Year 7 Curriculum Overview Subject Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4 Topic: Literary Memoir Who am I? Duration: 7 Weeks Assessment: Assignment
July 1, 2017 | Author: Theodore Nicholson | Category: N/A
Short Description
1 Year 7 Curriculum Overview Subject Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4 English Topic: Literary Memoir Who am I? Topic: Being P...
Year 7 – Curriculum Overview - 2016 Subject English
Term 1 Topic: Literary Memoir – “Who am I?” Duration: 7 Weeks Assessment: Assignment
Term 2 Topic: Being Persuasive! Duration: 7 Weeks Assessment: Oral
Term 3 Topic: Let’s have fun with Poetry! Duration: 9 Weeks Assessment: Assignment
Term 4 Topic: The Novel - Fantasy Duration: 8 Weeks Assessment: Oral
Topic: NAPLAN Preparation Duration: 5 Weeks Assessment: NAPLAN Exam
Topic: Money, Finance and Fractions Duration: 5 Weeks Assessment: Assignment
Topic: Statistics Duration: 5 Weeks Assessment: Test - Data Representation
Topic: Fractions and Probability Duration: 5 Weeks Assessment: Real Number Chance Exam
Topic: Integers, Index Notation, Percentages Duration: 5 Weeks Assessment: Short Answer test
Topic: Geometry and Transformations Duration: 5 Weeks Assessment: Short Answer test
Topic: Reading Between the Lines Duration: 4 Weeks Assessment: Exam/Test Mathematics
Topic: NAPLAN Preparation Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Exam
Topic: Water - Waste Not Want Not Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Exam
Topic: Moving Right Along Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Experimental Investigation: Balloon cars, Exam
Topic: Heavenly Bodies & Sensational Seasons Duration: 5 Weeks each Assessment: Exam, Supervised Extended Written Assessment
Topic: Organising Organisms Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Exam
Geography Topic: Water in the World Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Portfolio
Geography Topic: Place and Liveability Duration: 11 Weeks Assessment: Research Process/Supervised Extended Written Assessment
History Topic: Ancient China Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Exam
History Topic: Investigating the Ancient Past Duration: 4 Weeks Assessment: Archaeological Dig
Health and Physical Education (1 Semester) Languages (1 Semester of either Italian or French)
Topic: Theory of Health Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Supervised Extended Written Assessment Italian (Semester 1 & 2) Topic: Getting to know you, me Duration: 5 Weeks Assessment: Written exam, Reading Comprehension, Listening /Reading
Topic: Ancient Egypt Duration: 6 Weeks Assessment: Extended Investigation/Inquiry
Topic: Sexual Health/Puberty Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Exam and Prac Italian (Semester 1 & 2) Topic: La Mia Famiglia Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Photo album Listening comprehension
Topic: La Scuola Duration: 5 Weeks Assessment: Written task, Spoken task
French (Semester 1 & 2) Topic: Who am I? Duration: 6 Weeks Assessment: Written Assignment, Reading Comprehension, Spoken Task Topic: My Leisure Activities Duration: 6 Weeks Assessment: Reading Comprehension, Spoken task
The Arts (1 semester – 2 of the Arts subjects studied)
Music Topic: It’s in the Programme Duration: 1 Term (10 Weeks) Assessment: Project, Exam
Dance Topic: Popular Culture Duration: 1 Term (10 Weeks) Assessment: Performance, Exam
Drama Topic: Drama 101 Duration: 1 Term (10 Weeks) Assessment: Performance, Exam
Technology 1 semester **Trimester (3 subjects per semester)
Digital Technologies (ICT) Topic: Game Programming Duration: 6-7 Weeks Assessment: Experimental Investigation: Project design and development your own maze game Supervised Extended Written Evaluation of Project – exam conditions
INTAD Topic: Design and Technologies Duration: 6-7 Weeks Assessment: Experimental Investigation: Project Production Slide Box Supervised Extended Written Evaluation of Project – exam conditions
Home Economics Topic: “Target on Health” Duration: 6-7 Weeks Assessment: Exam, Practical (Cooking)
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French (Semester 1 & 2) Topic: In the Classroom Duration: 6 Weeks Assessment: Listening comprehension
Visual Art Topic: Mixed Media Duration:1 Term (10 Weeks) Assessment: Practical, Exam
Year 8 – Curriculum Overview - 2016 Subject English
Term 1 Topic: Teen Issues (Novel Study) Duration: 9 Weeks Assessment: Assignment
Term 2 Topic: Different Perspectives Duration: 9 Weeks Assessment: Oral multi-modal
Term 3 Topic: Superheroes and Villains Duration: 9 Weeks Assessment: Oral
Term 4 Topic: The Narrative Duration: 8 Weeks Assessment: Exam/Test
Topic: Integers and Percentages Duration: 5 Weeks Assessment: Exam
Topic: Index Notation, Distributive Law Duration: 5 Weeks Assessment: Exam
Topic: Statistics Duration: 5 Weeks Assessment: Assignment
Topic: Linear Relationships and Geometry Duration: 5 Weeks Assessment: Nil
Topic: Decimals and Probability Duration: 5 Weeks Assessment: Assignment
Topic: Perimeter and Area Duration: 5 Weeks Assessment: Assignment
Topic: Time and Linear Relationships Duration: 5 Weeks Assessment: Exam
Topic: Volume, Capacity and Geometry Duration: 5 Weeks Assessment: Exam
Topic: Particles Matter & Chemistry Duration: 5 Weeks each unit Assessment: Experimental Investigation- B.Pt of Salt Water Solutions
Topic: Rock Never Dies & Rocks My World Duration: 5 Weeks each unit Assessment: Exam, Assignment
Topic: Energy for My Lifestyle & Watt’s Up? Duration: 5 Weeks each unit Assessment: Exam, Experimental Investigation (Rube Goldberg) and Extended Written Response
Topic: Building Blocks of Life & Reproduction Duration: 5 Weeks each unit Assessment: Assignment – ERT Cell Model, Exam
Geography Topic: Landforms and Landscapes Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Field Report
Geography Topic: Changing nations Duration: 11 Weeks Assessment: Exam
History Topic: Medieval History Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Extended Investigation/Inquiry
History Topic: Feudal Japan Duration: 9 Weeks Assessment: Exam, Supervised Extended Written Assessment
Health and Physical Education (1 Semester)
Topic: Sexuality & Personal Safety Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Assignment and Prac
Topic: The Real You Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Assignment and Prac
Topic: Sexuality & Personal Safety Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Assignment and Prac
Topic: The Real You Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Assignment and Prac
French (Semester 1 and 2) Topic: Getting to know you, me and the family Duration: 6 Weeks Assessment: Written Exam, Reading Comprehension, Spoken task
French (Semester 1 and 2) Topic: Travelling to a French-speaking country Duration: 6 Weeks Assessment: Research assignment, Listening comprehension
Italian (Semester 1 and 2) Topic: Getting to know you ,me and the family Duration: 5 Weeks Assessment: Written Exam, Reading Comprehension, Listening/Reading
Italian (Semester 1 and 2) Topic: Getting to know Italy ‘Un Viaggio in Italia’ Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Research Assignment (oral presentation), Listening comprehension
(1 Semester)
Topic: Au Cafe, Au Marche Duration: 6 Weeks Assessment: Reading Comprehension, Spoken task The Arts (1 Term each)
Art Topic: Animals Duration: 1 Term (10 Weeks) Assessment: Practical
(2 Subject per Semester)
Topic: Mixed Media 2 Duration: 5 Weeks Assessment: Practical, Exam
Home Economics Topic: Unit 1 – “Food and You” Unit 2 – “Textiles” Duration: 1 Term (10 Weeks) Assessment: Exam, practical (cooking) assignment, Project
(2 Subjects per Semester)
Assessment Task 1: Experimental Investigation: Noodle Box Design Challenge
Topic: Carnevale Di Venezia Duration: 5 Week Assessment: Written and Spoken task Drama Topic: Drama 101 Duration: 1 Term (10 Weeks) Assessment: Performance, Exam
Music Topic: Rock Beat 2 Duration: 1 Term (10 Weeks) Assessment: Performance/Project
Digital Technologies Topic: Robotics Duration: 1 Term (10 Weeks) Assessment: Experimental Investigation: Project – design a robot to perform a specific task Supervised Extended Written Evaluation of Project – Supervised Exam
Design Technologies Topic: Basics of design Duration: 2 Weeks Assessment: Experimental Investigation: Power boat racer design Topic: Inventor drawing Duration: 2 Weeks Assessment: Experimental Investigation: Command application, boat design Topic: Safety, tool id., construction task and material application Duration: 6 Weeks Assessment: Experimental Investigation: Practical (boat), safe workshop practices, Supervised Exam
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Year 9 – Curriculum Overview - 2016 Subject English
Term 1 Topic: Punch and Power of Persuasion! Duration: 7 Weeks Assessment: Assignment
Term 2 Topic: Speculative Fiction Duration: 7 Weeks Assessment: Assignment
Term 3
Term 4
Topic: The Novel Duration: 8 Weeks Assessment: Exam
Topic: Advertising Duration: 9 Weeks Assessment: Oral
Topic: Statistics Duration: 5 Weeks Assessment: Exam
Topic: Probability Duration: 5 weeks Assessment: Nil
Topic: Index Notation, Algebra and Finance Duration: 5 Weeks Assessment: Assignment
Topic: Index Laws and Scientific Notation Duration: 5 Weeks Assessment: Exam
Topic: A Sense of Belonging Duration: 5 Weeks Assessment: Oral Mathematics
Topic: NAPLAN Preparation Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Exam
Topic: NAPLAN Preparation + Pythagoras and Trigonometry Duration: 5 Weeks Assessment: Exam Topic: Pythagoras and Trigonometry Duration: 5 Weeks Assessment: Assignment
Topic: Energy on the Move & Making Waves Duration: 5 Weeks each unit Assessment: Assignment – ERT Housing Design and Exam Economics & Business Topic: Financial literacy Duration: 9 Weeks Assessment: Short response test Geography Topic: Biomes and Food Security Duration: 9 Weeks Assessment: Exam, Supervised Extended Written Assessment
Topic: Its Elementary & The Changing Earth Duration: 5 Weeks each unit Assessment: Exam and Stimulus Response (includes Extended Written Response) Economics & Business Topic: Basic Accounting Duration: 11 Weeks Assessment: Exam Geography Topic: Geographies of Interconnections Duration: 11 Weeks Assessment: Extended Investigation/Inquiry
Topic: My Life in The Balance & Responding to Change Duration: 5 Weeks each unit Assessment: Exam and Assignment – Ben Bennett Park History Topic: The movement of people and making a nation Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Exam, Extended Investigation/Inquiry
Topic: Chemical Patterns & Heat and Eat Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Exam, Experimental Investigation – Acids and Bases History Topic: World War 1 Duration: 9 Weeks Assessment: Supervised Extended Written Assessment
Health and Physical Education (1 Semester) either HPE or Volleyball or Rugby League
HPE Topic: Healthy me, Healthy you Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Exam and Prac
HPE Topic: Let’s get sweaty Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Supervised Extended Written Assessment
Italian Topic: My Daily Routine Duration: 9 Weeks Assessment: Written Exam, Listening/Reading Comprehension
Italian Topic: Italian Life/Home life in Italy Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: MP4 Presentation
VEX (Volleyball) Topic: Intro. fundamentals of Volleyball Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Booklet and Exam Rugby League Development Program Topic: Healthy me, Healthy you Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Exam and Prac Italian Topic: The City Duration: 5 Weeks Assessment: Exam and Reading Comprehension
VEX (Volleyball) Topic: Skills Analysis Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Assignment Rugby League Development Program Topic: Let’s get sweaty Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Supervised Extended Written Assessment Italian Topic: Regions of Italy/Travel Duration: 7 Weeks Assessment: Research Assignment
Topic: Let’s Go Shopping Duration: 5 Weeks Assessment: Spoken task
Topic: Welcome to the South Duration: 3 Weeks Assessment: Assignment
French Topic: My Friends and I, in my neighbourhood Duration: 6 Weeks Assessment: Written Assignment, Reading comprehension and Spoken Task Topic: At My Place Duration: 6 Weeks Assessment: Reading comprehension, Spoken task
French Topic: On Holidays Duration: 6 Weeks Assessment: Group Activity ;designing a dialogue and Listening comprehension
Italian Topic: The City Duration: 5 Weeks Assessment: Exam and Reading Comprehension
Italian Topic: My Daily Routine Duration: 9 Weeks Assessment: Written Exam, Listening/Reading Comprehension
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Topic: Let’s Go Shopping Duration: 5 Weeks Assessment: Spoken task
Year 9 – Curriculum Overview - 2016 Subject The Arts (Semester Subjects)
Term 1 Visual Art Topic: Self Portraits Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Practical, Exam Assessment Task – Appreciation (Extended Written)
Term 2 Visual Art Topic: Objects Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Practical, Exam Assessment Task – Appraising (Extended Written)
Term 3 Dance Topic: World Dance Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Performance, Exam Assessment Task – Appreciation (Extended Written)
Term 4 Dance Topic: Contemporary Dance Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Performance, Exam Assessment Task – Appreciation (Extended Written)
Drama Topic: Comedy Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Performance, Exam Assessment Task – Responding (Extended Written)
Drama Topic: Emotions at Play Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Performance, Practical Assessment Task – Responding (Extended Written)
Music Topic: Rock Riffs Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Performance, Exam Assessment Task – Musicology (Extended Written)
Music Topic: World Music Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Practical, Performance Assessment Task – Musicology (Extended Written)
Home Economics
Home Economics Topic: Unit 1 – Designing Healthy Food Unit 2 - Textiles Duration: 1 Semester Assessment: Exam, Practical (Food), Project, Portfolio, Practical (Sewing) Assessment Task 3 – Delicious Dips Design Challenge (Extended Investigation) Assessment Task 3 – Delicious Dips Design Challenge (Extended Written)
Food & Technology Topic: Unit 1 – Understanding the Cooking Process Unit 2 – Investigating the Secrets of the Kitchen Unit 3 – Food for Thought Duration: 1 Semester Assessment: Exam, Assignment, Practical (cooking exam) Assessment Task 4 – “From Paddock to Plate” Design Challenge (Extended Investigation) Assessment Task 4 – “From Paddock to Plate” Design Challenge (Extended Written)
Graphics Topic: Graphical sketches Duration: 3 Weeks Assessment: Experimental Investigation: Cabinet oblique projection
Graphics Topic: Inventor software application - Chess board and pieces Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Experimental Investigation: Research, design and draw traditional, contemporary or modern chess board complete with all the pieces. Supervised Exam
Digital Technologies Topic: Graphic Design - Graphic Design Using Fireworks/Photoshop Duration: 4 Weeks Assessment: Experimental Investigation: Folio - A collection of graphic design work throughout the term. Supervised Exam
Wood Manufacturing Topic: Construction Wood Duration: 8 Weeks Assessment: Experimental Investigation: Practical Project (Constructing a timber serviette holder), Supervised Written - Evaluation
Wood Manufacturing Topic: Design/Construction Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Experimental Investigation: Practical Project (Constructing a timber coffee table), Supervised Written – Evaluation
Metal Engineering Topic: Tool box - Sheet metal fabrication Duration: 4 Weeks Assessment: Experimental Investigation: Tool box design
Metal Engineering Topic: Garden Digger Duration: 4 Weeks Assessment: Experimental Investigation: Gardening Tool Design, Supervised Written - Evaluation
Topic: Construction Acrylics - Cake Server Duration: 2 Weeks Assessment: Experimental Investigation: Practical (acrylic cake server)
Topic: Extension Project Duration: Minimum 3 Weeks Assessment: Experimental Investigation: Practical (Trinket box), Worksheet
Topic: Junior hacksaw - Mild steel light fabrication Duration: 6 Weeks Assessment: Experimental Investigation: Junior hacksaw design, Supervised Written - Evaluation
Topic: Lantern Duration: 6 Weeks Assessment: Experimental Investigation: Lantern design
(Semester subjects)
Topic: Orthogonal projection Duration 3 Weeks Assessment: Experimental Investigation: Orthogonal projection sketches Topic: Isometric projection Duration: 4 Weeks Assessment: Experimental Investigation: Isometric drawing
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Digital Technologies Topic: Coding in Minecraft Pi Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Experimental Investigation: Folio - Create a world in minecraft.
Topic: Web Design - Web Design Using Dreamweaver Duration: 4 Weeks Assessment: Experimental Investigation: Project Create a digital portfolio (Website) about yourself.
Year 10 – Curriculum Overview - 2016 Subject
Term 1
Term 2
Term 3
Term 4
Senior English Preparatory Authority Topic: The Novel Duration: 8 Weeks Assessment: Assignment
Senior English Preparatory Authority Topic: Read Between the Lines (Poetry) Duration: 11 Weeks Assessment: Oral and Essay
Senior English Preparatory Authority Topic: Shakespeare Duration: 10 weeks Assessment: Oral and Essay
Senior English Preparatory Authority Topic: The World Around Us Media Duration: 6 Weeks Assessment: Assignment
English Communication Preparatory Course Topic: The Novel Duration: 8 Weeks Assessment: Assignment
English Communication Preparatory Course Topic: Read Between the Lines (Poetry/Song) Duration: 11 Weeks Assessment: Oral and Essay
English Communication Preparatory Course Topic: Shakespearian Film Duration: 6 weeks Assessment: Oral
English Communication Preparatory Course Topic: The World Around Us Duration: 10 weeks Assessment: Assignment
French Topic: My Friends and I, in my neighbourhood Duration: 6 Weeks Assessment: Written Assignment, Reading Comprehension and Spoken Task
French Topic: On Holidays Duration: 6 Weeks Assessment: Group Activity; designing a dialogue and Listening Comprehension
Italian Topic: The City Duration: 5 Weeks Assessment: Exam and Reading Comprehension
Italian Topic: My Daily Routine Duration: 9 Weeks Assessment: Written Exam, Listening/Reading Comprehension
Italian Topic: My Daily Routine Duration: 9 Weeks Assessment: Written Exam, Listening/Reading Comprehension
Italian Topic: Italian Life/Home life in Italy Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: MP4 Presentation
Italian Topic: The City Duration: 5 Weeks Assessment: Exam and Reading Comprehension
Italian Topic: Regions of Italy/Travel Duration: 7 Weeks Assessment: Research Assignment
Maths A Prep Topic: Whole Numbers, Decimals, Fractions, Integers, Simple Interest, Index Laws and Scientific Notation Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Exam
Maths A Prep Topic: Statistics and Data Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Exam and Assignment
Topic: Let’s Go Shopping Duration: 5 Weeks Assessment: Spoken Task Maths A Prep Topic: Measurement, Pythagoras and Trigonometry Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Exam
Topic: Welcome to the South Duration: 3 Weeks Assessment: Assignment Maths A Prep Topic: Finance and Navigation Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Exam and Assignment
Maths B Prep Topic: Linear Algebra, Co-ordinate Geometry and Simultaneous Equations Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Exam
Maths B Prep Topic: Quadratics, Solving Quadratics and Statistics Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Exam and Assignment
Maths B Prep Topic: Trigonometry, Probability, Surface Area and Volume Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Exam and Assignment
Maths B Prep Topic: Indices, Surds and Logarithms Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Exam
Pre Voc Maths Prep Topic: Whole Numbers, Decimals, Fractions, Integers Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Exam
Pre Voc Maths Prep Topic: Statistics and Data Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Exam and Assignment Maths C Prep Topic: Combinations, Trigonometry Triangles, Linear Programming Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Exam
Pre Voc Maths Prep Topic: Length, Area, Volume, Time, Mass Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Exam Maths C Prep Topic: Quadratics, Polynomial, Non Linear Functions Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Exam and Assignment
Pre Voc Maths Prep Topic: Rates, Ratio, Finance and Navigation Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Exam and Assignment
Topic: Life Blueprints & Life Evolves Duration: 5 Weeks each Assessment: Exam
Topic: Chemistry Isn’t Magic & Chemical Reactions Matter Duration: 5 Weeks each Assessment: Exam and Experimental Investigation
Topic: Global Systems & The Universe Duration: 5 Weeks each Assessment: Exam (incl. Extended Written Response) and Assignment – Extended Research Task
Topic: Moving Along & Energy of Motion Duration: 8 Weeks Assessment: Exam
Topic: At My Place Duration: 6 Weeks Assessment: Reading Comprehension, Spoken Task
Master Class – Term 2 and 3 extension topics Science
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Topic: Let’s Go Shopping Duration: 5 Weeks Assessment: Spoken Task
Year 10 – Curriculum Overview - 2016 Subject
Term 1
Marine Science
Topic: Weather Duration: 8 Weeks Assessment: Exam
(Only for 1 semester ) Humanities Semester Subjects
Term 2 Topic: Climate Change Duration: 4 Weeks Assessment: Assignment
Term 3
Term 4
Topic: Mangroves Duration: 8 Weeks Assessment: Field Report
Economics & Business Topic: Financial literacy Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Exam
Economics & Business Topic: Basic Accounting Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Exam
Geography Topic: Geographies of Human wellbeing Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Exam
Geography Topic: Environmental change and management Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Extended Investigation/Inquiry
History Topic: WW 1 Caloundra RSL Link project Duration: 5 Weeks Assessment: Extended Investigation/Inquiry
History Topic: Rights and Freedoms Duration: 7 Weeks Assessment: Supervised Extended Written Assessment
Legal Studies Topic: Australian Legal System and Court System Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Exam
Legal Studies Topic: Forensics and Police Powers Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Extended Investigation/Inquiry
Topic: World War 2 Atrocities Duration: 8 Weeks Assessment: Exam
Health and Physical Education (1 Semester)
Certificate II in Workplace Practices (30981QLD)
Humanities Master Class Topic: WW 1 Caloundra RSL Link project + Living History Project Duration: 5 Weeks Assessment: Extended Investigation/Inquiry
Humanities Master Class Topic: Rights and Freedoms Duration: 7 Weeks Assessment: Supervised Extended Written Assessment + Living History Project
HPE Topic: First Aid/Decision Making Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Supervised Extended Written Assessment
HPE Topic: Drugs campaign analysis Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Assignment and Prac
Health Topic: Nutrition & Exercise Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Assignment
Health Topic: Nutrition & Exercise Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Action research
VEX (Volleyball) Topic: Coaching Preparation Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Assignment/Volleyball
VEX (Volleyball) Topic: Coaching Evaluation Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Gameplay in Volleyball
Rugby League Development Program Topic: First Aid/Decision Making Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Supervised Extended Written Assessment
Rugby League Development Program Topic: Drugs campaign analysis Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Assignment and Prac
Certificate II in Workplace Practices Topic: Contribute to health and safety of self and others Duration: 5 Weeks Assessment: Work Booklet
Certificate II in Workplace Practices Topic: Manage Personal Employment Options Duration: 5 Weeks Assessment: Work Booklet
Certificate II in Workplace Practices Topic: Career Planning/ Further Learning Duration: 5 Weeks Assessment: Work Booklet
Certificate II in Workplace Practices Topic: Undertake an Individual or team enterprise project Duration: 8 Weeks Assessment: Work Booklet
Topic: Communicate in the Workplace Duration: 5 Weeks Assessment: Work Booklet
Topic: Work Effectively in a Business Environment Duration: 5 Weeks Assessment: Work Booklet
Topic: SET Plan preparation Duration: 4 Weeks Assessment: Interview Topic Structured Workplace Learning Duration: 1 Week Assessment: Work Experience
The Arts (Semester Subjects)
Visual Art Topic: Influential People Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Practical and Essay Extended Written Assessment Task – Appreciation Dance Topic: Musical Theatre Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Practical, Performance and Exam Extended Written Assessment Task – Appreciation
Visual Art Topic: Social or Political Issue Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Practical and Essay Extended Written Assessment Task – Appreciation Dance Topic: Contemporary/Post Modern Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Performance and Practical Extended Written Assessment Task – Appreciation
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Drama Topic: Realism & Absurb Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Performance and Essay Extended Written Assessment Task – Appreciation Music Topic: You Really Got Me Rockin’ Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Essay, Performance and Project Extended Written Assessment Task – Appreciation
Drama Topic: Film Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Practical and Assignment Extended Written Assessment Task – Appreciation Music Topic: I Wanna Be Popular! Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Essay, Project Extended Written Assessment Task – Appreciation
Year 10 – Curriculum Overview - 2016 Subject
Term 1
Home Economics
Food Technology Topic: Knife Skills, Cooking techniques, Food production & Specialisation, Multi -Cultural Foods Duration: 20 Weeks Assessment: Practical (Cooking), Exam and Assignment
Term 2
Term 3
Term 4
Early Childhood Studies Topic: Introduction to the Childcare Industry Children’s Development, First Aid Duration: 20 Weeks Assessment: Exam, Assignment
Tourism Topic: Introduction to Tourism, Tourists, Local Tourism Duration: 20 Weeks Assessment: Exam, Assignment, Field Report Technology 1 Semester (Elective)
Graphics Topic: Graphic Design - Magazine Ad Duration: 2 Weeks Assessment: Extended Investigation Topic: Industrial Design - Childs Toy Duration: 4 Weeks Assessment: Extended Investigation
Graphics Topic: Graphic Design - Games Emblem Duration: 2 Weeks Assessment: Supervised Extended Written Topic: Industrial Design - Computer Desk Duration: 4 Weeks Assessment: Extended Investigation
Topic: Built Environment - Business House Duration: 4 Weeks Assessment : Extended Investigation
Topic: Built Environment - Medical Facility Duration: 4 Weeks Assessment: Extended Investigation
Information Technology Systems Topic: Graphic Design Photoshop Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Folio of work, Experimental Investigation: Project, Supervised Extended Written
Information Technology Systems Topic: Animation - Animation Using Flash Duration: 8 Weeks Assessment: Experimental Investigation: Major Project (digital storybook)
Wood Manufacturing Topic: Mantle Clock – Construction Duration: 8 Weeks Assessment: Experimental Investigation: Minor Project (Practical), Supervised Extended Written
Wood Manufacturing Topic: iPod Stereo - Design/Construction Duration: 12 Weeks Assessment: Experimental Investigation: Major Project (Practical), Design Folio, Supervised Extended Written Evaluation
Information Processing & Technology Topic: Web Design Duration: 6 Weeks Assessment: Experimental Investigation: Major Project (Website creation) Topic: Computer Systems - Gaming/School Work Computer System Quote Duration: 4 Weeks Assessment: Supervised Extended Written Response 800-1200 words
Metal Engineering Topic: Sheet metal - Slide Top Box Duration: 2 Weeks Assessment: Experimental Investigation: Practical – Extended Investigation
Metal Engineering Topic: Sheet metal - Tool Box Duration: 4 Weeks Assessment: Experimental Investigation: Practical – Extended Investigation
Topic: Machining - Canon Duration: 7 Weeks Assessment: Experimental Investigation: Practical – Extended Investigation
Topic: Sheet Metal - Shelving Duration: 6 Weeks Assessment: Experimental Investigation: Practical – Extended Investigation
Topic: Machining/Sheet metal - Hand tools Duration: 1 Week Assessment: Supervised Extended Written
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Information Processing & Technology Topic: Game Design Duration: 9 Weeks Assessment: Experimental Investigation: Product: Major Project (Game creation)
Year 11 – Curriculum Overview - 2016 Faculty The Arts
Term 2 Topic: Mask making, Mixed Media & Layering Duration: 14 Weeks Assessment: Practical and Essay
Term 3 Topic: Mask making, Mixed Media & Layering Duration: 14 Weeks Assessment: Practical and Essay
Term 4 Topic: Collect & Collected Duration: 14 Weeks Assessment: Practical and Essay
Topic: Discovering The Dance Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Performance
Topic: Discovering The Dance Continued Duration: 5 Weeks Assessment: Essay
Topic: Collect & Collected Duration: 14 Weeks Assessment: Practical and Essay Topic: Telling Stories Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Performance
Topic: Telling Stories Continued Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Practical & Essay
Topic: Our Theatre Duration: 8 Weeks Assessment: Essay Topic: Moving Image Fundamentals Duration: 20 Weeks Assessment: Practical and Assignment
Topic: Hitting The Groove Duration: 5 Weeks Assessment: Practical Topic: Elizabethan Theatre Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Performance Topic: Moving Image Fundamentals Duration: 20 Weeks Assessment: Practical and Assignment
Topic: Absurb Theatre Duration: 12 Weeks Assessment: Performance and Essay Topic: Australian Film, Television & New Media Duration: 18 Weeks Assessment: Practical and Assignment
Topic: Australian Theatre Duration: 8 Weeks Assessment: Performance Topic: Australian Film, Television & New Media Duration: 18 Weeks Assessment: Oral
Topic: Don’t Stop the Music Duration:10 Weeks Assessment: Performance and Essay
Topic: Riffs, Ostinatos and Loops Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Project
Topic: Gavotte vs. Gangnam Style Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Project and Essay
Topic: To Thee My Country (Australian Music) Duration: 8 Weeks Assessment: Performance
Topic: Cultural Scripts Duration: 7 Weeks Assessment: Oral
Topic: Reality Bites Duration: 7 Weeks Assessment: Oral
Topic: Australian Poetry Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Oral and Exam
Topic: Re-examining the novel Duration: 7 Weeks Assessment: Unseen Exam
Drama Film, Television & New Media
English Communication Home Economics
Certificate II in Community Services (CHC22015)
Term 1 Topic: Express & Expression Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Practical and Assignment
Topic: Media Culture Duration: 6 Weeks Assessment: Assignment Topic: Novel Ideas Topic: What’s the Drama Duration: 8 Weeks Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Assignment Assessment: Unseen Exam and Oral Topics/Modules: CHCCOM001 Provide first point of contact HLTWHS001 Participate in Workplace Health & Safety FSKOCM07 Interact effectively with others at work Duration: 1 Semester Assessment: Exams, Work Placement, Assessment, Module Competency, Portfolio, Field report and Oral
Certificate II in Hospitality (SIT20316)
Topics/Modules: SITHIND201 Source and use information on the hospitality industry SITXFSA101 Use hygienic practices for food safety SITXWHS101 Participate in safe work practices SITTXCCS202 Interact with customers Duration: 1 Semester Assessment: Portfolio, Exam, Practical, Workplace assessment, Oral and Module Competency
Certificate II in Tourism (SIT20116)
Topic: Introduction to the Tourism Industry Modules: SITTIND201 Source and use information on the tourism and travel industry SITXCCS202 Interact with customers SITXWHS101 Participate in safe work practices BSBITU201A Produce simple word processed documents Duration: 1 Semester Assessment: Exam, Module Competency and Portfolio Project
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Topic: Australian Sports and Events Topic: Show Me the Film Duration: 10 Weeks Duration: 6 Weeks Assessment: Assignment and Oral Assessment: Oral Topics/Modules: HLTWHS001 Participate in Workplace Health & Safety CHCCOM005 Communicate and work in Health or Community Services CHCECE004 Promote and provide healthy food and drinks Duration: 1 Semester Assessment: Exams, Work Placement, Module competency, Assessment, Portfolio and Oral Topics/Modules: BSBWOR203B Work Effectively with Others SITXCCS202 Interact with Customers SITXCOM201 Show social & Cultural sensitivity SITFAB204 Prepare and serve expresso coffee SITXWHS101 Participate in safe work practices Duration: 1 Semester Assessment: Portfolio, Exam, Practical, Workplace assessment, Oral and Module Competency Topic : Working With Others Modules: SITXCOM201 Show social and cultural sensitivity SITXCOM101 Source and Present Information SITXCCS201 Provide visitor information SITTTSL302 Provide advice on Australian Destinations BSBWOR203B Work effectively with others Duration: 1 Semester Assessment: Exam, Module Competency and Portfolio Project
Year 11 – Curriculum Overview - 2016 Faculty Heath and Physical Education
Subject Physical Education Health Education Certificate III Fitness (SIS30315) Certificate II in Sport & Recreation (SIS20313) Certificate II in Sport Coaching (SIS20513)
Rugby League Development Program This includes: Certificate II in Sport & Recreation (SIS20313) Certificate II in Sport Coaching (SIS20513)
Ancient History Business Management Geography Certificate IV in Justice Studies (39292QLD)
Modern History
Legal Studies
Term 1 Topic: Skill Acquisition/Badminton Duration: 8 Weeks Assessment: Prac/Exam Topic: Body mage Duration: 9 Weeks Assessment: Assignment
Term 2 Topic: Energy Systems/Touch Duration: 8 Weeks Assessment: Prac/Exam Topic: Bullying Duration: 9 Weeks Assessment: Exam
Term 3 Topic: Training Principles/Volleyball Duration: 8 Weeks Assessment: Assignment/Prac Topic: Road Trauma Duration: 9 Weeks Assessment: Action Research Report
Term 4 Topic: Gender Issues in Sport/Ballroom Dance Duration: 8 Weeks Assessment: Assignment/ Prac Topic: Domestic Violence Duration: 9 Weeks Assessment: Report
Topic: First Aid Modules: HLTAID003 Provide first aid SISXEMR201A Respond to emergency situations Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Assignment, Module Completion
Topic: Recreational sports Modules: SISXIND211 Develop and update sport, fitness and recreation industry knowledge SISSSCO101 Develop and update knowledge of coaching practices Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Assignment, Module Completion
Course structure is determined by External Provider - Binnacle Topic: Coaching – The Basics Modules: SISXWHS101 Follow work health and safety policies BSBWOR202A Organise and complete daily work activities SISOODR201A Assist in conducting outdoor recreation sessions Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Assignment, Module Completion Topic: Fundamental Motor Skills Modules: SISSSCO101 Develop and update knowledge of coaching practices SISSSCO202 Coach beginner or novice participants to develop fundamental motor skills SISSSDE201 Communicate effectively with others in a sport environment Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Practical and Workbook Module Completion Topic: Studies of Archaeology Duration: 8 Weeks Assessment: Exam Topic: Management practices Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Exam Topic: Responding to Natural Hazards Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Essay and Exam Topic/Modules: BSBLEG413A Identify and apply the legal framework Duration: 1 Term Assessment: Module Completion
Topic: Basketball Modules: SISSBSB201A Teach fundamental basketball skills SISSBSB202A Teach fundamental basketball tactics and game strategy SISSBSB205A Interpret and apply the rules of basketball Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Assignment, Module Completion
Topic: History of Ideas and Beliefs Duration: 6 Weeks Assessment: Exam
Topic: Football Challenge Topic: First Aid Modules: Modules: BSBWOR202A Organise and complete daily work HLTAID003 Provide first aid activities SISXEMR201A Respond to emergency situations SISXCAI102A Assist in preparing and conducting Duration: 10 Weeks sport and recreation sessions Assessment: Practical and Workbook Module SISXIND211 Develop and update sport, fitness Completion and recreation industry knowledge Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Practical and Workbook Module Completion Topic: Ancient Egypt Topic: Ancient Greece Duration: 12 Weeks Duration: 18 Weeks Assessment: Essay and Assignment Assessment: Exam and Assignment Topic: Marketing Management Topic: Operations Management Topic: Financial Management Duration: 10 Weeks Duration: 10 Weeks Duration: 8 Weeks Assessment: Practical Assessment Assessment: Practical Assessment Assessment: Assignment Topic: Managing Catchments Topic: Sustainable Communities Topic: Connecting People and Places Duration: 10 Weeks Duration: 10 Weeks Duration: 8 Weeks Assessment: Field Report and Exam Assessment: Exam Assessment: Field Report and Exam Topic/Modules: Topic/Modules: Topic/Modules: QLD594JUS01A Communicate with clients on PSPREG411A Gather information for interviews PSPREG409B Prepare a brief of evidence justice related issues BSBWOR404A Develop work priorities Duration: 1 Term QLD594JUS02A Prepare documentation for court Duration: 1 Term Assessment: Module Completion proceedings Assessment: Module Completion Duration: 1 Term Assessment: Module Completion Topic: Peace in the Middle East Topic: British Imperialism (India) Topic: Race Relations (USA and South Africa) Duration: 6 Weeks Duration: 8 Weeks Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Exam Assessment: Essay Assessment: Assignment
Topic: The Cold War Duration: 8 Weeks Assessment: Assignment Topic: The Legal System Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Exam
Topic: Criminal Law Duration: 15 Weeks Assessment: Assignment
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Topic: Before the Game Begins Modules: SISXCAI101A Provide equipment for activities SISXWHS101 Follow work health and safety policies Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Practical and Workbook Module Completion
Topic: Introduction to Civil Obligations Duration: 15 Weeks Assessment: Essay
Topic: Introduction to Civil Obligations Duration: 8 Weeks Assessment: Project
Year 11 – Curriculum Overview - 2016 Faculty Mathematics
Subject Maths A
Term 1 Topic: Financial Maths, Data Collections Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Exam
Maths B
Topic: Triangle Applications, Working With Data, Straight Line Functions Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Exam
Maths C
Topic: Real and Complex Number Systems, Introductory Matrices, Counting Methods, Matrices and Vectors Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Exam Topic: Fractions, Decimals, Percentages, Profit, Loss, Discount, Time Calculations and Taxation Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Assignment plus Exam Topic: The Variety of Life Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Assignment
Prevocational Maths
Term 2 Topic: Elements Of Applied Geometry 1, Elements Of Applied Geometry 2, Area and Volume Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Assignment plus Exam Topic: Straight Line Functions, Waves and Functions, Gradients of Curves, Parabolic Functions Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Assignment plus Exam Topic: Matrices and Vectors, Groups, Geometric Vectors Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Assignment plus Exam
Term 3 Topic: Scale Drawings, Elements Of Applied Geometry 3, Maps and Compasses Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Assignment plus Exam Topic: Differential Calculus, Applying Trigonometric Functions, Working With Probability Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Exam
Term 4 Topic: Managing Money, Probability and Statistics Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Exam
Topic: Introduction of Complex Numbers, Matrix Methods, The Complex Plane, AP’s and GP’s Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Exam
Topic: AP’s and GP’s, Conics Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Assignment plus Exam
Topic: Length, Perimeter, Area, Volume, Mass Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Exam
Topic: Data Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Assignment plus Exam
Topic: Location and Time Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Exam
Topic: Reproduction Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Exam
Topic: Plant Physiology Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Experimental Investigation
Topic: Animal Physiology Duration: 8 Weeks Assessment: Exam
Topic: Metals and Minerals Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Exams
Topic: Chemistry of Modern Life Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Assignment
Topic: Party Drinks Duration: 18 Weeks Assessment: Experimental Investigation & Exam
Marine Science
Topic: Understanding Marine Ecosystems Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Exams
Topic: The Caloundra Foreshore Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Assignment
Topic: The Health of Pumicestone Passage Duration: 18 Weeks Assessment: Experimental Investigation and Exam
Topic: Intro to Physics Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Exam
Topic: Amusement Parks Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Assignment
Topic: Graphic design - Logo design Duration: 8 Weeks Assessment: Design Assignment Topic: Certificate I in IDMT (ICT10115) Modules: ICTICT101 Operate a personal computer ICTICT102 Operate word-processing applications ICTICT103 Use, communicate and search securely on the internet ICTICT104 Use digital devices ICTICT105 Operate spreadsheet applications ICTICT106 Operate presentation packages
Certificate II in Information, Digital Media and Technology (ICT20115)
Topic: Certificate I in IDMT (ICT10115) BSBSUS201 Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices BSBWHS201 Contribute to Health & Safety of self & others Duration: 1 Semester Assessment: Module Completion, Project Work
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Topic: Growth, Decay and Logarithms, Integrals Duration: 8 Weeks Assessment: Assignment plus Exam
Topic: Electricity Topic: Waves Duration: 10 Weeks Duration: 8 Weeks Assessment: Exam and Experimental Assessment: Exam Investigation Topic: Lamp design - Industrial design Topic: Park redevelopment - The built environment Duration: 12 Weeks Duration: 8 Weeks Assessment: Lamp Design Assignment Assessment: Park Redevelopment Design Assignment Topic: Photoshop & Lightroom Modules: ICPDMT321 Capture a digital image ICPDMT322 Edit a digital image CUFDIG303A Produce and Prepare photo images Duration: 1 Semester Assessment: Quiz, Written Assessment, Case Study, Project, Practical Activities, Observations
Year 11 – Curriculum Overview - 2016 Faculty
Subject Information Technology Systems
Certificate II in Manufacturing Technology (MSA20208) Certificate II Engineering Pathways (MEM20413)
Information Processing and Technology (Year A - 2016)
Information Processing and Technology (Year B - 2017)
Term 1 Topic: Graphic Design - Elements and Principles of Design in Logos Duration: 6 Weeks Assessment: Written Response – Magazine Article - analyse and evaluate a famous logo design 800-1000 words
Term 2 Unit: Graphic Design Topic: Design for Print – using Adobe Illustrator. (continued) Duration: 7 Weeks (assessment item – 2 Weeks duration) Assessment: Practical Activity - Stationary Design for a Client using Illustrator. Design brief
Term 3 Topic: Mobile App - Mobile App Design using ActionScript13 Duration: 15 Weeks (Start end Term 3, complete in Term 4) Assessment: Design brief - Major Project
Term 4 Topic: Mobile App Design / Animation Duration: 5 Weeks Assessment: Written Exam
Topic: Graphic Design - Design for Print – using Adobe Illustrator. Topic: Graphic Design - Design for Print Duration: 3 Weeks Duration: 4 Weeks Assessment: Stationary Design for a Client using Assessment: Full Design brief: Major Project Illustrator Topic: Dart Board Topic/Modules: Cooler Box Modules: MSS402001A Apply competitive systems and practices MSAENV272B Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices MSS402051A Apply quality standards CPCCOHS1001A Work safely in the construction industry MSS402080A Undertake root cause analysis Duration: 20 Weeks Duration: 20 Weeks Assessment: Project work, Observations with checklists, Test, Work Booklet Assessment: Work Booklet, Observation with checklists, Project work Topic: Sheet Metal and Machining Modules: MEM13014A Apply principles of occupational health and safety in the work environment MEMPE006A Undertake a basic engineering project MEM18001C Use hand tools MEM18002B Use power tools/hand held operations MEMPE003A Use oxy-acetylene and soldering equipment MEMPE004A Use fabrication equipment Duration: 2 Semesters Assessment: Written Associated Theory, Questioning, Project Work (Sheet metal eg Toolbox, Machining eg Meat Mallet) Unit: Software Design Unit: Information System Design Unit: Information Systems Development Unit: Knowledge Base Systems Topic: Software Programming Topic: Databases Databases for the web Topic: Intelligent Systems & Social and Ethical Unit Length: 4 Weeks Duration: 4 Weeks Topic: Relational Information Systems, Structures Behaviour Assessment: Minor Product Assessment: Supervised Examination Query Language, Human Computer Interface and Duration: 4 Weeks Software Programming Assessment: Product – Minor Project, Written Unit: Information System Design Duration: 12 Weeks Explanation Topic: Structure Query Language Assessment: Major Product, Written Explanation Unit: Querying Information Systems Duration: 4 Weeks Assessment: Supervised Examination
Unit: Game Design 1 Topic: Software Programming Duration: 5 Weeks Assessment: Minor Product – Assignment Game Maker, Written Assessment Unit: Planning the Software Topic: Algorithms Duration: 5 Weeks Assessment: Supervised Exam
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Unit: Privacy and Security Topic: Social and Ethical Issues Network Security Duration: 3 Weeks Assessment: Extended Response Unit: Rogue Software Topic: Social and Ethical Issues Network Security Duration: 3 Weeks Assessment: Extended Response Unit: Software Design Topic: Software Programming Duration: 7 Weeks Assessment: Supervised Exam
Unit: Game Design 2 Topic: Software Programming Duration: 12 Weeks Assessment: Major Product, Written Explanation
Unit: Artificial Intelligence Topic: Intelligent Systems & Social and Ethical Behaviour. Duration: 4 Weeks Assessment: Exam – Closed Book
Year 12 – Curriculum Overview - 2016 Faculty The Arts
Term 1 Topic: Masked & Masked Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Practical and Essay
Term 2 Topic: Mask & Masked Continued Duration: 5 Weeks Assessment: Essay
Topic: Printmaking Modules: BSBOHS201A Participate in OHS processes CUVACD101A Use basic drawing techniques CUVPRP201A Make simple creative work CUVRES201A Source and use information CUVDIG201A Develop digital imaging skills CUVPRI201A Develop printmaking skills Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Practical and Assignment Topic: Putting On The Ritz Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Practical and Performance
Topic: React & Reactions Duration: 5 Weeks Assessment: Practical and Essay Topic: Drawing Modules: BSBOHS201A Participate in OHS processes CUVACD101A Use basic drawing techniques CUVPRP201A Make simple creative work CUVRES201A Source and use information CUVDRA201A Develop drawing skills CUVCER201A Develop ceramic skills Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Assignment and Practical Topic: Putting On The Ritz Continued Duration: 5 Weeks Assessment: Essay
Topic: Shakespeare Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Oral, Seen exam
Topic: Finding The Voice Duration: 5 Weeks Assessment: Performance Topic: Contemporary Voices Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Assignment, Unseen Essay exam
English Communication
Topic: It’s All about Them Topic: Reality Bites Duration: 9 Weeks Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Assignment Assessment: Unseen exam and Oral Topic: Clean & Tidy Bar Areas, Provide Responsible Service of Alcohol, Operate a Bar & Process Financial Transactions Modules: SITHIND201 Source and use information on the hospitality industry SITHFAB201 Provide responsible service of alcohol SITHFAB101 Clean and tidy bar areas * SITHFAB202 Operate a bar *^ SITXFIN201 Process financial transactions SITHFAB204 Prepare and serve espresso coffee * SITXCCS202 Interact with customers SITXWHS101 Participate in safe work practices SITXCOM201 Show Social & Cultural Sensitivity Duration: 20 Weeks Assessment: Bar Course, Written Response, Observation, Product, Log Book, Third Party Report, Module Completion Topic: Planet Friendly Food Duration: 20 Weeks Assessment: Written-Theory Exam, Practical Performance, Research Essay
Topic: At the Movies Topic: World of Work Duration: 8 Weeks Duration: 8 Weeks Assessment: Assignment Assessment: Oral and Assignment Topic: Prepare & Serve Espresso Coffee & Use Hospitality Skills Effectively Modules: SITHIND201 Source and use information on the hospitality industry SITXFSA101 Use hygienic practices for food safety SITXWHS101 Participate in safe work practices SITHIND202 Use hospitality skills effectively SITXCCS202 Interact with customers BSBWOR203B Work effectively with others SITHFAB204 Prepare and serve espresso coffee * Duration: 17 Weeks Assessment: Written Response 4, Observation 2, Product, Log Book, Observation 3, Third Party Report, Written Responses 5, Module Completion
Topic: Ensure the Health & Safety of Children & Work Effectively with Young Children Modules: CHCCN301C Ensure the health and safety of children CHCFC301A Support the development of children CHCYTH301E Work effectively with young children Duration: 20 Weeks Assessment: Written Exams, Folio Tasks, Prac - Work Placement, Module Workbooks, Observation Checklists, Questioning
Topic: Provide First Aid Modules: HILTAID003 Provide first aid Duration: 17 Weeks Assessment: Written Exams, Prac-work Placement (if needed), Module Workbooks, Observation/Demonstration, Questioning
Certificate II in Visual Art (CUV20111)
Home Economics
Certificate II in Hospitality (SIT20213)
Home Economics
Certificate II in Community Services - Early Childhood (CHC20112)
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Term 3 Topic: React & Reactions Continued Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Practical
Term 4 Topic: Personal Extension Duration: 6 Weeks Assessment: Practical or Essay
Topic: Painting Modules: BSBOHS201A Participate in OHS processes CUVACD101A Use basic drawing techniques CUVPRP201A Make simple creative work CUVRES201A Source and use information relevant to own arts practice CUVPAI201A Develop painting skills Duration: 16 Weeks Assessment: Practical and Assignment Topic: Finding The Voice Continued Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Essay and Practical
Topic: Pushing The Boundaries Duration: 6 Weeks Assessment: Practical, Essay or Assignment
Topic: Lessons of the Past Duration: 7 Weeks Assessment: Oral
Topic: Medium Madness Duration: 7 Weeks Assessment: Oral or Essay
Topic: Living in the Real World Duration: 17 Weeks Assessment: Written - Theory Exam, Practical Performance, Research Essay
Year 12 – Curriculum Overview - 2016 Faculty
Health and Physical Education
Subject Certificate II in Tourism (SIT20112)
Term 1 Term 2 Topic: Putting it all Together Modules: SITXWHS101 Participate in safe work practices SITXCOM201 Show social and cultural sensitivity SITXCCS201 Provide visitor information BSBWOR203B Work effectively with others BSBITU201A Produce simple word processed documents SITTTSL301 Provide advice on International Destinations SITXCCS101 Provide information & assistance SITTIND201 Source and use information on the tourism and travel industry Provide Visitor Information Use Business Technology Communicate in the Workplace Duration: 20 Weeks Assessment: Product/Portfolio, Questioning, Reports from Workplace, Supervisor, Module Completion
Term 3 Term 4 Topic/Modules: SITTTSL302 Provide advice on Australian Destinations SITTTSL301 Provide advice on International Destinations Duration: 17 Weeks Assessment: Reports from Workplace Supervisor, Folio, Module Completion
Health Education
Topic: Sun Safety Duration: 9 Weeks Assessment: Action Research
Topic: Alcohol Duration: 9 Weeks Assessment: Assignment
Topic: Road Trauma Duration: 9 Weeks Assessment: Report
Topic: Domestic Violence Duration: 9 Weeks Assessment: Report
Physical Education
Topic: Figuroa Framework/Ballroom Dance Duration: 8 Weeks Assessment: Assignment/Ballroom Dance
Topic: Training Programs/Volleyball Duration: 8 Weeks Assessment: Multimodal presentation/Volleyball
Topic: Sport Psychology/Touch Duration: 8 Weeks Assessment: Exam/Touch
Topic: Biomechanics/Badminton Duration: 8 Weeks Assessment: Exam/Badminton
Topic: First Aid Modules: HLTAID003 Provide first aid SISXEMR201A Respond to emergency situations Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Complete First Aid Training (CPR update also)
Catch up on missed units or assessment
Topic: Culture of Ancient India and Ancient China Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Assignment
Certificate III Fitness (SIS30315) Certificate II in Sports & Recreation (SIS20313) Cert II in Sport Coaching (SIS20513)
Course structure is determined by External Provider - Binnacle Topic: Controlling the Game Modules: SISXCAI101A Provide equipment for activities SISSSOF203 Judge competitive situations Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Work booklet & Coaching sessions
Ancient History
Topic: Ancient Rome Duration: 20 Weeks Assessment: Essay, Exam and Assignment
Topic: Spread Sheeting and Budgets Duration: 4 Weeks Assessment: Exam
Certificate II in Business (BSB20115)
Topic: Accrual accounting Duration: 4 Weeks Assessment: Practical Assessment and Exam Topic/Modules: BSBWOR204 Use business technology Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Module Completion
Topic: The Ultimate Coach Modules: SISSSCO202 Coach beginner or novice participants to develop fundamental motor skills SISXCAI102A Assist in preparing and conducting sport and recreation sessions SISSSDE201 Communicate effectively with others in a sport environment Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Work Booklet & Carnival at primary schools
Topic: Non-current Assets (Spread Sheeting) Duration: 6 Weeks Assessment: Practical assessment and class test
Topic: Internal Controls Duration: 3 Weeks Assessment: Essay
Topic: Religions of Ancient India and Ancient China Duration: 6 Weeks Assessment: Exam Topic: Personal Finance And Investing Duration: 6 Weeks Assessment: Assignment
Topic/Modules: BSBITU201 Produce simple word processed documents Duration: 5 Weeks Assessment: Module Completion
Topic: Accounting Package Study Duration: 7 Weeks Assessment: Practical assessment Topic/Modules: BSBINM201 Process and maintain workplace information Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Module Completion
Topic/Modules: FNSACC301 Process financial transactions and extract interim reports Duration: 6 Weeks Assessment: Module Completion
Topic: BSBITU303 Design & produce text documents Duration: 5 Weeks Assessment: Module Completion G:\Coredata\HOD\Curriculum Plan\Overall Yr 12 CURRICULUM PLAN 2016.docx
Year 12 – Curriculum Overview - 2016 Faculty
Subject Business Management Certificate IV in Justice Studies (39292QLD) Legal Studies
Maths A
Maths B
Maths C
Prevocational Maths
Term 1 Topic: International Business Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Assignment Topic/Modules: BSBLEG416A Apply the principles of the law or torts Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Module Completion Topic: Family and Law Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Assignment Topic: Finance 1, Scale Drawings and Plans, Finance 2 Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Exam plus Assignment Topic: Quadratic, Cubic and Polynomial Functions, Derivatives of Sine and Cosine, Exponential and Log Functions and their Derivatives Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Exam plus Assignment Topic: Complex Number, Vector Product, Determinants of Matrices Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Exam plus Assignment Topic: Measurement Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Assignment
Term 2 Topic: Event Management Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Practical Assessment Topic/Modules: QLD594JUS034 Analyse social justice issues Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Module Completion
Term 3 Topic: Entrepreneurship Duration: 8 Weeks Assessment: Assignment Topic/Modules: BSBRES401A Analyse and present research information Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Module Completion Topic: Independent legal Issue Study Duration: 8 Weeks Assessment: Assignment Topic: Networks and Queuing 1, Finance 3, Networks and Queuing 2, Networks and Queuing 3 Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Assignment plus Exam Topic: Practical Integration Techniques, Financial Applications, Graphs and Transformations Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Assignment plus Exam
Term 4 Topic: Human Resource Management Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Practical Assessment + Exam Topic/Modules: BSBWOR402A Promote team effectiveness Duration: 6 Weeks Assessment: Module Completion
Topic: Methods of Finite Difference, Locus and Conic Sections, Dynamics 1, Integral Calculus Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Exam Topic: Finance Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Assignment plus Exam
Topic: Differential calculus and Conics Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Assignment plus Exam
Topic: Conics and Dynamics 2 Duration: 5 Weeks Assessment: Exam
Topic: Data Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Exam plus Assignment
Topic: Location and Time Duration: 5 Weeks Assessment: Exam
Topic: Ecology Duration:10 Weeks Assessment: Assignment and Experimental Investigation Topic: Acid Sulfate Soils Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Experimental Investigation
Topic: Genetics Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Exam
Topic: Evolution Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Exam
Topic: Immunology Duration: 6 Weeks Assessment: Assignment
Topic: What Makes it Go? Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Exam
Topic: Marine Chemistry Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Assignment and Exam
Topic: Biotechnology Duration: 6 Weeks Assessment: Exam
Topic: Human Rights Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Essay Topic: Finance 2, Statistics and Probability Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Exam Topic: Integration, Binomial and Normal Distributions, Optimisation 1 Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Exam
Topic: Employment and the Law Duration: 8 Weeks Assessment: Exam Topic: Navigation Duration: 5 Weeks Assessment: Exam Topic: Trigonometric Equations, Optimisation 2 Duration: 5 Weeks Assessment: Exam
Marine Science
Topic: Global Impacts on Great Barrier Reef Duration: 20 Weeks Assessment: Exam
Topic: Aerospace Studies Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Exam
Topic: EEI Duration: 4 Weeks Assessment: Extended Investigation Topic: Nuclear Physics Duration: 6 Weeks Assessment: Exam
Topic: Nature of Light Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Assignment
Topic: Alternative Energy Duration: 6 Weeks Assessment: Exam
Topic: Built Environment - Residential Duration: 12 Weeks Assessment: Design Folio
Topic: Built Environment - Landscape Architectural Assessment: Extended Response Exam Topic: Industrial Design - Camping Shovel Duration: 12 Weeks Assessment: Design Folio
Topic: Industrial Design - Camping Shovel Duration: 12 Weeks Assessment: Design Folio
Topic: Graphic Design - Logo Duration: 4 Weeks Assessment: Design Folio
Information Technology Systems
Topic: Web Design Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Item F: Written Extended Response (Magazine article analysis of website 800-1200 words)
Topic: Web Design Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Item G: Project (Multimedia Enhanced Website), Webpage – 5-6 webpages, 1000-1500 words) Item H: Supervised Written Exam
Topic: Video Editing Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Item I - Product: Project (1000 – 1500 words
Topic: Video Editing Duration: 10 Weeks Assessment: Item J – Product; Practical Exercises (3 weeks)
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Topic: Sustainable Marine Resource Management Duration: 16 Weeks Assessment: Assignment, Experimental Investigation and Exam
Year 12 – Curriculum Overview - 2016 Faculty
Subject Certificate II Information, Digital Media & Technology (ICT20115)
Certificate II in Manufacturing Technology (MSA20208)
Certificate II in Engineering Pathways (MEM20413)
Information Processing and Technology (Year A - 2016)
Information Processing and Technology (Year B - 2015)
Term 1 Term 2 Topic: Website (Adobe Muse) Modules: ICTICT201 Use computer operating systems and hardware CUFPOS201A Perform basic vision and sound editing ICTWEB302 Build simple websites using commercial programs ICTWEB303 Produce digital images for the web ICTICT204 Operate a digital media technology package Duration: 1 Semester Assessment: Quizzes, Simulations, Observations, Practical Activities, Practical Portfolio Topic: Bedside Table Modules: MSS402002A Sustain process improvements LMFFM2001B Use furniture making sector hand and power tools Duration: 12 Weeks Assessment: Project Observations with checklists, Module Completion Topic: Fabrication & Welding Modules: MEM13014A Apply principles of occupational health and safety in the work environment MEMPE005A Develop a career plan for the engineering and manufacturing industry MSAENV272B Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices MEM16006A Organise and communicate information Duration: 35 Weeks Assessment: Written Associated Theory, Questioning, Project Work, Module Completion Unit: Software Design Unit: Information System Design Topic: Software Programming Topic: Databases Unit Length: 4 Weeks Duration: 4 Weeks Assessment: Minor Product Assessment: Supervised Examination Unit: Information System Design Topic: Structured Query Language Unit: Querying Information Systems Duration: 4 Weeks Assessment: Supervised Examination Unit: Privacy and Security Topic: Social and Ethical Issues Network Security Duration: 3 Weeks Assessment: Extended Response Unit: Game Design 1 Unit: Rogue Software Topic: Software Programming Topic: Social and Ethical Issues Network Security Duration: 5 Weeks Unit Length: 3 Weeks Assessment: Minor Product – Game Maker, Assessment: Extended Response Written Explanation Unit: Software Design Unit: Planning the Software Topic: Software Programming Topic: Algorithms Duration: 7 Weeks Duration: 5 Weeks Assessment: Supervised Exam Assessment: Supervised Exam
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Term 3 Topic: Video/Sound Unit Modules: ICTWEB201 Use social media tools for collaboration and engagement ICTICT202 Work and communicate effectively in an ICT environment ICTICT203 Operate application software packages ICTICT207 Integrate commercial computing packages Duration: 1 Semester Assessment: Quizzes, Simulations, Written Assessment, Case Studies
Term 4
Topic: Fishing Rod Rack Modules: MSAPOHS200A Work safely MSAPCII295A Operate manufacturing equipment MSAPCII296A Make a small furniture item from timber Duration: 18 Weeks Assessment: Project, Work Booklet, Module Completion MEM16008A Interact with computing technology MEMPE001A Use engineering workshop machines MEMPE002A Use electric welding machines MSAPCI101A Adapt to work in industry MSAPMSUP106A Work in a team Unit: Information Systems Development Databases for the web Topic: Relational Information Systems, Structures Query Language, Human Computer Interface and Software Programming Duration: 12 Weeks Assessment: Major Product, Written Explanation
Unit: Knowledge base Systems Topic: Intelligent Systems & Social and Ethical Behaviour Duration: 4 Weeks Assessment: Product – Minor Project, Written Explanation
Unit: Game Design 2 Topic: Software Programming Duration: 12 Weeks Assessment: Major Product, Written Explanation
Unit: Artificial Intelligence Topic: Intelligent Systems & Social and ethical Behaviour Duration: 4 Weeks Assessment: Exam - Closed book
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