July 17, 2016 | Author: Barnard Lamb | Category: N/A
Passport to Adventure
Industry Trend Report 2010
ed by: Support
Section 1 – The Market Section 2 – The Facts Section 3 – The Trends Section 4 – Our Predictions Section 5 – What is our Response?
Background to the report
The purpose of this report is to provide an analysis of current and future trends in the UK adventure travel market. The report has been commissioned by The Adventure Company, Exodus, Imaginative Traveller, Peregrine Adventures, Geckos, Quark Expeditions and Headwater, referred to in this report as “The Adventure Companies†”. Sources include YouGov market research*, tour operator booking figures, tourist office figures and Google search trend reports. Please note – there is no firm consensus over the definition of the term ‘Adventure Travel’ and for the purpose of this report it is used to cover a wide range of market sectors including small group cultural and discovery trips, nature and wildlife holidays, walking, cycling tours , trekking, long distance overland journeys, ‘adrenaline’ experiences and polar expeditions. The UK outbound market is conservatively estimated at a minimum of 400,000 passengers a year, with Tour Operators carrying approximately 50% of the market. The figures quoted cannot be taken as absolute but, because of the breadth of sources used, are believed to be as balanced and realistic as possible.
†The Adventure Companies are wholly owned subsidiaries of TUI Travel PLC *YouGov research 29 Sept-1 Oct 2009
What makes an Adventure Holiday?
Usually ‘Off the Beaten Track’ with some degree of Physical Activity The types of holiday
• Discovery & Special Interest Usually smaller groups, or ‘bespoke’ itineraries
Iconic site tours - Cultural ‘discovery’ tours - Wildlife Walking & Trekking - Cycling - Active winter holidays (not downhill skiing) ‘Mind, body & spirit’
• Active Adventure Usually small groups. Trips typically more difficult for DIY customers to replicate
The Market
Broadly, the market can be split into seven overlapping sub groups. Brands can be positioned within the market dependent on the nature of their tours ranging from remote active adventures to relaxed activity in more mainstream destinations. For the purposes of this report we exclude what could be called ‘Premium Escorted Worldwide Travel’, ranging from the larger groups who travel with the likes of Bales Worldwide or Titan HiTours, to luxury tailormade itineraries offered by companies like Audley Travel and Cox & Kings.
• Discovery
• Mountaineering
• Walking & Cycling
• Adrenalin & Mulit Activity
• Overlanding
• Polar
• Trekking
The Major Players
The UK outbound tour operator market is conservatively valued at £180 million per annum. • The Adventure Companies are the UK market leaders representing a combined market share of 33%. • Explore is the other leading operator in the UK market, and Ramblers are big players in the walking market. • The remainder of the market is very fragmented with many niche specialists.
Market worth £180 million per year
The Adventure Companies
Exodus Travels has been operating since 1974 and is the UK’s original adventure and activity holiday company. They offer walking, cycling, winter activities, photographic and wildlife holidays in over 90 countries across Europe, Africa, Asia, the Americas, Oceania and the Polar regions. Exodus has a broad appeal, from experienced travellers looking for more active and demanding trips, through to those who want to enjoy a more leisurely off the beaten track experience. Exodus was recently Highly Commended in the ‘Small Tour Operator of the Year’ category of the British Travel Awards 2009. www.exodus.co.uk The Adventure Company has been creating award winning trips for over a decade. Their tour groups are kept small and adventure trips are suitable for all, from families with children to seasoned travellers. This accessibility makes The Adventure Company stand out from the crowd; offering the most comprehensive range of dedicated family holidays and their ‘Collection’ trips are great for those wishing to dip their toe into the world of adventure, without sacrificing comfort levels. www.adventurecompany.co.uk Imaginative Traveller has been offering worldwide small group tours and treks for almost 20 years. Their aim has always been to provide exceptional ‘under the skin’ travel experiences and taking clients to the heart of a destination; getting off the tourist trail, meeting the locals and spending time with them in their own environment. www.imaginative-traveller.com Celebrating its 25th anniversary this year Headwater offers walking, cycling and canoeing holidays, mainly in Europe plus selected worldwide destinations. Most holidays are independent walking and cycling from hotel to hotel, with some guided walking departures. A Headwater trip offers relaxed activity by day; high quality accommodation by night; unique interest-packed itineraries; gourmet meals and flexible travel arrangements. www.headwater.com Since 1991, Quark Expeditions has specialised in polar expeditions aboard vessels purpose-built for high latitude sailing. As the leader in polar expedition travel they offer unparalleled technical expertise, leadership and passion for polar adventure. Quark polar expeditions span both the Arctic and Antarctic regions; with the largest and most diverse fleet of passenger vessels in both regions. www.quarkexpeditions.com Peregrine’s first steps in the world of adventure were taken in Nepal in 1977, and now has grown to offer adventures to over 60 countries worldwide. ‘Adventure’ encapsulates the core of what Peregrine offers within a framework of ecologically sound small group travel options. A range of different itineraries are available to suit the first timer to the most experienced adventure traveller. www.peregrineadventures.com Grassroots adventures and amazing prices are the hallmarks of a Gecko’s adventure. Gecko’s is aimed at younger travellers who prefer a fun; independent; convenient and responsible way to travel. Local tour leaders are employed to give customers an authentic, under the skin travel experience in a small group trip environment. www.geckosadventures.com 7
Solid Foundations Solid Foundations Solid Foundations • According to our YouGov survey 3 in 4 adults claim to have taken some type of activity holiday in past 3 years. The UK outbound tour operator for adventure travel is currently overof200,000 a year • • According to our YouGov survey 3market in 4 adults claim to have taken some type activitypassengers holiday in past •3• years. According to has the shown YouGovstrong surveygrowth 3 in 4 adults claim to have type of activity holiday in excess the The market characteristics up totaken 2008,some with an average growth rate in past three years. tour operator market for adventure travel is currently over 200,000 passengers a year 10% • of The UKper outbound year. •• The UK outbound tour operator marketcharacteristics for adventureup travel is currently 200,000 passengers a year The market has shown strong growth to 2008, with anover average growth rate in excess of 10% per • The market has shown strong growth characteristics up to 2008, with an average growth rate in excess year. of 10% per year.
passenger numbers
Passenger Trends 2004 -2009
200 4
200 5
200 6
200 7
200 8
200 9
[Source: TUI tour operator booking stats]
[Source: The Adventure Companies’ booking stats]
[Source: TUI tour operator booking stats]
• Since 2006, average spend per passenger has grown by 21% from £987 to £1198. Unique visitors to our adventure companies’ websites every year since 2006, • • Since 2006, average spend per passenger has grown byhave 21% doubled from £987 to £1198. growing to a forecasted 50 million unique visitors during 2010. Since 2006, average per passenger haswebsites grown byhave 21%doubled from £987 to £1198. •• Unique visitors to Thespend Adventure Companies’ every year since 2006, growing to Online bookings have increased by 54% in the same period. • •aUnique visitors to our adventure companies’ websites have doubled every year since 2006, forecasted 50 million unique visitors during 2010. growing to a forecasted 50 million unique visitors during 2010. • Online bookings have increased by 54% in the same period.
web unique visitors
Web visit trends
2009 forecast
[Source: Omniture unique visitor report 2006-2009 for The Adventure Companies’ websites] [Source: Omniture unique visitor report 2006-2009] [Source: Omniture unique visitor report 2006-2009]
How did the credit crunch affect the market?
Adventure Travel was affected by the global economic slowdown with a reduction in consumer spending over the last 18 months. This is a function of the relatively high cost of this type of holiday and the aspirational nature of many of the journeys. In 2009, passenger numbers and revenues were down on the previous year across the market. The nature of adventure travel, however, attracts committed enthusiasts who are now coming back for more, as evidenced by much stronger early bookings for 2010 departures. The recessionary environment has created demand for • Value driven destinations • Non Eurozone destinations, Turkey (+40% year on year), Poland and Slovakia • Mid haul growth in Egypt, Jordan, and Morocco (+80% year on year) • Longhaul growth in Cambodia, Nepal, India (+40% year on year) and Kenya • More content and memorable experiences from holidays • From our research 80% of activity holiday consumers cite their holiday as memorable (vs only 54% average for all holiday types)* • Returning back to the list of ‘must dos’ • Clients who delayed their ‘once in a lifetime’ list of iconic destinations are now back in earnest; in demand destinations include Kilimanjaro, The Inca Trail, Everest Base Camp, India’s Golden Triangle, and Cambodia’s Angkor Wat.
*YouGov research 29 Sept-1 Oct 2009
A Growth Sector
• The YouGov survey shows a predicted 70% increase in participation in adventure travel over the next 3 years*. Based on our survey responses, compared to the previous three years, • Participation in either Activity Holidays or ‘Off the Beaten Track’ Holidays or Special Interest Holidays to nearly DOUBLE over the next three years • Similarly, participation in either an Adventure holiday or Eco friendly/Ethical holiday or ‘Discovery’ holiday is predicted to TREBLE over the next three years • Small Group travel is forecast to increase to nearly eight million adults over the next three years.* Although this includes all small group travel types, it is strongly indicative of the popularity and acceptance of holidaying with like minded travellers. • The Adventure Companies’ own brand data shows an increased interest and confidence from consumers’ booking patterns: in December 2009 forward bookings for 2010 are trending solidly ahead year on year for the same period. Customers have ‘bucket lists’ of ‘do-before-you-die’ iconic trips, and although stalled for a year, they are now back with gusto.
*YouGov research 29 Sept-1 Oct 2009
A Growth Sector
From the YouGov survey commissioned in late 2009, the respondents were asked: “Which, if any, of the following types of holidays, where these activities are the main focus, do you think you might be interested in trying in the next three years?” The respondent sample size of just over 2000 adults, was extrapolated to a verified UK population size clearly indicating the past and future travel intentions of the sample.
Who are our future customers?
Future demand will increase in the following demographic groups* • single professionals, particularly females • affluent active families • inquisitive 50+ males and females The Office of National Statistics predicts the above average growth in the following demographic groups to 2033. • 7% growth to 30.6m adults in 16-49 age group • 19% growth to 16.3 m adults in 50-69 age group • A steadily increasing birth rate from mid 2003 onwards will broaden the age base, creating increased demand for family holidays.
How to interpret the graph: The graph shows gender and age in 2008 and 2033. The inner shaded area represents the UK population in 2008, and the outline line shows the predicted population growth to 2033.
Typical customer profile • Confident, well travelled consumers who want something more than the sun, sea, and sand experience • Demanding an authentic, ‘off the beaten track’ experience that they can’t find in guide books • Geographically and environmentally aware • Active (from walkers to full blown mountaineers)
*YouGov research 29 Sept-1 Oct 2009
What consumer trends are emerging?
61% of those who have taken a small group adventure holiday will take another one.* Why? • Benefits of small group travel • Meeting like minded people • “in our Exodus group there were people in their 70s and people in their 20s and somehow we all got on, it’s got something to do with the type of people”. Mr George, London, Exodus client • Sharing an experience • “it tends to be at the end of the trip that everyone wants contacts – so you can email your photos and experiences...” Mrs Ring, Hampshire, Imaginative Traveller client • Acceptable and safe solo travel, particularly females in off the beaten track destinations • “Cycling in Menorca was a great way of meeting like minded people out to enjoy an active social holiday in extremely safe, pleasant and comfortable surroundings” Mrs Pinkey, East Sussex, Headwater client • “I was travelling alone, but was made to feel extremely welcome, safe and part of the group at all times” Mrs Calder, Headwater client • Online networking before and after travel • Social media networking is increasingly important with customer generated Facebook pages and Twitter campaigns • Our brands’ own online communities have over 30,000 active members regularly blogging, sharing photos and discussing upcoming trips
*YouGov research 29 Sept-1 Oct 2009
What consumer trends are emerging?
SUSTAINABILITY Demand for ethical and environmentally sensitive travel is predicted to quadruple over the next three years*. Consumers are attracted by the adventure travel industry’s commitment to responsible and ethical travel. • People’s concern about the world around them is being reflected in their choice of travel experience. People no longer want just to ‘give’, they want to ‘do’ as well. • “We had countless opportunities to interact with the locals. We often stopped on the road and Benard would buy fresh produce directly from the farmer’s roadside. We also had multiple opportunities to visit orphanages and villages. We donated a plethora of goods to the local communities.!”. Mr Headly, The Adventure Company customer • “Each day brought a new adventure - a wonderful holiday! All local produce was used for our meals which were prepared by local people and local guides were used at all times. Care of the environment was encouraged in order to minimise the impact of our visit together with education about maintaining the delicate environmental balance especially at the eco lodge. Just the most fantastic time - a wonderful balance of nature, truly exhilerating physical activity and fun!” Mr Iris, Nottingham, Exodus client • Charity donations across our brands had grown every year until the recession, and during this period remained stable at approximately £150,000 in donations per year allowing our brands to lead many sustainable development projects worldwide, for example: • Headwater’s support for Bike Aid for Africa recycling project (www.recycle.org): in 2009 this led to 126 bikes being donated by clients and members of the public, and these have now been sent to Africa. • The Adventure Company’s Foundation supports over 13 projects worldwide giving financial aid and development opportunities for children and young adults from Bihn Luc’s Children’s Centre in Vietnam to the Arusha’s Childrens Trust in Tanzania and the Trisuli Young Leaders Club in Nepal. For more information on any of these projects please visit www. adventurecompany.co.uk/rt-in-action.aspx • Exodus’ initiative to supply and install solar cookers, on both key trekking routes and more remote villages directly reduces the carbon footprint of trekkers as well as local communities. The solar cookers are sourced from Kathmandu, and 30 working cookers have now been installed in the region offering potential environmental and economic savings of: Total annual wood saving = 41,190 kgs Total annual Kerosene saving = 6,900 litres Total annual economic saving for communities = £15,060
*YouGov research 29 Sept-1 Oct 2009
What consumer trends are emerging?
DECLINE IN SELF PACKAGING 5% more consumers will choose tour operators for adventure travel in the next three years because • Customers don’t have the time or inclination to organise trips themselves with ease of booking through tour operators cited as being the most important factor • “you want to go to a place like Cambodia or Vietnam and you want to see as much as you can in a relatively short space of time – they’re experienced, they know where to take you and how long is appropriate in each place” Mr Baldwin, London, Imaginative Traveller client. • From our research we know that of those booking through a tour operator in the next three years there will be • a 30% increase in the importance of Comfort*; growing demand for active days and comfortable nights • a 40% increase in the importance of the Security offered by a bonded tour operator* • a 40% increase in the importance of Destination Knowledge*
*YouGov research 29 Sept-1 Oct 2009
What consumer trends are emerging?
GENUINE TRAVEL EXPERIENCES Demand for ‘Off the beaten track’ holidays to double in next three years* • Experienced locally employed guides are more valued than ever with demand predicted to grow by 40% in next three years* • “one of the other things that has impressed me is that they tend to use local guides and they are good and well qualified and well committed to their work” Mr Jones, Devon, The Adventure Company customer • “I thoroughly enjoyed this trip thanks in a large part to our guide Sameer whose enthusiasm, thoughtfulness and obvious deep love of all things to do with his country turned a normal tourist trip into a most rewarding experience”. Ms Hancox, Surrey, Imaginative Traveller customer • Demand for ‘under the skin’ authentic travel experiences that cannot be attained through guidebooks • “One of the most interesting and varied trips we’ve ever done, not least due to the two main local guides, who were excellent. Their knowledge, enthusiasm and commitment was outstanding. The guide in Cambodia, Kumphak Sun, made the long road journey from Phnom Penh to Siem Reap something to be remembered. Each time we stopped he found some delicacy from tamarinds, local sugar) not to mention giving us a short, illustrated history of Cambodia’s changing flags and demonstrating how to fold a lotus flower, as all Cambodian children learn to do! This is the sort of information that you can’t get from guidebooks and it’s something that makes a trip special.” Mr & Mrs Hampshire, Exodus client
• Greater awareness of adventure travel experiences and destinations due to factual television coverage, eg Long Way Round, Around the World in 80 Days, Michael Palin’s Pole to Pole, and Comic Relief celebrities climbing Kilimanjaro • Our adventure companies have seen an unprecedented rise in demand with booking levels for Kilimanjaro trips up 400% for 2010 departures
*YouGov research 29 Sept-1 Oct 2009
What consumer trends are emerging?
What are families looking for from an adventure holiday? • Multi activity • “The activities were brilliant, never a dull moment was had - lots of kayaking which was our favourite, along with cycling and walking. The guides making sure the whole time that nobody was being left behind and we all stuck together as a group for the whole week.” Family Jones, client of The Adventure Company • Being with other children • “We booked on the single parent departure date, which was great as everyone was in the same boat. Everyone got on really well together, even though there was an age range of between 8 and 16, the kids all hit it off straight away.” Family Garvie, client of The Adventure Company • Multi generational experiences - something for everyone in the family • Adults and children alike enjoyed the camping aspect of the trip as this gave the chance for everybody to relax and the kids the freedom to explore and play amongst their desert surroundings.” Family Coughlan, client of The Adventure Company • Cultural experience - encounters with real people • “The jeep safari through Wadi Rum was amazing. For four hours we did not see another soul save for the Bedouins who served us tea and made friends with the children.” Family Murray, client of The Adventure Company
Key Destinations growing the market
‘Off the beaten track’ and Small Group Holidays are amongst those with widest customer appeal. In addition, Small Group Holidays also have the highest propensity for repeat purchase, 61% of consumers, according to the YouGov panel. Although we are expecting a general increase in demand to many countries, here are a few destinations that stand out from the crowd.
Key Destinations growing the market Nepal
With Nepal becoming more accessible, thanks to greater political stability and fewer travel restrictions, a potential six fold increase in travel from the UK has been identified in the next three years from the YouGov survey. • Coverage of Ranulph Fiennes Everest Ascent and the “Joanna Lumley” effect have increased awareness • “We have seen an unprecedented doubling of demand for high altitude, challenging treks like The High Passes of Everest trip reflecting our customers’ desire to go further and experience more than ever before.” Pete Burrell, MD, Exodus
international visitor numbers
Nepal Visitor Stats
[source: UNTWO Tourism Highlight Report 2005 and 2009 editions]
Key Destinations growing the market Egypt and The Middle East
Egypt and The Middle East will see significant growth in the next three years in adventure and discovery type holidays. The potential growth of 63% identified from our YouGov survey is being driven by: • • • •
Favourable exchange rates Off the beaten track adventures Relatively short flight times Appeals to families and first time adventure travellers • “Egypt is a continual success story for The Adventure Company, and especially so with our family adventures; short flight times, a family friendly culture and a great combination of adventurous activities and sights combined with good quality facilities gives it an edge over other destinations.” Claire Wilson, MD, The Adventure Company • “Many of our customers are looking for genuine ‘under the skin’ travel experiences combined with easy accessibility and Egypt has it all. At Imaginative Traveller we seek to explore the unseen Egypt, and even when visiting known sites like the Pyramids we will go at dawn to have that unique, once in a lifetime experience” Roy Myhill, GM, Imaginative Traveller
international visitor numbers
Egypt Visitor Stats 14000 12000 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 2003
[source: UNTWO Tourism Highlight Report 2005 and 2009 editions]
Key Destinations growing the market Polar Regions
The Polar Regions show very strong growth potential for the next three years with the YouGov research indicating a three fold increase in Polar expeditions. • Due to the relatively high cost of polar expeditions the demographic groups driving UK growth are the Affluent Singles and 50+ Empty nesters, with higher-than-average disposable incomes • We have seen steady growth in customer interest and bookings over the last three years with 100% growth in our Polar bookings from 2006-2009 • “Polar expeditions are a fantastic addition to our product and our customers are showing strong interest with a 72% growth in bookings for 2010 departures.” Pete Burrell, MD Exodus • Customers are actively seeking the ‘once in a lifetime’ experience offered by Polar expeditions • “Everywhere you look the vista is more awesome than the last – incredible. Thank you to the entire crew and staff for a momentous time in Antarctica.” Margaret G., Italy, Clipper Adventurer expedition. Quark customer • “The Quark team and the ship’s crew were nothing short of amazing….. from the ship’s captain, who was sensitive enough to realize that this was a group of people particularly interested in the immense beauty that is Antarctica (he got us out of bed at 4AM one morning because the light was divine. It allowed all of us to shoot a most amazing sunrise), to Brandon, who bent over backwards to take us to places that, even he had never been to, in hopes of digging as deep as he could to satisfy our desires. He was congenial, organized with a true passion for the place and the capacity to convey it to us in a compelling manner. That is to say nothing of the military-like precision with which the expedition was carried out… the team went to great lengths to make sure that we saw as much as we could see and that we had maximum opportunity for extended zodiac landings in particularly picturesque spots…….completely indescribable.” Cheryl D, USA, Ocean Nova expedition. Quark customer
What is is our our response? response? What What is our response? Following a decade of rapid growth in customer interest and demand for ‘Adventure’ and ‘Off the beaten Following a decade of rapid growth in customer interest and demand for ‘Adventure’ and ‘Off the beaten track’ travel our group of ‘Adventure’ companies continually seek to gain feedback from customers, via Following decade ofof rapid growth in customercontinually interest andseek demand forfeedback ‘Adventure’ and ‘Off the beaten track’ travelaour group ‘Adventure’ companies to gain from customers, via our own end of trip questionnaires, and from the market, using YouGov and other market indicators, in track’ travel group of ‘Adventure’and companies seek to gainand feedback from customers, our own endour of trip questionnaires, from thecontinually market, using YouGov other market indicators,via in our order to predict and satisfy future customer interests and demand. From our customers we know that own end of trip and questionnaires, from the market,and using YouGovFrom and other market indicators, order order to predict satisfy futureand customer interests demand. our customers we know in that they want to go further and experience more than ever before so our collective response to this demand to predict and future customer interests andever demand. our customers we know thatdemand they they want to gosatisfy further and experience more than beforeFrom so our collective response to this is iswant to go further and experience more than ever before so our collective response to this demand is COMMUNICATION COMMUNICATION • Communicating differently; our customers are naturally inquisitive and have adapted to the new COMMUNICATION • Communicating differently; our customers are naturally inquisitive and have adapted to the new world of world of • social media with ease.differently; We go to them and communicate withinquisitive them in their world with • Communicating our customers are naturally andonline have adapted to the new • social media with ease. We go to them and communicate with them in their online world with world of social media with ease. We communicate in their online world via
Facebook accounts and fan clubs
Live chat and forums on brand websites
• Better information; online technology and development give customers a virtual ‘try before you buy’ • Better information; online technology and development give customers a virtual ‘try before you buy’ experience with experience • Betterwith information; online technology and development give customers a virtual ‘try before you buy’ experience with
Trekking routes with Google Earth
Customer testimonials and photos
What is our response?
INNOVATION Content Evolution: Sometimes it’s just the little tweaks that make a trip perfect, so by listening to our customer feedback we can continually adjust and improve our product. Key changes in 2010 include • Better accommodation standards are now offered by The Adventure Companies in response to customer demand for activity during the day, but more comfortable nights • Headwater leads the way in offering superior levels of comfort with 95% of hotels offered being 3*+ • The Adventure Company’s Collection offers the perfect balance between adventure and comfort in some of the world’s most amazing locations including; heritage properties in India, safari lodges in Africa, and colonial hotels in Latin America • Single parent departures introduced by The Adventure Company to Kenya, Cuba, Egypt, The Pyrenees and Turkey • Hands on Adventure introduced by The Adventure Company enabling customers to spend two or three days directly involved in community based or conservation projects around the globe as part of a longer holiday. Experiences include tracking bears and wolves in the Tatras Mountains, to spending time in a remote village in a tsunami-affected region of southern Thailand. • Private group departures facilitated by Exodus on most of their worldwide tours enabling a group of six or more friends or family members to have a unique experience together.
What is our response?
Product Innovation: A decade of relative geo-political stability, increased media coverage and a general easing of travel restrictions has widened customers’ view of the world, so we are responding to their demands by developing tours that go further and deeper into previously little-explored countries and continents including Central Asia • The Adventure Company’s Kyrgyzstan Tien Shan Horse Trek brings customers by horse-back to discover the untouched world of Kyrgyz shepherds, their yurt homes, through the Tien Shan mountains • Uzbekistan, offered by Exodus and The Adventure Company; The Jewels of Uzbekistan tour brings customers along the Silk Road through the ancient muslim city of Tashkent, to the ruins of Ayaz Qala and through the desert of Kyzyi-Kum. Iran • Exodus’ Mount Damavand Ascent offers a tough, but rewarding climb overlooking the southern shores of the Caspian Sea. Polar regions • Direct flight packages to Antarctic from 2010, saving travel time and avoiding the dubious pleasures of The Drake Passage • Quark Expeditions will be the first expedition cruise company to offer camping in Svalbard, in response to increasing demand for active adventures in the Polar regions. Zimbabwe • Exodus’ Southern Africa Game Parks tour visits southern Zimbabwe’s Matobo and Hwange National Parks to view large populations of the Black and White rhino as well as the Black Eagle. Kamchatka, Russia • Exodus’ Kamchatka Wilderness Trek will bring customers to one of the world’s most remote areas and some of the most active volcanoes, in a breath taking wilderness on the Pacific ‘Ring of Fire’. Colombia • Imaginative Traveller’s new Colours of Colombia tour explores colonial gems such as Villa de Leyva and the ancient walled city of Cartagena as well as the Tayrona National Park, and the cosmopolitan capital of Bogota. The alternative South Africa • Headwaters’ Drakensberg and Zululand walking tour offers a welcome escape for those not interested only in football when visiting ‘South Africa in 2010’.
What is our response?
SUSTAINABILITY Sustainable and responsible travel is at the heart of each of the The Adventure Companies in everything they do from product development to marketing. TUI Travel’s sustainability policy (www.tuitravelplc.com) has four main pillars and each brands works within these areas to ensure that our staff and customers respect the destinations they visit and that our presence gives a lasting benefit to the communities there. Many of our customers have a natural desire to ‘give something back’ so we strive to develop products and initiatives to develop sustainable tourism projects in every corner of the earth we operate. Carbon Management Reduce the amount of carbon dioxide emitted by our operations – focusing on the most carbon-intensive – and where possible, replace our existing energy supplies with those containing less carbon. Destinations Achieve measurable improvements to local livelihoods and environmental protection in key destinations, ensuring our suppliers adhere to sustainability principles. Our Colleagues Support our businesses in engaging their people in sustainable development issues, through internal communications and learning & development plans. Our Customers Drive demand for sustainable holidays by ensuring our businesses are leading their markets in sustainability communications and avoiding ‘greenwash’. “I am proud to work with a collection of some of the most ethical adventure travel companies in the UK. Collectively we share the vision to make travel experiences special by providing adventure holidays with minimal environmental impact, which respect the culture and people of our destinations, and offer real economic benefit to local communities. The potential market demand for adventure holidays, as demonstrated in this report, is phenomenal, but we are acutely aware that customer demand must be balanced with sustainability. Working together with our local suppliers we are confident that we can lead the way in delivering economic benefits to the areas we visit while satisfying customer demand.” Colin Stump, Managing Director, TUI Travel Adventure Brands
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For more more information information on on this this report report or or any any media media enquiries enquiries please please contact contact For Lynsey Devon Lynsey Devon PR Manager PR Manager, 0208 9398708Activity 020 8939 8708
[email protected] [email protected] Lucy Flew PR Executive Suzanne Seyghal (from 18 January 2010) 0208 xxxxxxxx PR Manager, Adventure Lucy.fl
[email protected] [email protected] FOUR Communications Natalie Amos 0207 xxxx Natalie @xxxx
Lucy Flew PR Executive 020 8939 5267
[email protected] FOUR Communications (Exodus PR) Natalie Amos 0870 626 9908
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