April 18, 2017 | Author: Magdalene Walker | Category: N/A
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1 WORLD SAILING PROGRAMM PROGRAM2 Programm Program Marina Mittelmole Marina Hohe Düne Event Area Yachthafen Mittelm...


WW11-075_Programm2010_V1:Layout 1 29.06.11 17:03 Seite 3



WW11-075_Programm2010_V1:Layout 1 29.06.11 17:06 Seite 4

Programm | Program


3 3 3

7 3

4 Marina Mittelmole

4 9


Marina Hohe Düne


1 8

6 6

5 Event Area

11 12 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

Yachthafen Mittelmole | Marina Mittelmole Yachthafen Hohe Düne | Marina Hohe Duene Regattabahnen | Race areas Warnemünde Strand | Warnemuende beach hanseboot event area / Warnemünder Segel-Club | hanseboot event area / Warnemünder Segel-Club Regattabüro | Race Office Regattaleitungshaus - Hafeneinfahrt | Race Committee Lodge - Port entrance hanseboot Terrasse | hanseboot terrace NDR-OZ Medienzelt | NDR-OZ media lounge Bühne am Leuchtturm | Stage next lighthouse Kreuzfahrtterminal Warnemünde | Warnemünde Cruise Center (Port-Party) Anleger: Neuer Strom | Pier: Neuer StromPromenade

Dieses Programm ist kein Teil der Segelanweisungen, Zeiten sind nicht verbindlich. | This program is not part of the sailing instrcuctions, times are not binding.

Wann | Time

Was | Event

Wo | Location

Freitag, 1. Juli 2011 | Friday, 1st July 2011 8.00 - 17.00

Anmeldung | Registration: Warnemünde-Cup

Regattabüro | Race Office Marina Mittelmole

8.00 - 20.00

Regattabüro Marina Mittelmole geöffnet | Race Office Marina Mittelmole open

Regattabüro | Race Office Marina Mittelmole

8.00 - 20.00

Anmeldung | Registration: BIC TECHNO, H-Boot, Laser, Laser Radial, Laser 4.7, RS:X, Streamline

Regattabüro | Race Office Marina Mittelmole

10.00 - open end


hanseboot Event Area

ab | from 15.00

Frauen-Fußball WM Live | Soccer Women's World Cup Live

hanseboot Event Area

15.00 - 17.00

Happy Hour

hanseboot Event Area

ab | from 18.15

Frauen-Fußball WM Live | Soccer Women's World Cup Live

hanseboot Event Area


Skippers meeting: Warnemünde-Cup

hanseboot Event Area

(siehe Programm hanseboot Event Area | see program hanseboot Event Area)

Samstag, 2. Juli 2011 | Sunday, 2nd July 2011 8.00 - 20.00

Regattabüro Marina Mittelmole geöffnet | Race Office Marina Mittelmole open

Regattabüro | Race Office Marina Mittelmole

8.00 - 10.00

Anmeldung | Registration: Laser, Laser Radial, Laser 4.7 (only with extra fee, see NOR)

Regattabüro | Race Office Marina Mittelmole

8.00 - 17.00

Anmeldung | Registration: 2 Up & Down

Regattabüro | Race Office Marina Mittelmole

Wettervorhersage | Weather forecast (presented by Deutscher Wetterdienst, DWD)

Marina Mittelmole, Infopoint / Notice Board

ab | from 9.15

WW11-075_Programm2010_V1:Layout 1 29.06.11 17:06 Seite 5

Programm | Program

Wann | Time


Was | Event

Wo | Location

Samstag, 2. Juli 2011 | Sunday, 2nd July 2011 10.00

Trainerbriefing: Laser Europa Cup | Coach briefing: Laser Europa Cup

hanseboot Event Area


1. Ankündigung | 1 Warning signal: Warnemünde-Cup (Seebahn | Offshore)

Regattabahn CHARLY | Race Area CHARLY


1. Ankündigung | 1 Warning signal: H-Boot, Streamline

Regattabahn GOLF | Race Area GOLF

10.00 - open end


hanseboot Event Area


1. Ankündigung | 1st Warning signal: BIC TECHNO, RS:X

Regattabahn ALPHA | Race Area ALPHA


1. Ankündigung | 1st Warning signal: Laser

Regattabahn DELTA | Race Area DELTA


1. Ankündigung | 1st Warning signal: Laser Radial

Regattabahn FOXTROTT | Race Area FOXTROTT


1. Ankündigung | 1st Warning signal: Laser 4.7

Regattabahn BRAVO | Race Area BRAVO

ab | from 14.00

Frauen-Fußball WM Live | Soccer Women's World Cup Live

hanseboot Event Area

15.00 - 17.00

Happy Hour

hanseboot Event Area

ca. 17.00

hanseboot Einlaufbier | hanseboot after sail beer

hanseboot Terrasse | hanseboot terrace

ab | from 18.00

Frauen-Fußball WM Live | Soccer Women's World Cup Live

hanseboot Event Area


Siegerehrung | Prize giving ceremony: Warnemünde-Cup

hanseboot Event Area

20.00 - 24.00

Seglerparty mit DJ | Party for sailors with DJ

hanseboot Event Area

st st

(siehe Programm hanseboot Event Area | see program hanseboot Event Area)

Sonntag, 3. Juli 2011 | Saturday, 3rd July 2011 8.00 - 20.00

Regattabüro Marina Mittelmole geöffnet | Race Office Marina Mittelmole open

Regattabüro | Race Office Marina Mittelmole

8.00 - 17.00

Anmeldung | Registration: hanseboot Rund Bornholm

Regattabüro | Race Office Marina Mittelmole

ab | from 9.15

Wettervorhersage | Weather forecast (presented by Deutscher Wetterdienst, DWD)

Marina Mittelmole, Infopoint / Notice Board

10.00 - open end


hanseboot Event Area


Start: H-Boot, Streamline

Regattabahn GOLF | Race Area GOLF



Regattabahn ALPHA | Race Area ALPHA


1. Ankündigung | 1 Warning signal: 2 Up & Down

Regattabahn CHARLY | Race Area CHARLY


Start: Laser

Regattabahn DELTA | Race Area DELTA


Start: Laser Radial

Regattabahn FOXTROTT | Race Area FOXTROTT


Start: Laser 4.7

Regattabahn BRAVO | Race Area BRAVO

ab | from 14.00

Frauen-Fußball WM Live | Soccer Women's World Cup Live

hanseboot Event Area

15.00 - 17.00

Happy Hour

hanseboot Event Area

ca. 17.00

hanseboot Einlaufbier | hanseboot after sail beer

hanseboot Terrasse | hanseboot terrace


Siegerehrung | Prize giving ceremony: 2 Up & Down

hanseboot Event Area

ab | from 18.15

Frauen-Fußball WM Live | Soccer Women's World Cup Live

hanseboot Event Area

20.00 - 24.00

hanseboot Rund Bornholm Crew Party (auf Einladung) | hanseboot Rund Bornholm Crew Party (only with invitation)

hanseboot Event Area

(siehe Programm hanseboot Event Area | see program hanseboot Event Area)


Montag, 4. Juli 2011 | Monday 4th Juli 2011 8.00 - 20.00

Regattabüro Marina Mittelmole geöffnet | Race Office Marina Mittelmole open

Regattabüro | Race Office Marina Mittelmole

ab | from 9.15

Wettervorhersage | Weather forecast (presented by Deutscher Wetterdienst, DWD)

Marina Mittelmole, Infopoint / Notice Board


Skippers meeting: hanseboot Rund Bornholm

hanseboot Event Area

WW11-075_Programm2010_V1:Layout 1 29.06.11 17:06 Seite 6

Programm | Program

Wann | Time


Was | Event

Wo | Location

Montag, 4. Juli 2011 | Monday 4th Juli 2011 10.00 - open end



Wetterbriefing durch Meteorologin des Deutscher Wetterdienst | Weather forecast by meteorologist of Deutscher Wetterdienst: hanseboot Rund Bornholm

hanseboot Event Area


Start: H-Boot, Streamline

Regattabahn GOLF | Race Area GOLF



Regattabahn ALPHA | Race Area ALPHA


Start: Laser

Regattabahn DELTA | Race Area DELTA


Start: Laser Radial

Regattabahn FOXTROTT | Race Area FOXTROTT


Start: Laser 4.7

Regattabahn BRAVO | Race Area BRAVO


1. Ankündigung | 1st Warning signal: hanseboot Rund Bornholm

Regattaleitungshaus - Hafeneinfahrt | Race Committee Lodge - Port entrance


Siegerehrung | Prize giving ceremony: H-Boot, Streamline

hanseboot Event Area


Siegerehrung | Prize giving ceremony: RS:X, BIC TECHNO

OZ / NDR Medienzelt, Promenade | OZ / NDR media tent, promenade

ca. 17.00

hanseboot Einlaufbier | hanseboot after sail beer

hanseboot Terrasse | hanseboot terrace

19.30 - 21.00

Laser Europa Cup: Pasta Party (nur mit Einladung | only with invitation)

hanseboot Event Area

21.00 - 24.00

Laser Europa Cup: Disco

hanseboot Event Area

(siehe Programm hanseboot Event Area | see program hanseboot Event Area)

hanseboot Event Area

Dienstag, 5. Juli 2011 | Tuesday, 5th Juli 2011 Ankunft Seeregatta | Arrival offshore race: hanseboot Rund Bornholm

Regattaleitungshaus - Hafeneinfahrt | Race Committee Lodge - Port entrance

Regattabüro Marina Mittelmole geöffnet | Race Office Marina Mittelmole open

Regattabüro | Race Office Marina Mittelmole

ab | from 9.15

Wettervorhersage | Weather forecast (presented by Deutscher Wetterdienst, DWD)

Marina Mittelmole, Infopoint / Notice Board

10.00 - open end


hanseboot Event Area


Start: Laser

Regattabahn DELTA | Race Area DELTA


Start: Laser Radial

Regattabahn FOXTROTT | Race Area FOXTROTT


Start: Laser 4.7

Regattabahn BRAVO | Race Area BRAVO


Siegerehrung | Prize giving ceremony: Laser, Laser Radial, Laser 4.7

hanseboot Event Area

ab | from 18.15

Frauen-Fußball WM Live | Soccer Women's World Cup Live

hanseboot Event Area

ab | from 20.45

Frauen-Fußball WM Live Frankreich vs. Deutschland | Soccer Women's World Cup hanseboot Event Area Live France vs. Germany

ganztägig | all day 8.00 - 20.00

(siehe Programm hanseboot Event Area | see program hanseboot Event Area)

Mittwoch, 6. Juli 2011 | Wednesday, 6th July 2011 Ankunft Seeregatta | Arrival offshore race: hanseboot Rund Bornholm

Regattaleitungshaus - Hafeneinfahrt | Race Committee Lodge - Port entrance

8.00 - 17.00

Regattabüro Marina Mittelmole geöffnet | Race Office Marina Mittelmole open

Regattabüro | Race Office Marina Mittelmole

8.00 - 17.00

Anmeldung | Registration: Platu 25, Skippi 650

Regattabüro | Race Office Marina Mittelmole

10.00 - open end


hanseboot Event Area

ab | from 18.00

Frauen-Fußball WM Live | Soccer Women's World Cup Live

hanseboot Event Area

19.00 - 24.00

Helferabend (nur mit Einladung) | Party for Staffs (only with invitation)

hanseboot Event Area

ab | from 20.45

Frauen-Fußball WM Live | Soccer Women's World Cup Live

hanseboot Event Area

ganztägig | all day

(siehe Programm hanseboot Event Area | see program hanseboot Event Area)

WW11-075_Programm2010_V1:Layout 1 29.06.11 17:03 Seite 1

Programm | Program

Wann | Time


Was | Event

Wo | Location

Donnerstag, 7. Juli 2011 | Thursday, 7th July 2011 Ankunft Seeregatta | Arrival offshore race: hanseboot Rund Bornholm

Regattaleitungshaus - Hafeneinfahrt | Race Committee Lodge - Port entrance

8.00 - 20.00

Regattabüro Marina Mittelmole geöffnet | Race Office Marina Mittelmole open

Regattabüro | Race Office Marina Mittelmole

8.00 - 20.00

Anmeldung | Registration: 420, 505, D-One, Finn, Ixylon, OK-Dinghy, Pirat

Regattabüro | Race Office Marina Mittelmole

ab | from 9.15

Wettervorhersage | Weather forecast (presented by Deutscher Wetterdienst, DWD)

Marina Mittelmole, Infopoint / Notice Board

10.00 - 19.00

Regattabüro Marina Hohe Düne geöffnet | Race Office Marina Hohe Düne open

Regattabüro | Race Office Marina Hohe Düne

10.00 - open end


hanseboot Event Area

10.00 - 19.00

Anmeldung | Registration 2.4mR

Regattabüro | Race Office Hohe Düne


1. Ankündigung | 1st Warning signal: Platu 35, Skippi 650

Regattabahn CHARLY | Race Area CHARLY

ca. 17.00

hanseboot Einlaufbier | hanseboot after sail beer

hanseboot Terrasse | hanseboot terrace


Siegerehrung | Price giving ceremony: hanseboot Rund Bornholm

Bühne am Leuchtturm | Stage at light house

19.30 - 24.00

Meisterschaftsparty | Championship Party: Platu 25, Skippi 650

hanseboot Event Area

ganztägig | all day

(siehe Programm hanseboot Event Area | see program hanseboot Event Area)

Freitag, 8. Juli 2011 | Friday, 8th July 2011 8.00 - 20.00

Regattabüro Marina Mittelmole geöffnet | Race Office Marina Mittelmole open

Regattabüro | Race Office Marina Mittelmole

9.00 - *

Regattabüro Marina Hohe Düne geöffnet | Race Office Marina Hohe Düne open

Regattabüro | Race Office Marina Hohe Düne

*bis Ende der Protestzeit | till the end of protest time

ab | from 9.15

Wettervorhersage | Weather forecast (presented by Deutscher Wetterdienst, DWD)

Marina Mittelmole, Infopoint / Notice Board

10.00 - open end


hanseboot Event Area


1. Ankündigung | 1st Warning signal: D-One, Finn, OK-Dinghy

Regattabahn BRAVO | Race Area BRAVO


1. Ankündigung | 1 Warning signal: 420, 505

Regattabahn DELTA | Race Area DELTA


1. Ankündigung | 1 Warning signal: Ixylon, Pirat

Regattabahn FOXTROTT | Race Area FOXTROTT


Start: Platu 25, Skippi 650

Regattabahn CHARLY | Race Area CHARLY


1. Ankündigung | 1 Warning signal: 2.4mR

Regattabahn ALPHA | Race Area ALPHA

15.00 - 17.00

Happy Hour

hanseboot Event Area

ca. 17.00

hanseboot Einlaufbier | hanseboot after sail beer

hanseboot Terrasse | hanseboot terrace

bis | till 18.00

Anmeldung | Registration: Mecklenburgische Bäderregatta

Regattabüro | Race Office Marina Mittelmole

ab | from 19.00

Portparty mit Feuerwerk | Portparty with fireworks (12)

Cruise Center

19.00 - 24.00

Seglerparty mit DJ | Party for sailors with DJ

hanseboot Event Area

19.30 - 22.30

(siehe Programm hanseboot Event Area | see program hanseboot Event Area)

st st


Empfang des Oberbürgermeisters (nur mit Einladung) | Welcome of Mayor (only with invitation)



WW11-075_Programm2010_V1:Layout 1 29.06.11 17:03 Seite 2

Programm | Program

Wann | Time


Was | Event

Wo | Location

Samstag, 9. Juli 2011 | Saturday, 9th July 2011 8.00 - 20.00

Regattabüro Marina Mittelmole geöffnet | Race Office Marina Mittelmole open

Regattabüro | Race Office Marina Mittelmole

9.00 - *

Regattabüro Marina Hohe Düne geöffnet | Race Office Marina Hohe Düne open

Regattabüro | Race Office Marina Hohe Düne


1. Ankündigung Seeregatta | 1st Warning signal offshore race: Mecklenburgische Bäderregatta

Regattaleitungshaus - Hafeneinfahrt | Race Committee Lodge - Port entrance

ab | from 9.15

Wettervorhersage | Weather forecast (presented by Deutscher Wetterdienst, DWD)

Marina Mittelmole, Infopoint / Notice Board

10.00 - open end


hanseboot Event Area


Start: D-One, Finn, OK-Dinghy

Regattabahn BRAVO | Race Area BRAVO


Start: 420, 505

Regattabahn DELTA | Race Area DELTA


Start: Ixylon, Pirat

Regattabahn FOXTROTT | Race Area FOXTROTT


Start: Platu 25, Skippi 650

Regattabahn CHARLY | Race Area CHARLY


Start: 2.4mR

Regattabahn ALPHA | Race Area ALPHA

15.00 - 17.00

Happy Hour

hanseboot Event Area

ca. 17.00

hanseboot Einlaufbier | hanseboot after sail beer

hanseboot Terrasse | hanseboot terrace


Siegerehrung | Prize giving ceremony: Mecklenburgische Bäderregatta

hanseboot Event Area

ab | from 18.00

Frauen-Fußball WM Live 1B vs. 2A | Soccer Women's World Cup Live 1B vs. 2A

hanseboot Event Area

20.00 - 24.00

hanseboot Seglerparty mit DJ | hanseboot Party for sailors with DJ

hanseboot Event Area

ab | from 20.45

Frauen-Fußball WM Live 1A vs. 2B | Soccer Women's World Cup Live 1A vs. 2B

hanseboot Event Area

*bis Ende der Protestzeit | till the end of protest time

(siehe Programm hanseboot Event Area | see program hanseboot Event Area)

Sonntag, 10. Juli 2011 | Sunday, 10th July 2011 8.00 - 16.00

Regattabüro Marina Mittelmole geöffnet | Race Office Marina Mittelmole open

Regattabüro | Race Office Marina Mittelmole

9.00 - *

Regattabüro Marina Hohe Düne geöffnet | Race Office Marina Hohe Düne open

Regattabüro | Race Office Marina Hohe Düne

*bis Ende der Protestzeit | till the end of protest time

10.00 - open end


ab | from 9.15

Wettervorhersage | Weather forecast (presented by Deutscher Wetterdienst, DWD)

Marina Mittelmole, Infopoint / Notice Board


Start: D-One, Finn, OK-Dinghy

Regattabahn BRAVO | Race Area BRAVO


Start: 420, 505

Regattabahn DELTA | Race Area DELTA


Start: Ixylon, Pirat

Regattabahn FOXTROTT | Race Area FOXTROTT


Start: Platu 25, Skippi 650

Regattabahn CHARLY | Race Area CHARLY


Start: 2.4mR

Regattabahn ALPHA | Race Area ALPHA

15.00 - 17.00

Happy Hour

hanseboot Event Area


Siegerehrung | Prize giving ceremony: 420, 505, D-One, Finn, Ixylon, OK-Dinghy, Pirat, Platu 25, Skippi 650

hanseboot Event Area


Siegerehrung | Prize giving ceremony: 2.4mR

Am Kran Hohe Düne | At crane Hohe Düne

ab | from 17.30

Frauen-Fußball WM Live 1D vs. 2C | Soccer Women's World Cup Live 1D vs. 2C

hanseboot Event Area

(siehe Programm hanseboot Event Area | see program hanseboot Event Area)

hanseboot Event Area


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