February 10, 2017 | Author: Kevin Higgins | Category: N/A
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Real Estate
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Gide Loyrette Nouel Paris
Real Estate Transactions & Financing References
2010 - 2012
Real Estate References 2010-2012 Gide Loyrette Nouel
Gide Loyrette Nouel has developed finely tuned expertise and acknowledged skills in advising on legal issues concerning office, commercial, industrial, hotel and residential property. The Firm handles all stages of real estate transactions, both in France and abroad, including structuring and financing, the purchase of real property assets, real estate companies, secured real estate claims and related litigation. The Real Estate Transactions and Financing department assists clients in every aspect of such transactions, including taxation and the relevant planning regulations. The Real Estate Transactions and Financing department was created in 1971 and currently numbers some 40 lawyers, including seven partners. The Real Estate Transactions and Financing department is regularly singled out for praise by the legal press and is listed among the best law firms providing advice on real estate and construction law matters. For many years, it has been ranked as a "First Tier Real Estate Practice" by legal directories Chambers, Legal 500 and PLC Which Lawyer?. Real Estate Transactions ........................................... Page 2
Construction ............................................................... Page 6
Real Estate Financing ................................................ Page 4
Projects (Finance & Infrastructure)........................... Page 7
Real Estate Tax / OPCI ............................................... Page 4
Land and Town Planning / Urbanism........................ Page 8
Leases ......................................................................... Page 5
Real Estate Litigation ................................................. Page 8
Real Estate Transactions
"Balthazar", a 32,000 sq.m. office building located at Saint Denis (near Paris), which is fully leased out to France Télécom.
IMMOCHAN / EUROPA CITY (Ongoing) GLN Paris advises Auchan Group on the completion construction of "Europa City", a vast shopping complex cultural centre located in Gonesse (Paris region). development features over 250,000 sq. m. of stores restaurants.
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SILIC / CDC & ICADE (Ongoing) GLN Paris advises Silic on the sale by Groupama of its shareholding in Silic to CDC. PSA / HEADQUATERS (April 2012) Gide Loyrette Nouel advised PSA Peugeot Citroën on the disposal and lease-back of its headquarters, located on Avenue de la Grande Armée in Paris, to a subsidiary of Ivanhoe Cambridge. The transaction is worth EUR 245.5 million. JP MORGAN / EUROSIC ASSETS (March 2012) GLN Paris assisted JP Morgan Asset Management in acquiring two buildings from Eurosic and in financing the EUR 508 million transaction.
GLL / ATRIUM BERCY (December 2011) GLN Paris advised GLL Real Estate Partners GmbH on the acquisition from Icade of the "Atrium Bercy" building via a share deal. GLN Paris also handled the refinancing of the company. The "Atrium Bercy" building in a 11,000 sq. m. office building located in Paris (12th) and is let to the French State for use by the Ministry of Finance. SEB IMMOBILIEN / BUILDINGS (December 2011) GLN Paris advised Seb Immobilien on the sale of a portfolio of 3 buildings of offices, for a total amount of approx. EUR 300 millions. GCI & BENSON ELLIOT / OLYMPIQUE (December 2011) GLN Paris advised Générale Continentale Investissements and Benson Elliot on the transfer of the Olympique building in Paris to the Edissimo real estate investment trust, managed by Amundi.
KANAM / VENTE RETIRO ET NEO (February 2012) GLN Paris assisted KanAm in the sale of two prestigious office buildings in Paris: the Cité du Retiro complex, home to Cartier's HQ until 2019, and the Néo building.
UNION INVESTMENT / AILE SUD (December 2011) GLN Paris advised Union Investment Real Estate on the sale of its building Aile Sud, one of the buildings service as HQ for French TFI television channel in Boulogne-Billancourt, to the TFI Group. The building covers a surface area of 7,315 sq.m. over 9 floors.
MGPA / SALE OF BALTHAZAR (December 2011) GLN advised MGPA and GCI on the sale of 100% of the shares of the Malthazar SAS Company to Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations and CNP Assurances. Malthazar SAS owns
BOUYGUES IMMOBILIER / FARMAN (December 2011) GLN Paris assisted Bouygues Immobilier in the transfer of the Farman building, currently leased in its entirety to Systra. 2.
Real Estate References 2010-2012 Gide Loyrette Nouel
RREEF REAL ESTATE / SIGMA (November 2011) GLN Paris advised RREEF Real Estate on the acquisition of the Sigma building in Saint-Ouen (Paris) for the Grundsbesitz Europa open-ended fund from the Generali Group, and on the mortgage financing of this acquisition. MACSF / VIA VERDE (November 2011) GLN is advising the Mutuelle d'Assurance du Corps de Santé Français (MACSF) on the acquisition of the "Via Verde" office building in Nanterre (France) from BNP Paribas Real Estate. This development covers a surface area of 15,000 sq.m. UNION INVESTMENT / ESPACE GAYMARD (October 2011) GLN Paris advised Union Investment Real Estate France on the transfer of Marseille office building Espace Gaymard to PFO2 real estate investment trust, managed by Perial, for over Eur. 38 million. GLL BVK LOGISTIQUE / ACQUISITION (September 2011) GLN advised GLL Real Estate Partners on the acquisition from AEW Europe of a portfolio of logistics real estate properties by means of the purchase of companies comprising eight warehouses with a total surface area of 280,000 sq. m. and on the refinancing of the portfolio. The transaction is valued at EUR 177 million. HENDERSON / CREIL (September 2011) GLN Paris advised Henderson in the context of the off-plan acquisition of a commercial building covering 18,206 sq.m., located in the retail park of Creil-Saint Maximin (60), France. The building is entirely pre-let to DIY store Castorama on a 12-year contract. UNION INVESTMENT / OPCI (August 2011) GLN advised Union Investment, a German asset management company, on setting up an OPCI (French REIT) owned 80% by Union Investment and 20% by Mercialys. The Firm also advised this OPCI in its first investment with the financing and acquisition of the Pessac shopping centre (near Bordeaux) which is to undergo restructuring and enlargement work for a total of EUR 80 million.
HENDERSON / CHAUSSEE D'ANTIN (January 2011) GLN Paris advised Henderson Global Investors on the sale of a building located 62, rue de la Chaussée d'Antin (central Paris) to the British iii investments. The building has a total surface area of 2,260 sq. m. for office use with retail space on the ground floor. The transaction is valued at 19.5 million Euros. UNIBAIL / LAZARE (October 2010) GLN Paris advised Unibail-Rodamco on the acquisition from Bazar de l'Hôtel de Ville (BHV) of a retail space of 5,800 sq. m. in the Rosny 2 shopping centre in Rosny-sous-Bois (Paris area). CAPTIVA / FDR / AUTEUIL (October 2010) GLN Paris advised Captiva on the purchase of an office building from Foncière des Régions located in Paris (75016) and rented to France Télécom. STAM / TROIS FONTANOTS (October 2010) GLN Paris advised STAM Europe on the acquisition of 12,500 sq. m. of office space in Nanterre (Paris region) in the Avenue II building located rue des Trois Fontanots. The office complex underwent major renovation work before being put back on the market at the end of 2011 and represents an investment of EUR 43.4 million after completion of the works. CAPTIVA / CLICHY EQUINOXE (October 2010) GLN advised Captiva on the acquisition of the Equinox office building (25,000 sq. m.) in the Paris region from the MSREF funds. The building is leased to insurance group MMA. This is one of the most significant asset deal in the Paris region and is valued at EUR 96 million. GLL REAL ESTATE PARTNERS / SCRIBE (September 2010) GLN Paris advised GLL Real Estate Partners Gmbh on the sale of 11, rue Scribe (central Paris) to Cordea Savills. The building comprises 3,784 sq. m. of office space and the transaction is valued at EUR 48 million.
AXA RE & CDC / SIMPLON (July 2011) GLN Paris advised AXA REIM and Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations on the acquisition of six hotels from Foncière des Murs on behalf of a joint venture. The transaction is valued at EUR 140 million.
HAMMERSON / PARINOR (August 2010) GLN Paris advised Hammerson on the sale of a 51% interest in the O'Parinor shopping centre located in Aulnay-sous-Bois (Paris region) to South Korean pension funds National Pension Services (NPS). The shopping centre will be held as a joint venture with Hammerson, which will continue to manage the asset. The transaction is valued at EUR 217 million.
PSP / GROSVENOR / QUID (April 2011) GLN Paris advised PSP on the creation of a joint venture with Grosvenor and the subsequent acquisition by the joint venture of a portfolio comprising three retail complexes and a hypermarket. The portfolio, previously owned UnibailRodamco, represents a total surface area of 98,000 sq. m. and is located in Sweden (EUR 268 million).
UNION INVESTMENT / LIMOGES (July 2010) GLN Paris advised German investment fund Union Investment Real Estate on the acquisition of the Saint-Martial shopping centre in Limoges (western France) from Unibail-Rodamco. This development covers a surface area of 15,000 sq. m. and includes some 70 stores. The transaction is valued at EUR 99 million.
Real Estate References 2010-2012 Gide Loyrette Nouel
BOUYGUES IMMOBILIER / SEQUANA TOWER (July 2010) GLN Paris adviced Bouygues Immobilier on the SPA on the term sale and delivery of the Building located in Issy-lesMoulineaux (Paris area). The tower covers a surface area of 30,000 sq.m. The transaction is valued at 440 million euros. HAMMERSON / SAINT-QUENTIN (June 2010) GLN Paris advised Hammerson on the sale of a 75% interest in the Saint Quentin shopping centre located in the Paris region to Allianz, the insurer. GLN's role included the setting up of a joint venture between the parties. This was one of the largest transactions in France in 2010: 48,500 sq. m. site with over 120 brands and 10 restaurants within a perimeter of over 28,000 sq. m. with 3,200 parking spaces. The transaction is valued at EUR 176 million. KANAM / LA CROISETTE (March 2010) GLN Paris advised Kanam Grund Spezialfondsgesellschaft mbH on the acquisition from SAS Codinvest Croisette of eight stores in the "65 Croisette" shopping complex in Cannes. This complex covers 1,800 sq. m. The transaction is valued at EUR 75 million. SILIC / NANTERRE (February 2010) GLN Paris advised the Société Immobilière de Location pour l'Industrie et le Commerce (SILIC) on the acquisition from CB Richard Ellis Investors of an office building. The building covers a surface area of 14,500 sq. m. and is located at 2129, rue des Trois Fontanot in Nanterre-Préfecture (Paris area). The transaction is valued at EUR 73 million. MORGAN STANLEY / ICADE (February 2010) GLN Paris advised Morgan Stanley Real Estate Fund (MSREF) on the sale of its 94.5% interest in the share capital of Compagnie La Lucette to the Icade real estate group, and on the acquisition of a 4.5% stake in Icade. The transaction is valued at EUR 1.5 billion. UNIBAIL / PIERRE (February 2010) GLN Paris advised Unibail-Rodamco on the acquisition of the real estate company Simon Ivanhoé. The portfolio includes seven shopping centres in France and Poland. The transaction is valued at EUR 715 million. CASINO MAYLAND (January 2010) GLN Paris advised Groupe Casino i=on the transfer of two shopping centers in Central Europe to MPGA, plus call option on a third shopping center. This deal was considered as one of the most important in Poland in 2009-2010. VIVERIS REIM / CASINO (January 2010) GLN Paris advised Viveris Reim on the acquisition of a portfolio of real estate assets from the Casino Group. The portfolio included 12 average-sized local shops and two supermarkets. The transaction is valued at EUR 80 million.
Real Estate Financing BANKING GROUP / FRANCE, GERMANY, BELGIUM / ACQUISITION (Ongoing) GLN Paris advised a banking group on the issues raised by raised by the financing of the acquisition of 30 hotels buildings in France, Germany and Belgium. ICADE / MESSIDOR (Ongoing) GLN Paris advised Icade on opening up the share capital of its subsidiary Icade Santé, owning a healthcare property portfolio, to various investors. Icade's stake in the capital of said subsidiary fall from 100% to approx. 70%. BNP PI / TOURS DU PONT DE SEVRES (February 2011) GLN Paris advised BNP Paribas Real Estate on setting up a joint venture between BNP Paribas Real Estate and GE for the refurbishment and re-letting of the 80,000 sq. m. "Pont de Sèvres" towers and the financing of the operation. UNION INVESTMENT / FINANCEMENT (July 2010) GLN Paris advised German investment fund Union Investement Real Estate (UIR) in its capacity as borrower on bank lending for the acquisition of two real estate assets worth respectively EUR 180 and EUR 100 million. EPL / REFINANCING 2009 (January 2010) GLN Paris advised the EPL funds on the refinancing of a portfolio of six buildings valued at EUR 170 million.
Real Estate Tax / OPCI BNP PI - GENERAL ELECTRIC / JOINT VENTURE (Ongoing) GLN Paris advised a real estate investment company on its partnership with General Electric, the current owner of a real estate complex, on an office building project in BoulogneBillancourt (Tours du Pont de Sèvres). REAL ESTATE FUND / OPCI (Ongoing) GLN Paris advised a French banking institution on the sale and contribution to a 30%-held OPCI (in the form of a SPPICAV) of shares in an SCI which owns an office building in Marseille (France). REAL ESTATE FUND / ACQUISITION (Ongoing) GLN Paris advised a real estate fund held by institutional investors on the tax aspects of the structuring and acquisition of real estate investments located in France. SOVEREIGN STATE / HOLDING STRUCTURE (Ongoing) GLN Paris advised a Sovereign State on the reorganisation of its real estate holding structure in France. 4.
Real Estate References 2010-2012 Gide Loyrette Nouel
COFINIMMO / MAAF (December 2011) GLN Paris assisted the Cofinimmo S.A. - Foncière Atland partnership in the purchase of 285 sites in France (sales outlets and offices) from the MAAF group, for a total of EUR 107.6 million. This asset portfolio is made up of 267 sales outlets and 18 buildings for mixed use as offices or sales outlets. REAL ESTATE COMPANY / DUTY ON OFFICE PREMISES (August 2011) GLN Paris defended a real estate company before the French Administrative Supreme Court (Conseil d'Etat), charged with illegally turning computer rooms into premises used as office space and therefore liable to the duty on the creation of office premises in the Paris area. The judgement would be the first to be handed down by the Conseil d'Etat by which the twoyear statute of limitations applicable to the recovery of the duty paid since the 1982 reform would be confirmed. INDUSTRIAL GROUP / REAL ESTATE OWNERSHIP (July 2011) GLN Paris advised a large French industrial group on the incorporation of a real estate investment company destined to own the buildings in all of the group's international locations. The analysis involved comparing various structures for buildings located in the US and held by a French company. PRIVATE UNIVERSITY / REORGANISATION (May 2011) GLN Paris advised a private university, organised as a federation of organisations, on the reorganisation of its real estate assets in order for its ownership and management to be simpler and more efficient. VIVERIS-SWISSLIFE / OPCI (December 2010) GLN Paris advised SwissLife and Viveris Reim in turning an SCI ACAVI (SCI bearing life insurance policies in units) into a non-restricted OPCI. As a first-of-its-kind transaction, it required the approval of the French market authorities, of the "Autorité de contrôle prudentiel" as well as a ruling from the French tax authorities. SNCF / INVESTMENT COMPANY (August 2010) GLN Paris advised SNCF, the French national railway system, in creating a real estate investment company within its group, in defining the tax status of the company, in analysing the tax regime applicable to the sale and purchase of real estate assets as well as in drafting the real estate lease agreement granted to the company. INTERNATIONAL BANK / 3% TAX (April 2010) GLN Paris advised an international bank located in Switzerland in taking into account the French 3% tax when structuring its clients' investments in a foreign fund holding French assets.
ICADE / RESTRUCTURING REAL ESTATE ASSETS (February 2010) GLN Paris advised Icade, a real estate company on the restructuring of the assets it acquired at the time of the SIICInvest merger. DOUGHTY HANSON / ACQUISITION (January 2010) GLN Paris advised Doughty Hanson & Co Real Estate, a UK private equity fund, on the acquisition of a logistic site in Avrigny (Oise) of a global surface area of 247,000 sq.m. This site will be developed into a logistics park of over 100,000 sq.m. DOUGHTY HANSON / ACQUISITION TOULOUSE (January 2010) GLN Paris advised Doughty Hanson & Co Real Estate, a UK private equity fund, on the acquisition of a 120,000 sq.m. site on the edge of Toulouse (Haute-Garonne). Doughty Hanson will restructure the existing 18,700 sq.m. of office space and develop close to 25,000 sq.m. of additional offices, the purpose of which is to create a Business Park.
Leases UNIBAIL / OFFICES (Ongoing) GLN Paris is advising Unibail-Rodamco on the monitoring of the leases for its offices hub comprised of more than 25,000 m², distributed over more than 15 sites situated in Paris and La Défense (Paris area). E.P / LEASES (Ongoing) GLN Paris is advising Eurocommercial Properties on the negotiation, execution and monitoring of its lease agreements in France. UNIBAIL / POLE COMMERCE (Ongoing) GLN is advising Unibail-Rodamco on the management of the leases of its Retail Division. The scale of this division's business allows Unibail-Rodamco to occupy the leading position in terms of major shopping centres in France. SILIC / LEASES (Ongoing) GLN is advising Société Immobilière de Location pour l’Industrie et le Commerce (SILIC) on the negotiation and drafting of the commercial lease agreements covering property of over 120,000 sq. m. located on three different sites (Fresnes, Nanterre and Rungis - Paris region). UNIBAIL / OFFICES (Ongoing) GLN Paris is advising Unibail on the marketing of its office properties which cover in total an area of over 35,000 sq.m. spread over 15 sites located in Paris or La Défense (Paris area). AMUNDI / PASTEUR (Ongoing) GLN Paris is advising Amundi on the execution of a new lease contract in future state of completion regarding 39,000 sq.m. 5.
Real Estate References 2010-2012 Gide Loyrette Nouel
of offices located in the Pasteur Buildings near the Montparnasse Tower.
retail area to Tommy Hilfiger; this is therefore the American ready-to-wear retailer’s largest store in Europe.
BANK OF TOKYO / OFFICES (Ongoing) GLN Paris is advising Bank of Tokyo on the execution of a new lease contract with Deka Immobilien Investment GmbH regarding 1.690 sq.m. of offices located in the building "Le Centorial" in Paris.
HENDERSON / LEON JOST (September 2010) GLN Paris advised Warburg Henderson on the leasing by Webedia of 850 sq. m. of office space located 4, rue Léon Jost, Paris.
MAG / TROYES (Ongoing) GLN Paris is advising McArthurGlen on the negotiation, drafting, monitoring and renewal of lease agreements for the 100 boutiques located in its factory outlet centre in Troyes (Aube). HERON / VILLENEUVE D'ASQ (Ongoing) GLN Paris is advising Heron Corporation on the negotiation and the monitoring of its leases in the Villeneuve d'Ascq commercial and leisure centre (Paris region). The centre is developing a surface area of 41,705 m². POSTE IMMO / CASINO (october 2011) GLN Paris advised La Poste Immo on setting up a partnership with Groupe Casino for the leasing and operation of a portfolio of post office branches located throughout France. PPP / FIVES STEIN (June 2011) GLN Paris advised Huit Douze on the leasing to Fives Stein of 6,031 sq.m. of office premises in the building located 8-12 in Maisons Alfort (Paris region). SOCIETE DU GRAND PARIS / GREEN LEASE (May 2011) GLN advised the Société du Grand Paris on the "green" lease for its future headquarters at "Le Cézanne", an office complex built by the Silic real estate company at Saint-Denis (suburbs of Paris). The lease, for 2,224 sq.m. of office space in a building which aims to obtain the "NF Commercial Buildings HQE Standard", comprises a "green" annexe within the meaning of the "Grenelle II environmental law, thereby anticipating the provisions of the as yet unpublished government decree on this matter. CBREI / PENTAGONE PLAZA (January 2011) GLN Paris advised CBRE Investors on the marketing of the Pentagone Plaza building located in Clamart (Paris region). The building has 20,300 sq. m. of office space. CAPTIVA / AVISO (December 2010) GLN Paris advised Captiva Capital Partners III and Nexity on the leasing to Sony France of 8,245 sq. m. of office space in the Aviso building located at 49-51 quai de Dion Bouton, Puteaux (Paris region). The building has undergone major restoration work and special environmental quality procedures have been launched. 65-67 CHAMPS ELYSEES / LEASE (November 2010) GLN Paris advised the owner of a building located 65-67 avenue des Champs-Elysées on the leasing of a 830 sq. m.
CBREI / QUADRIUM (July 2010) GLN Paris advised CB Richard Ellis Investors on the signature of the first ever "green" lease agreement with a regional administrative body in France. The lease signed with the "Communauté d’Agglomération Est Ensemble" covers the "Quadrium Ouest" building in Romainville, with a surface area of 9,200 sq. m. The Communauté acts in the joint name of 9 towns located in the Seine-Saint-Denis department (Paris region). CBREI / COPERNIC (June 2010) GLN Paris advised CB Richard Ellis Investors on the leasing to Lavazza of 2,000 sq. m. of office space within the “Neptune” building forming part of the “Copernic II” complex located in Noisy-le-Grand (Paris region). L'OREAL / PROJET OMEGA (May 2010) GLN Paris advised L'Oréal on the negotiation and signature of a commercial lease agreement covering an office building of 15.500 sq. m. located in Saint-Ouen (Paris region). MGPA / MONTELEGER (May 2010) GLN Paris advised MGPA for the leasing to Reynolds of 12,200 sq. m. within the Logiffine logistics platform located in Montéléger, near Valence (southern France). This platform, which has a total surface area of 18,600 sq. m., is located in the “Beauvert” business park. RALPH LAUREN / SAINT GERMAIN (April 2010) GLN Paris advised Ralph Lauren on the negotiation and signature of a commercial lease agreement covering 2,150 sq. m. of retail space located 173, Boulevard Saint-Germain (Paris 6th district). The store also features the very first Ralph Lauren restaurant in Europe.
Construction DOUGHTY HANSON / VELODROME (Ongoing) GLN Paris is advising Doughty Hanson, as the investor, on negotiations with regard to the construction lease agreement for a shopping centre which forms part of the real estate aspects of the partnership agreement for the Stade Vélodrome development project in Marseille(Bouches-duRhône department). HAMMERSON / TERRASSES DU PORT (Ongoing) GLN Paris advised Hammerson on the acquisition, from ForumInvest, of the equity capital of the company which owns the "Les Terrasses du Port" project at the Grand Port Maritime 6.
Real Estate References 2010-2012 Gide Loyrette Nouel
development in Marseille GPMM and on negotiations with regard to the construction agreements for the 52,000 sq. m. shopping centre. The transaction is valued EUR 450 million. ADIA / PARLY 2 / RESTRUCTURING (Ongoing) GLN Paris advised Imfra (ADIA) on the project for the expansion and management of the Parly 2 shopping centre (Paris area). CNRS / MEUDON (Ongoing) GLN Paris assists the CNRS (French National Centre for Scientific Research) in restructuring its Meudon-Bellevue site. RIVP / BROUSSAIS (Ongoing) GLN Paris assists RIVP in restructuring Broussais hospital.. The transaction is valued at EUR 60 million. CONSTRUCTA / DOCKS DE MARSEILLE (Ongoing) GLN Paris assists Constructa in a real estate development project on the Marseille docks. BEAUGRENELLE (Ongoing) GLN is advising Beaugrenelle, a French real estate investment company (SCI), on a shopping centre construction project in the 15th district of Paris. The site is located in a dense urban environment and is close to a very large hotel and convention centre which raises delicate issues with regard to dealing with the preventive summary procedure. SILIC / MOZART (Ongoing) GLN Paris is advising leading real estate promoter Silic on the “Mozart” project currently under development in the La Défense business district (Paris region). The complex will feature 80,000 sq. m. of office space, support services premises, a hotel complex, stores and housing, with a total surface area of 120,000 sq. m, and is to replace the Défense 1 building. The value of the investment totals EUR 450 million. GCI & BENSON ELLIOT / AVA (Ongoing) GLN Paris is advising Générale Continentale Investissements and Benson Elliot on the acquisition of the rights to the land and the development of the 142-metre AVA Tower in La Défense.
EDF / LOSANGE PROJECT (December 2011) GLN Paris advised the EDF Group with regard to an invitation to tender for a partnership between a French public operator and an investor/promoter for the construction and off-plan leasing of abourt 3,000 new housing units in France. SFR / HEADQUATERS (June 2011) GLN Paris advised SFR on the acquisition of land, the construction of the buildings and the leasing by SFR for its new head office which forms part of a 150.000-m² campus, one of the largest real estate projects currently under way in the Paris area. PARK TOWER / SEGUIN (May 2011) GLN Paris advised an American joint venture between two real estate developers and the Tribeca Group (which organises the famous Tribeca movie festival in New York) on the negotiation of a memorandum of understanding with the municipality of Boulogne-Billancourt and the SAEM Val de Seine, a public-private company, with a view to developing a major real estate programme on Ile Seguin (suburbs of Paris). BOUYGUES IMMOBILIER / EFB (March 2011) GLN Paris advised Bouygues Immobilier on the negotiations for the development contract entered into with the Paris Bar School (EFB) for the construction of the new EFB premises. COGEDIM / POMONA (July 2010) GLN Paris advised Cogedim on the sale to Pomona of building land located in Antony (Paris region) and on the construction on this site of a real estate complex comprising 13,425 sq. m. of office space, as Pomona’s future headquarters.
Projects (Finance & Infrastructure) GE ENERGY / PARTENARIAT EDF (December 2011) GLN Paris advised GE Energy on the signature of a strategic partnership with EDF for the joint development of the first power plant using GE Energy's innovative FlexEfficiency technology.
MAG / DOUAINS (Ongoing) GLN Paris GLN Paris is advising MacArthurGlen on the development of a shopping mall in the Normandy area, on zoning and construction issues, as well as corporate and tax issues for setting up a joint-venture SPV created to run the operation. CATALYST / CLICHY (December 2011) GLN Paris advised the SCI Clichy Leclerc on the drafting of construction contracts for the refurbishment of its property, the Front de Parc building, of contracts regarding the building's management, the company catering and AFUL (independent property management association), and of contracts for the marketing of the building. 7.
Real Estate References 2010-2012 Gide Loyrette Nouel
Land and Town Planning / Urbanism SILIC / COULEE VERTE (Ongoing) GLN Paris is advising real estate developer Silic on the reorganisation of the tertiary services business park in OrlyRungis (Paris region). The 396,000 sq. m. complex needs to undergo environmental development in order to qualify for sustainable development status, notably via the construction of buildings with the "HQE" sustainability certification. BOUYGUES IMMOBILIER / ISSY GRID (January 2012) GLN Paris advised Alstom Grid, Bouygues Immobilier, Bouygues Telecom, ERDF, ETDE, Schneider Electric, Steria and Total Energie Développement on the setting up of consortium Issy-Grid, thereby bringing together all the strategic and technological skills required for the implementation of the smart grid project. EDF / PLATEAU DE SACLAY (December 2011) GLN Paris is advising EDF on the project to set up an R&D centre at the Saclay Plateau development zone (Paris area). BOUYGUES IMMOBILIER / LYON CONFLUENCE (December 2011) GLN Paris assisted Bouygues Immobilier on real estate development aspects within the context of its partnership with the consortium led by Toshiba for the implementation of a first "smart network for energy" demonstration site in Europe in the Lyon Confluence quarter.
REAL ESTATE GROUP / 3% TAX (Ongoing) GLN Paris is advising an international real estate group whose ultimate shareholders are located in Kuwait on the French 3% tax formalities and related tax disputes. REAL ESTATE / 3% TAX, LITIGATION (Ongoing) GLN Paris is advising a company incorporated in Liechtenstein which had paid the French 3% tax (art. 990D et seq. of the General Tax Code) on a building owned in France but whose reported tax basis was challenged.
Gide Loyrette Nouel Association d'avocats à responsabilité professionnelle individuelle 22, cours Albert 1er 75008 Paris - France Tél. +33 (0)1 40 75 60 00 Fax +33 (0)1 43 59 37 79 www.gide.com Real Estate Transactions & Financing Contact Partners Frédéric Nouel
[email protected] Stanislas Dwernicki
[email protected]
Real Estate Litigation GE / MORY (Ongoing) GLN Paris is advising General Electric on the buying up of the MORY Group, which is currently in bankruptcy proceedings, and on negotiations regarding the future of the logistics platforms used by the Mory Group. LOGISTIC PLATFORM (Ongoing) GLN Paris is advising a major industrial group in the prelitigation and litigation proceedings following the collapse of part of the roof of a logistics centre operated by a subsidiary of the group. Assistance with handling the case (discussions with the landlord, constructor and insurances companies) and with drafting the amendments necessary with regard to restarting and continuing operations at the centre in degraded mode.
Eric Martin-Impératori
[email protected] Renaud Baguenault
[email protected] Erwan Le Douce-Bercot
[email protected] Bertrand Oldra
[email protected] Christopher Szostak
[email protected]
REAL ESTATE COMPANY / DUTY FOR THE CREATION OF OFFICES IN THE PARIS AREA (Ongoing) GLN Paris is advising one of the most important European real estate companies in its claim against the payment of the duty for the creation of offices in the Paris area with regard to a landmark building.