January 28, 2018 | Author: Dorthy Mosley | Category: N/A
1 Curriculum Booklet Spring Term 20132 Mathematics Overview Miss Sharon McGaughey and Mr Peter Rizzardini The main textb...
Year 7 Curriculum Booklet Spring Term 2013
Year 7 Mathematics Overview Miss Sharon McGaughey and Mr Peter Rizzardini The main textbook used is STP 7A textbook, Year 7 students all have their own copy of this textbook and chapter numbers are included here should you wish to look at what is covered in more detail. Where students have prior knowledge of topics they will be able to progress quickly and move onto extension work with an emphasis on problem solving and investigations. Students with language needs will be given as much support as possible in class to help their mathematical language develop. If you have any concerns about your child’s mathematical development please do not hesitate to contact their teacher
[email protected] or
[email protected] Year 7’s will study the following topics over the Spring Term: Solids: (chapter 20)
Introducing Geometry: (chapter 10)
Triangles and Quadrilaterals: (chapter 12)
Parallel Lines: (chapter 15)
Formulas: (chapter 17)
Directed Numbers: (chapter 17)
Straight Line Graphs: (chapter 18)
Equations: (chapter 21)
Year 7 Science Overview Mrs Caroline Barnes Our first topic this term will be Energy. During this topic students will investigate energy sources, learning about the advantages and disadvantages of both fossil fuels and alternatives. We will then discuss how energy can be converted from one form to another, with special reference to the production of domestic electricity. During our second topic this term we will take a closer look at electricity and electrical circuits. Both topics are covered in the student textbook and a word list will be provided for each one.
Year 7 English and Humanities Overview Ms Lynsey Collis, Mr Adrian Jordan, Mrs Sarah Grimshaw The major focuses for this term in English and Humanities are the topics: Brainwaves, Celebrations and the study of Structures. Ongoing Skills are built into each unit of work including; Grammar skills, Reading Comprehension and Spelling. BRAINWAVES The students will look at the brain, how we learn and how we can make the most of our learning opportunities. CELEBRATIONS History: The students look at celebrations that mark key moments in the History of countries. English Non Fiction; Writing to explain: Students look at why, when and how people use language to celebrate people, events, emotions or feelings. They will write a tribute speech to someone they feel worthy of celebration. STRUCTURES History: Students will investigate how and why societies such Egyptians, Aztecs and Greeks have been structured. They will carry out an in depth research into one society and their structure. Geography: Students will consider the role geographical factors have over the organisation of formal structures in a particular location. They will also contrast their local settlement area with settlements of a different structure in a different part of the world. English: Writing and Exploring Poetry Students explore how poetry is organised through different types of structures, various poetic devices, themes and descriptive language.
Year 7 English For Academic Purposes Mr Adrian Jordan EAP students will be working towards achieving a level of English that allows them to be assessed by UK National Curriculum Levels. In preparation for this, students will be striving to meet an array of EAL targets that focus specifically on certain key English skills that children must acquire. Targets are set in listening, speaking, reading and writing and must be achieved before the student is allowed to progress any further. These targets enable us to see where the child is in relation to National Curriculum levels and allow the teacher to concentrate on specific weaknesses in that child’s English ability.
Year 7 Mandarin Overview Miss Rebecca Li, Miss Maggie Li, Mrs Yvanne Zhou, Miss Stacy Gao Pathway 1: This term, students will learn the topics of Chinese New Year, Family Members, and Appearance, which are selected from ‘Easy Steps to Chinese.’ They will be able to conduct simple conversations, read short articles of about 50 characters, and continually strengthen their knowledge of Pinyin with tones and spelling rules. Moreover, they are required to write and recognise the new characters. Also, they will be able to apply conversations, new characters, and sentences patterns into daily life. Pathway 2: This term, students will learn the topics of Chinese New Year, Family Members, and Appearance, which are selected from ‘Easy Steps to Chinese.’ They will be able to describe the their family, introduce themself by using the phases and sentence patterns, and respond to variety of questions about familiar objects. Also, they will be able to apply the conversation about the make a phone call to their daily life. They will work to produce a variety of simple texts using new characters and sentences patterns. Pathway 3: (Near-Native) This term, students will continue to learn the texts that are selected from ‘Zhong Wen.’ Students will be able to read short articles fluently and understand the meaning of the texts. Moreover, they are required to write and recognise the new characters. Also, they will be able to write compositions. Pathway 4: Students will learn different types of articles and will learn the differences between fiction and nonfiction and the differences between explanation, instruction, poems and so on. Also, they need to read extra books to expanding their views on Chinese cultures.
Year 7 Modern Foreign Languages Overview Mrs Isabelle Henderson, Mrs Susanne Rosenboom French This term, students will revise the vocabulary of countries and nationalities. They will consolidate their knowledge of the auxiliary verbs Être and Avoir and verbs in -er endings. They will learn about how to describe their home and their bedroom. In addition, they will learn the vocabulary of places in town and will be taught the structure “Est-ce que…” to ask questions. Finally, they will learn directions and learn the difference between tu and vous. Spanish This term students will revise language pertaining to classroom instructions, school subjects and equipment as well as talking about family and giving opinions. This year’s grammar has a particular focus on the present indicative tense, learning adjectives and how to make these agree in terms of number and gender. Later this term, pupils will study how to speak about their homes and describe the different rooms within the house. There will also be a focus on talking about free time activities towards the end of the term, including an introduction to the immediate future tense.
Year 7 Art Overview Miss W Gray This year will see all students continue to build on the skills learned in Year 6 with a real emphasis on expressive use of colour with a variety of media and mark making skills. This coming term I will be guiding the students as they design and construct 3 dimensional structures, whilst also continuing to develop their refinement and presentation skills. To supplement the 3 dimensional work students will be required to produce presentation sheets encompassing observational drawing, research, design development sketches and self review of their end product, all of which help them understand the design process and how to develop a range of outcomes from an initial starting point. All students will be given one to one guidance throughout lessons tailored to their ability. Year 7 Music Overview Mrs Anna Hogan Students will be taught the key tools of arranging, learning about chords and encountering instrumentation. They will be guided through an arrangement as a class and then create their own, enabling them to develop critical judgements on the characteristics both of their own arrangement and those of others. Year 7 PE and Games Overview Mr C Pemble and Mr A Tuck
This term in PE pupils will have the opportunity to further develop their skills in Volleyball, Handball, Basketball, Badminton, and Rugby or Netball. The term begins with all pupils playing Volleyball and looking to consolidate any prior skills. Students should be able to play basic volleyball shots, which will allow them to take part in rallies with a partner or a small group. This is building towards several volleyball fixtures and a tournament late January. In Handball, students can use a range of fundamental ball skills and adapt them to suit the rules of this game. This will also lead up to a Handball tournament for some children. In Basketball, students will look to consolidate their existing skills by playing pressurised games and drills. Gameplay will focus on a better understanding of the rules, along with thinking about strategies and tactics to beat the opposition and score points. Again, fixtures and tournaments for Basketball can be found this term. Badminton will allow students to further develop their racket skills, and students will be taught a range of shots. During match play, students will look at the tactics involved to beat an opponent, by making it hard for their opponent to return a shot. Students will also get to focus on either Netball or Rugby this term, again looking to consolidate skills for a future competition.
Year 7 ICT Overview Mr Simon Lee Year 7 will begin the term in ICT by investigating how computer-designed models can be used to predict real-life consequences. They will research models by different type and purpose, evaluate their effectiveness and then use simulations to make their own predictions. Finally, they will use Flowol software to create their own models. Later in the term students will consider complex features of spread sheets and how to apply them to answer a given question. They will encounter different forms of data collection and handling and identify different ways of presenting it to suit a specific audience or purpose. Students will also develop their evaluation skills, through commenting on the reliability and usefulness of different forms of data collection and presentation. Prep Homework Pupils in the Prep Phase are expected to complete up to 1 hour of homework each school night. A maximum of 30 minutes homework may be set by each subject teacher on their given night. If your child finishes their homework within this time, they may continue with additional reading in English or work on their Time Tables or activities on myimaths and Manga High.
Yr 6
Mon EnglishHumanities
Tue Science set 1&2
Wed Maths
Thur EnglishHumanities
Fri EnglishHumanities
Science set 3
Science set 2
Maths Yr 7
French or Spanish Science Set 1&3
Maths French or Spanish