IT Ekpaideftiria Kaloskamis, S.A., Keratsini, GR Northumberland College, Ashington, UK


ESPAÑA Project Reference: 04-ESP01-S2G01-00034-2

SHIFT: Sharing Initiatives and going forward using ICT in adult people training This second phase intends to go on with the network to exchange initiatives and experiences on the use of ICT in adult education developed in the first phase and disseminate it to other institutions outside the partnership. It will also incorporate the reflections and input acquired in the different transnational meetings. Total DURATION: 2 years Area(s) covered

Project Objectives

Target Group(s)

FUNDING Year: 2004 Information technology

Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)

Adults in general

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Consorcio de formación e iniciativas Bages Sur Name of the contact person: Angeles Fusté Address: Mopntserrat, 50, 08295 Sant Vicent de Castellet e-mail [email protected] tel: +34 93 833 13 11 fax: +34 93 833 10 53 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) 1. GEA agencia de desarrollo, Verbania, IT 2. CAE, Formación y Servicios Socioculturales, Manresa, ES 3. Fondation Kruger, Mosset, FR


ESPAÑA Project Reference: 04-ESP01-S2G01-00036-1

NERO- New roads in the adult language learning SUMMARY: When dealing with the future questions referring to adult education and the acquisition of language skills, we intend to analyse the present situation of language teaching/learning, classify and evaluate materials and multimedia contents being used in the classroom, following a communicative approach and use ICT as a working tool. We start from the mother tongue of the countries in the partnership adding the vehicular language more used in the EU, English, and our support will be mainly in intercultural content and European citizenship. Total DURATION: Area(s) covered

Project Objectives Target Group(s)

2 years

FUNDING Year: 2004

Active citizenship Intercultural issues Languages Information technology Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner Guidance / counselling or other support services Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of social marginalisation

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Centro del Profesorado y Recursos Nalón-Caudal Name of the contact person: María Oliva Salas Address: Hornos Altos s/n, 33930 Langreo e-mail [email protected] tel: +34 985 678000 fax: +34 985 674944 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Istituto nacionale di recerca educative del Lazio, Lazio-Roma, IT Centro territoriale permanente per l’instruzione e la formazione in Etá, Agira, IT CVU Kobenhaven og Nordsjaelland, Hillerod, DK


ESPAÑA Project Reference: 04-ESP01-S2G01-00046-1

EUROPIZATE: Learn to prevent with Europe The project intends to create a transnational learning association for adult learners to prevent working risks. The objective is to train agricultural workers in inland rural areas, in risk of social exclusion due to geographical isolation. As main objectives we envisage: a) a reduction in working accidents, b) improvement of working health and security, c) promotion of equal opportunities for men and women, d) encourage the use of ICT and e) provide information about outside training opportunities and make them useful. We plan two main activity blocks: • Analysis and research of training needs. • Development and experimentation of tools and methodologies: in classroom and distance learning modules through a web and forum of virtual learning. Finally, we’ll produce a CD so that the Association can go on working after the project is finished. Total DURATION: Area(s) covered

Project Objectives

Target Group(s)

1 year

FUNDING Year: 2004

Basic skills Information technology Learning about European countries/the European Union Others: Prevention of working accidents Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner Guidance / counselling or other support services Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Women Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of social marginalisation

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Unión Provincial de Cooperatives del Campo de Castellón Name of the contact person: Elena Miralles Address: Polígono Industrial el Mijares, C/ Comercio, 3 12550 Castellón e-mail [email protected] tel: +34 964 503250 fax: +34 964 563950 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Central de asistenta rurala, Timisoara, RO RESTAT, Sainte Livrade sur Lot, FR ITACA, Cellino Atanasio, IT


ESPAÑA Project Reference: 04-ESP01-S2G01-00065-2

How to reach Maria, John and Manfred? Our project intends to find an effective methodology to reach those far to reach adults that otherwise would not participate in LLL or in a European Dimension. We will create a network at local, regional, national and European levels. We will involve learners actively and that will increase their motivation and also other sectors of society. Total DURATION: 2 years Area(s) covered

FUNDING Year:2004 Active citizenship Intercultural issues European countries / European Union Information technology Media Others: cooperation among different institutions

Project Objectives

Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner Guidance / counselling or other support services Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Methods for providing credit for knowl. or comp.

Target Group(s)

Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of social marginalisation

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: I.E.S. de Melide Name of the contact person: Benito Otero Varela Address: O Marquiño s/n, 15800 Orense e-mail [email protected] tel: +34 981 50 51 62 fax: +34 981 50 51 62 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) 1. CEPA Juan Luis Vives, Ibi, alicante, ES 2. Katholieke Hogesschool Limburg, Hasselt, BE (flemish) 3. Solleftea Kommunala Vuxetnutbildning, Solleftea, SE


ESPAÑA Project Reference: 04-ESP01-S2G01-00069-2

Engaging new groups of adults into LLL. (ENGALL) All adult education institutions both private and public have undergone important changes in Europe in recent years. Managing and planning issues get more and more complicated while funding gets more scarce. And also these institutions have to attract clients as if they were private enterprises and their managing teams lack the needed training for that, and they have also to care for their educational objectives and commitments with society. It is necessary to give them the required competences to engage new groups of adults and at the same time to care for their traditional customers and provide them with new competences and skills required in the information and globalized society of nowadays, and that requires new managing skills that this project intends to clarify and provide. After the first year working in the project we try to focus our tasks on paying special attention to those persons with no basic skills or who have them at a very low level, unemployed and those who have been working at the same place for years without any further training. We have decided to join forces and research, compare, practice benchmarking, trying new ways of doing, innovating our teaching and learning methods. Total DURATION: 2 years Area(s) covered

Project Objectives

Target Group(s)

FUNDING Year:2004 Basic skills Active citizenship Intercultural issues Information technology Sustainable development Art, music and culture Media Languages Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner Guidance / counselling or other support services Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Management of adult education organisation / institution Methods for providing credit for knowledge or competence Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of social marginalisation Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in prison Others: men between 25 and 45

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Instituto Provincial de Formación de Adultos Name of the contact person: Carmen Alvarez-Amandi Address: Hernando de Magallanes s/n, 14010, Córdoba e-mail [email protected] tel: +34 957 47 17 19 fax: +34 957 43 13 36 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) 1. EOI de Lleida, Lleida, ES 2. Osrodek Doskonalenia Nauczycieli, Warsaw, PL 3. Slovak Academy Information, Zilina, SK 4. Volkschochule Lörrach, Lörrach, DE 5. Volksschochule Bludenz, Bludenz, AT 6. Makine Mcedonian Institute for Employment, Thesaloniki, GR 7. KVS Institute, Orivesi, FI


ESPAÑA Project Reference: 04-ESP01-S2G01-00070-2

Multilingual and cultural approach for language teaching as a contribution to world peace This project intends to help teachers/monitors/social agents/local authorities to understand better the different cultural groups we are in touch with nowadays (immigrants and ethnic minorities). It will take into account the origin and cultural background of the countries they come from. It will reflect the importance of the socio-cultural similarities and differences when teaching languages and also of the knowledge of different cultures and languages to maintain peace in Europe and to fight racism and xenophobia. Total DURATION: 2 years Area(s) covered

Other (describe if applicable) Project Objectives ) Target Group(s)

Other (describe if applicable)

FUNDING Year:2004 Intercultural issues European countries / European Union Integration to fight racism and xenophobia Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Local community groups Women Adult students

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: C.E.A. Albuñol Name of the contact person: Juan Cristobal Ruiz González Address: Veintiocho de Febreo s/n, 18700 Albuñol, Murcia e-mail [email protected] tel: +34 958 82 67 72 fax: +34 958 82 64 81 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) 1. Kauno Suagusi, Kaunas, LT 2. Volkshochschule Olching E.V., Olching, DE 3. Kentro Symboyleytikhs Kai Prosanotolismoy, Chania, GR 4. Université de Liège, BE


ESPAÑA Project Reference: 04-ESP01-S2G01-00074-1

ENRAMUS- European Network of Traditional Music Schools The revival of traditional music is a cultural and pedagogical issue that tries to value the native European cultures but is usually dealing only with the local ones. The traditional music in AE has the advantage of proximity, dejà-vu of most materials that encourage and stimulate the demand of adult learners. The partnership will try to reach the target groups in rural areas which have a more difficult access to learning, through a training course of traditional music and dancing, exchange of trainers and the creation of a network of cooperation with the partner institutions. Total DURATION: Area(s) covered

Project Objectives

Target Group(s)

2 years

FUNDING Year: 2004

Basic skills Active citizenship Intercultural issues Art, music, culture Guidance / counselling or other support services Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approaches Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Local community groups Disabled persons

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Escuelas de música tradicional de la comarca de la sidra Name of the contact person: Luis Carlos Vecino Address: Paraes, 33529 Nava e-mail [email protected] tel: +34 985 71 84 13 fax: +34 985 71 85 31 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) 1. Loimaan Seudun Musiikkiopisto, Loimaa, FI 2. Associaçao Tocandar, Marinha Grande, PT 3. Assoziazione Musicale Spazi Sonori, Cosenza, IT 4. Association Tera, Saint Groux, FR 5. CNV-Kundstenloond, Rótterdam, NL 6. Scuola Comunale di Musica G. Verdi, Prato, IT


ESPAÑA Project Reference: 04-ESP01-S2G01-00075-3

Training and Intervention in Community Mediation It aims at creating a learning partnership to study deeply the solution of conflicts and community mediation at European level. First of all research about the definition of good practices will be done, and with these findings people will be trained in Conflict Solution in their communities. Year one will be devoted to research and training, and years 2 and 3 to design and implement programmes of Community Mediation with the clients of the participating institutions. From the perspective of “training for transforming” we’ll try to provide agents and social leaders with the basic tools to solve, restrain or transfer the conflicts where mediation could be used in their communities. Total DURATION: 3 years Area(s) covered

FUNDING Year: 2004 Active citizenship Intercultural issues

Other (describe if applicable) Project Objectives

Community Mediation Guidance / counselling or other support services Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)

Target Group(s)

Local community groups Women

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Pere Tarres Foundation Name of the contact person: Pere-Joan Giralt Rovira Address: Enric Granados, 2, 08007 Barcelona, España e-mail [email protected] tel: 34 93 410 16 02 fax: 34 93 439 45 15 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) 1. Haute Ecole de Bruxelles, BE 2. IRTS, Institut Régional du Travail Social de Montpellier, FR


ESPAÑA Project Reference: 04-ESP01-S2G01-00099-2

"m-M" minority in Majority Community Integration With this project we intend, through non formal and informal education, to integrate in the formal education system (and in society) adult immigrants. In this way these target groups can access vocational training and LLL. Once the different strategies used by each partner institution are evaluated, we will work on the ones considered most appropriate and from them we will elaborate our final products and results. The project has not been substantially altered but certain tasks have been considered basic, among others, the teaching of the language of the country, also respect to the laws and rules, to cover the basic needs of immigrants. Total DURATION: 2 years Area(s) covered

Project Objectives

Target Group(s)

FUNDING Year: 2004 Basic skills Intercultural issues European countries / European Union Information technology Media Art, music, culture Active citizenship Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner Guidance / counselling or other support services Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Methods for providing credit for knowledge or competence Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of social marginalisation Women

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: I.E.S. Monte Castelo Name of the contact person: Victoria Villar Address: Os Matos s/n, 27880 Burela (Lugo) e-mail [email protected] tel: +34 982 58 08 89 fax: +34 982 58 09 38 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) 1. EPA Ricardo Sola, Cariñena, ES 2. Urad Prace Semily, Semily, CZ 3. I.C. Polo “G. Pascoli », Tricase, IT


ESPAÑA Project Reference: 04-ESP01-S2G01-00105-2

Towards a better world: adult education and European culture The project intends to compare methodologies to accept cultural differences in Europe, know the main cultural traits of the participating regions, exchange materials on this issue, celebrate multilateral meetings and produce a workbook. Total DURATION: 2 years Area(s) covered

Project Objectives

Target Group(s)

FUNDING Year:2004 Active citizenship Intercultural issues European countries / European Union Information technology Languages Art, music, culture Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner Guidance / counselling or other support services

Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Local community groups Women

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Centro Público de Educación de Personas Adultas de Aznalcollar Name of the contact person: Angel Muñoz Address: Avenida de Andalucia s/n, 41870 Aznalcóllar (Sevilla) e-mail [email protected] tel: +34 954 13 31 63 fax: +34 954 13 54 78 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) 1. Assoziazione Culturalle "Rafaello", Cosenza, IT 3. Zentrum für Erwachsenenbildung Stephansstift, Hannover, DE 4. Midstöd Simmentunar a Sudernesjum, Keflavik, IS


ESPAÑA Project Reference: 04-ESP01-S2G01-00122-2

To learn and enjoy through the use of information Libraries in our society are a basic cornerstone in LLL for all people that through information can become citizens with better skills and abilities and therefore more free. The project intends that adults, especially parents, value and know the possibilities and resources the libraries may offer them and use them as LLL tools sharing reading activities, both fiction and information, with their children in their leisure time. Total DURATION: 2 years Area(s) covered

Project Objectives

Target Group(s)

FUNDING Year:2004 Active citizenship Intercultural issues Information technology Education for parents Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner Guidance / counselling or other support services Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Disabled persons Local community groups

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Ayuntamiento de Oviedo Name of the contact person: Consuelo Veiga Address: Plaza Lago Enol s/n, 33010 Oviedo e-mail [email protected] tel: +34 985 11 40 42 fax: Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) 1. Associazione Culturalle Raffaello, Cozensa, IT 2. Karmoy Skole-og kulturetat, Pedagogisk Senter, Kopervik, NO 3. Albertslund und pedagogisk Center und Albertslund Public Library, Albertslund, DK


ESPAÑA Project Reference: 04-ESP01-S2G01-00123-2

Adult education institutions and active citizenship SUMMARY: The project intends to identify a methodology appropriate to adult education according to the interests and needs the beneficiaries expressely demand, and develop equal opportunities and active citizenship both within the target group and the society in a broader context. It pays special attention to the participation of the different quarters, villages and communities where the adult associations and organisations are situated. Total DURATION: 1 Year Area(s) covered

Project Objectives

FUNDING Year:2004 Active citizenship

Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner

) Target Group(s) Other (describe if applicable)

Adults in the process of being trained

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: CONFAPEA Name of the contact person: Ana Lebrón Address: Francesc Cambó 14-8º F, 08003 Barcelona e-mail [email protected] tel: +34 93 315 29 69 fax: +34 93 310 05 47 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) 1. CFL, Soderhams, SE 2. Unione Nazionale Lotta contra Analfabetismo (UNLA), Roma, IT


ESPAÑA Project Reference: 04-ESP01-S2G01-00135-2

European Women: images of interaction The project intends to foster the intercultural exchange to promote the education of women. It is specially addressed to those women who are already participating in training activities but lack any formal qualification and due to that they have been traditionally excluded from the debate and decision forums. The key element of this year is to disseminate results and underline the importance and benefits of the intercultural dialogue and the exchange of experience among women. Total DURATION: Area(s) covered

Project Objectives

Target Group(s)

2 years

FUNDING Year: 2004

Active citizenship Intercultural issues European Countries/EU Information technology Art, music, culture Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approaches Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Local community groups Women

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: HEURA Name of the contact person: Ana Lebrón Address: Selva del Mar, 215, 08020 Barcelona e-mail [email protected] tel: +34 93 308 66 14 fax: +34 93 266 07 81 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Daghojskolen de Frie Fugle, Esbjerg, DK Stowarzyszenie na rzecz Wszechstronnego Rozwoju Kobiet « Dakini », Warschau, PL Belfast Institute for further training, Belfast, UK Frauenakademie, Ulm, DE


ESPAÑA Project Reference: 04-ESP01-S2G01-00136-1

ITE: integration through education SUMMARY: The main objective of this project is social inclusion through education, and the tasks and partial objectives are: To develop innovative methods to: • Stimulate the participation of learners with very basic skills • Integrate immigrants and ethnic minorities through education • Provide flexible and individualized educational programmes to care for the needs of participants. Total DURATION: Area(s) covered

1 year

FUNDING Year: 2004

Basic skills Intercultural issues Learning about European countries/European Union

Project Objectives

Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)

Target Group(s)

Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in prison

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: CEA Centro Oriente Name of the contact person: María Belén Pidal Address: Asturias s/n, 33510 Pola de Siero e-mail [email protected] tel: +34 985 726014 fax: +34 985 726014 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Jonava Adult Education Centre, Jonava, LT ROC Nijmegen, NL Flexible Learning Centre, Sotherhamn, SE


ESPAÑA Project Reference: 04-ESP01-S2G01-00139-1

Good Practice Handbook for training ski and horse riding monitors for young palsy persons In the framework of the 2004 International Sports Year, we intend to use our experience in the field of sports education for people with disabilities to improve their life standards and their mental and physical wellbeing, and in that way also improve their socialization and physical rehabilitation. In this process the role of monitors is essential. Both ski and horse riding are very beneficial practices for these persons. Objectives: -Determine the objectives of each sport for people with palsy: the beneficial results, applied methodology, adaptation of materials… -Guidance on how to use the materials -Putting together all the materials in a Handbook of Good Practices -Exchange between the monitors and the learners Total DURATION: Area(s) covered

Project Objectives

Target Group(s)

2 years

FUNDING Year: 2004

Others: Sport for persons with palsy Health Guidance / counselling or other support services Methods for providing credit for knowledge or competence acquired outside formal education Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of social marginalisation Disabled persons

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Asociación Esclat Name of the contact person: Lola de la Fuente Address: Rambla de la Montaña 61, 08041 Barcelona e-mail [email protected] tel: +34 93 45011 fax: +34 93 45602 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) GIMC, Paris, FR Assoziazione Vivalda, Genola, IT


ESPAÑA Project Reference: 04-ESP01-S2G01-00153-1

ADEPA: Digital literacy in adult education Due to the relevance of LLL in the EU and also the relevance of ICT, we intend that adult learners can improve their education in this field. The project will include exchange of experiences and know-how through visits and meetings to be able to grasp the reality of each participating country. The different strategies used in reference to this topic will be observed in situ and also the cultural and social situation of each partner as well as the methodology used. The participants, by means of good practice observation, will thus improve their personal training and their professional performance. Total DURATION: Area(s) covered

Project Objectives

Target Group(s)

2 years

FUNDING Year: 2004

Basic skills Active citizenship Learning about European countries/EU Information technology The media Guidance / counselling or other support services Methods for providing credit for knowledge or competence acquired outside formal education Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approaches Management of adult education organisation/institution Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Local community groups

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: CP para la educación de personas adultas “Barea” Name of the contact person: Ramón Carmona Address: Labradores s/n 04620 Vera (Almeria) e-mail [email protected] tel: +34 950 390473 fax: +34 950 390473 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Centrum VUX, Haninge, SE A.P.S.P., Biarritz, FR CP para la educación de personas adultas “Pablo Freire”, El Ejido (Almeria), ES


ESPAÑA Project Reference: 04-ESP01-S2G01-00185-1

VAI: Volunteers assisting immigrants There are quite a lot of people interested in working as volunteers but unfortunately they do no know where to go or the tasks they can do and even less the activities they are qualified to do. In the first phase of the project the target group will be the volunteers working with immigrants. It is good to encourage the willingness to be a volunteer but it is also important to disseminate the possibilities they have in front of them, the training needed, the role they are expected to play etc. All this will improve their performance and personal well being that will have very beneficial results for the persons receiving these services. Total DURATION:

3 years

Area(s) covered

Other (describe if applicable) Project Objectives

Target Group(s)

FUNDING Year: 2004

Active citizenship Intercultural issues Information technology Others: To help immigrants Guidance / counselling or other support services Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning

Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in prison Local community groups Others: Immigrants

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Gestión de servicios de pequeñas empresas Name of the contact person: Miguel Ángel Póstigo Address: C/ Velez Málaga, 8-3º A, 29016 Málaga e-mail tel: +34 952 609639 fax: +34 952 609639 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Polo europeo della Conoscenza, Verona, IT Verein Maiz, Linz, AT Assoziacione per la formazione permanente “A.W. Cuore”, Roma, IT


ESPAÑA Project Reference: 04-ESP01-S2G01-00199-1

Barriers to employment (B to E) Many people with disabilities have to face a lot of barriers to get a job. There is no organization that can provide the full support and help they need. This project intends to create a framework of integral assistance to facilitate a common strategy. The standards of qualifications are an important element to get a job or to be promoted in the job, and one of the lacking skills is ICT, for the public in general and for disabled persons in particular. That is one of the main barriers for this group in all the participating countries in this LP, and the result is marginalisation, discrimination, difficulties in communication and also in access to services. Total DURATION: Area(s) covered

Project Objectives

Target Group(s)

1 year

FUNDING Year: 2004

Basic skills Information technology Others: Integration of persons at risk of social exclusion Guidance / counselling or other support services Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approaches Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of social marginalisation Disabled persons Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in prison

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Fundación INTRAS Name of the contact person: Pablo Sánchez Address: Santa Lucia, 19, 1º, 47005 Valladolid e-mail [email protected] tel: +34 983 399633 fax: +34 983 217565 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Toucan Europe, Manchester, UK CESIE, Palermo, IT CJD, Dortmund, DE Foundation for international cooperation for projects, The Hague, NL


ESPAÑA Project Reference: 04-ESP01-S2G01-05009-1

As you like it The main objective of the project is to encourage healthy eating habits and study eating and nutrition issues as a way of keeping healthy and improving life quality. This will be attained by means of: • Thinking about the importance of good eating habits to keep healthy and prevent illnesses. • To know the relationship between some foods and health problems. • To study how eating habits can help chronic diseases: recommended diets, how to substitute certain components, etc... • To be aware that eating habits can vary from one person to another, in different countries, and it is necessary to respect all traditions, trying to amend habits which are unhealthy. There will be a workshop, “As you like it”, that will produce healthy recipes. Total DURATION: Area(s) covered

Project Objectives

Target Group(s)

1 year

FUNDING Year: 2004

Intercultural issues Health Consumer education Experimentation with new pedagogical approaches

Disabled persons Local community groups Migrants/ travellers/ethnic or other minorities

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: ALCER EBRO Name of the contact person: Severiano Gimeno Address: Santa Teresa de Jesús 29-35, 50006, Zaragoza e-mail [email protected] tel: +34 976 359001 fax: +34 976 359001 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Polo Europeo della Conoszenza, Verona, IT Jagellone University, Krakow, PL


ESPAÑA Project Reference: 04-ESP01-S2G01-05013-1

The World of Advertising The partnership is made up of young people from different countries that will approach the issue of advertising and consumerism with a critical outlook, exchanging and contrasting experience and knowledge. The power of advertising and consumerism is particular strong for young people because they need to identify themselves with their group in the way they dress, the makes they use, what they drink and eat… The activities intend that the participants get to know the resources, techniques and strategies used in advertising, so that they can face their messages in a critical way and be responsible in reference to what they consume as well as know their rights as consumers. The techniques and language of the cinema, comics and spots will be analysed in order to create a spot applying what they have learnt, and a report with the conclusions to be disseminated in round tables in their different countries. Total DURATION: Area(s) covered

Project Objectives Target Group(s)

1 year

FUNDING Year: 2004

The media Consumer education Experimentation with new pedagogical approaches Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of social marginalisation Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in prison Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities.

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Fundación ADUNARE Name of the contact person: Enrique Nogueras Address: Barrio Verde, 8-10, 50002 Zaragoza e-mail [email protected] tel: +34 976 223214 fax: +34 976 203876 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) INSERMEDIA, Bordeaux, FR The society for resocialization and social readaptation, Lodz, PL


ESPAÑA Project Reference: 04-ESP01-S2G01-05014-1

I feel good The main objective of the project is to promote the personal development of participants, underlining the overcoming of whatever maims their personal wellbeing and their relationship with the environment (social, working, familial, etc…) Through the foreseen activities the participants will know themselves better, they will improve their self-esteem and develop social skills. There will be practical workshops with participating dynamics of discovery and exhibitions to show their work. Total DURATION: Area(s) covered Project Objectives

Target Group(s)

1 year

FUNDING Year: 2004

Health Experimentation with new pedagogical approaches Methods of providing credit for knowledge or competence acquired outside formal education. Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in prison Women Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities.

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Fundación ADUNARE Name of the contact person: Enrique Nogueras Address: Barrio Verde, 8-10, 50002 Zaragoza e-mail [email protected] tel: +34 976 223214 fax: +34 976 203876 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Kaskinen Adult Institute, Kaskinen, FI Gestalt Institute Of Psychotherapy and Counselling, Warsawa, PL


ESPAÑA Project Reference: 04-ESP01-S2G01-05022-1

New approaches to LLL process in European Dimension (AMICA) The majority of the problems we face in adult education deal with the affective component of the learning process that is left aside by the traditional teaching approaches. Our course proposal for adult educators intends to address all these issues using new methodologies in the light of psycho-pedagogical research. The main objective of the project is to create an innovative active-learning training course for a broad group of adult educators with an intention of bringing together and adapting various non-traditional user-friendly methods for different subjects, fields, levels and ages of students and countries. During the project phase a series of pilot courses will be held in the different partner countries using various languages, and different alternative approaches and avant-garde methods will be presented in several course modules, namely: Motivation in the Adult Classroom, Techniques to increase Self-esteem, Anxiety reduction for Adult Learners, Drama Techniques, Affective Component of Adult Learning, Mental Imagery as a Tool to Foster LLL. Great importance will be given to the European Dimension of the course through European evening and European learning/teaching “brain-storming”- exchange of ideas and experience and team of trainers from different partner countries. Total DURATION: Area(s) covered

3 years

FUNDING Year: 2004

Intercultural issues Languages

Project Objectives

Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approaches

Target Group(s)

Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of social marginalisation Local community groups Others: Adult educators

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: CETA, Asociación de Profesores de Inglés de Córdoba Name of the contact person: Francisco Javier Avila Address: Plaza del Cardenal Salazar, 3, 14071 Córdoba e-mail [email protected] tel: +34 957 218124 fax: +34 957 218427 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Euro-Schulen, Görlitz, DE Catalyst, Firenze, IT Technology Educational Institute, Crete, GR Asociación Cultural Comenius, Mejorada del Campo, ES


ESPAÑA Project Reference: 04-ESP01-S2G01-05032-1

Social Inclusion of families at risk- Ulysses The project intends to promote the community cohesion, the social inclusion of families at risk through local networks of support articulating the process for developing schools in the community. Total DURATION: Area(s) covered

Project Objectives

Target Group(s)

1 year

FUNDING Year: 2004

Basic skills Active citizenship Intercultural issues Informattion technology Sustainable development Guidance / counselling or other support services Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approaches Methods for providing credit for knowledge or competence acquired outside formal education Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minority groups Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in prison Women

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Centro de investigación para el desarrollo Name of the contact person: José María Bernal Address: Carlos V-1-1º Drcha. 30300 Cartagena e-mail [email protected] tel: +34 968 08 53 55 fax: +34 968 08 53 56 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) FEPAMIC, Córdoba, ES Association for distance learning of disabled people, Bucarest, RO Debrecen University, Debrecen, HU Altalanos Belvarosi Iskola, Jaszbereny, HU Foundation for Human relations, Sofia, BG


ESPAÑA Project Reference: 04-ESP01-S2G01-05043-1

To know our country: similarities and differences in Europe (SADIE) The objective of this project is to make people aware about the similarities and differences in Europe with the purpose of creating a better understanding and break down the barriers to communication. It is open to adult learners in six European countries and it will intend to create an awareness of their own cultural identity to increase their self-esteem and develop their communicative skills. The participating institutions will exchange methodologies and teaching/learning materials to improve their teaching practice and make the learning experience more attractive and effective for all learners and in that way motivate them to go on with LLL activities. “Blackboard” is a virtual learning tool to be used in the project to facilitate communication among learners and teachers in all six countries. Through it information will be exchanged and linguistic, communicative and information technology skills will be developed. Total DURATION: Area(s) covered

Project Objectives

Target Group(s)

2 years

FUNDING Year: 2004

Intercultural issues Languages European countries/EU Art, music, culture Media Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new methodological approaches Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of social marginalisation

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de Albacete Name of the contact person: Pilar Turégano Address: Jesús Nazareno s/n, 02002 Albacete e-mail [email protected] tel: +34 967 215465 fax: +34 967 218101 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Tampere College, Tampere, FI Telford College, Edinburgh, UK King William I College, Hertogenbosch, NL EUC Syd, Sonderborg, DK Lithuanian Technical library, Vilnius, LT


ESPAÑA Project Reference: 04-ESP01-S2G01-05048-1

Extract the vocabulary universe of literacy from the participants’ point of view The project comes out of the need to have up-to-date and adapted materials to be used with adults to be taught reading and writing, and based on the philosophy of Paulo Freire imbedded in the western society. It intends to develop active methods to detect needs and interests of the participants in these groups, systematize the selection of content and vocabulary main axis of the literacy process. These processes to detect needs can be common to different languages and societies, but the concrete field of generating words will depend on the progression criteria that each language requires when being learnt. Total DURATION: Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s)

1 year

FUNDING Year: 2004

Basic skills Others: expression of needs and interests Experimentation with new pedagogical approaches Women Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in prison Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: FECEAV (Federation of groups of adult education in Valladolid) Name of the contact person: Elvira Ana de Rosales Address: Villanueva, 6-1º C, 47013 Valladolid e-mail [email protected] tel: +34 983 291396 fax: +34 983 291396 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) RECIF, Paris, FR CONEDIS, Torino, IT


ESPAÑA Project Reference: 04-ESP01-S2G01-05058-1

IMPATH- Immigrants pathways The project intends to create a framework for exchanging the different practices for the social integration of first and second generation immigrants in the participating institutions. Each country has its own outlook and reality concerning immigration but they also share things in common, and that includes countries with a long tradition of immigration (France and Italy) and those where the phenomenon is relatively new (Finland, Ireland and Spain). Total DURATION: Area(s) covered

2 years

FUNDING Year: 2004

Basic skills Active citizenship Intercultural issues European countries/EU Art, music, culture Education for parents

Project Objectives

Guidance / counselling or other support services Strategy for stimulating(promoting adult learners’ demand for learning

Target Group(s)

Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minority groups Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of social marginalisation Local community groups

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: AIPC-Pandora Name of the contact person: Ana Eseverri Address: Gran Vía 71-2 Pl, 28013 Madrid e-mail [email protected] tel: +34 91 7589732 fax: +34 91 5590679 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Jyväskylä Christian Institute, Jyväskylä, FI Association pour le developement de citoyens européen, Rubaix, FR South Kerry Development Partnership, Kerry, IR Community for the hosting and solidarity against marginalisation, Firenze, IT


ESPAÑA Project Reference: 04-ESP01-S2G01-05078-2

CONSA 3: Consumerism and Health It is a project addressed to disadvantaged consumers: immigrants/emigrants, senior citizens and women over 50. It pretends to elaborate and experience new dynamics and methodological approaches, showing their usefulness in adult training and trying to reach a multiplier effect of results in the field of guidance, counselling and information to other consumers. Total DURATION: Area(s) covered

Project Objectives

Target Group(s)

3 years

FUNDING Year:2004

Information technology European countries / European Union Consumer education Health Media Guidance / counselling or other support services Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Methods for providing credit for knowledge or competence Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Senior citizens Women

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Escuela Europea de Consumidores Name of the contact person: Nieves Álvarez Address: Nicolás Salmerón 5 y 7, 39009, Santander e-mail [email protected] tel: +34 942 21 06 00 fax: +34 942 21 08 67 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Kontsumo Eskola-Dirección de Consumo del Gobierno Vasco, Vitoria, ES Instituto do Consumidor, Lisboa, PT Adiconsum Regionale Lazio, Roma, IT


ESPAÑA Project Reference: 04-ESP01-S2G01-05087-3

Appreciate the difference This project aims at improving an integral education underlining the ethic values that all pupils, disadvantaged or not, will be confronted with. It is two-phased: in the first phase the project researches how the young perceive disabilities; in a second phase it will try to make parents and teachers aware of these results by means of the publication of a questionnaire. They will also be distributed to the media, the schools where they have all-inclusive classes, so that they can value the benefit of such an integratated education. All along the project they will exchange materials and good practices about how in other European countries these matters are dealt with, how disabilities are perceived by teenagers and how these feelings are researched. It will include a comparative study with the different educational practices in the participating countries. Total DURATION: Area(s) covered

Project Objectives

Target Group(s)

3 years

FUNDING Year:2004

Active citizenship European countries / European Union Education for parents Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner Guidance / counselling or other support services Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of social marginalisation Disabled persons Women

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Fundación Belén, Bethelem Foundation Name of the contact person: Leticia Escardo Address: Plaza Pintor Sorolla, 4, 28010, Madrid, España e-mail [email protected] tel: 34 91 448 39 40 fax: 34 91 448 39 40 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Greta du Sud Ouest Champenois, Sezanne, FR KINE, Pordenone, IT


ESPAÑA Project Reference: 04-ESP01-S2G01-05097-1

EQU@LANG This project, imbedded in the field of coeducation, intends to consolidate gender equality and for that will create a learning network for the use of non sexist language in primary and secondary education. This will be achieved by training adults (parents, teachers and educational staff) in the use of non sexist language as a key point in the transfer of values to boys and girls in schools. Total DURATION: Area(s) covered

Project Objectives

Target Group(s)

1 year

FUNDING Year: 2004

Basic skills Education for parents Guidance / counselling or other support services Experimentation with new pedagogical approaches Others: Mothers and fathers, teachers and other educational staff

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Ayuntamiento de Cullera Name of the contact person: José Salvador Martínez Sansó Address: Plaza de la Virgen, 46400 Cullera (Valencia) e-mail [email protected] tel: +34 96 1723447 fax: Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Coop. Soc. le Studio e Progetto, Oristano, Cerdeña, IT Comune di Latina, Latina, IT Popular University, Rheda-Wiedenbrück, DE Universidad de Valencia, Valencia, ES


ESPAÑA Project Reference: 04-ESP01-S2G01-05102-3

Family Learning This project aims at forming a learning partnership among different European institutions involved in strengthening the role of parents in their children's education. All the participating institutions are worried because of the growing difficulties parents face when educating their children due to the present society where consumer goods have assumed an important place in the scale of values of the young. We think it is important to help and back the parents in this task by means of a forum where they can rely on the guidance and counselling of experts and also to share their problems with other parents and to make them aware of the important responsibilities they have in this matter. The exchange of experiences can enrich the work each independent institution is doing and the final products and materials can be used by other European institutions working in the field. Total DURATION: Area(s) covered

Project Objectives

Target Group(s)

3 years

FUNDING Year:2004

Education for parents

Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner Guidance / counselling or other support services Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in prison Women

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Ayuntamiento de la Villa de Agüimes Name of the contact person: Paqui Domínguez Mena Address: Calle Dr. Joaquín Artiles s/n, 35260 Agüimes, Las Palmas, España e-mail [email protected] tel: 34 928 789 980 fax: 34 928 783 663 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Centre for Studies and Social Intervention, Lisboa, PRT Etablissement Public Local d'enseignement et de formation professionnelle agricole du Cher, Bourges, FR Regional Education and Training Centre, Amhem, NL The Regional Training Centre, Tilburg, NL


FRANCE FRANCE Project Reference: 04-FRA1-S2G01-00249-1

Countrybution Le projet « Countrybution » a pour principal objectif de conduire une réflexion collective sur les méthodes formelles et informelles, traditionnelles et modernes identifiées dans les organisations participantes, visant à prévenir toute forme d’exclusion, qu’elle soit sociale, professionnelle ou ethnique. Il s’agit de permettre à différents groupes cibles en difficulté, recensés au sein des organisations partenaires (chômeurs de plus de 45 ans, prisonniers, immigrés) d’accéder à une citoyenneté active, une plus grande employabilité et une réelle insertion sociale et professionnelle. Les thèmes de réflexion du projet s ont les suivants : - les outils transférables d’une structure à l’autre pour lutter contre l’exclusion, - les stratégies à adopter pour favoriser l’insertion d’un groupe cible : méthodes traditionnelles et/ou modernes, formelles et/ou informelles ? - le développement personnel et social : l’estime de soi, l’autonomie, la confiance en soi, - les moyens de communication : identification des stratégies transférables favorisant l’insertion sociale et professionnelle, - la formation professionnelle comme facteur d’inclusion. Total Duration:

3 years

Area(s) covered

Project Objectives

Target Group(s)

Funding year: First year Active citizenship Intercultural issues Arts, music, culture Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Guidance / counselling or other support services Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in prison Migrants / travellers / ethnic or other minorities Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of social marginalisation

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: GR.ETA industriel des technologies avancées Name of the contact person: Monsieur Frédéric PERRIN Address: 21 rue Sambre et Meuse, 75010 PARIS e-mail: [email protected] tel: +33 142 418 057 fax: +33 142 411 790 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) - Escola profissionel do Pico, MADALENA PICO ISLAND, PT - Institut professionnel d'état d'enseignement agricole et hôtelier G. Raineri et G. Marcora, PIACENZA, IT - Evangelische Akademie, BAD BOLL, DE - Centre of Special Vocational Education and Formation, KALLITHEA, GR - Merikoski Vocational training Centre Adult Education, OULU, FI


FRANCE Project Reference: 04-FRA1-S2G01-00251-1

La dynamique intergénérationnelle Le monde moderne développe pour chaque génération une culture qui lui est propre. Nous voudrions rechercher dans chacun de nos pays ce qui caractérise cette « culture » générationnelle (manuels scolaires de lecture, vidéo, publicité, …), dresser un ou des constat(s), proposer des solutions pour recréer des liens entre générations, s’enrichir des apports mutuels et créer un module de formation pour une sensibilisation et un travail intergénérationnel pour la (les) génération(s) à venir. Total Duration:

3 years

Area(s) covered

Project Objectives

Target Group(s)

Funding year: First year Intercultural issues Active citizenship Education for parents Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Management of adult education organisation / instiitution Senior citizens Local community groups Young adults (men / women)

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: CFP AQUITAINE, FEDAPEL et UGSEL Name of the contact person: Madame Viviane DEVRIESERE Address: 54 boulevard Godard, 33000 BORDEAUX e-mail : [email protected] tel: +33 556 398 106 fax: +33 556 431 328 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) - Agrupamento de escolas – Centro de formaçao Rui Gracio, SEIXAL, PT - IPSS Rosa Luxembourg, BARI, IT - Association de mujeres rurales de Coria, CACERES, ES - Association education secondaire de Trikaka et association de parents d’élèves de Fikki, TRIKALA, GR


FRANCE Project Reference: 04-FRA1-S2G01-00252-2

Coopération pour la formation de personnes handicapées physiques dans le domaine mécanique et électronique médical Ce projet prévoit la réalisation d’échanges qui permettront l’installation de sept ateliers de formation et travail pour personnes handicapées et en difficultés d’insertion. Les partenaires du projet sont des institutions belges, italiennes, espagnoles et françaises, toutes ayant une ou plusieurs compétences dans la formation-emploi de personnes handicapées dans la mécanique et l’électronique médicale. Les partenaires réalisent ensemble les activités suivantes : 1) Etude de faisabilité, destinée à : - l’installation d’un centre de réparation bio-médicale en France, commun aux partenaires, - l’installation dans chaque pays partenaire, d’un atelier de réparation de matériel mécanique (soit 5 ateliers au total), - l’installation d’un atelier de distribution locale en Bulgarie, 2) Elaboration du projet, organisation du réseau, définition des rôles et recherche de financements pour l’installation de 6 ateliers de production et d’un atelier de distribution, 3) Echanges pour la mise en place des ateliers. Total Duration:

2 years

Area(s) covered

Project Objectives

Target Group(s)

Funding year: Second year Active citizenship Sustainable development Health Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Methods for providing credit for knowledge or competence acquired outside formal education Disabled persons Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of social marginalisation Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in prison

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: HANDICAP & LIBERTES Name of the contact person: Madame Maria VEIGA Address: 13 rue Nélaton, 92 800 PUTEAUX e-mail : [email protected] tel: + 33 147 746 219 fax: +33 147 746 219 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) - Association AURELIE, HERSTAL, BEF - Association TERRE, HERSTAL, BEF - CONSORZIO ABELELAVORO, TURIN, IT - ESCLATEC, BARCELONA, ES - ADEP, PUTEAUX, FR - Institut Technique Industriel A. Volta, PERUGIA, IT - Institut Technique Activité Sociale GR Bruno, PERUGIA, IT - Federacion ECOM, BARCELONA, ES - Phoebe KHT, PILISCABA, HU


FRANCE Project Reference: 04-FRA1-S2G01-00255-1

Intégration de la Diversité dans l'Education des Adultes dans les Régions Ultra Périphériques de l'Europe (IDEA-RUPE) Ce projet vise à accroître les connaissances, les compétences en langues, les processus nécessaires à la construction de l’Europe sur le plan de l’éducation des adultes. Il facilitera l’acquisition de tous ordres qui donneront aux apprenants la possibilité d’une réalisation d’eux-mêmes, dans une adaptation authentique et réaliste à leur milieu. Ce Grundtvig vise à identifier et faire des échanges d’expériences et de pratiques, ainsi qu’à la conception de nouvelles stratégies communes pour la réussite dans le domaine de l’insertion ou de la réinsertion. Au cours de la préparation de ce projet, les collègues de la communauté ont reconnu que l’ultra périphéricité ne concerne pas seulement la distance et se demandèrent comment développer des stratégies pour introduire des didactiques et pédagogies nouvelles pur une meilleure prise en compte des cultures de pays si différents. Il ressortait aussi que la situation économique pouvait isoler une nation entourée de pays développés. Une étude menée en Martinique indique que l’on doit tendre vers une meilleure adaptation de l’enseignement au contexte particulier. Y a-t-il un lien entre l’échec et l’ultra périphéricité ? A relier à l’insularité ? En tant que Département d’Outre Mer, nous participons à la construction européenne. La distance avec l’Europe continentale peut être réduite par les moyens de transport, les médias : nombreux exemples médiatisés d’Antillais ayant « réussi » dans les domaines artistiques et sportifs. Nous proposons une étude réciproque et un travail commun sur nos diversités en analysant les caractéristiques des programmes de formation, en dégageant des lignes communes au niveau européen, en prenant en compte les atouts régionaux pour éviter l’exclusion et en saisissant les perspectives, les enjeux, les opportunités à développer en réseau. Total Duration:

3 years

Area(s) covered

Project Objectives

Target Group(s)

Funding year: First year Learning about European countries / European Union Arts, music, culture Intercultural issues Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Local community groups Young adults (men / women)

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Service municipal de la culture de la Trinité, Name of the contact person: Monsieur Daniel PHANOR Address: Mairie de Trinité, Rue Victor Hugo, 97220 TRINITE e-mail : [email protected] tel: +33 596 678 081 fax: Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) - Inspection scolaire dep Vaslui, VASLUI, RO - Lycée bilingue Romain Rolland, STARA ZAGORA, BG - Coordination intercommunale de Karinainen, Aura et Poytya, FI - Institut Technique d'Etat E. Fermi, ISERNIA, IT - Escola Secundaria de Santo Andre, SANTO ANDRE BARREIRO, PT


FRANCE Project Reference: 04-FRA1-S2G01-00261-1

L'insertion sociale par la prise en charge des personnes en difficulté : identification et étude comparative des publics en difficulté en voie de réinsertion par l'emploi dans les secteurs éducatif, sanitaire et social L’enjeu du projet consiste à travailler entre partenaires européens d’origine professionnelle et/ou universitaire professionnelle pour repérer la nature des besoins à couvrir en terme d’assistance dans les champs éducatifs, sanitaire et social auprès de publics en difficulté. La connaissance des publics en voie de réinsertion et de leur inscription sociale et professionnelle autorisera la compréhension des métiers d’assistance et des formations formelles ou informelles à mettre en place. Total Duration:

2 years

Area(s) covered Project Objectives

Target Group(s)

Funding year: First year Learnings and cultural / social integration Guidance / counselling or other support services Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)Methods for providing credit for knowledge or competence acquired outside formal education Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of social marginalisation Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in prison

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: AIFRISSS Name of the contact person: Monsieur Bernard SEGUIER Address: 5 Place de la République, 33270 FLOIRAC e-mail : [email protected] tel: +33 556 867 538 fax: Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) - Hogeschool, AMSTERDAM, NL - Universidad del Païs Vasco – Ciencas de la educacion, SAN SEBASTIAN, ES - Stockholm University – Department of social work, STOCKHOLM, SE - Universytet Lodzki Katedra Pedagoïki Spolecznej, LODZ, PL


FRANCE Project Reference: 04-FRA1-S2G01-00262-2

L’intégration des immigrants : vers une meilleure compréhension et une éducation de qualité dans le cadre d’une coopération européenne Le projet vise à faciliter l’assimilation des immigrants dans les pays partenaires. Toutes les institutions des partenaires offrent déjà des formations pour les immigrants. L’objectif principal du projet consiste à fournir des informations sur les systèmes d’éducation pour les immigrants des différents pays et à développer la même approche pour leur intégration. Ce projet permettra également aux professeurs et aux apprenants des pays partenaires de communiquer entre eux et de partager leurs expériences. L’idée consiste à créer un site internet qui présente les institutions des partenaires, leurs(s) programme(s) de formation pour immigrants, des informations sur les législations européennes et nationales concernant le processus d’intégration, un forum de discussion pour les professeurs et les apprenants. Nous prévoyons de mettre en place une « Journée de l’Immigration » dans chaque pays partenaire basée sur des événements spéciaux et des activités créatrices ainsi qu’une possibilité d’échange de professeurs. Total Duration:

2 years

Area(s) covered

Project Objectives

Target Group(s)

Funding year: Second year Active citizenship Intercultural issues Learning about European countries / European Union Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Guidance / counselling or other support services Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Migrants / travellers / ethnic or other minorities Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of social marginalisation

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: GR.ETA DES PAYS CHAMPENOIS – Site de Sézanne Name of the contact person: Monsieur Patrick GAILLARD Address: Chemin de la Fontaine du Vé, 51120 SEZANNE e-mail : [email protected] tel: +33 326 814 487 fax: + 33 326 806 087 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) - HIIDEN OPISTO, LOHJA, FI - DANMAR Computers, RZESZOW, PL - Centro Gamma, NAPLES, IT - UniCom Education Center, RYKJAVIC, IS - Centro territoriale Permanente per l’Istruzione e la formazione in eta adulta, CASTELMASSA, IT - IPF – Iniciativas Para la Formacion – International consulting, MALAGA, ES


FRANCE Project Reference: 04-FRA1-S2G01-00263-3

Auto-formation et formation à distance L’autoformation : Il s’agit dans un premier temps d’échanger sur nos pratiques pédagogiques liées à l’autoformation, puis d’établir une charte qualitative (prise en compte des critiques et des observations des apprenants ainsi que du public en difficulté et en voie d’insertion sociale et professionnelle), enfin de créer des modules spécifiques dans différentes matières : les formateurs d’une même matière conçoivent un module plus ou moins long et le traduisent dans leur langue nationale, tout en respectant la charte préalablement définie. Ces modules pourront être testés et validés par les apprenants associés à ce projet. La formation à distance : Parallèlement à ces modules d’autoformation, la formation à distance sera l’une des réponses au premier objectif de ce projet. En effet, il paraît judicieux d’inclure la formation à distance dans le projet d’autoformation. Pour atteindre ce deuxième objectif, la méthodologies de travail proposée sera la même : échanges de pratiques, rédaction d’une charte qualitative. Une méthodologie de travail sera également à construire (quand inclure la première partie du projet, avec quel support, quel matériel, quel public…). Grâce aux modules créés dans la première partie du projet, certaines tâches pourront être transférées à la formation à distance mais on pourra également concevoir un module complet en formation à distance. Deux modules de formation par an seront conçus : la première année concernera le niveau de base, la deuxième année devra permettre d’atteindre les exigences des compétences de base, la troisième année les compétences liées à l’employabilité. L’utilisation novatrice des technologies de l’information sera effective à chaque étape du projet et en augmentera les compétences associées. L’objectif final de ce travail sera la création d’un site internet éducatif qui permettra aux apprenants d’apprendre en autoformation et à distance. Les apprenants associés à ce projet permettront de critiquer et/ou faire des remarques et suggestions pour aboutir à un travail le plus parfait possible ; ils testeront non seulement les modules mais également la méthodologie de travail et la qualité du site interactif. Pour ces 2 étapes du projet, des rencontres seront prévues et une grande partie du travail sera réalisée à distance, en fonction des équipements de chaque partenaire ; de l’e-mail à la visioconférence en passant par le forum de discussion et l’audio-conférence. Les stagiaires adultes seront associés à chaque étape du projet, de la conception à l’évaluation, en passant par la mise en pratique. Total Duration:

3 years

Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s)

Funding year: Third year Active citizenship Intercultural issues Information technology Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Guidance / counselling or other support services Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in prison Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Young adults (men / women)

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: GR.ETA des Pays Champenois Name of the contact person: Monsieur Patrick GAILLARD Address: Chemin de la Fontaine du Vé, 51120 SEZANNE e-mail : [email protected] tel: +33 326 814 487 fax: +33 326 806 087 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) - North City Training, BELFAST, UK - Zidinys, VILNIUS, LT - Association d’Insertion Piste, SEZANNE, FR - Scarabeus, LVORNO, IT - Academy of Agriculture in Lublin, ZAMOSC, PL - Fundacion Belen, MADRID, ES - Klaipeda College of Social Sciences, KLAIPEDA, LT - SIMA asbl, BRUXELLES, BE 119

- National Institute for Small and Medium Sized Enterprises, BUCHAREST, RO - Association DIA-Sport, SOFIA, BG - Maison pour les Enseignants, CRAIOVA, RO - Maison pour les Enseignats, BOTOSANI, RO - Iniciativas Para la Formacion – International Consulting, MALAGA, ES


FRANCE Project Reference: 04-FRA1-S2G01-00265-1

Etre parent(s) aujourd'hui / Education intergénérationnelle en Europe Construire des partenariats européens entre petites structures implantées localement en zones urbaines et rurales, publiques et privées pour analyser des méthodes et processus ainsi que pour collecter des bonnes pratiques. Favoriser une meilleure connaissance des pratiques non formelles dans des champs d'intérêts communs : participation des habitants, processus d’apprentissage interculturels et intergénérationnels, transmission de valeurs. Nous mènerons des analyses des politiques de l'éducation non formelle et des pratiques de nos associations et terrains respectifs. Nous allons promouvoir et accompagner des activités éducatives mixtes (volontaires – adultes et enfants). Nous collecterons les pratiques et outils innovants, et nous réaliserons un livre. Total Duration:

3 years

Area(s) covered

Project Objectives

Target Group(s)

Funding year: First year Active citizenship Learning about European countries / European Union Intercultural issues Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Centre social Mer et Colline Name of the contact person: Madame Jane-France MAUTALEN Address: 16 boulevard de la Verrerie, 13008 MARSEILLE e-mail : [email protected] [email protected] tel : +33 491 722 291 fax : +33 491 727 009 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) - Public service for youth and families, CUENCA, ES - School inspectorate, GIURGIU, RO - Parents association for students of Makedonitissa, NICOSIE, CY - Movement for couples and families, MALONNE, BE


FRANCE Project Reference: 04-FRA1-S2G01-00280-1

AMIE (Acteurs MIlieu rural Enfance) : une formation des acteurs de la vie locale en milieu rural Ce programme prend place dans le cadre d’une mise en réseau de 3 organisations en Europe qui se sont donné pour objectif de mutualiser et produire des connaissances sur les questions d’éducation, de participation des parents et habitants concourrant au développement des territoires ruraux fragilisés. Si des réflexions se mènent dans ces organisations pour autant, il est important de permettre la montée en compétence, l’enrichissement des acteurs eux-mêmes impliqués dans ces territoires ruraux. C’est pourquoi l’objectif de ce programme consiste à former des acteurs (parents, habitants, professionnels petite enfance, socoprofessionnels, élus locaux, techniciens des municipalités) agissant dans les territoires ruraux. Pour ce faire, ces formations s’appuieront sur l’appréhension et l’acquisition : - de pratiques de terrain et d’expérimentation au travers de visites et de stages, - d’apports théoriques et méthodologiques par le biais de séminaires, forum et publications. La base de ce programme est sa dimension collective : échanges dans un même pays et avec les autres pays, avec des acteurs à différents niveaux afin de mutualiser, d’échanger sur ces méthodes et pratiques. Les différents acteurs sont : - les parents qui renforcent leur capacité auprès des enfants et deviennent responsables associatifs de services à l’enfance, créant ainsi des dynamiques dans les territoires ruraux, - les professionnels (éducateurs, professeurs et techniciens des municipalités) qui renforcent leurs compétences professionnelles et leur capacité à encadrer et animer des groupes d’enfants et de parents et à créer du lien avec l’environnement local, - les développeurs, coordinateurs et animateurs locaux qui mobilisent les parents, les habitants et les élus locaux en les mettant en relation afin de leur donner la motivation et la capacité d’initier des projets et d’en assumer la responsabilité de fonctionnement dans la durée. Total Duration:

3 years

Area(s) covered

Project Objectives

Target Group(s)

Funding year: First year Active citizenship Education for parents Environment Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Methods for providing credit for knowledge or competence acquired outside formal education Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons Local community groups

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Association des Collectifs Enfants Parents Professionnels Name of the contact person: Madame Françoise BROCHET Address: 15 rue du Charolais, 75012 PARIS e-mail : [email protected] tel: +33 144 738 531 fax: +33 144 738 539 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) - Instituto das Communidades Educativas (ICE), SETUBAL, PT - Preescolar na Casa, LUGO, ES


FRANCE Project Reference: 04-FRA1-S2G01-00282-1

Motiver des jeunes aux métiers de l'artisanat : "ARTISAN'AVENTURE" L’artisanat souffre, dans de nombreux pays européens et depuis plusieurs années, d’une déficience d’image liée aux représentations véhiculées. L’abandon progressif des formations techniques au profit de formations générales, les conditions de travail difficiles, les niveaux de rémunération peu attractifs et les difficultés d’installation pour les jeunes sont autant de raisons qui expliquent le désengagement des jeunes dans ce secteur professionnel. Bien qu’étant encore à ce jour considérée comme la première entreprise de France (en nombre de salariés), le secteur de l’artisanat doit faire face, d’une part, à un manque de main-d’œuvre qualifié, d’autre part, à la disparition progressive d’entreprises, du fait du non-remplacement du chef d’entreprise à son départ en retraite. Cette situation est d’autant plus dramatique en secteur rural, car la disparition d’activités contribue au déséquilibre économique : situation notamment rencontrée en Alsace (Pays de Saverne Plaine et Plateau). Selon la Chambre Régionale de l’Artisanat, seuls 12% des créateurs d’entreprise sont âgés de moins de 25 ans. Cette préoccupation est identique sur l’ensemble du territoire européen et nous souhaiterions, au travers de ce projet, proposer une démarche commune. Dans un premier temps, il convient d’échanger et de mettre en commun les méthodes pratiques et outils utilisés et connus des uns et des autres, et qui amènent les jeunes à s’intéresser aux métiers de l’artisanat. Ces échanges, avec nos partenaires (ayant tous de l’expérience dans l’orientation et la guidance), porteront sur : - l’image du travail artisanal en Europe (valeurs, conditions de travail, place, reconnaissance, …), - les stratégies de motivation pour amener les apprenants à s’orienter vers ces métiers, - l’organisation des parcours éducatifs. Ces échanges permettront de construire une action « prototype » qui sera testée et évaluée la deuxième année. Dans un second temps, nous organiserons des échanges de formateurs et d’enseignants ainsi que d’apprenants. Enfin, pour accompagner ces échanges, nous créerons un site internet (présentation des partenaires, diffusion des informations, forum net et liens), et pour diffuser les résultats, nous proposerons l’organisation d’une manifestation finale, rassemblant les acteurs locaux et les partenaires. Total Duration:

2 years

Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s)

Funding year: First year Active citizenship Learning about European countries / European Union Sustainable development Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Others : learners without qualification Local community groups

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: IRFA EST INTEREGION Name of the contact person: Monsieur Richard STEYER Address: Voie romaine, BP 30086, 57301 HAGONDANGE e-mail: [email protected] tel: +33 387 516 270 fax: +33 387 804 970 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) - Consorzio Mainsys, PERUGGIA, IT - ANJAF, LISBOA, PT - Handwerskammer, HAMBURG, DE - Saulkaine Secondary Vocational School, BAUSKAS RAJONS, LV - Associazione Formazione 80, TORINO, IT


FRANCE Project Reference: 04-FRA1-S2G01-00285-2

HANDI COOP Selon une première approche faite par notre partenariat HANDICOOP, la situation des handicapé(e)s au chômage présente de nombreux obstacles à leur réintégration professionnelle rapide. Ainsi, la pertinence de l’orientation de ce public, la qualité de son accompagnement et de son suivi constituent une exigence pour accéder à un emploi durable, pour s’engager sur le chemin de l’orientation, de l’insertion ou de la réinsertion professionnelle et sociale. L’ampleur du problème justifie une prise en compte des problèmes de formation et d’accompagnement des Travailleurs (ses) Handicapés (ées) (TH). Chaque partenaire a des systèmes et des pratiques propres. Cette diversité constitue une source d’enrichissement et forme un terrain fertile à l’innovation et à la recherche de la qualité. Notre partenariat va nous permettre de promouvoir une coopération éducative par l’échange d’expériences, par l’échange d’apprenants et de formateurs, de pratiques et de méthodes, de réfléchir ensemble à des thématiques auxquelles nous sommes confrontés quotidiennement. Dans un premier temps, nous travaillerons sur la mise en place d’une analyse des pratiques propres à chaque partenaire, une analyse des besoins des formateurs et des apprenants TH, une mise en commun des diverses expériences et une étude des meilleures pratiques dans nos pays partenaires. Dans un second temps, nous créerons, dans le cadre d’un Grundtvig 1 déposé en 2004, des modules de formation en direction des publics concernés : conception de cours de formation (module de sensibilisation à l’hétérogénéité des formes de handicap, connaissance des réseaux et aides pour le TH), création de matériel de formation et de matériel pédagogique (module d’acceptation de son handicap, de soi). Notre partenariat entend promouvoir l’intégration du TH dans le système éducatif, faciliter son accessibilité physique et pédagogique, permettre aux formateurs d’appréhender le TH selon sa situation, en toute objectivité. Total Duration: : 2 years Area(s) covered

Project Objectives

Target Group(s)

Funding year: Second year Basic skills Intercultural issues Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Guidance / counselling or other support services Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Disabled persons Others : managers, trainers in fields of disability

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Maison de la formation et de l’innovation de la communauté urbaine d’Arras Name of the contact person: Madame Sylvia BROCVIELLE Address: 23 rue du Dépôt – BP 181, 62 004 ARRAS CEDEX e-mail : [email protected]; [email protected] tel: + 33 321 077 060 fax: +33 321 249 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) - Agence Wallonne pour l’intégration des personnes handicapées, CHARLEROI, BEF - Centro Sviluppo Piccola e Media (CESVIP) SOC. COOP. A.R.L., PIACENZA, IT - CO-LABOR/ Société coopérative, LUXEMBOURG, LU


FRANCE Project Reference: 04-FRA1-S2G01-00288-1

SPRINGBOARD (un tremplin pour l'intégration sociale des jeunes publics en difficulté) Le projet SPRINGBOARD a pour principal objectif de permettre à de jeunes personnes en difficulté et à de jeunes handicapés de s’intégrer dans la vie sociale et dans la vie professionnelle. Grâce à des échanges transnationaux, les formateurs et les bénéficiaires pourront acquérir une dimension européenne et interculturelle. Ce projet entend servir de tremplin à ces personnes afin qu’elles prennent conscience que leurs préoccupations se retrouvent dans d’autres pays européens. A travers les échanges de pratiques éducatives et de solutions entre les partenaires du projet, l’objectif commun sera d’aider ces jeunes personnes en difficulté à trouver leur place dans la société, à être plus autonomes et à retrouver une confiance en soi. On visera également à améliorer la qualité des services apportés à ce public et à créer un site Internet qui facilitera échanges et formations. Le projet a pour objectif d’éduquer tout citoyen pour que chacun prenne conscience que tout individu a droit à une place dans la société. Total Duration:

2 years

Area(s) covered

Project Objectives

Target Group(s)

Funding year: First year Basic skills Active citizenship Information technology Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of social marginalisation Disabled persons Migrants / travellers / ethnic or other minorities

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: GR.ETA Paramédical et Social, Name of the contact person: Madame Anne VERGER Address: 29 bis rue de Cronstadt, 75015 PARIS e-mail : [email protected] tel: +33 153 680 690 fax: +33 142 504 898 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) - Organismo Autonomo Local de Formacion y Promocion de Empleo, RONDA (MALAGA), ES - Association pour le Développement de la Pédagogie de l'individualsiation, PARIS, FR - Wide open School Foundation, ZIAR NAD HRONOM, SK - Workers Educational Association, RANDERS, DK - Direction Générale des Affaires Sociales, MARCINELLE, BE - Provocatie, BUCAREST, RO


FRANCE Project Reference: 04-FRA1-S2G01-00302-1

CINEMAVILLE-EUROPE L’éducation traditionnelle utilise l’oral et l’écrit comme supports de communication, qui peuvent devenir des obstacles pour des populations qui les maîtrisent souvent mal. L’utilisation du papier-crayon est souvent synonyme (ou souvenir) d’échec. Parmi les nouveaux modes éducatifs, l’image est parfaitement acceptée par ces populations en difficulté d’insertion : elle a un sens. Par ailleurs, il est aujourd’hui plus efficace de réaliser des actions de formation ou d’apprentissage en utilisant les NTIC et en faisant référence aux médias rencontrés dans notre environnement quotidien. D’où la nécessité de proposer au médiateur une amélioration de son mode de communication ; non pas une modernisation artificielle ou systématique, mais faire bénéficier le discours pédagogique de l’avancement du progrès technique, en l’intégrant de façon naturelle au processus d’apprentissage. Ce constat nous a conduit à concevoir un projet de coopération avec différents partenaires européens : organismes de l’enseignement institutionnel et non-institutionnel (centre de formation et de réinsertion, universités, associations de recherches,…) appartenant aux Etats membres de l’U.E. et pays candidats à l’adhésion. Ce nouveau projet propose : - d’organiser des séminaires pour comparer et échanger les différentes pratiques pédagogiques en prenant en compte les sensibilités diverses (culturelles, sociales, économiques), - de réunir des partenaires travaillant dans le domaine de l’enseignement pour jeunes et adultes pour permettre (dans une deuxième phase) la mise en œuvre du projet CINEMAVILLE-EUROPE, - de développer des actions communes avec les pays partenaires, - de procéder à des échanges entre les différents groupes, - de définir une méthodologie commune pour la réalisation du projet CINEMAVILLE. Les résultats de cette étude serviront de base au projet final dont le contenu succinct est le suivant : dans plusieurs villes d’Europe, des groupes de jeunes racontent leurs histoires, écrivent les scénarios et tournent les films correspondants. Préalablement à cette action, les stagiaires reçoivent une formation initiale dont le contenu sera adapté aux habitudes pédagogiques et à la sensibilité de chaque pays dont le fond sera commun à chaque action. Une grande manifestation annuelle (2 jours) sera organisée, durant laquelle, stagiaires, pédagogues, représentants des organismes publics, représentants des médias seront réunis. Au cours de cette manifestation, tous les films seront présentés au public par les stagiaires eux-mêmes. Total Duration:

1 year

Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Other (describe if applicable)

Funding year: First year Basic skills Intercultural issues Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of social marginalisation Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in prison Young adults (men /women)

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: L'image des mots Name of the contact person: Monsieur Jean-Pierre DUPUY Address: 13 rue Etienne Marcel, 75001 PARIS e-mail : [email protected] tel: +33 145 081 214 fax: +33 145 081 214 Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) - CEJAC, BARCELONA, ES - Colegiul Universitar, DROBETA TURNU SEVERIN, RO - Edinburgh University Settlement, EDINBURGH, UK - La FUNOC, CHARLEROI, BE - TIN, LJUBLJANA, SL


FRANCE Project Reference: 04-FRA1-S2G01-00307-1

Développement d'outils de formation pour les lieux de culture indépendants en Europe Le projet est un processus élaboré avec différentes organisations paritaires européennes pour développer une formation et créer des outils méthodologiques accessibles sur le long terme. Ces outils seront adaptés aux besoins des jeunes artistes et acteurs culturels (notre groupe cible), qui ont peu ou pas d’expérience dans la gestion de lieux de culture nés d’initiatives artistiques citoyennes en Europe et/ou dans la reconversion de friches en espaces artistiques. Les objectifs de ce projet sont les suivants : - analyser, à travers un travail de recherche, les compétences et les savoir-faire des responsables culturels qui dirigent des lieux existants et organisent des projets artistiques et éducatifs ancrés dans leur territoire, - rassembler cette expérience et la rendre accessible sur Internet, - définir les besoins des apprenants qui sont sur le point de créer ou d’ouvrir leur propre lieu, - développer des formations et des outils méthodologiques plus adaptés aux besoins des opérateurs culturels en 2005. Une attention plus particulière sera donnée à la connaissance de la situation de ces opérateurs dans les pays en voie d’adhésion à l’Union Européenne. Total Duration:

1 year

Area(s) covered

Other (describe if applicable) Project Objectives

Target Group(s)

Funding year: First year European countries / European Union Arts, music, culture Sustainable development Other : development of competence in management of cultural structures Guidance / counselling or other support services Methods for providing credit for knowledge or competence acquired outside formal education Others: young artists and people working in cultural activities with low experience in management and living in urban / rural areas. Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Artfactories Name of the contact person: Madame Sandrine CRISOSTOMO Address: 1, rue Charles Garnier, 93400 SAINT-OUEN e-mail : [email protected] tel: + 33 140 116 414 fax: +33 140 112 524 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) - Amsterdam Maastricht Summer University, AMSTERDAM, NL - Strategies for Art and Space, LONDON, UK - Truc sphérique, ZILINA, SK - K@2, LIEPAJA, LV


FRANCE Project Reference: 04-FRA1-S2G01-00317-1

Participation locale, engagement citoyen et intégration des immigrés Réaliser des échanges qui permettent à partir de nos pratiques et de nos expériences respectives d’améliorer notre réflexion et notre action pour développer la citoyenneté active au plan local, l’engagement citoyen et l’intégration des personnes les plus en difficulté et des étrangers (dimension interculturelle). Vérifier, en échangeant nos approches, que les démarches « d’empowerment » constituent un levier pour la formation personnelle, la construction de parcours d’intégration et d’insertion sociale en développant à la fois sa capacité individuelle et son intégration dans un cadre collectif. Les expériences prises dans des contextes différents doivent permettre à chacun d’élargir ses possibilités de réflexion, d’action et de réponses. Ces échanges qui impliqueront des associations (bénévoles et salariés) mais également des élus locaux viseront à construire les bases d’une collaboration entre les autorités locales et la société civile pour développer ces objectifs et en garantir les conditions de mise en œuvre, en partageant cette démarche apprenante ensemble. Total Duration:

2 years

Area(s) covered Project Objectives

Target Group(s)

Funding year: First year Active citizenship Intercultural issues Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Guidance / counselling or other support services Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Management of adult education organisation / instiitution Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Migrants / travellers / ethnic or other minorities Local community groups

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Fédération des Centres Sociaux de Seine Saint Denis Name of the contact person: Madame Marie-Chantal DURU Address: 63 rue du 18 juin, 93220 GAGNY e-mail : [email protected] tel: + 33 143 518 680 fax: +33 143 307 467 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) - Associazione nazionale publiche assistenze, BOLOGNA, IT - Femmes prévoyantes socialistes, BRUXELLES, BE


FRANCE Project Reference: 04-FRA1-S2G01-00318-1

Insertion professionnelle des Gens du Voyage en Europe Le mode de vie des Gens du Voyage en Europe constitue un obstacle à leur intégration à des sociétés dont les modes de fonctionnement sont très différents des leurs. Les systèmes d’éducation et de formation professionnelle (initiaux et continus) ne sont pas adaptés à leur fréquentation irrégulière, et ne permettent pas une progression pédagogique normale pour les membres de ces communautés. Ce contexte ne leur permet pas d’élaborer un projet professionnel et donc d’envisager une formation qualifiante. Le problème est encore plus aigu pour les femmes. La finalité de ce projet serait de contribuer, par la recherche de nouveaux moyens et de nouvelles méthodes, à améliorer : - le taux de poursuite de la formation au-delà de la période obligatoire (notamment en formation professionnelle qualifiante) des jeunes issus de ces communautés, - leur taux de participation aux actions de formation professionnelle continue des adultes (notamment les jeunes adultes de 16 à 25 ans sortis du système scolaire). Les objectifs et activités spécifiques du projet seraient : - d’élaborer et publier un « Guide des Bonnes Pratiques » (version web et imprimable) qui ont amélioré, dans les pays du partenariat, la formation qualifiante et l’insertion professionnelle des Gens du Voyage, - de réaliser et de publier une étude consacrée aux besoins particuliers des Gens du Voyage en matière d’organisation des systèmes d’éducation et de formation, - de rechercher les méthodes et outils pédagogiques innovants qui pourraient contribuer à l’élévation du niveau de formation, de qualification, et d’insertion professionnelle du groupe cible. Total Duration:

2 years

Area(s) covered

Project Objectives

Target Group(s)

Funding year: First year Social and professional inclusion of disadvantaged people Basic skills Intercultural issues Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of social marginalisation Migrants / travellers / ethnic or other minorities Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in prison

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Groupement d’Intérêt Public Formation Continue – Insertion Professionnelle (GIP FC-IP) de l’académie de Clermont-Ferrand Name of the contact person: Monsieur Christian LALLIAS Address: 3 avenue Vercingétorix, 63033 CLERMONT-FERRAND e-mail : [email protected] tel: + 33 473 993 573 fax: +33 473 993 571 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) - Centro de Educacion de Personas Adultas, PENAFIEL, ES - Institut Athina, ELEFSINA, GR - Centre didactique moderne, Vilnius, LT


FRANCE Project Reference: 04-FRA1-S2G01-00319-1

ADEX : Adults Development Education Exchange (Echange d'expériences en éducation des adultes) SUMMARY: Echanges de réflexions et bonnes pratiques entre 5 partenaires qui travaillent tous pour l’éducation d’adultes à des niveaux variés d’expérience en matière d’éducation au développement. Exploration des contextes de travail et des stratégies, des approches et des activités déployées par chaque pays partenaire. (cf la résolution européenne sur l’Education au Développement du 8/11/01). Chaque pays partenaire accueillera une rencontre pour : - présenter ses actions en matière d’éducation au développement pour adultes avec visite des installations, - faciliter séminaires, ateliers et conférences sur ses approches éducatives, y compris pour impliquer les groupes de minorités ethniques en la matière, - faire participer apprenants locaux et représentants de la société civile. Les mobilités bi-annuelles impliqueront environ 5 personnes (éducateurs et apprenants, autant que possible). Le projet, pendant 36 mois, porte sur un échange d’expériences, qui bénéficiera à tous et permettra : - l’accès à l’information nouvelle et l’acquisition de connaissances et de capacités spécifiques, - la mise en œuvre de certains projets, productions, matériaux éducatifs circulant librement, - l’enrichissement des groupes cibles d’apprenants par l’acquisition de savoirs et le développement de nouveaux savoir-faire. Chaque organisation partenaire diffusera largement les résultats du projet et toute ressource de ce partenariat éducatif pour démultiplier l’impact du projet : documents écrits, pages web, vidéo dans les réseaux de chacun à des niveaux différents : local, national, européen et international. Total Duration:

3 years

Area(s) covered

Project Objectives

Target Group(s) Other (describe if applicable)

Funding year: First year Active citizenship Sustainable development Intercultural issues Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Local community groups Migrants / travellers / ethnic or other minorities Other : equality between men and women

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: UNAPEC Name of the contact person: Monsieur Fulgence KONE Address: 35 rue Vaugelas, 75015 PARIS e-mail : [email protected] tel: +33 153 737 360 fax: +33 153 737 337 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) - KADE, TRALEE, IE - Association de Parents d’élèves du Lycée Apostolique de Vamavas, NICOSIA, CY - PEKADE, ATHENES, GR - University of Technology, GDANSK, PL


FRANCE Project Reference: 04-FRA1-S2G01-00338-1

DECLIC : appui à la citoyennté par le droit Le droit, à condition qu’il soit véritablement approprié par les personnes, peut être un outil essentiel pour qu’elles puissent exercer activement leur citoyenneté, renforcer leur autonomie et favoriser au mieux le mode de vie auquel elles aspirent. Le projet DECLIC entend contribuer à cette appropriation par la formation à l’action juridique et judiciaire des personnes, en l’espèce en situation de précarité économique et sociale (habitants de quartier, collectifs de femmes, de migrants, de paysans en difficulté,…). Il vise à mutualiser les compétences et savoir-faire d’organisations d’éducation populaire pour élaborer et diffuser des modules de formation et supports pédagogiques, à partir de l’identification de pratiques populaires de droit européennes (mouvements collectifs de revendication de droit, participation citoyenne à la production de droit, résolution pacifique de conflits de proximité, …), à l’origine de dynamiques sociales importantes. L’élaboration se fera en partenariat étroit avec les acteurs de ces pratiques qui feront partie à terme de l’équipe de formation. Au final, ce projet vise à développer l’offre de formation à destination d’apprenants adultes en situation de précarité économique et sociale leur permettant d’acquérir les connaissances, les compétences et savoir-faire indispensables pour agir ensemble et faire évoluer positivement leur situation. Total Duration:

2 years

Area(s) covered

Project Objectives

Target Group(s)

Funding year: First year Active citizenship

Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in prison Migrants / travellers / ethnic or other minorities Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Juristes-Solidarités Name of the contact person: Madame Céline DELACOUR Address: 65 rue Meslay, 75003 APRIS e-mail : [email protected] tel: +33 148 874 258 fax: +33 148 875 039 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) - Habitat et Participation, OTTIGNES-LOUVAIN-LA NEUVE, BE - Fundacion Iberoamericana de Derechos Humanos, SEVILLE, ES - Communauté Capodarco de Rome / centre de droits, ROMA, IT


FRANCE Project Reference: 04- FRA1- S2G01- 00347-2

Education transgénérationnelle Construire de nouveaux partenariats locaux entre petites structures implantées localement en zone urbaine et rurale / publiques et privées pour collecter des bonnes pratiques de transmission intergénérationnelles dans le champ des rites de passage et d’événements culturels. Favoriser une meilleure connaissance des pratiques non formelles dans des champs d’intérêt communs : participation des habitants, processus d’apprentissage citoyen à partir de la transmission de méthodes et valeurs. Nous mènerons : - des analyses des politiques de l’éducation non formelle et des pratiques de nos associations et terrains respectifs ; - la promotion et l’accompagnement des activités éducatives mixtes (jeunes, volontaires, formateurs et habitants) ; - des collectes de pratiques et outils innovants ; - des temps de rencontre avec des partenaires sur des territoires très diversifiés et ainsi apprendre ce qu’est l’Europe au niveau local ; - la démultiplication des résultats auprès des publics locaux et sur internet. Total Duration:

2 years

Area(s) covered

Project Objectives

Target Group(s)

Funding year: Second year Active citizenship Intercultural issues Education for parents Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Migrants / travellers / ethnic or other minorities Economically or socially disadvantaged groups Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of social marginalisation

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Fédération des Centres Sociaux de France Name of the contact person: Madame Martine EGELE Address: 8 boulevard de Dunkerque, 13002 MARSEILLE e-mail : [email protected] tel: +33 491 918 841 +33 610 311 543 fax: Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) - Scoala Pentru Integrare Europeana Pavox Studio 2001, BUCAREST, RO - Asociacion cultural de Rontegui Ainara, BARAKALDO, ES - Solidarios – Fondaçao para o Desenvolvimento Cooperativo e Comunitario, OLIVEIRA DO BAIRRO, PT - Knowsley Metropolotan Borough Council, MERSEYSIDE, UK


FRANCE Project Reference: 04-FRA1-S2G01-00349-2

NEWROLE - L’exclusion des travailleurs âgés du marché du travail est un problème majeur pour beaucoup de pays européens. - Les recherches indiquent qu’il est important de combattre l’exclusion des travailleurs âgés et d’augmenter leur niveau d’emploi : pour développer leur employabilité, nous devons utiliser les opportunités de la formation continue des adultes. - Le développement de la « formation tout au long de la vie » est très important. - Faciliter l’accès à une vie active par la formation tout au long de la vie est très important. Dans ce contexte, il est important de repérer les structures de formation existantes, leurs pratiques, leurs services, d’assurer le lien entre les besoins des employeurs et les besoins des travailleurs. Il est aussi nécessaire d’encourager les partenariats locaux (employeurs, centres de formation, syndicats, autorités publiques, …). Basé sur une méthodologie de recherche, le projet NEWROLE a commencé le repérage de la situation dans chaque pays partenaire. Ceci a aussi permis d’identifier, sur les différents territoires, les similitudes et les bonnes pratiques qui pourraient potentiellement être échangées entre les partenaires et contribuer au développement de supports de formation pour permettre aux travailleurs seniors le maintien dans l’emploi ou le retour à l’emploi. Dans la deuxième année du projet, il est prévu de développer cette phase initiale et d’identifier les éléments de travail qui seront testés dans chaque pays partenaire. Les partenaires vont commencer à agir comme un groupe d’analyse et de support pour fournir aide et informations. A la fin de la deuxième année, il est prévu d’établir une liste de bonnes pratiques et de la diffuser plus largement à d’autres organisations intéressées par les stratégies de formation pour prévenir les risques d’exclusion de l’emploi des travailleurs âgés. Total Duration:

2 years

Area(s) covered

Project Objectives

Target Group(s)

Funding year: Second year Active citizenship Basic skills Intercultural issues Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Guidance / counselling or other support services Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Management of adult education organisation / instiitution Methods for providing credit for knowledge or competence acquired outside formal education Others : senior workers with inadapted qualification

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: GR.ETA Ampère Name of the contact person: Monsieur Daniel PILLON Address: 27 rue Gentil, 69002 LYON e-mail : [email protected]; [email protected] tel: + 33 472 106 596 fax: +33 478 285 915 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) - Centro publico de educacion de adultos « Alfinden », LA PUEBLA DE ALFINDEN, ES - I.S.C. di Anghiari, Centro territoriale permanente Valtiberina, ANGHIARI, IT - GR.ETA du Salagou, CLERMONT-L’HERAULT, FR - Integra Association, PLOVDIV, BG - NHSU, ORMSKIRK, UK - Manchester College of Arts and Technology, MANCHESTER, UK - Eikli AS, HONEFOSS, NO - Work Research Institute, OSLO, NO (ex-coordinateur)


FRANCE Project Reference: 04- FRA1-S2G01- 00350-3

Publics défavorisés et Chances Europe Le projet vise à constituer un groupe d’échanges autour de pratiques éducatives auprès de jeunes et adultes en difficulté d’insertion sociale et professionnelle, en vue d’enrichir les expériences de chaque partenaire intervenant. Dans un deuxième temps, ce projet permettra d’induire une dynamique de réflexion et de participation élargie aux équipes éducatives des institutions concernées, de créer un intérêt pour la connaissance des différents degrés de fonctionnement de l’Europe, et plus particulièrement sur les actions engagées sur la lutte contre l’exclusion des personnes défavorisées. La réalisation ainsi que la diffusion d’une documentation spécifique au projet sont autant d’outils et d’impacts que nous escomptons dans ce partenariat. La finalité du projet permettra aux apprenants de bénéficier de possibilités nouvelles de communication avec les institutions partenaires et de pouvoir y effectuer des séjours linguistiques et culturels. A travers ces échanges culturels et cette ouverture européenne, nous souhaitons donner une chance à ceux qui n’en ont pas eu beaucoup jusqu’à maintenant, et élargir leur champ de référence culturelle, et leur permettre de développer de nouvelles chances d’insertion. Ce projet représente une base d’échanges à caractère européen qui doit permettre autant aux travailleurs sociaux qu’aux formateurs et bénéficiaires de tisser un réseau ainsi qu’une volonté nouvelle d’intérêts, d’apports et de ressources dans une vision européenne. Il est non seulement caractérisé par ces objectifs, mais également par l’occasion qu’il représente de rencontres, d’échanges d’idées et de réalisations nouvelles de projets futurs. Total Duration:

3 years

Area(s) covered

Project Objectives Target Group(s)

Funding year: Third year Basic skills Intercultural issues Languages Learning about European countries / European Union Information technology Sustainable development Arts, music, culture Other : knowledge about social institutions in each partner country Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of social marginalisation Economically or socially disadvantaged groups Women

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Association Départementale de la Sauvegarde de l’Enfance et de l’Adolescence de Seine et Marne Logis Formation Name of the contact person: Monsieur Sylvère Cochelin Address: 2 rue de l’Eglise, Saint Germain Laxis, 77950 MAINCY e-mail : [email protected] tel: + 33 164 144 200, +33 164 144 211 fax: +33 164 524 376 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) - CIDAF, BUCHAREST, RO - IES LOS VIVEROS, SEVILLA, ES - KOMVUX SODERVARN, MALMO, SE - CENTRE OF CONTINUATING EDUCATION, KROSNO, PL - IES CAURA, CORIA DEL RIO, ES - Association Alternativa 2003, BUCHAREST, RO


FRANCE Project Reference: 04-FRA1-S2G01-00355-2

Motivating Adult Language Learners through ICT Extension et gestion d’une « e-communauté » qui sert de lieu d’échange en anglais pour les stagiaires des 4 pays européens concernés par le projet : Italie, Espagne, France et Irlande. Les stagiaires remplissent des fiches modèles consultables sur le site qui permettront à leurs homologues des autres pays de communiquer par affinités sous forme d’e-mails. Un forum sert également de lieu d’échange et de discussion. Un logiciel de « chat » leur permettra de communiquer en direct. Les stagiaires pourront également mutualiser des ressources pédagogiques susceptibles d’intéresser cette communauté éducative européenne (documents, exercices, comptes-rendus, …) travaillant dans des domaines similaires. Les stagiaires prendront ainsi conscience de la dimension européenne de leurs préoccupations linguistiques et pédagogiques et pourront pratiquer la langue cible de communication. Le renouvellement du projet permettra d’étendre cette action à de nouveaux stagiaires et d’impliquer un autre pays de la communauté européenne (Irlande) dont la candidature n’a pas pu être retenue en 2003. Total Duration:

2 years

Area(s) covered

Project Objectives

Target Group(s)

Funding year: Second year Languages Information technology Intercultural issues Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Local community groups Young adults (men / women) Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of social marginalisation

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: GR.ETA de l’Auxerrois-Puisaye Name of the contact person: Monsieur Christian ROBERT Address: 44 boulevard Lyautey, 89000 AUXERRE e-mail : [email protected] tel: + 33 386 721 040 fax: +33 386 721 041 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) - CEPA Pedro Marinez Gavito, SAN LORENZO DE EL ESCORIAL, ES - Instituto Tecnico commerciale « G.R. CARLI », TRIESTE, IT - CLARE VEC Adult Education Centre, ENNIS, IE


FRANCE Project Reference: 04-FRA1-S2G01-00356-2

TIC et insertion sociale des usages Cette recherche s’oriente vers une analyse des TIC dans le contexte professionnel et pour les personnes en recherche ou création d’emploi. L’objectif est de concourir à réduire les inégalités sociales par l’intégration des TIC, afin que les usagers réutilisent ces compétences dans leur activité professionnelle et participent ainsi plus activement au développement économique. Notre stratégie consiste à observer et analyser le fonctionnement de structures qui se sont fixé ces objectifs, d’élaborer des préconisations, une modélisation afin d’envisager une diffusion et des applications concrètes dans le contexte régional. Outre des partenaires au plan régional et national (Cité des Métiers de la Villette), ce projet revêt une dimension internationale en associant quatre Laboratoires de recherche européens (Gresic, Ce-Trans, Creatic, IEPB). Une réunion préparatoire les regroupant a eu lieu à Cesena (sept. 2002). Nos objectifs : - approfondir le travail élaboré en commun concernant notamment les axes et méthodologies de recherche, les projets d’action sur les différents terrains, la diffusion des résultats. - élargir notre partenariat à d’autres pays d’Europe non contigus et présentant la particularité de pratiquer des langues « rares » (en particulier République d’Irlande et Grèce). Notre projet est de poursuivre ces réunions de projet en vue de présenter ultérieurement un dossier pour Grundtvig 1. Total Duration:

3 years

Area(s) covered

Project Objectives

Target Group(s)

Funding year: Second year Information technology Intercultural issues Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Guidance / counselling or other support services Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in prison Others : People looking for information about jobs

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: CEM-GRESIC (centre d’études des médias, groupe de recherche expérimentale sur les systèmes de communications) Université de Bordeaux 3 Name of the contact person: Madame Lise VIEIRA Address: Esplanade des Antilles, 33 607 PESSAC cedex e-mail : [email protected] tel: + 33 556 846 814 fax: +33 557 124 528 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) - CETRANS, Université de BOLOGNE, IT - CREATIC, Université libre de BRUXELLES, BE - IEPE et FCCB, Institut d’Etudes Politiques Blanquerna, Faculté des Sciences de la Communication, BARCELONE, ES - NT-LAB (anciennement URIAC), Université d’ATHENES, GR - ISOL, WATERFORD, IE


FRANCE Project Reference: 04- FRA1- S2G01 – 00368-3

L’Alternance comme Pratique Pédagogique Européenne Commune (APPEC) Le partenariat pédagogique que nous proposons d’instaurer dans le cadre de ce projet sera plus particulièrement axé sur le thème de l’alternance. La participation conjointe, dans chaque pays, d’écoles, de centres de formateurs et d’organismes professionnels permettra de développer la complémentarité des phases en centre et des phases en entreprise. La confrontation des pratiques dans les pays européens partenaires devra permettre d’améliorer l’efficacité de tels dispositifs. Le fait de nous appuyer sur des entreprises engagées dans des démarches d’agriculture durable inscrit ce projet dans une problématique plus globale de développement rural. Le volet transnational permettra également, à terme, l’adjonction de phases d’alternance dans un pays étranger (échange de stagiaires), l’élaboration de modules de découvertes linguistiques et la réalisation de voyages d’étude. Outre leur efficience pédagogique (que nous nous proposons d’évaluer dans ce projet), de telles activités devront donner aux apprenants une vision plus positive de la formation; ce qui les rendra plus ouverts au concept de « formation tout au long de la vie » et d’autre part, une ouverture d’esprit sur d’autres cultures qui pourra contribuer à développer une attitude de « citoyenneté européenne ». Total Duration:

3 years

Area(s) covered

Project Objectives

Target Group(s)

Funding year: Third year Active citizenship Intercultural issues Languages Learning about European countries / European Union Information technology Sustainable development Health The media Environment Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Management of adult education organisation / institution Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Local community groups Young adults (men / women)

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: EPLEFPA de Vesoul Name of the contact person: Monsieur Ludovic DERET Address: Le grand Montmarin, 16 rue Edouard Belin, BP 363, 70014 VESOUL CEDEX e-mail : [email protected] tel: +33 384 968 520 fax: +33 384 968 530 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) - Escola Professionnel de Desenvolvimenta , SERPA, PT - Escola de Capacitacion Agraria “Mas Bove”, SALOU, ES - Instituto d’Istruzione Superior “A. Motti”, REGGIO EMILIO, IT


IRELAND IRELAND Project Reference: 04-IRL01-S2G01-00019-2

Empowering mentors and other bilingual adults to work within the wider community The partners in this project work with adults from marginal and minority groups in projects throughout Europe. The activities of the project will include host country language teaching, mother tongue language support, social and cultural orientation and the involvement of incoming migrants as language and cultural support mentors. The purpose of the project is to exchange learning experiences between partners, to identify aspects of good practice which are transferable and to explore methods by which such transfers can be achieved. Finally the project will explore new pedagogical approaches to these areas. The project will develop a website as a primary point of contact and exchange. It will use mobility visits to inform its members of the work of each partner and to assess the impact of each partners work in the broader context of the Grundtvig partnership. Total DURATION: 36 months Area(s) covered

Project Objectives

Target Group(s)

FUNDING Year: 2 Basic Skills Active Citizenship Intercultural Issues Languages (Danish, Greek, Finnish, English) Learning about European countries/the European Union Arts, Music, Culture Education for Parents Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Guidance/Counselling Management of AE institutions Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Migrants / travellers / ethnic or other minorities Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in prison Local community groups

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Midwest Development Education Centre Name of the contact person: Mr Denis Bates Address Block F, CBS Primary, Sexton Street, Limerick, Ireland e-mail: [email protected] tel: 00 353 61 311155 fax: 00 353 61 362690 Partners Oulun Seudun Setlementti ry (FI) Instituttet for Blinde og Svagsynede (DK) Hvidovre Sprogcenter AOF (DK) Efxini Poli (GR) National Research and Development Centre for Adult Literacy and Numeracy (UK) Minority Ethnic Curriculum Support Service (UK)


IRELAND Project Reference: 04-IRL01-S2G01-00017-2

R.E.S.P.E.C.T. - Raising Esteem and Standards for Participation in Employment, Community and Training The R.E.S.P.E.C.T. project will focus on developing methods to combat long term unemployment among adult learners with few qualifications. The main activity of the project will be the sharing of information and experiences among the partners of various methods of combating long term unemployment among the target group. Partners will practice and further develop the various methods within their own organisations with the adult learners. Project activities will also include examining learner centered approaches to training for long term unemployment, developing methods of increasing self confidence in adult learners and developing ways of building support systems for the target group. Project staff and learners from the project partnership will travel to project meetings in the partner organisations to gain practical experience about the methods being used, to share experiences and actively gather information on combating long term unemployment. A website will be developed by the adult learners where information on the project and its progression will be available. The end product will be a publication (in brochure/booklet format) in each partner language detailing examples of good practice and case studies on combating long term unemployment among adult learners with few qualifications. Total DURATION: 24 months


Area(s) covered

Other (describe if applicable) Project Objectives Target Group(s)

Long term unemployed with little or no qualifications Guidance/Counselling Management of AE institutions Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in prison Migrants / travellers / ethnic or other minorities Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Muintearas, an Togra Oideachais Gaeltacht Name of the contact person: Ms Mairin Nic Fhionghuin Address Tir an Fhia, Leitir Moir, Co. na Gaillimhe, Ireland e-mail: [email protected] tel: 00 353 91 551145 fax: 00 353 91 551277 Organisation/Project website: «ProjInstWeb» Partners Profil-Kolleg Gesellschaft fur Weiterbildung mbH (DE) MESADA (CZ) Pro Education of Sabinov (SK) Province of Campobasso Job Centre (IT)


IRELAND Project Reference: 04-IRL01-S2G01-00016-3

Knowing Me Knowing You The project aims to create a space for post 20 education and training practitioners working in formal and non-formal adult education sectors within the European Union and beyond, to develop a shared understanding of multi cultural education and present a range of curriculum solutions as good practice guides. The project also aims to combine theory and practice through conducting practice based workshops comprising practitioners and learners from different adult and training organisations, countries and cultures. The project aims to use the shared knowledge and understanding obtained through the practice-based seminars and workshops to act as a catalyst for stimulating discussion and debate on intercultural education “New Europe”, democracy and identity within their own institutions. Indeed the practical information/ resources gathered from practice based workshops presents a clear opportunity to make significant inroads into improving teachers/educators ability to develop curriculum that recognises the needs and aspirations of learners from different cultural backgrounds. One of the outcomes of the activity would be the manual of good practices gained during the project. Total DURATION: 36 months Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Other (describe if applicable)

FUNDING Year: 3 Intercultural issues Management of AE institutions Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Migrants / travellers / ethnic or other minorities Local community groups Other – Post 16 education and training practitioners working in formal and non formal settings

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Partners in Mission Ltd. Name of the contact person: Ms Collette O regan Address 24b Northbrook Road, Dublin 6, Ireland e-mail: [email protected] tel: 00 353 1 667 3440 fax: 00 353 1 667 3438 «ProjInstWeb» Partners Follo Folkehogskole (NO) Society for the Development and Creative Occupation of Children (GR) Centre for Civic Initiatives (LT) African Women’s Culture, Arts & Development (AWAD International Network) (UK) VUC frederia (DK)


IRELAND Project Reference: 04-IRL01-S2G01-00036-1

Methodologies in education for Learners and Tutors (MELT) This project was developed by the partner organisations during a contact seminar in Bratislava from 12 – 15 June 2003. The aim of this project is to explore adult education for people with intellectual disabilities. The project will produce a framework of good practice in adult education provision with a specific focus on the appropriate methodologies for learners with intellectual disabilities. The project focuses on improving the content and delivery of adult education as set out by the Commission in the Call for Proposals under the Annual Specific Priorities for Grundtvig Learning Partnerships. The project will achieve this outcome through a series of workshops and through a process of joint reflection of adult learners with intellectual disabilities and adult education tutors. The project will place the adult learner at the centre of the process through joint consultation and encouraging critical reflection. The project involves partners from the formal and non-formal sectors of adult education thus promoting interaction between the sectors. Total DURATION: 24 months Area(s) covered Project Objectives

Target Group(s)

FUNDING Year: 1 Other – Adult Education Methodologies Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Methods for improving credit for knowledge or competence acquired outside formal education Management of AE institutions Disabled persons

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Dun Laoghaire VEC Name of the contact person: Ms Catherine Byrne Address Century Court, 100 Upper George’s Street, Dun Laoghaire, Co. Dublin e-mail: [email protected] tel: 00 353 1 214 7200 fax: 00 353 1 214 7234 Partners Teatret Ekinox (DK) Instituto Tecnico Commercilae Statale “Giuseppe Rosati” (IT)


IRELAND Project Reference: 04-IRL01-S2G01-00033-1

Integrating Immigrants and Asylum Seekers through Language Learning This project aims to design elements of a flexible language programme for refugees and immigrants, which will be situated in the framework of adult life-long learning. Through materials and strategies developed in dialogue with learners, the programme will address issues of citizenship and social inclusion. To promote equality, there will be special emphasis on designing supports for learners who are not literate in their first language. Materials will be published in the form of readers and workbooks. A second strand in the project will be staff development in the partnership institutions, with the object of enhancing communication/teaching skills in the context of interculturalism. This will take place through training courses (e.g. ESOL and Literacy), mobility visits, workshops and seminars. Active participants will share best practice and disseminate this to staff in individual institutions and to wider educational interested via a website. Active participants, in collaboration with learners, will conduct ongoing evaluation of methodologies, materials and techniques. Total DURATION: 24 months Area(s) covered

Project Objectives

Target Group(s)

FUNDING Year: 1 Basic Skills Active Citizenship Intercultural Issues Languages (Italian, Portuguese, English) Learning about European countries/the European Union Literacy Skills to Learners who are Non-Literate in the First Language Information Technology Arts, Music, Culture Health Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Methods for improving credit for knowledge or competence acquired outside formal education Migrants / travellers / ethnic or other minorities Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in prison Local community groups

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: City of Dublin Vocational Education Committee (CDVEC), Education Service to Prisons, Wheatfield Education Unit, Wheatfield Prison Name of the contact person: Ms Breda Dorans Address Wheatfield Education Unit, Wheatfield Prison, Cloverhill Road, Clondalkin, Dublin 22 e-mail: [email protected] tel: 00 353 1 6209424 fax: 00 353 1 6233566 Partners Direzione Didattica di San Polo di Piave – CTP (Centro Territoriale Permanente per l’instruzione e la formazione en etr Aduta di Oderzo) (IT) Escola Educacao Basica de Vila do Bispo (PT)


ITALY ITALIA Project Reference: 04-ITA01-S2G01-00054-2

Development of a new type of inclusion using art The project "Development of a new type of inclusion using art" sets out to realize the following points: 1) To make meetings among some organisations operating in the European field of integration and of education of adults, through the use of arts. 2) To develop the permanent partnership among the aforesaid organisations with exchange of: a) good praxis on the techniques that each group has adopted; b) staff to verify in person of the different techniques; c) new ideas for future collaboration in Communitarian programs. 3) To realize works together for a super national integration. 4) Moments of evaluation at the beginning, during the realization and at the end of the project. 5) To develop new techniques of inclusion as the result of the melting-pot of the different techniques 6) To improve and/or to introduce the foreign language (English) in the portfolio of learners. 7) To improve and/or to introduce the use of Internet in the portfolio of not learned people. 8) To make elements of integration based upon the common use of arts. Total Duration: 24 months Funding year: 2 Area(s) covered Other (describe if applicable) Project Objectives Other (describe if applicable) Target Group(s)

Arts, music, culture Information technology Languages Experimentation with new medagogical approach(es) Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Young people Other economically or socially underprivileged groups, unemployed people, prisoners. Women

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Associazione ALCHIMIA Name of the contact person: Marco SILVI Address: via Stefano Porcari 7 00193 ROMA e-mail: [email protected] tel: 0039-06-6879239 fax: Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) • Association CARTOONS (ITALY) • Centre of higher education in theatre studies (GREECE) • The “Marin Morescu” High School of Art (ROMANIA)


ITALIA Project Reference: 04-ITA01-S2G01-00276-1

Cooperatives of Women for the commercialisation of local products from handicraft and the agro-food sectors in order to stimulate the soci-cultural development and the promotion of local traditions in a European perspective SUMMARY: The projects aims at the inclusion of women with a low level of education who want to establish or have already established new cooperatives or commercial organisations for the promotion of local products all over the world. Therefore the goals of this project are the following: 1. to provide the future entrepreneurs with the skills and the know-how required for their mission; 2. to stimulate and to facilitate the international exchange among women coming form different countries; 3. to establish and to enforce commercial relationships among the countries taking part in this project. Total Duration: 24 months Funding year: 1 Area(s) covered Project Objectives Other (describe if applicable) Target Group(s)

Basic skills Learning about European countries/European Union Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners demand for learning Guidance/counselling/information or other support services Women

Other (describe if applicable) COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: ASSA (Association for the safeguard and the development of Acaya-Lecce- Italy) Name of the contact person: Esposito Irene Address: via Pascoli, 27 – Acquatica di Lecce – Fraz. Di Vernole (LE) e-mail [email protected], [email protected] tel: 0832/891379 fax: 0832/823125 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) ƒ Arcimondo – Pisignano (LE) – IT ƒ Municipality of Agros – CY ƒ University Polithecnica of Bucarest – RO


ITALIA Project Reference: 04-ITA01-S2G01-00111-2

AGRISUPPORTAL: A supporting portal for agriculture activities Agrisupportal is a project to explore the needs for web based resources for farmers and farmers educators working in rural areas and to provide accordingly. Farmers in the partner countries for this project are experiencing severe economic pressure, due also to international agreement like WTO, chances in European politics (Agenda 2000) and UE enlargement. So traditional farming must be adapted if the industry is to survive. Total Duration: 36 months Area(s) covered Other (describe if applicable) Project Objectives Other (describe if applicable) Target Group(s)

Funding year: 2 Information technology Basic skills Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learners' demand for learning, Guidance / counselling / information or other support services

People living in rural or disadvantaged areas, farmers and educators working in land based industries

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: CIPAT- CENTRO PER L’ISTRUZIONE PROFESSIONALE E L’ASSISTENZA TECNICA Name of the contact person: ENRICO VACIRCA Address: Lungotevere Michelangelo, 9 e-mail [email protected] tel: +39 06 3216838 fax: +39 06 36008722 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, JÆREN (NO) NORWEGIAN ASSOCIATION FOR DISTANCE LEARNING (NO) CORNWALL COLLEGE GROUP (UK)


ITALIA Project Reference: 04-ITA01-S2G01-00199-1

Integrating Elderly Citizens into Information Society (IECIS) (Non è m@i troppo tardi) Taking inspiration by the initiative of the Italian Ministry of Technology and Innovation to foster digital alphabetisation among elderly people, the project aims to stimulate widespread interest by elderly citizens in USE and LEARNING about Information and Communications technology (ICTs) to employ in everyday life (practical approach not theoretical). In particular, training courses for elderly people will be organised. Thy will aim to provide this people with the basic knowledge on how to use word processing programs, Internet (educational use of Internet research tools) and email programs. Personalised teaching modules will be implemented to take account of different rhythms of learners in learning. Practical exercises with the support of tutors will complement didactics to make sure that everyone practices and engages in autonomous research. During the courses learners will create a website and exchange emails so having the possibility to test the competence acquired. In doing so the project intends to contribute to the EU’s objective of building “an information society for all” (the eEurope 2005 Action Plan), favouring socialisation and intercultural exchange necessary to overcome marginalization of elderly people. Total Duration: 12months Area(s) covered Other (describe if applicable)

Project Objectives

Funding year: first Information technology Basic Skills Learning about European Countries Active citizenship. Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning

Other (describe if applicable) Target Group(s)

Senior citizens local community groups Disabled persons

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Geriatrics Centre of City Council of Ispica – Department of Social Services Name of the contact person: Tiziana Scuto Address: via della Poesia 20 – 97014 Ispica (RG) e-mail: [email protected] tel: 00 39 0932 950715 fax: 0039 0932 951337 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Knowslay Metropolitan Borough Council (UK) Centrul Logistic TACTIC (RO) Centrum Ksztalcenia Ustawicznego (PL) Chambre de Metiers de L’Ain (FR)


ITALIA Project Reference: 04-ITA01-S2G01-00048-1

Language Learning Ware SUMMARY: The aim of this project is to gather research and discuss ideas from various participating partners of European countries in the planning stages of a didactical language teaching and learning system. These modules are to be complimented by developed final exams certified by the European Union. This system is to be designed to maximize the learners participation in the various mental processes involved in learning. Each partner is to be selected in response to the individual aspects of the material to be designed. Total Duration: 36 months Area(s) covered

Funding year: 1 Languages

Other (describe if applicable) Project Objectives

Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)

Other (describe if applicable) Target Group(s)

Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of social marginalisation

Other (describe if applicable) COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Global Input Name of the contact person: Daniele Piacenti Address: Piazza Clai 6 e-mail [email protected] tel: +39.0744.428413 fax: +39.0744.428407 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) American University in Bulgaria - BG POSTIGO PONCE, MIGUEL ÁNGEL - ES MONDO Consulting @ Training Srl – RO inMedia Polska Sp. z o.o. – Polonia - PL Euro-Projekt servis s.r.o - SK


ITALIA Project Reference: 04-ITA01-S2G01-00141-3

Family help and school success: adult continuous education for parents and children’s achievement Le projet d’éducation des adultes-parents se propose de promouvoir, dans le cadre de l’éducation tout au long de la vie, les éléments suivants : • La dimension européenne de l’éducation des adultes par le partage de l’expérience, de l’innovation et des bonnes pratiques ; • L’estime de soi et l’intégration sociale des familles défavorisées ; • La coopération famille-école ; • La prévention de l’échec scolaire des enfants par l’implication des parents dans l’activité de soutien scolaire ; Les objectifs du projet seront atteints grâce à : • La constitution d’un réseau de centres d’éducation des adultes, écoles maternelles, élémentaires et services sociaux pour le repérage précoce des parents d’élèves en difficulté ; • La programmation et la réalisation des modules-pilotes courts de formation pour parents défavorisés socio-économiquement et culturellement ; • L’usage systématique des TIC (courrier électronique, mailing list, newsletters, CD ROM, sites WEB) ; Activités prévues : • Les échanges d’informations entre partenaires sur les aspects législatifs et organisationnels de l’éducation des adultes ; • Des séminaires de coordination pour le personnel du projet (étude, programmation, analyses et comparaisons, échanges d’expérience, bonnes pratiques et innovations, évaluation) ; Total Duration: 36 months Area(s) covered Other (describe if applicable) Project Objectives Other (describe if applicable) Target Group(s) Other (describe if applicable)

Funding year: 3 Education for parents Basic skills Active citizenship Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Migrants/travellers/ethic or other minorities Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, uneployed persons, persons in prison Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: I.R.R.E.LIGURIA – ISTITUTO REGIONALE DI RICERCA EDUCATIVA Name of the contact person: GAROTTA GIANFRANCO Address: VIA LOMELLINI, 15/4 – 16124 GENOVA - IT e-mail [email protected] tel: +39 010 2548134 +39 010 3991854 fax: +39 010 2489400 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) • DIREZIONE DIDATTICA GE22-BOLZANETO (Centro Territoriale Permanente per l’istruzione e la formazione in età adulta) - IT • SCUOLA MEDIA STATALE “FONTANA-CERVI (Centro Territoriale Permanente per l’istruzione e la formazione in età adulta) IT • E.P.F.F. (Espace Pédagogie Formation France) - FR • CENTRO DE PROFESORES Y RECURSOS DE ALMENDRALEJO - ES • CENTRO DE EDUCACIÓN DE PERSONAS ADULTAS «SAN ANTONIO» - ES • KINGSTON UPON HULL CITY COUNCIL Adult Education Service - UK • PÄDAGOGISCHES INSTITUT DER STADT NÜRNBERG - DE • STADT NÜRNBERG AMT FÜR VOLKSSCHULEN UND SONDERSCHULEN - DE


ITALIA Project Reference: 04-ITA01-S2G01-00282-1

E.T.N.A. Adult Education takes @ new approach The project wants to increase the awareness of the different cultures, lifestyles, traditions, environments, languages and different methodologies of teaching and learning. Every school in the partnership will compare the different systems, their organisation, the impact on the environment and on the labour market. Through this project, course trainees and students will be aware that in the whole of Europe it is possible to share a range of experiences in the field of education. The students involved in the project will be encouraged to find common ground and the differences among the lifestyles and the local environment through an initial virtual contact (internet or e.mail) using the English language in order to get to know other identities, and learn from each others. Total Duration: 24 months. Area(s) covered

Funding year: 1 Languages ICT Learning about European countries/the European Union

Project Objectives

Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning

Target Group(s)

Local community groups Women Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Istituto Comprensivo E. Fermi CTP n.10 Name of the contact person: Matassa Concetta, Corsaro Agata Address: Via Morgione, 15 e-mail : [email protected] tel: +39-095-7411764 fax: +39-095-7514642 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Adult Education Centre of ristiina – FI WEGRE Western Greece Development Center - GR AIJEZ association of young entrepreneurs of zaragoza – es Gdansk Management College - PL Koszalinian’s Agrotourism Society ”Kosa”


ITALIA Project Reference: 04-ITA01-S2G01-00064-2

Evaluation and self evaluation in informal education SUMMARY: The aim of this project is to promote a series of meetings among educators of the Countries involved to point out methods and useful instruments for learners and teachers directed towards both the evaluation and self evaluation of the cognitive process and of the level of knowledge that has been reached in order to begin the following levels. The project carries out a series of seminaries in which, through a constructive discussion, the teachers from the partner Countries can agree on the realization of instruments to use for an evaluation of the level of the knowledge achieved by the learner who is attending informal educational projects and to a self evaluation of the effectiveness of the teacher’s assistance. The collecting of some existing experiences, the discussion and the possibility to use particular situations, countries and contexts will be the starting point. Total Duration: 3 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Other (describe if applicable) Target Group(s)

Funding year: 2 evaluation and self evaluation The project intends to identify useful methods and instruments, to be shared if possible among the Countries partners, for a self evaluation of the levels of knowledge obtained during the learning routes of informal education followed by the adult learners but also suitable for a self evaluation of the teachers. Local communities, teachers for adults

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Università delle LiberEtà del FVG Name of the contact person: Giuseppina Raso Address: Via Ippolito Nievo 16/a 33100 Udine - Italy e-mail [email protected] tel: 0039 0432 297909 / 295961 fax: 0039 0432 297033 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) • Espiral Entitat Serveis - Girona, Spain • FIATEST – Bucharest , Romania • Association DIA-SPORT – Sofia, Bulgaria • Cyprus Adult Education Assocaiation C.A.E.A. – Nicosia, Cyprus


ITALIA Project Reference: 04-ITA01-S2G01-00081-2

Sviluppo rurale attraverso le conoscenze acquisite SUMMARY: Comparison between local areas with geographic, social and economic similarities. Analysis of an idea of ‘development’ not only in terms of cultural and linguistic personal growth but also as a tool to have a wider view of the partners. The project aims at finding the reasons of the socio-cultural underdevelopment through the analysis of the local history, of the social environment, of the economy, the environment, the quality of life. The project will be developed by working groups and institutions that aims at growing on an economic, touristic and social level. Total Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered

Funding year: 2 Languages Sustainable development

Other (describe if applicable) Project Objectives

Target Group(s)

Guidance/counselling/information or other support services

Local Community groups Persons living in rural or disadavantaged areas

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Linguapiù Name of the contact person: Daniele Piacenti Address: Corso del Popolo, 101 - Terni e-mail: info@linguapiù.it tel: +39,0744,428413 fax: + 39,0744,428407 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) • Institut fur Fortbildung und Projeckmanagement – IFPRO – DE • Unit of Environmental Studies Research and Development Center – CY


ITALIA Project Reference: 04-ITA01-S2G01-00244-1

Learning of the English language in the new multiethnic contests A new method and a different application in creating materials, technologies and innovative teaching methods must be developed for the teaching of the English language in the new multi-ethnic European societies. The purpose of this project is the learning of foreign languages through instruments devised for new teaching methods. Total Duration: 24 months Area(s) covered Project Objectives

Target Group(s)

Funding year: 1 Languages Experimentation with new pedagogical approach

Young and adults at risk of social marginalisation

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Linguapiu’ di Nossa Ivan Name of the contact person: Nossa Ivan Address:Via Matteotti, 5 e-mail [email protected] tel: +39/0363/304652 fax: +39/0363/308714 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) The Academy of Humanities and Economics in Lodz (PL) University Eftimie Murgu of Resita (RO) Asociación Cultural Gandalf (ES) Centrum Vux, Haninge (SE) ASOCIACION EMPRENDEDORES PARA EL EMPLEO (ES) Asociaţia Bridge Language Study House (RO) International House Budapest (HU) PROMOIMPRESA SRL (IT)


ITALIA Project Reference: 04-ITA01-S2G01-00130-2

Modern Housekeeping through Culture and Language Modern Housekeeping through culture and language aims to analyse all possible problems involving immigrant women, very often working as family assistants and / or in simpler housekeeping work, but often with many problems, due to the lack of information about domestic hygiene products, washing and ironing methods, electrical appliances and their functions, security and first aid rules, feeding techniques, assistance to children and elderly people. All this lack of information can cause very serious problems, above all if we add the difficulty in communication in the language of the country giving hospitality. The aim of the project is to involve associations and local entities, which have in common the necessity to fill this “gap” which slows down the process of integration, and goes against the quality of the work done by domestic collaborators, without the basic knowledge. The interaction between European partners will allow each one to best focus on all aspects of a problem often underestimated but real, aiming to increase the quality level of the work given by women immigrants, and at the same time favour their complete integration, in the perspective of a social and cultural growth of a world always more “open”. Total Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered

Funding year: 2 Basic skills Languages

Other (describe if applicable) Project Objectives

Housekeeping training Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)

Other (describe if applicable) Target Group(s)

Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Women

Other (describe if applicable)

Other economically or socially disadavantaged groups

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: LINGUA + DI D’ALESSANDRI MARIA Name of the contact person: MARY D’ALESSANDRI Address: VIA DANTE 17 (new address) VIGEVANO 27029 (PV) e-mail [email protected] tel: +39 0381 72 142 fax: +39 0381 72 142 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) • AEGEAS CENTER OF VOCATIONAL TRAINING,LARISSA, GREECE (GR) • LINGUAPIU’ CITTA’ DI CASTELLO, CITTA’ DI CASTELLO - ITALY (IT) • Nurmark Education & Consulting Co. LTD - Cankaya – Ankara (TR)


ITALIA Project Reference: 04-ITA01-S2G01-00147-1

Live English: Improving English Teaching for Adult Women Live English is a project aiming to establish an effective European cooperation among institutions providing adult learning education. The target group are adult women (25-65 year old) with no knowledge of the English language Total Duration: 24 months Area(s) covered

Project Objectives Other (describe if applicable) Target Group(s)

Funding year: 1 Basic skills Active citizenship Intercultural issues Languages Information Technology Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)


COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: LUETEC - onlus Name of the contact person: Carlo Boriello Address: Via Scarlatti, 150 – 80127 Napoli ITALY e-mail [email protected] tel: +39.081.2207337 fax: +39.081.5568101 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Moteru Informacijos Centras – LT Towarzystwo Edukacyjne « Common Knowledge » - PL Varkauden Lukion Alkulslinja – FI


ITALIA Project Reference: 03-ITA01-S2G01-00114-2

Under European Skies The focus of the project is an exchange of observations of the sky ant its star phenomenon (Sun, Moon, planets, stars and visible constellations) and weather phenomenon made by the learners involved in the project. The other aspect deals with cultural elements as regards to the organisation of time and space: celebrations, traditions, rituals, monuments, buoildings, churches, towns. Moreover the observation of the sky will include an exchange of stories, myths, religions, literature, art and science. Total Duration: 36 Area(s) covered Other (describe if applicable) Project Objectives

Funding year: 2 Basic Skills, Intercultural issues, Information technology, Art Music, culture, Environment Astronomy, Cosmology, Mythology, Antropology Strategy for stimulating /promoting adult Learners’ needs New pedagogical approaches

Target Group(s)

Young Adults Persons living in rural areas

Other (describe if applicable)

Adults that did not completed their formal education

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: C.T.P. 11 C/O 1 C.D. MAFFI ROMA Name of the contact person: Marina Tutino Address: VIA PIETRO MAFFI, 45 – Roma e-mail [email protected] tel: +39-06-3070579 fax: +39-06-3070579 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) • I.E.S. De Rodeira-Gangas – ES • CFPA San Vocente Ferrer – ES • Sosna Civic Association – SK • Escola Professional Do Alto Minho Interior – PT • Escola Agricola A. Duarte – PT • Komvux Södervärn Rosengård –SE • Cultural Association Oi Lazaioi –GR


ITALIA Project Reference: 04-ITA01-S2G01-00004-1

E.D.O.L. (European Digital Older Learners) Overall aim of the project: create a collaborative e-learning environment where all the learners can acquire and improve their digital skills, and seek innovation and best practices in the delivery of E-Learning and digital communication. Developments in new technologies, especially computing and telecommunications will transform the opportunities available for adult learners. They will make some forms of learning more accessible to some people, but may risk excluding those who do not have access to computers or who lack confidence to use them. The project would suggest that learning how to use a computer may help to compensate for some of the problems and conditions which commonly accompany older age. Ageism can lead to the social exclusion of older people, particularly if we understand “social exclusion” to mean more than a simple lack of economic resources. Age is a major discriminating factor in computer use in many countries: demographic researches today show that there are more elderly people in society than ever before, but the number of older old people using computers is nevertheless small compared with other age groups. The project aims to identify/study the needs of older people in order for them to take part in the evolving Digital or Information society and investigated appropriate ways of meeting those needs. Total Duration: 36 months Funding year: 1 Area(s) covered

Project Objectives

Information technology Learning about European countries / the European Union Basic Digital Skills Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learining Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)

Other (describe if applicable) Target Group(s) Other (describe if applicable)

People living in rural or disadvantaged areas Senior citizens Trainers/carers

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Cooperativa di Solidarietà Prometeo – Cooperativa Sociale a r.l. Name of the contact person: Mrs. Carla Palmieri Address: M. R. Imbriani, 191/b – 70059 Trani (Ba) - IT e-mail: [email protected] tel: 0883/58.58.95 fax: 0883/50.14.44 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Centrum voor Talen en Techniek/B VUC FYN Glamsbjerg/DK VUCFYN Svendborg/DK NAGLE CENTRE/IE Inishowen Partnership Company/IE ROC (Regionaal Opleidings Centrum) Deltion College Unit Educatie/NL Centro de Formação de Professores “D. Dinis " – E.S.Odivelas/PT educaLine/ES The Forum Trust Ltd/U.K.


ITALIA Project Reference: 04-ITA01-S2G01-00186-1

Day Centre for Mental Health in Europe: a comparison between the European standards The projects aims to study the services (education, job opportunities) offered by the Centres of Mental Health in the partners’ countries with a research of the national standards. There will be a comparison of the services offered in the different countries and the results of the research will be presented during a European Conference. The Conference aims at finding shared minimum standards and developing a model for the Health Centres interested on such themes. Total Duration: 12 months Funding year: 1 Area(s) covered

European cooperation Mental Health

Project Objectives Other (describe if applicable) Target Group(s)

Guidance, counselling and information Experimentation with new medagogical approach(es) Young Adults (15-25 years old) Disabled people Adults with mental problems

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Regione Abruzzo Name of the contact person: Carla Mannetti Address: Piazza San Silvestro snc e-mail: [email protected] tel: +39.0862.364273 fax: +39.0862.364247 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) • Richmond Foundation - MT • Estuar Foundation - RO • Geneva initiative on psychiatry - LT • ASL 004 Centro di salute mentale - IT


ITALIA Project Reference: 04-ITA01-S2G01-00244-1

Il Merletto: a European Net The projects aims to promote the European cooperation between LLL Institutions. The projects wants to give a European training to embroideries’ craft women, in order to learn and teach the principal techniques of European embroideries, develop working opportunities, learn about other types of embroidery in Europe and preserve the art of the traditional embroidery. Total Duration: 24 months Area(s) covered Other (describe if applicable)

Project Objectives Other (describe if applicable) Target Group(s)

Funding year: 1 - Learning about European countries/European Union -

embroidery artcrafts tradition

Exchange of good practice in embroidery and traditional artcrafts in the partner countries Creation of a network of craft women in the European countries involved in the project Women Seniors Disadvantaged groups

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Regione Abruzzo Name of the contact person: Rita di Matteo Address: e-mail: [email protected] tel: +39.0862.364255 fax: +39.0862.364207 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) • PSAD Soprintendenza al patrimonio storico artistico – L’Aquila - IT • FIDAPA – L’Aquila – IT • Forum Alte Spitze Gbr – DE • Association Dentelles et Blondes – FR • Gymnasium Lace School – SI


ITALIA Project Reference: 04-ITA01-S2G01-00057-2

Development of Competences and Methodologies in the field of Adult Education with the focus on ICT. This project has as first aim to give the teachers/trainers of the partner institutions involved new chances for increasing and improving their professional competencies in the field of adult education and to offer to the Institutions\Schools, involved in adult education and vocational training, methodological support to effect innovation in teaching-learning methods through the use of ICT. Schools face new tasks: they need to become active interlocutors for Regional Centers and Institutions involved in Life-long Learning and play a new role in the study and elaboration of Methods and Best Practices to be used in this field. The Schools will be able to give a contribution to the development of an Educational Network for Adult Education, which will be of great cultural importance for disadvantaged areas. On the basis of a regional analysis the project will offer new chances to improve and enhance the Specific Educational Offer of each institution involved and will allow the direct exchange and confrontation of didatic practices, planning of activities, training in other institutions (seminars and workshops), thanks to the mobility of teachers inside the partnership, the use of new means of communication and information. Total Duration: 3 years Funding year: 2 Basic skills. Information technology. Languages Other (describe if applicable) Sustainable development. Cultural heritage. Management of adult education organisation/institution Project Objectives Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Area(s) covered

Other (describe if applicable) Target Group(s) Local community groups. Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons. Women. COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation. Name of the organisation: Istituto Statale di Istruzione Secondaria Superiore Tecnica Commerciale e Professionale Alberghiera: “G. Salvemini”. Name of the contact person: Prof. Anna Santoro Address: Via Attoma 72015 Fasano (BR) Italia. e-mail: [email protected] tel: +39\080\4414286 +39\080\4414697 fax: +39\080\4414286 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) • Virtuelles Institut für Fort- und Weiterbildung. Austria (AT) • University of Chemnitz: Institut für Weiterbildung und Organisationsentwicklung e. V. (IWO) Germany ((DE) • University of Malta: Dept of Maths, Science and Technical Education. Faculty of Education. Malta (MT) • Amedì Multimedia e Formazione – Ostuni (IT)


ITALIA Project Reference: 04-ITA01-S2G01-00289-1

“Alternative jobs using creativeness” The Project has two main goals: to rediscover and to bring out local handicrafts and to compare and exchange cultural knowledge and experiences among the learners of the partner countries. In the first year, students will do a research project about their own culture's origins, history and handicrafts. The learners will visit studios, interview artisans and then describe the tools, techniques and the materials used. At the end, they will record all documents produced (slides, photos, video, boards, interviews, learners' opinions…) on a CD ROM and insert into a web site and in brochures. The partner learners will exchange and compare this material to find similarities and differences between their traditions (pottery, for example.) Total Duration: 36 months Funding year: 1 Area(s) covered Other (describe if applicable)

Project Objectives Other (describe if applicable) Target Group(s)

Active citizenship Intercultural issues Learning about the EU Sustainable development Art, music and culture Environment Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learners Unemployed adults



ITALIA Project Reference: 04-ITA01-S2G01-00294-1

Raccontare l’Europa – Intrecci di storie, per incontri tra diverse culture europee Exchange of good practices between partners that deal with the ‘culture of memory’. The projects aims at promoting in Europe the study of individual memories (past and present), in order to learn about history, culture, mentalities and ways of life in the European social system. The project will be developed in two years. The first year the activities will be: a transnational meeting to coordinate the activities, develop research groups that will work on memories, archives; develop writing labs on autobiography; working meeting. The second year the activities will be: third meeting, web site, drama, organisation of local events. Total Duration: 24 months Area(s) covered

Project Objectives

Funding year: 2004 Active citizenship, intercultural issues, languages, European Union, Arts, music, culture

Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)

Other (describe if applicable) Target Group(s)

Local community groups Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: UPTER- Università Popolare di Roma Name of the contact person: Francesca Landi Address: e-mail: [email protected] tel: +39.06.692043310 fax: +39.06.6780702 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) • Arxiu de la Memoria Popular-La Roca del Valles - ES • Heimatmuseum in Treptow – Berlin - DE • Fondazione Archivio Diaristico Nazionale onlus – Pieve S.Stefano (AR) – IT


ITALIA Project code: 04-ITA01-S2G01-00080-1

Development and valorisation of competencies in social tourism The project aims are to help people working in social tourism in disadvantaged areas (social-cultural and economical reasons) that want to develop or improve their skills and competencies by meeting of other institutions which operate in the same area and through the exchange of best practices, methods, knowledge and tools (all the participating organisations work in the field of adult education using praxis of formal and informal learning). The project aims are the following ones: ¾ Organising seminars for teachers and representatives belonging to the partner’s insitutions; ¾ Monitoring activities and tools developped in other countries for adult training ¾ Developing learning strategies to operate with disadvantaged people or people with special needs; ¾ Realising didactical tools in a unique standard; ¾ Creating an educational programme for adult people in the field of tourism linked to the local needs; ¾ Using NTI in order to share experiences and to develop best practices ¾ Distribution of products realised bythe partner institutions ¾ Spreading project results through the media and the institutions working at regional, national and international level in order to assure a good diffusion ¾ Evaluation of the projects aims Total Duration: 24 months Area(s) covered Other (describe if applicable) Project Objectives

Funding year: 2004/2005 Languages, sustainable development, Art music and culture, Environment Developing new touristic competencies Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)

Other (describe if applicable) Target Group(s)

Young adults at risk of exclusion Other economically and socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed people, prisoners

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Youth Europe Service Name of the contact person: Maria Domenica De Rosa Address: Via Orazio Flacco, 19 - 85100 e-mail [email protected] tel: +39-0971-34058 fax: +39-0971-34058 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Association Environmental Alternative, ES Dunarea De Jos University, RO Partner Foundation, RO THLAS bvba, BE Byweb 2 Training and informatic, PT


LATVIA LATVIJA Project Reference: 04-LVA01-S2G01-00039-1

E-Link Our main objectives will be to increase capacities, skills and know-how of the teachers and management in the areas of e-learning; develop a good practise guide to the implementation of e-learning: keys to success and pitfalls; design an on-line teacher training course and identify the key elements in course design; establish new trans-national links in the area of e-learning via exposure to national networks; test different e-learning platforms and methods in mini projects; Implement a European dimension into the development of e-learning. We will achieve our objectives by exchange of experience, know-how and technology. Our mini projects in the second year will give all partners valuable experience and knowledge so that each organisation can continue to develop their organisations in regard to adult education and especially e-learning. Outputs: • Increase knowledge, competency and know how in the area of e-learning; • On line teacher training course; • Good practise guide; • National benefit via international experience. Total DURATION: 2004-2006

FUNDING Year: 2004/2005

Area(s) covered

Information technology Learning about European countries / the European Union e -learning

Project Objectives

Guidance/counselling/information or other support services

Target Group(s) Other (describe if applicable)

Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Local community groups Women In the first step - Staff at the organisations; and in the second stage - Adults who for different reasons can not participate in “regular “adult education

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Latvijas - Igaunijas institūts Name of the contact person: Laila Ontensone Address: Beverinas Street 3, Valka LV-4701, LATVIA e-mail: [email protected] tel: +371-47-81193 fax: +371-47-91194 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Association to the Technological Formation in Litoral Alentejano, PT Estonian-Latvian Institute, EE Regionale Institute of Educational Research, IT


LATVIJA Project Reference: 04-LVA01-S2G01-00006-1

Empowering Rural Consumer (EmRuCo) People living in rural and disadvantaged areas have lack of consumer information and education. The project addresses this need by summarised best practice and adapted for rural target group by members of European network. The overall objective of the project is to empower rural consumers. The project purpose is to provide opportunity for consumer specialists from different countries and organisations to learn from each other. The aim of this EmRuCo learning partnership is to provide education and advise adult educators from disadvantaged areas via informative and teaching material. Final results of the project are: created learning partnership, designed and implemented research about best case practices of "empowering consumer" from participating countries, the research outcome documented and disseminated. The international meetings with exchange of experience multilaterally contribute learning partnership in terms of European dimension. The research designed and implemented, for finding out the particular needs in rural areas in consumer empowering. The collection of research results and best practice ensures the empowering of rural consumer. The best-case practices of "empowering consumer" will be summarised, adapted for national needs and prepared for use in educatory and consulting work. The results disseminated in arranged seminars and international conference. Total DURATION: 3 years

FUNDING Year: 2004/2005

Other (describe if applicable)

Active citizenship Sustainable development Consumer education Learning about European countries / the European Union

Project Objectives

Experimentation with new pedagogical approaches

Area(s) covered

Target Group(s)

1.Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas 2.Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons 3.Local community groups

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation: Name of the organisation: LATVIJAS PRAKTISKO MĀCĪBU PRIEKŠMETU METODISKĀ APVIENĪBA” Name of the contact person: Vija Dišlere Address: Cakstes boulevard 5, Jelgava, LV-3001, LATVIA e-mail: [email protected] tel: +371 3080692 fax: +371 3020762 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) PÄDAGOGISCHE AKADEMIE DES BUNDES IN WIEN, AT CIVIC EDUCATION CENTRE, EE


LATVIJA Project Reference: 04-LVA01-S2G01-00010-1

Learning for starting business in Europe The aim of the project is to investigate and analyze the education programmes for adults in European countries, summarize the successful experience. During the project the business education programmes will be analyzed and the recommendations about what knowledge are needed for successful business management in new European dimension will be summarized in research manual, which could be the basis for development of new educational programme or for updating the existing educational programmes. Total DURATION: 12 months Area(s) covered

FUNDING Year: 2004-2005 Learning about European countries / the European Union Sustainable development

Other (describe if applicable) Project Objectives Target Group(s) Other (describe if applicable)

Business development for young entrepreneurs Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Management of adult education organisation/institution Women Institutions and organizations providing adult education

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Rīgas Menedžeru skola Name of the contact person: Tatjana Melehova Address: Elizabetes Street 45/47, Riga, LV-1010, LATVIA e-mail: [email protected] tel: +371 7334346 fax: +371 734350 Organisation/Project website: Partners Vilnius Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Crafts, LT Wirtschaftsakademie Schleswig – Holstein, DE Alaji-Aprelor, FR


LATVIJA Project Reference: Nr.04-LVA01-S2G01-00008-1

Developing skills and knowledge’s of social care staff This project provides the possibility for three different organisations to work together, get to know each other and learn to work as a team remembering the main goal: work out the structure and basic of father education programme for social care staff in conformity with EU legislation. During the first year each partnership organisation will welcome partners in their country, introduce themselves, their situation in educating social care staff, different legislation and best practises they have. In between meetings partners will translate materials they have got. Partners will improve English, organise seminars in their own countries to inform potential target group about the project, make info in their organisation’s web page and make questionnaires in co-operation with social care providers, to find out skills and knowledge social care staff have and would need in future. Second year plans are to work together for working out structure and basis for the father education programme in conformity with EU legislation. Mostly it would be done using Internet possibilities. We will have 2 midterm and 2 end seminars in partnership countries to provide information on what have been done. Total DURATION: 24 months Area(s) covered Other (describe if applicable) Project Objectives Target Group(s) Other (describe if applicable)

FUNDING Year: 2004 Basic skills Environment Exchange of experience in social care providing field Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Management of adult education organisation/institution Local community groups Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Staff of different social care and service’s institutions of 3 countries

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Latvijas Pašvaldību mācību centrs Name of the contact person: Inga Kalniņa Address: Bikernieku Street, Riga, and LV-1039, LATVIA e-mail: [email protected] tel: +371 7551217 fax: +371 7552252 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) KAUNAS MUNICIPAL TRAINING CENTRE, Lithuania Coo.S.S. Marche, Italy


LITHUANIA LIETUVA Project Reference: 04-LTU01-S2G01-00003-1

Social inclusion of persons returned from imprisonment Every year, large numbers of jailed Europeans leave prison and return to society. The majority of them are uneducated, unskilled, often without social support, they experience serious social and psychological problems after release. Most of them are rearrested, many within 1 year of their release. The project “Social inclusion of persons returned from imprisonment” aims to prepare an educational programme, which helps exprisoners to reintegrate into society and prevents them from further criminal behaviour. The educational programme would include: development of interpersonal skills, communication skills, job hunting hints, encouragement of entrepreneurship, orientation in changing labour market, training on use of information and communication technologies, literacy courses, programs for psychosocial support and other related topics. The educational programme will generalize experience of 5 countries and will be adaptable to other societies, too. The programme will be prepared to be taught to prisoner and ex-prisoners. Total Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Groups

Funding Year: 1 Basic skills ICT Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learners' demand for learning Methods for providing credit for knowledge or competence acquired outside formal education Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in prison Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of social marginalisation

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Elektrenu energetiku mokykla Name of the contact person: Brone Vilutiene Address: Rungos 18, LT-26109 Elektrenai, Lithuania e-mail [email protected] tel: +370 528 39523 fax: +370 528 54301 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Center for Integration of Crime Manifested and Risk Groups, BG Association Lorraine d’Accompagnement des Adultes et des Jeunes en Insertion – Association Préformation Lorraine / ALAJIAPRELOR, FR Vocational Training Center DAFNI, GR Aplinkos tyrimu ir informacijos centras, LT


LIETUVA Project Reference: 04-LTU01-S2G01-00039-1

The models of adult educational organisations The aim of the project: to get acquainted with the models of adult educational organisations for people coming back to school and to compare them The objects: to get acquainted with the partners' adult education documents; to carry out a questionnaire in every partner partner and find out the reasons why adults are coming back to education; to present and analyse the adult educational organisations and their teaching process in every partner country in these fields: organisational structure; content of education; methods; teaching aids and teaching material; intelligence and competence of adult teachers; integration of formal and non-formal education in an adult school; social, psychological etc. environment in adult education. to study the evaluation system; to find out the possibilities to organise the education for adults in rural and geographically far away areas; To publish the booklet of the project. During the project the work groups will find out the reasons why adults are coming back to education in different countries; get acquainted with coordination of pedagogics and andragogics. The experience of every partner country will help to improve adult education and create better conditions for adult learners to achieve the best results. Total Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Groups

Funding Year: 1 Basic skills Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learners' demand for learning Management of adult education organisation / institution Others (please specify) headmasters, specialists and teachers of adult educational organisations Local community groups Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Kauno rajono svietimo centras Name of the contact person: Laimute Ruzgiene Address: Savanoriu pr.192, Kaunas, Lithuania e-mail [email protected] tel: +370 37 33 25 29 fax: +370 37 33 26 34 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Adult Education Centre, DK Lucus Augusti High School, ES Free European Rhird Age University Campania, IT CVT SBIE Ltd (The Centre of Vocational Training), GR


LIETUVA Project Reference: 04-LTU01-S2G01-00041-1

Awareness of needs for continuing learning/ motivation & sensitising – measures This project is set up to raise awareness for continuing learning. Main target groups of the project are the following groups of society: employees of small and medium enterprises (SME’s), uneducated people, jobless people and women, who’d like to enter or re-enter the regional labour market. Further the project is aimed at the related target groups qualified to support the process of how to sensitise, inform and encourage people to start on continuing learning: e.g. staff of labour offices, adult education institutions, politicians. The main aims of the project are: 1. To encourage the main related target groups named above to cooperate in the sphere of lifelong learning and continuing learning; 2. To build up a network of SME’s, labour offices and adult education institutions, which will work effectively concerning adult learners’ needs; 3. To raise awareness within adults about the need of continuing learning; 4. To encourage jobless people to participate actively in labour market; 5. To exchange information, training and counselling concepts between participating countries in the sphere of continuing learning. Total Duration: 3 years Area(s) covered

Project Objectives Target Groups

Funding Year: 1 Active citizenship Intercultural issues Languages * (see below) Learning about European countries / the European Union Information technology Sustainable development Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learners' demand for learning Guidance / counselling / information or other support services Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in prison Women Others (please specify) heads and employees of small and medium enterprises

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Kedainiu suaugusiuju mokymo centras Name of the contact person: Zilvinas Kapocius Address: Dariaus ir Girėno 52, LT-57153 Kėdainiai, Lithuania e-mail [email protected] tel: +370 347 60403 fax: +370 347 604031 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Pocking Adult Education Centre, DE Adult Municipal Education of Falkenberg, SE Selb Adult Education Centre, DE Talsi Night and Extra-mural Secondary school, LV


LIETUVA Project Reference: 04-LTU01-S2G01-00034-2

“The Icebreaking scheme“ for people with multiple sclerosis into employment through virtual learning and sport The project is a logical prolongation of the current project “Breaking Isolation of the People with Multiple Sclerosis Through Their Integration into Labour Market”, which aims to develop qualitative training models of IT, Virtual learning, Virtual Job-searching adapted from Danish and Italian experience and social skills of people with physical disabilities caused by MS in Lithuania and Latvia improving their basic competences for fully participation into society by widening insights of sport, culture and leisure activities, including employment in these fields. During the implementation of the project the target groups will be acquainted with conditions and background of work of the Danish Telework System (this system enables people with MS to work at home by using the Internet ) as well as the methods of cultural, didactical and methodological tools in learning new IT and specifics of virtual learning for people with MS proposed by the Italian Free European Third Age University Campania.This will help to perceive the existing differences, to present the practice of the European Union to the Lithuanian and Latvian societies and make integration of the Lithuanian and Latvian people with MS into the community of the EU smoother Total Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Groups

Funding Year: 2 Active citizenship Learning about European countries / the European Union Information technology Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learners' demand for learning Guidance / counselling / information or other support services Disabled persons Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Senior citizens: the oldest person of the target group is 56 years old

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Lietuvos issetines sklerozes sajunga Name of the contact person: Aldona Droseikiene Address: A.Jakšto g.9, LT-001105 Vilnius, Lithuania e-mail [email protected] tel: +370 52609068 fax: +370 52609068 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Latvian Multiple Sclerosis Association, LV EU- Jobrotation Ltd., DK


LIETUVA Project Reference: 04-LTU01-S2G01-00058-1

SOCIMMA - Social integration of immigrants increasing their intercultural knowledge trough e-learning environment The aim of the project is to create and promote the alternative learning environment targeted towards the ethnic minorities. The goal is to help the immigrants to enter the social and economical areas of a new country and to successfully integrate in a new country, considering their natural, cultural backgrounds. The task of the project is: using the research, analysis and experience of the other countries in this field, design an interactive learning setting, with a concrete learning materials to fit directly the immigrants needs. The natural environment intended to help, provide learning material and learning possibilities, promote discussions and problem solving solutions to be formed. The partner countries’ experience of the culturally different immigrant groups, shared knowledge of the particular experience and combined research are crucial for the success of the project. Starting from the learning experience of each partner’s institution and considering to alternative learning environments – from traditional education methods to innovation methods it will be created environment to adult learners get used knowledge on education, other cultures and plurality of languages using ICT. Total Duration: 3 years Area(s) covered

Project Objectives Target Groups

Funding Year: 1 Basic skills Active citizenship Intercultural issues Information technology Sustainable development Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learners' demand for learning Guidance / counselling / information or other support services Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Migrants / travellers / ethnic or other minorities Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of social marginalisation Women

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Klaipedos socialiniu mokslu kolegija Name of the contact person: Monika Kalpokaite Address: Nemuno 2, LT-91199 Klaipeda, Lithuania e-mail [email protected] tel: +370 46 397074 fax: +370 46 397077 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Analysis Consulting and Interdisciplinary Research, AT Centre for Development of Education, Training and Integration for Migrants and Refugees, DK TRANSFER Slovakia, Ltd., SK


LIETUVA Project Reference: 04-LTU01-S2G01-00045-2

Practice Makes Perfect: Promoting European Citizenship Through Language Practice The project will examine how command of a foreign language helps promote the intercultural awareness and active participation of European Citizens, and therefore, break personal, cultural and social frontiers. It will search for possibilities to put adult European students in contact, so they can practice the target languages authentically. The main objectives are: to promote European citizenship and intercultural exchange between adult learners on local, national and European levels; to induce critical thinking about our own country, and tolerance towards other European ones; to establish a permanent transnational European network of electronic learning facilities in which cultural, historical, economical and geographical information can be exchanged by adult learners to promote their knowledge of foreign societies and cultures; to offer learning opportunities to socially excluded groups; to improve spoken and written language use in local target community groups by authentic target language practice and encourage their personal development; The strategy involves the procedures of language practice, investigation and analysis of the impact of learning on the adult students, assistance to the students, implemented by modern ICT means: e-mails, chats, discussion boards, videoconference, also visits and exchanges, magazines and newspapers, leaflets. Disseminating the information concerning the project in participating countries on a web page and written documentation. Total Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered

Project Objectives Target Groups

Funding Year: 2 Active citizenship Intercultural issues Languages Learning about European countries / the European Union Information technology Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learners' demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Local community groups Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Senior citizens

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: VsI Soros International House Name of the contact person: Daiva Malinauskiene Address: Konstitucijos pr.23 A, LT-08105 Vilnius, Lithuania e-mail [email protected] tel: +370 5 2724892 fax: +370 5 2724839 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Official School of Language of Lugo, ES Public Adult Education of Ourense, ES Istituto Superiore di Formazione Andragos – ISFA, IT International Forum, RO


LIETUVA Project Reference: 04-LTU01-S2G01-00038-1

Lifelong Learning and Career Development (LEACADE) The target of this project to improve life long learning and career development opportunities for young adults (target group), in order to increase their integration in modern united European labour market. To execute research during the project in different Europe countries (European dimension importance), in order to frame present situation and to improve young adults’ needs in career guidance area. To fulfil the comparison international research analyses in career guidance area and foresee the most required methodologies and tools adaptation or new one’s implementation for person’s profile identification. To test European good practice person’s profile identification tools operational in IT environment. To prepare recommendations for young adults and for interested institutions and career guidance specialists, how to improve their work and ensure life long learning and career development importance for social excluded young people. Considering to these objectives project will reach following results: International research and comparison analyses results which frame present situation and show how to improve young adults’ needs in career guidance area. Framed criteria, which best fit to young adults needs in career guidance, and foreseen the most required methodologies and tools adaptation or new one’s implementation for person’s profile identification. Conclusions and evaluation about career guidance tools operational in IT environment. Total Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered

Funding Year: 1

Project Objectives

Basic skills Active citizenship Sustainable development Guidance / counselling / information or other support services

Target Groups

Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of social marginalisation

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Klaipedos darbo rinkos mokymo ir konsultavimo tarnyba Name of the contact person: Karolis Sakarnis Address: Liepu 49, LT – 92191 Klaipeda, Lithuania e-mail [email protected] tel: +370 46 422200 fax: +370 46 420009 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Tampere Vocational Adult Education Centre, FI Union for Vocational Training and Permanent Education, IT Bornholm Business and technical college, DK


LUXEMBOURG LUXEMBOURG Project Reference: 04-LUX01-S2G01-00012-2

Gender Training Methods Learning Partnership The awareness of gender differences is rising continually since the last decade. Concrete outcomes can be observed in gender mainstreaming action, but also in the training area. This project will focus on the latter point. The integration of gender aspects in training is relatively young and there is no established and broadly recognized method. All over Europe we can see isolated initiatives trying this integration. The aim of the present partnership is to create a European forum of exchange of experience and a compendium of existing methods. The integration of gender aspects in training will be analysed on two different levels. The first concerns the way training is designed and organised in order to allow equal access to the courses to both gender. The second one is oriented to the way gender differences are treated in the teaching process and in the lay out of course materials. At the end of the project, the compendium will give a synthetic view on the state of the art concerning gender training methods as used and experiences in the different implicated institutions. Total DURATION: 2 years Area(s) covered

Project Objectives Target Group(s)

FUNDING Year: 2 Basic Skills Intercultural issues Learning about European countries/the European Union Gender Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) All people in their gender specificity Women

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Finance and Mediation SA Name of the contact person: Guido Gennen Address: 41, Cité Millewé L- 8064 Bertrange e-mail: [email protected] tel: 00 352 263 10269 fax: 00 352 318748 Organisation/Project website: Partners Fay Andras szakközépiskola (HU) ESTA Bildungswerke (DE) Asociata Femeilor din Romania (RO) Centre socialiste d’éducation Permanente (BE) Red europea de Dialogo social (ES)


HUNGARY MAGYARORSZAG Project Reference: 04-HUN01-S2G01-00045-1

European Chat-Club-Network (ECCN) We consider the lack of actual use of foreign languages the greatest challenge, causing severe difficulties for adults wishing to find lasting employment on the labour market. We have established our English language "Don't give up - Chatting Club" to lift this barrier - and this "Chatting-project" provides the bases for the present "ECCN-project". Our aim is to activate and improve the rather passive English language communication skills of adults, and furthermore, to build a network of European chatting clubs (ECCN). We would like to promote the enlargement of intercultural competence of the participants by this non-formal system. In our view it is a fundamental tool to expand the local meetings by intercultural visits, establishing personal contacts with a European dimension. We are going to make accessible the video recordings of the regular club meetings and of the methods employed on a web page. We will prepare a joint evaluation paper, to be published for the closing conference, enlisting both the results we will have attained and the difficulties faced. Total Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Groups

Funding Year: 1 Languages; Intercultural issues; Learning about European countries / the European Union Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es); Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learners' demand for learning Local community groups; Women; Adults with passive foreign language skills

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Angyalföldi József Attila Művelődési Központ (AJAMK) József Attila Community Cultural Centre, Angyalföld Name of the contact person: Száváné Szemelka Mária Address: 1131 Budapest, József Attila tér. 4. Hungary e-mail [email protected]; [email protected] tel: (36) 1 - 452-4290 / 5812 fax: (36) 1 - 349-8151 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) L.U.E.T.E.C. – o.n.l.u.s. (Libera Università Europea Terza Età Campania), IT Scarabeus - Associazione Culturale no profit per l'educazione permanente, IT Vhs Aschaffenburg, DE Vhs Amberg-Sulzbach, DE


MALTA MALTA Project Reference: 04-MLT01-S2001-00025-1

Curricular Education for Professionals Allied to Medicine (PAMS) working in Epilepsy Epilepsy is the most common serious brain disorder worldwide and fifteen million people; both males and females, in Europe will have epilepsy at some time in their lives, with profound physical, psychological, social and economic consequences. This learning partnership aims to mobilise resources and improve competence among the partners for training, education of the adults working in the medical field with an interest in epilepsy (PAMs) such as neuroimaging specialists, pharmacologists, EEG technicians, neuropsychologists, sociologists, nurses, social workers, social educators, remedial educators, occupational therapists, and physiotherapists as well as the persons with epilepsy themselves. There are very fast scientific developments in the various interdisciplinary medical interventions required in this condition and several PAMs would never have had the opportunity to learn, in an organised manner, the concepts and skills required for these new tools. This project would help to establish co-operation in Europe in this area of adult training. Thus as a result of the process being proposed, PAMs would have greater motivation to continue learning and improve their interpersonal and interdisciplinary skills in order to overcome the fragmented education presently being undertaken by these adults. This project would thus provide European professionals allied to medicine (PAMs) with tools and methods to improve knowledge and expertise for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment in epileptology and thus help to improve the quality of care to patients with epilepsy. The partners all belong to the European Epilepsy Academy (EUREPA), the agency of the International League against Epilepsy, responsible for European education, in collaboration with the International Bureau of Epilepsy (IBE). Some preliminary work has already been undertaken in the assessment of the needs of more structured epileptological education for PAMs and establishing a curriculum and an educational network of cooperating centres. Total DURATION: 2 years Area(s) covered

FUNDING Year: 2004-2005 Health

Other (describe if applicable) Project Objectives

Other (describe if applicable) Target Group(s)

Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learners' demand for learning Guidance / counselling / information or other support services Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Management of adult education organisation / institution Methods for providing credit for knowledge or competence acquired outside formal education Disabled persons (Persons with epilepsy) Health Care professionals with no formal Tertiary Education who work with persons with Epilepsy

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Epilepsy Association of Malta Name of the contact person Dr Janet Mifsud Address: c/o Department of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics Univeristy of Malta MSD06 e-mail [email protected] tel: +356 23402845 fax: _356 21320281 Organisation/Project website: n/a yet Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) European Epilepsy Academy (EUREPA), Germany Budapest Bethel Epilepsy Centre Foundation, Hungary Epilepsy Centre Bethel, Germany


MALTA Project Reference:

EuroSafe In order to be compliant with health & safety regulations, several workplaces are increasingly being equipped with fire fighting equipment. Most offices & schools are now compliant with minimum H&SD requirements regarding fire prevention. With these ongoing changes a great need for training is being felt amongst staff members who work in these places. The aim of EuroSafe is to provide theoretical fire awareness, and practical sessions in the safe usage of fire extinguishers as well as first aid training in the treatment of burns. Parents of school children & workers from agencies in the local community (local councils, sports & church centres) will be invited to attend & receive training in these areas. This method of information delivery will ensure that the dissemination of such techniques into the community in general will be achieved in an effective manner. Total DURATION: 1 year Area(s) covered Other (describe if applicable)

Project Objectives

FUNDING Year: 2004-2005 Education for parents Health Basic principles, theory and practise of fire safety Guidance/counselling/information or other support services Experimentation with new medagogical approaches

Other (describe if applicable) Target Group(s)

Parents of children Local community groups

Other (describe if applicable)


COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: EuroSafe Name of the contact person : Pierre Gatt Address: Health & Safety Unit, education Division, Floriana CMR 02, MALTA e-mail : [email protected] tel: 00356 2598 2377 fax: 00356 2124 9878 Organisation/Project website: In construction Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) KINE Piccola Cooperativa, Pordenone, Italy. Fay Andras Secondary Vocational School, Batonyterenye, Hungary


MALTA Project Reference: 04-MLT01-S2001-00019-1

Designing Inclusive Sports Activities & Facilities Sport is an important way of continuing one’s personal development. It teaches self-discipline, encourages a healthy lifestyle, and is a means for socialization. Disabled people are very often excluded from mainstream activities and so have limited opportunities to enjoy these benefits. In the context of the European Year of Education Through Sport in 2004, this project will provide an impetus for sport to become more inclusive of disabled adults. The participating organisations will carry out research about the extent to which disabled persons have access to sports facilities and activities in their respective countries or regions. Guidelines for increasing access and inclusion in this area will also be drawn up. The research findings and guidelines will be published in CD format and will also be available online. Moreover, national/regional conferences will be held at the end in order to disseminate the findings and recommendations. There will be 3 learner exchanges for participants, who are disabled persons themselves, to coordinate their work, exchange ideas, discuss findings and visit sports facilities in the countries where the exchanges are held. Training will be provided for the learners to develop the skills necessary for them to carry out the tasks identified in the Activity Planning Timetable. Total DURATION: Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s)

2 years

FUNDING Year: 2004/2005

Sport Research into access to sport facilities and activities for disabled persons Disabled persons Providers of sport related services

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Kummissjoni Nazzjonali Persuni b’Dizabilita Name of the contact person: Anne-Marie Callus Address: Centru Hidma Socjali, Sta Venera, Malta e-mail [email protected] tel: 21487789 fax: 21484609 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Effect KFV AB, Sweden Phoenix Charity Association, Horezu Branch, RO Fundatia H, Bucharest, RO Comune dell’Aquila, Italy


MALTA Project Reference: 04-MLT01-S2001-00015-2

Effective Parental Participation in Early Literacy This project aims at making parents aware of what they can do to become effective partners with the school with regards to inculcating early literacy skills in their children. The project also aims at helping parents develop parenting skills, and raise the intellectual quality of their family. Through the international perspective, the learning partners come in contact with the reality of other countries and can collaborate to improve parental participation in European centres of learning. Total DURATION: two years Area(s) covered

FUNDING Year: 2003-2005 Basic skills Active citizenship Arts, music, culture Health

Other (describe if applicable) Project Objectives

Mentoring an dlifelong learning support Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Guidance:counselling or other support services Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Methods for providing credit for knowledge or competence

Other (describe if applicable) Target Group(s)

Local community groups

Other (describe if applicable)

Parents, Grandparents

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: The MUT Name of the contact person: Elizabeth Micallef Address: Anatevka 16 Sir Antonio Micallef Street, Balzan BZN08 e-mail [email protected] tel: 21446184 fax: 21483646 Organisation/Project website: [email protected] Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Parents’ and Guardian’s Association of the 29th Elementary of Thessalonika, GR Fay Andras Secondary Vocational School, HU European Pole of Knowledge-Europole-School and Associations, IT


THE NETHERLANDS NEDERLAND Project Reference: 04-NLD02-S2G01-00043-3

Sustainable Development and Modern Information Technology in AE Analysis in project partner countries shows that the situation needs innovation in the field of information, guidance and counselling services for administrators, learners and adult education providers especially on community level. The main aims and objectives of the project SDIT are: - Creating a framework for small-scale cooperation among the partners from Netherlands, Belgium, Italy, Malta and Latvia - Gathering and mutual exchange of information and experience about two aspects of adult education in the localities elected by partners: sustainable development (environmental and social aspects) and availability of modern information technologies for the needs of adult learners. - Joint development of proposals to improve the situation in particular by implementation of learning materials in the form of distance education packages, CD ROM and on-line learning - Analysis and implementation of the ways fostering cooperation between local authorities and adult education institutions - Dissemination of information among local people and organisations about the activities carried our in the framework of the project - Framing of a long-term cooperation programme in adult education based on project results The main target audience is the administrators and providers of adult education, teachers and learners as well as developers of modern learning materials for community use. Total DURATION: 36 months Area(s) covered

Project Objectives

Target Group(s)

FUNDING Year: 3 Information technology Environment Sustainable development«Other» Guidance / counselling / information or other support services Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Management of adult education organisation / institution Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Young adults at risk of social marginalisation

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Xgrant BV Name of the contact person: Mr. H. Kiezebrink Address: Postbus 20027, 7302 HA APELDOORN, The Netherlands e-mail: [email protected] tel: 31-55-5330128 fax: 31-55-5345339 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Riga Technical University, LV Nieuwe Media School, BE University of Malta, Department of Manufacturing Engineering, MT


NEDERLAND Project Reference: 04-NLD02-S2G01-00001-2

Educational Inclusion (ED-IN) ED-IN is a project which promotes the participation of adults in education and vocational training. By matching three themes (core skills, motivation and accessibility) with three target groups (non-certificated adults, migrants and disabled people), by means of exchange, development, implementation and evaluation of best practices, expertise is being developed which may be exchanged among a large group of institutions for educational and vocational training in the EU. Total DURATION: 36 months Area(s) covered

Other (describe if applicable) Project Objectives

Target Group(s) Other (describe if applicable)

FUNDING Year: 2 Basic Skills Active citizenship Intercultural issues Information technology Improvement of personal skills Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learners' demand for learning Guidance / counselling / information or other support services Methods for providing credit for knowledge or competence acquired outside formal education Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Young adults at risk of social marginalisation Non-certificated adults

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: ROC Twente Plus Name of the contact person: Mr. L. Folkerts Address: Postbus 75, 7600 AV ALMELO, The Netherlands e-mail: [email protected] tel: +31 546 830108 fax: +31 546 830105 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Centre Public de FPA 'Pascuel i Tirado', ES Colaiste Stiofan Naofa Cork, IE IES Politécnico, ES


NEDERLAND Project Reference: 04-NLD02-S2G01-00007-3

Development of ICT Learning This partnership will co-operate to establish a network for electronic learning and videoconferencing in order to: increase the educational level in general, and in dispersed areas in particular increase intercultural knowledge increase learning possibilities for dispersed people motivate the learning process by new didactics, prompting adult learners to an active role in the learning process promote fluency in written and spoken foreign languages, English being the common project language, but other languages can be used in bilateral contacts between students at their choice promote European awareness The combination of electronic learning and videoconferencing is to be considered as very powerful, since it makes it possible to learn at a distance with the advantages of face-to-face contacts. It will promote participants' competencies and abilities in written and spoken foreign languages. The partnership's common language is English, but participants will have the possibility to use other languages in bilateral contacts within the network. Total DURATION: 36 months Area(s) covered

Project Objectives Target Group(s)

FUNDING Year: 3 Basic Skills Intercultural issues Arts, music, culture Learning about European countries / the European Union Information technology Sustainable development Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learners' demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Young adults at risk of social marginalisation Senior citizens

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: ROC Nova College Name of the contact person: Mr. H. van der Meulen Address: Postbus 2110, 2002 CC Haarlem, The Netherlands e-mail: [email protected] tel: 31-23 548 2633 fax: 31-23 548 2687 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Centrum voor Talen en Techniek Limburg, BE Établissement Public Local d'enseignement, FR Instituto de Educacion Secundaria de Teis, ES Nygaard Skola, NO Växjö Katedralskola, SE


NEDERLAND Project Reference: 04-NLD02-S2G01-00012-2

ALIA, Adult Learners in Arts The ALIA (Adult Learners in Arts) project aims at bringing in contact European adult learners who are attending informal / nonformal courses in the fine arts (painting, drawing, sculpture). These easy-to-enrol courses are often the start of further education in the framework of lifelong learning. To contact each other and to show their pieces of arts, they will discover that extra skills are needed. This will encourage the participating learners to attend new courses: IT courses, language courses, (cultural) history courses. Extra skills the learners will develop in this project: - making use of internet based communication platforms - language skills - knowledge of cultural history of their home country and of the participating countries - organising and exposition Pieces of art made by the students as well as an introduction into the highlights of their national arts history are put on a web based platform and are exposed in the participating countries. Mobility of students will be used to attend lessons in other countries. The learning partners (staff) will discuss in this project how to bring the adult learners from informal / non-formal education in arts to formal education and collect their good practices. Total DURATION: 36 months Area(s) covered

Project Objectives Target Group(s)

FUNDING Year: 2 Intercultural issues Arts, music, culture Information technology Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learners' demand for learning Senior citizens

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Albeda College Name of the contact person: Mr. F. Bastemeijer Address: Oostzedijk 108, 3063 BG ROTTERDAM, The Netherlands e-mail: [email protected] tel: 31-6-537 28337 fax: 31-10 4120525 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Folk University Alcobendas, ES Foundation for Vet EPA 21st Century, BG Middlesbrough College, UK Ridge Danyers College, UK Unified Vocational Training Centre of Cyclades, GR


AUSTRIA ÖSTERREICH Project Reference: G2-04-3-K-O-244

Auf dem Weg zu einer offenen europäischen Gesellschaft The project creates synergy between Grundtvig 2 and Comenius 1. In both actions Learning Partnerships and school projects are formed on the topic regional identity. The project groups will cooperate both at national and European levels. By doing that an intergenerational approach at learning about cultural traditions and personal roots is pursued. The international exchange of ideas aims at promoting the understanding of the history and culture of the partner countries including accession candidates and thus contributes to an open European society. Das Projekt versucht Erwachsenenbildung und Schule zu vernetzen. Dadurch werden Informationen und kulturelle Traditionen zwischen den Generationen vermittelt, die Kenntnis über die eigenen Wurzeln und eigene Identität vertieft. Durch den internationalen Austausch wird das Verständnis für die Kultur der Partnerländer gefördert und die Basis für eine offene europäische Gesellschaft. Die ersten Ergebnisse des Projektes sind darin zu finden, dass die Lernenden im Grundtvig Programm sich bewusst wurden über die starken Änderungen in der Wohnkultur (Schwerpunkt im 1.Jahr) insbesondere während der letzten 60 Jahre und dies in den jeweiligen Ländern den Kindern bzw. Jugendlichen zum Teil unter Anleitung weitervermittelt haben. Die Jugend hatte kaum eine Vorstellung von diesen großen Änderungen. Das Zusammenfinden der Generationen gelang besonders erfolgreich im 2. Jahr, weil Musik und Tanz in sehr lebendiger und unbeschwerter Weise die Kulturtradition erlebbar gemacht. Die Lehrenden konnten durch den internationalen Erfahrungsaustausch interessante Methodenvergleiche ziehen. Total Duration:

3 years

Area(s) covered

Project Objectives Target Group(s)

Funding year: 2004 ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ

Basic skills Intercultural issues Information Technology Art, Music, Culture Education for parents, Languages, Environment, Literature Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Strategy for stimulating /promoting adult learner Person living in disadvantaged areas Local community groups

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Burgenländisches Volksbildungswerk- Regionalstelle Süd Name of the contact person: Andrea Mittl Address: Hauptplatz 3-5/1; 7400 Oberwart e-mail [email protected] tel: +43/3352/3452525 fax: +43/3352/3452511 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) ƒ Kaunas Gallery "Meno Parkas", Kaunas, LT ƒ Istituto Compresivo Pirandello, Taranto, IT ƒ Odyssee, Berg en Dal, NL


ÖSTERREICH Project Reference: G2-04-1-K-C-188

ARTE Project description This partnership is willing to promote the dynamization of an open space, in a context of lifelong learning, directed to a deprived population, victim of social exclusion. The general idea is to create a classroom where materials will be available to the community intending the production of art objects and traditions exchange. This class can be attended in a free basis and will be animated by a facilitator. This way we want to contribute to an intercultural dialogue in the community and between communities, and to the improvement of individual self- esteem, which represents the first step towards inclusion. The main objective is the creation of an autonomous and motivated group, which will be enthusiastic in proceeding social and cultural activities in the community, behind the end of the project. Total Duration:

3 years

Area(s) covered

Project Objectives Target Group(s)

Funding year: 2004 ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ

Active Citizenship Intercultural issues Learning about European countries/ the European Union Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learner’s demand for learning Guidance/counselling/information or other support services Senior citizens Women Local community group

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Woman Craft Link Name of the contact person: Lydia Zettler Address: Schützenstraße 14, 6832 Sulz e-mail [email protected] tel: +43/5522/45808 fax: +43/5522/45808 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) ƒ Zespol Szkol Budownicttwa okretowego, Gdansk PL ƒ Iecavas Novada Dome, Iecava, LV ƒ St-Lucas Centrum voor Volwassenenonderwijs, Kapellen, BE


ÖSTERREICH Project Reference: G2-04-1-K-C-252

Theatre as a scope of experience for developing new methods in the education of little children: A learning partnership for educators in day nurseries, for kindergarten teachers and leaders of parentchild- groups A Learning partnership for developing soft skills, creativity, communicative competence and attention of pedagogues and parents in their dealing with little children. Theatre for toddlers will be the scope of experience for developing new methods. Main activities of the project are: ƒ The educators visit theatre- workshops and theatre- laboratories of various artists to educate their own abilities of creative express. ƒ The educators and their toddler-groups visit theatre performances of the professionals. They experience the various reactions of their children to the richness of the immediate theatrical actions. They initiate new possibilities of communication based on the individual creativity, imagination and expressive skills of adults and children. ƒ In “learning by doing” the educators integrate theatrical methods in the daily work with their groups, continuously being in exchange with each other and with the professionals. The practical experiences continuously are combined with theoretical knowledge, added by specialists form various scientific disciplines (pedagogic, psychology, anthropology, science of arts etc.) Total Duration:

2 years

Area(s) covered

Project Objectives

Target Group(s)

Funding year: 2004 ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ

Intercultural issues Learning about European countries/ the European Union Sustainable development Education for parents Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learner’s demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Management for providing credit for knowledge or competence acquired outside Persons living in disadvantages areas Local community group women

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Toihaus, Theater am Mirabellplatz Name of the contact person: Helga Gruber Address: Franz Joseph Stra0e 4, 5020 Salzburg e-mail [email protected] tel: +43/662/874439 fax: +43/662/874439-4 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) ƒ ACTA - compagnie Agnès Desfosses, Villiers-le-Bel, FR ƒ La Baracca - Teatro Testoni Ragazzi, Bologna, IT ƒ Katholisches Kreisbildungswerk Traunstein e.V., Traunstein, DE


ÖSTERREICH Project Reference: G2-04-1-K-E-187

Lernen für eine Kultur des Lebens: Konzepte zur lebensbegleitenden Förderung von Selbstbildung und sozialer Verantwortung (Lernmotive- Lernbiographien- Lernarrangements) Die Frage, welche Kompetenzen Menschen angesichts großer kultureller Herausforderungen heute brauchen, um in ihrem Umfeld “vernünftig” leben zu können, ist Ausgangspunkt einer Reflexion der Strategien in der Erwachsenenbildung als Grundlage der Entwicklung neuer Konzepte. Das bisherige Denken war vor allem am Können der Menschen interessiert. Nun kommt in Ergänzung dazu wieder stärker ein Denken in den Blick, welches das Leben insgesamt, die Bewältigung des Alltags und der gesellschaftlichen Herausforderungen betont. Die Folge ist eine Verschiebung des Bildungsverständnisses in Richtung eines Kompetenzparadigmas (FunktionswissenOrientierungswissen-Kompetenzen). Dazu gehört die Förderung nach Selbstbildung und sozialer Verantwortung, zur Förderung der individuellen Entwicklung und Erhaltung demokratischer und mitmenschlicher Gesellschaften. Austausch und Reflexion zu folgenden Fragestellungen leiten das Projekt: ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ

Welche Perspektiven bietet der Kompetenzbegriff über eine reines Qualifizierungsverständnis hinaus? Die Weiterentwicklung einer „Kultur des Lebens“ ist auf die Dimension Wissen- Information, soziale Netzwerke- Werte/Sinn angewiesen. Mit welchen Bildungsvorgängen tragen wir zur Förderung und Erschließung von Wertorientierungen( Erlebniswerte, Einstellungswerte, schöpferische Werte) bei? An welchen Lernmotiven knüpfen unsere Bildungsangebote an? Gibt es typische Lernmotive und Lernbiographien, die stärkere Berücksichtigungen finden sollten? Welche Lernarrangements (unter Berücksichtigung biographischen Lernens) fördern Selbstbildung und soziale Verantwortung? Implikationen für die Personalentwicklung

Total Duration:

2 years

Area(s) covered

Project Objectives Target Group(s)

Funding year: 2004 ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ

Active Citizenship Intercultural issues Sustainable development Art, music, culture Health The media Education for parents Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learner’s demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Senior citizens Women Local community group

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Bildungszentrum St. Virgil der Erzdiözese Salzburg Name of the contact person: Michaela Luckmann Address: Ernst-Grein-Straße 14, 5020 Salzburg e-mail [email protected] tel: +43/662/65901534 fax: +43/662/65901509 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) ƒ Forum Katholischer Erwachsenenbildung, Wien, AT ƒ DEAE Deutsche Evang. Arbeitsgemeinschaft f. Erwachsenenbildung, Frankfurt/Main, DE ƒ KNFE Verein für christliche Frauenbildung, Budapest, HU ƒ Faludi Ferenc Akadémia, Budapest, HU ƒ ASKOV Hojskole, Vejen, DK ƒ Verein Christl. Bildungswerke/Stiftung Homo Homini, Krakow, PL


ÖSTERREICH Project Reference: G2-04-1-K-E-248

Bridging the cultural divide The aim of the project will be ƒ to gain a more in – depth understanding of the European Union ƒ to break down the barriers through heritage and culture ƒ to identify common themes in heritage, culture and traditions ƒ to investigate similar historical influences that have occurred ƒ to facilitate better communication between citizens of the member and candidate countries The project will impact learners as per the aims described above. It will also impact the staff which will be involved in the project, as they will improve their skills of cooperation and they will have to transmit their knowledge to learners from different origin/ countries. They ill also learn the methods (didactical and others) that other organisations use. The local community will also have benefits of this project through the promotion of intercultural activities. CDs and presentations to Schools will increase knowledge about Europe and ourselves. Total Duration:

3 years

Area(s) covered

Project Objectives Target Group(s)

Funding year: 2004 ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ

Basic skills Intercultural issues Art, music, culture Learning about European countries/ the European Union Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learner’s demand for learning Management in adult education institutions Persons living in disadvantages areas Senior citizens Local community

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Welterbestudienzentrum Salzkammergut Name of the contact person: Michael Kurz Address: Goisern 650; 4822 Bad Goisern e-mail [email protected] tel: +43/6135/20880 fax: +43/6135/830130 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) ƒ Minicipality of Philippi, Krinides, GR ƒ Associazione culturale e sociale delle eta libere, Tricesimo, IT ƒ Merthyr Tydfil County Borough Council, Penderyn Nr. Aberdare, UK


ÖSTERREICH Project Reference: G2-04-1-K-E-249

European Music Schools Unison Die Entwicklung der Alterststruktur der Westeuropäischen Bevölkerung sowie eine Reihe wirtschaftlicher und sozialer Trends bringt es mit sich, dass der Anteil erwachsener Schüler an Musikschulen langfristig im Steigen begriffen ist. Diese Schüler bringen: ƒ andere Bedürfnisse als Kinder. Ihr Alttag ist geprägt durch Technisierung und Automatisierung, Stress, Verschärfung der wirtschaftlichen Bedingungen und Vermarktung. Die Folge ist Bedarf an Ausgleich, wie durch Autonomie, Kreativität, Selbsterfahrungs- und Ausdrucksmöglichkeiten, Freiheit von fremdgesteuertem Leistungsdruck und Leben von Werten um ihrer selbst Willen. ƒ andere Voraussetzungen, z.B. eine ausgeprägte Individualität; eigene Absichten, Wünsche, Hoffnungen, Erwartungen, Lernen, Üben und Recherchieren; verschiedene Aspekte anzuerkennen und einzubeziehen. In Anbetracht dieser Tatsachen und des Mangels an spezifischer pädagogischer Vorbereitung soll dieses Projekt konkrete Vorgangsweisen und Methoden a) entwickeln bzw. b) identifizieren, welche den Lehrern ermöglichen, auf die besonderen Bedürfnisse erwachsener Schüler einzugehen und ihre Voraussetzungen optimal zu nutzen und zu fördern. a) der Zugang zu erwachsenen Schülern wird unter dem Gesichtspunkt „der Schüler als Partner“ von erfahrenen Lehrern entwickelt werden b) teilnehmende Lehrkräfte werden sich spezifische didaktische und musikalische Vorgangsweisen in Seminaren aneignen. Die Effektivität des Unterrichts wird am Beginn und Ende des Projekts direkt und durch Auftritte der Lernenden in Konzertabenden evaluiert um durch den Vergleich die Wirksamkeit der neuen Methoden zu überprüfen. Total Duration:

3 years

Area(s) covered

Project Objectives Target Group(s)

Funding year: 2004 ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ

Intercultural issues Art, Music, Culture Learning about European countries/ the European Union Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Teacher and adult musicians

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Landesmusikschule St. Georgen an der GusenName of the contact person: Christian Fürst Address: 4222 St.Georgen an der Gusen [email protected] e-mail tel: +43/7237/2452 fax: +43/7237/2452-5 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) ƒ Ecole de Musique d'Amboise et de sa region, Amboise, FR ƒ Musik-, Tanz und Kunstschule Bannewitz, Bannewitz, DE ƒ Musikschule Überetsch, Eppan, IT


ÖSTERREICH Project Reference: G2-04-1-K-O-190

Promotion of Women in European Regions - POWER Project description Ziel der Lernpartnerschaft ist es, vor dem Hintergrund der bevorstehenden Erweiterung der Europäischen Union die Situation der Frauen in den Nachbarstaaten Österreich, Ungarn und der Slowakei zu analysieren, auf Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede hin zu untersuchen und durch Vernetzung einen Schritt in Richtung einer transnationalen Kooperation von Frauenorganisationen zu setzen. Einen Schwerpunkt bildet dabei der Grenzraum Burgenland- Westslowakei – Westungarn, der sehr unmittelbar von der Erweiterung der Europäischen Union betroffen ist. Die Lernpartnerschaft will Fraueneinrichtungen in den angrenzenden Regionen miteinander in Kontakt bringen, um ein Frauen- und Gendernetzwerk als eine überinstitutionelle und überparteiliche Plattform zur grenzübergreifenden Diskussion von Frauen- und Genderfragen aufzubauen, mit dem Ziel der Entwicklung gemeinsamer frauenpolitischer Handlungsstrategien. Einen Schwerpunkt bilden dabei Fragen der Qualifikation von Frauen in den Regionen, ihrer zukünftigen Stellung in einem grenzübergreifenden Arbeitsmarkt, der Austausch von Erfahrungen und Methoden im Bereich des lebensbegleitenden Lernens, die Sensibilisierung für die sozialen, politischen , kulturellen und ökonomischen Unterschiede in den Partnerländern sowie die Identifikation von gemeinsamen Interessen. Total Duration:

2 years

Area(s) covered

Project Objectives

Target Group(s)

Funding year: 2004 ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ

Active citizenship Intercultural issues Learning about European countries/the European Union Gender mainstreaming Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learner’s demand for learning Management in adult education institutions

ƒ ƒ

Persons living in disadvantaged areas Women

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Burgenländische Forschungsgesellschaft Name of the contact person: Judith Jakowitsch Address: Domplatz 21, 7000 Eisenstadt e-mail [email protected] tel: +43/2682/6688612 fax: +43/2682/6688620 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) ƒ Nök a XXI. Szazadert Egyesület, Keszthely, HU ƒ Centrum Rodovych Studii, Bratislava, SK


ÖSTERREICH Project Reference: G2-04-1-K-L-176

SGE Safety goes Europe Safety is a central topic of the European community, numerous guidelines are issued as EU adaptation laws. Safety concerns everyday life. Safety awareness of the citizen is not achieved by law. Prescriptions have only favourable effects, if their sense is understood. SGE aims at motivation of the active knowledge citizen concerning safety competence. Life long learning is necessary for achieving those knowledge and skills allowing knowledge- based self protection and enabling to take knowledge-based decisions. The target group of the SGE are adults having to be encouraged to life long learning. Adults are often sensitised by their children in sense of family education, the reason why besides the informal education the formal one is important. Special risk competence must be provided for disabled persons. SGE also improves the teaching methods in formal and non- formal education. Tutorial has to provide also methodical- didactical competence for improving the learner’s motivation. The partnership will exchange their different priorities to develop a “good practice” on a European platform with educational publications. Educational curricula as well as teaching and learning material available for every learner and teacher, integrating the different fields of safety are developed. Woman are encouraged to become active also as trainers. Total Duration:

2 years

Area(s) covered

Project Objectives

Target Group(s)

Funding year: 2004 ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ

Active Citizenship Sustainable development Consumer education Health Education for parents Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learner’s demand for learning Guidance/counselling/information or other support services Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Management of adult education organisation/institution Methods for providing credit for knowledge or competence acquired outside formal education Senior citizens Local community group Women

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Pädagogische Akademie des Bundes in Wien Name of the contact person: Hans Fibi Ettenreichgasse 45a, 1100 Wien Address: e-mail [email protected] tel: +43/1/6029192-206 fax: +43/1/6024139 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) ƒ Panepistimio Critis, Rethymno, GR ƒ Masarykova Univerzita v Brne, Brno, CZ ƒ Universitatea "Stefan cel Mare" din Suceava,Suceava; RO


ÖSTERREICH Project Reference: G2-04-1-K-L-195

Dyslexia- Parents´ and Teachers´ Collaboration (DYPATEC) The debate on dyslexia has become a world wide issue in every country and it affects children in all languages. This project focuses on the interaction of professionals and other adults, particularly parents who share the responsibility of supporting children and young people with dyslexia. Practice has shown that bringing these parties together can provide the most effective support for children. In this project parents, teachers and other professionals will be given an opportunity to discuss the most relevant matters on dyslexia from their perspectives. All participating institutions will contribute in organizing a symposium that will be of benefit for all adults involved, directly or indirectly in dyslexia. This teamwork underlines the interdisciplinary and multicultural character of the project which will be reflected in documentation based on the symposium. The principal final product – a parents´ guide on dyslexia including a CD-ROM for language practice- will be based on the discussion and the interactive work throughout the project. It is anticipated that this project will have a significant impact on adult learners in relation to understanding dyslexia and identifying the most appropriate supports within the family and the community for children and families. Total Duration:

2 years

Area(s) covered

Project Objectives

Target Group(s)

Funding year: 2004 ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ

Basic skills Intercultural issues ITC Health Education for parents Population with special learning needs (dyslexia) Strategy for stimulating/ promoting adult learner’s demand for learning Guidance/ counselling/ information or other support services Management in adult education institutions Persons living in disadvantages areas Local community groups Adults with children who have got special learning needs (dyslexia)

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Pädagogische Akademie des Bundes in der Steiermark Name of the contact person: Hermine Posch Address: Hasnerplatz 12, 8010 Graz e-mail [email protected] +43/316/ 683189 tel: fax: +43/316/683189-20 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) ƒ Verein Arkus- Arbeitskreis für Kind und Schule, Lienz, AT ƒ Steirischer Landesverband Legasthenie (STILL), Graz, AT ƒ Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, Graz, AT ƒ Univerzita Karlova v Praze, Prag, CZ ƒ Sozialpädiatrisches Zentrum, Klinikum Ludwigsburg, Ludwigsburg, DE ƒ Dyslexia and Special Needs Luxembourg DYSPEL, Luxembourg, LU ƒ Polskie Towarzystwo Dysleksji, Gdansk, PL ƒ Dyslexia North West, Lancashire, UK


ÖSTERREICH Project Reference: G2-04-1-K-O-201

GEnFOOD- InfoNet ( Genetically Engineered Food- Information and Education Network) After long negotiations EU- members, EU- parliament and EU- commission have come to terms: the identification and the access of genetically modified food to the market are laid down by law. This law will come into force all over EU in April 2004. Due to the realisation of this law, consumers get plenty of information for which they are not having full consciousness. The aim of our project is to close the gap between pure information and consumer decisions by education and informational work. The main focus of the first year of the of the project is on the one hand the knowledge- transfer from experiences in educational work in this subject and common learning through best practice examples. On the other hand the main emphasis is put on the exchange of experiences concerning the realisation and the handling of the new law, regarding the duty of marking food in the partner countries. On basis of the results the main focus of the second year of the project will be a common development of creative and innovative concepts and ideas concerning the education and informational work for consumers, multiplicators and all people interested. The emphasis of the partner countries is put on the predominant, multilingual, documentation, publication and distribution of the results as well as the development of materials for the distribution of information. The realisation of these aims will occur through methods corresponding to the character of each institution. Total Duration:

2 years

Area(s) covered

Project Objectives Target Group(s)

Funding year: 2004 ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ

Basic skills Consumer education Health Environment Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learner’s demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Consumers, Multiplicators Women

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: DOKU Graz Name of the contact person: Angela Resch- Reisinger Address: Hans- Sachs- Gasse 12/ III e-mail [email protected] tel: +43/316/820628 fax: +43/316/820628-4 Organisation/Project website: www.doku.graz Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) ƒ Animacija PLUS, Ptuj, SL ƒ INFOgen / IFZ, Graz, AT ƒ Öko-Institut (Institut für angewandte Ökologie), Freiburg, DE ƒ Umanotera, Slovenska fundacija za trajnostni razvoj, Ljubljana, SL ƒ AB Företagshuset Dynamo Yritystalo OY, Närpes, FI


ÖSTERREICH Project Reference: G2-04-1-K-O-210

Connecting Memories. Gesammelte Tondokumente als Hörbilder vom Eigenen und Fremden „Connecting“ Memories. Gesammelte Tondokumente als Hörbilder vom Eigenen und Fremden“ wird anlässlich der 100. Wiederkehr des Gründungsjahres des „Österreichischen Volksliedunternehmen“ und der sogenannten „EU- Osterweiterung“ im Jahr 2004 der Spurensuche nach gemeinsamer europäischer Geschichte in den ehtnomusikologischen Archiven und Sammlungen gewidmet sein wird. Dabei werden historische Tondokumente aus den am Projekt beteiligten Archiven und Institutionen die Ausstellung „Europa hören. Musiksammlungen und Liedgedächtnis“ im Österreichischen Museum für Volkskunde begleiten. Mittels ausgewählter historischer Hörbilder vom Eigenen und Fremden soll das Projekt die Verbindung zischen verschiedenen Erinnerungskulturen knüpfen und die Kenntnis con zentraleuropäischen Archiven als Speicher kulturellen Gedächtnisses vertiefen. Die Zusammenarbeit mit verwandten Institutionen dient der Recherche und dem Ziel, für die Ausstellung geeignete historische Tondokumente auszuwählen und für die Vermittlung vorzubereiten. Historische Musikträger tragen und trugen als „Quellen“ kollektiven und individuellen Gedächtnisses zur Vermittlung zwischen Kulturen bei und haben andererseits durch die Selektion der dokumentierten Inhalte die Wahrnehmung des Eigenen und Fremden geprägt. Die Geschichte der ethnomusikalischen Forschung ist immer auch eine (bisher wenig beachtete) Geschichte ihrer medialen Aufzeichnung. In diesem Sinne versteht sich „Connecting Memories“ als gemeinsame Auseinandersetzung mit der gemeinsamen Geschichte sowie als Beitrag zur Vermittlung immateriellen kulturellen Erbes in einem veränderten Europa, das von seinen Bürgern auch immer wieder neu zu lernen ist. Total Duration:

2 years

Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s)

Funding year: 2004 ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ

Intercultural issues Art, music, culture The media Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learner’s demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approaches Management in adult education institutions Migrants/ Travellers/ ethnic or other minorities Disabled persons

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Kulturum- Dokumentationszentrum für immaterielles Kulturerbe Name of the contact person: Michael Weese Operngasse 6, 1010 Wien Address: e-mail [email protected] tel: +43/1/5126335 fax: +43/1/5126335-13 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) ƒ Gesellschaft für Historische Tonträger e.V., Wien, AT ƒ Univ. degli Studi di Udine; Facolta di Lettere, Gorizia, IT ƒ Instytut Sztuki PAN/Polish Academy of Science, Warszawa, PL


ÖSTERREICH Project Reference: G2-04-1-K-O-247

Exchange of experience and best practice of intercultural trainings- core elements and culturespecific requirements (INTEREX) The intercultural exchange of intercultural training contents, core-elements and culture specifics is important to figure out the national, culture-specific, didactic and understanding of intercultural trainings, the correlating needs and demands as well as the culture-specific interactivity with the participating trainees. In Austria, Germany, Poland, Latvia and Bulgaria will be done ƒ A national analysis of existing trainings ƒ The work out of a country- specific intercultural training ( in English language) in each partner country (held with local participants of the given target groups) ƒ The evaluation of these trainings on site The final result of the “comparative study on culture specific intercultural trainings in DE, AT, PL, BG, LV will show ƒ The national situation of intercultural trainings especially in the field of used training methods and culture specifics ƒ The evaluated results, differences and similarities as well as culture specific singularities A better understanding of need, demands and practices of intercultural trainings within the participating countries and the correlating increase of information and practice of the “coutnryspecific” culture itself and the “cultruespecific” aspects within the trainings will be an added value to trainers and trainees. Total Duration:

2 years

Area(s) covered Project Objectives

Target Group(s)

Funding year: 2004 ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ

Intercultural issues Learning about European countries/ the European Union Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learner’s demand for learning Guidance/Counselling/information or other support services Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Persons living in disadvantages areas Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities women

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: INMAD- International Institute for Managing DiversityName of the contact person: Dagmar Kommer Address: Hasnerstraße 148/4, 1160 Wien e-mail [email protected] tel: +43/1/4947927 fax: +43/1/4947927 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) ƒ SIA Valda, Riga, LV ƒ Centrum Biznesu i Rozwoju, Rzeszow, PL


ÖSTERREICH Project Reference: G2-04-1-K-U-181

Performing Life: Site Specific Performance as a Means of Active Citizenship Das Projekt will die Möglichkeiten von site specific performances auf dem Gebiet des Lebenslangen Lernens erforschen und aufzeigen, in welchem Maß diese Methode zu aktiver Staatsbürgerschaft beitragen kann. Die Arbeitsweise der site specific performance thematisiert in ihrer praktischen künstlerischen Arbeit die „Schauplätze“ von Aufführungen in ihrer Mehrfachbedeutung als Orte und soziale Räume. Die Basis der Arbeit bilden Recherche und ein hoher Grad an Sensibilität dafür, was die vorgefundene site zu sagen hat. Der künstlerische und pädagogische Prozess sowie die Aufführung geben Antworten darauf und gehen so aufgeschlossen wie möglich auf neue Kontexte zu, um mit Mitteln der Künstlerinnen und Künstler darauf zu reagieren. Im Projekt „performing Life“ Arbeiten vier Institutionen, die in Forschung und Lehre seit längerem die Schnittstellen zwischen Kunst und Sozialem untersuchen, zusammen. In den zwei Jahren werden in jeder der vier Städte jeweils zwei site specific perfomance Projekte durchgeführt, wobei in einem Rotationsprinzip jeweils Lehrende und Lernende aus den anderen Städten beteiligt sind. Drei Projekttreffen dienen dem Austausch der Praxiserfahrungen und der gemeinsamen Theoriebildung. Die Website des Projekts gewährt Einblicke in den aktuellen Stand der Dinge. Eine ausführliche Projektdokumentation sowie ein Thesenpapier in allen beteiligten Sprachen geben am Ende Auskunft über die entwickelte pädagogische Methode. Total Duration:

2 years

Area(s) covered

Project Objectives Target Group(s)

Funding year: 2004 ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ

Active Citizenship Art, music, culture Health Learning about the European countries/ European Union Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learner’s demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Young adults Local community group

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: uniT- Verein für Kultur an der Karl Franzens Universität Graz Name of the contact person: Sieglinde Roth Address: Mozartgasse 14, 8010 Graz e-mail [email protected] tel: +43/316/3807481 +43/316/3809112 fax: Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) ƒ Ernst Moritz Arndt Universität Greifswald, Greifswald, DE ƒ Zakladni umelecka skola, Praha,.CZ


ÖSTERREICH Project Reference: G2-04-1-K-V-197

Radio for a new Generation We want to analyse the experiences and offers of radio training programs for the older generation in the UK, Germany, Ireland and Austria. The result of the project will be a funded analysis and a serious feasibility study for a radio training program for elder people producing their own radio program; the “last point” could be a regular broadcast of a new radio program on the local radio stations. One of the main themes of polycollege´s working plan for the next 5 years will be the organisation of training courses and vocational education for the older generation. In the framework “3rd age academy” polycollege will offer different specialised learning modules. As the vocational education for the media business is one of the main activities in polycollege´s course program, we want to look beyond the national frontiers and learn form our European partner. Total Duration:

2 years

Area(s) covered

Project Objectives Target Group(s)

Funding year: 2004 ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ

Active citizenship Information technology Art, music, culture The media Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learner’s demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)

ƒ ƒ ƒ

Senior citizen Women Local community groups

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Wiener Volksbildungsverein polycollege Stöbergasse Name of the contact person: Herbert Depner Address: Stöbergasse 11-15; 1050 Wien e-mail [email protected] tel: +43/1/54666-0 fax: +43/1/54666-19 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) ƒ Freies Radio Wien-Verein zur Förderung und Unterstützung, Wien, AT ƒ HIR-NOK Beszelgetesek Civil Radio, Budapest, HU ƒ Förderkreis Radio Freudenstadt e.V., Freudenstadt, DE ƒ Inishowen Community Radio, Carndonagh, IE


ÖSTERREICH Project Reference: G2-04-2-K-F-234

Auf dem Weg zu einer offenen europäischen Gesellschaft The learning partnership intends to compare counselling and validation methods which are aimed at increasing educational and labour market chances of marginalized woman in the participating countries. Main activities: ƒ ƒ ƒ

Collecting and exchanging examples (materials) of good practice from each partner country Multilateral meetings in order to get know the counselling and validating procedures in their socio- cultural framework Designing a documentation of examples of good practice in the field of counselling and validation

The relevant woman students involved in the project will be selected in each country in accordance with the local target groups. They will be given special attention in validation of former education and practice in evaluation gap of knowledge and in counselling toward skills and future labour market. Total Duration:

2 years

Area(s) covered

Project Objectives

Target Group(s)

Funding year: 2004 ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ

Basic skills Sustainable development Educational counselling Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Strategy for stimulating /promoting adult learner Guidance/counselling information or other support services Young female adults at risk of social marginalisation Woman

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Wirtschaftsförderunginstitut der Wirtschaftskammer BurgenlandName of the contact person: Friederike Soezen Address: Robert Graf Platz 1 e-mail [email protected] tel: +43/590907-5140 fax: +43/590907-5115 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) ƒ Consorzio Lavoratori Studenti CLS, Bozen. IT ƒ Oslo Voksenopplaering, Oslo, NO ƒ EDU-Consult, Grieskirchen, AT


ÖSTERREICH Project Reference: G2-04-2-K-O-194

ERDE – European rural development by means of educational activities Die Lernpartnerschaft beabsichtigt, gemeinsam Inhalte und Methoden zu entwickeln um zukunftsgerichtete Bildungs- und Kommunikationsstrukturen im ländlichen Raum aufzubauen, ebenso steht die Zusammenführung der Stärken der einzelnen Partner im Vordergrund, ebenso wie der Austausch von Methoden und Erfahrungen zur Stärkung ländlicher Regionen durch Bildungsaktivitäten unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von IKT und Vernetzung von verschiedenen Bildungs- und regionalen Service- Einrichtungen mit Hilfe demokratischer Beteiligungsmodelle. Um einen guten Informationsfluss zu garantieren wird die Lernpartnerschaft eine Webseite installieren, die als Diskussionsplattform für neue Methoden, Studie und dem Ideen- und Erfahrungsaustausch dienen soll. Es ist geplant in jedem Land einen Workshop abzuhalten, in welchem die Stärken des jeweiligen Landes bzw. der teilnehmenden Organisationen vermittelt werden sollenanschließend erfolgt die Präsentation auf der Webseite sowie anderen Medien. Total Duration:

2 years

Area(s) covered

Project Objectives

Target Group(s)

Funding year: 2004 ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ

IKT Arts, music, culture Educational counselling Sustainable development Environment Guidance/ counselling information or other support services Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Management in adult education institutions Persons living in disadvantages areas Women Local community group

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Bildungs- und Heimatwerk NÖ Name of the contact person: Mag. Monika Erb Address: Wipplingerstraße 23/23, 1010 Wien e-mail [email protected] tel: +43/1/5331899/12 fax: +43/1/5331899/18 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) ƒ Gimnazjum w Malechowo, Malechowo, PL ƒ GIVE Forschungsgesellschaft - Labor für globale Dörfer, Wien, AT ƒ Stadt Coburg, Coburg, DE ƒ IPAK - Institut za simbolno analizo in razvoj informacijskih tehno., Velenje, SL ƒ City & Bits GmbH, Berlin, DE ƒ Mass Mitec Creative Collaborative Communications, Market Harborogh, UK ƒ Varenos Technologijos ir Verslo Mokykla, Varena, LT



Project Reference: G2-04-2-K-O-196

Euroskills – Erweiterung der sozialen Kompetenz im zunehmend interkulturellen Kontext Erwachsenenbildung im Zeitalter des lebenslangen Lernens muss den Anforderungen der sich ständig verändernden globalen Umfelder gerecht werden. Dies erfordert ihre Stärkung besonders im Sektor der sozialen Kompetenz und die Etablierung gemeinsamen interkulturellen Lernens. Diese Lernpartnerschaft verfolgt das Ziel, die unterschiedlichen, in der Praxis bewährten Kompetenzen der Partner zu vergleichen. Aus dieser Reflexion und dem Transfer wird eine interkulturell tragfähige Grundlage für ein gemeinsames Lern- und Trainingsverständnis im oben genannten Kontext erarbeitet. Die zu erwartenden Ergebnisse der Lernpartnerschaft sind von grundlegender Bedeutung und deshalb für alle Erwachsenen, Mehrheiten wie Minderheiten, Personen mit oder ohne besondere Bedürfnisse (Behinderungen) relevant. Die Lernpartnerschaft erfolgt in Form von gegenseitiger Hospitation, Austausch von Lerninhalten und Supervision von Projekten. Der Wissensaustausch wird durch schriftliche Aufbereitung einem gossen Interessentenkreis zugänglich gemacht. Die geplante Euroskills- Knowledgebase unerstützt Erwachsenentrainer in ihrer Tätigkeit und ermöglicht die Sicherung ihrer Qualität. Total Duration:

2 years

Area(s) covered

Funding year: 2004

Project Objectives

ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ

Target Group(s)


Basic skills Intercultural issues Sustainable development Learning about European countries/the European Union Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Guidance/ counselling information or other support services Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Management in adult education institutions Methods for providing credit for knowledge or competence acquired outside formal education Persons living in changing intercultural processes = everybody

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Akademy4socialskills Name of the contact person: Ursula Parak-Winkler Address: Lerchenfelderstraβe120/9, 1080 Wien [email protected] e-mail tel: +43/1/4087717 fax: +43/1/4087717 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) ƒ Bodo Training, Budapest, HU ƒ Machwürth Team, Visselhövede, DE ƒ Systemisches Institut, Wien, AT ƒ Vitamin T/Die Bühne für Veränderung, München, DE


POLAND POLSKA Project Reference: 04-POL01-S2G01-00029-1

Diagnosis of teachers’ needs and evaluation of teachers’ development forms in partner countries comparison and looking for the most effective solutions The main objective of the project is to exchange knowledge on taechers’ development and in-service training systems in partner countries as well as to exchange the experiences. First, the data on topics of courses and opinions about course arrangements will be gathered. The second topic of the research will be evaluation of the in-service teacher training. It will be the basis for a survey, which will be carried out by every participating institution traditionally and via the Internet. The results (as well as the presentations of development systems and other documents) will be published in the Net. The project will be followed by a series of international seminars addressed to headmasters of Teacher Training Centres and teachers in partner countries. Total DURATION: 36 months Area(s) covered

FUNDING Year: 1 Basic Skills Information technology Learning about European countries/the European Union

Project Objectives

Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learners' demand for learning Guidance / counselling / information or other support services

Target Group(s)

Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Local community groups

Other (describe if applicable)


COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Centrum Edukacji Nauczycieli w Koszalinie (In-Service Teacher Training Centre in Koszalin) Name of the contact person: Ms. Anna Walkowiak Address: Ul. Ruszczyca 16, 75- 654 Koszalin, Poland e-mail: [email protected] tel: +48 94 347 67 24 fax: +48 94 347 67 15 Organisation/Project website: --Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Centro de Profesores y de Recursos de Talavera, ES Centro de Profesores y de Recursos de Tomelloso, ES Pedagogiko Instituto Kyprou, CY Rigas rajona padomes Izglitibas un Kulturas parvalde, LV


POLSKA Project Reference: 04-POL01-S2G01-00047-2

Shaping of Active Attitudes in Opposition to Passive Ones Among Socially Disadvantaged Adults The aim of this project is to identify and define the core problems and threats concerning socially disadvantaged adults. The exchange of experiences between partners plays an important role- it stimulates a growth of education's quality of the disadvantaged and it helps to identify and take into consideration some cultural differences and single out certain specific educational needs in different regions of Europe. Another task of the project is to present effective solutions and methods that would be helpful in the development of creative and innovative attitudes among disadvantaged adults. In the framework of the project, people seek measures and methods of stimulating self- development and self- improvement, strategies that will permit them to develop multilateral teaching (taking into consideration individual needs). The exchange of experiences will allow the project team to separate the factors that have an influence on shaping one’s own life and breaking barriers of socially disadvantaged people. Total DURATION: 24 months Area(s) covered

FUNDING Year: 2 Basic skills Active citizenship Active attitudes among adult people

Project Objectives

Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)

Target Group(s)

Economically or socially disadvantaged groups Local community groups Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Instytut Postępowania Twórczego (Institute of Creative Proceedings) Name of the contact person: Gabriel Osiewała Address: ul. Rewolucji 1905r. 52, 90- 213 Łódź, Poland e-mail: : [email protected], [email protected] tel: +48 42 631 59 00 fax: +48 42 631 59 01 Organisation/Project website:, Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Siauliu universitetas (LT) TECNOPRAS s.a.s. (IT) Iletisim Egitimhizmetleri ltd.sti. (TR)


POLSKA Project Reference: 04-POL01-S2G01-00048-2

Entrepreneurship Incubator as Form of Adult Unemployment Fighting The project is aimed at collecting cross-sectional information on various forms of economic support offered by entrepreneurship incubators. The target of the project is also exchanging of methods and techniques applied by incubators in the European Union and the candidate countries and improvement of professional qualifications of people working for incubators. Long-term aims are: development of entrepreneurial attitudes among adults, improvement of entrepreneurship incubators efficiency and promotion of lifelong learning. It is planned to enrich existing knowledge and systematize literature data, what enables the web site dedicated to the project and entrepreneurship incubators. It is planned to publish the book on training methods applied in entrepreneurship incubators this year. Total DURATION: 24 months Area(s) covered Other (describe if applicable) Project Objectives Target Group(s) Other (describe if applicable)

FUNDING Year: 2 Basic skills Active citizenship Active fight with unemployment Guidance/ counselling/ information or other support services Management of adult education organisation/ institution Other: unemployed people Local community groups Young adults (15- 25 age range) at risk of social marginalisation

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Instytut Postępowania Twórczego (Institute of Creative Proceedings) Name of the contact person: Gabriel Osiewała Address: ul. Rewolucji 1905r. 52, 90- 213 Łódź, Poland e-mail: : [email protected], [email protected] tel: +48 42 631 59 00 fax: +48 42 631 59 01 Organisation/Project website:, Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Regional Development Agency with Business Support Centre for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (BG) Bildungswerk des Allgemeinen Unternehmensverbandes Neubrandenburg e.V. (DE) Institutul National pentru Intreprinderi Mici si Mijlocii (RO) D&S Group – Donne per lo Sviluppo p.s.c. a r.l. (IT) Institut fur Hohere Studien (AT) Vilnijos verslo inkubatorius (LT)


POLSKA Project Reference: 04-POL01-S2G01-00081-1

ENETRAC - Education in gender The project aims at exchanging information and experiences regarding the gender friendly methodologies in adult education. Partners are going to develop a questionnaire for both women and teachers in adult education to investigate strengths and weaknesses, advantages and disadvantages of existing methods. Both national and translational reports will be elaborated. Examples of the best practices in gender friendly adult education as well as gender oriented methodology will be collected and disseminated at CD-ROMs. The project website will be created to support the exchange of experiences. Project’s outcomes will be promoted and disseminated within seminars and workshops held in all partner countries. Total DURATION: 36 months Area(s) covered

FUNDING Year: 1 Basic Skills Active citizenship Information technology

Other (describe if applicable) Project Objectives

Education for parents Guidance / counselling / information or other support services Experimentation with new pedagogical approaches

Target Group(s)

Women Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Stowarzyszenie „Demokracja i Rozwój” (Associationfor Democracy and Development) Name of the contact person: Ms. Renata Kwiecień Address: ul.Krywki 11, 27 - 200 Starachowice, Poland e-mail: [email protected] tel: +48 41 274 20 70 fax: +48 41 274 20 70 Organisation/Project website: --------------------Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) ATHENA – Spolecnost pro vzdelavani a rozvoj zen (CZ) Training Organisation « Epicentre » S.A. (GR) Deeside College (UK) Yale College of Wrexham (UK)


POLSKA Project Reference: 04-POL01-S2G01-00089-1

VISION 21- Volunteerism and social services: teaming up to tackle social exclusion in the 21st century This two-year project is designed/planned to facilitate cross-national exchange and dissemination of good practice in the cooperation between social services institutions and voluntary organizations. It will focus on ways of effective recruiting, training and supervising volunteers for the purposes of social work. The cooperation within the voluntary sector can substantially increase the capacity of social work bodies to cater for the needs of disadvantaged groups (the poor, the disabled, the elderly). In the first year, partners will organise meetings at country level to pool/gather local knowledge and prepare contributions to the main, international seminar, which will take place in Warsaw. In the second year partners will develop a new handbook for social workers on how to work with volunteers. Another final product of the project will be a website bringing together social workers and voluntary sector activists. Total DURATION: 24 months Area(s) covered Other (describe if applicable) Project Objectives

Target Group(s) Other (describe if applicable)

FUNDING Year: 1 Active citizenship Intercultural issues Adult education (social workers); social inclusion; social cohesion Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learners' demand for learning Guidance / counselling / information or other support services Experimentation with new pedagogical approaches Social workers Local community groups Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in prison

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Instytut Rozwoju Służb Społecznych (Institute for the Development of Social Services) Name of the contact person: Mr. Piotr Matela Address: Ul. Marszałkowska 34/50, 00 - 554 Warsaw, Poland e-mail: [email protected] tel: +48 22 621 04 23, +48 22 629 40 18 fax: +48 22 621 04 23, +48 22 629 40 18 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Institut e Recherche et d’Information sur le Volontariat (FR) Instituto de Educacion Secundaria « San Isidro » (ES) Lunaria (IT)


POLSKA Project Reference: 04-Pol01-S2G01-00092-1

ITAL 40+ IT teaching to adults learners - brainstorming European ideas/didactic problems/) Information Technology (IT) is one of the most dynamically developing sciences. The lack in IT education affects mainly adult learners. Therefore it is necessary to create new effective didactic programmes to supplement the adults’ knowledge in this area. It should be adapted to perception possibilities emerge from the break in education). Another problem is students’ psychical resistance in front of a new tool – a computer. This is why a new attractive form of curricula is needed to overcome this problem. A brainstorming of European experience would bring a huge impact to this matter. The most valuable experiences and achievements would be of great value to create common effective, didactic informatics programme for adults. Total DURATION: 36 months Area(s) covered

FUNDING Year: 1 Information technology Languages Sustainable development

Project Objectives

Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learners' demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approaches Methods for providing credit for knowledge or competence acquired outside formal education

Target Group(s)

Disabled persons Women

Other (describe if applicable)

Persons over 40 years old

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Wyższa Szkoła Ekonomiczno – Informatyczna (High Economics and Informatics School) Name of the contact person: Ms. Beata Kałuska Address: Ul. Stokłosy 3, 02 - 786 Warsaw, Poland e-mail: [email protected] tel: +48 22 641 91 17 fax:-------------------Organisation/Project website:--------------------Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Centrum Rehabilitacji dla Osób Niepełnosprawnych (PL) Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de Murcia (ES) EDUCALINE Centro de la Ensenanza Profesional (ES) ROC West Brabant (NL) Ministry of Education and Culture (CY)


PORTUGAL PORTUGAL Project Reference: 04-PRT01-S2G01-00004-1

Avoid info-exclusion - Open a New Window Nowadays, lifelong learning skills and ICT are essential for integration in a competitive Europe. To achieve this, it is necessary to guarantee the effective and inclusive access to learning skills and to ICT. Digital literacy, learning skills and the ability to take part in an evolving community are a prerequisite for active citizenship of the European community. This project offers to disadvantaged groups the appropriate exposure to lifelong learning through ICT. The development and exchange of the approach strategies and pedagogical methodologies between the partners will enhance the building of inclusive learning communities in Europe. The partners in this project will have an opportunity to provide an adapted approach strategy and pedagogical methodology tailored to meet specific needs and enhanced through sharing of expertise. New technologies will be used to support collaboration and to ensure a broad dissemination of the experiences and results of the project. With this project we want to “open a new window” to the realities of a new Europe. Total DURATION: 24 months Area(s) covered

FUNDING Year: 1 Active citizenship Intercultural issues Learning about European countries/EU Information Technology«Other»

Project Objectives Target Group(s)

Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Migrants / travellers / ethnic or other minorities Local community groups

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Esc EB 2,3/S Ferreira do Zêzere Praceta Dr. Guilherme Felix Faria Soeiro 2240-346 Ferreira do Zêzere Tel: 00351 249 361198 Fax: 00351 249 361720 E-mail: [email protected] Partners Provinciaal Centrum voor Adult Education – PVCO Gent (BE) Gloscat (Gloucestershire College of Art and Technology (UK) Clare VEC Adult Education Service (IE) Bibliotheek Assen (NL)


PORTUGAL Project Reference: 04-PRT01-S2G01-00040-1

Traditional Cloth and Patterns applied on Modern Design The highest objective of this project is to ressuscitate and bring to today’s light our countries old traditional clothes (cotton, wool, linen, etc) and patterns (their shape, colours, meaning of those patterns, coulours and shapes, etc) from traditional clothes and costumes, home articles and preserve this knowledge for future generations. Therefore, the project consists on the following work: - research of traditional cloth and patterns of each country; - research the meaning of the patterns, the meaning of colours There will be final products and workshops in each participating country involving theachers ans learners, visits to some museums, companies. The project intents to create didactical material to be used in classrooms. Total DURATION: 24 months Area(s) covered

FUNDING Year: 1 Basic skills Active citizenship Intercultural issues Learning about European countries/EU Arts, music, culture

Project Objectives

Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Methods for providing credit for knowledge or competence acquire outside formal education

Target Group(s)

Young adults at risk of social marginalisation Women Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in prison

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation CENATEX II - Formação e Serviços, lda. Av. D. João IV - Ed. D. João IV, nº 187, 2º and 4810-531Guimarães Tel: 00351 253 415705 Fax: 00351 253 415705 E-mail: [email protected] Partners Institut für Fortbildung und Projekmanagement (DE) Asociatia Comunitara Romaneasca din Miercurea Ciuc (RO) UAB Kauno Petrasiunu darbo rinkos mokymo centras (LT) Scuola Media nº 4 (IT)


PORTUGAL Project Reference: 04-PRT01-S2G01-00053-1

TÁGIDE – Senior Expertise for Social Development The target group of this project are senior citizens and its aim is to bring forward the social role of the elderly through an active participation in the community’s life while sharing their knowledge and experiences and ensuring their autonomy. Total DURATION: 24 months Area(s) covered

FUNDING Year: 1 Active Citizenship Languages Art, music, culture«Other»

Project Objectives

Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)

Target Group(s)

Senior citizens Local community groups Women

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation CRIVA – Centro de Reformados e Idosos do Vale da Amoreira Largo das Dálias, Bloco 51 a 54 Cv esq 2835-204 Vale da Amoreira Tel: 00351212039198 Fax: 00351212032246 E-mail: [email protected] Partners Grupul pentru Integrare Europeana (RO) Câmara Municipal do Barreiro (PT) Alytaus Darbo Rinkos Mokymo ir Konsultavimo Tarnyba (LT) CORISS – Cooperative Riunite Socio Sanitarie (IT)


PORTUGAL Project Reference: 04-PRT01-S2G01-00067-1

Promoting quality in institutions and services – a need to balance family and career To study and develop quality criteria in organizations and services that provide support to families, reinforcing the efforts these make in making the right choices, while trying to achieve a balance between three key factors: job, family and happiness. To create a quality chart that can be included in the internal regulations of the target institutions of this project. Total DURATION: 24 months Area(s) covered

FUNDING Year: 1 Active Citizenship Languages Information Technology Sustainable development Consumer education Parental education

Project Objectives

Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Methods for providing credit for knowledge or competence acquired outside formal education

Target Group(s)

Local community groups Other: Parents Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Escola Superior de Educadores de Infância Maria Ulrich Rua do Jardim à Estrela nº 16 1350-184 Lisboa Tel: 00351 21 392 95 60 Fax:00351 21 392 95 69 E-mail: [email protected] Partners Comune di Bologna (IT) Association Segala Limargue (FR) National Children’s Bureau (UK)


PORTUGAL Project Reference: 04-PRT01-S2G01-00070-1

Developing social and cultural associations The aim of this project is to create the appropriate conditions to promote the development of social and cultural associations by renewing their role in the community. Total DURATION: 24 months Area(s) covered

FUNDING Year: 1 Active Citizenship Intercultural issues Languages Information Technology

Project Objectives Target Group(s)

Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in prison Local community groups Other: Members and staff from associations

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Oficina de Histórias-Coop de Sol social, Crl. Estrada Nacional, N.º 167 - 3º 2835-024 Baixa da Banheira Tel: 00351212030478 Fax: 00351212040539 E-mail: [email protected] Partners Asociación de Personas Discapacitadas di Córdoba (ES) Centro di Aiuto alla Vita (IT) ENEIUS (IT)


PORTUGAL Project Reference: 04-PRT01-S2G01-00071-1

Development of Social Entrepreneurship This project assumes that the creation of employment in the European Union is an important problem, that could be partially solved by creating small and micro companies. Thus and proceeding with previous work, this project aims at sharing experiences among the different participating countries, which have different realities and promoting new trainning opportunities in this area. The target group are namely minority and socially disadvantaged groups and the final products of this project are closely related with the setting up of companies. Total DURATION: 24 months Area(s) covered

FUNDING Year: 1 Basic Skills Sustainable development Information Technology

Project Objectives

Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)

Target Group(s)

Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in prison Women Migrants / travellers / ethnic or other minorities

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Outra Margem, Cooperativa de Solidariedade,CRL Rua 27 de Julho, n.º 6 2825-895 Trafaria Tel: 00351 965547978 Fax: 00351212040539 E-mail: [email protected] Partners Centro de Investigación para el Desarollo (ES) Asociata pentru Invantare Permanenta (RO) Oktav Training Centre Inc (HU) Silale Women’s Employment and Information Centre (LT)


PORTUGAL Project Reference: 04-PRT01-S2G01-00082-1

Mental Health – The Socially Inclusive Life Project The goal of our project is to provide our clients learning opportunities regarding the development of each one life project and social inclusion within their environment community, and in the society, implementig better lifelong learning practices and innovative methods. We will do this by developing and implementing a mapping exercise to know each individual’s skills and needs. Then we will research and develop a core curriculum on areas such as empowerment processes, social roles, how to look and manage work, advocacy, human rights. We expect with this to maximize empowerment processes that will lead to greater inclusion. Our main objective is that our users can participate in all phases of development of the project. Total DURATION: 36 months Area(s) covered

FUNDING Year: 1 Basic Skills Active Citizenship Health Other: empowerment processes

Project Objectives

Guidance/counselling Management of AE institutions/organisations

Target Group(s)

Disabled persons Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in prison

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation PERSONA - Associação de Apoio a Doentes Mentais Crónicos Rua Bertholot, nº 1 – Quimiparque 2830-137 Barreiro Tel: 00351 212060999 Fax: 00351 212067050 E-mail: [email protected] Partners JOIA – Associació Joventut Organitzada I Activa (ES) Association for Child and Famaly Mental Health (PL) Interminds (UK) Fundatia Estuar (RO)


PORTUGAL Project Reference: 04-PRT01-S2G01-00008-2

PARENTS SELF - DETERMINATION This project is to implement long life learning based on: - a process allowing the parents to identify their needs and expectations for the resolution of their problems; - an exchange of life experience and share of knowledge in order to develop their competencies as educators, - the support to their motivation and intervention on the education and socialisation of their children; - the interaction with the community to develop the education and social processes. The general objectives, from which each partner will identify priorities and adequate answers, are: - the diagnostic of parents needs and motivations as educators; - the preparation altogether of a work plan answering to those needs and motivations; - the adaptation and implementation of a learning programme having in view, a) to implement the family advocacy oriented to the parents self-determination; b) the development of personal motivations and competencies, c) an articulation with available services providing counselling, guidance and social support to parents needs; d) the creation or consolidation of local networks to support the social and educational processes) the empowerment of parents in order to promote solutions for the community social development; f) the on job training of the technicians. The transnational partnership will make possible the inter cooperation amongst organisations at different levels of experience and knowledge, leading with diverse publics at risk, and so setting up a real learning partnership. The strategies/ methodologies are to: stimulate the parents as individuals and learners group; - the stimulation of their participation in the educational and social processes; - create natural networks; - development of representative structures representatives of parents; - enlargement local support partnership. Total DURATION: 3 years Area(s) covered

FUNDING Year: 2 Basic skills Sustainable development Education for parents

Project Objectives

Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)

Target Group(s)

Migrants / travellers / ethnic or other minorities Other: parents of disable people Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in prison

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Salenina – Estabelecimentos de Ensino, Lda Estrada Nacional 11, N.º 303 2835-024 Baixa da Banheira Tel: 00351 21 204 68 24 Fax: 00351 21 204 18 46 E-mail:[email protected] Partners Asociacion Padres y Protectores de Ninos Discapacitados (APAPNIDICSUR) – Fernan Nunez (ES) M.O.I.GE Basilicata (Movimento Italiano Genitori Basilicata) (IT) GIOVANEUROPA (IT) CENTRE REGIONAL D’INTEGRATION DE CHARLEROI (BE) ASOCIATIA ASISTENTA SOCIALIA A FAMILIEI SF. ANDREI (RO) CRIVA (Centro de Reformados e Idosos do Vale de Amoreira – Vale de Amoreira (PT) Centro Social Paroquial nossa Senhora da Conceição (PT)


PORTUGAL Project Reference: 04-PRT01-S2G01-00028-2

Adult Students – LET’S KNOW EACH OTHER With this project, we intend, most of all, to involve Adult Students in questions so pertinent as the European Dimension, make them aware, help them understand that we are citizens of the same Europe, because we cannot forget that, when these questions start to be approached, this population, given their social-economic status, used to be (and in a way still is, if they are not motivate) inattentive to these issues. With their horizons ascribed to the area where they live, they cannot (and are not interested) in learning this feeling of European Citizenship. Acquisition, the development, the confrontation in terms of pedagogical and methodological approaches in the field of Adult Education, will always be the vector that will remain subjacent to all this cooperation activity that we aim to enrich along the Project. All this taking into account the creativity, diligence and motivation of the learners. Since this is a very specific student population group, we hope the selected sub-themes be directly related to the life experience of the students and/or the training they are receiving, so we considered professional expectations/training motivation/local or national economic activities/work market situation/social and cultural aspects. Total DURATION: 3 years Area(s) covered

FUNDING Year: 2 Basic skills Active Citizenship Intercultural issues Languages History/Economics

Project Objectives

Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)

Target Group(s)

Young adults at risk of social marginalisation Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in prison Women

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Escola Secundária de Carvalhos Rua do Roseiral 4415 Pedroso Tel: 00351 22 782 30 77 Fax: 00351 22 783 49 19 E-mail: [email protected] Partners Établissement Public d’ Enseignement Profissionelle Agricole (FR) Educational Cooperative Institute (SK) Raffaello Cultural Association (IT) EFESO – Research and study Institute for social economy and small and medium size enterprise (IT)


PORTUGAL Project Reference: 04-PRT01-S2G01-00021-2

“REMA – Results management in delivering and designing trainings for adults” This project’s main topic is to systematise methods of measurement and management of the results obtained through the training and courses both by training institution is based on the three-level conception of training (ISTL – integrated System of Training Levels) and the aims of the project are the following: 1) Improvement of quality of teaching by each partner of the project; 2) Improvement of European trainers and lectures competences, who are engaged in a process of working up of trainings conducting trainings an workgroups; 3) Establish clear training goals, according to training needs on each level training; 4) Gaining a broader understanding of methods of designing and delivering trainings, from each partner interaction with fellow partners; 5) Providing substantial benefits for each partner: tools for training results management enables all participants to provide tailored programmes that cater learners requirements; 6) Preparation of new customized tools for analysis of reporting and obtaining feedback on training results. Total DURATION: 36 months Area(s) covered

FUNDING Year: 2 Basic skills Information Technology Sustainable development

Project Objectives

Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach (es) Methods for providing credit for knowledge or competence acquired outside formal education

Target Group(s)

Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in prison Women Other: Educators

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation COOPETAPE – COOPERATIVA DE ENSINO, CRL/ ESCOLA TECNOLÓGICA, ARTISTICA E PROFISSIONAL DO VALE DO MINHO Edifício Silva Torres Rua Joaquim Rosas, s/n 4910 – Caminha - Portugal Tel: 00 351 258 719240 Fax: 00 351 258 719 241 E-mail: [email protected] Partners Institutul de Formare Economica si Sociala – IFES / Social and Economical Training Institute (RO) Ustav Zemedelskych Informaci (UZPI) / Institute of Agricultural and Food Information (CZ)


PORTUGAL Project Reference: 04-PRT01-S2G01-00003-2

Assessment for Adult Educators in non Formal Education - A-AENFE This project involves six countries and arises from the difficulty felt by all the participants in assessing within a non-formal context. In fact, the traditional, formal assessment practices have very little in common with teaching / learning process in a context of nonformal education, on the other hand, it is imperative for both trainers and trainees to have accurate feedback which will allow them to analyse, reflect on and improve their practices. Therefore, the project aims at developing assessment by portofolio. Total DURATION: 36 months Area(s) covered

FUNDING Year: 2 Intercultural issues Languages Information Technology

Project Objectives

Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach (es) Methods for providing credit for knowledge or competence acquired outside formal education

Target Group(s)

Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in prison Young adults at risk of social marginalisation Other: Trainers and teachers

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Centro de Formação António Sérgio Av. Dr . Francisco Luís Gomes 1800-181 Lisboa Tel: 00351 21 854 04 86 Fax: 00351 21 853 21 67 E-mail: [email protected] Partners Ulmer Volkshochule (DE) Associatia REPERE (RO) Biuro Obstugi Inicyatyw Europeyskich (PL) Wytautodidziojo Universitetas – Svietimo Studiji Centras (LT) Europazentrum Graz (AT)


SLOVENIA SLOVENIJA Project Reference: 04-SVN01-S2G01-00007-1

New opportunity New Opportunity is a project of European cooperation among educational organizations that work in the area of lifelong learning of adults, including education on primary degree level. Aim of the project is to exchange experiences, practice and methods of inclusion of adults without any formal education or qualifications back into primary degree education. Target group of the projects is young adults, up to 35 years of age without finished primary degree or qualifications. Those people usually come from economic and social margins and have special educational needs. It is their distinct feature, that they do not want or do not know how to involve themselves in any form of education. Vision of the project is to establish a learning partnership, that will enable concrete transfer of ideas, examples of good practice, new motivational methods, promotional channels and anything else, that could have postive influence on reactivation of target group in education. Each of partners will present findings of this project to all adult education providers and relevant authorities in each respective country. Total Duration:

2 years

Area(s) covered

Project Objectives Target Group(s)

Funding year: 1 Basic skills Active citizenship Intercultural issues Languages ICT Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner Guidance / counselling or other support services Young adults Other economically disadvantaged groups Women

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Andragoški zavod Ljudska univerza Velenje Name of the contact person: Mirjana Šibanc Address: Titov trg 2, SI-3320 Velenje e-mail [email protected] tel: + 386 3 898 54 50 fax: + 386 3 898 54 68 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation, city (Country code) Regional Enterprise Support Centre, Pleven (BG) L.U.E.T.E.C. - o.n.l.u.s., Napoli (IT) Jelgavas Regional Council Adult, Jelgava (LV) Centro de Educaion de Personas Adultas, San Martín de la Vega (ES)


SLOVENIJA Project Reference: 04-SVN01-S2G01-00003-2

Possibilities of Lifelong learning of mentally handicapped adults Aim of the project is to create Ea uropean learning partnership that will study lifelong learning possibilities and employment possibilities for adults with mental handicap. We wish to use European cooperation as a framework for lifelong learning of adults and spread results into the expert community. Innovative results will also be used in our regular work taking into full account medical, educational and social needs of the target population. One of the other aims is to overcome prejudice and misconceptions about mentaly handicapped adults and to inform general public about their educational needs. We want to offer them equal access to education with regard to their limitations and special needs. We also want to prepare analysis of teachers’ training and to compare eduactional strategies among different countries. Goals of the project are: - Analysys of the current state in the field of handicapped adults’ education; - Analysis of educational infrastructure and identification of educational needs of target population; - Improve lifelong learning conditions for handicapped adults; - Presentation of good practice in partner countries; - Presentation of learning processes, programmes and models of education in participating partners; - Handbook of lifelong learning that will contain educational models based on exchange of experience. Total Duration:

3 years

Area(s) covered

Project Objectives

Target Group(s)

Funding year: 2 Basic skills Active citizenship Arts, music, culture European countries / European Union ICT Health Consumer education The media Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner Guidance / counselling or other support services New pedagogical approaches Management of adult education organisation / institution Credit for competencies Young adults (15-25) Economically or socially disadvantaged groups Disabled persons

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Center Dolfke Boštjančič Name of the contact person: Marija Turman Lemajič Address: Draga 1, SI-1292 Ig, e-mail: [email protected] tel: +386.1.3003.670 fax: +386.1.4202.626 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Vocational training center of Thrace Alexandroupoli (GR) Turning the red lights green Bottisham (UK) John Paul II Centre of Support to people (PT)



Travail Social En Europe Un échange d´expériences dans le domaine social par le biais de l´internet et pendant les rencontres des participants du projet dans les trois pays , des organismes de formation , des assistants sociaux de municipalités , des ONG , des gens qui sont dans leur travail quotidien en contact direct avec les personnes défavorisées , entre les experts , professionels de différents pays européens: Slovaquie Belgique, France, doit permettre d´améliorer la formation et le travail des travailleurs sociaux, et ensuite la situation des groupes marginalisés. Le document final – une´étude de cas et de bonnes pratiques – servira aux organismes de formation dans le domaine social des 3 pays.

Total Duration:

1 year

Area(s) covered

Project Objectives

Target Group(s)

Funding year: 1 Basic skills Learning about European countries/ the European Union, Guidance /counselling/ information or other support services Methods for providing credit for knowledge or competence acquired outside formal education Other economically or social disadvantages groups, unemployed persons, persons in prison Migrants /travelers/ ethnic or other minorities Women

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Slovenské združenie Svetovej federácie miest a obcí – Association Slovaque de la Fédération Mondiale des Cités Unies Name of the contact person: Lenka Korchánová Address: Námestie sv. Egídia 11, 058 01 Poprad, Slovakia e-mail [email protected] tel: 00421 52 772 1330 fax: 00421 52 772 1330 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Bratislavská občianska poradňa, Bratislava /SK/ Cités Unies Belgique, Fontaine l´ Eveque /BE/ Comité des Jumelages de la ville d´Angouleme, Angouleme /FR/


SLOVENSKÁ REPUBLIKA Project Reference: 04-SVK01-S2G01-00010-1

Learning from Experience: Sharing and Transferring the best Practice in Rural Development among Women Leaders The aim of the project is to increase the capacity of women leaders and their organizations working on sustainable development of rural communities where they mobilise citizens to become involved in decision making and planning processes. Strengthening their position will contribute to community and economic development at local and micro-regional levels in each participating country. Rural women as the target group of this project are on local and micro-regional levels emerging key leaders in addressing environment and development problems. They are serving as mayors, elected representatives, government officials, teachers and entrepreneurs. Women working with non-governmental organizations are promoting sustainable rural development. The first project year focuses on women as community developers from 3 countries. The project as it is designed enables to link best practises of partners involved. Added value to the project: improved language skills of learners, creation of Rural Women´s Practitioners International Network for future cooperation, enriched innovative approaches to „adult learning“ methods. Total Duration:

1 year

Area(s) covered

Project Objectives

Target Group(s)

Funding year: 1 Active citizenship Languages Sustainable development Guidance /counselling/ information or other support services Methods for providing credit for knowledge or competence acquired outside formal education Women Persons living in rural or disadvantaged ares Local community groups

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: VOKA - Vidiecka organizácia pre komunitné aktivity - Rural Organization for Community Activities Name of the contact person: Ingrid Bernáthová Address: Námestie Štefana Moyzesa 4, 974 01 Banská Bystrica, Slovakia e-mail [email protected] tel: 00421 48 415 1691 fax: 00421 48 415 1693 Organisation/Project website: www. Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Spoločnosť pre trvalo udržateľný život odbočka Biele Kratapty,Trenčín /SK/ Stowarzyszenie Spoleczno-Kulturalne „Granica“, Lubawka /PL/ Planed, Pembrokeshire /UK/


SLOVENSKÁ REPUBLIKA Project Reference: 04-SVK01-S2G01-00039-1

People and Religions The project intends to promote exchange of experiences and dialogue about the peaceful integration of people with different cultural and religious backgrounds. The creation and organization of “Centres” in every partner country as a place where people engage with their own experience and with that of others and understand and celebrate the diversity endorsing those cultural values which bring people together represents a powerful means for establishing a wide local partnership and making the activities lasting and fruitful. In the past the relations among different religions and also among the different Christian faiths were characterized by tensions, intolerance, conflicts and wars, mainly because the religion was /mis/used for political and economical reasons by kings, emperors and states. At the present many steps have been done: ecumenism of the different Christian Churches, interreligious dialogue, cooperation of different religions in order to develop and sustain peace among people, but it is not sufficient. The future of the humanity, to reach a global peaceful development, must appeal not only to a good dose of reason, but also to the several confessions, as powerful means of meeting dialogue, solidarity brotherhood, friendly cohabitation. Peace must be seen not as absence of war, but as real peaceful integration of people and this can be achieved only if the process starts from the conscience and awareness of everyone. Total Duration:

3 year

Area(s) covered

Project Objectives Target Group(s)

Funding year: 1 Basic skills Active citizenship Intercultural issues Learning about European countries/the European Union Sustainable development Arts, music, culture Strategy for stimulating/promoting adults learners´ demand for learning Guidance/counseling/ information or other support services Local community groups Senior citizens Young adults/15-25 age range/ at risk of social marginalization Migrants /travellers/ ethnic or other minorities

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Múzeum v Kežmarku – Museum in Kežmarok Name of the contact person: Erika Cintulová Address: Hradné námestie č.42, 060 01 Kežmarok, Slovakia e-mail [email protected] tel: 00421 525 226 18 fax: 00421 523 526 Organisation/Project website: www. kezmarok. com Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Swietokrzyskie Centrum Fundacji Rozwoju Demokracji Lokalnej, Kielce /PL/ Fáy AndrásSszakkozépiskola Szakiskola és Kollegium, Bátonyterenye /HU/


SLOVENSKÁ REPUBLIKA Project Reference: 04-SVK01-S2G01-00003-1

Formation Pour Les Jeunes Rom Pour améliorer la formation d´un groupe de citoyens marginalisés, groupe minoritaire – des Rom /gens du voyage, organiser un échange d´expériences par le biais de l´internet et pendant les rencontres des participants du projet dans les trois pays, des organismes de formation formels et informels, des ONG qui organisent la formation pour les membres de communautés Rom, de différents pays européens: France, Slovaquie, République Tchéque/. Le document final – une étude de cas, de bonnes pratiques – servira aux organismes de formation des 3 pays. Les buts du projet: Améliorer la formation pour les minorités /Rom, gens du voyage/ et comparer les systémes de formation de différents pays européens, organiser un échange entre les organismes de formation formels et informels, organiser un échange entre les organismes de formation français, slovaques, tchéques. Total Duration:

1 year

Area(s) covered

Project Objectives

Target Group(s)

Funding year: 1 Intercultural issues Learning about European countries/the European Union Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners´ demand for learning Guidance /counselling/ information or other support services Methods for providing credit for knowledge or competence acquired outside formal education Migrants/travellers/ ethnic or other minorities Young adults/15-25 age range/ at risk of social marginalisation Women

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Kultúrne združenie Rómov Slovenska – Association Culturelle des Rom en Slovaquie Name of the contact person: Andrea Bučková Address: Golianova 10, 974 01 Banská Bystrica, Slovakia e-mail [email protected] tel: 00421 48 41 48 552 fax: 00421 48 41 48 552 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Prešovská univerzita v Prešove, Filozofická fakulta, Prešov úSK/ Slovenské združenie Svetovej federácie miest a obcí, Poprad /SK/ Comité des Jumelages de la ville d´Angouleme, Angouleme, /FR/ Athinganoi, Praha, /CZ/


FINLAND SUOMI/FINLAND Project Reference: 04-FIN01-S2G01-00068-1

Gender Equality in Learning and Employment The project is based on the results, outcomes and synergy of the solid successful learning partnership (EU-NQ best practice Net) but has a new broader partnership and extends into Accession Countries. It addresses the key issue of: Gender equality between women and men in adult education and the labour market. From the latest Commission Report on equality between women and men, 2004, (COM (2004) 115), it is clear that the persistent lack of equality between men and women in the EU could have an impact on its Lisbon goals. It is clear that in the field of Gender Mainstreaming there are similar problems in all partner countries and partner institutions and partners have different concepts and approaches. Therefore, there is a high priority to produce synergy in matters of best practice analysis on Equality of men and women to support organisations delivering European social, employment and training policy. Based on reliable working relationships we see the possibility of creating considerable European added value leading to major progress in this field, through the exchange of information on best practice in successful gender mainstreaming approaches and concepts. The project has a dual focus: Gender Mainstreaming, and Gays, lesbians and transsexuals and others disadvantaged by Gender. It is important to mention that the network is based on prior initiatives of the project partners who have already met at their own expense to discuss the project and that the network is planned to continue for a sustainable time beyond the project funding period. Total Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered

Project Objectives

Target Group(s)

Funding year: 1 Active citizenship Intercultural issues Learning about European countries Strategy for stimulating adult learners´ demand for learning Guidance/ counselling/ information or other support services Management of adult education organisation Women Local community groups Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Trade Union of Adult Educators AKOL Name of the contact person: Ms. Marja-Liisa Pentti Address: Rautatieläisenkatu 6 A, FIN-00520 Helsinki e-mail: [email protected] tel: +358 91502427 (gsm +358 405920 506) fax: +358 91502418 Organisation/Project website:, Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) BFI (AT) WIFI (AT) IRFA EST (FR) HWK (DE) ASSOCIAZIONE FORMAZIONE 80 (IT) CONSORZIONE LAVORO E AMBIETE (IT) FOREM (ES)


SUOMI/FINLAND Project Reference: 04-FIN01-S2G01-00035-1

Project title: Creative Cultural Integration The project will bring together mainstream persons and persons with special needs trying to attain more interaction and mutual understanding and prevent social problems. The project aims to help participants to Identify and strengthen their creative resources and develop the creativity and artistic resources present in every individual. Means in the project is to use waste materials in order to transform them into useful objects. For example building musical instruments with recyclable materials. Total Duration:

2 years

Area(s) covered

Project Objectives

Target Group(s)

Funding year:

1 year

Intercultural issues Arts, music, culture Environment Strategy for stimulating adult learners´ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approaches Methods for providing credit for knowledge or competence outside formal education Young adults Local community groups Disabled persons

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: The College of the Home Mission Society of the Church of Finland Name of the contact person: Ms Leena Tiitinen Address: Huvilakatu 31, FIN-76130 Pieksämäki e-mail: [email protected] tel: +358-15-415 2552 fax: +358-15-415 2595 Organisation/Project website: Will be created under, not working yet. Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Centro di Crescita Comunitaria (IT) ARGO (GR)


SUOMI/FINLAND Project Reference: 03-FIN01-S2G01-00033-1

Developing Skills for Efficient Communication with People from Different Cultural Backgrounds The project involves three partners, some experienced and some total novices in European cooperation. The main aim is to share expertise among the learning partners concerning communication with people from different cultural backgrounds (immigrants, ethnic minorities, disadvantaged people for socio-economic reasons) and teaching these people. We will develop a catalogue of the skills needed by teachers/trainers/communicators working in a multicultural environment. Best practices and successful approaches already experienced by partner organisations will be analysed and presented. The activities will also include short-term pilot courses to promote the learning of lesser taught languages (Dutch, Swedish and Finnish) and disseminate information about other countries and cultures. The project pays particular attention to the dissemination of the catalogue within the participating organisations and more widely through the creation of local networks and web-based technology. Total Duration:

2 years

Area(s) covered

Project Objectives

Target Group(s)

Funding year: 1 Basic skills Intercultural issues Languages Guidance / counselling or other support services Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Management of adult education organisation Economically or socially disadvantaged groups Migrants and ethnic minorities Young people under 25 years of age

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Västra Nylands folkhögskola Name of the contact person: Mr. Radu Szekely Address: Strandpromenaden 1, FIN-10300 Karjaa e-mail: [email protected] tel: + 358-19-2226041 fax: +358-19-2226011 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Mag. Ingrid Wagenhofer (AT) Centrum voor Volwassenenonderwijs Deume (BE)


SUOMI/FINLAND Project Reference: 03-FIN01-S2G01-00040-1

Museum as a source of knowledge The project aims at initiating and establishing adult education in museums. The main focus is to make people aware of the possibilities of museums as creative learning environments for life-long learning. The activities encompass lectures, field trips, courses, drama, workshops and artistic processes. The activities are planned out and executed in such a way that they enable all people over 16 years of age a possibility to join, regardless of sex, health, ethnic origin or social status. Special programmes are planned for immigrants, senior citizens, youths at high risk of social marginalization, handicapped and the visually impaired. The outcomes of some of these processes will be presented to the media and general public in an exhibition. Another aim of the project is to function as a means of further education for the museum educators, exhibition designers and technicians. Through intensive, long-term communication and co-operation with the colleagues in other partner museums and the adult learners themselves the museums will gain valuable information about how to make exhibitions and other activities in the museums more educational, interactive and meaningful also with respect to the adult learners. Total Duration:

3 years

Area(s) covered

Project Objectives

Target Group(s)

Funding year: 1 Arts, music, culture Intercultural issues Active citizenship Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Disabled persons Senior citizens Youths at high risk of social marginalization Migrants

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Aboa Vetus & Ars Nova- museet Name of the contact person: Ms Minna Hautio Address: Itäinen Rantakatu 4 - 6, FIN-20700 Turku e-mail [email protected] tel: + 358-2-2794920 fax: + 358-2-2794909 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Bryggens Museum (NO) Tartu Linnamuuseum (EE)


SUOMI/FINLAND Project Reference: 04-FIN01-S2G01-00009

ReadMe – Reader Development Project The pilot project focuses on "Reader Development", which is about increasing confidence and enjoyment of reading, opening up reading choices and offering opportunities to share the reading experience. It will create the first European multinational reading group in libraries, raise awareness of the culture of partner areas and offer library users new learning opportunities through the promotion of contemporary international literature. Partners will organise a cultural event focusing on the culture and literature of one of the partners, set up a reading group and develop a virtual literary salon. This will be a learning environment facilitated by library professionals, where local reading groups from each partner country can visit to discuss books and share and exchange ideas, experiences and culture. The project will enhance the ICT and language skills of all participants and build on previous exchanges of experience and best practice between partner areas. Total Duration:

1 year

Area(s) covered

Project Objectives

Target Group(s)

Funding year: 1 year Intercultural issues Active citizenship Languages Strategy for stimulating adult learners´ demand for learning Guidance/counselling/information or other support services Senior citizens Local community groups Library employees

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: City of Vantaa Education Department, Library and Information Services Name of the contact person: Ms. Anja Haanpää Address: Laajaniityntie 4, FIN-01620 Vantaa e-mail: [email protected] tel: +359 9 8393 4947 fax: Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Gateshead Council (UK) Veliko Tarnovo Regional Library (BG)


SUOMI/FINLAND Project Reference: 03-FIN01-S2G01-00012-1

European Senior Citizen´s Story Board The project aims at promoting interaction between European senior citizens. Senior citizens are encouraged to exchange their cultural heritage. Seniors from 6 countries work in study groups where they write down stories about their own cultural heritage, "local histories" by using the computers. All the stories will be set up to "The Story Board" - a web page of the project ( On the web page there will be chat rooms for each topic. The stories are multilingual and they include photos, videos, voicemail etc. Each story will be translated at least into the mother language and in English. Seniors have a net friend from another country and they write net letters also to their grandchildren. Each partner country works with International Senior´s magazine where all the stories and products are presented. The magazine is a tool for dissemination of project results. The seniors and their trainers meet once a year in an international seminar. The first seminar was in Finland May 2004 and more than 100 seniors from each partner countries attended. Next seminar will be in Germany in March 2005. Total Duration:

3 years

Area(s) covered

Project Objectives

Target Group(s) Other (describe if applicable)

Funding year: 2 Active citizenship Intercultural issues Learning about European countries Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Senior citizens Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Different generations

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Hyvinkään kansalaisopisto Name of the contact person: Ms. Virpi Wegge Address: Helenenkatu 21, FIN-05800 Hyvinkää e-mail: [email protected] tel: + 358 400 531 791 fax: +358-19-4592582 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Porvoon kansalaisopisto (FI) Kyrönmaan opisto (FI) Universidad Senior- Universidade of La Coruna (ES) Volkhochschule Weiden (DE) Technische Universität Chemnitz (DE) AICCRE- Associazione dei Comuni e Regioni d´Europa (IT) Provinciaal Centrum voor Volwassenonderwjis Gent (BE) East Antrim Institute of Further and Higher Education (IE)


SUOMI/FINLAND Project Reference: 04-FIN01-S2G01-00024-1

Project title: Sport and Education -To give sport- and youth leaders opportunities to obtain education, knowledge and contact surfaces in an European environment. -To develop different possibilities for young people to combine sport and education and also to prevent the elimination among young people. -To consider problems related to the education of young sportsmen and sportswomen concerning by ever earlier sporting carriers -To develop different methods to integrate young immigrants into respective countries social structure by help of sports -To show that sports in Europe can statue example where young people do not have to choose whether they prefer to concentrate on a sports carrier or on education -An active training of leaders gives new competent and motivated leaders who can, through their devotion to society, counteract of growing elimination among young people -To put together and distribute the result to partners inside sports and also to partners outside of sports, to show that sport can bring together people in Europe Total Duration:

2 years

Area(s) covered

Project Objectives

Target Group(s)

Funding year: 1 Basic skills Intercultural issues Health Guidance/councelling/ information or other support services Experimentation with new pedagogical approaches Methods for providing credit for knowledge or competence acquired outside formal education Young adults at risk of social marginalisation Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Women

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Guarantee Association of Norrvalla Sports Institute Name of the contact person: Olav Björkström Address: Norrvalla Sport Institute, Vöråvägen 305-307, FIN-66600 Vörå e-mail: [email protected] tel: +358 50 3568946 fax: +358 6 3831009 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Eslöv Folk High School, Eslöv (SE) Ogre Sport Centre, Ogre (LV)


SUOMI/FINLAND Project Reference: 03-FIN01-S2G01-00036-1

Learning European Success Team The project aims at exchanging experiences and methods to solve regional problems ("rural escape") including the process of project planning and financing. We try to find new input for lifelong learning as a tool for diminishing the "export of key persons and (young) people away from rural areas" and for the schools to find a new and actual profile, small study classes or virtual tools for finding economy of specialised courses. We will create a European success team in order to support adult education as a tool for finding new input for schools, skills and new competencies. We will also arrange lectures, meetings and seminars using ICT as a test of our working process. Total Duration:

3 years

Area(s) covered

Project Objectives

Target Group(s)

Funding year: 1 Active citizenship Intercultural issues Learning about European countries Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance/counselling/information or other support services Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Local community groups Adults at risk of social marginalisation

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: EU-informations center Carrefour Svenskfinland Name of the contact person: Ms. Gunvor Häggman Address: Öurvägen 31, FIN-66800 Oravais e-mail: [email protected] tel: + 358-6-3853011 fax: +358-6-3853012 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) HM Partners sro (CZ) Centre de FPA Beniassent (ES) Zambrana Atienza, Centro de Adultos (ES) Frauen & Familien beratungstelle (AT) Bildungsservice Steiermark (AT) Svenska Österbottens Folkakademi (FI)


SWEDEN SVERIGE Project Reference: 04-SWE01-S2G01-00041-1

COTELL – Coming Together Through European Language Learning The project aims to increase the motivation of older European citizens to learn a foreign language and to encourage intercultural communication using a common foreign language. To begin with the project will start with English. A questionnaire will be developed to find out the interests of the older learners in the participating organisations. Based on the results of this questionnaire and considering the particular needs of older language learners, classrom projects will be developed and carried out in the participating language classes. The results of these class projects will be collected in a digital form (CDRom, video recordings etc.) and shared on a website, which will be set up as a part of the project. The use of ICT will be promoted in the classroom projects. Learners will be encouraged to communicate with each other and react to the project work of the classrom (online via e-mail or using headset). Midterm some of the participants will meet personally to share their experiences of the project. A second questionnaire will be developed to evaluate the project‘s success. Total Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Groups

Funding Year: 1 Intercultural issues, Languages, Learning about European countries/the European Union Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) to encourage the use of multi-media in the classes and to promote intercultural communication Senior citizens

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Ädelfors folkhögskola (folkhighschool) Name of the contact person: Pelle Nordin Address: 570 15 Holsbybrunn e-mail [email protected] tel: +46 383 571 00 fax: +46 383 500 65 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Volkshochschule Oldenburg, DE Education Centre for Adult People, ES Regional Education Centre, NL NGO Methodological Circle, LT Ronda Official language School, ES


UNITED KINGDOM UNITED KINGDOM Project reference: 04-GBR01-S2G01-00005-1

Arts & Crafts across Europe The project aims to promote the preservation and awareness of European arts and crafts cultures and traditions. Arts and crafts teachers and learners will work together to share their teaching methods and their craft skills. The project will target older learners who have faced significant social and economic barriers to continuing education. The project will produce a multi-cultural visual archive and glossary of craft techniques. In the third year of the project this archive and glossary will be piloted with groups of younger learners so that the skills are passed on and in order to promote greater inter-generational communication and understanding. Duration: 3 years Area(s) covered

Funding year: first Intercultural issues Arts, music, culture

Project Objectives

Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)

Target Group(s)

Senior citizens Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups People interested in preserving crafts and heritage

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Age Concern Calderdale Name of the contact person: Jane Barcoe Address: 5&6 Park Road, Halifax HX1 2TS, West Yorkshire e-mail: [email protected] tel: +44 (0)1422 252040 fax: +44 (0)1422 262000 Partners (Name of the organisation and country code) Perhonjokilaakson Kansalaisopisto (FI) Universita Popolare Contemporanea La Grazie (IT) Ballybeen Women’s Centre (UK) SO Manzi Mazpilsetzi Akniste (LV)


UNITED KINGDOM Project reference: 04-GBR01-S2G01-00097-1

Women in Europe The aim of this project is to promote the value of education and training amongst disadvantaged women in Europe, with a view to using their skills and knowledge to develop an information bank in the form of an online directory of locally based women’s services and groups and ultimately to establish a women’s network. The directory will be a useful resource for community women’s groups trying to make contact with other groups similar to themselves throughout Europe. It will also be a good point of reference for individuals and organisations working within communities, eg social workers, doctors, etc. It is anticipated that approximately 120 adult learners will be actively involved. The project will promote a collaborative approach to learning. Learners will have the opportunity to share information and learning and develop ICT and language skills by contributing to the transnational newsletter. Duration: 2 years

Funding year: first

Area(s) covered

Project Objectives

Target Group(s)

Basic Skills Active Citizenship Intercultural issues Languages Learning about European countries / the EU Information Technology Sustainable development Arts, music, culture The Media Education for parents Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Guidance/counselling/information or other services Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Management of adult education organisation / institution Methods for providing credit for knowledge or competence acquired outside formal education Women Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Local community groups

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Ballybeen Women’s Centre Name of the contact person: Tanya Hughes Address: 34 Ballybeen Square, Dundonald, Belfast BT16 2QE e-mail: [email protected] tel: +44 (0) fax: +44 (0) Partners (Name of the organisation and country code) Fundatia Centrul Educational Soros (RO) I.FOR. P.M.I. PROMETEO Puglia (IT) Wyzsza Szkola I Bankowosci (PL) Ballymun Women’s Resource Centre (IE)


UNITED KINGDOM Project reference: 04-GBR01-S2G01-00015-1

TEDDY BEAR Twinning the Elderly Disadvantaged and Disabled with the Young By Enabling Active Reminiscence An intergenerational project involving older people (50+) from all sectors of the community, including those suffering from disadvantage and from mild dementia, sharing their life histories with young children in primary schools (6-12 years). The older persons will encourage the children to respond to their shared life histories with structured questions and by producing creative work such as artwork, drama or written text. The children in turn will act as mentors to the older persons by assisting them with their computer skills. The long-term aim of the project is to encourage the whole community to adopt a more caring approach to its older residents. Duration: 3 years Area(s) covered

Project Objectives

Target Group(s)

Funding year: first Information technology Arts, music, culture The media Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Senior citizens Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: County of Herefordshire District Council Name of the contact person: Paul Olver Address: Plough Lane, PO Box 4, Hereford HR4 0XH e-mail: [email protected] tel: +44 (0)1432 260192 fax: +44 (0)1432 383031 Partners (Name of the organisation and country code) Sastamala Community College (FI) Cooperativa Sociale Itaca SCARL (IT)


UNITED KINGDOM Project reference: 04-GBR01-S2G01-00016-1

Building Bridges into the Community The partner institutions, all small specialist education institutions, will design and deliver projects which bring in learners from local businesses and communities to study media/multimedia topics including website design, documentary-making, digital storytelling. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered

Project Objectives

Target Group(s)

Funding year: first Basic skills Active citizenship Information technology The media Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Guidance/counselling/information or other support services Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Local community groups Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in prison Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Cumbria Institute of the Arts Name of the contact person: Karen Bassett Address: Brampton Road, Carlisle, Cumbria CA3 9AY e-mail: [email protected] tel: +44 (0)1228 400318 fax: +44 (0)1228 514491 Partners (Name of the organisation and country code) Idevarlden (SE) Interactive Media and Marketing Academy (DK) Universidada Catolica Portuguesa Escola das Artes (PT)


UNITED KINGDOM Project reference: 04-GBR01-S2G01-00037-1

Embracing E-Learning The project will test the potential for e-learning and m-learning (learning objects delivered to learners on mobile devices) to engage adult learners fully in lifelong learning. This will be achieved by staff meeting in workshops to experiment with different pedagogic approaches to e-learning, sharing good practice with partners and exploring the potential for m-learning in order to stimulate adult learners demand for learning. Learners from the different partner organisations will also work together to try out and test e-learning and m-learning, discussing and exchanging views face to face. Staff and learners will also engage in the design and evaluation of accessible interfaces for learning with mobile handheld devices. The project will build a learning portal to test the different approaches and will design a model of good practice to share with others. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered

Project Objectives

Target Group(s)

Funding year: first E-learning

Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in prison Women

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Middlesbrough College Name of the contact person: Alastair Smith Address: Marton Campus, Marton Road, Middlesbrough TS4 3RZ e-mail: [email protected] tel: +44 (0)1642 296464 fax: +44 (0)1642 313290 Partners (Name of the organisation and country code) e-bfi telelearning GmbH (AT) Narodni Vzdelavaci Fond OPS – Narodni Informacni Stredisko pro Poradenstvi (CZ) Universita del Terzo Settore (IT) Escola Secundaria Rodreigues de Freitas (PT)


UNITED KINGDOM Project reference: 04-GBR01-S2G01-00038-1

From Offender to Adult Learner (FOTAL) Education providers and probation services will compare initial sentencing policies in connection with lifelong learning opportunities offered to adults who have committed minor offences, which do not carry a prison sentence but a community punishment order (where offenders have to do work for their community). This comparison will enable the partners to identify models of good practice which they would then disseminate to appropriate organisations locally, nationally and internationally. Carefully selected offenders will be involved in the mobility visits so that they can meet their counterparts in other European countries and compare their experiences. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered

Project Objectives

Target Group(s)

Funding year: first Basic skills Active citizenship Intercultural issues Learning about European countries/the European Union Sustainable development Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Guidance/counselling/information or other services Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in prison Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of social marginalisation Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Middlesbrough College Name of the contact person: Gabriela Rea Address: Marton Campus, Marton Road, Middlesbrough TS4 3RZ e-mail: [email protected] tel: +44 (0)1642 296464 fax: +44 (0)1642 313290 Partners (Name of the organisation and country code) ROC Abeda College (NL) ARCI Nuova Associazione Direzione Nazionale (IT) GP/FCP Education et Formation Tout au Long de la Vie (FR) Associacao para o Desenvolimento dos Recursos Humanos (PT)


UNITED KINGDOM Project reference: 04-GBR01-S2G01-00046-1

Motivating the Disadvantaged through Empowering Learners (MODEL) The project aims to develop new and innovative strategies for engaging disadvantaged groups in learning. Each partner will identify a target group and will work with them to define and collect their specific conditions, difficulties and educational needs so that relevant engagement practices can be developed. Target groups to be included in the project are the unemployed, ethnic minorities (including gypsy travellers), single and other disadvantaged parents, and socially disadvantaged young adults. Other agencies with specialist knowledge as well as representatives from the target groups themselves will work with the project partners to develop strategies and appropriate materials designed to promote positive attitudes towards learning and provide for pathways to further opportunities. Duration: 3 years Area(s) covered

Project Objectives

Target Group(s)

Funding year: first Basic skills Information technology Education for parents Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Guidance/counselling/information or other services Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of social marginalisation Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in prison Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Orpington College Name of the contact person: Janis Kent Address: The Walnuts, Orpington, Kent BR6 0TE e-mail: [email protected] tel: +44 (0)1689 899700 fax: +44 (0)1689 877949 Partners (Name of the organisation and country code) Paideia Iasi (RO) Instituto de Ensenanza Secundaria Francisco Giner de los Rios (ES) Scottish Wider Access Programme (UK) Centro Territorriale Permanente c/o Istituto Comprehansivo F Negri (IT) Centro Territoriale di Educazione Permanente No 2 Pardo (IT) POE EDUCO Ltd (CZ)


UNITED KINGDOM Project reference: 04-GBR01-S2G01-00094-1

Voice and Choice for Older Learners (VOCAL) The project aims to develop a learning programme that empowers older people who experience disadvantage to take a more active role in issues which affect their everyday lives. The partners will map out what provision and methodologies currently exist to promote the concept of active citizenship among older people in Europe. They will consider the barriers that isolate older people from learning opportunities and will develop creative strategies to try and overcome these barriers. They will develop a curriculum which will contain several units based on values and beliefs of inclusion and empowerment. The curriculum will be piloted in each country and further adaptations will be made. The partners then hope to apply for further funding to implement and evaluate the course. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered

Project Objectives

Target Group(s)

Funding year: first Active citizenship Learning about other European countries/the European Union Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Methods for providing credit for knowledge or competence acquired outside formal education Senior citizens

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation:

Royal Bank of Scotland Centre for the Promotion of the Older Person’s Agenda, Queen Margaret University College Name of the contact person: Belinda Dewar Address: Clerwood Terrace, Edinburgh EH12 8TS e-mail: [email protected] tel: +44 (0)131 317 3575 fax: +44 (0)131 317 3605

Partners (Name of the organisation and country code) Felagsbjonustunan I Reykjavik (IS) Helsingin Yliopisto, Avoin Yliopisto, Ikaimisten Yliopisto (FI) Rhodda Cynon Taf County Borough Council (UK) Waterford Area Partnership Ltd (IE)


UNITED KINGDOM Project reference: 04-GBR01-S2G01-00101-1

POPPIE – Promoting the involvement of older people in partnership learning experiences The POPPIE project has been developed in response to the need for consumer education for older people and their workers so that effective involvement in the delivery and development of services can be promoted. The main aim is to ensure that older people feel confident and have the necessary skills to work in partnership with a range of public services of importance to them. The identified services include health, social care, education, housing, transport and prevention of crime. The project will explore the different approaches being taken across Europe, both from the perspective of older people and workers. Training requirements of older people and trained workers will be identified and good practice guidelines will subsequently be developed. It is anticipated that the project will lead to the development of informal and formal life long learning opportunities for older people. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered

Project Objectives

Target Group(s)

Funding year: first Active citizenship Learning about other European countries/the European Union Consumer Education Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Guidance / counselling / information of other support services Senior citizens Local community groups Disabled persons

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Sheffield Hallam University Name of the contact person: Dr Gail Mountain Address: Collegiate Crescent Campus, Sheffield S10 2BP e-mail: [email protected] tel: +44 (0)114 225 5759 fax: +44 (0)114 225 2430 Partners (Name of the organisation and country code) Sheffield University, School of Nursing and Midwifery (UK) University of Maribor, University College of Nursing (SI) Consortium a.r.I (IT)


UNITED KINGDOM Project reference: 04-GBR01-S2G01-00058-1

LIVE – Learning in Voluntary Experience A key theme of the LIVE partnership is to share experiences among the partner organisations in recognising the worth of the volunteering experience and to develop tools which acknowledge this informal and non-accredited learning. The groups targeted by the project include asylum seekers, ethnic minorities, disabled people, homeless people, ex-offenders, single parents, drug/alcohol misusers and other people facing social exclusion. It is recognised that volunteering can help develop the confidence and personal aspirations of individuals which often leads to further learning, social inclusion and employment. The aim of the project is to widen participation in learning by involving these disadvantaged groups in volunteering activities. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered

Funding year: first Basic Skills Active citizenship Arts, Music, Culture

Project Objectives

Methods for providing credit for knowledge or competence acquired outside formal education.

Target Group(s)

Migrants / travellers / ethnic or other minorities Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in prison Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: South East Derbyshire College Name of the contact person: Sue Pilbeam Address: 1-5 Church Street, Ripley, Derbyshire DE5 3BU e-mail: [email protected] tel: +44 (0)1773 744 426 fax: +44 (0)1773 741 520 Partners (Name of the organisation and country code) Pilot Centre for Special Education and Recuperation for Children Primavera (RO) Umbruch – Bildungswerk für Friedenspolitik und gewaltfreie Veränderung (DE) Kiuruvesi Adult Education Centre (FI) Amics de las UNESCO de Barcelona (ES) Cultural Association of Modena (IT)


UNITED KINGDOM Project reference: 04-GBR01-S2G01-00070-1

Welcome to My Home – International Tourism from a Community Perspective This project is based upon two premises: firstly that tourism is a growth industry across Europe with sub-regions seeking to develop their own identity and unique selling points to potential visitors. Secondly, within each region there are minority communities whose perception of the identity of their region is strongly influenced by their own history, heritage and status within the local society. The project will bring these two aspects together by enabling groups of minority adult students to prepare for and participate in study visits. The Learners will explore the concept of their area as a tourist destination by preparing a web based presentation linked to hosting a visit by other learners / staff in the partnership. Staff and Learners will thereby gain ICT skills, inter-cultural competencies and an increased awareness of the cultural, social and economic diversity of Europe. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered

Project Objectives

Target Group(s)

Funding year: first Active citizenship Intercultural skills Learning about other European countries / the EU Information Technology Arts, Music, Culture Tourism as a study / career choice Strategy for simulating / promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Guidance / counselling / information or other support services Migrants / travellers / ethnic or other minorities Local community groups Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in prison

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: The University of Liverpool Name of the contact person: Tricia Jenkins Address: Sir Alastair Pilkington Building, Mulberry Street, Liverpool L69 7SH e-mail: [email protected] tel: +44 (0)151 794 1314 fax: +44 (0)151 794 1310 Partners (Name of the organisation and country code) UPI-Ljudska univerza Zalec (SI) Pohjois-Karjalan ammattikorkeakoulou (FI) La Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de Lugo (ES)


UNITED KINGDOM Project reference: 04-GBR01-S2G01-00072-1

Second Chance Working Winners The project intends to increase the employability of older people by establishing and developing learner competencies and assessing training needs. The target group is older people (40+) who are either unemployed or in work and require upskilling / re-skilling. The partners intend to share the methods used and thus develop models of good practice. Staff, learners and employers will all be involved in the evaluation process. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered

Project Objectives

Target Group(s)

Funding year: first Workforce development

Strategy for simulating / promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Guidance / counselling / information or other support services Methods for providing credit for knowledge or competence acquired outside formal education Senior Citizens Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in prison

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Third Age Foundation Name of the contact person: Sylvia Francis Address: Britannia House, 1-11 Glenthorne Road, London W6 0LH e-mail: [email protected] tel: +44 (0)20 8748 9898 fax: +44 (0)20 8748 4250 Partners (Name of the organisation and country code) IQ-Akademie GmbH (DE) Komvux / Municipal Adult Education (SE) Förderverein Akademie 2, (DE)


UNITED KINGDOM Project reference: 04-GBR01-S2G01-00073-1

Belonging Belonging aims to develop materials and teaching and learning approaches to encourage citizenship amongst asylum seekers and refugees. The project will share and develop good practice on a transnational basis, develop standards in integrating citizenship in ESOL programmes / second language programmes and promote innovation for learners, enabling them to establish contact with learners in other countries. Learners will develop citizenship and ICT skills as part of their ESOL programme. The project aims to increase attention, motivation, independence and benefit in relation to further education, sustainable employment and good quality of life – with ongoing changes. Through a range of activities, it will confront cultural, social and physical obstacles. Area(s) covered

Project Objectives

Target Group(s)

Basic Skills Active Citizenship Intercultural issues Information Technology Sustainable development The media Strategy for simulating / promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Guidance / counselling / information or other support services Experimentation with new pedagogical approaches Management of adult education organisation / institution Methods for providing credit for knowledge or competence acquired outside formal education Migrants / travellers / ethnic or other minorities Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in prison Local community groups

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Thomas Danby College Name of the contact person: Marguerite Allen Address: Roundhay Road, Leeds, LS7 3BG e-mail: [email protected] tel: +44 (0)113 284 6208 fax: +44 (0)113 284 6441 Partners (Name of the organisation and country code) City Akademin (SE) Lodzkie Centrum Doskonalenia Nauczycieli I Ksztalcenia Praktycznego (PL) EPLE, Ste Livrade sur Lot (FR)


UNITED KINGDOM Project reference: 04-GBR01-S2G01-00077-1

No Barriers The project aims to provide adults from under-represented learner groups with the opportunity to access learning in new and innovative ways by identifying and trying to overcome any barriers such learners may face. By taking part in the project, learners will gain in self confidence and will become more aware of opportunities that allow for progression through to other levels of learning and development. The partners will share approaches to supporting students and overcoming barriers to learning, thus contributing to better knowledge and awareness of both different and common elements of learning environments in the European Community. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered

Project Objectives

Target Group(s)

Funding year: first Active Citizenship Intercultural issues Languages Learning about European countries and the EU Information Technology Arts, Music, Culture Strategy for simulating / promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Guidance / counselling / information or other support services Adults from under-represented learner groups Women Disabled persons

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: University of Wales Institute Cardiff Name of the contact person: Miss Kay Howells Address: Cyncoed Campus, Cyncoed Road, Cardiff CF23 6XD e-mail: [email protected] tel: +44 (0)29 2041 6288 fax: +44 (0)29 2041 6715 Partners (Name of the organisation and country code) Marieborgs Folkhögskola (SE) Volkshochschule Löbau (DE) Trollhättans Folkhögskola (SE) Kreisvolkshochschule Friesland (DE) Richard Attenborough Centre, University of Leicester (UK) Baranya Megyei Kulturalis es Idegenforgalmi Kospont (HU) Centro de Educacion de personas adultos “Aljibe” (ES) Centro de Educación de personas adultos Granja Delicias (ES)


UNITED KINGDOM Project reference: 04-GBR01-S2G01-00078-1

WINGS (Women in Need of Greater Support) across Europe The aim of this project is to provide educational support to pregnant teenagers and young parents, helping them to remain in formal education. An assessment of existing learning provision, and an exercise involving learners in identifying their own needs, will identify strengths and weaknesses in the existing provision of informal learning. Gaps in provision will be used to inform the development of a Parenting and Life skills programme in a format that will facilitate progression into formal learning and which will be made available to all pregnant teenagers and young mothers. Using a mentor/tutee process, trainers and teachers will have the opportunity to up-skill in areas of identified need as part of their continuing professional development. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered

Project Objectives

Target Group(s)

Funding year: first Basic skills Intercultural issues Learning about European countries and the EU Consumer education Health Education for parents Strategy for simulating / promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Guidance / counselling / information or other support services Experimentation with new pedagogical approaches Methods for providing credit for knowledge or competence acquired outside formal education Young Mothers who have dropped out of formal education due to pregnancy Young adults (15-25) at risk of social marginalisation Migrants / travellers / ethnic or other minorities

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: U-Too Community Business Ltd Name of the contact person: Carolyn White Address: The Link Centre, Whitehill Way, Swindon SN5 7DL e-mail: [email protected] tel: +44 (0)1793 465409 fax: +44 (0) Partners (Name of the organisation and country code) Dar Guzeppa Debono (MT) Bessborough Care Centre (IE) Planet Design Bt. (HU)


UNITED KINGDOM Project reference: 04-GBR01-S2G01-00090-1

Marginalised Young People – Cultural Similarity, Diversity and Good Practice The project aims to create a platform for marginalised young people to share and contrast social and cultural experiences, thus enriching and promoting their profile. It will also provide opportunities for practitioners from different European cultures to share good practice. It is expected that the project will contribute to both teaching and learning. A visual presentation will be produced which portrays social issues, cultural diversity and youth empowerment. Central to the aims will be the development of successful strategies that help young people overcome social, psychological and economic barriers to active citizenship and economic participation. Duration: 2 years

Funding year: first

Area(s) covered

Basic skills Active citizenship Intercultural issues Learning about European countries and the EU Information technology

Project Objectives

Strategy for simulating / promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approaches

Target Group(s)

Young adults (15-25) at risk of social marginalisation Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in prison Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: West Lothian College Name of the contact person: Andrew Murray Address: Almondvale Crescent, Livingston, EH54 7EP e-mail: [email protected] tel: +44 (0)1506 427 953 fax: +44 (0)1506 409 980 Partners (Name of the organisation and country code) Adults’ School Aranjuez II, Madrid Vi (Penitentiary Centre) (ES) Vierema Municipality Community Collage (FI)


UNITED KINGDOM Project reference: 03-GBR01-S2G01-00254-2

AXLE (Adults Exchanging Learning Experience) The overall aim of AXLE is to develop a learning partnership that facilitates mutual contact between language learners by means of ICT and exchange visits. It is anticipated that learner groups will be teamed up to allow contact between students and teachers of the different countries by e-mail, video-conferencing and a web board based facility. Partners will exchange teaching materials and methodologies, examples of good practice and adult learners’ experiences. The adult learners participating in AXLE should be empowered and motivated through their use of different European languages, their knowledge of different cultures, their use of different IT communication facilities and their exposure to alternative language teaching methodologies. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered

Project Objectives

Target Group(s)

Funding year: 2nd Basic skills Intercultural issues Languages Learning about European countries/the European Union Information technology Sustainable development Arts, music, culture The media Environment Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Guidance/counselling/information or other support services Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Methods for providing credit for knowledge or competence acquired outside formal education Local community group Women Senior citizens

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Aberdeen College Name of the contact person: Bill Stalker Address: Gallowgate Centre, Gallowgate, Aberdeen AB25 1BN e-mail: [email protected] tel: +44 (0)1224 612219 fax: +44 (0)1224 612001 Partners (Name of the organisation and country code) Universite Blaise Pascal SCLV (FR) Volkshochschule der Stadt Regensburg (DE) Internationales Sprachzentrum an der Universitat Graz (AT) Statna Jazykova Skola (SK)


UNITED KINGDOM Project reference: 04-GBR01-S2G01-00123-2

People with special needs dating with special arts The project aims to create a European network between training organisations who work with the arts and people with special needs in order to exchange methods and practices concerning the training of people with special needs, reinforcing collaboration at a European level. The project will be realised in four practical seminars. It will include the training of a group of persons with learning disabilities in the Chinese Art of Tai Chi Chuan as well as a Puppet and Black Theatre based on a Chinese story. The learners themselves will use their constructions to perform the story. It will lead to a final product in the form of a public performance. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered

Project Objectives

Target Group(s)

Funding year: 2nd Intercultural issues Arts, music, culture Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)

Disabled persons

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Action Space Mobile Name of the contact person Mary Turner Address: Mapplewell and Staincross Village Hall, Darton Lane, Barnsley, S75 2AL e-mail: [email protected] tel: +44 (0)1226 391112 fax: +44 (0)1226391112 Partners (Name of the organisation and country code) Po Alytus Youth Centre (LT) Karmoy commune, skole kulturetaten (NO)


UNITED KINGDOM Project reference: 03-GBR01-S2G01-00266-2

E Network: an Approach to Second Language Teaching and Learning The project will set up the appropriate infrastructure to enable learners and teachers at the participating institutions to communicate and network electronically with each other. The object is for teachers to exchange and develop teaching practice and materials and for learners to develop their language skills and share their cultural and social experiences. The first stage of the project will be to establish a project web site and a virtual forum. Teachers will start networking with each other first and then learners will be brought in after suitable preparation. Once it has been successfully established, the E Network should be self-sustaining and should continue to function beyond the end of the project to lasting mutual benefit. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered

Project Objectives

Target Group(s)

Funding year: 2nd Intercultural issues Languages Learning about European countries/the European Union Information technology Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Senior citizens Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Callington Community College Name of the contact person: Michele Laouenan Address: Ti Kevran, Port Lane, North Hill, Launceston PL15 7NT e-mail: [email protected] tel: +44 (0)1566 782587 fax: +44 (0)1566 782996 Partners (Name of the organisation and country code) Help Foundation (BG) Greta Ampere – Espace Langues (FR) Centro Territoriale Permanente per L’Istruzione e La Formazione in Eta’ Adulta (IT) Aula de Educacion de Adultos (ES) Aso Vuxengymnasium (SE) Volkshochschule Florisdorf (AT)


UNITED KINGDOM Project reference: 03-GBR01-S2G01-00246-2

Learning, Life Histories and Citizenship Citizenship is a highly contested concept and one which has particular prominence in European political debate at this time. The project focuses on how “excluded” groups, including adults with learning disabilities, economically marginalised women, refugees and asylum seekers and young people can find a voice in these debates around active citizenship. The project will use life history techniques to explore the concept of citizenship, its commonalities and differences, in three European countries with long histories of political democracy and similar traditions of liberal adult education. Underlying the process is a recognition that citizenship has both an individual and a collective dimension, and that diversity needs to be recognised and celebrated, alongside a recognition of what we share in common. The project will allow the participants to share their expertise and knowledge of working with these excluded groups, develop new techniques in using biographical approaches and the subsequent material generated, and applying this new knowledge to their educational provision and practice. In turn, this will help excluded groups to find a voice in local and national debates about citizenship in their own countries and in Europe. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered

Project Objectives

Target Group(s)

Funding year: 2nd Active citizenship Learning about European countries/the European Union Information technology Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Disabled persons Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Centre for Continuing Education, University of Sussex Name of the contact person: Pam Coare Address: Education Development Building, University of Sussex, Falmer, Brighton BN1 9RG e-mail: [email protected] tel: +44 (0)1273 678040 fax: +44 (0)1273 678848 Partners (Name of the organisation and country code) The Larkin Centre (IE) The Association for Learning Disabilities in Northern Savo (FI) Harrow Community and Youth Service (UK)


UNITED KINGDOM Project reference: 03-GBR01-S2G01-00269-2

Mentoring Strategies for Social Inclusion The purpose of this social inclusion project is to promote the use of mentors in various formal and non-formal adult learning settings to increase the participation and achievement rates of adult learners. The partners will share experiences of mentoring and other means of motivating and supporting learners, as well as starting to address the excluding factors within social institutions. The project will involve: • the production of a “What is mentoring?” leaflet which will be piloted and evaluated locally; • an arts workshop for mentor/mentee pairs from partner countries through which the support needs of excluded adults will be voiced; • the development of recommendations for the training of mentor trainers. The project will emphasise the existence of two sets of learners who have training needs and who stand to benefit from mentoring: (1) the volunteer mentors, and (2) the learners that they support (the “mentees”). Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered

Project Objectives

Target Group(s)

Funding year: 2nd Basic skills Active citizenship Intercultural issues Arts, music, culture Removing barriers to learning Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Guidance/counselling/information or other support services Experimentation with new pedagogical approaches Economically and socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in prison Local community groups Persons not using formal education systems

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: CG Partnership Name of the contact person: Janet Farr Address: 8b Queen Street, Market Rasen, Lincolnshire LN8 3EH e-mail: [email protected] tel: +44 (0) 1673 843489 fax: +44 (0) 1673 843492 Partners (Name of the organisation and country code) Madrid Regional Federation of Parents’ Associations (ES) Association Villanelle: Office d’animation pour la promotion du village de Notre Dame de la Paix (FR) Ballymun Job Centre (IE) Sign for Meaningful Life (GR) Deaf and hard of hearing people’s association of Central Macedonia (GR)


UNITED KINGDOM Project reference: 03-GBR01-S2G01-00133-2

Learning Europe Tutors and disadvantaged learners will produce a series of booklets and international story bags on specific themes which will illustrate different aspects of culture and lifestyle. The chosen themes are: food, Christmas customs, dance and music, Easter customs, family life/health issues, geography/tourism/holiday destinations, traditional costumes, religion/intercultural/mutual understanding, architecture, arts and crafts. The arts and crafts module will produce collaborative friendship quilts created by adult learners and children, called “Hands Across Europe”. It is hoped that through participation in these activities adult learners will improve their reading, writing and numeracy skills and improve their confidence and self-esteem. Parents should acquire increased confidence and competence in supporting their children’s learning. At the end of the project the individual booklets on each theme will be collated into a “Learning Europe” book which can be used as a resource for adults, language students and children. It is anticipated that participating countries will continue this work by extending the scope of use with other disadvantaged learners. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered

Project Objectives

Target Group(s)

Funding year: 2nd Basic skills Active citizenship Intercultural issues Languages Learning about European countries/the European Union Information technology Arts, music and culture Health Education for parents Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners demand for learning Guidance/counselling/information or other support services Experimentation with new pedagogical approaches Economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in prison Local community groups Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Daphne Mears Life Long Learning and Development Ltd Name of the contact person: Daphne Mears Address: Room 16, Grove Primary School, 256 North Queen Street, Belfast BT15 3DJ e-mail: [email protected] tel: +44 (0) 28 9075 4075 fax: +44 (0) 28 9075 4075 Partners (Name of the organisation and country code) Adult Basic Education, Aberdeenshire Council, Education and Recreation (UK) CEPA Navalcarnero (ES) Club Europa (RO) Muurlan Evankelinen Opisto (FI) South Carelia Vocational College (FI) Roman Voda National College (RO) Aberdeenshire Council, Education and Recreation (UK)


UNITED KINGDOM Project reference: 03-GBR01-S2G01-00258-1

Tandem Learning This project aims to motivate adult learners to improve their foreign language skills and to provide them with an authentic language learning context through direct communication with learners in other countries. Adult learners will work collaboratively with learners in the partner countries to create language learning materials reflecting their respective cultures. All materials will be personalised/localised to add interest. The materials produced will be evaluated by tutors and learners, reproduced in photocopiable booklets, supported by video and audio cassettes, and disseminated within the partner countries. Duration: 3 years Area(s) covered

Project Objectives

Target Group(s)

Funding year: 2nd Intercultural issues Languages Learning about European countries/the European Union Information technology Arts, music, culture Education for parents Strategy for stimulating adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approaches Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas 16+ learners of languages Local community groups

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Fermanagh College of Further and Higher Education Name of the contact person: Joan Major Address: Fairview, 1 Dublin Road, Enniskillen, BT74 6AE, Northern Ireland e-mail: [email protected] tel: +44 (0) 28 66 342262 fax: +44 (0) 28 66 326357 Partners (Name of the organisation and country code) Gmuender VHS (DE) Instituto Comprensivo Sciviero (IT) Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de Gijon (ES) Universidad Popular para la Educacion y la Cultura de Burgos (ES)


UNITED KINGDOM Project reference: 03-GBR01-S2G01-00239-2

Enhance The general aim of “Enhance” is to exchange partner experiences and develop an understanding of the backgrounds and contexts of the approaches used to engage hard-to-reach learners into first learning experiences, the reaching of learners through employers (and unions) and the creation of alternative learning environments in the workplace to keep them on the route to life long learning. Objectives will be the concrete description of different individual approach experiences by the partners and the reaction of the envisaged members of the target groups to these approaches. From that stage on practices will be compared (examples that lead to successful engagement as well as unsuccessful approaches) by the partner organisations, by their respective tutors as well as, eventually, by the learners themselves. The project findings will be disseminated in booklet form and via a project website to education organisations and to employers who are interested in organising learning in the workplace. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered

Project Objectives

Target Group(s)

Funding year: 2nd Basic skills Active citizenship Intercultural issues Information technology Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Guidance/counselling/information or other support services Experimentation with new pedagogical approaches Economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in prison Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Harrow Enterprise Agency Ltd Name of the contact person: Duncan Lamb Address: Enterprise House, 297 Pinner Road, Harrow HA1 4HS e-mail: [email protected] tel: +44 (0)20 8427 6188 fax: +44 (0)20 8861 5709 Partners (Name of the organisation and country code) Learning Centre Vansbro (SE) VHS Bildungsinstitut (BE) Learning Centre Masugnen (SE) Kulturelle Aktion und Prasenz VoG (BE) AITEC (IT) Training Centre of the Employers’ Association of Neubrandenburg (DE) Klaipeda District Economists’ Club (LT)


UNITED KINGDOM Project reference: 04-GBR01-S2G01-00115-2

plaNET The plaNET project aims to provide a personalised support network to be implemented via electronic means where the target will be the adult learner who has left the traditional or virtual courses and is now facing the present alone. The objective is to avoid the problems that commonly affect adult learners who after attending courses feel removed and alone. The same solution will also be adapted in the latter part of the second year to create virtual learning communities between students who have attended similar courses in different regions and thus keep at bay problems like loneliness, depression and lack of self confidence. Mentors and facilitators online will be there to support the user, answer his/her questions and help the interaction within a larger group of people from the partner countries, to talk to one another about their problems and thus help themselves overcome them. The project will provide guidelines on how to train teachers and mentors to use the system. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered

Project Objectives

Target Group(s)

Funding year: 2nd Active Citizenship Intercultural issues Languages Information Technology Mentoring and lifelong learning support Guidance/counselling/information or other support services Experimentation with new pedagogical approaches Local community groups Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in prison

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Harrow Enterprise Agency Ltd Name of the contact person: Duncan Lamb Address: Enterprise House, 297 Pinner Road, Harrow HA1 4HS e-mail: [email protected] tel: +44 (0)20 8427 6188 fax: +44 (0)20 8861 5709 Partners (Name of the organisation and country code) Università delle LibertEtà del FVG (IT) Espiral, Entitat de Serveis (ES)


UNITED KINGDOM Project reference: 03-GBR01-S2G01-00121-2

Basic Skills and Social Enterprises The aims and objectives of the Learning Partnership are to identify good practice developed by partners in engaging normally disaffected adults in lifelong learning, particularly where there is a need for basic skills development. In many cases, these people have been ‘turned off’ learning by previous unsatisfactory experiences and are thus apprehensive (if not antagonistic) to re-engaging with an educational organisation. However, many of these people are attracted to the operations of social enterprises or cooperatives which are not seen as representing ‘establishment’ organisations. In particular, this project will identify good practice where social enterprise organisations and learning providers work together to reach the target groups and, by developing flexible and non-threatening programmes, encourage them to re-engage with learning and address basic skill needs. The involvement of learners throughout this project, including transnational visits is therefore essential. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered

Project Objectives

Target Group(s)

Funding year: 2nd Basic skills Information technology Environment Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Guidance/counselling/information or other support services Experimentation with new pedagogical approaches Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of social marginalisation Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in prison Disabled persons

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Lancaster and Morecambe College Name of the contact person: John Perry Address: Morecambe Road, Lancaster LA1 2TY e-mail: [email protected] tel: +44 (0) 1524 521216 fax: +44 (0) 1524 843078 Partners (Name of the organisation and country code) Furniture Matters (UK) Dobrich Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BG) Vaxjo City Council (SE) Institute of Continuing Adult Education (GR)


UNITED KINGDOM Project reference: 03-GBR01-S2G01-00260-1

Smiley Faces – European Learning Bags The overall aim of the project is to increase the child development knowledge and basic skills of childminders and parents and, through them, improve the early years education of children aged 3 – 12. The adult learners (childminders and parents) will develop a range of ‘Smiley Faces European Learning Bags’ and supporting training materials for use in the education of children. Each ‘Learning Bag’ will contain resources (toys, games, stories, songs, etc) created, recorded and handcrafted by the learners themselves. The ‘Learning Bags’, which will also reflect the cultures of the countries involved, will be exchanged with partners and piloted with groups of children across the partnership. The bags will also incorporate a project logo to reflect the differing cultures and will explore the use of a ‘Travelling Teddy’ to accompany the bags across the countries. The project will also deliver a basic child development course to provide learners with the knowledge and skills necessary for the development of educational resources. It will also devise and deliver training in child observation techniques as well as training in the use of the learning bags. Duration: 3 years Area(s) covered

Project Objectives

Target Group(s)

Funding year: 2nd Basic skills Arts, music, culture Education for parents Experimentation with new pedagogical approaches

Women Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Northern Ireland Childminding Association Name of the contact person: Bridget Nodder Address: 16 – 18 Mill Street, Newtonards BT23 4LU, Northern Ireland e-mail: [email protected] tel: +44 (0)28 9181 1015 fax: +44 (0)28 9182 0921 Partners (Name of the organisation and country code) Centre of non-Material Aid (PL) Association DIA SPORT (BG) Kelme English Club ‘ABC’ (LT) Parents Association of the Makedonitissa B Elementary School (CY)


UNITED KINGDOM Project reference: 03-GBR01-S2G01-00252-3

Community Creativity for Community Development The project aims to extend the use of drama and the creative arts as an educational tool by providing training for trainers/educators at the partner institutions. As many of the staff involved in the project will already be engaged in using these techniques, the focus will be on enhancing their skills and developing effective methodologies. Participants will share experience and identify common needs and opportunities through exchange visits and internet communication. Techniques and methodologies designed to develop skills and imagination will be shared a number of ‘Impact Workshops’. The project will end with a celebratory rural community drama and arts festival. Duration: 1 year Area(s) covered

Project Objectives

Target Group(s)

Funding year: 2nd Intercultural issues Learning about European countries, the European Union Arts, music, culture Education for parents Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approaches Management of adult education organisation/institution Economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in prison Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Local community groups

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Pathways Inspirational Development Ltd Name of the contact person: Ian Ball Address: Y Bwthyn, Bachaethlon, Sarn, Newtown, Powys SY16 4HH e-mail: [email protected] tel: +44 (0)1686 670505 fax: +44 (0)1686 670505 Partners (Name of the organisation and country code) Panevezys Day Care Centre (LT) Iasi Regional Board of Education (RO) University of Wales Bangor Research Institute for Enhancing Learning (UK)


UNITED KINGDOM Project reference: 03-GBR01-S2G01-00261-3

When Writing We Communicate – The project aims to publish a book of creative and imaginative writings of young socially excluded people from three European countries, in their own language. These writings will include poetry, prose and short stories, which have been developed from themes decided upon by the young people and will reflect the ideas and opinions that are pertinent to their lives. The project will start with a creative writing workshop for trainers and learners. Learners will then continue to produce work in creative writing classes at their home institution. Learners will collaborate via the internet with their counterparts in partner countries over the content and design of the book. Through participating in this activity, learners will develop their basic skills in literacy and broaden their knowledge and experience of literature. Using creative writing as a medium to express feelings will build their self-confidence and help them to overcome barriers to learning and social inclusion. The partner organisations will benefit from the use of innovative methods to develop basic skills in literacy and from the development of creative writing as a curriculum subject. Duration: 1 year Area(s) covered

Project Objectives

Target Group(s)

Funding year: 2nd Basic skills Information technology Arts, music, culture Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approaches Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of social marginalisation Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in prison

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Second Chance School Name of the contact person: Barbara Brodigan Address: East Leeds Family Learning Centre, Brooklands View, Leeds LS14 6SA e-mail: [email protected] tel: +44 (0)113 224 3113 fax: +44 (0)113 224 3172 Partners (Name of the organisation and country code) Ideke (GR) Second Chance School, Gijon (ES)


UNITED KINGDOM Project reference: 03-GBR01-S2G01-00265-2

Cultural Integration and Citizenship Experiences of Migrant Learners The project aims to develop a transnational community creative writing and educational guidance skills programme with learners from migrant communities, especially women. It will utilise an informal approach, allowing learners to increase their capacity to play a full and active role in society. This will be achieved through educational guidance tools for addressing the specific needs of migrant learners. Learners will be given the opportunity to express their cultural, social and economic experiences in relation to citizenship through essays, journals and workshops. Support and guidance systems will be put into place for developing self-confidence, motivation and educational awareness. The project’s outcomes will include case studies, publications, an exhibition and partnership exchange visits allowing for wider dissemination across local, national and transnational communities. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered

Project Objectives

Target Group(s)

Funding year: 2nd Educational guidance Basic skills Active citizenship Intercultural issues Learning about European countries/the European Union Sustainable development Health Environment Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Guidance/counselling/information or other support services Experimentation with new pedagogical approaches Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in prison Women

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Sherico Care Homes Ltd Name of the contact person: Noor Hasmat Ali Address: 2 Balmoral Road, Leyton, London E10 5ND e-mail: [email protected] tel: +44 (0)20 8518 7896 fax: +44 (0)20 8539 6422 Partners (Name of the organisation and country code) Transcultural Therapeutic Team for Young Immigrants and Refugees (DK) Otava Folk School (FI)


UNITED KINGDOM Project reference: 03-GBR01-S2G01-00198-2

Creative and Performing Arts in the Community The broad aim of the project is to identify common problems and share good practice amongst European partners in relation to participation of local people in creative and performing arts. An initial partner meeting will be held involving learners and practitioners from each of the participating countries. Participants will discuss common problems and share good practices and plan the arts activities to be carried out in their own countries. Each partner will then go back and set up specific arts projects in their communities. These projects will have a common theme of local culture/traditions. A website will be established as a means of communicating between partner groups. Partners will discuss the progress of their projects at a second transnational meeting and plan how best to showcase the outcomes (e.g. a CD of musical performances, a video of drama performances, a virtual gallery of artwork). Each of the local projects will then record/video their performances or photograph their artwork. At a third meeting, partners will share final outcomes, contribute to the final report of the project and plan future events. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered

Project Objectives

Target Group(s)

Funding year: first Intercultural issues Learning about European countries/the European Union Information technology Arts, music, culture Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approaches Local community groups Economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in prison Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: The Lyndhurst Centre Name of the contact person: Colin McLelland Address: Beacon Lough Road, Gateshead NE9 6TA e-mail: [email protected] tel: +44 (0)191 420 7000 fax: +44 (0)191 420 8000 Partners (Name of the organisation and country code) New Bulgarian University (BG) Teacher Centre of Cabrera (ES) Raffaello Cultural Association (IT) Adult Education Promotion Association (ES)


UNITED KINGDOM Project reference: 03-GBR01-S2G01-00154-2

READ – Rural Exchanges and Access for investigating new ways of Developing rural districts, through developing new learning opportunities for people living in rural areas. The aim of the project is to investigate new ways of developing rural districts and how the role of adult education can be an active contributor to rural development. Key topics will be rural adult education programmes, diversification, agriculture and small farmers, food production, financial and economic literacy and the use of new technology. A ‘learner’ is defined as anyone actively involved in rural life from farmers to community activists. All rural districts have the common issues of isolation, lack of transport, migration of young people, ageing population, and decline in primary industry (agriculture). Learners and trainers will attend two seminars/workshops per year, at which they will explore new ways of developing learning opportunities for adults living in rural districts. Video diaries of the workshops will be kept and disseminated to the partners. The results will also be recorded in a manual of training material/resources and a CD-ROM. Learners will be involved in the planning, implementation and evaluation of the project and “planning groups” of Learners will be established in each partner country. In the first year of the project, participants benefited from direct contact with others learning and working in adult education in a rural environment and shared information on how they deal with mutual issues. The partners prepared the first draft of the READ manual and set up the READ website. In the second year, the manual and the website will be developed further and the CD-ROM will be produced. The project also aims to develop and seek accreditation for a rural workers’ (READ) certificate course. Duration: 3 years Area(s) covered

Project Objectives Target Group(s)

Funding year: 3rd Basic skills Active citizenship Learning about other European countries Sustainable development Rural development through adult education Strategy for stimulating adult learners Experimentation with new pedagogical approaches Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Women Local community groups

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: West Midlands Churches Regional Forum Name of the contact person: Mr Michael Lilley Address: Carrs Lane Church Centre, Birmingham, B4 7SX e-mail: [email protected] tel: +44 121 643 6603 fax: +44 121 632 5320 Partners (Name of the organisation and country code) Association Villanelle (Reunion – FR) Fundacja Roswoju Regionu Goldap (PL) Teaching College for Religious Education (AT) Centre de Formation Professional et Promotion Agriculture (FR)


UNITED KINGDOM Project Reference:


MABEL – Multi-disciplinary Approach to Adult Basic Education and Learning The M.A.B.E.L. project aims to explore the potential of a multi-disciplinary approach to Adult Basic Education and Learning for prisoners and young offenders, with emphasis on a common core curriculum involving Basic Numeracy, Literacy, ICT and Social and Life Skills. Staff involved in the teaching of these subjects will explore themes together, share ideas on methods and techniques and develop lessons that can be delivered to adult learners using a cross-curricular approach. Central to this study will be the work carried out with the prisoners themselves to produce three collaborative magazines, in both paper format and on audio-tape for the visually impaired. Prisoners will share information about themselves, prison life, their local area, their country, customs, traditions and beliefs. The magazines will be also be developed as a teaching/learning resource of real life experiences that can be used for learners by all partners to improve communication skills (mother tongue/foreign languages) and European awareness. At the end of the project all partners will have a rich library of real life experiences. A project website will be created so that the results of the project can be widely disseminated. The first issue of the project’s Open Doors magazine was produced in May 2003, with contributions from students in each of the partner countries on the theme of “Isolation and Society”. Duration: 3 years Area(s) covered

Project Objectives Target Group(s)

Funding year: 3rd Basic skills Intercultural Issues Languages and Learning about European Countries/the European Union Information Technology Arts, music, culture Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approaches Persons in prison Women Young Adults (15-25 age range) at risk of social marginalisation

Composition of the Partnership Co-ordinating Organisation Name of the organisation: Her Majesty’s Prison Maghaberry Name of the contact person: Mr Geoff Moore Address: Education Department, Old Road, Upper Ballinderry, Lisburn, Co Antrim, Northern Ireland, BT27 2 NF E-mail: [email protected] Tel. +44 28 9261 2592 Fax: +44 28 9261 4893 Partners Lancaster and Morcambe College (UK) The Curragh prison Camp (IE) Prison School Stara Zagora (BG) Prison School Rzeszow (PL) Stromso Videregaende Skole avd. Drammen Fengsel (NO)


UNITED KINGDOM Project reference: 03-GBR01-S2G01-00221-2

Arts as a Catalyst for Social Inclusion through Shared Intercultural Learning The project partners will share experience and skills of using arts as a catalyst for social inclusion and a medium for intercultural shared learning. This project will investigate how learners outside of formal learning institutions can be empowered through shared experiences in an intercultural context. The learners involved are all from socially excluded groups. The issue of how this type of learning can act as a pathway to further education and training will also be addressed. The partners will examine what is common in their approaches to learning through the arts, and what is specific to each partner’s national, regional and local setting. Central to the project is the idea that the learners can be teachers and the teachers can be learners. There will be workshops and weekly arts sessions in each of the partner organisations. During this period the learners will prepare pieces that will be performed at an exhibition in Poland in July 2003. Learners and staff from all the partners will attend. The second year will incorporate learners’ reflections on the project. A further exhibition will be staged and a CD ‘Orchestra of the Souls’ is planned. The project results will be disseminated via a project website and displays. Duration: 3 years Area(s) covered

Project Objectives

Target Group(s)

Funding: 3rd year Active citizenship Intercultural Issues Arts, music, culture Learning about European countries, the European Union Experimentation with new pedagogical approaches Methods for providing credit for knowledge or competence acquired outside formal education Migrants/travellers/ethic or other minorities Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of social marginalisation Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: LIFT – London International Festival of Theatre Name of the contact person: Tony Fegan Address: 19-20 Great Sutton Street, London EC1V 0DR e-mail: [email protected] tel: 020 74903964 fax: 020 7490 3976 Partners (Name of the organisation and country code) Ayuntamiento de la Ville De Aguimes (ES) Centrum Edukacjii Inicjatyw Kulturalnych (PL)


UNITED KINGDOM Project Reference: 04-GBR01-S2G01-00162-2

Reflex - reaching out with flexible learning The idea of the project is to explore ways of reaching adults at their work places and then find ways of identifying their training needs and finally organise learning for these groups. The target group is adults with limited skills who may be at risk of exclusion from the labour market. The project will try to find answers to questions like: How can schools reach adults in employment? How can schools establish cooperation with the business community? How can schools help businesses identify and develop their human resources? What are the best methods suited to this kind of teaching/learning? The partners in the project represent a variety of institutions with very different experiences in this field. The first project year had an overall organisational perspective in which practices and experiences in working with companies were exchanged and based on those new practices were developed and tested on a number of pilot companies. The second year has a learning perspective and the focus will be on the teacher/learner relationship and will experiment with various forms of flexible learning. This approach gives new meaning to the ideas of lifelong learning. Total DURATION: 24 Area(s) covered

Project Objectives Target Group(s)

FUNDING Year: 2 Basic skills Information technology Active citizenship Raising awareness of life long learning Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learners' demand for learning Guidance / counselling / information or other support services Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Migrants / travellers / ethnic or other minorities Women People in employment at risk of early retirement due to lack of skills

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation: Name of the institution: The Cresco Trust Name of the contact person: Margaret Lee Address: 95C Spencer Road, Londonderry BT47 6AE, Northern Ireland e-mail: [email protected] tel: +44 2871 343006 fax: +44 2871 318220 Partners: VUC VEST, Denmark MJK Institute, Finland Adulta Ltd, Institute of Further Education, Finland Albeda College, Rotterdam, Netherlands County Tipperary Vocational Educational Committee, Nenagh, Ireland Ridge Danyers College, SK6 Stockport, Cheshire, United Kingdom


ICELAND ISLAND Project Reference: 04-IS101-S2G01-00002-1

Women’s Empowerment for Active Citizenship Support women to raise their self-confidence through empowerment with guidance in using IC and practice in public speaking, in order to encourage active citizenship. The project aims at offering women support and guidance to express their opinions by speaking out and train them to do so by making use of ICT and Multimedia with the main purpose to raise their self-confidence and hence for them to become more active in society. The partners in this project work with women from different social and cultural background. The project aims at making the women aware of their own situation when comparing women’s life from different cultural backgrounds of several European countries Total DURATION: 12 months Area(s) covered

Project Objectives Target Group(s)

FUNDING Year: 1 Basic skills Active citizenship Learning about European countries Information Technologies Languages Women’s empowerment IT skills raised, presentation counseling and guidance. Disadvantaged women

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation: Name of the institution: Uppsprettan – The Fountain of Education, language school Name of the contact person: Erla Aradóttir Address: Fagraberg 24, 220 Hafnarfjörður e-mail: [email protected] tel: +00 354 8917576 Partners: Volkshochschule, Schwabisch Hall,Germany; Pori college of Service Sector, Paikkkakunta, Finland Social- og sundhedsskolen, Aarhus, Denmark Centro de educacion de Adultos, Santo Dominguito de Val, Spain Ministry of Education, Ankara, Turkey Fundacao Assistencia Medica Internacional, Marvilla Lisboa, Portugal VUC, Holbæk, Denmark.


NORWAY NORGE Project Reference: 04-NOR01-S2G01-00024-1

e-ValEurop Comparison and mutual exchange of information and experience about assessment of informal qualifications in Spain, France, Italy, Sweden and Norway. Carry out analysis of methods for mapping, validation and documentation; • How the methods for assessment of informal qualification work in Spain, France, Italy, Sweden and Norway. • Financial and legal aspects • Quality assurance • How these initiatives give grown ups access to adult education and lifelong learning • Use of ICT to help adults in rural areas to gain the formal competence which they seek. Target groups: Personnel engaged in assessment of informal qualifications and training measures in a perspective of lifelong learning. Total DURATION: 2 years Area(s) covered

FUNDING Year: 1 Basic skills Languages

Other (describe if applicable) Project Objectives

Methods and tools to carry out evaluation of informal qualifications. Methods for providing credit for knowledge or competence obtained outside formal education Documentation of new methods and tools in the field of informal qualifications

Target Group(s)

Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, person in prison Disabled persons

Other (describe if applicable)

Adults with at least three years work experience who seek assessment of informal qualifications

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Nordhordland realkompetansesenter, Knarvik vidaregåande skule Name of the contact person: Øivind H. Solheim Address: Kvernhusmyrane 2, NO-5914 Isdalstø e-mail : [email protected] tel: +47 56 35 54 17 fax: +47 56 35 54 01 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) GIP FCIP d’Aquitaine – Dispositif Académique de Validation des Acquis (DAVA), FR IPSIA Don Magnani, IT Directora Unidad de Promoción y Desarrollo de Navarra Cámara Navarra de Comercio e Industria, Pamplona, Navarra, ES Kompetens Centrum, SE


NORGE Project Reference: 04-NOR01-S2G01-00042-3

HIDDEN ARTS The participants in the project (the teachers) are working with disantvantaged people and use arts, music and culture as a mean to let the learners cope better with life. The main goals are to prepare and motivate the participants for further education and/ or enable the participants to adjust better to life and to set realistic goals. We want to build up an international network to get new ideas and inspiration in this field. This is in line with Reform 94 in Norway and The Council of Europe`s Recommendation No r (89) 12 on Education in prison, states in Art 6.1: "Courses should not be limited to conventional subjects; it is the potential student`s right to learn what is paramount, and some learning needs may not be met by tradional academic classification." This will be the matter for various groups of disantvantaged people. Total DURATION: 3 Area(s) covered

Project Objectives

FUNDING Year: 3 Art, music, culture

Strategies for stimulating / promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Methods for providing credit for knowledge or competence

Target Group(s)

Economically or socially disadvantaged groups

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Åsane videregående skole, avd. Bergen fengsel Name of the contact person: Alfhild T. Heldal Address: Postboks 230, Nyborg, NO-5871 Bergen e-mail : [email protected] tel: +47 55 39 37 80 fax: +47 55 19 44 54 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Katholisches Bildungswerk Karnten, AT Karel de Grote Hogeschool, BE Education Unit, Cork Prison, IE Københavns Fængsler, DK


NORGE Project Reference: 04-NOR01-S2G01-00009-2

Adapted Adult Education in Prison and how to follow up after release The project aims through exchange of experiences and working sessions in cross- national meetings, as well as by involving the learners in trying out methods/models, to improve the adult teaching provided to offenders in the participating institutions/ schools. Main topics: how to use ICT as a tool in the education provided to the offenders, how to manage the co- operation between the teaching staff and the other services in prison to enhance the quality of the adult education given to the offenders, to improve the knowledge of different cultures and languages in Europe, how to co- ordinate the inside prison education with follow -up education after release. Through working sessions in conferences established by the partners, and project work in the institutions between the conferences, we will in the project work out models and educational methods for better adult education adapted to the offenders and their special needs. A common Home Page on the Internet has been made during the first project year. On this page, the project partners will present local projects and experiences for each other (and to other interested providesrs of adapted, adult education). The project also will present the result on paper and CD- ROM. Total DURATION: 3 years Area(s) covered

FUNDING Year: 3 Basic skills European countries / The European Union Information technology

Other (describe if applicable) Project Objectives

Adapted adult prison education Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Guidance / counselling or other support services Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Management of adult education organisation/institution

Target Group(s)

Economically or socially disadvantaged groups Migrants / travellers / ethnic or other minorities Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of social mar

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Brundalen videregående skole Name of the contact person: Johan Fløan Address: Postboks 4415, NO-7418 Trondheim E-mail: [email protected] or [email protected] tel: +47 73 88 47 49 fax: +47 73 88 47 60 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code): Daugvpils 38 arodvidusskola, LV Centro Territoriale Permanente per lèducazione e la formazione in età adulta di Rovigo, IT Ministero della Giustizia, Dipartiment Amministra zione penitenziari, IT Centro P`ublico de Educatiòn Permanente de Adultos Prisiòn 11, ES Oulun Vankila, FI Justizvollzuganstalt Celle, DE HMP Magillian, UK


NORGE Project Reference: 04-NOR01-S2G01-00017-2

ADHD among prison inmates. How can the health, welfare and school departments cooperate in finding a positive way of improvement? It is estimated that more than 30% of the inmates in prison are suffering from ADHD -Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. This may create big problems among the inmates and in the prison environment. The overriding aim of the project is to find out in what way the health / welfare and the school departments can cooperate in finding ways of acheiving improvment for this group, and by that lifting their quality of life. This aim will be met by working on widening and improving the general knowledge about the ADHD problem, exchanging experiences with the ADHD problem as well as teaching methodology, and carrying out research on the topic. Total DURATION: 3 Area(s) covered

FUNDING Year: 2 Basic skills Active citizenship Information technology Health

Project Objectives

Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner’s demand for learning Guidance / counselling or other supportive service Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)

Target Group(s)

Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of soc.mar. Economically or socially disadvantaged groups

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Hønefoss secondary school, Section: Ringerike prison Name of the contact person: Jarle Ellingsen Address: Postboks 3084, NO-3501 Hønefoss E-mail : [email protected] tel: +47 32 11 34 40 fax: +47 32 11 34 99 Organisation/Project website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Rummu Special Vocational School, EE BRESOP e.V.: Bremer society for the promotion of interdisciplinary cooperation between research, practice and politics in the area of social problems, DE Istituto Tecnico Statale per Geometri “Andrea Palladio”, IT


BULGARIA BÂLGARIJA Project reference: 04-BGR01-S2G01-00067-2

MOSLA: More Opportunities for the Civil Society, Less Obligations for the Local Authorities The project will deal with the training of the local municipality staff. Within this context the project wants to focus especially on designing educational modules and building useful relationships at international level for co-operation and to implement better national experience. In the first phase of this two year project, we compared and confronted the different national experience and two modules were designed in the municipality street lighting and pits. In the next 2004-2005 the project MOSLA will deal with the following items: - an additional module will be worked out by all the partners concerning waste management at municipal level and - a regional / national test training for trainers workshop will be organized by the Bulgarian and Rumanian partners for the issues in these three topics - municipality street lighting, pits and waste management at municipal level - a summary introductory workshop will be held in France, in which all these two year outputs will be discussed and evaluated. The purpose in the first as in the second year is to provide an opportunity to improve the capacity of the respective target groups to a degree allowing the best possible choice of one of the following options: - Whether to liberate the municipalities from their property through privatisation or to keep the ownership and use it in the best possible way; - Whether to organise the property and the services that remain under municipal ownership within a specialised municipal enterprise or to make them available to the private sector; - Whether to grant long-term concessions; - Whether to choose the way of the public procurement contracts; - Consider the options of granting municipal licenses to private contractors in selected areas. The final phase at the end of second year will analyse the project results and provide their dissemination to other institutions and customers such as the Association of the municipalities from south-west Bulgaria and prepare action plan for future dissemination of the results under another EC programme. The project output will consist of training modules and corresponding sets of training materials. Duration: 2 years

Funding year: second

Area(s) covered

Active citizenship Learning about European countries, the European Union Environment Other, namely: Civil society, protection of the environment, EU awareness, foreign languages, property and service management by the municipalities

Project Objectives

Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Methods for providing credit for knowledge or competence acquired outside formal education

Target Group(s)

Local community groups Senior citizens Others: local municipality authorities, NGOs

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: ECOLEX 2001 Name of the contact person: Anna Gotzeva Address: 1000 Sofia, 10, Slaveykov sq. e-mail: [email protected] tel: +359 (0)2 9310576 fax: +359 (0)2 9310576 Partners Institut de Cooperation avec l”Europe Orientale (FR) Asociatia Alternative Pedagogice (RO)


BÂLGARIJA Project reference: 04-BGR01-S2G01-00028-1

ISEM Improvement of Strategies for E-Learning in a Multicultural Context The project “Improvement of Strategies for E-Learning in a multicultural context (ISEM)” aims at exchanging information, know-how and good practices in the field of e-learning among 6 European countries (BG, RO, IT, DK, ES, D). The so created Learning Partnership involves a diversity of organizations providing formal, informal and non-formal training to learners with special needs. The project envisages 6 mobility actions (partners meetings, staff exchanges and a closing seminar) to be held within a period of two years. Both mobility actions and country-based activities (data collection, analysis, and research) will allow the partners to gain insight into the needs of the learner, to identify existing Lifelong Learning (LLL) gaps. The Learning Partnership will agree on concrete measures to support the launch of innovative actions and alternative LLL pathways that better meet the diversity of learners’ needs and demands. In addition to that research, the project also focuses on reviewing positive practices and transfer of know-how in the field of LLL and e-learning. The project results will be widely disseminated by setting up an online database (web page) on good practices. Duration: 2 years

Funding year: first

Area(s) covered

Project Objectives

Target Group(s)

Active citizenship Intercultural issues Information technology The media Other: e-learning education Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Methods for providing credit for knowledge or competence acquired outside formal education Others: adult trainers; adult people Disabled persons Migrants / travellers / ethnic or other minorities

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: VISTA Company Ltd. Name of the contact person: Violina Kostova Address: 15, Sveti Naum Blvd. 1421 Sofia e-mail: [email protected] tel: +359 (0)2 980 4832 fax: +359 (0)2 989 0107 Partners Institute for Applied Ergonomy and Communication Design (DE) C.R.M.F – RECUPERATION CENTRE FOR DISABLED PEOPLE (ES) PUBBLIC VOCATIONAL SCHOOL FOR TOURISM AND BUSINESS “GIUSTINO FORTUNATO” (IT) CVUFYN-University College Funen (DK)


BÂLGARIJA Project reference: 04-BGR01-S2G01-00039-1

Development And Initial Implementation Of An Educational Strategy On Internet Safety For Multipliers, Teachers And Parents The current project launches a long-lasting partnership of European organizations working in the field of consumer protection. It aims at the preparation of a common strategy and action plan for the informal education of European adult citizens on how to protect their children on the Internet, while at the same time upgrading professional skills of trainers to teach parents. It also aims at exchanging know-how, information and expertise between partners and their educational staff. Project activities include two workshops, conducting of needs analyses and research focused on the issue concerned, as well as the preparation of the strategy and action plan for partners’ future activities. Along with this an evaluation of the project impact will be conducted and will be used for the preparation of future initiatives by project partners. Duration: 1 year

Funding year: first Area(s) covered

Project Objectives

Target Group(s)

Information technology Consumer education Education for parents Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Guidance / counselling / information or other support services Methods for providing credit for knowledge or competence acquired outside formal education Others: parents, whose children are Internet consumers

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Bulgarian National Consumers Association. Name of the contact person: Bogomil Nikolov Address: 12, Graf Ignatiev St, 4th floor, 1000 Sofia e-mail: [email protected] tel: +359 (0)2 989 01 06 fax: +359 (0)2 989 0107 Partners National Consumer Confederation (LT) Association of Polish Consumers (PL)


BÂLGARIJA Project reference: 04-BGR01-S2G01-00040-1

Gendering the skills, encourage learning The project is aimed at finding out the way the adult learners perceive the new basic skills definition /more concretely ICT-s/, following the Memorandum on Lifelong Learning, from a gender perspective. The concrete objectives include: To develop suitable tools for accumulation of relevant data /questionnaire, pilot training/; To analyse and interpret the data required and to reveal the underlying biases that surround the idea of adult learning – general preconceptions and prejudices related to ICT skills acquirement. Special emphasis on the idea that there is an underlying inequality between men and women in regard to the ICT skills acquirement.; To find out the cultural differences /stemming form different implementation contexts/ related to the ICT skills from the perspective of gender mainstreaming policies; elaboration of appropriate strategy for “positive bias” distribution on the opportunities of skills gathering in the scope of LLL and adult learning policy Duration: 1 year

Funding year: first Area(s) covered

Project Objectives

Target Group(s)

Basic skills Information technology Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Management of adult education organisation / institution Women Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, persons, persons in prison Senior citizens


COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: NATIONAL EDUCATION CENTRE Name of the contact person: Veselin Simeonov Address: Ks. Slaweikov bl. 3 fl. 5 apt.6. 7000 Bourgas e-mail: [email protected] tel: + 359 887 442 357 fax: Partners CENTER OF COUNCELLING AND ORIETATION / KESYP (GR) "AW-AG Society for work and training (DE) Adult Education Centre “Mateo Hernandes” (ES)


BÂLGARIJA Project reference: 04-BGR01-S2G01-00043-1

Development and Delivering of Good Practices for Information and Guidance for Supporting Transnational Regional Collaboration - DDGIG The DDGIG (Development and Delivering of Good Practices for Information and Guidance for Supporting Transnational Regional Collaboration) project is aiming at bringing in contact European adult learners who are working in the sphere of information and guidance and labour market development – representatives of state policy institutions and representatives of regional municipal authorities – to introduce and share experience about: information and guidance services establishment of the sustainable relation between labour market development and delivering appropriate information and guidance services implementation of ICT technologies for collecting assessment and delivering of information and guidance free of charge at regional level development and upgrading database used in the process of information and guidance for regional purposes To contact each other and to share their knowledge, experience and practice, they will discover that extra skills are needed. This will encourage the participating learners to upgrade their personal competence. Extra skills the learners will develop in this project: making use of internet-based communication platforms language skills knowledge of cultural history of their home country and the participating countries Organising of a Virtual window for introducing their possibilities and demand for information and guidance at transnational regional level and promote future collaboration in different field of economic environment. Virtual window based on the web platform and are exposed in the participating countries. Mobility of Municipality officials also will be used to attend the workshops in the other countries. Duration: 2 years

Funding year: first

Area(s) covered

Basic skills Active citizenship Intercultural issues Sustainable development Learning about European countries/the European Union

Project Objectives

Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Guidance/ counselling/ information or other support services

Target Group(s)

Local community groups Senior citizens Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in prison

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Name of the contact person: Address: e-mail: tel: fax:

National Agency for Vocational Education and Training Milena Mihaylova 125, Tsarigradsko shosse, block 5. 1113 Sofia [email protected] +359 (0)2 875 02 23 +359 (0)2 875 02 23

Partners Unified Vocational Training of Cyclades (GR) D&S Group – Women for Development (IT)


BÂLGARIJA Project reference: 04-BGR01-S2G01-00056-1

16+ The basic document for defining the idea to develop this project is the commitment of the Community manifest in the Treaty of Amsterdam to combat social exclusion in ways consistent with promoting a ‘Europe for all’. Work on this statement the project is aiming at bringing in contact European adult learners who are one of the disadvantaged and possible social exclusion group – young adults which are the contingent of the special institutions - foster home/foster care -till they come of age. After this period they are under an obligation to leave these institutions and to start their independent/self-dependent life. Really their life during the leaving this environment was easy but not in every case useful. There is a lack of understanding, knowledge and skills for survival without any negative consequences, other words, these people form a social group, which can easily become social excluded. WITHIN THIS CONTEXt THE PROJECT WANTS TO FOCUS ESPECIALLY development ‘’MEDIA –LESSONSON’’ directly with the participation of these young adults, to encourage them to share their experience and understanding for possible ways of adequate life outside this institutions, when they became more than 16 and have to leave the institutions. To contact each other and to discuss their understanding for active citizenship and easy integration in a society after leaving, they will discover that extra skills are needed. This will encourage the participating learners to help their younger friends from that institution and to support the staff of the same institution in organising and participating in such activities. This first phase of the project will be the comparison and confrontation of the different national experiences in this area in the participating countries through active involvement of the staff of the respective organisations. It will be defining several main teams for media – lessons, for example in the next directions:’’ how I live now’’, ‘’what can be happen with me after leaving’’, what I want to be my future life outside’’, what happened’’ and etc. The next phase will deal with the development of national workshops with young adults and staff from the foster home and participants from partners’ organisation – in Italy, in Spain, in Cyprus, in Portuguese, In Bulgaria, in Lithuania. Final phase will analyse the project results and provide dissemination of them to other institutions and customers and prepare action plan for future development of the project. The project output will consist of media lessons, chat room, cartoons and action plan for future development of the project. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered

Project Objectives


Funding year: first Active citizenship Intercultural issues Languages Learning about European countries/the European Union Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Management of adult education organisation / institution Methods for providing credit for knowledge or competence acquired outside formal education Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of social marginalisation

Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Center for educational services and innovation- Europa, LTD Name of the contact person: Mario Petrov Address: ul.’’Buzemska’’ N2. 1618 Sofia e-mail: [email protected] tel: +359 (0)2 850 16 67 fax: +359 (0)2 850 16 67 Partners Department Studys of Current Means Asociation (ES) TRISYS LTD (CY) SVTC - SOCIALISATION VOCATIONAL TRAINING CENTRE (LT)


BÂLGARIJA Project reference: 04-BGR01-S2G01-00061-1

Knowledge of the Nature The present project will enrich the knowledge of informal ecological education among teachers and leaders of ecology clubs and organizations from European countries. Each of the participating organizations will introduce its successful practice and rich experience in the interpretation of the common European subject of environmental preservation and prudent reasonable use of local natural resources. Through scientific and practical seminars the participants will display new commonly applicable methods of teaching, emphasizing on non-standard forms and ways of acquiring knowledge about nature in the open air. The teachers of natural sciences and the leaders of ecology clubs are to release their most creative and applicable interpretation practices and experience in a Guide of informal ecological teaching; they will also produce a CD, through which they will disseminate their experience in other European countries. We intend to create a network of school (children and youth) ecology clubs and organizations, which will work jointly on common European environmental problems, as well as on developing joint projects of The European Council Programs. This project targets the teachers and leaders who sponsor the eco-clubs and other student environmental organizations. We want to provide skills that these people can bring to the students. Most importantly we want to create a network between countries so that teachers and leaders can share ideas and experiences. Each country will have the opportunity to present their experiences so that we can learn from each other. After these presentations we will form these experiences into a book for others to learn from. This network once established will be used to connect students as well as teachers through common work in the area of environment. Having students work together with other students from different countries will help to spread information on the environment and create lasting bonds between nations. Duration: 3 years Area(s) covered

Project Objectives

Target Group(s)

Funding year: first Environment Learning about European countries/the European Union Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Management of adult education organisation / institution Methods for providing credit for knowledge or competence acquired outside formal education Local community groups Women

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: NGO “Club Blue Rocks” Name of the contact person: Emilia Boeva Address: General Stolipin St. 14 Sliven 8800 e-mail: [email protected] tel: +359 (0)44 62 46 32 fax: +359 (0)44 66 29 61 Partners TECNO BIOS LTD (IT) Infinity – language a educational center (CZ)


ROMANIA ROMÂNIA Project Reference: 04-G2-143-BN-RO-C

European Entrepreneurial Culture for Disadvantaged Groups on the Labour Market The involved partners of the project intend to offer a basis of entrepreneurial knowledge, taken over mainly from the European entrepreneurial culture, and directed to the unskilled workers. They will focus on the influx of unskilled workers, those people who do decide to migrate and who possess language skills and an understanding of the market-based economy. The project aims to promote of entrepreneurship and managerial skills for businesses generated by the sustainable development needs and the requirements of the global economy. The project proposes a new chance for the unskilled workers (men and women without discrimination), of re-insertion into the labour market through an alternative solution by creating an entrepreneurial activity. In this mean, the project considers experience exchanges among the partners from the participant countries, the organization of seminars and workshops by which the target groups get into contact with entrepreneurial skills and products that are required for the creation of viable small businesses. Making the best use of the examples of good practice and achievements of the partners, the project will provide the target groups all the necessary elements to overcome their condition of disfavoured categories. Our transnational actions such as this will help to mitigate, however slightly, the foreseeable migration of large numbers of underqualified people when integration of new countries into the EU takes place, by providing them with other alternatives at home. Total DURATION: 12 months Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s)

FUNDING Year: 1 Basic skills; active citizenship; intercultural issues; learning about European countries/the European Union; sustainable development Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners' demand for learning To offer a basis of entrepreneurial knowledge To promote entrepreneurship and managerial skills Economically or socially disadvantaged groups Unemployed persons, persons in prison Women Unskilled workers

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation: Name of the institution: Camera de Comert, Industrie si Agricultura - Bistrita-Nasaud Name of the contact person: Mihaela DOBRA Address: 15A, Petre Ispirescu street, 420081, Bistrita, Bistrita-Nasaud County, Romania e-mail: [email protected] tel: 0040/263/23060 Partners: Alytus College, Alytus, Lithuania Regional Center for Women Rights, Provence Alpes Cotes d’Azur PACA, France Lawton School, Gijon, Spain Veb Consult L.t.d., Italy


ROMANIA Project Reference: 04-G2-8-B-RO-C

Eliminate Poverty - Development of the entrepreneurial spirit in rural areas, through ITC and Business Project description; The project aims to value the diversification of rural traditional economies in the rural areas empowering new emergent and innovative activities as a result of gaining knowledge and studying the greatly different rural realities in Europe. All partners intend to give better knowledge to adults from disadvantaged rural areas about possibilities to further improve their personal development in the entrepreneurial spirit. A solution to eliminate the poverty is to get New Technologies closer to the everyday life in disadvantaged rural areas, to help them to get an approach to other kinds of culture and languages. The aims of the present learning partnership project are, also, to increase opportunities of the people from rural areas through the effective use of information and communication technology and promoting the entrepreneurial activities and to create a European network of experience exchange against poverty in the rural areas of participating countries in the project. Keywords: Eliminating poverty, rural area, ITC, Business Total DURATION: months 24


Area(s) covered

IT, basic skills, , active citizenship

Project objectives

Guidance/counseling/information or other support services Experimentation with new pedagogical approaches

Target Group(s)

Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Women Local community groups

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation: Name of the institution: ASOCIATIA FEMEILOR DIN ROMANIA Name of the contact person: Liliana PAGU Address: PO BOX 37-80-7000, Bucharest, Romania Tel: 0040-21-3159859 e-mail: [email protected] Partners: University of Szeged College of Agriculture (Szegedi Tudomanyegyetem Mezogazdasgi Foiskolai Kar)Hodmezovasarhely, HU Trebag Vagyon- és Projektmenedzser Kft. (Trebag Property- and Projectmanager LTD) Nagykovácsi, HUNGARY INTERKULTURELLE PERSONALENTWICKLUNG (Intercultural personal development ltd), Vienna , AUSTRIA Wyższa Szkoła Humanistyczno-Ekonomiczna w Łodzi (The Academy of Humanities and Economics in Lodz) WSHE Lodz, PL


ROMÂNIA Project Reference: 04-G2-16-TL-RO-C

SITS Social Innovation In the Textile Sector The project aims to raise the awareness of the target group concerning the importance of LLL and the ICT skills in the commercial services sectors and the improvement of new skills (team working, initiative and creativity, autonomy). The partnership will produce at the end of the project new methodological approaches, training courses, a CD Rom and a project website. Total DURATION: months 24 Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s)

FUNDING Year: 1 Basic Skills, IT Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Young adults at risk of social marginalization Socially disadvantaged groups Unemployed persons Person living in rural areas

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation: Name of the institution: CASA CORPULUI DIDACTIC - TELEORMAN Name of the contact person: Dumitru Adrian CEPAN Address: loc. Frumoasa, jud. Teleorman, cod. 147140 e-mail: [email protected] tel: 0040247335897 / 0040724413401 Partners: University of Applied sciences, Hamburg, Germany ALYTAUS DAILIUJU AMATU MOKYKLA, Alytus, Lithuania


ROMÂNIA Project Reference : 04-G2-24-B-RO-C

Arts as a Means for Improving the self Confidence of socially disadvantaged people - AMIC The creation of the European Learning Partnership has as aim to support the youth with economic and social difficulties in a view of their better integration in the social life. The partners are from 3 countries: Romania, France and Latvia, working in the field of supporting young social disadvantaged persons or adult education. The beneficiaries of the project are young social disadvantaged people that will be encouraged to express their feelings and to overcome the their lack of self confidence, by art – as common language (painting, ceramics, literature or theatre). The main steps in the project unfolding are: meetings of the partners for exchange experiences and best practices in the field of social disadvantaged young people support; workshops with beneficiaries: basic skills for the social integration, art therapy (painting, ceramics, literature, theatre, music); producing a magazine and designing a website of the project. Total DURATION 36 months Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s)

FUNDING Year: 1 Basic skills Arts, music, culture Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Young people Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation: Name of the institution: Fundatia ARMS – Centrul Social Sf. Maria Name of the contact person: Laura MOLNAR Address: Bucharest, 14 Ilarie Chendi St, sector 2 e-mail: [email protected] tel/fax: +40 21 252 76 58; +40 21 340 69 76 Partners: Logis Formation: Saint Germain Laxis, France Ogre District Adult Education Centre, Latvia


ROMANIA Project Reference: 04-G2-25-B-RO-C

Improvement of Employment Chances of the Unemployed and the Visual and Audible Disabled by using Virtual Learning The project aims to improve the chances of employment of the senior unemployed, especially of the unemployed with visual and hearing impairments. The partners will investigate the existing situation of the participating countries concerning the education assistance by electronic means that is given to senior and disabled unemployed. In the next phases the project will provide models of virtual learning applications and some specific courses. Total DURATION: 36 months Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s)

FUNDING Year: 1 Basic skills, active citizenship, intercultural issues, IT Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Disabled people Unemployed persons Persons leaving in rural or disadvantaged areas

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation: Name of the institution: Fundatia Romana pentru Promovarea Calitatii Name of the contact person: Nicolae DRAGULANESCU Address: Sos. Cotroceni nr. 27, Bucuresti e-mail: [email protected] tel:+40-21-310413 Partners: - Institut Arbeit und Technik, DE - Stiching International Excellence Reserve, NL - Fry-Samuels & Associated, UK - Szechenyi Istvan University, HU - Liceul Octav Onicescu, RO


ROMÂNIA Project Reference: 04-G2-30-HR-RO-C

Internet for Autonomous Lifelong Learning Project description; The project aims at using Internet to help adult learners get access to basic education (e.g.: language learning, ICT, basic mathematics knowledge, writing skills) and develop subsequent lifelong learning activities, while improving their personal and/or professional skills. The outcome proposed would be a curriculum including new, innovative methodology of efficient and effective Internet and information resources use. The curriculum will be published in the form of a brochure (for group of adult learners with reduced access to internet), web site and CD and it will be valorised within Grundtvig3 courses in each of the participating countries. Total DURATION: 24 months Area(s) covered

Project Objectives Target Group(s)

FUNDING Year: 1 Basic Skills Intercultural issues Information technology Sustainable development Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Guidance/counselling/information or other support services Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Local community groups Adult learners willing to take part in formal and non-formal educational activities and without continuous access to basic education

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation: Name of the institution: Fundatia Centrul Educational SOROS – Miercurea Ciuc Name of the contact person: Ms Zsófia Pál Address: Str. Florilor, nr. 9, et. III, 530220, Miercurea Ciuc, Romania e-mail [email protected], [email protected] tel.: +40-266/371.799 fax.: +40-266/371.799 Partners: -

Associazione Kelidon, Milano, Italy Veb Consult S.r.l., Florence, Italy EKPAIDEFTIRIA KALOSKAMI S.A., Attiki, Greece


ROMÂNIA Project Reference: 04-G2-39-TL-RO-C

Social Worker Skills Innovation The project will be dealing with skill innovation of social workers. The partnership aims to map the required skills of a social worker. The main activities are: analysis and data processing of new skills needs, information exchanges, organizing workshops. The output of the project is a summary of the required skills and mapping out the possibility of social workers co-operation. The asset of the project is to make responses to contemporary educational needs more flexible, recognition of target groups’ needs and role specification of social workers. Total DURATION: 24 months Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s)

FUNDING Year: 1 Intercultural issues, health, learning about European countries Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Social workers Unemployed persons Schools graduates

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation: Name of the institution: Asociatia CATALCTICA, Filiala Teleorman Name of the contact person: Daniel ARPINTE Address: Str. Dunarii, Alexandria, jud. Teleorman e-mail: [email protected] tel:+40-247-310416 Partners: - LABOR 84, IT - Lingua Piu, IT - Szegedi Tudomanyegyetem Egeszsegugy, HU - Educational World Association, BG


ROMÂNIA Project Reference: 04–G2–53–IS–RO-C

Promoting Adult Education by Art in Rural Areas – PRO-ART Project description; The project “Pro-Art’’ intends to promote social inclusion of Adult People from rural areas throught Lifelong Learning. The project aims to promote inclusion of Adult Education from rural areas by art, and promoting rural handicrafts. The partnership will explore the effects of cultural action approaches in adult education in three different European communities, bring together adult educators and students. The project will provide information and increase knowledge about European cultures, traditions and language, and will explore how cultural education which focuses on the development of indigenous culture may lead to wider economic, social and political developments, how to learn about historical and contemporary developments in traditional arts and language and to experiment with innovative cultural action approaches in the three communities. Total DURATION: 24months Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s)

FUNDING Year: 1 Arts, music, culture, basic skills, active citizenship, intercultural issues, Social inclusion, Learning about European countries and the European Union Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Local community groups Multiplicators ( Teachers )

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation: Name of the institution: Casa Corpului Didactic, Iasi Name of the contact person Liliana RUJANU Address: Octav Botez St, No.2A, Iasi, Romania e-mail: [email protected] tel: 0040 232 210 424 Partners: - CEPA SUROCCIDENTE - ADULT PEOPLE EDUCATION CENTRE – Tineo Spain - ASSOCIAZIONE ALCHIMIA - Association ALCHIMIA – Rome- Italy - SZEGEDI TUDOMANYEGYETEM MEZOGAZDASAGI FOISKOLAI KAR - UNIVERSITY OF SZEGED - COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE Szeged – Hungary - IRFA Est Interregion – Hagondange - France - GLOBAL INTERFACE SL - Zaragoza - Spain - Associazione CARTOONS - Association CARTOONS


ROMÂNIA Project Reference: 04-G2-56-B-RO-R-C

Bringing ICT into Adult Education Bringing ICT into Adult Education intends to draw on the experience and expertise of a series of adult education providers in Europe, in order to collate good practice examples and general guidelines on the introduction of ICT in the educational process with a functional role outside the learning partnership. The trans-national learning partnership will maximize opportunities for the exchange of relevant knowledge and experience regarding the use of ICT, by examining the process of internal adaptation of structures, systems and programme provision to include the maximization of those technologies. Findings will be disseminated through relevant networks and a virtual resource centre. Total DURATION: 24 months Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s)

FUNDING Year: 2004 Basic skills, IT, media Management of adult education organization/institution Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of social marginalization; Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups; Unemployed persons; Persons in prison; Local community groups

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation: Name of the institution: ASOCIATIA Epsilon III Name of the contact person: Larisa HARKO Address: Bucharest, Romania - George Valentin Bibescu 18 e-mail: [email protected] tel: +4021.2528681 Partners: • Strední odborna skola, Moravske Budejovice, CZ • E.T.S.C., Turin, IT • ΝΟΜΑΡΧΙΑΚΟ ΚΕΚ ΑΘΗΝΩΝ, Athens, GR


ROMÂNIA Project Reference: 04-G2-57-B-RO-C

MedIALITE - Advancing media literacy in adult education "Media literacy” – the ability to critically consume and create media – is an essential skill today. Media literate individuals are better able to decipher the complex messages they receive from television, radio, newspapers, magazines, books, billboards and signs, packaging and marketing materials, video games, and the Internet. Media literacy skills can help one understand not only the surface content of media messages but the deeper and often more important meanings beneath the surface. Media literacy education seeks to give media consumers greater freedom by teaching them to analyze access to, evaluate and produce media. The goal is a citizenry that critically analyzes what it reads, sees and hears. The project seeks to alleviate this by constructing a critical framework able to contribute to awareness raising on the importance of media education envisaging its future integration across curricula in informal education of adults. Total DURATION: 24 months Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s)

FUNDING Year: 1 Basic skills, IT, Active citizenship, media, Intercultural issues Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of social marginalization, Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups Unemployed persons Persons in prison Women

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation: Name of the institution: Asociatia Epsilon III Name of the contact person: Larisa HARKO Address: Bucharest, Romania - George Valentin Bibescu 18 e-mail: [email protected] tel: +4021.2528681 Partners: • Euro-Schulen Görlitz gGmbH, Gorlitz, DE • South East Derbyshire College, Ilkeston, UK • ΝΟΜΑΡΧΙΑΚΟ ΚΕΚ ΑΘΗΝΩΝ, Athens, GR


ROMÂNIA Project Reference: 04-G2-59-B-RO-R-C

Forum Theatre in Adult Education Forum Theatre is referred to in many different ways including Theatre for Living, Theatre of Provocation, Theatre for Change, Theatre of Liberation, Theatre of the Oppressed and Democracy Theatre. Forum Theatre is designed to reach out to people from all walks of the community from professionals to the homeless, youth, adults, men, women, children and seniors. The Forum Theatre techniques that they learn provide them with the tools they need to find community solutions to community problems. The project aims to explore the effects of forum theatre approaches in adult education in various European communities in Romania, UK, Denmark, Portugal, France, Ireland and Bulgaria; to learn about current developments in employing forum theatre as a means to encourage active citizenship; and to bring together trainers and adult educators working in these communities to share their practices in forum theatre initiatives. The outcomes of the project will be a “training for trainers kit” on using forum theatre including a trainer’s manual and a methodological guide, as well as a web site acting as a virtual resource center for specialized training organizations and institutions. Total DURATION: 24 months FUNDING Year: 2 Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s)

Active citizenship; intercultural issues; arts, music, culture; media Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Young adults (15 – 25 age range) at risk of social marginalization Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in prison Local community groups

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation: Name of the institution: CONCEPT Foundation Name of the contact person: Radu Octavian MATEESCU Address: 44 Regina Elisabeta Bv, 3rd Floor, Flat no 34, 5th District, Bucharest 050018 e-mail: [email protected] tel: 4 021 311 12 52, 4 021 313 24 08, fax 4 021 311 12 53 Partners: - Arttrain Foundation, Copenhagen, Denmark - Dramafest Foundation, Targu Mures, Romania - Forum Theatre Wales, Goodwick, Wales, UK - Non-profit Association “Theatre Tsvete”, Sofia, Bulgaria - Cape UK, Leeds, UK - Association for Education and Local Development, Porto, Portugal - Maison de Jeunes et de la Culture de Montluçon, Montlucon, France - Goodwill Irish Forum Theatre / GIFT, Goodwill Cottage, Ireland - VAT Theatre, Tallin, Estonia - Crossroads of Youth, Vilnius, Lithuania - Intercultural Association “Rome Porto Franco”, Rome, Italy


ROMÂNIA Project Reference: 04-G2-60-IS-RO-R-C

“Advocate of the people with disabilties” – trainingn and on-line counselling The project aims at setting up an international parnership meant to provide permanent support to the advocates of the people with disabilities within the cohesive context offered by an international consortium which runs an on line discussion forum, and publishes on-line training materials. The advocates are selected in the 3 participating countries (Spain, Sweden, and Romania) from among the people with disabilities, NGO staff and community volunteers. They are trained to collaborate in advocating the rights of the people with disabilities, counselling them, and moderating an on-line discussion forum dedicated to specific difficulties. The advocates promote the rights and interests of the people with disabilities, lobby and advocate for their social and professional integration in the community with the local authorities and the employers. They also counsel the people with disabilities on issues concerning their decision-making autonomy and professional integration, both during contact sessions and on line. The on-line forum is used by the advocates for offering co-counselling, stimulating debates and exchanges of information on issues related to local initiatives that promote the rights of the people with disabilities, which could be extended to other contexts Total DURATION: 12 months Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s)

FUNDING Year: 2004 Active citizenship, Intercultural issues, Learning about European countries, Information technology Strategy for promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Guidance/counselling/information or other support services Disabled persons, Young adults at ridk of social marginalisation, Local community groups

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation: Name of the institution: Fundatia EuroEd Name of the contact person: dr. Anca CEHAN Address: Str. Florilor 1C, Iasi 700513, Romania e-mail: [email protected] tel: 0232 252858/252870 Partners: 1. Swedish Telepedagogic Knowledge Centre (STPKC), S-61130 Nyköping, Sweden 2. DEMA, Departament d’Estudis dels Medis Actuals, 08010 BARCELONA, Spain


ROMÂNIA Project Reference: 04-G2-64-B-RO-C

Educational strategies and counselling interventions for the parents of children and teenagers with difficulties: good practices The focuses on helping the parents with difficulties of building their own trajectory and sustaining their children. Our learning partnership proposes a common experience concerning the parents counselling as support of their children and teenagers having social and learning difficulties. There are many different approaches to similar problems of the counselling practitioners that occur in the partner countries and this partnership facilitates confrontation and challenge around the proposed topics. Total DURATION: 24 months Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s)

FUNDING Year: 1 Education for parents Guidance/counselling/information or other support services Parents having children and teenagers with difficulties

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation: Name of the institution: Institute of Educational Sciences Bucharest Name of the contact person: Angela Musca Address: 37, Stirbei Voda 010102, Bucharest, Romania e-mail: [email protected] [email protected] tel: 40 1 3142782 / 143 Partners: P&W Praxis und Wissenschaft Projekt GmbH Ingolstadt, Germany Paulo Freire Institute, Zeitun, Malta Northumberland College, Ashington, United Kingdom


ROMÂNIA Project Reference: 04-G2-65-DJ-RO-R-C

EUROCONSEIL La découverte et la découverte de soi-même en ce qui regarde la personnalité – comme but du conseil concernant la carrière Le projet réside en l’utilisation du transfert de bonne pratique dans le domaine du conseil et de l’orientation concernant la carrière des jeunes qui ont terminé un cycle d’études et qui sont des chômeurs, ainsi que des personnes à handicap physique ou psychique qui proviennent de l`enseignement spécial et qui ont été integrées dans l`enseignement de masse et dont les compétences de base en éducation ou en qualification professionelle sont déficitaires. Le project propose de nouveaux instruments d`autoévaluation et d`autoconnaissance des jeunes, peu exploités jusqu`au présent dans le domaine de l`éducation des adultes, les produits finaux pouvant être des instruments pratiques utiles appliqués sur le groupe-cible (on va réaliser un guide pratique de conseil et d`orientation en ce qui concerne la carrière adéquat aux besoins du groupe-cible et un CD). Total DURATION: 36 months Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s)

FUNDING Year: 2 Technologies de l'information; Langues; Connaissance de l’Europe/Union européenne Conseil et de l’orientation concernant la carrière L`identification des méthodes d`aborder et de motiver les groupes désavantagés qui conduisent à une attitude positive de ceux-ci envers l`activité de conseil; Jeunes ayant des besoins éducatifs spécifiques, qui provient de l’enseignement spécial , integrés dans l’enseignement normal Personnes aves disabilités physiques et intélectuelles Adultes à besoins spéciaux. Groupes des jeunes disavantagés économiquement et socialeme,nt



ROMÂNIA Project Reference: 04-G2-95-DJ-RO-C

EDUCATIONAL PARTNERSHIP “ - JOIN US” The family is the natural environment of the child`s normal development. Sometimes, the parents have great difficulties in educating their children. In some cases these children don’t get the appropriate family climate (the case of orphans, disorganized families, families with social or economical problems). The project aims at the improvement of the children’s lives within the framework of their families, through enhancing parental abilities and through achieving better ways of communication between children and parents. We also wish to make the parents aware of their active role in their children’s education, through self/education, initiative, knowing one’s own child. The project particularly aims at the parents` commitment, together with the teachers, to stop school abandonment, abuse and carelessness in order to respect the desiderates for the child’s protection. We wish to cooperate with other educational institutions in the sense of the teachers` involvement in creating a unitary correlated and complex system of educating the parents at the national and European level. Total DURATION: 36 months Area(s) covered

Project Objectives Target Group(s)

FUNDING Year: 1 Education for parents Learning about European countries / the European Union Languages Guidance / counselling / information or other support services Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Parents with problems in children education / teachers who desire learning with them Local community groups Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, Disabled persons Senior citizens

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation: Name of the institution: ŞCOALA NR. 24 “SF. GHEORGHE” Name of the contact person: Sandu GOICEANU Address: BRAZDA LUI NOVAC, NO 87, 1100 CRAIOVA, ROMÂNIA e-mail: [email protected] tel: 004 - 0251-552205 Partners: • SCARABEUS- LIVORNO-ITALY • GODALEN VIDEREGÅENDE SKOLE- STAVANGER- NORWAY • IRRE Marche: Istituto regionale di ricerca educativa per le Marche- Ancona- ITALY • L.U.E.T.E.C. O.N.L.U.S. LIBERA UNIVERSITÀ EUROPEA TERZA ETÀ CAMPANIA- NÁPOLES- ITALY


ROMÂNIA Project Reference: 04-G2-96-CJ-RO-R-C

Linking the European Family – I, You, We The project aims to provide to adults from disadvantaged communities the opportunity to work with educators, in order to improve their contribution to the enhancement of their children’s school success. The value of this project lies in transferring local traditions to a European learning context. The learners and educators will meet, communicate via email, produce materials that they will share with each other, and become acquainted with each other’s culture. As the involved countries lie in different parts of Europe with a diverse cultural - historical background, sharing specific elements of each will contribute to better knowledge and awareness of the specificity and of common elements of learning environments in the European community. At the end the project will increase motivation for lifelong learning, establishing a learners’ partnership with a twofold impact: teachers and parents working together. Some disadvantaged families of the participating countries will cooperate. Total DURATION: 24 months Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s)

FUNDING Year: 2 Information technology, Active citizenshiip, Intercultural issues, Education for parents Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Adults from disadvantaged communities; Educators and parents, whose joint efforts will focus on the enhancement of their children’s/students’ educational success

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation: Name of the institution: Romanian Reading and Writing for Critical Thinking Association Name of the contact person Maria KOVACS Address: 6/22 Luceafarului St., Cluj-Napoca, Romania e-mail: [email protected] tel: 0745 – 397 612 Partners: (name of institution, town, country) • IES Laxeiro / Laxeiro Secondary school, Lalin, Galicia, Spain • Cardiff Council, Cardiff, Wales, UK • East Antrim Institute, Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK • Distretto Scolastico n13 / School District no.13, Firenze, Italy


TURKEY TÜRKIYE Project Reference: 04-TUR01-S2G01-00007-1

Parents Education In Disadvantaged Areas (PEDA) The role of parents is very important for the success of children. Unfortunately most of the parents living in the slums and rural areas are not well educated. Most parents are unskilled and unemployed. Some of them are even illiterate. They do not join the economical and social life of the city. They are not familiar with ICT and do not speak any foreign language. All of these factors reduce self esteem of the parents and they do not know how to deal with the education of their children. There is not much link with school and parents in the mentioned disadvantaged areas. The case is the same for the parents of the disabled children. This project aims trying new strategies to involve and motivate the parents in the education of their children and their own. The aspects of the project are: 1) European dimension of life long learning through sharing of experience, innovation and best practices, 2)

Increasing self esteem and active citizenship of the parents,


Establishing links between school and family.

Total DURATION: 24 months Area(s) covered

Project Objectives Target Group(s)

FUNDING Year: 1 Basic skills Active citizenship Information technologies Arts, music, culture Languages Education for parents Other (Special seminars for women for womens’ human rights Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Guidance / counseling / Information or other support services. Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Disabled persons Local community groups

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation: Name of the institution: ANTALYA ÇAĞDAŞ EĞİTİM VE KÜLTÜR VAKFI – ANTALYA CONTEMPORARY EDUCATION AND CULTURE FOUNDATION Name of the contact person: Suheyla DOGAN Address: Milli Egemenlik Cad. Kent İş Merkezi No: 24/43 07100 Antalya,TURKEY e-mail: [email protected] tel: +90 286 752 68 63 website: Partners: Information Society Open To Impairements (e-ISOTIS), Athens, GREECE Terras Dentro – Association For The Rural Micro-Regions, Alcacovas, PORTUGAL


TÜRKIYE Project Reference: 04-TUR01-S2G01-00008-1

To increase the consciousness of woman workers on self-development and personal re-engineering (SDPRWW) The project will be conducted in order to learn how to cope with the serious life conditions (the economic insufficiencies due to low socio-cultural background, the barriers encountered due to gender inequalities, the burden of playing parallel roles as working woman-housewife-mother) for the woman workers from low socioeconomic status, working in small-scale organisations, to join democratic life more actively and to be more productive in every aspects of life. The project also aims at an exchange of experience among trainers, from the partner countries, in the field of self-development and personal re-engineering in accordance with the standards of United Europe. In order for the results of the project to become widespread and be in use by the third parties, preparation of a web site is considered as a continuation of the project in 2005-2006. Total DURATION: 12 Area(s) covered

Project Objectives Target Group(s)

FUNDING Year: 1 Basic skills Active citizenship Sustainable development Health Education for parents Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Guidance / counselling / information or other support services Methods for providing credit for knowledge or competence acquired outside formal education Local community groups Women Others ( Woman workers from low socio-cultural background)

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation: Name of the institution: NURMARK EDUCATION AND CONSULTING CO.LTD. Name of the contact person: Ms.A.Nur NALINCI Address: Pilot Sok.No:10/11 06690 Cankaya, Ankara, TURKEY e-mail: [email protected] tel: +90 312 441 47 14 - 441 47 15 fax: +90 312 441 47 16 Organisation/Project website: Partners: ESTA-Bildungswerk e.V., Oeynhausen, GERMANY Education Qualification System (EQS), Rome, ITALY


INDEX Project Areas, Objectives and Target Groups Page number

Active citizenship

Arts, music, culture

Basic skills

Consumer education Disabled persons

Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners….

Education for parents

2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 18, 19, 20, 22, 23, 24, 25, 30, 31, 32, 33, 35, 40, 41, 42, 46, 47, 49, 50, 51, 52, 54, 56, 57, 60, 61, 67, 71, 75, 76, 77, 79, 80, 84, 86, 87, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 98, 99, 105, 108, 110, 113, 114, 115, 118, 119, 121, 122, 123, 125, 128, 130, 131, 132, 133, 137, 138, 142, 146, 148, 154, 160, 161, 164, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 179, 181, 182, 185, 187, 190, 191, 196, 197, 202, 203, 204, 205, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 213, 215, 218, 219, 221, 222, 224, 227, 228, 229, 231, 234, 236, 238, 240, 241, 242, 243, 245, 246, 248, 252, 253, 254, 256, 257, 262, 264, 266, 267, 268, 272, 273, 274, 277, 278, 280, 281, 284, 287, 289, 290, 291, 295, 296, 297 3, 4, 10, 13, 15, 18, 19, 31, 40, 41, 43, 45, 51, 58, 59, 68, 72, 73, 76, 87, 89, 91, 92, 95, 106, 108, 113, 116, 127, 134, 138, 142, 143, 155, 160, 161, 162, 179, 182, 183, 184, 187, 188, 189, 194, 196, 197, 199, 208, 209, 219, 222, 225, 227, 233, 234, 235, 242, 243, 246, 249, 250, 253, 254, 259, 260, 261, 263, 265, 266, 270, 283, 287, 290, 296 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 11, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 23, 24, 29, 33, 35, 36, 37, 38, 42, 47, 48, 49, 50, 54, 55, 64, 65, 66, 68, 71, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 79, 81, 85, 87, 89, 91, 96, 98, 100, 105, 107, 108, 111, 124, 125, 126, 129, 133, 134, 138, 142, 144, 145, 146, 148, 153, 154, 155, 156, 159, 166, 167, 168, 171, 173, 174, 179, 181, 184, 188, 192, 193, 198, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 208, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 218, 219, 220, 222, 226, 230, 234, 236, 238, 239, 242, 245, 247, 248, 249, 253, 254, 256, 258, 259, 261, 262, 264, 265, 267, 268, 269, 271, 272, 276, 277, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 287, 288, 289, 296, 297 4, 26, 28, 29, 101, 102, 109, 164, 191, 193, 210, 219, 241, 247, 275, 4, 6, 9, 14, 16, 19, 28, 31, 58, 64, 74, 77, 89, 93, 97, 100, 101, 110, 115, 124, 125, 141, 146, 157, 170, 176, 178, 194, 206, 213, 219, 225, 227, 241, 246, 250, 252, 258, 268, 274, 284, 291, 294, 296 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 17, 18, 19, 20, 54, 75, 76, 80, 81, 82, 87, 96, 99, 100, 102, 103, 105, 107, 112, 113, 115, 117, 119, 121, 122, 126, 127, 129, 131, 132, 134, 136, 138, 139, 142, 143, 148, 149, 153, 158, 159, 160, 162, 164, 167, 169, 202, 205, 208, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 226, 233, 235, 236, 238, 239, 242, 243, 244, 245, 248, 251, 253, 254, 256, 257, 258, 260, 261, 262, 263, 265, 266, 268, 270, 271, 272, 276, 277, 280, 284, 286, 288, 289, 290, 294 9, 39, 43, 44, 62, 75, 77, 79, 93, 108, 110, 111, 112, 114, 122, 132, 138, 148, 177, 184, 186, 187, 191, 192, 204, 210, 214, 234, 237, 239, 247, 254, 259, 260, 275, 292, 294, 295, 296, 297 298

Environment European countries / European Union

Experimentation with new pedagogical approaches

Gender issues Guidance / counselling or other support services


Information Technology

18, 28, 30, 78, 122, 137, 155, 160, 162, 166, 180, 193, 199, 225, 249, 258, 262, 274, 279 1, 2, 8, 15, 18, 19, 20, 22, 24, 26, 27, 29, 31, 34, 35, 36, 37, 39, 41, 44, 45, 47, 51, 53, 57, 58, 61, 64, 65, 67, 70, 72, 75, 77, 79, 80, 81, 85, 86, 88, 91, 92, 95, 96, 98, 106, 108, 109, 110, 116, 118, 121, 123, 127, 134, 137, 138, 142, 144, 146, 149, 156, 158, 160, 161, 163, 164, 165, 169, 170, 172, 175, 182, 185, 186, 188, 189, 190, 195, 196, 200, 201, 207, 208, 219, 220, 222, 223, 224, 229, 231, 232, 238, 240, 241, 246, 247, 248, 249, 251, 252, 254, 260, 262, 263, 264, 266, 268, 271, 274, 277, 278, 279, 280, 286, 287, 291, 293 1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 25, 26, 29, 30, 31, 32, 34, 35, 36, 37, 39, 40, 41, 42, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 85, 86, 87, 89, 90, 91, 95, 96, 98, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 110, 111, 112, 113, 116, 117, 118, 119, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 128, 129, 131, 132, 133, 135, 136, 137, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 147, 148, 149, 152, 153, 154, 156, 157, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 171, 172, 174, 175, 176, 177, 180, 182, 184, 186, 187, 189, 191, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 202, 204, 205, 206, 209, 210, 211, 212, 214, 215, 216, 217, 219, 225, 226, 227, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 238, 239, 245, 247, 248, 249, 250, 251, 252, 253, 254, 256, 257, 258, 259, 260, 261, 262, 263, 264, 265, 266, 267, 270, 271, 272, 274, 276, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 290, 294, 295 1, 29, 67 2, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 26, 30, 34, 40, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 53, 56, 57, 58, 62, 67, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 84, 85, 86, 87, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 97, 98, 99, 100, 105, 108, 110, 111, 112, 113, 117, 118, 119, 124, 127, 128, 133, 136, 138, 139, 144, 145, 151, 157, 163, 169, 170, 171, 173, 176, 177, 179, 180, 181, 185, 191, 192, 195, 198, 199, 200, 201, 203, 204, 205, 213, 218, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 224, 226, 228, 230, 231, 234, 236, 238, 239, 241, 243, 244, 245, 247, 249, 253, 254, 256, 257, 258, 262, 267, 271, 272, 275, 277, 281, 285, 291, 292, 294, 296, 297 3, 14, 18, 28, 43, 53, 62, 80, 97, 101, 103, 109, 115, 137, 142, 176, 177, 187, 191, 192, 193, 196, 213, 219, 230, 247, 254, 262, 272, 286, 297 2, 10, 14, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 33, 34, 47, 48, 50, 53, 59, 62, 66, 71, 77, 78, 80, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 91, 92, 93, 95, 98, 99, 100, 105, 109, 119, 125, 134, 135, 136, 137, 142, 143, 145, 146, 149, 154, 155, 156, 159, 163, 167, 169, 170, 171, 172, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 192, 199, 201, 204, 206, 207, 210, 211, 212, 216, 217, 218, 234, 235, 236, 238, 239, 243, 245, 246, 248, 249, 251, 252, 254, 256, 257, 258, 261, 263, 265, 267, 268, 271, 272, 274, 275, 276, 281, 282, 284, 299

Intercultural issues


Local community groups

Management of adult education organisation / institution

Marginalised groups Media

Methods for providing accreditation of competencies

Migrants /Immigrants/ethnic or other minorities

Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas

285, 288, 289, 291, 293, 295, 296 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 9, 10, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22, 23, 24, 26, 27, 29, 30, 31, 33, 34, 35, 36, 39, 40, 41, 42, 44, 45, 46, 48, 49, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 73, 75, 76, 77, 79, 80, 81, 82, 84, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 92, 93, 95, 96, 99, 100, 104, 105, 106, 108, 113, 114, 115, 118, 119, 121, 124, 126, 128, 129, 130, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 140, 142, 154, 155, 160, 161, 169, 171, 172, 174, 175, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 192, 194, 195, 200, 205, 207, 208, 211,215, 217, 218, 219, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 238, 243, 245, 246, 248, 249, 250, 251, 254, 256, 257, 260, 262, 263, 265, 266, 274, 277, 278, 280, 284, 285, 286, 287, 289, 290, 291, 295 2, 7, 10, 12, 15, 18, 19, 26, 35, 39, 49, 51, 52, 65, 70, 72, 77, 79, 84, 92, 104, 106, 134, 135, 137, 138, 142, 143, 147, 149, 151, 152, 153, 154, 159, 161, 162, 169, 172, 175, 206, 209, 210, 211, 215, 217, 218, 221, 226, 228, 232, 234, 246, 249, 251, 254, 257, 265, 268, 269, 278, 293, 204, 296 5, 7, 11, 18, 19, 24, 25, 29, 30, 31, 34, 36, 39, 40, 42, 43, 45, 50, 51, 54, 55, 56, 57, 59, 60, 62, 65, 72, 79, 88, 89, 90, 92, 93, 95, 98, 99, 101, 104, 108, 114, 122, 123, 128, 130, 135, 137, 138, 140, 142, 146, 149,150, 151, 159, 161, 163, 164, 166, 168, 172, 175, 177, 179, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 191, 192, 196, 197, 199, 201, 202, 203, 205, 207, 209, 210, 211, 221, 222, 224, 225, 228, 231, 234, 236, 241, 243, 245, 253, 254, 255, 257, 260, 263, 264, 273, 277, 279, 281, 285, 287, 288, 290, 291, 296, 297 8, 18, 26, 27, 28, 29, 34, 38, 40, 45, 48, 51, 52, 53, 54, 56, 59, 62, 66, 87, 98, 114, 128, 133, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 159, 165, 166, 168, 176, 180, 186, 188, 190, 191, 192, 194, 199, 200, 203, 213, 219, 224, 226, 234, 245, 260, 271, 276, 278, 279, 288 231 7, 19, 20, 36, 40, 59, 76, 80, 86, 87, 91, 98, 102, 106, 109, 137, 187, 194, 197, 219, 234, 235, 236, 245, 249, 274, 288, 289, 290 2, 12, 15, 17, 18, 23, 25, 29, 32, 37, 43, 49, 58, 64, 66, 73, 86, 87, 91, 97, 98, 103, 105, 115, 122, 127, 133, 141, 142, 167, 176, 179, 181, 191, 200, 206, 208, 210, 216, 217, 220, 221, 223, 225, 230, 234, 242, 244, 245, 247, 249, 266, 269, 270, 273, 274, 275, 278, 279, 297 3, 4, 6, 9, 10, 12, 13, 15, 18, 19, 23, 32, 35, 38, 42, 44, 47, 48, 49, 55, 56, 61, 66, 68, 73, 76, 79, 80, 81, 84, 86, 88, 91, 95, 96, 98, 101, 102, 103, 105, 107, 108, 113, 118, 125, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 138, 139, 140, 142, 148, 153, 161, 171, 194, 195, 207, 212, 214, 220, 222, 223, 226, 227, 239, 242, 243, 245, 247, 252, 256, 262, 266, 267, 271, 274 8, 10, 17, 20, 25, 26, 34, 36, 38, 39, 40, 42, 43, 44, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 53, 55, 56, 58, 59, 61, 62, 72, 73, 78, 80, 82, 84, 300

Senior citizens

Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learners

Sustainable development


Young adults at risk of social marginalisation

85, 86, 87, 89, 91, 92, 93, 98, 105, 106, 112, 119, 122, 123, 128, 131, 132, 137, 139, 145, 148, 151, 155, 156, 164, 166, 168, 170, 172, 180, 181, 182, 184, 186, 188, 190, 192, 195, 199, 200, 201, 202, 204, 207, 210, 221, 224, 229, 230, 231, 234, 235, 236, 237, 238, 242, 248, 251, 252, 254, 255, 256, 257, 259, 260, 263, 264, 267, 281, 282, 285, 287, 296 22, 23, 24, 27, 28, 30, 40, 43, 45, 53, 57, 58, 60, 64, 65, 70, 67, 71, 114, 133, 146, 156, 158, 170, 172, 182, 183, 185, 187, 188, 191, 197, 209, 222, 227, 228, 229, 232, 233, 235, 240, 241, 244, 249, 251, 273, 276, 277, 294 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 15, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 44, 45, 47, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 79, 80, 81, 82, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 98, 99, 100, 104, 105, 106, 108, 110, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 118, 119, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 155, 156, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 175, 176, 179, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 200, 201, 202, 204, 206, 207, 208, 209, 212, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 222, 223, 224, 225, 228, 229, 231, 232, 234, 235, 236, 237, 238, 239, 240, 241, 243, 244, 245, 246, 247, 248, 249, 251, 252, 253, 254, 256, 258, 260, 261, 262, 264, 265, 267, 270, 271, 272, 273, 274, 275, 276, 277, 278, 279, 283, 284, 285, 287, 289, 291, 296, 297 2, 8, 14, 15, 16, 20, 23, 28, 30, 34, 37, 44, 46, 50, 55, 56, 57, 64, 66, 68, 73, 76, 78, 79, 87, 105, 115, 123, 127, 130, 134, 137, 151, 159, 160, 162, 164, 165, 169, 171, 173, 180, 182, 186, 187, 191, 198, 199, 200, 206, 210, 212, 214, 216, 221, 222, 234, 238, 245, 249, 264, 277, 280, 285, 297 1, 3, 4, 6, 8, 11, 12, 14, 21, 26, 29, 30, 32, 36, 40, 47, 58, 61, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 70, 71, 72, 74, 75, 78, 79, 80, 85, 88, 90, 91, 92, 95, 103, 105, 107, 110, 112, 134, 143, 144, 149, 153, 154, 158, 159, 163, 165, 169, 171, 174, 175, 185, 186, 187, 190, 191, 193, 195, 196, 198, 199, 201, 204, 206, 208, 209, 212, 215, 216, 218, 220, 221, 223, 224, 230, 234, 237, 246, 249, 259, 262, 264, 265, 267, 276, 279, 280, 281, 289, 297 5, 11, 13, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21, 25, 27, 28, 31, 32, 33, 37, 38, 41, 44, 46, 48, 49, 50, 53, 54, 59, 63, 66, 73, 75, 76, 77, 78, 81, 84, 85, 86, 87, 91, 97, 100, 102, 104, 106, 108, 110, 113, 114, 115, 117, 118, 119, 125, 126, 129, 132, 134, 135, 137, 143, 147, 152, 155, 157, 162, 167, 171, 173, 180, 181, 182, 196, 198, 203, 208, 215, 217, 218, 219, 222, 223, 225, 226, 227, 230, 238, 239, 247, 248, 258, 261, 265, 266, 271, 272, 278, 282, 283, 288, 289, 290, 291, 293


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