List of participants

September 24, 2016 | Author: Rafael Ramírez Gómez | Category: N/A
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UNITED NATIONS Distr. GENERAL FCCC/CP/2004/INF.3 17 December 2004 ENGLISH/FRENCH/SPANISH ONLY CONFERENCE OF THE PARTIES Tenth session Buenos Aires, 6–17 December 2004

List of participants The attached list of participants attending the tenth session of the Conference of the Parties, as well as the twenty-first sessions of the subsidiary bodies, has been prepared on the basis of information received by the secretariat as at Wednesday, 15 December 2004.


FCCC/CP/2004/INF.3 Page 2

Participation statistics

Parties Observer States

States/Organizations 167

Registered participants 2210



Total Parties + Observer States



United Nations Secretariat units and related bodies Specialized agencies and related organizations Intergovernmental organizations Non-governmental organizations

11 10 25 226

73 90 96 2888

Total observer organizations








FCCC/CP/2004/INF.3 Page 3

Parties Albania Ms. Ermira FIDA National Coordinator for Climate Change Climate Change Unit Ministry of Environment

Algeria S.E. M. Chérif RAHMANI Ministre de l' aménagement du territoire et de l' environnement S.E. M. Ahcene BOUKHALFA Ambassadeur Mission diplomatique de la République algérienne démocratique et populaire en Argelia M. Sid Ali RAMDANE Inspecteur central Ministère de l' aménagement du territoire et de l' environnement M. Kamel DJEMOUI Ministère de l' aménagement du territoire et de l' environnement Mme Salima ABDELHAK Chef de bureau Changements climatiques et désertification Ministère des affaires étrangères M. Madjid AIT ALLAK Sous-directeur de l'énergie et des mines Mme Fouzia ZOVANI Ministère de l'énergie et des mines Mme Fatiha NEFFAH SONATRACH M. Redouane HADDADJI SONATRACH M. Abdellah NEDJAHI Directeur Institut national de la recherche forestière Ministère de l'agriculture et du développement rural M. Badaoui ZEDDIGUA Sous-directeur Ministère des transports M. Mohamed SAID TRISSA Diplomat Mission diplomatique de la République algérienne démocratique et populaire en Argelia

M. Arab AHMED Mission diplomatique de la République algérienne démocratique et populaire en Argentine

Argentina S.E. Sr. Ginés GONZÁLEZ GARCÍA Ministro de Salud y Ambiente (President of the COP)

Angola H.E. Mr. Diekumpuna Sita JOSE Minister of Urban Affairs and Environment

Sr. Atilio Armando SAVINO Secretario de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sustentable

H.E. Mr. Fernando DITO Ambassador Diplomatic Mission of the Republic of Angola to Argentina

S.E. Sr. Raúl A. ESTRADA OYUELA Embajador, Jefe de Delegación Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, Comercio Internacional y Culto

Mr. Arsénio Vitorino MACHADO National Director Ministry of Urban Affairs and Environment

S.E. Sra. María Esther BONDANZA Embajadora Asuntos Ambientales Internacionales Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, Comercio Internacional y Culto

Mr. Gualberto JOÃO Ministry of Urban Affairs and Environment Mr. Tango FORMOSO Head of Department Ministry of Urban Affairs and Environment Ms. Maria Isabel GOMES RESENDE Diplomatic Mission of the Republic of Angola to Argentina Ms. Mercedes QUINTINO Second Secretary Diplomatic Mission of the Republic of Angola to Argentina

Sr. Pascual Adolfo ROSELLINI Ministro Asuntos Ambientales Intercionales Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, Comercio Internacional y Culto Sra. Ana BIANCHI Consejero Asuntos Ambientales Internacionales Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, Comercio Internacional y Culto

Mr. Joaquim Adolfo XAVIER Ministry of Urban Affairs and Environment

Sr. Diego MALPEDE Consejero Asuntos Ambientales Internacionales Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, Comercio Internacional y Culto

Mr. Lourenço António de Soussa BARÃO DA COSTA National Focal Point International Exchange Cabinet Ministry of Urban Affairs and Environment

Sr. Hernán CARLINO Coordinador Unidad Cambio Climático Secretaría de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sustentable

Mr. Norberto Francisco ENCOGE Protocol Official Administration Diplomatic Mission of the Republic of Angola to Argentina

Sr. Nazareno CASTILLO MARÍN Coordinador Secretaría Permanente OAMDL Secretaría de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sustentable

Antigua and Barbuda

Sr. Carlos Eduardo ROVIRA Gobernador de la Provincia de Misiones

H.E. Mr. John W. ASHE Ambassador, Permanent Representative to the United Nations Permanent Mission of Antigua and Barbuda to the United Nations, New York

S.E. Sr. Jorge Entique TAIANA Embajador/Secretario Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores

Mr. Brian CHALLENGER Technical Coordinator Ministry of Public Utilities, Housing, Aviation, Transport and International Transportation

Sr. Daniel CAMERON Secretario de Energía

FCCC/CP/2004/INF.3 Page 4 Argentina (continued) Sr. Héctor Daniel CONTI Secretario de Programas Sanitarios Ministerio de Salud y Ambiente Sr. Nicolás PERAZZO NAÓN Becario Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, Comercio Internacional y Culto Sra. Graciela Zulema ROSSO Secretaría de Políticas, Regulación y Relaciones Sanitarias Ministerio de Salud y Ambiente Sr. Tulio Abel DEL BONO Secretario de Ciencia, Tecnología y Innovación Productiva Sra. Luz María SAPAG Senadora Comisión de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sustentable Senado de la Nación Sr. Miguel Luis BONASSO Diputado Nacional Comisión de Recursos Naturales y Conservación del Ambiente Humano Cámara de Diputados de la Nación Sra. Mabel Luisa CAPARRÓS Senadora Comisión de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sustentable Senado de la Nación Sra. María Elisa CASTRO Senadora Comisión de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sustentable Senado de la Nación Sra. SIlvia Ester GALLEGO Senadora Comisión de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sustentable Senado de la Nación Sra. Nélida Fabiana MARTÍN Senadora Comisión de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sustentable Senado de la Nación Sra. Marcela Fabiana LESCANO Senadora Comisión de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sustentable Senado de la Nación Sra. Ada Mercedes MAZA Senadora Comisión de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sustentable Senado de la Nación

Sra. Elva Azucena PAZ Senadora Comisión de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sustentable Senado de la Nación

Sra. María Alicia LEMME Diputada Comisión de Recursos Naturales y Conservación del Ambiente Humano Cámara de Diputados de la Nación

Sra. Mabel Hilda MULLER Senadora Comisión de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sustentable Senado de la Nación

Sra. María Olinda MAFFEI Diputada Comisión de Recursos Naturales y Conservación del Ambiente Humano Cámara de Diputados de la Nación

Sra. Mercedes Margarita OVIEDO Senadora Comisión de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sustentable Senado de la Nación

Sra. Aida MALDONADO DE PICCIONI Diputada Comisión de Recursos Naturales y Conservación del Ambiente Humano Cámara de Diputados de la Nación

Sra. Delia PICHETTI DE SIERRA MORALES Senadora Comisión de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sustentable Senado de la Nación

Sr. Hugo Rubén MANSUR Diputado Comisión de Recursos Naturales y Conservación del Ambiente Humano Cámara de Diputados de la Nación

Sr. Ricardo César TAFFAREL Senador Comisión de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sustentable Senado de la Nación Sra. María Dora SÁNCHEZ Senadora Comisión de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sustentable Senado de la Nación Sr. Julio César ACAVALLO Diputado Comisión de Recursos Naturales y Conservación del Ambiente Humano Cámara de Diputados de la Nación Sra. Lilia E.M. CASSE Diputada Comisión de Recursos Naturales y Conservación del Ambiente Humano Cámara de Diputados de la Nación Sr. Octavio Néstor CEREZO Diputado Comisión de Recursos Naturales y Conservación del Ambiente Humano Cámara de Diputados de la Nación Sra. Susana Rosa GARCÍA Diputada Comisión de Recursos Naturales y Conservación del Ambiente Humano Cámara de Diputados de la Nación Sr. Luis J. JALIL Diputado Comisión de Recursos Naturales y Conservación del Ambiente Humano Cámara de Diputados de la Nación

Sr. Daniel Alberto PERIE Diputado Comisión de Recursos Naturales y Conservación del Ambiente Humano Cámara de Diputados de la Nación Sra. Silvina KHATCHERIAN Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, Comercio Internacional y Culto Sr. Daniel Alberto VARIZAT Diputado Comisión de Recursos Naturales y Conservación del Ambiente Humano Cámara de Diputados de la Nación Sr. Rodrigo HERRERA BRAVO Diputado Comisión de Relaciones Interjurisdiccionales Legíslatura de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires Sra. Mariana CAMBIASSO Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, Comercio Internacional y Culto Sr. Juan Manuel VELASCO Diputado Comisión de Ecología Legíslatura de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires Sr. Claudio SABSAY Subsecretario de Política Agropecuaria y Alimentos Secretaría de Agricultura, Ganadería, Pesca y Alimentos Sr. Homero M. BIBILONI Subsecretario de Recursos Naturales, Normativa, Investigación y Relacines Institucionales Secretaría de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sustentable

FCCC/CP/2004/INF.3 Page 5 Argentina (continued) Sr. Raúl DEJEAN Subsecretario de Industria Secretaría de Industria, Comercio y de la Pequeña y Mediana Empresa Ministerio de Economía y Producción Sr. Luis COUYOUPETROU Subsecretario de Planificación, Ordenamiento y Calidad Ambiental Secretaría de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sustentable Sr. Bautista MARCHESCHI Subsecretario de Energía Sr. Cristian FOLGAR Subsecretario de Combustibles Secretaría de Energía S.E. Sr. Marcelo Román MORANDI Ministro de Producción de la Provincia de Tierra del Fuego, Antártida e Islas del Atlántico Sur Sr. Jorge Luis ETCHARRÁN Secretario de Política Ambiental Gobierno de la Provincia de Buenos Aires S.E. Sra. Karina Alejandra PACE Ministro de Turismo y Medio Ambiente de la Provincia de Tierra del Fuego, Antártida e Islas del Atlántico Sur Sr. Ricardo A. POLITZER Subsecretario de Desarrollo Sustentable Gobierno de la Provincia de Buenos Aires Sr. Eduardo EPSZTEYN Secretario de Producción, Turismo y Desarrollo Sustentable Ciudad de Buenos Aires Sr. Alejandro Luis PAJOR Secretario de Comercio Exterior y Relaciones Internacionales de la Provincia del Chaco Sr. Antonio FARALL Subsecretario de Desarrollo y Planificación Estratégico Secretaría de Producción de la Provincia de Entre Ríos Sr. Oscar ECHEVERRIA Secretario de Consejo de Ecología y Medio Ambiente de la Provincia de Rio Negro Sr. Marcelo Luis TERENZIO Secretario de Medio Ambiente y Desarrollo Sustentable de la Provincia de Sante Fé Sr. Bruno G.C. SCHWESIG Subsecretario de Recursos Naturales y Medio Ambiente de la Provincia del Chaco

Sr. Alfredo MONTALVAN Subsecretario de Recursos Hídricos, Energéticos, Minería y Política Ambiental de la Provincia de Tucumán Sr. Marcelo VENSENTINI Subsecretario de Medio Ambiente Ciudad de Buenos Aires Sr. Conrado VAROTTO Director Ejecutivo y Técnico Comisión Nacional de Actividades Espaciales Sr. Juan Pablo VILLAFAÑE Director Provincial Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales Secretaría de Integración Regional de la Provincia de Jujuy

Armenia Mr. Aram GABRIELYAN Head Department of Enviroment Protection Ministry of Nature Protection Ms. Diana HARUTYUNYAN UNDP/GEF Project Coordinator Ministry of Nature Protection

Australia H.E. Mr. Ian CAMPBELL Minister for the Environment and Heritage H.E. Mr. Justin Hugh BROWN Ambassador for the Environment Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

Sr. José Luis SIERRA Director Provincial Medio Ambiente y Desarrollo Sustentable Ministerio Jefatura de Gabinete de la Provincia de Neuquén

Mr. David William BORTHWICK Department of the Environment and Heritage

Sr. Miguel Angel RABIOLO Subdirector de Servisio Meteorológico Nacional

Mr. Howard Percival BAMSEY Deputy Secretary Department of the Environment and Heritage

Sr. Sergio NIRICH Presidente Agencia de Córdoba Ambiente Sr. Mario R. RUJANA Administrador General de Instituto Correntino del Agua y del Ambiente de la Provincia de Corrientes Sr. Francisco ANGLESIO Presidente de Consejo Federal de Medio Ambiente Consejo Federal de Medio Ambiente Sr. Héctor GINZO Asesor de Asuntos Ambientales Internacionales Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, Comercio Internacional y Culto Sra. Yolanda Benjamina ORTIZ Asesora Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, Comercio Internacional y Culto Sr. José Armando BONISEGNA Investigador Principal IANIGIA Sra. Nélida Mabel MANSUR Comisión de Recursos Naturales y Conservación del Medio Ambiente Humano Sr. Sergio Daniel FAVOT Intendente Sr. Bruno LENK

Mr. Brian Stanley FISHER Executive Director Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics Mr. Drew Leigh CLARKE Head of Division Energy and Environment Department of Industry, Tourism and Resources H.E. Mr. Peter Anthony HUSSIN Ambassador Diplomatic Mission of Australia to Argentina Mr. Ross HAMPTON Mr. James Richard SHEVLIN Assistant Secretary International and Strategies Branch Department of the Environment and Heritage Mr. Bruce Andrew WILSON General Manager Environment Branch Department of Industry, Tourism and Resources Mr. Robert Anton OWEN-JONES Director Climate Change Section Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

FCCC/CP/2004/INF.3 Page 6 Australia (continued) Mr. Gregory Rowe PICKER Manager International Climate Change Team Department of the Environment and Heritage Ms. Jane Elizabeth HARRIS Manager Australian Greenhouse Office Communications Team Department of the Environment and Heritage Mr. David James WALLAND Supervising Meteorologist International Climate Policy Bureau of Meteorology Ms. Elizabeth Mary PEAK Executive Officer Climate Change Section Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Mr. Mike Charles BYERS Executive Officer Climate Change Section Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Mr. Nader MIRFAKHRAI Manager International Environment Programme Australian Agency for International Development Mr. Jean-Bernard CARRASCO Assistant Manager International Climate Change Team Department of the Environment and Heritage Mr. Peter Michael BRISBANE Assistant Manager International Climate Change Team Department of the Environment and Heritage Ms. Lisa Maree CROFT Assistant Manager International Climate Change Team Department of the Environment and Heritage Ms. Peta Kaye MILLS Policy Officer International Climate Change Team Department of the Environment and Heritage Mr. Roger Bruce WILKINS Director-General Cabinet Office, New South Wales Mr. Rosh Michael IRELAND Director Environmental Policy Unit Department of Premier and Cabinet, Western Australia

Ms. Alexandra Margaret GORDON Director NSW Greenhouse Office New South Wales Greenhouse Office Mr. Peter Elliot RAE Renewable and Sustainable Energy Roundtable Mr. John DALEY Australian Industry Greenhouse Network

Austria H.E. Mr. Josef PRÖLL Federal Minister for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management Mr. Werner DRUML Director Federal Ministry for Foreign Affairs Mr. Helmut HOJESKY Head of Division Air, Soil and Climate Change Division Federal Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management Mr. Matthias BRAUN Federal Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management Mr. Herwig DÜRR Director Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Labour Mr. Wolfgang GRUBERT Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology Mr. Jesús GARCÍA LATORRE Federal Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management Mr. Fritz KALTENEGGER Federal Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management Mr. Daniel KAPP Federal Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management Ms. Edith KLAUSER Federal Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management Mr. Christopher LAMPORT Federal Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management Mr. Gerhard LANGEDER Task Force Kyoto Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Labour Mr. Thomas MICHOLITSCH Federal Ministry of Finance

Ms. Elfriede-Anna MORE Federal Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management Mr. Klaus RADUNSKY Federal Environmental Agency Mr. Thomas SCHULLER-GÖTZBURG Federal Ministry for Foreign Affairs Mr. Harald ULBRICH Consul Federal Ministry for Foreign Affairs Ms. Aloisia WÖRGETTER Head of Unit Environment and Substainable Development Federal Ministry for Foreign Affairs Mr. Franz ZÖCHBAUER Federal Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management Ms. Alexandra AMERSTORFER Kommunalkredit Public Consulting GmbH Mr. Wolfgang MEHL Managing Director Climate Alliance Austria Mr. Markus NIEDERMAIR WWF Austria Mr. Stefan SCHLEICHER Institute for Economic Research (WIFO) University of Graz Ms. Else SCHWEINZER Austrian Federal Economic Chamber Mr. Manfred STOCKMAYER CAMCO International AG Ms. Angela FRIEDRICH Federal Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management

Azerbaijan H.E. Mr. Huseyngulu BAGIROV Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources Mr. Issa M. ALIYEV Head of Division for International Cooperation Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources Ms. Umayra TAGHIYEVA Director of Forecasts Bureau Hydrometeorological Department Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources Mr. Farig FARZALIYEV Head of Protocol Sector Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources

FCCC/CP/2004/INF.3 Page 7 Bahamas Mr. Arthur W. ROLLE Director (Vice-Chair, SBSTA) Department of Meteorology The Bahamas Environment, Science and Technology Commission

Bangladesh H.E. Mr. Jafrul Islam CHOWDHURY State Minister of Environment and Forests Mr. Syed Tanveer HUSSAIN Ex-Secretary Ministry of Environment and Forests Mr. Mihir Kanti MAJUMDER Joint Secretary Ministry of Environment and Forests

Mr. Rawleston MOORE Climate Change Consultant to the Ministry of Environment Ministry of Housing, Lands and Environment

Mme Elisabeth ELLEGAARD Conseiller Direction générale de l'environnement Service public fédéral de l'environnement et des pensions


M. Etienne HANNON Conseiller Direction générale de l'environnement Service public fédéral de l'environnement et des pensions

H.E. Mr. Vadim LAZERKO Ambassador Diplomatic Mission of the Republic of Belarus to Argentina Mr. Alexander Nikolaevich APATSKY Deputy Minister for Natural Resources and Environment Protection Ms. Galina BUBNOVSKAYA Diplomatic Mission of the Republic of Belarus to Argentina

Belgium Mr. Mohammad REAZUDDIN Director Department of Environment Ministry of Environment and Forests

S.E. M. Bruno TOBBACK Ministre fédéral de l'environnement et des pensions

Mr. Mirza SHAWKAT ALI Research Officer Department of Environment

S.E. Mme Evelyne HUYTEBROECK Ministre de l'environnement, de l'énergie et du tourisme

Mr. Ijaz HOSSAIN Professor Chemical Engineering Department Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology

S.E. M. Koenraad ROUVROY Ambassadeur Mission diplomatique de la Belgique en Argentine

Ms. Begum Hasna J. MOUDUD Chairman Coastal Area Resource Development and Management Association Mr. Mozaharul ALAM Research Fellow Bangladesh Centre for Advanced Studies Mr. Quamrul Islam CHOWDHURY Chairman FEJB Forum of Environmental Journalists of Bangladesh Mr. Atiq RAHMAN Executive Director Bangladesh Centre for Advanced Studies

Barbados H.E. Mr. Christopher HACKETT Ambassador, Permanent Representative of Barbados to the United Nations Ms. Karen Nicole SMITH Ministry of Housing, Lands and Environment

M. Willem Thomas VAN IERLAND Conseiller du Ministre Ministère fédéral de l'environnement et des pensions Mme Vicky WILLEMS Porte-parole du Ministre Ministère fédéral de l'environnement et des pensions M. Bernard MAZIJN Directeur Cellule environnement Secrétariat d'état au développement durable Mme Alexandra SOMBSTHAY Ministère de l'environnement, de l'énergie et du tourisme M. Peter WITTOECK Chef de Délégation-Adjoint Direction générale de l'environnement Service public fédéral de l'environnement et des pensions M. Koenraad LEENAERTS Premier secrétaire d'ambassade Mission diplomatique de la Belgique en Argentine

Mme Françoise NEMRY Conseillère Direction générale environnement Service public fédéral de l'environnement et des pensions M. Christian FERDINAND Conseiller adjoint, unité développement durable Division politique energétique Service public fédéral économie, P.M.E., Classes moyennes et énergie Mme Els VAN DEN BROECK Conseillère Administration environnement Ministère de la communauté flamande Direction de la politique générale de l'environnement M. Dominique PERRIN Conseiller Faculté universitaire des sciences agronomiques de Gembloux M. Hendrik DE BAERE Conseiller Administration environnement Ministère de la communauté flamande M. Jozef BUYS Conseiller Répresentation permanente de la Belgique auprès des Nations Unies M. Xavier LEBLANC Premier secrétaire Service public fédéral des affaires étrangères Ministère des affaires étrangères M. Stéphane COOLS Conseiller Ministère de la région wallonne - Direction générale des ressources naturelles et de l'environnement Mme Caroline GALLEZ Conseillère Ministère de la région wallonne - Direction générale des ressources naturelles et de l'environnement M. Daniel TOSCANO Diplomatic Mission of the Kingdom of Belgium to Argentina

FCCC/CP/2004/INF.3 Page 8 Belgium (continued) Mme Isabelle CHAPUT Conseiller Fédération des entreprises chimiques de belges M. Peter CLAES Directeur général Fédération des industries chimiques Mme Anne PANNEELS Vice president Conseil fédéral pour le développement durable M. Daniel VAN DAELE Secretaire confederal Fédération générale du travail de Belgique M. Jehan DECROP Confédération des syndicats chrétiens Mme Mieke DE RAEDEMACKER Fédération générale du travail de Belgique M. Jean-François FAUCONNIER Greenpeace Belgium M. Patrick HOLLEBOSCH Chargé de mission Administration, coopération au développement Service public fédéral des affaires étrangères

Belize Mr. Carlos C. FULLER Chief Meteorologist National Meteorological Service Mr. Ulric TROTZ Project Manager Mainstreaming Adaptation to Climate Change Project Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre Mr. Tony DEYAL Public Education and Outreach Specialist Mainstreaming Adaptation to Climate Change Project Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre

Benin S.E. M. Luc-Marie Constant GNACADJA Ministre de l'environnement, de l'habitat et de l'urbanisme Mme Jeanne Josette ACACHA-AKOHA Point focal national et Conseiller technique à l'environnement Ministère de l'environnement, de l'habitat et de l'urbanisme

Mme Edwige Roseline Gilberte AHOUSSOUGBEMEY Chef du service des activités opérationelles du système des Nations Unies Ministère des affaires étrangères et de l'intégration africaine

Bhutan Ms. Dechen TSERING Head Policy Coordination Division National Environment Commission Mr. Lobzang DORJI Divisional Forest Officer Ministry of Agriculture Mr. JIGME Programme Officer National Environment Commission

H.E. Mr. Dusko LADAN Ambassador Diplomatic Mission of Bosnia and Herzegovina to Argentina Mr. Borislav JAKSIC Focal Point of UNFCCC Ministry of Physical Planning, Civil Engineering and Ecology Ms. Danica SPASOVA Head of the Secretariat on Climate Change Ministry of Physical Planning, Civil Engineering and Ecology Ms. Adriana Erica RELOTA Diplomatic Mission of Bosnia and Herzegovina to Argentina



H.E. Mr. Eduardo CAMPOS Minister of Science and Technology

S.E. Sr. Gustavo PEDRAZA MERIDA Ministro de Desarrollo Sostenible

H.E. Ms Marina SILVA Minister of Environment

Sr. Erwin AGUILERA ANTÚNEZ Viceministro de Recursos Naturales y Medio Ambiente Ministerio de Desarrollo Sostenible y Planificación

H.E. Ms Dilma ROUSSEFF Minister of Mines And Energy

Sr. Oscar PAZ RADA Coordinador General del Programa Nacional de Cambios Climáticos Viceministerio de Recursos Naturales y Medio Ambiente

Mr. Mario CALIXTO Senator

S.E. Sr. Arturo LIEBERS BALDIVIESO Embajador Misión Diplomática de Bolivia en Argentina Sra. Gisela ULLOA Responsable de la Oficina de Desarrollo Limpio de Bolivia Ministerio de Desarrollo Sostenible y Planificación Sr. Javier GONZALES IWANCIW Experto en Adaptacíón Programa Nacional de Cambios Climáticos Sra. Janina SANCHEZ DUNN Primer Secretario Misión Diplomática de Bolivia en Argentina

Bosnia and Herzegovina Mr. Reuf HADZIBEGIC Assistant Minister Section for natural resources, energy and environment protection Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations

Ms. Serys SLHESSARENKO Senator

Mr. Luiz GONZAGA PATRIOTA Congressman Mr. Paulo César BALTAZAR DA NÓBREGA Congressman Mr. Ronaldo VASCONCELLOS Congressman Mr. Antônio Carlos MENDES THAME Congressman Mr. José Francisco PAES LANDIM Congressman H.E. Mr. Mauro Luiz IECKER VIEIRA Ambassador Diplomatic Mission of Brazil to Argentina Mr. Cláudio Roberto Bertoldo LANGONE Executive-Secretary Ministry of Environment Mr. Mauricio Tiomno TOLMASQUIM Executive-Secretary Ministry of Mines and Energy Ms. Maria Dulce DA SILVA BARROS Minister Diplomatic Mission of Brazil to Argentina

FCCC/CP/2004/INF.3 Page 9 Brazil (continued) Mr. Everton VIEIRA VARGAS Director of Environment Ministry of Foreign Relations Mr. Cylon GONÇALVES DA SILVA Secretary for Research and Development Policy and Programmes Ministry of Science and Technology Mr. João Paulo RIBEIRO CAPOBIANCO Secretary for Biodiversity and Forests Ministry of Environment Mr. Victor ZULAR ZVEIBIL Secretary Environmental Quality on Human Settlements Mr. Luiz PINGUELLI ROSA Executive Secretary Brazilian Forum of Climate Change Brazilian Forum on Climate Change Mr. Andre Aranha CORRÊA DO LAGO Head of the Division of Environmental Policy and Sustainable Development Department of the Environment Ministry of Foreign Relations Mr. José Domingos GONZALEZ MIGUEZ Executive Secretary Interministerial Committee on Global Climate Change Ministry of Science and Technology Mr. Fernando Antônio LYRIO DA SILVA International Adviser Office for International Affairs Ministry of Environment Ms. Mari Elizabeth TRINDADE MACHADO Chief of Staff Ministry of Science and Technology Ms. Liney TOLEDO SOARES Chief of Protocol Ministry of Science and Technology Ms. Vera Lucia CANFRAN Chief Social Communications Advisory Ministry of Science and Technology Mr. Marcos LORETO Advisor Ministry of Science and Technology Ms. Silvana PEIXOTO DUNLEY Counsellor Mr. Alessandro WARLEY CANDEAS First Secretary

Mr. Carlos Luís DANTAS COUTINHO PEREZ First Secretary Diplomatic Mission of Brazil to Argentina Ms. Paula DE SOUZA First Secretary Diplomatic Mission of Brazil to Argentina Mr. Raphael AZEREDO Deputy Head Environmental Policy and Sustainable Development Ministry of Foreign Relations Mr. Everton FRASK LUCERO First Secretary Office for International Cooperation Ministry of Science and Technology Mr. Bernard GARCÍA KLINGL Secretary Mr. Marco Túlio CABRAL Third Secretary Division of Environmental Policy and Sustainable Development Ministry of Foreign Relations Mr. Jean Marcel FERNANDES Secretary Mr. Aurélio ROMANINI DE ABRANCHES VIOTTI Third Secretary Diplomatic Mission of Brazil to Argentina Ms. Ana Luiza MEMBRIVE MARTINS Diplomatic Mission of Brazil to Argentina Mr. Carlos Antonio ROCHA VICENTE Special Advisor Ministry of Environment Mr. Paulo Rogelio GONÇALVES General Coordinator of Bilateral Cooperation Ministry of Science And Technology Mr. Ruy DE GÓES L. BARROS Programme Director Environmental Quality on Human Settlements Ministry of Environment Ms. Maria DE FÁTIMA SALLES ABREU PASSOS Programme Director Ministry of Mines and Energy Mr. André Ramon SILVA MARTINS Programme Director Ministry of Mines and Energy Ms. Laura Cristina DA FONSCCA PORTO Alternative Resources Ministry of Mines and Energy

Ms. Ieda RIZZO General Co-ordinator for the Environment Ministry of Transportation Mr. Newton PACIORNIK Advisor Global Climate Change Ministry of Science and Technology Mr. Paulo Yoshio KAGEYAMA Director of the National Programme for Biodiversity Conservation Ministry of Environment Ms. Branca BASTOS AMERICANO General Co-ordination on Global Climate Change Ministry of Science and Technology Mr. Joao Antonio FAGUNDES SALOMAO Project Manager Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply Mr. Shigeo SHIKI Manager Sustainable Development Ministry of Environment Mr. Marcelo KHALED POPPE Core of Strategic Issues - NAE Mr. Alfred SZWARC Consultor MInistry of Science And Technology Ministry of Science and Technology Mr. Joáo Luiz TEDESCHI Specialist Energias Renovavels e Meio Ambiente Ministry of Mines and Energy Mr. Mauro MEIRELLES DE OLIVEIRA SANTOS General Co-ordination on Global Climate Change Ministry of Science and Technology Mr. Haroldo DE OLIVEIRA MACHADO FILHO Special Adviser General Co-ordination on Global Climate Change Ministry of Science and Technology Mr. Alexandre BETINARDI STRAPASSON Secretariat of the Environment Quality on Human Settlements Ministry of Environment Mr. Roberto KISHINAMI Special Advisor Ministry of Environment Mr. Gustavo BARBOSA MOZZER General Co-ordination on Global Climate Change Ministry of Science and Technology

FCCC/CP/2004/INF.3 Page 10 Brazil (continued) Ms. Mônica DE OLIVEIRA SANTOS General Co-ordination on Global Climate Change Ministry of Science and Technology Ms. Danielle DE ARAUJO MAGALHAES General Co-ordination on Global Climate Change Ministry of Science and Technology Mr. Marcos William BEZERRA DE FREITAS General Co-ordination on Global Climate Change Ministry of Science and Technology Ms. Sofía SHELLARD Adviser Ministry of Science and Technology

Mr. Alaor M. DALL'ANTONIA National Institute of Meteorology

Mr. Chan LAP Director Ecomapuá

Ms. Alessandra MAGRINI Professor Energy Planning Program - COPPE Federal University of Rio de Janeiro

Ms. Chang Man YU Department of the Environment of the State of Paraná

Ms. Alessandra PANCHER

Ms. Christiane ARRAES MARUN

Mr. Alessandro Magno DAMASCENO BELISÁRIO Environmental Agency of the State of Goiás

Mr. Christiano PIRES DE CAMPOS Coordinator of Post-Graduation Programs on Engineering International Virtual Institute on Climate Change, Co-ordination of Post-Graduate Programs in Engineering (COPPE) Federal University of Rio de Janeiro

Mr. Alexandre Louis DE ALMEIDA D'AVIGNON Project Development Facilitator Federal University of Rio de Janeiro Mr. Alexandre VALADARES MELLO CNI

Ms. Claudia DO VALLE COSTA Federal University of Rio de Janeiro Mr. Demóstenes BARBOSA DA SILVA AES Tietê

Ms. Larissa SCHMIDT Technical Adviser Office for International Cooperation Ministry of Environment

Ms. Ana Keila MARTINS BARBIERO RIBEIRO Prosecutor of the State of Tocantins

Mr. Marcos Otávio BEZERRA PRATES Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade

Mr. André Carlos CAU DOS SANTOS Brazilian Enterprise for Agricultural Research

Mr. Hearle CALVAO Analyst on International Trade Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade


Mr. Edio Laudelino DA LUZ

Mr. André FENNER Ministry of Health

Ms. Eliane RAMOS DA FONSECA WEIS Heinrich Boell Foundation

Ms. Angela JABOUR AES Tietê

Mr. Emílio LÈBRE LA ROVERE Executive Director Federal University of Rio de Janeiro

Ms. Maria Claudia COSTA VARGAS Interpreter Office for International Cooperation Ministry of Environment Ms. María PHILLIPS Ministry of Science and Technology

Mr. Antônio Fernando PINHEIRO PEDRO Lawyer

Sra. Alexandra GRIECO Interpreter

Ms. Aparecida SEMENZATO Mr. Augusto Luiz NOBRE DE MELLO

Ms. Andrea DIESSLER Interpreter Ms. Ana María MERLINO Interpreter

Ms. Bianca TOMITA

Ms. Dione Zangelmi Alvachao PRADELLA CETESB Ms. Dolores Blanca Beatriz ROHR DE ANLIKER Embassy of Brazil in Argentina

Ms. María Esperanza CLAVELL Embassy of Brazil in Argentina Mr. Evandro MIGUEL AES Tietê Mr. Fabio José FELDMANN Consultant Pro-Sustainability Institute (IPSUS)

Ms. Camilla Lott P. MARTINS Mr. Fábio MARQUES

Ms. Patricia BAUER Interpreter Mr. Marcos TORRES DE OLIVEIRA Diplomatic Mission of Brazil to Argentina Mr. A. Ricardo Jacinto ESPARTA Mr. Adilson VIEIRA Amazonian Working Group - GTA

Ms. Carla Cristina DA SILVA PEREIRA Mr. Carlos DE MATHIAS MARTINS JUNIOR Director and Partner of ECOINVEST Mr. Carlos Francisco GRIECO Econergy Brasil Ms. Carolina Burle SCHMIDT DUBEUX Researcher Federal University of Rio de Janeiro


Mr. Felipe RABELLO Peace Child International Mr. Fernando ALMEIDA Vice President Brazilian Business Council for Sustainable Development Mr. Fernando DE FARIA TABET Mr. Fidias DE MIRANDA National Industry Confederation

FCCC/CP/2004/INF.3 Page 11 Brazil (continued) Ms. Flavia NADALUTTI Project Development Facilitator Federal University of Rio de Janeiro Mr. Flavio ALVES DE ALMEIDA Project Coordinator Climate Change Group Mr. Flávio Rufino GAZANI Mr. Francisco Antunes A. MACIEL Mr. Francisco de Assis Sabino DANTAS Federal District Congressman Chamber of Representatives of the Federal District Mr. Fúlvio Eduardo FONSECA Helix-GPG Consultoría Ambiental Mr. Giovanni BARONTINI Fábrica Éthica Brazil Mr. Guilherme PFISTERER Sr. Guilherme DIAS DE FREITAS Special Assistant Presidency of Vallourec & Mannesman (Brazil) for Environmental Affairs Mr. Gustavo Bessa DE NOGUEIRA DIAS Vale do Rio Doce Company Mr. Helvécio DE-POLLI Researcher Brazilian Enterprise for Agricultural Research Mr. José Luiz SIMIONATO AES Tietê Mr. José Antonio MARENGO Researcher Center for Weather Forecast and Climate Studies (CPTEC/INPE) Ms. Helena Lemos Dos Reis Magalhães GOMES Peace Child International Mr. Hércules RIBEIRO MARTINS Attorney State of Tocantins Mr. Iule Roberto PAIS DE ARRUDA Attorney

Ms. Joyce Maria GUIMARÃES MONTEIRO Researcher Federal University of Rio de Janeiro

Mr. Luiz Eduardo CHEIDA Secretary for the Environment and Sustainable Development of the State of Paraná


Mr. Luíz Gylvan MEIRA FILHO Instituto de Estados Avancados, Universidade de Sao Paulo

Mr. José Augusto CARNEIRO Attorney Mr. José Carlos CARVALHO Secretary for the Environment and Sustainable Development of the State of Minas Gerais Mr. José Mario DE OLIVEIRA RAMOS FIRJAN Mr. Julio ZOGBI Econergy Brasil Mr. Júlio César CAVASIN Industrial Energy Supply Projects Manager SADIA S.A. Embassy of Brazil in Argentina Ms. Kamyla BORGES DA CUNHA Researcher Unicamp Ms. Karen ALVARENGA Ms. Laura Silvia VALENTE DE MACEDO Regional Director International Council for Local Environment Initiatives - Latin America and Caribbean Secretariat Ms. Laura M. R. TETTI Sao Paulo Sugarcane Agroindustry Union Mr. Leonardo Ciuffo DUARTE Manager PriceWaterhouseCoopers - Brazil Mr. Lindsley DA SILVA RASCA RODRIGUES Environmental Institute of the State of Paraná Ms. Lourdes DE ALCANTARA MACHADO Lawyer International Chamber of Commerce Brazil

Mr. Marcelo Drügg BARRETO VIANNA Vice President Brazilian Committee of the International Chamber of Commerce Mr. Marcelo SCHUNN DINIZ JUNQUEIRA Executive Director Econergy Brasil Mr. Marcelo Theoto ROCHA Economist Center for Advanced Studies on Applied Economics (CEPEA) University of São Paulo Ms. Márcia Amaral ESTEVAO DOS SANTOS PETROBRAS Mr. Marco Antônio FUJIHARA Director PriceWaterhouseCoopers - Brazil Mr. Marco Aurélio DOS SANTOS Federal University of Rio de Janeiro Ms. Maria Silvia MUYLAERT DE ARAÚJO Coordination of Post-Graduation Programs on Engineering Federal University of Rio de Janeiro Mr. Mariano COLINI CENAMO CEPEA-ESALQ University of São Paulo Ms. Marina FREITAS GONÇALVES DE ARAÚJO GROSSI Fábrica Éthica Brazil Mr. Maurício Cardoso AROUCA Federal University of Rio de Janeiro

Ms. Luciana COUTINHO PASSOS Brazilian Committee of the International Chamber of Commerce

Mr. Mauricio MENDOÇA CNI

Mr. Luis Cesar STANO

Mr. Milton NOGUEIRA Engineer

Ms. Joana CHIAVARI FRANCO Sr. Joâo Felipe SCARPELINI National Coordinator Peace Child International

Ms. Magda Aparecida DE LIMA Embrapa Environment Brazilian Enterprise for Agricultural Research

Mr. Luis Henrique ROSATI ROCHA Advisor

Mr. Neilton Fidelis DA SILVA COPPE/UFRJ

FCCC/CP/2004/INF.3 Page 12 Brazil (continued) Mr. Nelson José CÔRTES DA SILVEIRA Brasil Ecodiesel Mr. Osvaldo MARTINS STELLA CENBIO University of São Paulo Mr. Osvaldo SOLIANO Salvador University Universidad del Salvador Ms. Patricia DA SILVA OLIVEIRA Ms. Patricia ZERLOTTI Mr. Paulo Antônio DE SOUZA JUNIOR Mr. Paulo César RODRIGUES CUNHA PETROBRAS Mr. Paulo DE SOUSA COUTINHO Adviser for Environmental Issues Mr. Paulo Eduardo SOUZA DE OLIVEIRA Finagro S.A.

Ms. Roberta CHAVES SÁ BORGES International Chamber of Commerce Brazil

Mr. Vitor Afonso HOEFLICH Brazilian Corporation for Agricultural Research

Ms. Roberta DANELON LEONHARDT Lawyer International Chamber of Commerce

Sr. Vladimir MIRANDA ABREU Advogado

Mr. Roberto HONCZAR Brazil Ecodiesel Mr. Rodrigo SALES Partner International Chamber of Commerce Brazil Ms. Rosa Maria Massami Komori SAKURADA Japanese Commerce and Industry Chamber in Brazil

Mr. Paulo Sérgio DE MELLO VIERA ROCHA PETROBRAS Ms. Rachel BIDERMAN FURRIELA Centro de Estudos Em Sustentabilidade

H.E. Mr. Branimir ZAIMOV Ambassador Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Ms. Suani TEIXEIRA COELHO Deputy Secretary of the Environment of the State of Sao Paulo Ms. Suzana KAHN RIBEIRO Coordination of Post-Graduation Programs on Engineering Transport Engineering Planning Federal University of Rio de Janeiro

Mr. Raimundo Sérgio SANTOS GÓIS Department of the Environment, Water and Mineral Resources of the State of Paraiba

Mr. Temistocles MARCELOS Coordinator

Mr. Ricardo Cesar FERNANDES Prosecutor of the State of Tocantins

Ms. Tereza MOUSINHO Ms. Vania VIEIRA CUNHA RUDGE Attorney Mr. Vinicius Francisco DE CARVALHO PORTO Attorney Mr. Virgilio Horacio Samuel GIBBON

Mr. Ricardo CUNHA DA COSTA Researcher SouthSouthNorth Mr. Ricardo RAMIRES Secretariat of the Environment of the State of Paraná

H.E. Ms. Dolores Borissova ARSENOVA Minister of Environment and Water


Ms. Thelma KRUG Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais



Ms. Manoela Iordanova GEORGIEVA Deputy Minister Ministry of Environment and Water


Mr. Ralf LATTOUF Director Archipelago Environmental Engineering

Mr. Werner GRAU NETO Affiliate Permanent Court of Arbitration

Mr. Rubens Harry BORN Executive Coordinator Vitae Civilis Institute for Development, Environment and Peace

Ms. Silvia LOPES Mr. Paulo Michael VANCA Partner PriceWaterhouseCoopers - Brazil

Mr. Warwick MANFRINATO Researcher CEPEA University of São Paulo

Mr. Virgilio MOREIRA FILHO Ms. Virginia DORAZIO Pro-Sustainability Institute (IPSUS) Ms. Vera STERMAN KANAS Advogada Brazilian Society of Environment International Law

Ms. Nona Ivanova KARADJOVA Director Strategy, European Integration and International Cooperation Ministry of Environment and Water Ms. Daniela Yordanova STOYCHEVA State Expert (SBI Chair) Strategy, Accession Programme and Projects Department Ministry of Environment and Water Ms. Ivona GROZEVA Senior Expert Ministry of Environment and Water Ms. Violeta Viktorova ROIATCHKA Translator Ministry of Environment and Water S.E. Sr. Atanas BUDEV Embajador Misión Diplomática de Bulgaria en Argentina

Burkina Faso M. Dimbon BAMBA Directeur des conventions internationales en matière d'environnement Direction générale de l'environnement d'environment Ministère de l'environnement et du cadre de vie

FCCC/CP/2004/INF.3 Page 13 Burkina Faso (continued) M. Mamadou HONADIA Point focal national CCNUCC Direction générale de l'environnement Ministère de l'environnement et du cadre de vie

Burundi M. Denis BARANDEMAJE Directeur général Institut géographique du Burundi

Cambodia Mr. Ung SENG Chief Cabinet to Senior Minister Ministry of Environment

Cameroon Mme Monique OULI NDONGO Chef de division Programmes et développement durable M. Joseph Armathé AMOUGOU Chargé d'études assistant Ministère de l'environnement et des forêts Mme Catherine OKOTIKO Coordonatrice nationale du programme changements climatiques Ministère de l'environnement et des forêts

Ms. Sushma GERA Acting Director Climate Change and Energy Division Ms. Marie BOEHM Research Scientist Land Resource Unit - Saskatchewan Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Ms. Mary-Ann WILSON Environmental Analyst Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Mr. Paul SAMSON Director, Environment Division Policy Branch Canadian International Development Agency Ms. Tina GUTHRIE Acting Manager, Global Environmental Issues Unit Environment Division Canadian International Development Agency Ms. Manon BOISCLAIR Acting Manager of the Canada Climate Change Development Fund Environment Division Canadian International Development Agency Ms. Karen SUTHERLAND Policy Advisor Environment Division Canadian International Development Agency

Canada H.E. Mr. Stéphane DION Minister Department of Environment Mr. Bryon WILFERT Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of the Environment Mr. Jack LAYTON Member of Parliament Parliament of Canada Mr. Robert William MILLS Member of Parliament Parliament of Canada Ms. Cassie DOYLE Associate Deputy Minister Environment Canada Mr. Richard BALLHORN Director General International Environment Affairs Bureau Department of Foreign Affairs Mr. Normand TREMBLAY Senior Policy Advisor Climate Change Bureau Environment Canada

Ms. Ellen HAGERMAN Senior Program Manager Multilateral Programmes Branch Canadian International Development Agency Ms. Norine SMITH Assistant Deputy Minister Policy and Communications Environment Canada Mr. Alex MANSON Director General Climate Change Bureau Environment Canada Ms. Nancy HAMZAWI Director International Relations Division Environment Canada Ms. Joanne EGAN Director Climate Change Communications Environment Canada Mr. Darren GOETZE Senior Policy Advisor, International Affairs Division Climate Change Bureau Environment Canada

Mr. Chris MCDERMOTT Senior Policy Advisor, International Affairs Division Climate Change Bureau Environment Canada Mr. Scott WILLIS Research Analyst International Affairs Division/Climate Change Bureau Environment Canada Ms. Caroline GÉLINEAULT Policy Advisor Climate Change Bureau Environment Canada Ms. Uyen HOANG Policy Analyst International Policy and Communications Branch Environment Canada Mr. Jean BOUTET Senior Departmental Policy Advisor Minister's Office Environment Canada Mr. Daniel HURLEY Chief of Staff Minister's Office Environment Canada Mr. Andre LAMARRE Director of Communications Minister's Office Environment Canada Mr. Sebastien BOIS Communications Branch Environment Canada Mr. Douglas Hugh FORSYTHE Deputy Director Climate Change and Energy (ESC) Mr. Christopher BRAEUEL Senior Policy Analyst and Delegation Manager Climate Change and Energy Division Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade Mr. Satender SINGH Senior Policy Analyst Climate Change and Energy Division Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade Ms. Jean-Marie HUDDLESTON Economic and Policy Analyst Climate Change and Energy Division Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade Ms. Tana Lowen STRATTON Economic and Policy Analyst Climate Change and Energy Division Foreign Affairs Canada

FCCC/CP/2004/INF.3 Page 14 Canada (continued) Ms. Amanda BULLEN Program Officer CDM and JI Office Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade Ms. Johanne FOREST Legal Advisor Oceans and Environmental Law Division Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade Mr. Denis LANGLOIS Legal Advisor Oceans and Environmental Law Division Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade Mr. David BERNIER Senior Policy Analyst Framework Policies Team Industry Canada Ms. Lisa VAN BUREN Policy Analyst Framework Policies Team Industry Canada Ms. Margaret MARTIN Senior Director International Environment Policy Division Natural Resources Canada Mr. Donald LEMMEN Acting Executive Director Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Directorate Natural Resources Canada

Mr. Don MACDONALD Senior Advisor Climate Change Strategic Directions Alberta Environment Mr. Laurent AUGER Executive Assistant Minister's Office Alberta Environment Ms. Jennifer TRAPNELL Intergovernmental Relations Officer Executive Office Government of Yukon Ms. Noeline VILLEBRUN Dene National Chief Arctic Athabaskan Council Ms. Sheila WATT-CLOUTIER Chair Inuit Circumpolar Conference Mr. Paul CROWLEY Legal Counsel Inuit Circumpolar Conference Ms. Nashina SHARIFF Associate Director The Toxic Watch Society of Alberta Mr. Brent R. KOPPERSON Executive Director Windfall Energy Project (Windfall Ecology Centre)* Mr. Hugo SÉGUIN Coordonnateur Centre québécois d'actions sur les changements climatiques

Ms. Ines LEMINTER Diplomatic Mission of Canada to Argentina Ms. Paula SOLARI Diplomatic Mission of Canada to Argentina Mr. Tang TUONG Diplomatic Mission of Canada to Argentina Ms. Larissa PERGAT Diplomatic Mission of Canada to Argentina Ms. Beatriz VENTURA Diplomatic Mission of Canada to Argentina Mr. Federico SPATURA Diplomatic Mission of Canada to Argentina Ms. Guadalupe MOLINA Diplomatic Mission of Canada to Argentina Mr. Mario GARIEPY Under-Secretary Commercial Section Diplomatic Mission of Canada to Argentina Ms. Pascale COLLAS Head, Land Use and Land Use Change Unit Greenhouse Gas Division Environment Canada

Central African Republic S.E. M. Bruno DACKO Mintre de l'environnement, du tourisme chargé de l'artisanat et de l'economiè sociale Mme Aline MALIBANGAR Point focal national CCNUCC Ministère de l'environnement, du tourisme chargé de l'artisanat et de l'economiè sociale

Ms. Jennifer KERR Senior Policy Advisor International Environment Policy Division Natural Resources Canada

Mr. Eli TURK Vice President Government Relations Canadian Electricity Association

Ms. Suzanne WHITE Senior Policy Analyst International Environment Policy Divison Natural Resources Canada

Mr. Michael CLOGHESY President Conseil patronal de l'environnement du Québec

Mr. David FUSS Policy Analyst International Environment Policy Division Natural Resources Canada

Mr. Hugh PORTEOUS Director Research and Corporate Relations Alcan Inc.

Mr. Tony Christopher LEMPRIÈRE Senior Economist Industry, Economics and Program Branch Canadian Forest Service

Mr. Peter J. HAYES Program Coordinator CLIMADAPT

S.E. Sra. Sonia TSCHORNE BERESTESKY Ministra de Vivienda, Urbanismo y Bienes Nacionales

H.E. Mr. Yves GAGNON Ambassador Diplomatic Mission of Canada to Argentina

Sr. Ramiro RIOBO PIÑONES Director de Medio Ambiente Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores

Mr. Réjean BEAULIEU Minister Counsellor Diplomatic Mission of Canada to Argentina

S.E. Sr. José Manuel OVALLE Embajador Misión Diplomática de la República de Chile en Polonia

Mr. Peter GRAHAM Economist Economics and Statistical Services Canadian Forest Service Mr. Guy BOUTILIER Minister of the Environment Alberta Environment

Chad M. Moussa TCHITCHAOU Directeur des ressources en eau et de la météorologie/ Point focal de la convention Ministère de l'environnement et de l'eau


FCCC/CP/2004/INF.3 Page 15 Chile (continued) Sr. Gabriel ZEPEDA Ministro Consejero Misión Diplomática de Chile en Argentina Sra. Marcela MAIN Abogado Comisión Nacional del Medio Ambiente Ministerio Secretaría General de Presidencia Sr. Waldemar COUTT Ministro Consejero Misión Diplomática de Chile en Argentina Sra. Alejandra GUERRA Dirección de Medio Ambiente Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores Sr. Samuel OSSA Primer Secretario Misión Diplomática de Chile en Argentina Sra. Paola CONCA PRIETO Departamento Medio Ambiente Prochile Sra. Viviana ARANEDA URBINA Unidad Asia Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores Sr. Javier GARCIA Comisión Nacional de Medio Ambiente Ministerio Secretaría General de Presidencia Sr. Oscar FUENTES Segundo Secretario Misión Diplomática de Chile en Argentina Sr. Juan Pedro SEARLE Comisión Nacional de Medio Ambiente Ministerio Secretaría General de Presidencia

Sr. Francisco PEREZ MUÑOZ Instituto Forestal de Chile Ministerio de Agricultura Sra. Myrna ARANEDA Deputy Director Dirección Meteorológica de Chile Dirección General de Aeronáutica Sra. Mariá DE LA LUZ VASQUEZ Unidad de Medio Ambiente Ministerio de Mineria Sr. Eduardo GIESEN Departamento de Medio Ambiente Transantiago Subsecretaria de Transporte Sr. Pablo CAYUNAO HUENULAF Transantiago Subsecretaria de Transporte Sr. Jose Luis BARÍAS Transantiago Subsecretaria de Transporte Sr. Manuel DIAZ ROMERO Transantiago Subsecretaria de Transporte Sr. Jaime PARADA IBAÑEZ Transantiago Subsecretaria de Transporte Sr. Manuel BAQUEDANO Instituto de Ecología Política Sr. Jaime DINAMARCA Gerente Medio Ambiente SOFOFA Sr. Anibal MEGE Asesor Medio Ambiente SOFOFA

Sr. Claudio NILO Comisión Nacional de Medio Ambiente Ministerio Secretaría General de Presidencia

Sr. Arturo BRANDT RIVAS Mecanismo de Desarrollo Limpio Poch Legal S.A

Sr. Eduardo SANHUEZA Junta Ejecutiva Cambio Climático y Desarollo Consultores

Sr. Pedro Carlos TORRES Gerente General Poch Legal S.A

Sr. Aquiles NEUENSCHWANDER Fundación para la Innovación Agraria Fundación Innovación Agraria

Sr. Sergio DURANDEAU Gerente Residuos Sólidos KDM Empresas Urbaser - Kiasa

Sr. Roberto IPINZA Instituto Forestal de Chile Ministerio de Agricultura Sr. Jorge Arturo URRUTIA REYES Jefe Instituto Forestal de Chile Ministerio de Agricultura

Sr. José Miguel CABRERIZO CARVAJAL Director General KDM Empresas Urbaser - Kiasa Sr. Alfonso OLEA Auditor TUV Süddeutschland

Sr. Carlos Andres VIVES CORNEJO Gerente Medio Ambiente Agrosuper Sr. Roberto BESOAIN Misión Diplomática de Chile en Argentina Sr. Antonio SALADRIGAS Misión Diplomática de Chile en Argentina Sr. César SÁNCHEZ GARCÍA Misión Diplomática de Chile en Argentina Sr. Manuel Rafael CABELLO MEDINA Gerente Carbon Forest Chile

China H.E. Mr. Jiang LIU Minister and Vice Chairman of National Development and Reform Commission Mr. Feng GAO Deputy Director-General Department of Treaty and Law Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Peizhang GUO Director General Department of Foreign Affairs National Development and Reform Commission Mr. Bin LI Deputy Director-General Department of Foreign Affairs National Development and Reform Commission Mr. Guangsheng GAO Director-General Office of National Coordination for Addressing Climate Change National Development and Reform Commission Mr. Hong SUN Deputy Director-General Department of Rural and Social Development Ministry of Science and Technology Ms. Qingchen CHAO Deputy Director-General Department of Science and Technology China Meteorological Administration Mr. Xuedu LU Director Department of Rural and Social Development Ministry of Science and Technology

FCCC/CP/2004/INF.3 Page 16 China (continued) Mr. Ruihe TU Director Department of International Cooperation State Environmental Protection Administration Mr. Guoshun SUN Director Department of Treaty and Law Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. De LU Director Department of International Cooperation State Forestry Administration

Mr. Yulong SHI Associate Research Professor Institute of Spatial Planning and Regional Economy National Development and Reform Commission

Mr. Huaqing XU Director Center for Energy, Environment and Climate Change, Energy Research Institute National Development and Reform Commission

Mr. Hongwei YANG Associate Research Professor Energy Research Institute National Development and Reform Commission

Mr. Jun ZHAO Legal Officer Department of Treaty and Law Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Mr. Yong REN Research Professor Center for Policy Studies State Environmental Protection Administration

Ms. Mei LU Deputy Director International Conferences Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Yan SUN Attache Diplomatic Mission of China to Argentina

Mr. Chunfeng WANG Director Afforestation State Forestry Administration

Ms. Yu'e LI Associate Research Professor Agrometeorology Institute Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences


Mr. Qiang WU Director National Development and Reform Commission

Ms. Hongmin DONG Research Professor Agrometeorology Institute Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences

S.E. Sra. Sandra Del Rosario SUÁREZ PÉREZ Ministra de Ambiente, Vivienda y Desarrollo Territorial

Ms. Jun GU Deputy Director Department of Foreign Affairs National Development and Reform Commission

Mr. Guoyu REN Research Professor China Meteorological Administration

S.E. Sr. Rodrigo HOLGUÍN LOURIDO Embajador Misión Diplomática de la República de Colombia en Argentina

Mr. Aimin MA Deputy Director Office of National Climate Change Coordination Committee National Development and Reform Commission Mr. Chuandong CHENG Deputy Director Department of International Conferences Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Yu'e TONG Deputy Director Department of Science and Technology Ministry of Agriculture Ms. Yun GAO Deputy Director Department of Science and Technology Development China Meteorological Administration Ms. Liyan LI Programme Officer Office of National Coordination for Addressing Climate Change National Development and Reform Commission Mr. Rui LI Programme Officer Department of International Cooperation Ministry of Finance

Mr. Ji ZOU Professor Environmental Economis And Management Renmin University of China Ms. Bin LIU Associate Professor Energy, Environment and Economy Institute (3E) Tsinghua University, Global Climate Change Institute Mr. Maosheng DUAN Energy, Environment and Economy Institute (3E) Tsinghua University - Energy, Environment and Economy Institute Mr. Xiaohua ZHANG Energy, Environment and Economy Institute (3E) Tsinghua University - Energy, Environment and Economy Institute Mr. Gang WENG Associate Research Professor Chinese Academy of Science Mr. Xiao'an JI Mr. Wei ZHOU Research Fellow Energy Research Institue National Development and Reform Commission

Sr. Carlos COSTA POSADA Director IDEAM Instituto de Hidrología, Meteorología y Estudios Ambientales Sr. Oscar ÁLVAREZ Director General Cornare Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores Sr. Juan Alberto GRACIA Auditor Líder ICONTEC Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores Sr. Adriana SOTO CARREÑO Coordinadora Proyecto INAP Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores Sr. Octavio AGUIRRE VELASCO Oficina de Asuntos Internacionales Ministerio de Ambiente, Vivienda y Desarrollo Territorial Sr. Alvaro José RODRIGUEZ GÓMEZ Jefe Oficina de Asuntos Internacionales Ministerio de Ambiente, Vivienda y Desarrollo Territorial Sra. Martha Patricia CASTILLO Oficina de Asuntos Internationales Ministerio de Ambiente, Vivienda y Desarrollo Territorial

FCCC/CP/2004/INF.3 Page 17 Colombia (continued) Sr. Camilo ROJAS GARCÍA Grupo Para la Mitigación del Cambio Climático Ministerio de Ambiente Vivienda y Desarrollo Territorial Sra. Esther Josefina BALDRICH FERRER Directora de Certificación ICONTEC Sra. María Mercedes GONZÁLEZ Encargada de las Funciones Culturales y de Prensa Misión Diplomática de la República de Colombia en Argentina

Comoros M. Youssouf HAMADI Directeur général de l'environnement Ministère de la production et de l'environnement

Congo S.E. M. Henri DJOMBO Ministre de l'économie forestière et de l'environnement M. Benjamin DZABA-BOUNGOU Directeur général de l'environnement Ministère de l'économie forestière et de l'environnement M. Germain KOMBO Conseiller à l'environnement Ministère de l'économie forestière et de l'environnement M. Apollinaire NDJOTA Attaché de cabinet Ministère de l'économie forestière et de l'environnement Mme Adélaïde ITOUA Ministère de l'économie forestière et de l'environnement M. Yves DUBOIS Président Ministère de l'économie forestière et de l'environnement

Cook Islands Ms. Pasha CARRUTHERS Climate Research and Technical Officer Environment Service Cook Islands Environment Service Mr. Arona NGARI Director Meteorological Service Meteorological Services

Ms. Diane M. MCFADZIEN Coordinator Climate and Energy Policy WWF South Pacific Programme Office

H.E. Mr. Rikard ROSSETTI Ambassador Diplomatic Mission of the Republic of Croatia in Argentina

Costa Rica

Ms. Jasenka NECAK Head of the Department for Atmosphere, Soil, Marine and Coastal Area Protection Ministry of Environmental Protection and Physical Planning and Construction

Sr. Allan FLORES MOYA Viceministro de Ambiente y Energía Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Energía Sr. Paulo C. MANSO SALGADO Director General Instituto Meteorológico Nacional S.E. Sr. Franz TATTENBACH CAPRA Embajador en Misión Oficial Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores y Culto Sra. Karen Christiana FIGUERES OLSEN Asesora Oficina Costarricense de Implementación Conjunta OCIC Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Energía Sr. Roberto VILLALOBOS FLORES Coordinator Instituto Meteorológico Nacional Sr. William ALPÍZAR ZÚÑIGA Miembro de la Unidad Técnica Oficina Costarricense de Implementación Conjunta Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Energía Sr. Jorge Mario RODRIGUEZ Fondo Nacional de Financiamiento Forestal

Ms. Visnja GRGASOVIC Senior Adviser Department for Atmospheric, Soil, Marine and Coastal Protection Ministry of Environmental Protection and Physical Planning and Construction Mr. Davor VESLIGAJ Manager Atmospheric Protection Department EKONERG HOLDING Institute Mr. Renée IVIN Counsellor Diplomatic Mission of the Republic of Croatia in Argentina Mr. Boris BARTULIN First Secretary Diplomatic Mission of the Republic of Croatia in Argentina Ms. Sonia VIDIC Leader, Air Quality Research Unit State Meteorological and Hydrological Service

Cuba Sr. Oscar SÁNCHEZ Fondo Nacional de Financiamiento Forestal Sra. Liliana CISNEROS QUESADA Asesora Legislativa Congreso Costaricense

Côte d'Ivoire M. Kadio AHOSSANE Point focal du changement climatique Ministère de l'environnement et du cadre de vie M. Pascal Valentin HOUENOU Professeur Département gestion de l'environnment Université d'Abodo Adjamé M. Boubacar DIARRA Directeur de l'agence nationale de l'environment Ministère de l'environnement et du tourisme

Croatia Ms. Visnja Jelic MÜCK State Secretary of Environmental Protection and Physical Planning

S.E. Sr. Alejandro González GALIANO Embajador Extraordinario y Plenipotenciario Embajada de Cuba en Argentina Sr. Abel CENTELLA ARTOLA Director Científico Instituto de Meteorología Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología y Medio Ambiente Sr. Omar RIVERO ROSARIO Especialista Dirección de Política Ambiental Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología y Medio Ambiente Sr. Luis Raúl PAZ CASTRO Especialista Centro Nacional del Clima, Instituto de Meteorología Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología y Medio Ambiente

FCCC/CP/2004/INF.3 Page 18 Cyprus Mr. Costas PAPASTAVROS Environment Officer Environment Service Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment Mr. Theodoulos MESIMERIS Environment Officer Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment

M. Lohaka YEMBA Mission diplomatique de la République démocratique du Congo en Argentine

Mr. Mikkel AARØ-HANSEN Private Secretary to the Minister Ministry of the Environment

M. Emmanuel LANDA Mission diplomatique de la République démocratique du Congo en Argentine

Mr. Kasper Westphal PEDERSEN Press Officer Ministry of the Environment


Ms. Berit HANSEN Higher Executive Officer Ministry of the Environment

H.E. Ms Connie HEDEGAARD Minister of the Environment Mr. Thomas BECKER Head of International Department Ministry of the Environment

Mr. Eyvind VESSELBO Member of the Folketing Folketing's Environment and Regional Planning Committee Danish Parliament

Mr. Frode NEERGAARD Chief Adviser Department for Environment and Sustainable Development Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Mr. Jørn DOHRMANN Member of the Folketing Folketing's Environment and Regional Planning Committee Danish Parliament

Mr. Jan PRETEL Head of Climate Change Unit Czech Hydrometeorological Institute

Ms. Eva JENSEN Deputy Head of Department Danish Environmental Protection Agency Ministry of the Environment

Mr. Jørn JESPERSEN Member of Parliament Environmental Affairs Committee of the Folketing Danish Parliament

Ms. Marie ZAHRADNÍKOVÁ Climate Change Unit Ministry of the Environment

Ms. Camilla MATHIESEN Special Adviser to the Minister Ministry of the Environment

Mr. Ladislav PAZDERA Director Department of Ecological Energy Ministry of Industry and Trade

Mr. Thorbjørn FANGEL Special Adviser to the Minister Ministry of the Environment

Czech Republic H.E. Mr. Frantisek PADELEK Ambassador Diplomatic Mission of the Czech Republic to Argentina Mr. Tomás NOVOTNY Deputy Minister and Director General Ministry of the Environment

Mr. Martin SUJA Third Secretary Diplomatic Mission of the Czech Republic to Argentina Ms. Klara SUTLOVICOVA Climate Protection Programme Centre for Transport and Energy

Democratic Republic of the Congo S.E. M. Anselme ENERUNGA Ministre de l'environnement, conservation de la nature, eaux et forêts, chef de la délégation M. Etumesaku DJUNGANUMBE Conseiller chargé de l'environnement à la vice-présidence de la république en charge de la reconstreuction et développement, membre M. Kasulu Seya MAKONGA Directeur du développement durable Ministère de l'environnement, conservacion de la nature, eaux et fôrets M. Vincent Seya KASULU Mission diplomatique de la République démocratique du Congo en Argentine

Ms. Stinne Maria THOMASSEN Special Adviser Ministry of the Environment Mr. Jesper GUNDERMANN Special Adviser Danish Environmental Protection Agency Ministry of the Environment Mr. Christian IBSEN Special Adviser Danish Environmental Protection Agency Ministry of the Environment Mr. Jens Dandanell PETERSEN Special Adviser Danish Environmental Protection Agency Ministry of the Environment Mr. Peter Aarup IVERSEN Forest Officer Danish Environmental Protection Agency Mr. Hans Jürgen STEHR Director of Energy Research and Development Danish Energy Authority Ministry of Economic and Business Affairs Mr. Lars Georg JENSEN Senior Policy Adviser Ministry of Economic and Business Affairs

Ms. Gudrun LAUB Member of the Folketing Folketing's Environment and Regional Planning Committee Danish Parliament Mr. Helle SJELLE Member of Parliament Parliamentary Committee on Environment and Regional Planning Danish Parliament Mr. Jørgen BJELSKOU Secretary Folketing's Environment and Regional Planning Committee Danish Parliament Ms. Jannie WAGNER Secretary Folketing's Environment and Regional Planning Committee Danish Parliament Mr. Carl Jacob ANDERSEN Ministry of the Environment Mr. John NORDBO Coordinator The Danish 92 Group- Danish Forum For Sustainable Development Mr. Soeren DYCK-MADSEN The Danish Ecological Council

FCCC/CP/2004/INF.3 Page 19 Denmark (continued) Mr. Jens Hesselbjerg CHRISTENSEN Senior Adviser Danish Meteorological Institute

Djibouti S.E. M. Abdallah Abdillahi MIGUIL Ministre de l'habitat, de l'urbanisme, de l'environnement et de l'aménagement du territoire

Sr. José Rafael SERRANO H. Mision Diplomática del Ecuador en Argentina

Egypt H.E. Mr. Maged George ELIAS Minister of State for Environmental Affairs

Mr. Allan GROMOV Deputy Secretary General on International Co-operation Ministry of the Environment

H.E. Mr. Hazem TAHER Ambassador Diplomatic Mission of the Arab Republic of Egypt to Argentina


M. Mohamed Ali MOUMIN Directeur de l'aménagement du territoire et de l'environnement Ministère de l'habitat, de l'urbanisme, de l'environnement et de l'aménagement du territoire

Mr. Hamdy Mahmoud EL-SAYED Head Health and Environmental Committee Egyptian People's Assembly

Dominican Republic

Mr. Amin MOBARAK Head Energy and Industrial Committee Egyptian People's Assembly

S.E. Sr. Maximiliano PUIG MILLER Secretario de Estado de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales Sr. Juan MANCEBO Coordinador Proyecto Cambio Climático Secretaría de Estado de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales

Ecuador S.E. Sr. Fabian VALDIVIESO Ministro del Ambiente Sr. Juan Fernando HOLGUÍN FLORES Director de Medio Ambiente Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores Sr. Luis CÁCERES SILVA Coordinador Nacional Sobre Cambios Climáticos Ministerio del Ambiente Sr. Marcos Xavier CASTRO RODRÍGUEZ Director Oficina de Promoción del Mecanismo de Desarollo Limpio MDL Ministerio del Ambiente Sr. Julio CORNEJO VARGAS Coordinador de la Unidad de Cambios Climáticos Ministerio del Ambiente Sr. Juan VEINTIMILLA Primer Secretario Mision Diplomática del Ecuador en Argentina Sra. María Amparo ALBAN RICAURTE Advisor Ministerio Ambiente

Ms. Heidi HALLIK Senior Officer Environmental Management and Technology Department Ministry of the Environment

Mr. Bekuretsion KASSAHUN General Manager National Meteorological Services Agency Mr. Bedada BALCHA Head, Planning and Programming Department of the National Meteorological Services Agency The International Institute for Development

European Community Mr. Mohamed Ahmed EL-SHAHAWY Head of Climate Change Unit Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency Mr. Ahmed A. EL-GOUHARY Engineer Minister's Office Mr. Hisham Fathy Mohamed MOSTAFA First Secretary Diplomatic Mission of the Arab Republic of Egypt to Argentina Mr. Khaled Fadi EL SHAZLY Third Secretary Enviroment & Sustentable Development Ministry of Foreign Affairs

El Salvador Sra. Michelle Gallardo DE GUTIERREZ Vice Ministro Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales Sr. Jose Orlando ALTAMIRANO Ingeniero Quimico Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales Sra. Martha Yvette MUNGUÍA DE AGUILAR Especialista en seguimiento de Convenios Patrimonio Natural Ministerio del Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales Sr. Marco A. GONZÀLEZ PASTORA

Estonia H.E. Mr. Villu REILJAN Minister of the Environment

H.E. Mr. Stavros DIMAS Commissioner for the Environment European Commission - DG Environment Ms. Nancy KONTOU Head of Cabinet of Commissioner Dimas European Commission - DG Environment Mr. Pierre SCHELLEKENS Member of Cabinet European Commission - DG Environment Ms. Barbara HELFFERICH Spokesperson European Commission - DG Environment Ms. Catherine DAY Director General Environment Directorate-General European Commission - DG Environment Mr. Jos DELBEKE Director European Commission - DG Environment Mr. Artur RUNGE-METZGER Head of Climate Change and Energy Unit Environment Directorate-General European Commission - DG Environment Ms. Alexandra STIGLMAYER Official European Commission - DG Environment Mr. Jürgen SALAY Official European Commission - DG Environment Mr. Damien MEADOWS Administrator Environment Directorate-General European Commission - DG Environment

FCCC/CP/2004/INF.3 Page 20 European Community (continued) Mr. Lars MUELLER Offical Climate Change Unit/Environment Directorate-General European Commission - DG Environment Ms. Olivia HARTRIDGE Official Environment Directorate-General European Commission - DG Environment Mr. Hartmut BEHREND Official Environment Directorate-General European Commission - DG Environment Mr. Jürgen LEFEVERE Official European Commission - DG Environment Mr. Thomas VERHEYE Environment Directorate-General European Commission - DG Environment Ms. Loredana PICA Secretary Climate Change Unit Environment Directorate-General European Commission - DG Environment Ms. Beatrice MAGEL Official Climate, Ozone and Energy European Commission - DG Environment Mr. Zoltán RAKONCZAY Official European Commission - DG Environment Mr. Angelos PANGRATIS Official European Commission - Argentina Mr. Matthias JORGENSEN Official European Commission - Argentina Mr. Adolfo BARBERA ROSAL Official European Commission - Argentina

Mr. Mariana IRIBARNE Official European Commission - Argentina

Mr. Giovanni ANGELETTI Official European Commission - DG Research

Ms. Verena VAHLAND Official European Commission - Argentina

Mr. Georgios AMANATIDIS Official European Commission - DG Research

Ms. Elina BARDRAM Official European Commission - DG Relex

Mr. Ger KLAASSEN Official European Commission - DG Research

Ms. Maria LAMIN Official Environment Directorate General European Commission - DG Development

Ms. Annette FREIBAUER Official European Commission - DG Research

Mr. Marc DEBOIS Official European Commission - DG Development Mr. Gareth STEEL Official European Commission - DG Trade Mr. Joachim EHRENBERG Official European Commission - DG Enterprise Mr. Hakaan KARLSTROM Official European Commission - DG Energy and Transport Ms. Sandra STEVENS Official European Commission - DG Energy and Transport Ms. Kerstin NIBLAEUS Director-General Council of European Union Mr. Bjarne HOFF-NIELSEN Council of European Union Mr. Maurizio DI LULLO Council Council of European Union Ms. Judith MEINEL Council Council of European Union

Ms. Daniela TRAMACERE Official European Commission - Argentina

Ms. Maria TUR TUR Council of European Union

Mr. Thierry LACOUR Official European Commission - Argentina

Ms. Jacqueline MCGLADE Executive Director European Environment Agency

Mr. Rene MALLY Official European Commission - Argentina

Mr. Jakob GRAICHEN Climate Change Team Leader European Environment Agency

Mr. Marcos LANGBEHN Political Advisor European Commission - Argentina

Mr. André JOL Group Leader Climate Change European Environment Agency

Mr. Michael OBERSTEINER Research Scholar Forestry Project International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis Mr. Frank RAES Official Joint Research Centre - European Commission Mr. Frédéric ACHARD Joint Research Centre - European Commission Mr. Juan Manuel STERLIN European Investment Bank Mr. Karl-Heinz FLORENZ Environment Committee European Parliament Ms. Avril DOYLE Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Policy European Parliament Ms. Eija-Riitta Anneli KORHOLA Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Policy European Parliament Ms. Dorette CORBEY Member of the European Parliament Committee on Environment, Public Health and Consumer Policy European Parliament Mr. Chris DAVIES Member of the European Parliament (United Kingdom) Environment Committee European Parliament Mr. MATSAKIS European Commission Ms. Satu HASSI European Parliament

FCCC/CP/2004/INF.3 Page 21 European Community (continued)


Mr. Jonas SJÖSTEDT Member of the European Parliament European Parliament

H.E. Mr. Mataiasi Vave RAGIGIA Minister of Local Government, Housing, Squatter Settlement and Environment

Mr. Liam AYLWARD European Parliament Mr. Francis JACOBS Head of Division Secretariat Committee of Environment European Parliament Ms. Sabina MAGNANO European Parliament Mr. Harald KANDOLF European Parliament Mr. Roger CHADWICK European Parliament Ms. Terhi LEHTONEN Staff European Parliament Ms. Isabel MORETTI European Parliament Ms. Helena WALSH European Parliament Ms. Maria SORNOSA MARTINEZ European Parliament Mr. Aldis KUSKIS European Parliament Mr. Peter LIESE Committee of Environment European Parliament Ms. Amalia SARTORI European Parliament Mme Marie-Anne ISLER-BEGUIN Member of the European Parliament Environment Committee European Parliament Ms. Claudine DERYCKE European Commission Mr. Fabian Adolfo LEDESMA European Commission Mr. Claudio CABELLO European Commission Mr. Alejandro LAVEGA European Commission

Mr. Cama Tuiqilaqila TUILOMA Chief Executive Officer Ministry of Local Government, Housing, Squatter Settlement and Environment Mr. Epeli Nareki NASOME Director of Environment Department of Environment Ministry of Local Government, Housing, Squatter Settlement and Environment

Finland H.E. Mr. Jan-Erik ENESTAM Minister of the Environment Ms. Outi BERGHÄLL Director International Climate Project Ministry of the Environment H.E. Mr. Risto VELTHEIM Ambassador Diplomatic Mission of Finland to Argentina Mr. Jukka UOSUKAINEN Deputy Director General Global Environmental Affairs Ministry of the Environment Mr. Taisto HUIMASALO Deputy Director General Global Affairs Ministry for Foreign Affairs Mr. Kari KARANKO Director Ministry for Foreign Affairs Mr. Heikki SOURAMA Consulting Counsellor Ministry of Finance Mr. Heikki GRANHOLM Senior Adviser Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Ms. Raisa VALLI Ministerial Adviser Ministry of Transport and Communications Ms. Päivi JANKA Chief Counsellor Ministry of Trade and Industry Mr. Pentti TIUSANEN Member of Parliament Parliament of Finland Ms. Susanna HAAPOJA Member of Parliament Parliament of Finland

Ms. Heidi HAUTALA Member of the Parliament of Finland Vice-Chair of Env. Committee Parliament of Finland Ms. Säde TAHVANAINEN Member of Parliament Parliament of Finland Mr. Jouko LAXELL Member of Parliament Parliament of Finland Mr. Susanna DROMBERG Political Adviser Ministry of the Environment Mr. Jaakko OJALA Counsellor Environmental Protection Department Ministry of the Environment Ms. Pirkko HEIKINHEIMO Senior Adviser International Climate Project Ministry of the Environment Ms. Tita KORVENOJA Senior Adviser Ministry of the Environment Ms. Petra THEMAN First Secretary Diplomatic Mission of Finland to Argentina Ms. Tiina JOKINEN Legal Officer Ministry for Foreign Affairs Ms. Aulikki KAUPPILA Counsellor Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Ms. Erja FAGERLUND Senior Adviser Energy Department Ministry of Trade and Industry Mr. Kari HÄMEKOSKI Programme Manager Finnish Environment Institute Mr. Ilkka SAVOLAINEN Research Professor VTT Processes Technical Research Centre of Finland Ms. Riitta PIPATTI Senior Research Scientist VTT Processes Technical Research Centre of Finland Ms. Riitta LARNIMAA Senior Policy Adviser Confederation of Finnish Industry and Employers

FCCC/CP/2004/INF.3 Page 22 Finland (continued) Mr. Jouko RÄMÖ Senior Corporate Adviser Environmental Affairs Pohjolan Voima Ltd. Ms. Raija PIKKU-PYHÄLTÖ Chief Technical Adviser TEKES National Technology Agency Mr. Simo KYLLÖNEN Member of the Climate Group Finnish Association for Nature Conservation Mr. Sami WILKMAN Climate Change Expert WWF Finland Ms. Jenni SANTALO Secretary to the Delegation Diplomatic Mission of Finland to Argentina Mr. Washington COUTO Diplomatic Mission of Finland to Argentina Mr. Claudio Daniel CAPEIKA Technical Assistant Diplomatic Mission of Finland to Argentina

France S.E. M. Serge LEPELTIER Ministre de l'écologie et du développement durable S.E. M. Francis LOTT Ambassadeur Mission diplomatique de la République Française en Argentine S.E. M. Denis GAUER Ambassadeur délégué à l'environnement Ministère des affaires étrangères

Mme Marie JAUDET Communication, éducation et sensibilisation Mission interministérielle de l'effet de serre M. Marc GILLET Directeur Observatoire national sur les effets du réchauffement climatique M. Régis JUVANON DU VACHAT Chargé de mission Mission interministérielle de l'effet de serre M. Henri-Luc THIBAULT Chef du service des affaires internationales Ministère de l'écologie et du développement durable Mme Marie-Claire LHENRY Service des affaires internationales Ministère de l'écologie et du développement durable Mme Aurélie VIEILLEFOSSE Direction des études économiques et de l'évaluation environnementale Ministère de l'écologie et du développement durable M. Sébastien MERCERON Direction de études économiques et de l'évaluation environnementale Ministère de l'écologie et du développement durable M. Hubert DE CANSON Premier secrètaire Correspondant environnement Mission diplomatique de la République Française en Argentine M. Philippe LACOSTE Sous-directeur de l'environnement Direction des affaires économiques et financières Ministère des affaires étrangères

M. Alain CHAUDRON Chargé de mission pour les affaires internationales Ministère de l'agriculture, de l'alimentation, de la pêche et de la ruralité M. Patrick BLANC Direction générale de l'énergie et des matières premières Ministère de l'économie, des finances et de l'industrie M. Franck JESUS Direction des relations economiques extérieures DGTPE Ministère de l'économie, des finances et de l'industrie M. Jean-Jacques BECKER Chef du bureau de l'agriculture et de l'environnement Ministère de l'économie, des finances et de l'industrie Mme Valérie MERCKX Chargée de mission effet de serre Direction du marketing et du développement Office national des forêts M. Marc-Antoine MARTIN Secrétaire général du fonds français pour l'environnement mondial M. Mustapha KLEICHE Chargé de mission Agence française de developpement M. Hervé BALLEREAU Officier de sécurité Cabinet du ministre Mme Adeline CASTILLON Service de presse Cabinet du ministre M. Bernard DEFLESSELLES Député des Bouches-du-Rhône Parlement

M. Christian BRODAGH Délégué interministériel au développement durable Mission interministérielle de l'effet de serre

Mme Anne DENIS-BLANCHARDON Sous-direction de l'environnement Ministère des affaires étrangères

Mme Marie BONNET Conseillère diplomatique Cabinet du ministre

M. Nicolas LAMBERT Bureau de la gestion des ressources naturelles et de l'environnement Ministère des affaires étrangères

M. Didier BOSSEBOEUF Coordinateur des études prospectives energie-effet de serre Agence de l'environnement et de la maîtrise de l'énergie

M. Francois BORDES Conseiller technique Cabinet du ministre

Mme Céline JURGENSEN Direction des affaires juridiques Ministère des affaires étrangères

Mme Marie-Christine BLANDIN Sénatrice du Nord Parlement

M. Philippe MEUNIER Secrétaire général Mission interministérielle de l'effet de serre

M. Rémi LEFEVRE Secteur ITEC Secrétariat général du comité interministériel de coordination europèenne

M. Christian BRODHAG Délégué interministériel au développement durable

M. Paul WATKINSON Coordonnateur de l'action internationale Mission interministérielle de l'effet de serre

M. Joseph RACAPÉ Chaige Mission Meed Mission interministérielle de l'effet de serre

FCCC/CP/2004/INF.3 Page 23 France (continued)


M. Vincent BOURCIER Secrétaire Observatoire national sur les effets du réchauffement climatique

S.E. M. Alexandre Hugues BARRO CHAMBRIER Ministre de l'économie forestière, des eaux de la pêche, de l'environnement

M. Romain FRÉMONT Chargé de mission registre Caisse des dépôts et consignations

Mme Georgette KOKO Ministère de l'économie forestière, des eaux de la pêche, de l'environnement

Mr. Damien BOROT Directeur du Développement Caisse des dépôts et consignations

M. Chris MOMBO NZATSI Directeur général de l'environnement Ministère de l'économie forestière, des eaux de la pêche, de l'environnement

Mr. Serge BERNOU Chef de projet registre Caisse des dépôts et consignations M. Jean JOUZEL Directeur du LSCE Commissariat à l'énergie atomique M. Arthur RIEDACKER Directeur de recherches á l'INRA Institut national de la recherche agronomique M. Oliver HABONNEAUD Attaché commercial Mission diplomatique de la République Française en Argentine Mme Blandine KREISS Ministre-Conseiller Mission diplomatique de la République Française en Argentine M. Cédric PRIETO Premier Secrétaire Mission diplomatique de la République Française en Argentine Mme Stéphanie MONTEIL Attachée de presse Mission diplomatique de la République Française en Argentine M. Joël LE BAIL Attachée de coopération Mission diplomatique de la République Française en Argentine Mme Michèle ROBINSON Attachée Mission diplomatique de la République Française en Argentine M. Blas PEZZINI Mission diplomatique de la République Française en Argentine M. Jean-Marie CABRIERES Mission diplomatique de la République Française en Argentine Mme Sandrine AMIEL Mission diplomatique de la République Française en Argentine

H.E. Mr. Rolf SCHUMACHER Ambassador Diplomatic Mission of the Federal Republic of Germany to Argentina Mr. Karsten SACH Deputy Director General International Cooperation Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety Ms. Nicole WILKE Head of Division International Cooperation, Global Conventions, International Climate Change Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety

Gambia Mr. Bubu Pateh JALLOW Director/UNFCCC Focal Point Department of Water Resources H.E. Mr. Bai Mass TAAL Secretary of State for Fisheries, Natural Resources and the Environment Ms. Fatou Ndeye GAYE Member of National Climate Committee Department of Livestock Services

Georgia Mr. Grigol LAZRIEV Head Climate Change Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources Protection Mr. Paata JANELIDZE Head of Division Sustainable Development Division, Climate Change Departament Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources Protection Ms. Marina J. SHVANGIRADZE Head of Division National Policy Division Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources Protection Mr. Dietrich BORST Chair Person External Relations German Emissions Trading Association Mr. Jürgen HACKER Managing Director Umwelt Management Beratung Hacker GmbH

Germany H.E. Mr. Jürgen TRITTIN Federal Minister for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety

Mr. Franz-Josef SCHAFHAUSEN Head of Division National Climate Protection Programme, Environment and Energy Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety Mr. Peter FISCHER Head of Division Task Force on Environmental and Biopolitical Issues in Foreign Policy Federal Foreign Office Ms. Marita STEINKE Head of Division Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development Mr. Erich WALLENWEIN Head of Division International Environmental Policy, Climate Protection Federal Ministry of Economics and Labour Ms. Bärbel HÖHN Minister - State of North Rhine-Westfalia Ministry of Conservation, Agriculture and Consumer Protection of the State of North Rhine-Westfalia Mr. Werner SCHNAPPAUF State Minister State Development and the Environment of the State of Bavaria Ministry of State Development and the Environment- Bavaria Mr. Josef GÖPPEL Deputy Chairman of CDU/CSU Parliamental Group Bundestag Mr. Michael SCHROEREN Head of Division/Speaker of the Federal Environment Minister Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety Ms. Birgit SCHWENK Personal Assistant to the Federal Environment Minister Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety

FCCC/CP/2004/INF.3 Page 24 Germany (continued) Mr. Norbert GORISSEN Head of Division International and EU-Affairs of Renewable Energies Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety Mr. Michael KRACHT Policy Adviser International Cooperation, Global Conventions, International Climate Change Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety Ms. Ursula FUENTES HUTFILTER Policy Adviser International Cooperation, Global Conventions, International Climate Change Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety Mr. Dirk WEINREICH Assistant Head of Division National Climate Protection Programme, Environment and Energy Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety Mr. Claus BORMUTH Deputy Head of Division Co-ordination of Environmental Issues Federal Ministry of Consumer Protection, Food and Agriculture

Mr. Klaus BÖNNEMANN First Counsellor Diplomatic Mission of the Federal Republic of Germany to Argentina

Mr. Bernhard ZANDER Director of Division KfW-Climate Protection Funds Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau

Mr. Cristobal ZIMMERMANN Executive Officer Diplomatic Mission of the Federal Republic of Germany to Argentina

Mr. Stefan RÖSNER Assistant Head of Division Climate and Environment German Meteorological Service

Mr. Markus LINK Personal Secretary Ministry of State Development and the Environment- Bavaria

Mr. Lambert SCHNEIDER Scientific Adviser Oeko-Institut (Institute for Applied Ecology e.V.)

Mr. Wulf RIESS Head of Division International Cooperation Ministry of State Development and the Environment- Bavaria

Mr. Sebastian OBERTHÜR Senior Associate Institute for International and European Environmental Policy

Mr. Karl-Heinz STEPHAN Head of Division Climate Protection Ministry of State Development and the Environment- Bavaria Mr. Ernst-Christoph STOLPER Head of Department Basic Questions, Planning and Coordination, One -World-Policy Ministry of Conservation, Agriculture and Consumer Protection of the State of North Rhine-Westfalia

Ms. Sigrid STRICH Deputy Head of Division International Forest Policy Federal Ministry of Consumer Protection, Food and Agriculture

Ms. Petra GRUND Assistant Head of Unit One-World Policy, Constructive Conflict Management Ministry for the Environment, Conservation, Agriculture and Consumer Protection of the State of North RhineWestfalia

Ms. Silke LUTZMANN Executive Officer Minister's Office Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety

Mr. Martin WEIß Assistant Head of Division Climate Protection Federal Environmental Agency

Mr. Reinhard SCHNEIDER Executive Officer Press Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety Ms. Olivia MAUDRICH Executive Officer International Cooperation, Global Conventions, International Climate Change Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety Mr. Stefan SCHLÜTER Deputy Head of Mission Diplomatic Mission of the Federal Republic of Germany to Argentina Mr. Pit KÖHLER First Secretary Diplomatic Mission of the Federal Republic of Germany to Argentina

Mr. Astrid SCHULZ Research Analyst Climate German Advisory Council on Global Change Mr. Klaus OPPERMANN Senior Project Manager The German Development Bank Mme Hans-Juergen FROESE Attaché Diplomatic Mission of the Federal Republic of Germany to Argentina Ms. Gabriele LAWRENZ Executive Officer Diplomatic Mission of the Federal Republic of Germany to Argentina Mr. Detlef Wolfgang SCHREIBER


Ms. Rosemarie BENNDORF Assistant Head of Division Federal Environmental Agency Mr. Holger LIPTOW Project Director Climate Change German Technical Cooperation

Mr. William Kojo AGYEMANG-BONSU National Climate Change Coordinator Environmental Protection Agency Mr. Alfred K. OFOSU-AHENKORAH Executive Director Energy Foundation Mr. Z. MINIA Principal Meteorologist Meteorological Services Department

Ms. Elisabeth MAUSOLF Climate Change Expert German Technical Cooperation

Mr. Emmanuel Yaotse DJOKOTOE Forestry Commission

Ms. Kerstin DIETRICH CDM Project Manager German Technical Cooperation

Mr. Urias Kweku ARMOO Solicitor Secretary Forestry Commission

Mr. Klaus KNECHT Senior Project Manager Renewable Energy and Climate Protection Environment, Energy and Water InWent GmbH - Capacity Building International

Mr. Robert Kofi BAMFO Head Monitoring and Evaluation Department Forestry Commission

FCCC/CP/2004/INF.3 Page 25 Ghana (continued) Mr. Rexford OSEI Ag. Director Policy Planning Monetary Evaluation Ministry of Environment, Science and Technology Mr. John Gatsiko NEWTON Assistant Director Ministry of Communications Ministry of Communications

Greece Mr. Ioannis VOURNAS General Director for the Environment Ministry for the Environment

Sr. Carlos MANSILLA Coordinador Programa Nacional de Cambio Climático Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales Sra. Rita MISHAN Directora Cooperación y Comunicación Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales Sr. Eduardo ÁLVAREZ Decano Facultad de Ciencias y Humanidades Universidad del Valle de Guatemala Sra. Marta ALTOLAGUIRRE Viceministra de Relaciones Exteriores Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores

Mr. Dimitrios LALAS Director National Observatory of Athens Ministry of Environment, Physical Planning and Public Works

Sra. Carolina ROSSELLI RIVAROLA Asistente Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales

Ms. Elpida POLITI Department of International Relations and EU Affairs Ministry of Environment, Physical Planning and Public Works

Sr. Abelardo PÉREZ Asesor del Programa Nacional de Cambio Climático Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales

Mr. Panayotis NICOLARAS Ministry for Development


Mr. Constantine HATZIYIANNAKIS Head of Section Energy Policy Unit Ministry for Development

M. Joseph SYLLA Chef de section Projet changements climatiques Direction nationale de l'environnement

Mr. Sevastianos MIRASGENTIS Expert National Observatory of Athens Ms. Eleni GEORGOPOULOU Expert to the Ministry of Environment, Physical Planning and Public Works National Observatory of Athens

Grenada Mr. Ryan LALITTE Project Officer Economic Affairs Division Ministry of Finance and Planning

Guatemala Sr. Juan de Dios CALLE SCHLESINGER Viceministro de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales Sr. Herbert Werner BECH CABRERA Encargado de Negocios Mision Diplomática de la República de Guatemala en Argentina

Guinea-Bissau M. Alexandre CABRAL Coordinateur Projet changements climatiques and Focal Pint UNFCCC Direction générale de l'environnement

Haiti S.E. M. Yves-André WAINRIGHT Ministre de l'environnement M. Wilfrid SAINT-JEAN Focal Point Energie Ministère de l'environnement M. Moïse JEAN-PIERRE Coordinateur du projet sur les changements climatiques Ministère de l'environnement Sr. Jean C. AUGUSTAVE Charge d'affaires Mr. Pierre Wilny TESSONO Mission diplomatique d'Haïtí en Argentine

Honduras Sr. Gerardo SALGADO Subsecretario de Recurso Naturales y Energía Sra. Mirza OSIRIS CASTRO Coordinadora Nacional del Programa de Cambio Climático Secretaría de Recursos Naturales y Ambiente

Hungary H.E. Mr. Miklós PERSÁNYI Minister for Environment and Water Mr. Tibor FARAGÓ Director General Department for Environmental Policy Ministry for Environment and Water Mr. József FEILER Head of Section Climate Change Unit Ministry for Environment and Water Mr. László GÁSPÁR Head of the Section for Climate Change Convention National Directorate for Environment, Nature and Water Ministry for Environment and Water Mr. Zoltán BÁCS Cunsellor Diplomatic Mission of the Republic of Hungary to Argentina

Iceland H.E. Ms Sigridur Anna THORDADOTTIR Minister for the Environment Mr. Magnus JOHANNESSON Secretary General Ministry for the Environment H.E. Mr. Gunnar PALSSON Ambassador Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Affairs Ministry for Foreign Affairs Mr. Hugi ÓLAFSSON Director Office of Sustainable Development and International Affairs Ministry for the Environment Mr. Axel NIKULASSON Counsellor Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Affairs Ministry for Foreign Affairs

FCCC/CP/2004/INF.3 Page 26 Iceland (continued)

Mr. D. Santa Ranjan PATNAIK

Mr. Ottar Freyr GÍSLASON Special Advisor Office of Sustainable Development and International Affairs Ministry for the Environment


India H.E. Mr. A. RAJA Minister of Environment and Forests

H.E. Mr. Rachmat WITOELAR State Minister Ministry of Environment Mr. SUDARIYONO Deputy Minister Ministry of Environment

Ms. Dewi Gustina TOBING Diplomatic Mission of the Republic of Indonesia to Argentina Mr. Johannes JH PRASETYO Diplomatic Mission of the Republic of Indonesia to Argentina Mr. Tri THARYAT Permanent Representative to the United Nations in New York

Mr. Prodipto GHOSH Secretary Ministry of Environment and Forests

Ms. Liana BRATASIDA Assistant to the Minister on Global Environmental Affairs Ministry of Environment

Mr. Bambang SETIADI Deputy Director Environmental and Electricity Safety Repowering Indonesian State Electricity Company

Mr. Naresh DAYAL Secretary Ministry of Environment and Forests

Mr. Dedi M. MASYKUR RIYADI Deputy Head National Development Planning Agency

Mr. Andi Peherangi JAYA Special Assistant for Environmental Affairs

H.E. Mr. Rinzing WANGDI Ambassador Diplomatic Mission of India to Argentina

Mr. Ir. SUNARYO Assistant Minister Forestry Partnership Cooperation Ministry of Forestry

Mr. S.K. JOSHI Joint Secretary Ministry of Environment and Forests Mr. Subodh Kumar SHARMA Adviser Environment and Forest Ministry of Environment and Forests

Mr. Edi Effendi TEDJAKUSUMA Director Forestry and Water Resources Conservation National Development Planning Agency

Mr. Andy PURNAMA RUSLI Ms. Dewi H. SETIANI Mr. Hardiv Harris SITUMEANG Indonesian State Electricity Company Ms. Harijanti Mardrianto KADRI PT. Indonesia Power

Mr. Agus PRABOWO National Development Planning Agency


Mr. Supriatna SUHALA Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources

Mr. Agus Pratama SARI Executive Director PELANGI

Ms. Riva Ganguly DAS Director Ministry of External Affairs

Mr. Gede Ngurah SWAJAYA Deputy Director Directorate of UN Economic Development and Environmental Affairs Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Ms. Eka MELISA Coordinator Climate and Energy WWF-Indonesia

Mr. Govindarajan SRINIVASAN Scientist Ministry of Science and Technology

Mr. NURMASRIPATIN Ministry of Forestry

Mr. Anees KUMAR First Secretary Diplomatic Mission of India to Argentina

Mr. Sumardjo Gatot IRIANTO Head Agro-climate and Hydrology Research Ministry of Agriculture

Mr. S. GOLDAR Head of Chancery Diplomatic Mission of India to Argentina

Mr. Rahmat PRIATNA BP Migas

Mr. Chandrashekhar DASGUPTA Distinguished Fellow Centre for Global Environment Research The Energy and Resources Institute

Mr Joko PRIHATNO Head Division for Environmental Services Ministry of Forestry

Mr. Akilan RAMNATHAN Assistant Ministry of Environment and Forests

Mr. Agustaviano SOFJAN Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Mr. Rajesh Kumar SETHI Director Ministry of Environment and Forests

Mr. Luis DEANE Diplomatic Mission of India to Argentina Mr. Marcelo KUPFER Diplomatic Mission of India to Argentina

Mr. Rahmadi UTOMO Diplomatic Mission of the Republic of Indonesia to Argentina

Ms. Upik ROSALINA Bogor Institute of Agriculture Mr. Yus Rusila NOOR Project Coordinator CCFPI Wetlands International Ms. Erna WITOELAR Representative of the Indonesian Biodiversity Foundation

Iran (Islamic Republic of) Mr. Saeed MOTESADDI ZARANDI Director General for Air Pollution Bureau Department of the Environment Mr. Abdollah SEDAGHAT KERDAR Deputy Head Meteorological Organisation

FCCC/CP/2004/INF.3 Page 27 Iran (Islamic Republic of) (continued) Mr. Shahin Mohammad NEGAD Ministries of Industries and Mines Mr. Gholam Reza AMINI RANJBAR Director General Environment and Sustainable Development Ministry of Agriculture Mr. Abdolreza ALAEI Ministry of Petroleum Mr. Ahmad KADKHODAZADEH Senior Expert Ministry of Petroleum

Mr. Feargal O'COIGLIGH Minister's Adviser Environment, Heritage and Local Government Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government Mr. Conor O'RAGHALLAIGH Assistant Principal Officer Climate Section Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government Mr. Michael YOUNG Environmental Inspector Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government

Ms. Nastaran RAHIMI Expert Ministry of Energy

Mr. Frank MCGOVERN Senior Scientific Officer Environmental Protection Agency Regional Inspectorate

Mr. Abbas JAZAYERI Ministry of Interior

Mr. Fintan FARRELLY Department of Foreign Affairs

Mr. Zeyaeddin ALMASI Management and Planning Organization

Mr. Christopher DOYLE Legal Advisor Office of the Attorney General

Mr. Mohammad Rahim AHMADVAND Ministry of Economics Mr. Forood SHARIFI Expert Ministry of Agriculture Mr. Javad AGHAZADEH KHOEI Coordinator for International Climate Change Agreements Department of International Economic Affairs Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Ireland H.E. Mr. Dick ROCHE Minister of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government Mr. Tom O'MAHONY Assistant Secretary Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government Mr. Owen RYAN Principal Officer Air/Climate Section Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government Ms. Kathy BRUTON Minister's Private Secretary Environment, Heritage and Local Government Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government

Mr. Eugene HENDRICK Director COFORD National Council for Forest Research and Development Mr. Patrick FINNEGAN Coordinator Greenhouse Ireland Action Network Mr. David HEALY Friends of the Irish Environment Mr. Richard DOUTHWAITE The Foundation for the Economics of Sustainability H.E. Mr. Ken THOMPSON Ambassador Embassy of Ireland in Argentina Mr. Derek LAMBE Secretary Embassy of Ireland in Argentina

Israel Ms. Miriam HARAN Director General Ministry of the Environment H.E. Mr. Rafael ELDAD Ambassador Diplomatic Mission of Israel to Argentina Mr. Dori GOREN Minister Counsellor Diplomatic Mission of Israel to Argentina

Ms. Ori LIVNE Director International Relations Division Ministry of the Environment Ms. Shulamit NEZER Director Air Quality Division Ministry of the Environment Mr. Yaron ARNON Director Environmental Economics Division Ministry of the Environment Ms. Keren SHAHAR BEN AMI Lawyer Legal and Conventions Department Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Lior HAIAT Attaché Diplomatic Mission of Israel to Argentina Mr. Shmuel LIVNE Attaché Diplomatic Mission of Israel to Argentina Mr. Eran COHEN Attaché Diplomatic Mission of Israel to Argentina Mr. Alfredo BAZAN Attaché Diplomatic Mission of Israel to Argentina Mr. Alberto KUPERSMID Attaché Diplomatic Mission of Israel to Argentina Mr. Alberto ROMANO Attaché Diplomatic Mission of Israel to Argentina Ms. Sabrina MAUAS Attaché Diplomatic Mission of Israel to Argentina Mr. Roni NINIO Attaché Diplomatic Mission of Israel to Argentina Mr. Iosi PINCHASI Diplomatic Mission of Israel to Argentina Mr. Ehud LIMOR Attaché Diplomatic Mission of Israel to Argentina Mr. Victor NISENBAUM Attaché Diplomatic Mission of Israel to Argentina Mr. Sebastian CHAYA Attaché Diplomatic Mission of Israel to Argentina

FCCC/CP/2004/INF.3 Page 28 Israel (continued) Mr. Gustavo GIRALDES Attaché Diplomatic Mission of Israel to Argentina Mr. Guillermo PALACIOS Attaché Diplomatic Mission of Israel to Argentina Mr. Julio Oscar PEREZ Attaché Policia Federal Diplomatic Mission of Israel to Argentina Mr. Ariel TAUBENFELD Attaché Diplomatic Mission of Israel to Argentina

Italy H.E. Mr. Altero MATTEOLI Minister for the Environment and Territory Mr. Roberto TORTOLI Deputy-Minister for the Environment and Territory H.E. Mr. Roberto NIGIDO Ambassador Diplomatic Mission of Italy to Argentina Mr. Corrado CLINI Director General Ministry for the Environment and Territory Ms. Federica CINGOLANI Press Agent of Minister for the Environment and Territory Ministry for the Environment and Territory Mr. Antonio STRAMBACI Ministry for the Environment and Territory Mr. Luigi VAGAGGINI Ministry for the Environment and Territory Mr. Ezio RONCHIERI Assistant of Minister Ministry for the Environment and Territory Ms. Mara ANGELONI Coordinator of Climate Change Unit Department for Environmental Research and Development Ministry for the Environment and Territory Mr. Ennio ANTONETTI Ministry for the Environment and Territory Mr. Marcello BALASINI Expert Ministry for the Environment and Territory Ms. Viviana BIANCO Ministry for the Environment and Territory

Ms. Laura FASSIO CANUTO Expert Ministerio de Ambiente Ministry for the Environment and Territory Mr. Sergio CASTELLARI Expert Department for Environmental Research and Development Ministry for the Environment and Territory Mr. Paolo CECCHETTI Ministry for the Environment and Territory Ms. Claudia CROCE Ministry for the Environment and Territory Ms. Paola GERONZI Ministry for the Environment and Territory Ms. Martina HAUSER Ministry for the Environment and Territory Mr. Giovanni IZZILLO Official Ministry for the Environment and Territory Mr. Mario LIONETTI Expert Ministry for the Environment and Territory Mr. Antonio LUMICISI Expert Department for Environmental Research and Development Ministry for the Environment and Territory Ms. Maria Michela MORESE Expert Department for Environmental Research and Development Ministry for the Environment and Territory Ms. Laura SANCHEZ Ministry for the Environment and Territory Ms. Daniela SORRENTINO Expert Department for Environmental Research and Development Ministry for the Environment and Territory Ms. Silvia VAGHI Department for Global Environment, International and Regional Conventions Ministry for the Environment and Territory Ms. Gloria VISCONTI Ministry for the Environment and Territory Mr. Sandro FEDERICI Expert Department for Environmental Research and Development Ministry for the Environment and Territory Mr. Andrea COSTI Unione Italiana del Lavoro

Mr. Claudio FALASCA Mr. Giuseppe D'ERCOLE Confederazione Italiana Sindicati Lavoratori H.E. Mr. Mario QUAGLIOTTI Minister Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Vincenzo PALLADINO Diplomatic Mission of Italy to Argentina Mr. Giorgio TRABATTONI Environment Coordinator Italian Aid Department for Development Cooperation Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Carmine ROBUSTELLI Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Cesare MORBELLI Diplomatic Mission of Italy to Argentina Mr. Marco ALBERTI Diplomatic Mission of Italy to Argentina Mr. Roberto SEMENZATO Diplomatic Mission of Italy to Argentina Mr. Andrea COSTANTINI SCALA Ministry for Agricultural Policies Ms. Rocio Danica CONDOR Environmental Specialist Agency for the Protection of Environment and for Technical Services Mr. Riccardo DE LAURETIS Environmental Protection Agency Mr. Domenico GAUDIOSO Expert Environment Pressures Unit Agency for the Protection of Environment and for Technical Services Ms. Daniela ROMANO Environmental Protection Agency Ms. Lucia PERUGINI Expert University of Tuscia Mr. Riccardo VALENTINI Official University of Tuscia Mr. Sergio MIOTTO Director Confservizi International Mr. Enrico GOTTI Italsystem for Environment

FCCC/CP/2004/INF.3 Page 29 Italy (continued)


Mr. Giancarlo LONGHI Conai

H.E. Ms. Yuriko KOIKE Minister of the Environment

Mr. Dario ALLEGRA Federgasacqua

H.E. Mr. Hiroshi TAKANO Senior Vice-Minister of the Environment Ministry of the Environment

Mr. Giorgio VICINI Senior Research Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei Ms. Joana CHIAVARI Researcher Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei Mr. Guido SANTINI Administrative Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei Mr. Aldo IACOMELLI ISES Italia Mr. Alessandro LANZA Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei Mr. Giorgio MERIGO CESI Mr. Adriano PAROLI Chamber of Deputies Mr. Valerio CALZOLAIO Chamber of Deputies Mr. Osvaldo NAPOLI Chamber of Deputies Mr. Enrico SETA Parliament Officer Chamber of Deputies Italian Parliament Mr. Ugo BERGAMO Senate Mr. Fausto GIOVANELLI Senate Mr. Sauro TURRONI Senate Mr. Stefano MORSELLI Senate

Jamaica Ms. Sylvia MCGILL Director Meteorological Services National Meteorological Services Mr. Dale RANKINE Meteorologist Meteorological Service National Meteorological Services

H.E. Mr. Itsunori ONODERA Parliamentary Secretary for Foreign Affairs Ministry of Foreign Affairs H.E. Mr. Masaki KONISHI Ambassador for Global Environmental Affairs Ministry of Foreign Affairs H.E. Mr. Shinya NAGAI Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Diplomatic Mission of Japan to Argentina Mr. Kazuaki OBE Diplomatic Mission of Japan to Argentina Mr. Kiyoshi KOINUMA Deputy Director General Global Issues Department Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Kazuhiko TAKEMOTO Deputy Director General Minister's Secretariat Ministry of the Environment Mr. Hiroyuki FUKANO Deputy Director-General for Global Environmental Affairs Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry Mr. Hajime MYOI Deputy Director-General Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry Mr. Yoshihiro FUJIMORI Director International Policy Unit for Insfrastructure Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport Mr. Naoto NAKAHARA Secretary of Parliamentary Secretary for Foreign Affairs Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Hideo FUKUSHIMA Director, Climate Change Division Global Issues Department Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Masami FUJIMOTO Official, Climate Change Division Global Issues Department Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Mr. Masashi MORIMOTO Official, Climate Change Division Global Issues Department Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Satoshi OGAWA Official, Climate Change Division Global Issues Department Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Satoko OTANI Researcher, Climate Change Division Global Issues Department Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Yoshitsugu AKIYOSHI Official, Climate Change Division Global Issues Department Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Mariko HARA Researcher Diplomatic Mission of Japan to Germany Mr. Hiroyasu TAKAGI Counsellor Japan Center for Climate Change Actions Mr. Haruo MIYAMURA Counsellor and Medical Attache Diplomatic Mission of Japan to Argentina Mr. Tadayoshi MOCHIZUKI Counsellor Diplomatic Mission of Japan to Argentina Mr. Teruyuki ISHIKAWA First Secretary Diplomatic Mission of Japan to Argentina Mr. Shigeru IIDA First Secretary and Consul Diplomatic Mission of Japan to Argentina Mr. Shigeo NUMATA First Secretary Diplomatic Mission of Japan to Argentina Ms. Yasuyo KAJIMOTO First Secretary Diplomatic Mission of Japan to Argentina Mr. Kazuyoshi JOSAKI Second Secretary Diplomatic Mission of Japan to Argentina Mr. Satoru IMAMURA Second Secretary Diplomatic Mission of Japan to Argentina Mr. Tsutomu OURA Second Secretary Diplomatic Mission of Japan to Argentina

FCCC/CP/2004/INF.3 Page 30 Japan (continued) Mr. Takeshi NISHIKAWA Second Secretary Diplomatic Mission of Japan to Argentina Ms. Aya KOBAYASHI Third Secretary Diplomatic Mission of Japan to Argentina Ms. Hitomi NAKAMURA Third Secretary Diplomatic Mission of Japan to Argentina

Mr. Hiroki MIYAZONO Deputy Director International Forestry Cooperation Office Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Mr. Tatsuya WATANABE Deputy Director, Research and Extension Division Forestry Agency Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries

Ms. Junko KATO Deputy Director, Green Spaces Environment Enhancement Office Parks and Green Division, City and Regional Development Bureau Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport Mr. Eiji AOKI Chief Official, International Policy Unit for Infrastructure Policy Bureau Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport

Mr. Tatsuya OISHI Researcher Diplomatic Mission of Japan to Argentina

Mr. Jun FUKUDA Assistant Director Wood Products Division Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries

Mr. Yoshiko KIJIMA Consul Consulate General of Japan in New York

Mr. Hiroshi YAMAGATA Director for Global Environmental Affairs Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry

Mr. Makoto AIDA Security Police Ministry of the Environment

Mr. Satoshi HISHIYAMA First Secretary Diplomatic Mission of Japan in Venezuela

Mr. Toshiyuki SAKAMOTO Director Global Environmental Affairs Office Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry

Mr. Koji NARITA Secretary Ministry of the Environment

Mr. Yoshihiko SATO First Secretary Diplomatic Mission of Japan in Colombia Mr. Yukinobu KOBAYASHI First Secretary Diplomatic Mission of Japan to the United States Mr. Daiju TAKAHASHI Second Secretary and Interpreter Diplomatic Mission of Japan to the United States Mr. Jun YOSHINAGA Third Secretary Diplomatic Mission of Japan to Bolivia Mr. Junsaku MIZUHATA Deputy Director, Office of Earth and Environmental Science and Technology Ocean and Earth Division, Research and Development Bureau Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Ms. Naoko SUGITA Special Staff, Office of Earth and Environmental Science and Technology Ocean and Earth Division, Research and Development Bureau Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Mr. Toshiyuki AKAGI Senior Policy Analyst International Forestry Cooperation Office Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries

Mr. Katsuyuki KOURA Deputy Director, Global Environmental Affairs Office Industrial Science and Technology Policy and Environmental Bureau Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry Mr. Masahiro TACHIBANA Chief Official, Global Environmental Affairs Indutrial Science and Technology Policy and Environmental Bureau Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry Mr. Tomoyoshi HISAMORI Chief Officer, Global Environmental Affairs Office Indutrial Science and Technology Policy and Environmental Bureau Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry Mr. Sozaburo OKAMATSU Special Adviser Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry Mr. Hiroshi NIRASAWA Senior Planning Officer for Environment and Energy Environment and Ocean Division, Policy Bureau Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport Mr. Hiroki FUMOTO Deputy Director, Environmental Affairs and Construction Coordination Division Policy Bureau Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport

Mr. Hitoshi KOMETANI Secretary Ministry of the Environment

Mr. Yasuo TAKAHASHI Director, Research and Information Office Policy and Coordination Division Ministry of the Environment Mr. Satoshi TANAKA Director, Environmental Cooperation Office Global Environmental Issues Division Ministry of the Environment Mr. Osamu MIZUNO Director, Office of International Strategy on Climate Change Climate Change Division Ministry of the Environment Mr. Takashi OMURA Deputy Director Policy and Coordination Division Ministry of the Environment Mr. Reo KAWAMURA Officer, Minister' s Secretariat General Affairs Ministry of the Environment Mr. Hiroaki TAKIGUCHI Deputy Director Climate Change Policy Division Ministry of the Environment Mr. Motonari TSUJIWAKI Chief Officer Climate Change Policy Division Ministry of the Environment

FCCC/CP/2004/INF.3 Page 31 Japan (continued) Ms. Sae SATO Chief Official, Public Relations Office Policy Coordination/Evaluation and Public Relations Division Ministry of the Environment Mr. Keizo FUKUSHIMA Official Climate Change Policy Division Ministry of the Environment Mr. Yasushi NINOMIYA Environmental Researcher Climate Change Policy Division Ministry of the Environment Ms. Kaori KAMEYA Environmental Researcher Climate Change Policy Division Ministry of the Environment Mr. Hiroshi OHKI Advisor to the Minister Ministry of the Environment Mr. Akio MORISHIMA Chair Board Directors Institute for Global Environmental Strategies Mr. Koji SHIMADA Professor Ritsumeikan University Mr. Tomoyuki AIZAWA Researcher - Greenhouse Gas Inventory Office of Japan Center for Global Environmental Research National Institute for Environmental Studies Ms. Izumi KUBOTA Researcher, Social and Environmental Systems Division, Environmental Economics Section National Institute for Environmental Studies Mr. Kunihiko SHIMADA Researcher Climate Policy Project Institute for Global Environmental Strategies Ms. Rie WATANABE Researcher Climate Policy Project Institute for Global Environmental Strategies Mr. Makoto KATO Researcher Global Environment Centre Foundation Mr. Naoto HAKAHARA Secretary Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Mr. Hirobumi IIDA Deputy Director, General Affairs Division Minister's Secretariat Ministry of the Environment

Mr. S. MUIRURI Assistant Secretary

Mr. Hiroshi OKI Advisor Ministry of the Environment

Ms. Emily OJOO-MASSAWA Coordinator Climate Change Project National Environment Management Authority

Mr. Hiroaki TAKAGI Secretary General Japan Center for Climate Change Actions

Mr. Joshua G. WAIROTO Deputy Director Kenya Meteorological Department


Mr. Paul N. MBUTHI Research Officer Renewable Energy Ministry of Energy

Mr. Faris AL-JUNAIDI Secretary General Ministry of Environment Mr. Sameer ABU HELALEH Mr. Hussein BADARIN Head Climate Change Unit Ministry of Environment Mr. Ghazi F. ODAT Secretary General Assistant Ministry of Environment


Mr. Gregory Muia MUNYAO Senior Assistant Director Department of Industry Ministry of Trade and Industry Ms. Grace A. AKUMU Executive Director Policy/Administration Climate Network Africa Mr. Moses KITUO


Mr. Zhambul Lesbekovich BEKZHANOV Vice-Minister of Environmental Protection

H.E. Mr. Martin Puta TOFINGA Minister of Environment, Lands and Agricultural Development

Mr. Bulat BEKNIYAZOV Deputy Director Department Environmental Policy and Sustainable Development Ministry of Environmental Protection

Mr. Tukabu TEROROKO Permanent Secretary Ministry of Environment, Lands and Agricultural Development

Mr. Askar Abdrashitovich AKHMETOV Head of the Division International Organization and Problem of Safety Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Kanat A. BAIGARIN Director Climate Change Coordination Centre

Kenya H.E. Mr. Stephen KALONZO MUSYOKA Minister of Environment and Natural Resources Mr. Andrew KIPTOON Kenyan Mission to UNEP Mr. Ratemo MICHIEKA Director General National Environment Management Authority Mr. Canute KHAMALA Chairman

Mr. Andrew TEEM Climate Change Officer Ministry of Environment, Lands and Agricultural Development Mr. Riibeta ABETA Environmental Inspector Ministry of Environment, Lands and Agricultural Development Ms. Koin ETUATI Ministry of Environment, Lands and Agricultural Development

Kuwait Mr. Abbas NAQI Undersecretary Ministry of Energy Mr. Muhammad ABEL Director of International Relations International Affairs Department Environment Public Authority

FCCC/CP/2004/INF.3 Page 32 Kuwait (continued)



Mr. Muhammad AL-SUBAY International Analyst Kuwait Petroleum Corporation

Mr. Valdis BISTERS Director Climate and Renewable Energy Ministry of Environment

Mr. Stephan MICHEL Head of Section Directorate of International Law Federal Department of Foreign Affairs

Ms. Ingrida APENE Deputy Director Climate and Renewable Energy Ministry of the Environment


Mr. Mohammad MUNDICAR Controller Environment Protection Department Ministry of Energy Mr. Fadhel LARI Assistant Manager (Vice-Chair, SBI) Organisations and International Relations Ministry of Energy Mr. Falah AL-HAJRAF Third Secretary Diplomatic Mission of the State of Kuwait to Argentina Mr. Khaled AL-SHUAIBI Director of Meteorology Meteorology Department Directorate General of Civil Aviation, Meteorological Department

Kyrgyzstan Mr. Kanat DJANUZAKOV Deputy Minister of Ecology and Emergency Situations of the Kyrgyz Republic Ms. Zuhra ABAIHANOVA Project Manager National Office on Climate Change United Nations Development Programme Ms. Mira DJANGARACHEVA Project Manager GEF-UNDP National Capacity SelfAssessment for Global Environment Management

Ms. Mirdza RESTBERGS DE ZALTS Honorary Consul Consulate of the Republic of Latvia in Buenos Aires

Lesotho Mr. Bruno T. SEKOLI UNFCCC Focal Point Meteorological Services

Liberia Mr. Benjamin S. KARMORH JR. Assistant Professor Environmental Protection Agency of Liberia

Ms. Jolanta KOTVICKAJA Chief Desk Officer of Air Division Ministry of Environment Ms. Jolanta ZALTKAUSKIENE Head of Division GHG Registry and JI Projects Lithuanian Environmental Investment Fund H.E. Mr. Arvydas NAUJOKAITIS Diplomatic Mission of Lithuania to Argentina

Luxembourg S.E. M. Lucien LUX Ministre de l'environnement

Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Mr. Abdullatif Salem BENRAGEB Executive Manager (SBSTA Chair) National Committee for Climate Change H.E. Mr. Ali Y. GIUMA Ambassador Diplomatic Mission of Libyan Arab Jamahiriya to Argentina

Lao People's Democratic Republic

Mr. Milad EL SAHLI Counsellor Diplomatic Mission of Libyan Arab Jamahiriya to Argentina

Mr. Noulinh SINBANDHIT Vice President Science Technology and Environment Agency, Prime Minister's Office

Mr. Ahmed Salem A. JATIT Counsellor Diplomatic Mission of Libyan Arab Jamahiriya to Argentina

Mr. Xayaveth VIXAY Deputy Director General Department of Environment Science Technology and Environment Agency, Prime Minister's Office

Mr. Ahmed Ramadan ELHAJ General Manager Meteorological Department

Mr. Syamphone SENGCHANDALA Deputy Director Environment Impact Assessment Division Science Technology and Environment Agency, Prime Minister's Office

Mr. Aleksandras SPRUOGIS Undersecretary of the Ministry Ministry of Environment

Mr. Ahmed Ramadan BELHAJ General Manager Meteorogical Department National Committee for Climate Change Mr. Abdussalam Elmabruk BENALI Member Mr. Abdel Monaem ELLAFI

M. Henri HAINE Conseiller de direction première classe Ministère de l'environnement M. Jean-Paul FELTGEN Conseiller de direction première classe Ministère de l'environnement M. Frank THEWES Ingénieur-inspecteur Administration de l'environnement M. Eric DE BRABANTER Ministère de l'environnement Mme. Esther BOLLENDORFF Chargée de mission Ministère de l'environnement M. Georges GEHL Chargé de mission Ministère de l'environnement M. Jup WEBER Attaché Environnement Ministère de l'environnement M. Théo WEBER Directeur-adjoint de l'administration de l'environnement Ministère de l'environnement

FCCC/CP/2004/INF.3 Page 33 Luxembourg (continued) M. Jean BIVER Ingénieur-inspecteur Ministère de l'environnement M. Christian MÜLLER Chargé de mission Ministère de l'environnement M. Frank REIMEN Conseiller de Gouvernement Ministère de l'environnement

Madagascar M. Germain RANDRIASANDRATANA Point focal national Convention sur les changements climatiques Ministère de l'environnement, des eaux et fôrets

Malawi Mr. Raphael P. KABWAZA Director Environmental Affairs Department Ministry of Mines, Natural Resources and Environmental Affairs Mr. Paul DESANKER Global Environmental Change Program Africa University of Virginia, Department of Environmental Science

Mr. Suppiah MUTHUSAMY Principal Assistant Director Economic Planning Unit Prime Minister's Department Ms. Aziyah MOHAMED Ministry of Natural Resources and the Environment Ms. Noor Afifah ABDUL RAZAK Ministry of Energy, Water and Communication Mr. Mohd Famey YUSOFF Environmental Control Officer Department of Environment Ministry of Natural Resources and the Environment Mr. Mohd Basri WAHID Malaysia Palm Oil Board Mr. Kook Weng CHAN Senior Research Fellow Malaysia Palm Oil Board Mr. Anuar ABDUL RAHMAN Chief Executive Officer Malaysia Energy Centre Ms. Radin Diana RADIN AHMAD Research Officer Ministry of Energy, Water and Communication

Mr. Suboh MOHD YASSIN Deputy Secretary General Ministry of Natural Resources and the Environment

M. Mama KONATÉ Directeur national de la météorologie/Point focal de la CCNUCC Direction nationale de la météorologie M. Birama DIARRA Chef Division Recherche et Developpement Ministère de l'equimement et du Transports Direction nationale de la météorologie M. Moussa Kola CISSE Expert Environnement et développement du TiersMonde

Malta H.E. Mr. George PULLICINO Minister for Rural Affairs and Environment H.E. Mr. Michael ZAMMIT CUTAJAR Ambassador for International Environmental Affairs Ministry for Rural Affairs and the Environment Ms. Sharon CASSAR Policy Co-Ordinator Ministry for Rural Affairs and the Environment

Marshall Islands Mr. Samsudin MUSA Researcher Forest Research Institute of Malaysia

Malaysia Mr. S. SOTHINATHAN Deputy Minister Ministry of Natural Resources and the Environment


Mr. Poon Chai CHONG Principal Assistant Secretary Conservation and Environmental Management Division Ministry of Natural Resources and the Environment Mr. Say Moo FOO Senior Manager Petroleum National

Ms. Yumiko CRISOSTOMO Director Office of Environmental Planning and Policy Coordination Office of the President

Mauritania Mr. El Hadramy OULD BAHNEINE Directeur de l'environnement Direction de l'environnement et de l'aménagement rural

Mauritius Mr. Nadzri YAHAYA Deputy Undersecretary Conservation and Environmental Management Division Ministry of Natural Resources and the Environment Mr. Kok Kee CHOW Director General Meteorological Headquarters Malaysian Meteorological Service Mr. Choong Kit CHEAH Under Secretary Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Kok Seng YAP Deputy Director General Malaysian Meteorological Service

Maldives Mr. Abdullahi MAJEED Deputy Minister Ministry of Environment and Construction The Government of Maldives

Mr. Soobaraj Nayroo SOK APPADU Director Meteorological Services


Mr. Amjad ABDULLA Coastal Engineer Ministry of Environment and Construction The Government of Maldives

S.E. Sr. Alberto CÁRDENAS JIMÉNEZ Secretario de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales

Mr. Mohamed ZUHAIR Assistant Environment Analyst Ministry of Environment and Construction The Government of Maldives

Sra. Patricia OLAMENDI TORRES Subsecretaría para Asuntos Multilaterales y Derechos Humanos Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores

FCCC/CP/2004/INF.3 Page 34 Mexico (continued) Sr. Fernando TUDELA ABAD Subsecretario de Planeación y Politica Ambiental Secretaría de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales Sr. Carlos GARZA IBARRA Subsecretario de Planeación Energética y Desarrollo Tecnológico Secretaría de Energía S.E. Sra. Rosario GREEN MACÍAS Embajadora Misión Diplomática de Mexico en Argentina Sr. José Manuel BULÁS MONTORO Titular de la Unidad de Coordinadora de Asuntos Internacionales Semarnat Secretaría de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales Sr. Adrián Alfredo FERNÁNDEZ BREMAUNTZ Director General de Investigación sobre Contaminación Urbana, Regional y Global National Environment Institute Instituto Nacional de Ecología Sr. Juan Cristóbal MATA SANDOVAL Director General de Investigación, Desarrollo Technológico y Medio Ambiente Secretaría de Energía Sr. Miguel CERVANTES SÁNCHEZ Director General Adjunto para Proyectos de Cambio Climático Secretaría de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales Sra. Erika del Rocío LÓPEZ ROJAS Directora de Cooperación y Financiamiento Comisión Nacional Forestal Sr. Ricardo RAMIREZ LEAL Consejero Misión Diplomática de Mexico en Argentina Sr. Rodolfo GODÍNEZ ROSALES Director de Medio Ambiente Dirección General para Temas Globales Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores Sr. Manuel ESTRADA PORRÚA Director de Cambio Climático Unidad Coordinadora de Asuntos Internacionales Secretaría de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales

Sr. Ubaldo INCLÁN GALLARDO Director de Desarrollo Sustentable y Cambio Climático Dirección General de Investigación y Desarrollo Tecnológico y Medio Ambiente Secretaría de Energía Sra. Julia MARTÍNEZ FERNÁNDEZ Directora de Investigaciónes sobre Cambio Climático Instituto Nacional de Ecología Sr. Santos Roberto HERNÁNDEZ LÓPEZ Subdirector de Medio Ambiente Dirección General para Temas Globales Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores Sra. Alejandra LÓPEZ CARBAJAL Subdirectora de Cambio Climático Unidad Coordinadora de Asuntos Internacionales Secretaría de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales Sr. Israel LAGUNA MONROY Subdirector de Métodos y Estudios para la Mitigación del Cambio Climático Instituto Nacional de Ecología Sra. Maria Elena SIERRA GALINDO Subdirectora de Energías Renovables y Medio Ambiente Secretaria de Energía Misión Diplomática de Mexico en Argentina Sr. Arnoldo MATUS KRAMER Asesor Dirección General de Investigación Urbana, Regional y Global Instituto Nacional de Ecología

Sr. Manuel ARCINIEGA PORTILLO Integrante de Agenda Ciudadana Fundación para Desarrollo Sr. Miguel Antonio PARRODI ARROYO Integrante de Agenda Ciudadana Fundación para el Desarrollo Sra. Alma Luz BARBOSA BETANCOURT Sr. Luis Roberto Gerardo BARBOSA

Micronesia (Federated States of) H.E. Mr. Redley KILLION Vice-President H.E. Mr. Masao NAKAYAMA Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Permanent Mission of the Federated States of Micronesia to the United Nations, New York Mr. James A. NAICH Deputy Chief of Mission Diplomatic Mission of the Federated States of Micronesia to the United States Mr. John E. MOOTEB Deputy Assistant Secretary Environment and Sustainable Development Unit Department of Economic Affairs Mr. Joseph KONNO Executive Director Environmental Protection Agency Chuuk State Government

Sr. Jorge Rubén NORDHAUSEN GONZÁLEZ Presidente de la Comisión de Energía Cámara de Senadores

Mr. Charles CHIENG Chairman of the Board of Director Yap Environmental Protection Agency

Sra. Verónica VELASCO RODRÍGUEZ Presidenta de la Comisión de Medio Ambiente, Recursos Naturales y Pesca Cámara de Senadores

Ms. Mary Jane MACE Legal Adviser Foundation for International Environmental Law and Development

Sr. Hector LARIOS CÓRDOVA Secretario de la Comisión de Medio Ambiente, Recursos Naturales y Pesca Cámara de Senadores

Ms. Jona RAZZAGUE FIELD Staff Attorney Climate Change Foundation for International Environmental Law and Development

Sr. Oscar CANTÓN ZETINA Integrante de la Comisión de Medio Ambiente, Recursos Naturales y Pesca Cámara de Senadores Sr. Ricardo GERARDO HIGUERA Integrante de la Comisión de Medio Ambiente, Recursos Naturales y Pesca Cámara de Senadores Sr. Agustín MARTÍNEZ HERRERA Presidente de Agenda Ciudadana Fundación para el Desarrollo

Mongolia Mr. Banzragch BAYASGALAN Deputy Director Department of Sustainable Development and Environment Ministry of Nature and the Environment Mr. Battulga PUREVDORJ Officer International Cooperation Department

FCCC/CP/2004/INF.3 Page 35 Morocco M. Mohamed AMEUR Secrétaire général Ministère de l'aménagement du territoire, de l'eau et de l'environnement M. Taha BALAFREJ Directeur du partenariat, de la coopération et de la communication Ministère de l'aménagement du territoire, de l'eau et de l'environnement Mme Samira EL KHAMLICHI Responsable de l'unité des changements climatiques Ministère de l'aménagement du territoire, de l'eau et de l'environnement M. El-Hassan TALIB Ministère de l'équipement et des transports M. Abdellah MOKSSIT Direction de la météorologie nationale M. Abdelhamid GUERDH Premier Secrétaire Mission diplomatique du Royaume du Maroc en Argentina M. Ali AGOUMI Coordonnateur national du projet PNUD/PNUE RC-MDP M. Abdelhamid OHASSAN Chef Service de la normalisation Ministère de l'intérieur M. Adil SAID Représentant du haut commissariat aux eaux et forêts et de lutte contre la désertification M. Mehdi MECHBAL Conseiller Ministère de l'aménagement du territoire, de l'eau et de l'environnement

Mozambique Mr. Francisco Taula Constancio MABJAIA Deputy Minister for Co-ordination of Environmental Affairs Ms. Marília Telma António MANJATE National Focal Point of UNFCCC Ministry for Co-ordination of Environmental Affairs Mr. Sergio Jeremias ELISIO Member of Clean Development Mechanism Facilitators Team Ministry of Mineral Resources and Energy Mr. António Osvaldo SAIDE Member of Group for Climate Change National Directorate of Energy Ministry of Mineral Resources and Energy

Mr. Armando Moises MANHENGANE Head International Cooperation Department Ministry of Environment Mr. Eurico GUERREIRO DA CRUZ Head Forestry Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development Mr. Gilberto Miguel da Glória MAHUMANE Physics - Energy Research Programme Universidade Eduardo Mondlane

Namibia Mr. Petrus Nangolo IILONGA Deputy Minister of Environment and Tourism Mr. Teofilus Mutangeni NGHITILA Director of Environmental Affairs Ministry of Environment and Tourism Mr. Franz UIRAB Deputy Director and Head National Meteorological Service Mr. Joseph Augustus MCGANN National Climate Change Programme Coordinator Directorate of Environmental Affairs Ministry of Environment and Tourism

Netherlands H.E. Mr. Pieter VAN GEEL State Secretary Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and Environment Mr. Yvo DE BOER Director for International Environmental Issues Climate Change Department Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and Environment Ms. Henriette BERSEE Environment/Climate Change Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and Environment Mr. Jaap FREDERIKS Deputy Director Economic and Environmental Affairs Department Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Alexandra LOUISZOON Senior Policy Advisor Environment and Nuclear Safety Division Economic and Environmental Affairs Department Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Paul HASSING Deputy Director, Environment and Development Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Ms. Uazamo KAURA Scientist Environmental Affairs Ministry of Environment and Tourism

Ms. Christine PIRENNE Development Cooperation Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Mr. Prem JAIN Ministry of Mines and Energy

Ms. Sara OFFERMANS Directorate Environment and Development Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Mr. Shimweefeleni G. HAMUTWE Ministry of Mines and Energy Mr. Pierre François DU PLESSIS Co-author of Namibia's Climate Change Country Study Report National Committee on Climate Change Directorate of Environmental Affairs

Nepal H.E. Mr. Bachaspati DEVKOTA Minister of Population and Environment Mr. Dev Raj REGMI Secretary Ministry of Population and Environment Mr. Purushottam KUNWAR Under Secretary Ministry of Population and Environment

H.E. Mr. Robert Jan VAN HOUTUM Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Diplomatic Mission of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to Argentina Mr. Floris VAN HÖVELL Counsellor Diplomatic Mission of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to Argentina Mr. Menno VAN GENNE Agricultural Counsellor Diplomatic Mission of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to Argentina

Netherlands (continued) Mr. Edwin KOEKKOEK Policy Advisor Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and Environment

FCCC/CP/2004/INF.3 Page 36 Mr. Bert BORST Directorate Climate Change and Industry/Climate Change and Acidification Department Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and Environment Mr. Bas CLABBERS Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality Mr. Lex DE JONGE Department DGM/CDM Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and Environment Mr. Reginald HERNAUS Department DGM/CDM Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and Environment Mr. Erwin MULDERS Senior Policy Advisor Directorate Climate Change and Industry Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and Environment Ms. Monique VAN WORTEL Ministry of Transportation, Public Works and Water Management Mr. Dick BRUS Ministry of Transportation, Public Works and Water Management Mr. Wim MONNA Climate Research and Seismology Department Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute Mr. Wijnand DUIJVENDAK Member of Parliament Netherlands Parliament Mr. Paul DE KROM Member of Parliament Netherlands Parliament Ms. L. E. VAN HALEN Netherlands Parliament Mr. J.W.E. SPIES Netherlands Parliament Mr. Arjan W. BRAK Assistant to the State Secretary of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and Environment Ms. Babette GRÄBER Spokesperson for the State Secretary of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and Environment

Ms. Melanie F.A. PETERS Climate Change Department Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and Environment Mr. Frank E.A. JANSSEN Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and Environment Mr. Jip W. LENSTRA Directorate Climate Change and Industry Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and Environment Mr. Ronald FLIPPHI Directorate Climate Change and Industry Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and Environment Mr. Marcel M. BERK Directorate Climate Change and Industry Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and Environment Ms. Edith BESSA-PRONK Directorate Climate Change and Industry Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and Environment Ms. Marianne WAMSTEKER Directorate Climate Change and Industry Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and Environment Mr. Alexander T. BRANDT Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and Environment Mr. Maas GOOTE Directorate Climate Change and Industry Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and Environment Ms. Ivon VAN HEUGTEN Directorate Climate Change and Industry Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and Environment Mr. F.M.C. VAN HAGEN Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and Environment Mr. Dirk BOTH SenterNovem Utrecht Mr. Paul RUYSSENAARS Policy Advisor Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and Environment Mr. Elof E. WEELINCK Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and Environment Ms. Eveline P. TRINES Consultant Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Ms. Joella VAN RIJN Directorate Environment and Development Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Tara SHINE Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Hayo HAANSTRA Delegate Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality Mr. Maurits Blanson HENKEMANS Manager JI and ET Program Directorate General for Competition and Energy Ministry of Economic Affairs Mr. Gerard HOFMAN Diplomatic Mission of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to Argentina Mr. Coen VAN IWAARDEN Diplomatic Mission of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to Argentina Ms. Petra KALKMAN Diplomatic Mission of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to Argentina Ms. María Jose DE LAZZER Technical Assistant of the Agricultural Counsellor Diplomatic Mission of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to Argentina Mr. P.J. REINDERS Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and Environment Ms. Natasha KRAMER Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and Environment Mr. Adriaan KORTHUIS SenterNovem Utrecht Mr. Robert SCHOEN Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and Environment Mr. Pavel P. KABAT Chair Water and Climate Centre Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and Environment Ms. Anne JANSSEN Young Energy Specialists - Development Co-operation Mr. Haike Jan HAANSTRA Agriculture Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality

FCCC/CP/2004/INF.3 Page 37 Netherlands (continued) Mr. Jeroen VIS Policy Adviser Rural Affairs Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality Mr. Harm-Evert WAALKENS Member of Parliament Netherlands Parliament Mr. Claudio PEDRÓ Diplomatic Mission of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to Argentina Mr. Ronald BAKKER Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and Environment

New Zealand H.E. Mr. Pete E. HODGSON Convenor, Ministerial Group on Climate Change Government of New Zealand Mr. Alan COOK Director Environment Division Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade Ms. Christina HOOD Policy Adviser Government of New Zealand

Mr. Roger CORNFORTH Team Leader Strategic Evaluation and Advice Unit New Zealand Agency for International Development

Sr. Freddy PICADO TRAÑA Director Nacional de la Oficina de Desarrollo Limpio y Cambio Climático Ministerio del Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales

Mr. Roger LINCOLN Senior Operator New Zealand Climate Change Office Ministry for the Environment


Ms. Anna BROADHURST Senior Advisor Climate Change Office Ministry for the Environment Mr. Andrew JOHNSON Assistant Adviser Climate Change Office Ministry for the Environment Mr. David LUXTON First Secretary Diplomatic Mission of New Zealand to Argentina Mr. Mark GIBB First Secretary Diplomatic Mission of New Zealand to Argentina Mr. Fabian OHANESSIAN Diplomatic Mission of New Zealand to Argentina

H.E. Mr. Carl WORKER Ambassador Diplomatic Mission of New Zealand to Argentina

Mr. Andrew MATTHEWS Expert Adviser National Institute of Water And Atmospheric Research National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research

Ms. Judy LAWRENCE Director New Zealand Climate Change Office

Ms. Catherine BEARD Stakeholder Reprensentative Greenhouse Policy Coalition

Ms. Helen PLUME Manager Science and Inventory New Zealand Climate Change Office

Mr. Ian TURNEY Executive Officer Landcare Research

Mr. Bryan SMITH Manager Forest Policy Coordination Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Mr. Stuart CALMAN Manager Energy and the Environment Ministry of Economic Development Mr. Steve RYLANDS Principal Adviser Regulatory and Tax Policy Branch The Treasury

Ms. Mary Ann MITCHELL Stakeholder Reprensentative Meridian Energy Ltd. Ms. Kerry MARSHALL Stakeholder Representative Fonterra Cooperative Group Ltd. Mr. Murray WARD Stakeholder Representative International Programme

Nicaragua Sr. José SANTOS MENDOZA ARTEAGA Secretario General del Ministerio del Ambiente y Recursos Naturales

M. Hassane SALEY Secrétaire exécutif Conseil national de l'environnement pour un développement durable M. Moussa GOUSMANE Conseiller au secrétariat exécutif Conseil national de l'environnement pour un développement durable

Nigeria H.E. Mr. Bala MANDE Minister Federal Ministry of Environment H.E. Ms Nanede E. USMAN Federal Minister of Finance Mr. Martins YELLOWE Chairman Senate Committee on Environment Mr. Emeka ATUMA Chairman House Committee on Environment Mr. Collins Olisemeka GARDNER Executive Chairman Presidential Implementation on Clean Development Mechanism The Presidency Mr. P. A.F. DIXON Director Environmental Assessment Department Federal Ministry of Environment Mr. Mohammed Sanusi BARKINDO Group General Manager Investement Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation Mr. Samuel Adeoye ADEJUWON Desk Officer Department of Environment Assessment Federal Ministry of Environment Mr. Yerima Peter TARFA Assistant Desk Officer Environmental Assessment Department Federal Ministry of Environment Mr. Ahmed I. WADA Deputy Director Federal Ministry of Finance

FCCC/CP/2004/INF.3 Page 38 Nigeria (continued) Mr. Shehu Garba GUSAU Personal Assistant to HME Federal Ministry of Environment Mr. Sani SIDI Special Assistant to Minister of State for Finance Federal Ministry of Finance

Mr. Rolf Terje KLUNGLAND Member of Parliament Norwegian Parliament Mr. Hallgeir H. LANGELAND Norwegian Parliament Mr. Leif Frode ONARHEIM Member of Parliament Norwegian Parliament

Mr. Iyal Mohammed MAFARA Special Assistant Federal Ministry of Environment

Mr. Øyvind VAKSDAL Member of Parliament Norwegian Parliament

H.E. Mr. Anthony Adeyemi SEKUDO Ambassador Diplomatic Mission of Nigeria to Argentina

Ms. Hege ANDENES Director General Ministry of Environment

Mr. Joseph Chibuzo EZEMA Diplomatic Mission of Nigeria to Argentina

Mr. Peer STIANSEN Senior Adviser, Section for Climate Department for International Cooperation Ministry of Environment

Mr. Kelani ALLI-BALOGUN Diplomatic Mission of Nigeria to Argentina Mr. Jimoh BALOGUN Federal Ministry of Justice Mr. Osita ANAEDU International Organizations The Presidency

Niue Mr. David U. POIHEGA Climate Change Project Coordinator Niue Meteorological Services

Norway H.E. Mr. Knut Arild HAREIDE Minister of the Environment Mr. Oyvind HABREKKE State Secretary Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Sylvi GRAHAM State Secretary Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Harald DOVLAND Deputy Director General Ministry of Environment H.E. Mr. Erik BJØRNEBYE Ambassador/Special Adviser Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Håvard TORESEN Deputy Director General Department for International Cooperation, Climate and Polar Affairs Ministry of Environment

Mr. Georg BØRSTING Adviser Department for International Cooperation, Climate and Polar Affairs Ministry of Environment Ms. Ingun LARSEN Ministry of Environment

Ms. Marit Viktoria PETTERSEN Advisor Climate and Energy Section Norwegian Pollution Control Authority H.E. Mr. Gunnar H. LINDEMAN Ambassador Diplomatic Mission of Norway to Argentina Ms. Gry Rabe HENRIKSEN First Secretary Diplomatic Mission of Norway to Argentina Ms. Åse Kristine LUNDE Attaché Diplomatic Mission of Norway to Argentina Ms. Christina FREDERIKSEN Secretary Diplomatic Mission of Norway to Argentina Mr. Federico MANZANARES Diplomatic Mission of Norway to Argentina Mr. Tomás SIRIMARCO Diplomatic Mission of Norway to Argentina

Ms. Elin Bergithe ROGNLIE Assistant Director General Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Mr. Bror Yngve RAHM Member of The Parliament Diplomatic Mission of Norway to Argentina

Mr. Dag NYLANDER Adviser Ministry of Foreign Affairs


Ms. Froydis ELDEVIK Director General Ministry of Petroleum and Energy

Mr. Mohammed Khamis Hamdan ALARAIMI Under Secretary of Environmental Affairs Ministry of Regional Municipalities, Environment and Water Resources

Ms. Haege FJELLHEIM Adviser Ministry of Petroleum and Energy Mr. Jan Erik HEDEMARK Adviser Ministry of Finance Ms. Victoria SPARRMAN Higher Executive Officer Ministry of Finance Mr. Arne-Ivar SLETNES Adviser Ministry of Agriculture Mr. Audun ROSLAND Deputy Director General Climate and Energy Section Norwegian Pollution Control Authority

Mr. Ibrahim Bin Ahmed AL-AJMI Deputy Director General of Environmental Affairs (Rapporteur SBSTA) Ministry of Regional Municipalities, Environment and Water Resources

Pakistan H.E. Mr. Malik Amin Aslam KHAN Minister of State for Environment H.E. Mr. Mohammad NISAR Ambassador Diplomatic Mission of Pakistan to Argentina Mr. Khalid Masood AHMED Joint Secretary Ministry of Environment Ministry of Environment

FCCC/CP/2004/INF.3 Page 39 Pakistan (continued) Mr. Abdul WAHEED KHAN Director General Ministry of Environment Ms. Shaher Bano WALAJAHI Deputy Secretary Ministry of Environment Mr. Jawed Ali KHAN Director Ministry of Environment Mr. Abdul MALIK Second Secretary Diplomatic Mission of Pakistan to Argentina Mr. Javed Hassan ALY Secretary Ministry of Environment

Panama Sr. Eduardo REYES Sub Administrador General Autoridad Nacional del Ambiente Sra. Ligia CASTRO Administradora General Autoridad Nacional del Ambiente Sr. Emanuel José PAREDES Viceministro de Comercio e Industria Sra. Soraya CANO Encargada de Negocios Misión Diplomática de Panamá en Argentina Sr. Luis BLANCO Asesor Presidencial Gobierno de la República de Panamá Sr. Rene LÓPEZ Coordinador Programa Nacional de Cambio Climático

Sr. Tom BAKKUM Representante Centro del Aqua del Trópico Húmedo para América Latina y el Caribe

Sra. Paola PENAYO Jefa de Gabinete del Ministro del Medio Ambiente Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores

Sra. Gloria MANFREDO Empresa Privada

Sra. Lilian PORTILLO Director National Climate Change Programme Secretaría del Ambiente

Sr. Roberto MORENO Empresa Privada Sr. Fred HARRICK Empresa Privada Sra. Beatrice DE HARRICK Empresa Privada Sr. Álvaro MORENO Empresa Privada Sr. Etienne PARISIS Empresa Privada Sr. Roy WILLIAMS Delegado Empresa Privada Sr. Enrique Luis MORALES Delegado Empresa Privada Sr. Emilio DOENS Empresa Privada Sr. Horacio Alfredo SKLAR Delegado Empresa Privada Sr. Otto LAKAS Delegado Empresa Privada Sra. Miriam DE REYES Delegado Empresa Privada

Sra. Diana GAUTO Secretaría del Ambiente Sr. Luis MOLINAS Secretaría del Ambiente Sr. Victor MOREL Secretaría del Ambiente Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores Sra. Carlos Fabián DOMÍNGUEZ Ministerio de Hacienda Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores Sra. Ana María CASTILLO Miembro Ministerio de Obras Públicas y Comunicaciones Sr. Edgar MAGGEREYER Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganadería Sra. Diana Carolina CENTURIÓN Ingeniera Quimica Dirección Técnice Ambientol Ministerio de Industria y Comercio Sra. Teresa LEÓN Ministerio de Salud Pública y Bienestar Social Sr. Carmelo ARANDA Secretaría Técnica de Planificación Sr. César CARDOZO Universidad Nacional de Asunción

Sr. Evaristo ALVAREZ Delegado Empresa Privada

Sra. Celeste ACEVEDO Universidad Nacional de Asunción

Sr. Clementino HERRERA Programa Nacional de Cambio Climático


Sr. Edgar SALINAS Analista de Datos de Cambio Climático Programa Nacional de Cambio Climático

Sr. Miguel VAZQUEZ Dirección de Meteorología e Hidrología Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores

Sra. Nimia DA SILVA Directora de Cooperación Internacional Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores

Sr. Elvio BRIZUELA Comité de Emergencia Nacional

Sr. María del Carmen HOFFMAN Ministerio de Comercio e Industria

Sr. Miguel Angel LÓPEZ Director de Cuenca del Plata Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores

Sra. María Bernarda ALVAREZ RAMIREZ Fiscal de Medio Ambiente

Sr. Carlos SÁNCHEZ SARTORIO Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores

Sr. Angel PARRA Asesor de la Delegación Secretaría de Ambiente de La Nación

Sra. Gloria DE LA ESPRIELLA Ministerio de Comercio e Industria Sr. Emilio L. SEMPRIS Director Centro del Aqua del Trópico Húmedo para América Latina y el Caribe

Sra. Graciela OJEDA Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores

FCCC/CP/2004/INF.3 Page 40 Paraguay (continued) Ezequiel SANTAGADA Asesor de la Delegación Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores Sra. Rossana SCRIBANO Asesora de la Delegación Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores Sr. Antonio MEDINA NETTO

Peru S.E. Sr. Martin BELAÚNDE Embajador Extraordinario y Plenipotenciario Misión Diplomática de la República del Perú en Argentina Sr. Miguel Julian PALOMINO DE LA GALA Director de Desarrollo Sostenible de la Subsecretaría de Asuntos Multilaterales Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores Sr. Gonzalo Enrique PAREDES GUZMÁN Dirección de Desarrollo Sostenible de la Subsecretaría de Asuntos Multilaterales Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores Sr. Walter Ricardo LINARES Primer Secretario Misión Diplomática de la República del Perú en Argentina Sra. Iris CÁRDENAS PINO Directora General Asuntos Ambientales Energéticos del Viceministerio de Energía Ministerio de Energía y Minas Sr. Carlos LORET DE MOLA DE LAVALLE Presidente Consejo Nacional del Ambiente Sr. Mariano CASTRO SÁNCHEZ MORENO Secretario Ejecutivo Consejo Nacional del Ambiente Sra. María Paz CIGARAN TOLMOS Directora de PROCLIM-CONAM Consejo Nacional del Ambiente Sr. Julio García VARGAS Coordinador de Vulnerabilidad y Adaptación Consejo Nacional del Ambiente Sra. Carla ENCINAS CÁCERES Especialista en Vulnerabilidad y Adaptación Consejo Nacional del Ambiente Sra. Julia JUSTO SOTO Directora Ejecutiva Fondo Nacional del Ambiente

Sr. Lorenzo EGUREN CIURLIZZA Especialista en Mecanismo de Desarrollo Límpio Fondo Nacional del Ambiente Sr. Luis SALGADO FLORES Especialista Forestal en MDL Fondo Nacional del Ambiente

Sr. Jorge Luis GASTELUMENDI FERNÁNDEZ CONCHA Associate Estudio Grau SRL Misión Diplomática de la República del Perú en Argentina Sra. Elizabeth ZAMALLOA-SKODDOW Consejo Nacional del Ambiente

Sra. Maria Elena Foronda FARRO Presidenta Sociedad Nacional del Ambiente


Sr. Julio César TRESIERRA UNZAGA Vicepresidente Sociedad Nacional del Ambiente

Ms. Analiza R. TEH Assistant Secretary Environment and Natural Resources Department of Environment and Natural Resources

Sra. Giovanna ORCOTOMA ESCALANTE Secretaria Ejecutiva Sociedad Nacional del Ambiente Sra. Valerie Joselyn BARBIER Asesora Sociedad Nacional del Ambiente

Ms. Joyceline A. GOCO Head, Inter-agency Committee for Climate Change Secretariat Environmental Management Bureau Department of Environment and Natural Resources

Sr. Eduardo CALVO BUENDÍA Vicepresidente Panel Intergubernamental sobre el Cambio Climático

Ms. Rosa T. PEREZ Weather Specialist Chief Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration Department of Science & Technology

Sr. Valentín BARTRA ABENSUR Presidente Instituto Andino y Amazónico del Derecho Ambiental

Ms. Lourdes Maria A. CAPRICHO Senior Science Research Specialist Department of Energy Department of Energy

Sra. Lenkiza Enna ANGULO VILLARREAL Jefe de Proyecto Grupo de Desarrollo de Tecnología Intermedia

Mr. Bernardo G. BAGALAY Attaché Diplomatic Mission of the Republic of the Philippines to Buenos Aires

Sr. Luis SALOMÓN ARGUEDAS Centro de Eficiencia Tecnológica Mr. Pedro TOUZETT GIANELLO Asesor del Vice Ministro de Energía para temas ambientales Ministerio de Energía y Minas Sr. Alfredo PORTILLA CLAUDIO Misión Diplomática de la República del Perú en Argentina Sr. José Salazar BARRANTES Misión Diplomática de la República del Perú en Argentina Sr. Juan Carlos MILJANOVICH COLUNGE Misión Diplomática de la República del Perú en Argentina Sr. Luis Batista Ugarelli BETALLELUZ Misión Diplomática de la República del Perú en Argentina

Ms. Maria Athena D. RONQUILLOBALLESTEROS Regional Political Advisor Asia Greenpeace Southeast Asia Fr. Roberto Chan YAP Project Director Climate Change Information Center Manila Observatory Ms. Amelia Dulce SUPETRAN Manager Environment Portfolio United Nations Development Programme Manila Ms. Imee F. MANAL Programme Manager Environment Unit United Nations Development Programme Manila

FCCC/CP/2004/INF.3 Page 41 Philippines (continued) Mr. Morito G. FRANCISCO Programme Assistant Inter Agency Committee on Climate Change Secretariat United Nations Development Programme Manila

Poland Mr. Tomasz PODGAJNIAK Undersecretary of State Ministry of the Environment H.E. Mr. Slawomir RATAJSKI Ambassador Diplomatic Mission of Poland to Argentina Mr. Jacek Andrzes MIZAK Deputy Director Department of International Cooperation Ministry of the Environment Ms. Renata CYBULSKA-WITKIEWICZ Counsellor to the Minister Department of International Cooperation Ministry of the Environment Mr. Miroslaw SZKULTECKI Diplomatic Mission of Poland to Argentina

Portugal Mr. Jorge MOREIRA DA SILVA Deputy Minister for the Environment and Spatial Planning H.E. Mr. António DE ALMEIDA RIBEIRO Ambassador Diplomatic Mission of Portugal to Argentina Mr. Nuno S. LACASTA Director Department of International Relations Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning Mr. Joao António GONÇALVES President Institute of Environment Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning Ms. Filomena BOAVIDA Ministry of Cities, Land Planning and Environment Mr. Vítor SERENO Diplomatic Mission of Portugal to Argentina Mr. Regina VILAO Engineer Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning

Mr. Paulo CANAVEIRA Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning

Mr. Abdelaziz AL-ESSAILY Counsellor and Adviser of the Emiri Diwan Ministry of Energy and Industry

Mr. Eduardo SANTOS Engineer Institute of Environment Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning

Mr. Azhari F.M. AHMED Expert on weather changes Qatar Petroleum

Mr. Ricardo MOITA Institute of Environment Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning Mr. Gonçalo CAVALHEIRO Eco Progresso Ms. Fernanda RODRIGUES Engineer Ìnstituto Ambiente Ministry of Industry and Energy Ms. Teresa Cristina AMADOR Lawyer Institute of Environment Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning Mr. Rui BOAVIDA Adviser SEAMAOT Mr. Filipe DUARTE SANTOS Professor University of Lisbon Ministry of Cities, Land Planning and Environment Mr. Luis MACEDO President Parque Nacional Peneda-Gerês Mr. Mario FREITAS Universidad de Mino Mr. Alberto FREIRE Diplomatic Mission of Portugal to Argentina

Qatar Mr. Mohammed Jassim AL-MASLAMANI Member of the Supreme Council for Environment and National Reserves, President of the National Team/Chair of G77 and China Supreme Council for Environment and Natural Reserves Mr. Ali Hamed AL-MULLA Member of National Group Qatar Petroleum Mr. Abdulla Eid Salman AL-SULAITI Head of Analysis and Predictions Environment Administration

Mr. Khaled Ahmed AL-SHAJRA National Coordinator for the Convention on Climate Change Supreme Council for Environment and Natural Reserves Mr. Abdelhamid Ben Amor MAGHREBI Ministry of Energy and Industry Mr. Hassan Jaber AL-JABER Journalist Qatar News Agency Mr. Mubarak A. AL-KHULAIFI Director of Technical Unit Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Agriculture

Republic of Korea H.E. Mr. Kyul-Ho KWAK Minister of Environment H.E. Mr. Yang-Boo CHOE Ambassador Diplomatic Mission of the Republic Korea in Argentina Mr. Jai-Chul CHOI Deputy Director General Environment and Science Affairs Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade Mr. Young-Woo PARK Director General International Cooperation Bureau Ministry of Environment Mr. Bong-Hyeon JOO Public Information Officer Ministry of Environment Mr. Yeon-Chul YOO Director Environment and Science Division Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade Mr. Houng-Seob KIM Director Global Environment Office Ministry of Environment Mr. Jung-Gwan KIM Director Energy and Resources Policy Division Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy

FCCC/CP/2004/INF.3 Page 42 Republic of Korea (continued) Mr. Byung-Soo KIM Director Information and Communication Policy Coordination Government Policy Coodination Mr. Chong-Sik SHIN Chief Secretary to the Minister Global Environment Office Ministry of Environment Mr. Heung-Kyeong PARK First Secretary Diplomatic Mission of Korea in Australia Mr. Chang-Mo KIM Deputy Director Environment and Science Division Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade Mr. Young-Min KIM Deputy Director Global Environmental Office Ministry of Environment Mr. Han-Jin CHO Deputy Director Global Environment Office Ministry of Environment

Mr. Sang-Hun LEE Director Committee for Energy and Industry Presidential Commission on Sustainable Development Mr. Taek-Whan HAN Committee Member for Energy and Industry Presidential Commission on Sustainable Development Mr. Dai-Yeun JEONG Committee Member for Energy and Industry Presidential Commission on Sustainable Development Mr. Dae-Gyun OH General Manager Center For CLimate Change Mitigation Proyect Korea Energy Management Corporation Mr. Young-Gu PARK Team Leader The Korea Energy Management Corporation Mr. Yoon-Young KANG Senior Research Fellow Korea Energy and Economics Institute

Mr. Jong-Yoon KIM Secretary to the Minister Ministry of Environment

Mr. Jae-Kyu LIM Research Fellow Korea Energy and Economics Institute

Mr. Kee-Woong SUH Deputy Director Energy and Resources Policy Division Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy

Mr. Sang-In KANG Team Leader Global Environment Research Center Korea Environment Institute

Mr. Dong-Yub LEE Deputy Director Division of Intenational Cooperation Ministry of Finance and Economy Mr. Se-Hyun KIM Deputy Director International Cooperation Division Korea Forest Service

Mr. Yong-Gun KIM Senior Research Fellow Global Environment Research Center Korea Environment Institute Ms. Wha-Jin HAN Senior Research Fellow Global Environment Research Center Korea Environment Institute

Mr. Gyu-Hyeong KIM Deputy Director Government Policy Coodination

Ms. So-Eun AHN Research Fellow Global Environment Research Center Korea Environment Institute

Mr. Bong-Woo SHIN Program Officer Global Environment Office Ministry of Environment

Mr. Jeong-Im PARK Research Felow Global Environment Research Center Korea Environment Institute

Ms. Hee-jin YOO Editor Global Evironment Office Ministry of Environment

Mr. Kyoung-Sik CHOI Team Manager Engineering Promotion Environmental Research Complex

Mr. Seung-Hwan OH Associate Manager Engineering Promotion Department Environmental Management Corporation Mr. Kwang-Hyun YOON Associate Manager Engineering Promotion Department Environmental Management Corporation Mr. Sung-Won LEE Research Fellow Center for Logistics, Transport Economics and North East Asian Studies The Korea Transport Institute Mr. Kyeong-Hak LEE Director Forest Management Korea Forest Research Institute Mr. Sungho LEE Researcher The Research Institute for International Afairs Mr. Hyang-Hyun KYUNG Researcher The Research Institute for International Afairs Mr. Mun-Hwan KOH Director Environment and Ecology Division National Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology Mr. Wan-Soon KIM Researcher International Technical Cooperation Center Research Management Bureau/ Rural Development Administration Mr. Ki-Hong JUNG Diplomatic Mission of the Republic Korea in Argentina Mr. Il-do BAE Member of National Assembly Korean National Assembly Mr. Sun-Hak CHO Deputy Director Motor Vehicle Management Division Ministry of Construction and Transportation Mr. Kyoung-Suk LEE Deputy Director Motor Vehicle Management Division Ministry of Construction and Transportation Mr. Jae-Pyeong LEE Deputy Director Ministry of Construction & Transportation

FCCC/CP/2004/INF.3 Page 43 Republic of Moldova Mr. Valeriu CAZAC Director of State Hydrometeorological Service Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources Mr. Vasile SCORPAN Manager of the UNDP/GEF Project on Climate Change Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources

Romania H.E. Ms Liliana BARA Secretary of State for European Integration Affairs Ministry of the Environment and Water Management

Mr. Yury V. FEDOTOV Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr. Alexander P. METALNIKOV Adviser to the Director of the State Committee on Hydrometeorolgy Russian Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring Mr. Vitaly CHURKIN Senior Official Artic Council Diplomatic Mission of the Russian Federation to Argentina Mr. Nikolay N. POMOSHCHNIKOV Counsellor Department of International Organizations Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Mr. Mircea GRIGORIU Counsellor Ministry of the Environment and Water Management

Mr. Alexander ISHKOV Director of the Department of Ecological Policy Ministry of Natural Resources

Mr. Vlad TRUSCA Climate Change Advisor General Directorate for Environmental Protection and Waste Management Ministry of the Environment and Water Management

Mr. V.Y. MITROFANOV Acting Chief of Section Department of International Organizations Ministry of Foreign Affairs

H.E. Mr. Alexandru Victor MICULA Ambassador Diplomatic Mission of Romania to Argentina Mr. Stefan STEFANESCU Counsellor Diplomatic Mission of Romania to Argentina Mr. Radu SÂRBU Counselor Diplomatic Mission of Romania to Argentina Mr. Petre CONSTANTIN Counsellor Diplomatic Mission of Romania to Argentina Ms. Flori Ama DUMBRAVA Diplomatic Attaché Diplomatic Mission of Romania to Argentina Mr. Gheorghe PETRE Administrator Diplomatic Mission of Romania to Argentina

Mr. Oleg B. PLOUZHNIKOV Head of Division Ecology Department Ministry of the Economic Development and Trade Mr. Vsevolod SAPRONOV Head of Division International Cooperation Federal Service for Ecological, Technological and Nuclear Control Mr. Sergey TULINOV Head of Division Science and International Cooperation Department Russian Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring Ms. Tatiana M. DMITRIEVA Senior Expert Department of International Cooperation Russian Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring Mr. Valery P. SEDYAKIN Deputy Director Institute of Global Climate and Ecology Russian Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring

Russian Federation Mr. Alexander I. BEDRITSKY Head of Roshydromet Russian Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring

Mr. Alexander I. NAKHUTIN Head of Section Institute of Global Climate and Ecology

Mr. Mikhaill L. GYTARSKY Senior Scientific Expert Institute of Global Climate and Ecology Russian Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring Ms. Marina Y. LEBEDEVA Vice Chairperson of the Committee on Ecology Parliament of the Russian Federation, The State Duma Mr. Alexander N. KOSARIKOV M.P Vice Chairman Committee on Ecology of Russian Parliament Parliament of the Russian Federation, The State Duma Ms. Elena A. CHISTYAKOVA Adviser Parliament of the Russian Federation, The State Duma Ms. Yulia PAKHOMOVA Consultant Parliament of the Russian Federation, The State Duma Mr. Andrey SIRIN Leading Researcher Institute of Forest Science Russian Academy of Sciences Mr. Yuri P. FEDOROV Director General National Carbon Sequestration Foundation Mr. Evgeniy SOKOLOV Head International Cooperation Program National Carbon Sequestration Foundation Ms. Anastasia MOSKALENKO Deputy Director General National Carbon Agreement Mr. Vladimir A. BELOUS Chief of the Secretariat of the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr. Alexander A. POLIKARPOV Secretary Diplomatic Mission of the Russian Federation to Argentina Mr. Serguey Y. RESCHIKOV Secretary Diplomatic Mission of the Russian Federation to Argentina Mr. Fedor O. DAROVSKIKH Secretary Diplomatic Mission of the Russian Federation to Argentina

FCCC/CP/2004/INF.3 Page 44 Russian Federation (continued) Mr. Igor S. PETLYAKOV Attaché Diplomatic Mission of the Russian Federation to Argentina Ms. Yulia V. KUIDAN Attaché Diplomatic Mission of the Russian Federation to Argentina H.E. Mr. Yuri P. KORCHAGIN Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Diplomatic Mission of the Russian Federation to Argentina Mr. Alexander V. SHETININ Minister Counsellor Diplomatic Mission of the Russian Federation to Argentina

Mr. La'avasa MALUA Assistant Chief Executive Officer Planning and Urban Management Agency Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment Ms. Desna M. SOLOFA Principal Policy Adviser Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade Ms. Violet WULF Principal Climate Change Officer Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment Mr. Dean SOLOFA Senior Climate Scientist and Climate Section Head Meteorology Division Ministry of Agriculture, Forests, Fisheries and Meteorology

Mr. Fareed ALASALY Economic Advisor Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources Mr. Abdulaziz Bin Abdullah ALKAHLAN Director of the Hydrology Department Department of Water Resources Development Ministry of Water and Power Mr. Ali A. A. ALHEDAITHY Mr. Abdelrahman bin Fahd ALWUHAIB The Permanent Mission of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to the UN Office and other International Oganizations in Geneva Mr. Faisal A. AL-HOTHALI Consultant Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources

Mr. Jai Shree GAWANDER Mr. Georgy V. TODUA Counsellor Diplomatic Mission of the Russian Federation to Argentina Mr. Serguey V. IVANETS Secretary Diplomatic Mission of the Russian Federation to Argentina Mr. Anatoly A. MIKRIUKOV Secretary Diplomatic Mission of the Russian Federation to Argentina

Rwanda M. Sébastien DUSABEYEZU Cadre au ministére des terres, de l'environnement, des Forêts, de l'eau et des ressources naturelles Ministère des terres, de l'environnement, des fôrets, de l'eau et des mines

Saint Kitts and Nevis Ms. June HUGHES Chief Conservation Officer Department of Environment

Saint Lucia Mr. Crispin D'AUVERGNE Chief Sust. Developments Sustainable Development and Environment Ministry of Physical Development, Environment and Housing

Samoa Mr. Tu'u'u Letitaia TAULEALO Chief Executive Officer Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment

Saudi Arabia H.E. Mr. Ali bin Ibraheem AL-NAIMI Minister Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources H.E. Mr. D. Adnan Bin Abdullah BAGHDADI Ambassador Diplomatic Mission of Saudi Arabia to Argentina Mr. Mohammed Salem Sorour ALSABBAN Senior Economic Advisor Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources Mr. Ali Bin Husein ALTUERQUI Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources Mr. Abdullah Bin Nasser ALSARHAN Economic Researcher Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources Mr. Abdulmuhsen ALSUNAID Environmental Advisor Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources Mr. Khalid Mohammed ABULEIF Engineer Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources Mr. Mohammed Hassan AL-ZAYER Engineering Consultant Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources Mr. Aysar Ahmad TAYEB

Mr. Faisal HIFZI Second Secretary Diplomatic Mission of Saudi Arabia to Argentina Mr. Abdulrahman BIN FAH ALWAHIB Diplomatic Mission of Saudi Arabia to Argentina Mr. Taha Mohammed ZATARI Director General Directorate of Environmental Standards Presidency of Meteorology and Environment Mr. Ghandour DAHER Diplomatic Mission of Saudi Arabia to Argentina Mr. Abdelkader bin Mohammed ALSERRI Mr. Abdulaziz Nasser ALJUMAAH Agronomist Grassland Ministry of Agriculture Mr. Ali bin Abdelaziz ALHADISI

Senegal S.E. M. Modou Fada DIAGNE Ministre de l'environnement et de l'assainissement M. Ndiaye Cheikh SYLLA Directeur adjoint Direction de l'environnement et des établissements classés Ministère de l'environnement et de la protection de la nature

FCCC/CP/2004/INF.3 Page 45 Senegal(continued)


M. El Hadj Mbaye DIAGNE Directeur général adjoint de la SONACOS Société nationale de commerce des oléagineux du Sénégal

Mr. Yong Soon TAN Permanent Secretary Ministry of the Environment and Water Resources

Mme Madeleine Rose DIOUF SARR Ingénieur environnementaliste Direction de l'environnement et des établissements classés

Mr. Chee Kin Terence SIEW Director Strategic Policy Division Ministry of the Environment and Water Resources

Serbia and Montenegro Mr. Miroslav NIKCEVIC Director Ministry of the Science and Environmental Protection of Republic of Serbia H.E. Mr. Ivan SAVELJIC Ambassador Diplomatic Mission of Serbia and Montenegro to Argentina Mr. D. Vlatko SEKULOVIC Mr. Miroslav SPASOJEVIC Assistant Director for International Cooperation and European Integration Directorate for Environmental Protection Ministry of the Science and Environmental Protection of Republic of Serbia Mr. Milan DACIC Adviser Ministry of the Science and Environmental Protection of Republic of Serbia Ms. Svetlana JOVANOVIC Second Secretary Diplomatic Mission of Serbia and Montenegro to Argentina

Seychelles Mr. Wills Michel AGRICOLE Director Policy Planning and Services Division National Meteorological Services

Mr. Ah Tuan LOH Deputy Chief Executive Officer/Director General Environmental Protection Division National Environment Agency Mr. Cheng Hoon HO Chief Engineer Environmental Protection Division National Environment Agency Mr. Hazri HASSAN Senior Assistant Director International Relations Department Ministry of the Environment and Water Resources Ms. Ley Hoon QUAH Assistant Director Strategic Policy Division Ministry of the Environment and Water Resources Ms. Li Yen TAN Policy Executive Strategic Policy Division Ministry of the Environment and Water Resources

Slovakia H.E. Mr. László MIKLÓS Minister Ministry of the Environment

Sierra Leone

H.E. Mr. Vladimir GRÁCZ Ambassador Diplomatic Mission of the Slovak Republic to Argentina

Mr. Pascal Obed EGBENDA Deputy Minister of Transport and Communications Ministry of Transport and Communications

Ms. Gabriela FISCHEROVÁ Chief Advisor Air Protection Department Ministry of the Environment

Mr. Denis Sombi LANSANA Director Permanent Rep of Sierra Leone with WMO, National Focal Point to the UNFCCC, Member of the CC Task Force Meteorological Department


Mr. Jerry T.O. PRATT Coordinator Climate Change Project Meteorological Department

Mr. Andrej KRANJC Undersecretary Ministry of Environment, Spatial Planning and Energy

H.E. Mr. Bojan GROBOVSEK Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Diplomatic Mission of the Republic of Slovenia to Argentina Ms. Jana STRGAR Counsellor Diplomatic Mission of the Republic of Slovenia to Argentina Ms. Anita PIPAN First Secretary Diplomatic Mission of the Republic of Slovenia to Argentina

Solomon Islands Mr. Chanel IROI Director of Meteorology and National Focal Point for Climate Change Department of Communications, Aviation and Metereology Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Aviation Mr. Robin BARNARD Adviser Institute For Soil, Climate and Water Agricultural Research Council

South Africa H.E. Mr. M. VAN SCHALKWYK Minister for Environmental Affairs and Tourism Ms. Rejoice T. MABUDAFHASI Deputy Minister Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism H.E. Mr. M.W. MAKALIMA Ambassador Diplomatic Mission of South Africa to Argentina Mr. C. OLVER Director General Ministry of Environment and Tourism Mr. Alf WILLS Vicedirector General Departament of Environmental Affairs And Tourism Ministry of Environment and Tourism Mr. S. VORSTER Special Adviser to the Minister Ms. Johanna Gertruida S. DE WET Adviser Office of the Chief State Law Advisor Department of Foreign Affairs Mr. L. MANLEY Ministry of Foreign Affairs

FCCC/CP/2004/INF.3 Page 46 South Africa (continued) Ms. Shirley Kelebogile MOROKA Deputy Director Ministry of Environmental Affairs and Tourism Mr. Ikalafeng Ben KGAKATSI Director Agriculture National Department of Agriculture Ms. Babalwa MANYAKANYAKA Executive Assistant Ministry of Agriculture Ms. Elin LORIMER Earthlife Africa Johannesburg Mr. John Shaibu KILANI Vice President - Sustainable Development Anglovaal Mining Limited Ms. S. TSHAKA Ministry of Agriculture Mr. Tony SURRIDGE Director of Mineral and Energy Affairs Department of Minerals and Energy Affairs Ms. M. PYOOS Science and Technology Government of South Africa Mr. Harald WINKLER Senior Researcher Energy Research Centre University of Cape Town Ms. M. RAMBHAROS ESKOM Ms. C. Shantall FAYERS Office Assistant Environmental Affairs and Tourism Government of South Africa Mr. R.J. SEBOLA Adviser National Department of Agriculture Mr. R. SPAULL Director - Medioa Ministry of Environmental Affairs and Tourism Mr. J. BOONZAIER Ministry of Environmental Affairs and Tourism Mr. L.yborn MATSILA Ministry of Environmental Affairs and Tourism Mr. T. NYAWOSE RSA Embassy Diplomatic Mission of South Africa to Argentina

Mr. C. KRIEK Diplomatic Mission of South Africa to Argentina

Sr. Juan Manuel DE LA TORRE ACOSTA Director del Gabinete de la Ministra de Medio Ambiente

Mr. Somila XOSA Science and Technology Ministry of Science and Technology

Sr. Jesús Candil GONZALO Director General de Desarrollo Industrial Ministerio de Industria, Comercio y Turismo

Mr. Butane Jacob DIKGANG

Spain S.E. Sra. Cristina NARBONA RUIZ Ministra de Medio Ambiente S.E. Sr. Carmelo ANGULO BARTUREN Embajador Misión Diplomática de España en Argentina S.E. Sr. José CUENCA ANAYA Embajador Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores y de Cooperación Sr. Arturo GONZALO AIZPIRI Secretario General para la Prevención de la Contaminación y del Cambio Climático Sra. Teresa RIBERA RODRÍGUEZ Directora de la Oficina Española de Cambio Climático Ministerio de Medio Ambiente Sra. Anunciada FERNÁNDEZ DE CÓRDOVA Subdirectora General de Programas y Convenios Culturales y Cientificos Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores y de Cooperación Sr. Sabin INTXAURRAGA MENDIBIL Consejero de Ordenación del Territorio y Medio Ambiente Gobierno Vasco Sr. Salvador MILÁ Consejero de Medio Ambiente y Vivienda Generalitat de Catalunya Sr. Alfredo BONÉ PUEDO Consejero de Medio Ambiente Diputación General de Aragón Sr. Antonio Joaquín FERNÁNDEZ SEGURA Secretario General de Energía Ministerio de Industria, Comercio y Turismo Sr. Iñaki EZKURRA YURREBASO Viceconsejero de Medio Ambiente Gobierno Vasco Sr. Juan ESPADAS CEJAS Viceconsejero de Medio Ambiente Junta de Andalucía

Sra Pepa ROMA BALAGUERO Directora de Comunicación del Gabinete de la Ministra Ministerio de Medio Ambiente Sr. Jordi CAÑAS Director General de Políticas Ambientales y Sostenibilidad Generalitat de Catalunya Sra. Esperanza Caro GÓMEZ Directora General de Prevención y Calidad Ambiental Junta de Andalucía Sr. Luis MARRUEDO ESPEJA Secretario General Técnico de Medio Ambiente Diputación General de Aragón Sra. Amparo RAMBLA GIL Subdirectora de Relaciones Internacionales Ministerio de Medio Ambiente Sr. Dionisio RODRÍGUEZ ÁLVAREZ Subdirector General de Formento del Desarrollo Sostenible Xunta de Galicia. Sr. Carlos DOMÍNGUEZ DÍAZ Consejero de Medio Ambiente Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores y de Cooperación Sr. Diego Carlos GONZÁLEZ Vocal Asesor de la Dirección General de Desarrollo Industrial Ministerio de Industria, Comercio y Turismo Sra. Concepción MARTÍNEZ LOPE Jefe de Área de Asesoría Científica Oficina Española de Cambio Climático Ministerio de Medio Ambiente Sr. Jesús MERCHÁN RUBIO Jefe del Área de Análisis y Políticas Sectoriales Oficina Española de Cambio Climático Ministerio de Medio Ambiente Sra. Elena Campos LÓPEZ-CARRIÓN Jefe de Servicio de la Oficina Española de Cambio Climático Ministerio de Medio Ambiente

FCCC/CP/2004/INF.3 Page 47 Spain (continued) Sra. Carmen SÁNCHEZ SANZ Secretaría General para la Prevención de la Contaminación y del Cambio Climático Ministerio de Medio Ambiente Sr. Antonio YEVES Subdirector General de Climatología y Aplicaciones Instituto Nacional de Meteorología Ministerio de Medio Ambiente Sr. José Luis CAMACHO Programas de Física y Química Atmosférica Instituto Nacional de Meteorología Sr. Gerardo SÁNCHEZ PEÑA Jefe de Servicio Dirección General para la Biodiversidad Ministerio de Medio Ambiente Sr. Luis SANZ TEJEDOR Examinador Oficina Española de Patentes y Marcas Ministerio de Industria, Comercio y Turismo Sra. Sofia SOTO SANTOS Jefe de Servicio Dirección General de Desarrollo Industrial Ministerio de Industria, Comercio y Turismo

Sr. Alberto Pérez ANTUÑA Experto en Acción Futura y Asistencia Técnica Oficina Española de Cambio Climático Ministerio de Medio Ambiente

Mr. M.P.A.U.S FERNANDO Conservator General of Forests Forest Department Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources

Sr. Román PAYO RODRÍGUEZ Experto en Metodologías y Asistencia Técnica Oficina Española de Cambio Climático Ministerio de Medio Ambiente


Sr. Jorge MARTÍNEZ CHAMORRO Experto de Asesoría Científica y Asistencia Técnica Oficina Española de Cambio Climático Ministerio de Medio Ambiente Sra. Sara AAGESEN MUÑOZ Experta en Análisis y Políticas Sectoriales Oficina Española de Cambio Climático Ministerio de Medio Ambiente Sra. María José SANZ SÁNCHEZ Experta en Sumideros Centro de Estudios Ambientales del Mediterráneo Sra. Inmaculada MAYOL Representante de la Federación Española de Municipios y Provincias Sra. Maria Artola GONZÁLEZ Directora Fundación Biodiversidad

Sra. Izaskun IRIARTE IRURETA Coordinadora Secretaría de la Red de Gobiernos Regionales por el Desarrollo Sostenible Gobierno Vasco

Sr. Javier CALVIÑO PAZOS Coodinador General Cooperación Española en Argentina Embajada de España en Argentina

Sr. Josep GARRIGA Responsable Desarrollo Sostenible de la Generalidad de Catalunay

Sr. Mariano GONZÁLEZ SÁEZ Técnico Superior Oficino Española de Cambio Climático Ministerio de Medio Ambiente

Sra. Ana Marina SEVILLA TELLO Jefe de Unidad Interadministrativa Instituto Aragonés del Agua del Gobierno de la Comunidad Autónoma de Aragón Gobierno de la Ciudad Autónoma de Aragón

Sra. Alejandra ESCUDERO FÉLIX Consejo Asesor de Medio Ambiente (FEMP) Ministerio de Medio Ambiente

Sra. Maria ARTOLA GONZÁLEZ Directora Fundación Biodiversidad Sra. Valvanera ULARGUI APARICIO Experta en Mecanismos Oficina Española de Cambio Climático Ministerio de Medio Ambiente Sra. Cristina GARCÍA DÍAZ Experta en LULUCF y Asistencia Técnica Oficina Española de Cambio Climático Ministerio de Medio Ambiente

Sr. Luis PRADOS COVARRUBIAS Consejero Cultural y de Cooperacion Embajada de España en Argentina

Sri Lanka H.E. Mr. A. H. M. FOWZIE Minister of Environment and Natural Resources Mr. D. DISSANAYAKE Secretary Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources

Mr. Nadir Mohamed AWAD Secretary General Higher Council for Environment and Natural Resources Mr. Nagmeldin Goutbi EL HASSAN Deputy Coordinator Climate Change Unit Higher Council for Environment and Natural Resources Ms. Balgis Mohamed ELHASSAN Higher Council for Environment and Natural Resources Mr. Nadir SULIMAN Secretary General Higher Council for Environment and Natural Resources

Suriname H.E. Mr. Clifford P. MARICA Minister for f Labour, Technological Development and Environment of Suriname Ms. Margret KERKHOFFS-ZERP Policy Officer Ministry of Labour, Technological Development and Environment of Suriname

Swaziland Mr. Emmanuel Dumisani DLAMINI National Focal Point for Climate Change National Meteorological Service Ministry of Public Works and Transport

Sweden H.E. Ms. Lena SOMMESTAD Minister of the Environment Mr. Anders TURESSON Senior Adviser Ministry of the Environment Mr. Leif BERNERGÅRD Head of Unit The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency Mr. Olle BJÖRK Deputy Director General for Energy Ministry of Industry, Employment and Communications

FCCC/CP/2004/INF.3 Page 48 Sweden (continued) Mr. Lars EKEKRANTZ Director Ministry of the Environment Ms. Caroline DICKSON Head of Section Ministry of the Environment Mr. Gunnar FAGERSTRÖM Head of Section Ministry of Environment Mr. Hans NILSAGARD Special Adviser Ministry of Industry, Employment and Communications Mr. Per ROSENQVIST Deputy Director Ministry of the Environment Ms. Anna FORSGREN Principal Technical Officer The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency Ms. Amalia Garcia THÅRN Deputy Director Ministry for Foreign Affairs Ms. Emi HIJINO Head of Section Ministry of Industry, Employment and Communications Mr. Johan NYLANDER Programme Manager Swedish Energy Agency Ms. Mirjam PALM Climate Coordinator Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency Ms. Sandra PETTERSSON Principal Technical Officer The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency

Mr. Tobias PERSSON Scientific Officer The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency Ms. Gunnel HORM Head of Section The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency Ms. Ulrika JARDFELDT Swedish Energy Agency

Mr. José ROMERO Senior Scientific Adviser Swiss Agency for the Environment, Forests and Landscape Federal Department of Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications Ms. Catherine BELLINI Personal Advisor of the Head of the Federal Department of of Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications Ms. Gret LOEWENSBERG

Mr. Ingvar JUNDÉN Principal Technical Officer The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency Ms. Maria KVARNBÄCK The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency Ms. Anna LARSSON Senior Information Officer/Press Secretary Ministry of the Environment Mr. Petter LYDÉN Principal Administrative Officer The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency Mr. David MJUREKE Principal Technical Officer The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency Ms. Lotta DAMM Principal Technical Officer The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency Ms. Zinaida IRITZ Senior Research Officer Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency Mr. Fredrich FOLHUNGER Ms. Madeleine STRÖJE-WILHENS

Mr. Stephan MICHEL Head of Section Directorate of International Law Federal Department of Foreign Affairs Mr. Anton HILBER Senior Scientific Officer Swiss Agency for the Environment, Forests and Landscape Federal Department of Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications Mr. Richard VOLZ Swiss Agency for the Environment, Forests and Landscape Federal Department of Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications Mr. Yvan KECKEIS Swiss Agency for the Environment, Forests and Landscape Federal Department of Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications Mr. Renato MARIONI State Secretariat for Economic Affairs Federal Department of Economic Affairs Mr. Jean-Christophe FÜEG Swiss Federal Office of Energy Federal Department of Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications Mr. Andreas FISCHLIN Group Director/Lecturer Institute of Terrestrial Ecology Swiss Federal Institute of Technology

Mr. Fredrik FOLKUNGER Ms. Gabriella SAMUELSSON Programme Manager Swedish Energy Agency Mr. Klas ÖSTERBERG Principal Technical Officer The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency Ms. Kerstin HEIKENFELDT Senior Information Officer Climate Change Section The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency


Switzerland H.E. Mr. Moritz LEUENBERGER Federal Councillor, Head of the Federal Department of Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications H.E. Mr. Beat NOBS Ambassador Swiss Agency for the Environment, Forests and Landscape Federal Department of Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications

Mr. Michael KOHN Chairman Institute for Capital and Economy Mr. Patrick HOFSTETTER Expert WWF Switzerland Mr. Martin ENDERLIN SWAPP Program Manager State Secretariat for Economic Affairs Federal Department of Economic Affairs

FCCC/CP/2004/INF.3 Page 49 Switzerland (continued) H.E. Mr. Daniel VON MURALT Ambassador Diplomatic Mission of Switzerland to Argentina Mr. Hans-Ruedi BORTIS Counsellor Diplomatic Mission of Switzerland to Argentina Ms. Cristina GARCÍA Attaché Diplomatic Mission of Switzerland to Argentina

Syrian Arab Republic H.E. Mr. Riad AL SINEH Ambassador Diplomatic Mission of the Syrian Arab Republic to Argentina Mr. Imad Eddin AL-BEIK General Director Meteorology General Department of Meteorology Mr. Haitham NASHAWATI National Focal Point General Commission for Environmental Affairs - Climate Change Departmnet Ministry of Local Administration and Environment

Thailand H.E. Mr. Asiphol CHABCHITRCHAIDOL Ambassador Diplomatic Mission of the Kingdom of Thailand to Argentina Ms. Sangchan LIMJIRAKAN Advisor to the Minister of Natural Resources and Environment Mr. Chartree CHUEYPRASIT Deputy Permanent Secretary Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment Ms. Nisakorn KOSITRATNA Secretary General Office of Natural Resources and Environment Policy and Planning Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment Mr. Manop MEKPRAYOONTHONG Deputy Director General Department of International Organization Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Sopon CHOMCHAN Senior Land Use Specialist Land Development Department Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives

Ms. Prasertsuk CHAMORNMARN Director of Climate Change Cooperation Centre Office of Natural Resources And Environment Policy and Planning Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment

Mr. Wasarak PHUNGCHAROEN Environmental Official, Climate Change Cooperation Centre Office of Natural Resources and Environment Policy and Planning Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment

Ms. Rachanee EMARUCHI Director of Promotion and Dissemination Department of Environmental Quality Promotion Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment


Mr. Vute WANGWACHARAKUL Assistant Professor Faculty of Economics, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics Kasetsart University

Trinidad and Tobago

Mr. Phongpiya PIYASIRANANDA Director of Office of Research and Development of Land Management Land Development Department Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives

M. Awadi Abi EGBARE Directeur général de la météorologie nationale

Mr. David PERSAUD Ecologist Ministry of Public Utilities and the Environment Mr. Kishan KUMARSINGH Technical Coordinator Environmental Resource Management Environmental Management Authority

Ms. Aree Wattana THUMMAKIRD Chief of Measures Analysis, Climate Change Coordination Unit Office of Natural Resources and Environment Policy Planning Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment

Mr. Oswald ADAMS Senior Chemical Engineer Energy Planning Division Ministry of Energy and Energy Industries

Mr. Jesada LUANGJAME Forest Technical Officer National Park, Wildlife and Plant Conservation Department Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment

M. Noureddine BEN AISSA Directeur et point focal de la CCNUCC Environnement industriel Ministère de l'agriculture, de l'environnement et des ressources hydrauliques

Mr. Worapong WARAMIT Soil Surveyor Land Development Department Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives

M. Néjib OSMAN Directeur Agence Nationale pour la Mailuise del' Energie Agence nationale des énergies renouvelables

Ms. Natarika Vayuparb COOPER Environmental Official, Climate Change Cooperation Centre Office of Natural Resources and Environment Policy and Planning Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment Ms. Apha THIRAKAROONWONG Second Secretary Diplomatic Mission of the Kingdom of Thailand to Argentina Ms. Pongtip PUVACHAROEN Environmental Official, Climate Change Cooperation Centre Office of Natural Resources and Environment Policy and Planning Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment


Mme Ahlem SAYEB Association tunisienne des changements climatiques et du développement durable M. Yadh LABBEN Institut national de météorologie Mme Latifa HÉNIA Professeur de l'association tunisienne des géographes Ministère de l'agriculture, de l'environnement et des ressources hydrauliques M. Mohamed HESSAIRI Professeur

Turkey H.E. Mr. Osman PEPE Minister of Environment and Forestry

FCCC/CP/2004/INF.3 Page 50 Turkey (continued) H.E. Mr. Sükrü TUFAN Ambassador Diplomatic Mission of Turkey to Argentina Mr. Sedat KADIOGLU Deputy Director General General Directorate of Environmental Management Ministry of Environment and Forestry Mr. Izamettin EKER Chief of Section Ministry of Environment and Forestry Mr. Özgür YAVUZER Third Secretary Diplomatic Mission of Turkey to Argentina Ms. Zeynep SAVAS Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Ayça Erem BULUTAY Biologist General Directorate of Environmental Pollution Prevention and Control Ministry of Environment and Forestry Ms. Macide ALTAS Engineer Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources

Mr. Ian William FRY International Environment Advisor Environment Division Department of Foreign Affairs and Labour, Office of the Prime Minister Mr. Tauala KATEA Scientific Officer Meterological Service of Tuvalu

Uganda Mr. Philip M. GWAGE Assistant Commissioner for Meteorology Metereology Ministry of Water, Lands and Environment Mr. Paul ISABIRYE Deputy Manager, CDM Projects Department of Meteorology Ministry of Water, Lands and Environment Mr. Xavier MUGUMYA Member Department of Meteorology

Ukraine Mr. Sviatoslav KURULENKO Deputy Minister of Environmental Protection

Ms. Gönül KILIÇ Engineer State Meteorology Services Ministry of Environment and Forestry

Ms. Liudmila MUSINA Deputy Minister of Economy and European Integration Issues of Ukraine Ministry of Economy and European Integration Issues of Ukraine

Mr. Hayati ÇETIN Head of Department Project Aplication Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources

Mr. Mykola VEDMID Deputy Head State Committee of Forestry

Mr. Bülent KILIC Diplomatic Mission of Turkey to Argentina

H.E. Mr. Oleksandr NYKONENKO Ambassador Diplomatic Mission of Ukraine to Argentina

Turkmenistan Mr. Amanmurad M. DURDIYEW Director Center of Ecological Monitoring Ministry of the Nature Protection

Tuvalu H.E. Mr. Enele SOPOAGA Ambassador, Permanent Representative to the United Nations (Vice-President of the COP) Permanent Mission of Tuvalu to the United Nations, New York Ms. Pepetua Election LATASI Climate Climate Officer Ministry of Environment

Mr. Mykhailo BORYSIUK Secretariat of the Ecology Comittee Parliament of Ukraine Mr. Oleksandr BOGACHOV Head of Sector Secretariat of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine Secretariat of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine Mr. Yevgen BEREZHNYI Director State Ecological Monitoring and Atmosphere Air Protection Department Ministry of Environmental Protection Mr. Oleksandr KOVTUN First Secretary Diplomatic Mission of Ukraine to Argentina

Mr. Oleksandr PYSARENKO Head State Ecological Monitoring Department Ministry of Environmental Protection Mr. Heorhiy VEREMIYCHYK Senior Specialist Atmosphere Air Protection Department Ministry of Environmental Protection Mr. Mykola MELENEVSKY Deputy Head Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Henadiy RUDENKO Member of the Parliament Parliament Committee on Environmental Policy Mr. Volodymyr PAVLENKO Head of Department of the Secretary of the Government Ms. Olga MARUSHEVSKA Head International Cooperation Department Ministry of Environmental Protection

United Arab Emirates Mr. Salem Mesarri AL DHAHERI General Director Federal Environmental Agency Mr. Majid AL MANSOURI Secretary-General Environmental Research and Wildlife Development Agency Mr. Yacoub Yousif AL-HOSANI Director of Conference and International Organization Department Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Ahmed Saeed MAJID Director (Vice-President of the COP) Department for Petroleum Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources Mr. Saad Al Dein Mohamed AL-NOMIRI Advisor Commitee for Environment Federal Environmental Agency Mr. Al Waleed Hamad AL-MALIK Legal Advisor Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources Mr. Jaber Eidah AL JABERI Manager Environmental Permits Department Environmental Research and Wildlife Development Agency

FCCC/CP/2004/INF.3 Page 51 United Arab Emirates (continued) Mr. Hameed Ali ELSABOUSI Second Secretary Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Saeed AL HARITHI Head Emirates News Agency

Mr. Jeremy EPPEL Head of Sustentable Energy Division DEFRA Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Mr. Amal-Lee AMIN Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Mr. Andy DEACON Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs

H.E. Ms. Margaret BECKETT Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs

Ms. Siobhan PETERS First Secretary Economic Department Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs

Ms. Sarah HENDRY Head of Global Atmosphere Division Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs

Ms. Cathy JOHNSON Principal Scientific Adviser Global Atmosphere Division Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs

H.E. Mr. Elliot MORLEY Minister of State for Environment and Agri-Environment Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Mr. Leo BECKETT Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Mr. Alistair MCGLONE Legal Services Directorate General Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Mr. Stephen Maynard HALE Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Mr. Henry DERWENT Director Climate, Energy and Environment Risk Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Ms. Patricia SCHOFIELD Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Ms. Deborah PETTERSON Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Ms. Lyn BRYAN Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Mr. Andrew DALGLEISH Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs

Ms. Jackie JONES Senior Policy Adviser Global Atmosphere Division Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Mr. Tom EDMONSTON-LOW Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Mr. Jim PENMAN Principal Scientific Adviser Global Atmosphere Division Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Ms. Jo HALLIDAY Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Mr. Martin HESSION Policy Adviser Global Atmosphere Division Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Ms. Kathryn HUMPHREY Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Mr. Hywel LEWIS Global Atmosphere Division Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Ms. Sophia OLIVER Scientific Adviser Global Atmosphere Division Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Mr. Patrick WHITEHEAD Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs

Mr. Jed JONES Special Advisor on Climate Change KPMG Ms. Jessica TRONI Coordinator Department for International Development Mr. Simon ANDERSON CRD Department for International Development Mr. Jos WHEATLEY Policy Adviser Department for International Development Mr. Terry CARRINGTON Head of Climate Change Section Energy Strategy Unit Department of Trade and Industry Mr. Jeffrey CHAPMAN Export Promoter UK Trade + Investment Ms. Valerie CATON Head of Environment Policy Department Foreign and Commonwealth Office Mr. Simon BANKS Deputy Head, Climate Change and Energy Group Foreign and Commonwealth Office Foreign and Commonwealth Office Ms. Kate WHITE Foreign and Commonwealth Office Mr. Alan RICHMOND Foreign and Commonwealth Office Mr. Mal GREEN Foreign and Commonwealth Office Mr. John HOLMES Scottish Executive Rural Affairs Department Mr. Philip WRIGHT Head of Air, Climate and Engineering Unit Scottish Executive Rural Affairs Department H.E. Mr. John HUGHES Ambassador Diplomatic Mission of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to Argentina Ms. Catherine ROYLE Deputy Head of Mission Diplomatic Mission of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to Argentina

FCCC/CP/2004/INF.3 Page 52 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (continued) Mr. Alex BROWN Second Secretary Political Diplomatic Mission of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to Argentina Ms. Kerry MOSS Attaché Diplomatic Mission of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to Argentina Mr. Carlos LONGSTAFF Diplomatic Mission of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to Argentina Ms. Sonia Aponte TINAO Trade and Investment Assistant Diplomatic Mission of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to Argentina Mr. Harry WILSON Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Ms. Jill DUGGAN

United Republic of Tanzania Ms. Mary MUSHI Permanent Secretary Vice-President's Office Mr. Richard S. MUYUNGI Assistant Director Division of Environment Vice-President's Office Mr. Abraham H. SENGUJI Assistant Director Civil and International Law Ministry of Justice and Constitutional Affairs Mr. Rusika Niyo MUHETO Director Environmental Planning and Research National Environment Management Council Ms. Fainhappy Elia KIMAMBO Senior Environmental Officer Division of Environment Vice-President's Office Mr. Stephen MWAKIFWAMBA Centre for Energy Environment Science and Technology

United States of America H.E. Ms. Paula DOBRIANSKY Under Secretary for Global Affairs Department of State

H.E. Mr. Lino GUTIERREZ Ambassador Diplomatic Mission of the United States of America to Argentina

Ms. Katherine BUCKLEY Program Manager United States Environmental Protection Agency

Mr. Harlan L. WATSON Senior Climate Change Negotiator and Special Representative Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs Department of State

Mr. David Warren CONOVER Director Climate Change Technology Program Department of Energy

Mr. Les ADAMS NOAA Exhibit Manager Office of Public Affairs/National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Department of Commerce M. David ALLEN National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Department of Commerce Mr. Christo ARTUSIO Foreign Affairs Officer Office of Global Affairs/Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs Department of State Ms. Judith Elizabeth AYRES Assistant Administrator for International Affairs Office for International Affairs United States Environmental Protection Agency Ms. Kathleen BARMON Environment, Science and Technology Counselor Diplomatic Mission of the United States of America to Argentina Ms. Ko BARRETT Program Manager Global Climate Change Team United States Agency for International Development Ms. Susan BINIAZ Legal Adviser Office of the Legal Adviser Department of State Ms. Cynthia BRADY Foreign Affairs Officer Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs Department of State Mr. William BREED Director of Climate Change Programs United States Agency for International Development Mr. William Joseph BRENNAN Deputy Assistant Secretary for International Affairs National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Department of Commerce

Ms. Barbara DE ROSA-JOYNT Foreign Affairs Officer Office of Global Change/Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs Department of State Mr. Howard DIAMOND Program Manager Global Change Observing System/National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Department of Commerce Mr. Robert DIXON Senior Advisor Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Department of Energy Ms. Larisa DOBRIANSKY Deputy Assistant Secretary for National Energy Policy Office of Climate Change Policy/National Energy Policy Department of Energy Mr. Stephen Daniel EULE Director Office of Climate Change Department of Energy Mr. Edward FENDLEY Foreign Affairs Officer Office of Global Change/Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs Department of State Ms. Patricia GARFFER Climate Change Specialist Global Climate Change Team/Center for Environment United States Agency for International Development Ms. Isabel GATES Administrative Officer Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs Department of State Mr. John L.C. GRASSER Public Affairs Department of Energy

FCCC/CP/2004/INF.3 Page 53 United States of America (continued) Ms. Teresa HOBGOOD Senior Policy Advisor Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs Department of State Mr. William HOHENSTEIN Director Global Change Programs United States Department of Agriculture Mr. Elmer HOLT Senior Economist Department of Energy Mr. Chester KOBLINSKI Climate Change Program National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Mr. Bruce KNIGHT Chief Natural Resources Conservation Service United States Department of Agriculture Ms. Dina KRUGER Director CLimate Change Division United States Environmental Protection Agency Mr. William Nathaniel IRVING Policy Analyst Clean Air Markets Division United States Environmental Protection Agency H.E. Mr. Conrad C. LAUTENBACHER Under Secretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Department of Commerce Mr. Maurice Noel LEFRANC, JR. Technical Expert Office of Air and Radiation United States Environmental Protection Agency Mr. Jan LEWANDROWSKI Senior Economist Global Change Program Office United States Department of Agriculture

Ms. Duane M. MULLER Program Officer Global Climate Change Team United States Agency for International Development Mr. Kenneth PEEL Director for International Environmental Affairs National Security Council Executive Office of the President Ms. Susan POVENMIRE Press and Public Affairs Adviser Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs Department of State Mr. Graham PUGH Foreign Affairs Officer Bureau of Oceans, International Environment and Scientific Affairs Department of State Mr. Daniel A. REIFSNYDER Director, Office of Global Change Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs Department of State Ms. Loret RUPPE Science Fellow Global Climate Change Team United States Agency for International Development Mr. Jacqueline E. SCHAFER Deputy Assistant Administrator Bureau for Economic Growth, Agriculture and Trade United States Agency for International Development Mr. Jack SCHICK Economic Officer Bureau of Intelligence and Research Department of State Mr. Kenneth SKOG US Department of Agriculture Forest Service USDA Forest Service Mr. Scott William SMULLEN National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Department of Commerce

Mr. Robert MANNING Counsellor to the Under Secretary for Global Affairs Department of State

Mr. Trigg TALLEY Deputy Director, Office of Global Change Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs Department of State

Ms. Linda MOODIE Senior Advisor National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Department of Commerce

Ms. Ahsha TRIBBLE Technical Chief of Staff National Oceanic and Atmospheric Adminstration Department of Commerce

Mr. Vaughan TUREKIAN Special Adviser to the Under Secretary for Global Affairs Department of State Mr. Pablo VALDEZ Regional/Technical Expert Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs Department of State Ms. Marja VERLOOP Regional/Technical Expert Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs Department of State Ms. Madeleine WEST Congressional Assistant Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs Department of State Mr. Edward WHITE Regional/Technical Expert Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs Department of State Ms. Susan WICKWIRE Branch Chief Climate Change Division United States Environmental Protection Agency Mr. Larry E. CRAIG Senator Energy and Natural Resources United States Senate Mr. Craig THOMAS Senator Energy and Natural Resources; Environment and Public Works United States Senate Mr. Joe BARTON Representative Energy and Commerce United States Senate Mr. Dennis KUCINICH Representative Government Reform Committee United States Senate Mr. Jonathan BLACK Minority Legislative Assistant Energy and Natural Resources Committee United States Senate Mr. Michael CATANZARO Professional Staff Member Environment and Public Works Committee United States Senate

FCCC/CP/2004/INF.3 Page 54 United States of America (continued)

Mr. Daniel WHITING Press Secretary, Senator Craig

Mr. Floyd DESCHAMPS Senior Professional Staff Member Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee United States Senate

Mr. Shawn WHITMAN Chief of Staff, Senator Thomas United States Senate

Mr. Alex FLINT Staff Director Energy and Natural Resources Committee United States Senate Ms. Lou Ann LINEHAN Chief of Staff, Senator Hagel United States Senate Mr. Christopher MILLER Senior Policy Adviser Senate Committee on Environment United States Senate Mr. Brian MORMINO Majority Staff Member Environment and Public Works Committee United States Senate Mr. Neil James NARAINE Energy Fellow, Senator Landrieu United States Senate Mr. George O'CONNOR Counsel, Environment and Natural Resources Committee, Senator Craig United States Senate Mr. John PESCHKE Majority Professional Staff Member Energy and Natural Resources United States Senate Mr. John RICHARDS Legislative Assistant, Senator Rockefeller United States Senate Mr. Amit RONEN Legislative Assistant, Senator Cantwell United States Senate Mr. John SHANAHAN Majority Counsel Environment and Public Works Committee United States Senate Ms. Staci STEVENSON Legislative Assistant, Senator Crapo United States Senate Ms. Alison TAYLOR Minority Chief Counsel Environment and Public Works Committee United States Senate Mr. Andrew WHEELER Majority Staff Director Environemnt and Public Works United States Senate

Ms. Virginia WORREST Senior Legislative Assistant, Senator Snowe United States Senate Mr. Greg DOTSON Counsel House Committee on Government Reform House of Representatives Mr. Michael GOO Counsel House of Representatives Ms. Carolyn HOLMES Legislative Director United States Senate Ms. Lou Ann LINDHAN Chief of Staff United States Senate Mr. John LOPEZ Senate Staff United States Senate Mr. John MIMIKAKIS House of Representatives Ms. Kathryn CLAY Staff member House of Representatives Mr. Todd BERTOSON Senate Staff United States Senate Ms. Amy MUHLBERG Staff Member United States Senate Mr. William BOYD Staff Assistant United States Senate Mr. Ken CONNOLLY Staff Director United States Senate Ms. Margaret CARAVELLI Counsel House of Representatives Mr. Kurt CHRISTENSEN Staff Member House of Representatives Mr. Robert RAINEY Professional Staff House of Representatives

Ms. Susan D. SHERIDAN Counsel House of Representatives Mr. Alexandra Elizabeth TEITZ Counsel Office of Energy and Commerce House of Representatives Ms. Sharon FEISER Admin Officer Bureau of International Organization Affairs Department of State Mr. James R. MAHONEY Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Department of Commerce Ms. Margaret SPRING Senate Staff United States Senate Mr. Mark MENEZES Congressional Staff Mr. Jim BARNETTE Congressional Staff Mr. Todd BERTOSEN Legislative Assistant United States Senate Ms. Amanda VOCKERODT State-Office of Global Change Diplomatic Mission of the United States of America to Argentina Mr. Randal FAHS Second Secretary Diplomatic Mission of the United States of America to Argentina Ms. Kathleen EAGEN Vice Consul Diplomatic Mission of the United States of America to Argentina Mr. Hugo LLORENS Minister Counselor Diplomatic Mission of the United States of America to Argentina Ms. Crystal MERIWETHER Second Secretary Diplomatic Mission of the United States of America to Argentina Ms. Suzanne CRAIG Ms. Terri BARTON

FCCC/CP/2004/INF.3 Page 55 United States of America (continued) Ms. Christal A. SHEPPARD Mr. James STEIN Director RUDO Office Mr. Joshua WELLNER Ms. Linda Loughran LAWSON

Uruguay S.E. Sr. Saúl IRURETA SARALEGUI Ministro de Vivienda, Ordenamiento Territorial y Medio Ambiente S.E. Sr. Alberto VOLONTÉ Embajador Misión Diplomática de la República Oriental del Uruguay en Argentina S.E. Sr. Tabaré BOCALANDRO Embajador/Director de Medio Ambiente Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores Sra. Myriam FRASCHINI Misión Diplomática de la República Oriental del Uruguay en Argentina Sr. Daniel CASTILLOS Misión Diplomática de la República Oriental del Uruguay en Argentina Sr. Atilio LIGRONE Director General Forestal Ministerio de Ganadería, Agricultura y Pesca

Sra. Mariana KASPRZYK SIERRA Asesora Unidad de la Cambio Climático Ministerio de Vivienda, Ordenamiento Territorial y Medio Ambiente Sr. Vicente PLATA Oficial Técnico Unidad de Proyectos Agropecuarios de Cambio Climático Ministerio de Ganadería, Agricultura y Pesca Sra. María METHOL Asesora Oficina de Programación y Política Agropecuaria Ministerio de Ganadería, Agricultura y Pesca M. Agustín GIMÉNEZ FUREST Ingeniero Instituto Nacional de Investigación Agropecuaria Sr. Thierry LALOUX Jefe de Misión Económica Misión Diplomática de la República Oriental del Uruguay en Argentina

Uzbekistan Ms. Tatyana OSOSKOVA Chief Department of Environment Pollution Monitoring Main Administration of Hydrometeorology Mr. Victor E. CHUB Minister and Chief Glavgidromet

Vanuatu Sr. Luis Alberto SANTOS Coordinador Técnico de la Unidad de Cambio Climático Dirección Nacional de Medio Ambiente Ministerio de Vivienda, Ordenamiento Territorial y Medio Ambiente Sr. Walter OYHANTCABAL Coordinador Unidad de Proyectos Agropecuarios de Cambio Climático Ministerio de Ganadería, Agricultura y Pesca

Mr. Jotham NAPAT Director Meteorological Services Mr. Brian PHILLIPS Climate Change Coordinator Vanuatu Meteorological Services Meteorological Services


Sra. Laura BOGADO Asesora del Departamento Político Misión Diplomática de la República Oriental del Uruguay en Argentina

Sr. Gerardo CARRILLO SILVA Director Adjunto Dirección de Planifiación y Ordenación Ambiental Ministerio del Ambiente y de los Recursos Naturales

Sra. Virginia SENA Asesora Unidad de Cambio Climático Ministerio de Vivienda, Ordenamiento Territorial y Medio Ambiente

Sr. Freddy BALZÁN Misión Diplomática de Venezuela en Argentina

Sr. Américo CATALÁN Director de Investigación y Proyectos del Bosque Dirección General del Recurso Forestal Ministerio del Ambiente y de los Recursos Naturales Sra. Maria Teresa MARTELO PENA Dirección de Hidrología y Meteorología Ministerio del Ambiente y de los Recursos Naturales Sra. Lissett HERNÁNDEZ Oficina de Gestión y Cooperación Internacional del Ministerio del Ambiente Sr. Hamlin Dario JORDAN SMITH Asesor Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores Sr. Marco Antonio GUZMAN Misión Diplomática de Venezuela en Argentina

Viet Nam Mr. Nguyen Khac HIEU Deputy Director General International Cooperation Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam M. Vu HUY TAN Senior Official Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Yemen Mr. Anwar Abdulaziz NOAMAN Head of Climate Change Unit Environment Protection Authority

Zimbabwe H.E. Mr. Francis NHEMA Minister of Environment and Tourism Mr. Washington ZHAKATA National Coordinator Climate Change Office Ministry of Environment and Tourism Mr. Morari MUINDISI

FCCC/CP/2004/INF.3 Page 56

Observer States Holy See


H.E. Msgr. Adriano BERNARDINI Apostolic Nuncio in Argentina

H.E. Mr. Fareed YASSEEN Director Policy Planning Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Msgr. Nicola GIRASOLI Member Mr. Jorge Mario LAGOS

Mr. Ahmed Mohammed AZIZ Manager/Expert Environmental Policy Center Ministry of Water Resources

Ms. Saba YOUSIF Chief Engineering Ministry of Oil Mr. Hashim M. ABDULLA Chief of Chemistries Ministry of Oil Mr. Yarub A. Majeed HAMEED Attaché Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Mubdir A.S. ALKHUDHAIR

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Representatives of United Nations Secretariat units and bodies United Nations Information Centre (UNIC)

United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)

Ms. Maria Costa PINTO Directora UNIC Buenos Aires

Mr. Lucas ASSUNÇAO Coordinator Climate Change Programme International Trade in Goods and Services and Commodities

Mr. Gustavo POCH National Information Officer UNIC Buenos Aires Mr. Andrea Devlin DE NOVARO HUEYO Library Assistant UNIC Buenos Aires Mr. Juan Miguel GUILLERMO-DOTHAS Secretary UNIC Buenos Aires

Ms. Maria Elena B. LLEANDER Programme Assistant United Nations Institute for Training and Research Ms. Silvia LLOSA Associate Climate, Energy and Pollution Program

Mr. Daniel TOMASINI Environment Programme Officer United Nations Development Programme Argentina Mr. Matías MOTTET Environment Programme Associate United Nations Development Programme Argentina Mr. Eduardo GUTIERREZ Consultant United Nations Development Programme Argentina Ms. Vivienne CABALLERO


Mr. Khalid HUSAIN

Ms. Irene VAN SPANKEREN Administrative Assistant UNIC Buenos Aires

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

Mr. Pablo VINOCUR Programme Coordinator United Nations Development Programme Argentina

Mr. Gabriel APREA UNIC Buenos Aires

Mr. Zéphirin DIABRÉ Under-Secretary-General and Associate Administrator

Ms. Norma María CASAL DE GARCÍA UNIC Buenos Aires

United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UN/ISDR) Mr. Reid BASHER

Mr. Frank J.P. PINTO Executive Coordinator Global Environment Facility Mr. Carlos Felipe MARTÍNEZ Resident Representative United Nations Development Programme Argentina

Mr. John Alexander HARDING Associate Officer

Mr. Pablo I. MANDEVILLE Resident Representative UNDP Uruguay

Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC)

Mr. Brian DAWSON Climate Change and CDM Advisor

Ms. Alicia BÁRCENA Deputy Executive Secretary

Ms. Silvia RUCKS Deputy Resident Representative United Nations Development Programme Argentina

Mr. José Luis SAMANIEGO LEYVA Director División de Desarrollo Sostenible yAsentamientos Humanos Mr. Jose Javier GOMEZ Economic Affairs Officer Sustainable Development and Human Settlements Mr. Manlio COVIELLO Economic Affairs Officer Divisison of Natural Resources and Infrastructure

Ms. Bo LIM Senior Technical Advisor Capacity Development and Adaptation Cluster Global Environment Facility Mr. Stephen GITONGA SGP Climate Change Specialist Global Environment Facility Mr. Yamil BONDUKI Climate Change Technical Specialist National Communications Support Unit Global Environment Facility

Mr. Pablo BASZ United Nations Development Programme Argentina Mr. Juan Carlos ROMERO PADILLA Ms. Maria Marta VERA Mr. Jonathan RYAN UNDP-Mexico

United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Mr. Klaus TÖPFER Executive Director Mr. Bakary KANTE Director Division of Policy Development and Law Mr. Svein TVEITDAL Director Division of Environmental Convention & Policy Implementation Mr. John CHRISTENSEN Division of Technology, Industry and Economics UNEP Risøe Centre on Energy, Climate and Sustainable Development Mr. Jens MACKENSEN Division for Policy Development and Law Mr. Ricardo SANCHEZ Regional Director Latin America and the Caribbean

FCCC/CP/2004/INF.3 Page 58 United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) (continued)

Ms. Anne OLHOFF Mr. Sami KAMEL

Mr. Arkadiy LEVINTANUS Division of Environmental Conventions Ms. Liza LECLERC Division of GEF Coordination Canadian International Development Agency Mr. Rody Oñate ZUÑIGA Information Officer Regional Office for Latin America and the Carribean Ms. Anne Marie VERBEKEN Division of GEF Cooridnation Mr. Tom HAMLIN Division of GEF Coordination

Secretariat for the Vienna Convention and its Montreal Protocol (UNEP/OZONE)

Mr. Lars HALTBREKKEN UNEP - Grid Arendal Mr. Cato LITANGEN UNEP - Grid Arendal Mr. Alain LAFONTAINE Mr. Neil LEARY Science Director The International START Secretariat Ms. Martina OTTO Researcher Mr. Joel JIMÉNEZ Mr. Myung-Kyoon LEE UNEP Risøe Centre on Energy, Climate and Sustainable Development


Mr. Lambert KUIJPERS Co-Chair of the UNEP TEAP UNEP-Technology and Economic Assessment Panel

Mr. Halldor THORGEIRSSON Coordinator Methods, Inventories & Science Programme Secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change

Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)

Ms. Victoria LICHTSCHEIN Ramsar Convention on Wetlands

Mr. Manuel GUARIGUATA Environmental Affairs Officer Conservation Ecology

United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR)

United Nations University (UNU) Mr. Mahendra KUMAR Division of GEF coordination

Ms. Rebecca CARTER Junior Professional Fellow United Nations University - Institute of Advanced Studies

Mr. W. Bradnee CHAMBERS Senior Programme Officer Institute of Advanced Studies United Nations University - Institute of Advanced Studies Mr. Hiroji ISOZAKI Visiting Professor United Nations University - Institute of Advanced Studies Mr. Norichika KANIE Visiting Associate Professor United Nations University - Institute of Advanced Studies Ms. Joy Aeree KIM Coordinator Sustainable Development Governance Programme United Nations University - Institute of Advanced Studies

Mr. Marcel A. BOISARD Executive Director Mr. Blane HARVEY Associate Training Officer Climate Change Programme Ms. Annie BONNIN-RONCEREL Senior Programme Coordinator Climate Change Programme Ms. Claire STOCKWELL Climate Change Programme Fellow Mr. Mohan MUNASINGHE Chairman Munasinghe Institute for Development

Secretariat of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) Mr. Grégoire DE KALBERMATTEN Deputy Executive Secretary

FCCC/CP/2004/INF.3 Page 59

Representatives of specialized agencies and related organizations Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Mr. Zhihong ZHANG Program Manager

Mr. David HARCHARIK Deputy Director-General

Ms. Habiba GITAY Deputy Chair Scientific and Technical Advisory Panel (STAP)

Mr. Wulf KILLMANN Director Forestry Department Mr. Dieter Hans Friedrich SCHOENE Senior Forestry Officer, Forest and Climate Change Forestry Department Mr. René A. GOMMES Senior Agrometeorologist, Environment and Natural Resources Service Sustainable Development Department Mr. Heiner VON LÜPKE Associate Professional Officer, Forest and Climate Change Forestry Department Mr. Till NEEFF Volunteer, Forest and Climate Change Forestry Department Mr. Igor ZONN Head of Department Land Reclamation and Ecology Engineering Research Center on Water Managment Mr. Jose Luis GARCIA DE SILES Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations - Buenos Aires

Global Environment Facility (GEF) Mr. Leonard GOOD Chief Executive Officer and Chairman Ms. Patricia BLISS-GUEST Deputy Chief Executive Officer Mr. Richard HOSIER Team Leader Climate and Chemicals Ms. Bonizella BIAGINI Program Manager Climate Change Mr. Raul RODRÍGUEZ Program Assistant Mr. Ravi SHARMA Senior Operations Officer Ms. Christine WOERLEN Program Manager

International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Mr. Hans-Holger ROGNER Head of the Planning and Economic Studies Section Department of Nuclear Energy

International Finance Corporation (IFC) Mr. Alan MILLER Senior Project Officer Environmental Finance Group Mr. Vikram WIDGE Program Manager Carbon Finance Mr. Milson MUNDIM Investment Officer

United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Mr. Henk VAN SCHAIK Managing Director Co-operative Programme on Water & Climate UNESCO - Institute for Water Education Ms. Priscilla C. DORRESTEIJN Information and Communication Officer Co-operative Programme on Water & Climate UNESCO - Institute for Water Education

Mr. Marcus MOENCH Director Institute for Social and Environmental Transition Mr. F. THORMALLA Manager Poverty and Vulnerability Programme Stockholm Environment Institute Mr. R. CONNOR Programme Officer UNESCO - Institute for Water Education M. Carl DE SCHEPPER Head Water Engineering Communauté flamande

United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) Mr. Sidi Menad SI AHMED Director Multilateral Environmental Agreements Branch Mr. Guillermo L. JIMENEZ BLASCO Senior Industrial Development Officer Multilateral Environmental Agreements Branch Ms. Marina PLOUTAKHINA Industrial Development Officer Multilateral Environmental, Agreements Branch Mr. Marco NARDINI Financial Analyst UNIDO - ITPO Italy Mr. Daniel ROSSI Investment Promotion Expert UNIDO - ITPO Italy

World Bank Mr. W.J. COSGROVE Chair International Programme Committee UNESCO - Institute for Water Education Mr. J. DE SCHUTTER Head WE Department UNESCO - Institute for Water Education Mr. Ajaya DIXIT Secretary of ISET and Director of Nepal Water Conservation Foundation Institute for Social and Environmental Transition

Mr. Ian JOHNSON Vice President Environmentally and Socially Sustainable Development Mr. James Warren EVANS Sector Director Mr. Kenneth J. NEWCOMBE Senior Manager Mr. Ian Roy NOBLE Adviser Mr. Axel VAN TROTSENBERG Country Director Banco Mundial

FCCC/CP/2004/INF.3 Page 60 World Bank (continued) Mr. Carter BRANDON Sector Leader Mr. Sergio Alvaro JELLINEK Communications Advisor Ms. Yanina BUDKIN Communications Officer Banco Mundial Mr. Charles Joseph CORMIER Team Leader Mr. Eduardo DOPAZO Senior Operations Officer Mr. Juan LOPEZ-SILVA Senior Environmental Specialist Mr. Horacio TERRAZA Environmental Specialist Mr. Walter VERGARA Lead Chemical Engineer Mr. Johannes H. HEISTER Senior Environmental Economist Mr. Rut SIMCOVICH Translator

Mr. Buruhani NYENZI Acting Director World Climate Programme Ms. Carine RICHARD-VAN MAELE Chief, Communications and Public Affairs Mr. F. REQUENA Executive Assistant to Secretary-General Mr. Stephan BOJINSKI Junior Professional Officer Global Climate Observing System Secretariat Mr. Caroline VERA Buenos Aires University Mr. Paul J. MASON Chairman Global Climate Observing System/Steering Committee Ms. Miriam ANDRIOLO Interpreter Mr. Daniel CORTES Mr. Mario VIVONA Mr. Gerardo OGDON Mr. Oliver BOOLSEN

World Health Organization (WHO) Mr. Carlos CORVALAN Coordinator, Occupational and Environmental Health Protection of the Human Environment

Ms. Maria SKANSI Mr. Mauricio SALDIVAR Ms. Graciela GORDILLO

Ms. Bettina MENNE Global Change and Health Programme WHO European Centre for Environment and Health - Italy

Mr. Daniel RENI

Mr. José Antonio PAGÉS Representative Pan American Health Organisation/World Health Organisation

Ms. Patricia DIAZ

Ms. Maria DEL ROSARIO CASTRO Environmental Health Adviser Pan American Health Organisation/World Health Organisation

World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Mr. Michel JARRAUD Secretary-General Mr. Alan R. THOMAS Director Global Climate Observing System


Ms. Mariel GRANADO Mr. Ricardo VALENTI

Mr. Ogunlade R. DAVIDSON Director Faculty of Engineering University of Sierra Leone Mr. Bert METZ Head Global Sustainability and Climate Team National Institute for Public Health and the Environment Mr. Takahiko HIRAISHI IPCC TFI Co-Chair Institute for Global Environmental Strategies Ms. Renate CHRIST Secretary Mr. Leo MEYER Head Technical Support Unit IPCC Working Group III National Institute for Public Health and the Environment Mr. Jean PALUTIKOF Head Technical Support Unit IPCC Working Group II Hadley Centre Mr. Simon EGGLESTON Head Technical Support Unit Institute for Global Environmental Strategies Mr. Leandro V. BUENDIA Programme Officer Technical Support Unit Institute for Global Environmental Strategies Ms. Kyoko MIWA Programme Officer Technical Support Unit Institute for Global Environmental Strategies Mr. Todd NGARA Programme Officer Technical Support Unit Institute for Global Environmental Strategies

Mr. Marcelo ROSERO

WMO/UNEP Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Mr. Rajendra Kumar PACHAURI Director General The Energy and Resources Institute Mr. Osvaldo Fransisco CANZIANI Co-Chairman IPCC Working Group II Fundación Ecológica Universal

Mr. Kiyoto TANABE Programme Officer Technical Support Unit Institute for Global Environmental Strategies Mr. Nijavalli H. RAVINDRANATH Professor Centre for Ecological Science Indian Institute of Science

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Intergovernmental organizations Agence intergouvernementale de la Francophonie (AIF)

Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR)

M. Denis L'ANGLAIS Directeur adjoint Institut de l'énergie et de l'environnement de la Francophonie

Mr. Daniel MURDIYARSO Scientist

Mme Faouzia ABDOULHALIK Responsable de programme environnement Institut de l'énergie et de l'environnement de la Francophonie M. Pierre RADANNE Chargé de l'etude prospective sur le changement climatique Institut de l'énergie et de l'environnement de la Francophonie

Mr. Alvaro Luna TERRAZAS Regional Coordinator

Comisión Permanente del Pacífico Sur (CPPS) Sr. Ulises MUNAYLLA ALARCON Scientific Director

Corporación Andina de Fomento (CAF)

M. Sadek BOUSSENA Chercheur Institut de l'énergie et de l'environnement de la Francophonie

Sra. Maria Teresa SZAUER Director Environmental Division

M. Philip RAPHALS Responsable du projet profils

Sr. Jorge BARRIGH Coordinator Latin America Carbon Program

Asian Development Bank (ADB) Mr. Jan VAN HEESWIJK Director General Regional and Sustainable Development Department Ms. Rita NANGIA Director, Finance and Infrastructure Division Regional and Sustainable Development Department

Sr. Francisco SUCRE Senior Technical & CDM Specialist Sra. Mary GOMEZ CDM Business Development Specialist Sra. Natalia BOHÓRQUEZ CDM Technical Ms. Christiana FIGUERES Consultant

Mr. Toru KUBO CDM Specialist, Finance & Infrastructure Regional and Sustainable Development Department

Mr. Camilo ARENAS

Ms. Belinda KINKEAD CDM Consultant Regional and Sustainable Development Department

Mr. Renzo GUBERT Chairman Committee on the Environment, Agriculture and Local and Regional Affairs Council of Europe, Parliamentary Assembly

Asian-African Legal Consultative Organization (AALCO) Ms. Toshiko SHIMIZU Deputy Secretary General

Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre (CCCCC) Mr. Kenrick R. LESLIE Director

Council of Europe (COE)

Mr. Alan MEALE First Vice-Chairman Committee on the Environment, Agriculture and Local and Regional Affairs Council of Europe, Parliamentary Assembly Mr. Bill ETHERINGTON Chairman of the Sub-Committee on Sustainable Development Council of Europe, Parliamentary Assembly

European Space Agency (ESA) Mr. Olivier ARINO Head of Projects Section Earth Observation Programme Directorate European Space Agency - ESRIN Mr. Espen VOLDEN Projects Section Earth Observation Programme Directorate European Space Agency - ESRIN

Institut international du froid (IIF) Mr. Jean-Luc DUPONT Project Manager Mr. Didier COULOMB Director

International Centre for Research in Agroforestry (ICRAF) Mr. Louis Vincent VERCHOT Lead Scientist for Climate Change and Soil Fertility Ecosystems Rehabilitation Mr. Serigne KANDJI Associate Scientist Mr. Mogens BUCH-HANSEN Senior Economist Mr. Rodel D. LASCO Country Coordinator College of Forestry and Natural Resources

International Energy Agency (IEA) Mr. Claude MANDIL Executive Director Mr. Fatih BIROL Head of Division Economic Analysis Division Mr. Richard A. BRADLEY Head of Division Energy Efficiency and Environment Division Ms. Martina BOSI Administrator Energy Efficiency and Environment Division Ms. Laura COZZI Analyst Economis Analysis Division Mr. Lewis FULTON Senior Transportation Energy Specialist

FCCC/CP/2004/INF.3 Page 62 International Energy Agency (IEA) (continued)

Mr. Jorge FERNANDEZ Programme Department Director Argentinean Red Cross

Mr. Shardul AGRAWALA Administrator Global and Structural Policies Division

Ms. Jenny GELL Assistant Energy Efficiency and Environment Division

Mr. Alejo GARCIA Programme Department Deputy Director Argentinean Red Cross

Ms. Jane ELLIS Administrator, Climate Change Programme Global and Structural Policies Division

Ms. Alicia RAPARI Portfolio of Projects Officer Argentinean Red Cross

Ms. Debra JUSTUS Administrator, Climate Change Programme Global and Structural Policies Division

Mr. Diego PIZZINI Programme Coordinator Argentinean Red Cross

Organization of American States (OAS)

Mr. Ariel KESTENS Executive Director Argentinean Red Cross

Mr. Mark Stephen LAMBRIDES Senior Energy Specialist Unit for Sustainable Development and Environment

Mr. Nicolas LEFEVRE Administrator Energy Efficiency and Environment Division Ms. Maggy MADDEN Assistant Energy Efficiency and Environment Division M. Olivier PARADA Information Systems Division Mr. Antonio PFLÜGER Head of Division Energy Technology Collaboration Division M. Cédric PHILIBERT Principal Administrator Energy Efficiency and Environment Division Ms. Virginie QUINTERNET Assistant Public Information Office Ms. Susan Ann BRADLEY

International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC)

Mr. Pablo BRUNO Secretary General Argentinean Red Cross Ms. Ayelén CURBELLO Communication Officer Argentinean Red Cross Mr. Fernando CASSANOVA Sub-Regional Coordinator

IUCN - The World Conservation Union Ms. Maria Socorro Z. MANGUIAT Legal Officer Environmental Law Centre Mr. Brett M. ORLANDO Climate Change Advisor

Ms. Madeleen HELMER Head Climate Centre Netherlands Red Cross

Latin-American Energy Organization (OLADE)

Ms. Solveig OLAFSDOTTIR Liaison & Communication Officer

Mr. Mauricio GARRON B. Coordinator of Energy Policy and Sustainable Developmenmt

Ms. Marjorie SOTO FRANCO Coordinator Netherlands Red Cross - Nicaragua Mr. Duong VAN HUNG Disaster Preparedness and Climate Change Officer Vietnamese Red Cross Mr. Ian WILDERSPIN Disaster Management Coordinator Ms. Vivian RAKSAKULTHAI Advisor to the Bangkok DM Coordinator Mr. Xavier CASTELLANOS Disaster Management Coordinator

Mr. Binu PARTHAN Deputy Director Programme Coordination Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership Ms. Marianne MOSCOSO-OSTERKORN International Director Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership Ms. Marta DE RIVERA Principal Mr. Luiz PRADO Consultant

Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries (OAPEC) Ms. Rola NASREDDINE Environmental Specialist

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) Mr. Maizar RAHMAN Acting Secretary-General

League of Arab States (LAS) S.E. M. Mohamed MAEL-AININ Ambassadeur Mission diplomatique du Royaume du Maroc en Argentina Mr. Ashraf Nour Eldin SHALABY Meteorology Expert

Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Mr. Kiyotaka AKASAKA Deputy Secretary-General Mr. Dennis A. TIRPAK Head, Climate Change Programme Global and Structural Policies Division

Mr. Ramiro RAMIREZ CONTRERAS Environmental Policy Analyst Energy Studies Department Mr. Mohamed HAMEL Head Energy Studies Department

Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat (PIFS) Mr. Adam Vai DELANEY International Issues Adviser Political, International and Legal Affairs Division

FCCC/CP/2004/INF.3 Page 63 Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA)

South Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)

Mr. Dane P. RATLIFF Legal Counsel

Mr. Andrea VOLENTRAS Climate Change Coordinator

Secretaría General de la Comunidad Andina (SGCAN)

Mr. Taito NAKALEVU Climate Change Adaptation Officer

S.E. Sr. Allan WAGNER TIZON Embajador

Mr. Mark MORRISSEY PI-GCOS System Adviser

Sra. Luisa Elena GUINAND Coordinadora del Programa de Desarrollo Sostenible y Medio Ambiente

Ms. Susan POSTAWKO Adviser

The Regional Environmental Centre for Central and Eastern Europe (REC) Ms. Marta SZIGETI BONIFERT Executive Director Mr. Motoharu YAMAZAKI Head of Climate Change Programme Ms. Zsuzsanna IVANYI Project Manager Ms. Katarina MARECKOVA Project Manager

Mr. Russell HOWORTH Sr. Alan VIALE

Ms. Maria KHOVANSKAIA Project Officer Ms. Siebel SEZER REC Turkey Director

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Non-governmental organizations A SEED Europe Rising Tide Mr. Roberto DELSO LOSILLA Coordinator Sr. Jorge E. RULLI Presidente

Asociación Cultural para el Desarrollo Integral (ACDI)

Mr. Daniela PINTO Sra. Chiara Elisabetta CROTTI Centro de Investigación, Observación y Monitoreo Territorial y Ambiental Sr. Claudio PALCHETTI

Action for a Global Climate Community (AGCC)

Mr. Teofila González VARGAS

Sr. Fernando Miguel BONZI Presidente

Ms. Graciela NICASIO Ms. Florens SCHMIDT Ms. Mona KAYAL Ms. Andrea JOVANNO

Mr. Peter LUFF Director Mr. Christopher LAYTON Chairman

Alliance for Responsible Atmospheric Policy Mr. David STIRPE Executive Director Mr. Mack MCFARLAND DuPont Mr. Philip LAPIN President Falcon Safety Products, Inc.

Arctic Athabaskan Council (AAC) Mr. Chief Gary HARRISON International Chair Ms. Cindy Rose Cynthia DICKSON Executive Director Mr. Stanley JAMES Elder Advisor

Sra. Graciela MANCINI Universidad Católica de Santa Fé

Mr. Abraham PORTILLO

Sra. Griselda CARGNEL


Sra. Silvia IBARROLA

Sra. Rosalia GUTIERREZ



Sra. Melina PÉREZ

Ms. Amanda Inés PORTILLA

Sra. Adriana STABLUM

Ms. Maria Beatriz GONZÁLEZ BELLO

Sr. German Pablo FARÍAS

Mr. Carlos DORADO

Sra. Natalia PAUTASSO


Sra. Silvina FRANCO


Sr. Sergio MILERA

Mr. Nemecio CRUZ

Sr. Tomas Carlos Faustino GUTIERREZ PÉREZ Decano Facultad de Ingeniería Universidad Católica de Santa Fé


Sra. Marta STIEFEL Universidad Católica de Santa Fé

Mr. Victor CAPITÁN Ms. Claudia HERRERA Mr. Edgardo CURAQUEO

Mr. David RODDICK Senior Advisor Mr. Chris PACI Advisor Lands and Environment, Dene National Office

Sr. Gerardo Nelson GALETTO

Asociación Proteger (PAC)

Sr. Richard SIRÉN Asociación Vientos del Sur Mr. Leonardo ORTIZ

Sra. Sabrina BINI Sr. Fabián ROBUSTO Sra. Monica ROBUSTO

Mr. Keith MAGUIRE Coordinator


Ms. Sandra MONTI Assistant



Sra. Valentina PAGLIARA

Mr. Cole Aidan ROBULACK

Sra. Mariana ANDERSEN

Sra. Natalia SARAPURA Sr. Eduardo SORIA Sra. Norma ACOSTA Sr. Hannes RELANDER Sra. Beatriz MURRAY Sra. Jeanette OHMAN

FCCC/CP/2004/INF.3 Page 65 Asociación Proteger (PAC) (continued)

Birdlife International/Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (BL/RSPB)

Sra. Trinidad BARRIOS Sr. Rafael MOSCOSO Sra. Celia RAÑIL

Mr. John Franklin LANCHBERY Head Climate Change Policy Mr. Alberto YANOSKY Guyra Paraguay

Sra. Carolina TAUCHER Sr. Omar CÓRDOBA Sr. Guillermo LEDESMA

Mr. Rob CLAY Guyra Paraguay Ms. Jaqueline GOERCK BirdLife Brazil

Sra. Ester AZUAGA

Asociación Regional de Empresas de Petróleo y Gas Natural en Latinoamérica y el Caribe (ARPEL)

Mr. Andres BOSSO Aves Argentinas Mr. Gabriel ROCHA GUPECA Uruguay

Mr. Arthur LEE Environmental Technical Coordinator Chevron Texaco Corporation

Ms. Mara KERRY The Canadian Nature Federation

Mr. Luis Vincente Hermogério SCHMALL Senior Advisor PETROBRAS

Mr. James Ross JONES Sociedad Conservacionista Audubon de Venezuela

Mr. Jaime Martin JUEZ Head Climate Change Unit Repsol

Mr. Juan José SANZ Researcher National Museum of Natural Science

Ms. Tonia Marta BARBOSA MACEDO Assistant OF HSE Executive Manager PETROBRAS Sr. Miguel MOYANO Gerente de Proyectos

Both ENDS Foundation (Both ENDS) Ms. Danielle HIRSCH Senior Policy Specialist Water Mr. Wiert WIERTSEMA Senior Policy Specialist Climate

Australian Aluminium Council Mr. John EYLES Chairman Greenhouse Panel Mr. John HANNAGAN Adviser Greenhouse Panel

Bangladesh Centre for Advanced Studies (BCAS) Ms. Nasreen RAHMAN Research Associate Mr. Moinul Islam SHARIF Fellow Ms. Kristi EBI

Ms. Lorena GAMBOA Institutional Adviser Mr. Manuel Tejada CANO

Business Council for Sustainable Energy (BCSE) Mr. James WOLF American Standard Inc. Ms. Lisa JACOBSON Managing Director Mr. Bernard Tod DELANEY President First Environment Inc. Ms. Elisabeth Hamilton DELANEY Vice President First Environment Inc.

Mr. Horst BIEDERMANN Director General European Insulation Manufacturers Association Mr. John Paul MOSCARELLA Executive Vice President Econergy International Corporation Mr. Thomas H. STONER Chief Executive Officer Econergy International Corporation Mr. Mark TREXLER President Climate & Energy Services Inc. Ms. Amber LEONARD Global Business Network Mr. Irving MINTZER Global Business Network Mr. David MODI American Standard Inc. Ms. Katherine Cora SAUL RINALDI Policy Director Alliance to Save Energy Sra. Romina PICOLOTTI President Centro de Derechos Humanos y Ambiente Mr. Durwood ZAELKE Co-Director Program on Governance for Sustainable Development University of California Mr. Alberto CHIAPPA Board Director Energy Systems International Sr. Carlos GRIECO Econergy Brasil Ms. Stephanie HANFORD Program on Governance for Sustainable Development Mr. Gastón Elian SCOLNIK Econergy Brasil Mr. Sean STONER Econergy International Corporation Mr. Sylvio DE ANDRADE COUTINHO Floresteca Agroflorestal Ltda Mr. James G. CRAWFORD Director The Trane Company

FCCC/CP/2004/INF.3 Page 66 Business Council of Australia (BCA)

Ms. Jorunn GRAN Information Officer

Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza (CATIE)

Ms. Lorraine STEPHENSON Manager Environment and Sustainable Development Origin Energy Limited

Mr. Torleif HAUGLAND Researcher

Mr. Lucio PEDRONI Head of the Global Change Group Natural Resources and Environment

CarbonFix e.V.

Ms. Kari-Britt VIBELUND Adviser

Mr. Volker ANDING

Mr. Terence Vincent CALLAGHAN

Mr. Cristian GRAF

Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL)

Mr. Bruno LOCATELLI Global Change Group Natural Resources and Environment Mr. Oscar COTO Global Change Group Natural Resources and Environment

Mr. Pablo REALI

Center for Clean Air Policy (CCAP) Mr. Edward A. HELME Executive Director Mr. Jake SCHMIDT Senior Policy Analyst Ms. Patricia G. RIVADENEYRA BARBERO Mr. Eric WILLIAMS Senior Policy Analyst Mr. Sergio JAUREGUI Consultant

Center for International Climate and Environmental Research (CICERO) Ms. Guri BANG Senior Research Fellow Ms. Anne Therese GULLBERG Research Fellow Mr. Petter HAUGNELAND Information Officer Mr. Pål PRESTRUD Director Mr. Asbjorn TORVANGER Senior Research Fellow Mr. Jonas M.T. VEVATNE Research Fellow Mr. Lars ZETTERBERG Mr. Markus AHMAN Mr. Lars-Otto REIERSEN Mr. Robert CORRELL Senior Fellow American Meteorological Society

Mr. Donald Marc GOLDBERG Senior Attorney Mr. Marcos ORELLANA Senior Attorney

Mr. Muhammad IBRAHIM Livestock and Environmental Management Agriculture and Agroforestry

Ms. Catherine A. LEE

Mr. José Alberto GOBBI Livestock and Environmental Management Agriculture and Agroforestry

Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry (CRIEPI)

Citizens Alliance for Saving the Atmosphere and the Earth (CASA)

Mr. Koki MARUYAMA Director Global Warming Prediction & Mitigation Central Research Institute of Electric Power (Abiko)

Ms. Yuri OKUBO Coordinator

Mr. Yoshiaki NISHIMURA Senior Staff CS Promotion Office

Citizens' Movement for Environmental Justice (CMEJ) Mr. Dong-Heon SHIN Mr. Jeong-In KIM

Mr. Taishi SUGIYAMA Project Leader Climate Change Socio-economic Research Center Mr. Takahiro UENO Researcher Socio-economic Research Center Ms. Ai HIRAMATSU Collaborating Researcher Socio-economic Research Center

Mr. Chang-Hwi LIM Eco Justice Coalition Mr. Yoon-Mi KIM Ms. Ha-Na KIM Ms. Jung-Hee LEE Ms. Jung-In SEO

Ms. Masayo WAKABAYASHI Senior Researcher Socio-economic Research Center

Centre for Preparation and Implementation of International Projects on Technical Assistance (CPPI)

Mr. Jum-Su KIM General Manager Korea Gas Corporation Mr. Jong-Dal KIM Professor School of Economics and Trade Kyungpook National University


Centre for Socio Eco-Nomic Development (CSEND) Ms. Anne ARQUIT NIEDERBERGER Senior Policy Advisor Policy Solutions

Mr. Seung-Duck KIM Stanford University Mr. Jae-Wan KIM Department of Law Hanyang University

FCCC/CP/2004/INF.3 Page 67 Citizens' Movement for Environmental Justice (CMEJ) (continued)

Mme Diane VANDAELE Communication Campaigner

Mr. Zoltan SZABO Clean Air Action Group Hungary


Ms. Adelheid HUTFILTER

Mr. Byung-Gun SONG Knowledge-Based Technology and Energy Korea Polytechnic University

Climate Action Network Australia (CANA)


Mr. Se-Woong AHN Graduate Program in Clean Technology University of Yonsei


Mr. Jeong-Woo HA Department of Energy Studies Ajou University

Mr. Peter CHRISTOFF Doctor Australian Conservation Foundation


Mr. Ki-Joo HAN Department of Forest Science Seoul National University Ms. Youn-Ji KANG Department of Management University of Yonsei Mr. Hee-Jung KANG Professor Department of Industrial Engineering Kon-Kuk University Mr. Hyun-Suk KIM Industrial Engineering Department Kon-Kuk University Mr. Eui-Chan JEON Professor Department of Earth & Environmental Sciences Sejong University Mr. Jong-Ho PARK Department of Earth &Environmental Sciences Sejong University Mr. Su-Duk KIM Associate Professor Department of Energy Studies Ajou University

Climate Action Network - France (RAC-F) Mme Amy DAHAN DALMEDICO M. Benoit FARACO Mme Raphaelle GAUTHIER Climate Campaigner Mme Venance JOURNÉ Administrator M. Emmanuel MARTINEZ M. Philippe QUIRION President

Climate Action Network Europe (CAN Europe) Ms. Karla SCHOETERS Director Mr. Matthias DUWE Researcher Mr. Lars FRIBERG Energy Specialist Mr. Johan VAN DEN BROEK Director MiNa - Province Limburg Mr. Reinhold PAPE Swedish NGO Secretariat on Acid Rain

Ms. Christina ROIS AEDENAT/CODA (Ecologistas en Accion) Mr. Felix FUENTES-HARE Mr. Vladimir HECL Energy Centre Bratislava

Climate Action Network International (CAN International) Mr. Sanjay VASHIST Coordinator Mr. Geoff STILES Project Manager CBLA GHG Mitigation Project Mr. Rajen AWOTAR SARCAN Mr. Nasimul HAQUE Regional Coordinator Climate Action Network - South Asia

Mr. Arni FINNSSON Iceland Nature Conservation Association

Mr. Ahsan Uddin AHMED Director Bangladesh Unnayan Parishad

Mr. Francisco Manuel FREIRA CARDOSO FERREIRA Director Quercus - Associação Nacional de Conservação da Natureza

Ms. Angela DAZÉ Climate Change Specialist Program Officer CARE Bangladesh

Mr. Toni VIDAN Adviser Green Action Zagreb Mr. Ilya POPOV Adviser Center for Nuclear Ecology and Energy Policy of Socio-ecological Union

Mr. Sander WIJSMAN Assistant Editor Ms. Sanae AKAMA Friends of the Earth International Ms. Miwako IIMURA Friends of the Earth International

Ms. Katherine HAMPTON Green Alliance

Mr. Michio ISCHII Friends of the Earth International

Mr. Arild HERMSTAD Secretary-General Future in Our Hands - Friends of the Earth Norway

Mr. Seiichi ISHINO Friends of the Earth International

Ms. Lydia POPOVA Adviser Center for Nuclear Ecology and Energy Policy of Socio-ecological Union

Mme Shigeki ISHIMORI Friends of the Earth International Ms. Tomomi INOUE Friends of the Earth International

FCCC/CP/2004/INF.3 Page 68 Climate Action Network International (CAN International) (continued) Ms. Shinko OUCHI Friends of the Earth International Ms. Yoshimi KITADA Friends of the Earth International

Ms. Flavia BUSTOS Friends of the Earth International Mr. Cristian VILLALOBOS Friends of the Earth International

Ms. Wanun PERMPIBUL Head Energy & Climate Change WWF Thailand

Climate Alliance Italy Mr. Marina ARTIGAS Friends of the Earth International

Ms. Maria dels Angels ESPUNY

Ms. Lucia SURROCA Friends of the Earth International

Climate Network Africa (CNA)

Ms. Kumi WATANABE Friends of the Earth International

Mr. Damian IHEDIOHA Nigerian Environmental Study and Action Team

Ms. Ayako SUKEGAWA Friends of the Earth International


Ms. Kazuko SUGIMOTO Mr. Tomohiko SUZUKI Friends of the Earth International

Ms. Maohirene NAGATSUKA BARCELO Friends of the Earth International

Ms. Keiko TAKEUCHI Friends of the Earth International

Ms. Paige DOBKIN Friends of the Earth International

Ms. Yuri TANIYAMA Friends of the Earth International

Ms. Nataliemaree FERRIS Friends of the Earth International

Ms. Mitsuko HATTORI Friends of the Earth International

Mr. Christopher J. MASSEY Friends of the Earth International

Mr. Willis OWINO

Mr. Hisayoshi FUJIMOTO Friends of the Earth International

Ms. Lauren MONROE Friends of the Earth International

Mr. Peter ORAWO Energy and Enviroment Consultant

Ms. Yasuko MINAGA Friends of the Earth International

Mr. James STEELE Friends of the Earth International

Ms. Doris ENOBAKHARE Nigerian Environment and Study Team

Ms. Seiko MIYATAKE Friends of the Earth International

Mr. Bradyneil STRACHAN Friends of the Earth International

H.E. Mr. Orie ROGO-MANDULI Chairperson The National Council of NGOs

Ms. Sachiyo MURAKAMI Friends of the Earth International

Ms. Tanyamarie ANDERSON Friends of the Earth International

Ms. Junko YAMAKAWA Friends of the Earth International

Ms. Angelacrysta TESSIER Friends of the Earth International

Ms. Shizuko YAMAGUCHI Friends of the Earth International

Climate Action Network-Southeast Asia (CANSEA)

Ms. Rika YAMASHINA Friends of the Earth International

Mr. Gurmit K.S. SINGH Regional Coordinator

Ms. Ai ONODERA Friends of the Earth International

Mr. Nithiyananthan NESADURAI Environmental Protection Society

Ms. Ayumi ANDO Friends of the Earth International

Ms. Tan HWEE NOI Director Centre for Environment,Technology and Development

Ms. Fusami KURODA Friends of the Earth International Ms. Tomomi SATO Friends of the Earth International

Ms. Yoko TAKAYAMA Friends of the Earth International Ms. Motoko SAKASHITA Friends of the Earth International Mr. Ichiro Martin MASHIKO Friends of the Earth International

Mr. Andrew J. SEBASTIAN Executive Officer Malaysian Nature Society Ms. Maria Rosario Grino WOOD Associate Professor Miriam College

Mr. Harry KAANE Moi University Mr. Francis D. YAMBA Director Centre for Energy, Environment and Engineering, Zambia Ms. Janice ADHIAMBO NGO Council

Mr. Muawia Hammid SHADDAD Cordinator CAN-SUDAN Sudanese Environment Conservation Society Mr. Hubert Eliapenda MEENA Managing Director The Centre for Energy, Environment, Science and Technology Ms. Pamela AKINYI Chief Executive Officer Administration Solar Solution Africa

Columbia University Mr. Walter BAETTHGEN Director Latin America and Caribbean Program International Research Institute for Climate Prediction

FCCC/CP/2004/INF.3 Page 69 Sr. Gustavo A. PITTALUGA Manager Acindar S.A.

Sr. Rodolfo FRAIRE Manager CLIBA

Sr. Adrian SALICHS Manager Acindar S.A.

Sra. Marta MIGOYA Manager CLIBA

Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI)

Sr. Eduardo EURNEKIAN CEO Aeropuertos Arg. 2000

Sr. Oscar VIGNART DOW Quimica Argentina

Mr. Myron EBELL Director Global Warming and International Environmental Policy

Sr. Edgardo GORGA Manager Aeropuertos Arg. 2000

Columbia University (continued) Ms. Yasemin BIRO Programme Manager Climate Change and Ozone International Research Institute for Climate Prediction

Mr. Ivan OSARIO Mr. Ivan OSORIO Editorial Director

Confédération européenne des propriétaires forestiers (CEPF) Mr. Roberto BEDUCCI Mechanical Engineer/ General Manager ATISAE Argentina

Confederation of European Paper Industries (CEPI) Mr. Esa HYVÄRINEN Environment Director Mr. Hikaru NIHEI Member Mr. Tom ROSSER Member Mr. Masao TANIGUCHI Member

Consejo Empresario Argentino para el Desarrollo Sostenible (CEADS) Sr. Raimundo FLORIN Executive Director BCSD Argentina Sr. Sebastián BIGORITO Project Manager Sra. Virginia VILARIÑO Scenarios Unit Coordinator Sra. Mabel CARUSO Assistant to Executive Director Sra. Laura ALVAREZ Administration Sr. Arturo ACEVEDO CEO Acindar S.A.

Sr. Roman JAROSZ Manager Aeropuertos Arg. 2000 Sr. Jean Bernard LEMIRE CEO Aguas Argentinas Sr. Alexandre BRAILOWSKY Manager Aguas Argentinas Sr. Gustavo VALLE Aguas Danone de Argentina Sr. Mariano CASTRO Manager Aguas Danone de Argentina Sr. Fulvio PAGANI CEO Arcor Sr. Marcelo CARRANZA Manager Arcor Sr. Héctor MARSILI CEO Cargill Sr. Bernard TANNENBERG Manager Cargill Sr. Jose CARTELLONE CEO Cartellone Construcciones Sr. Vittorio ORSI Manager Cartellone Construcciones Sr. Sergio ROGGIO CLIBA Sra. Gabriela ANANIA Manager CLIBA

Sr. Jorge DE ZAVALETA Manager DOW Quimica Argentina Sr. José TESTA Du Pont Argentina Sr. Mario GIAMBRUNO Manager Du Pont Argentina Sr. Fernando PONASSO EDENOR Sr. Mario COVACICH Director EDENOR Sr. Julio MARQUEZ Manager EDENOR Sr. Alejandro DI NATALE Manager EDENOR Sr. José M. HIDALGO EDESUR Sr. Jorge FERRER Manager EDESUR Sr. Rodolfo CERETTI Ford Argentina Sr. Jorge DI NUCCI Manager Ford Argentina Sr. Antoni PERIS MINGOT Gas Natural Ban S.A. Sr. Juan Carlos SPINI Manager Gas Natural Ban S.A. Sr. Eduardo KRETSCHMER Grupo Minetti Sr. Raúl RICCIUTTI Manager Grupo Minetti

FCCC/CP/2004/INF.3 Page 70 Consejo Empresario Argentino para el Desarrollo Sostenible (CEADS) (continued)

Sr. Mario CALAFELL Manager Pan American Energy

Sr. Luis ROBLEDO Manager Grupo Minetti

Sra. Elena VICENTE Manager Pan American Energy

Sr. Pedro MOLINA Petrobras

Sra. Nicole PORCILE Environment Corporate Coordinator Grupo Minetti

Sra. Mónica GAILLARD Manager Pan American Energy

Sr. Carlos GOMEZ NARDO Manager Acindar S.A.

Sr. Frederico NICHOLSON Ledesma SAAI

Sr. Pablo ZUNANA Manager Pan American Energy

Sr. Marcela FERREYRA Manager Aguas Argentinas

Sra. Patricia YURGEL Manager Pan American Energy

Sra. Mónica FERNANDEZ Manager Du Pont Argentina

Sr. Daniel ARIAS Manager Pan American Energy

Sr. José M. GOTTIG Manager EDESUR

Sr. Julio César SAGUIER Papel Prensa

Sra. Mariana GELMAN Manager EDESUR

Sr. Victor SAVANTI Loma Negra S.A. Sr. Carlos GOMEZ Manager Loma Negra S.A. Sr. Marcelo SANTANGELO Manager Loma Negra S.A. Sr. José Ramón LAMAS Manager Loma Negra S.A. Sr. Pascual MASTELLONE Mastellone Hnos. Sra. Sandra GIRAURDO Manager Mastellone Hnos. Sr. Rodolfo BRANDT Metrogas S.A. Sr. Fernando P. IULIANO Manager Metrogas S.A. Sr. Manuel MELEGA Manager Metrogas S.A. Sr. Federico OVEJERO Monsanto

Sr. Carlos SCARABINO Manager Papel Prensa Sr. Oscar VICENTE Petrobras Sr. Antonio Rui ALVES DA FONSECA CSMS Director Petrobras Sr. Carlos LAVALLE Manager Petrobras Sr. Oscar DE LEO Manager Petrobras Sra. Lilia TURRIN Manager Petrobras

Sr. Francisco DECONO Manager Monsanto

Sr. Julio Cesar STANO Coordinator Sustainable Development & Environment Programme Petrobras

Sr. Analía BALBARANI Manager Monsanto

Sr. Román ECHENIQUE CSMS Manager Petrobras

Sra. Claudia M. PUCHETA Manager Monsanto

Sr. Anselmo LEVRINO CSMS Manager Petrobras

Sr. Alejandro BULGHERONI Pan American Energy

Sr. Enrique ROSELLO CSMS Manager Gas and Energy Petrobras

Sra. Celeste GALIANO Coordinator CSMS Petrobras

Sra. Silvia MIGONE DIAZ Manager EDESUR Sr. Demetrio BRUSCO Director Grupo Minetti Sr. Claudio TERRES Manager Ledesma SAAI Sra. Teresa NOCETO Manager MONSANTO - Searle Sintyal Sr. Marcelo BOMBICINI Manager Pan American Energy Sr. Enrique PIGRETTI Manager Papel Prensa Sr. Horacio PAYÁ Petrobras Sr. Eduardo LABBÉ Vice President Instituto Argentino de Normalización y Certificación Mr. Sergio MAZZUCCHELLI SAFEGE Sra. Margarita Maria Del Rosario GONZALES TOSSI Manager SAFEGE

FCCC/CP/2004/INF.3 Page 71 Consejo Empresario Argentino para el Desarrollo Sostenible (CEADS) (continued)


Sra. Claudia BIASOTTI Manager CAPEX S.A.

Sr. Pierre TUCOULAT Solvay Indupa Saic


Sr. Patricio SALADO Manager CAPEX S.A.

Sr. Luis M. CASTRO Unilever de Argentina

Sr. Rafael ANELLO Engineer CEADS' Scenarios Unit

Sr. Emilio DINGEVAN Solvay Indupa Saic Sr. Guillermo HANG Grupo Techint Sr. Oscar ESTEFANIA Manager Grupo Techint Mr. Carlos Alberto PIÑEIRO Manager Grupo Techint Sr. Alejandro SARUBBI Manager Grupo Techint Sr. Fernando DUELO Manager Grupo Techint Sr. Aldo FERRER Tetra Pak Sr. Javier QUEL Manager Tetra Pak Sra. Alicia BLADES Manager Tetra Pak Sr. Roberto PHILLIPS TGN Sra. Jean-Paul MALDONADO TGN Sr. Fritz GARCON TGN Sr. Hugo GIMENEZ Manager TGN Sr. Nelson ELIZONDO Manager TGN

Sr. Pedro BERAMENDI Manager Unilever de Argentina

Sr. María del Carmen GALLONI Director/Teacher

Sra. Norma OLIVERA Manager Unilever de Argentina

Sra. Mora CULLEN DE ARAUZ Director Fundación e-ciudad

Sr. Jose M. RANERO DÍAZ Repsol

Sr. Carlos GARAVENTA Manager Universidad Católica Argentina

Sra. Analía OUVIÑA Manager Repsol Sr. Ricardo FERRO Manager Repsol Sr. Leonard DE BENEDICTIS Manager Repsol Sr. Enrique GÖTZ CAPEX S.A. Sr. Alejandro GÖTZ Vice President CAPEX S.A. Sr. Pablo GÖTZ Manager CAPEX S.A. Sr. Sergio RABALLO Manager CAPEX S.A. Sr. Hugo Anibal CABRAL Manager CAPEX S.A. Sra. Paula RAUDDI Manager CAPEX S.A.


Sr. Jorge LLERA Manager CAPEX S.A.

Sr. Enrique ROLANDO Manager TGS

Sr. Joachim RUPPRECHT Manager CAPEX S.A.

Sr. Miguel NUÑEZ Manager TGS

Ms. Graciela J. PROSPERI Manager CAPEX S.A.

Sra. María Angélica MOYA Ingeniera Universidad Austral Sr. Mario Lucio SMITH Director Universidad Austral Mr. Miguel A. GONZALEZ President ATANOR Sra. Maria F. ALVAREZ Manager Banco Frances Sr. Jorge MANCEÑIDO Manager BARRICK Sr. Rüdiger MACKENTHUN President BASF Argentina Sr. Carlos CASANOVA Manager BASF Argentina Sr. Helmut FLECHTNER President BAYER Argentina Sr. Armando HORMUS Manager BAYER Argentina Sr. Carlos LEE GONZALEZ President CCI Construcciones Sr. Jorge HELLER Chief Executive Officer CEMENTOS Avellaneda

FCCC/CP/2004/INF.3 Page 72 Consejo Empresario Argentino para el Desarrollo Sostenible (CEADS) (continued)

Sr. Pablo DEVOTO President Nestle

Sr. Maria Alejandra REPETTO Manager CEMENTOS Avellaneda

Sr. Cristian BEYER DELAVEAU Chief Executive Officer Nobleza Piccardo

Sr. Carlos J. MIGUENS President Cervecería Quilmes

Sr. Gustavo ETCHEPARE Chief Executive Officer Pirelli Cables

Sr. Hugo PAGLIOTTI Manager Cervecería Quilmes

Sr. Luis REY Chief Executive Officer Pluspetrol

Sr. Richard COHAGAN President Chevron San Jorge

Sr. Juan Carlos PISANU Vice President Pluspetrol

Sr. Ricardo RAMALLO Manager Chevron San Jorge

Sr. Juan Martín SIANO Manager Pluspetrol

Sr. James QUINCEY President Coca Cola

Sr. Mario PIANTONI Chief Executive Officer Sade Skanska

Sra. Maria Marta LLOSA Director Coca Cola

Sr. Alfredo ANDRADE Manager Sade Skanska

Sr. Juan TOUCEDA Vice President Contreras Hnos.

Sr. Yves GROSJEAN Chief Executive Officer TOTAL Austral

Sr. Manfred MUELL President Daimler Chrysler

Sr. Tomio KATSUTA Toyota

Sr. Ciro ECHESORTU Executive Director Dreyfus Mr. Miguel ORTIZ President ENDESA

Sr. Sergio CASTRO Manager Toyota Sr. Víctor KLIMA Chief Executive Officer Volkswagen

Sr. Edgardo BRABENEC Manager ENDESA

Sra. Silvia E. RATTO Coordinator/Professor System Environmental Management Buenos Aires University

Sr. Simon BOAG President General Motors de Argentina

Sr. Hugo VON BERNARD Professor/Academic Buenos Aires University

Sr. Sebastian BAGO President Laboratorios Bagó

Sr. Jorge MEZA RIVERO Director Gas Natural Ban S.A.

Sr. Manuel FORN Chief Executive Officer Molinos Rio de la Plata

Sr. José Arturo MORENO Mastellone Hnos.

Sr. Carlos MARTINANGELI Chief Executive Officer Nec Argentina

Sra. Sandra Marcela GIRAUDO Mastellone Hnos. Sr. Marcelo Francisco LANDO Ledesma SAAI

Sra. Maria del Valle PERINO Spellciti Sr. Miguel Ángel TRUCCO Aguas Argentinas Sra. Bettina SCHRECK Manager Repsol Sr. Sergio EINAUDI Director Techint Grupo Techint Sr. Mario MARTIN Responsable Desarrollo Sustentable Electricité de France Sr. Francisco Juan BOGGINO

Conservation International (CI) Mr. Jan FEHSE Senior Consultant, Forestry Projects Coordinator Mr. André GUIMARÃES Executive Director Instituto Bio Atlântica Mr. Yasushi HIBI Japan Program Director Conservation International - Japan Mr. John O. NILES Project Manager Climate Community Biodiversity Alliance Mr. Domingo PAREDES Program Manager Conservation International Ecuador Ms. Carina ROMERO Climate, Community & Biodiversity Specialist Ms. Amy SKOCZLAS Senior Director Center for Environmental Leadership in Business Instituto Bio Atlântica Mr. Luis SUAREZ MARTINEZ Executive Director Conservation International Ecuador Mr. Michael TOTTEN Senior Director, Climate and Water Programs Center for Environmental Leadership in Business Mr. Ben VITALE Director of Finance and Strategic Planning Center for Environmental Leadership in Business

FCCC/CP/2004/INF.3 Page 73 David Suzuki Foundation

Ms. Joanne KAUFFMAN Swiss Federal Institute of Technology

Ms. Morag CARTER Director Climate Change Program

Mr. Alexander LÜCHINGER Swiss Federal Institute of Technology

Mr. Dale MARSHAL Policy Analyst Climate Change Program

E & Co

Mr. Michael KELLER

Mr. Steven GLASS

Mr. Ricardo RAMOS DE CERQUEIRA Mr. Stefano MERLIN Director

Earth University Ms. Valeria ALVES DE OLIVEIRA Sr. Ricardo RUSSO Profesor Area Recursos Naturales


Earth Council (EC)

Ms. Maria José GONTIJO

Earthlife Africa Johannesburg (ELA)

Mr. Joaquim PEREIRA DA COSTA JUNIOR Collaborator Sr. Fernando Luiz KLISLEWICZ

Mr. Gao PRONOVE Executive Director

Mr. Richard Vincent WORTHINGTON Project Manager

Mr. Jon Raymond ROSALES Professor

Ecologic - Institute for International and European Environmental Policy (Ecologic)

Mr. Patrick KING Mr. Dustin BOWMAN Mr. Michael DE VINE

Ms. Shannon FRITTS-PENNIMAN Mr. Charles BOUR II Ms. Allison MITCHELL Ms. Karen MCCLELLAN Climate Investment Partnership Mr. Frank JOSHUA Technical Adviser

Mr. Fernando Luiz KLISIEWICZ Collaborator

Edison Electric Institute (EEI) Mr. Nils MEYER-OHLENDORF Senior Fellow Mr. Daniel BLOBEL Fellow

Mr. Robert SCHAPER Ms. Laura JOHNSON

Ms. Tais REIS

Mr. Camilla BAUSCH Senior Fellow

Ecologica Institute Mr. Adriano SILVA LEITE Mr. Alcides AMADEU

Sr. Angel M. CAVANAGH Director Clean Air, S.A Mr. Sergio A.W. ENNES Director Clean Air S.A. Mr. William Lincoln FANG Deputy General Counsel and Climate Issues Manager Mr. David B. FINNEGAN Attorney Mayer, Brown, Rowe & Maw

Mr. Alejandro BANGO Ms. Ana Maria Aves DE OLIVEIRA BARBOSA Mr. Arturo Jordán Maria GONI

Ms. Diane FITZGERALD Vice President Governmental and Environmental Affairs American Electric Power


Mr. Eric HOLDSWORTH Director Climate Programme

Mr. Divaldo José DA COSTA REZENDE Coordinator

Mr. Robert H. MCFADDEN GHG Associates


Mr. Donald MCKINNON Project Director International Utility Efficiency Partnerships

Mr. Magnus LODEFALK Ms. George BELARDO Mr. Paulo M. PROTASIO Mr. John R. BUTTLE Mr. Konrad MEYER Mr. Otto KERN Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Ms. Linda MANIERAM Swiss Federal Institute of Technology

Mr. Humberto RIBEIRO DA ROCHA Mr. José Henrique DE SOUZA CAMPOS GABETTA Mr. José Roberto GIMENEZ MAZZA Mr. Luis Henrique PIVA

Mr. Roger BAUD Swiss Federal Institute of Technology

Mr. Marco CERUTI

Mr. Robert REINSTEIN President Reinstein & Associates International Mr. Ronald C. SHIFLETT Executive Director International Utility Efficiency Partnerships

FCCC/CP/2004/INF.3 Page 74 Edison Electric Institute (EEI) (continued)

Environnement et développement du Tiers-Monde (ENDA-TM)

Mr. Shigueo WATANABE Associate Clean Air S.A.

Mr. Mohamed SOUMARE Executive Secretary

Mr. Edward YAWN Director Government Affairs Sr. Clovis BADARÓ GALVÃO Director Clean Air S.A.

Energy Research Centre of the Netherlands (ECN) Mr. Jos SIJM Senior Researcher Unity Policy Studies Ms. Maaike KLUMPER Unity Policy Studies Ms. Heleen DE CONINCK Researcher Unity Policy Studies

Mr. Stephan SCHWARTZMAN Senior Scientist, Anthropologist Mr. Alexander A. GOLUB Economist Mr. Georgii SAFONOV Consultant Mr. Jos COZIJNSEN Consultant Mr. Gustavo SILVA-CHAVEZ Business Analyst Ms. Kate LARSEN Policy Associate/Media Mr. Yaw OSAFO Consultant Ms. Melissa B. CAREY HEISSENBUTTAL Climate Change Policy Specialist

Environmental Resources Trust (ERT) Mr. Wiley BARBOUR Managing Director

Mr. Ngamindra DAHAL King Mahendra Trust for Nature Conservation

Mr. Jean-Philippe THOMAS Researcher

Mr. Bhaskar Singh KARKY King Mahendra Trust for Nature Conservation

Mr. Libasse BA Researcher Energy Programme

Mr. Hussein SOSOVELE University of Dar es Salaam

Mr. Sécou SARR Researcher Mr. Emmanuel SECK Energy Programme Mr. Djimingué NANASTA Project Officer Energy Programme Ms. Fatima DENTON Researcher Ms. Salimata WADE Research Associate Energy Programme

Environmental Defense (ED) Ms. Annie PETSONK International Counsel

Mr. Ashish TEWARI

Mr. Nogoye THIAM Energy Programme Mr. Yacine DIAGNE Energy Programme Dr. Margaret M. SKUTSCH Lecturer in Development Studies Technology and Sustainable Development University of Twente Mr. Michael MCCALL Technology and Sustainable Development University of Twente Mr. Jeroen Jaap VERPLANKE Technology and Sustainable Development University of Twente Mr. Peter Akong MINANG Technology and Sustainable Development University of Twente

ETC Foundation (ETC) Mr. Ian Stuart TELLAM Senior Consultant Energy Unit Ms. Roselyne VAN DER HEUL Programme Officer Mr. Bastiaan TEUNE Junior Consultant International Council for Capital Rormation Mr. Phil O'KEEFE Director Ms. Joanne ROSE Research Assistant

European Business Council for a Sustainable Energy Future (e5) Ms. Simone ULLRICH Climate Change Specialist Ecofys GmbH Mr. Niklas HÖHNE Senior Consultant Ecofys GmbH Mr. Roland GERES FutureCamp Ms. Sonja FRENZEL Climate Projects & Emissions Trading FutureCamp Mr. Mark Theo VAN WEES Capacity for Sustainable Development

Mr. Eliakimu ZAHABU Department of Forest Mensuration and Management Sokoine University of Agriculture

Mr. Sebastian GALLEHR Chair Executive Board

Mr. George Leszek Kobelski JAMBIYA Tanzania Programme Office WWF Tanzania

Mr. Paul Edward METZ Manager Sustainable Development Programme INTEGeR...consult

Mr. Kamal BANSKOTA International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development Ms. Surendra Pratap SINGH

Mr. Julio LAMBING Consultant e5 - Brussels Office

FCCC/CP/2004/INF.3 Page 75 European Business Council for a Sustainable Energy Future (e5) (continued)

Mr. Takao KITAHARA Deputy General Manager Siting and Environment Department


Mr. Hoku SAITO Manager Siting and Environment Department

Mr. Loren HURST Mr. Felix Rainer NICKEL

European Chemical Industry Council (CEFIC) Mr. Peter BOTSCHEK Manager Petrochemistry & Energy Ms. Louise J. CALVIOU INEOS

European Nuclear Society (ENS) Mr. Martin LUTHANDER Vattenfall Group Mr. Gaston MESKENS Adviser Applied Systems Analysis and Safety Assessment Belgian Nuclear Research Centre Ms. Florence AVEZOU Corporate Strategy

FACE Foundation (FACE) Mr. Igino EMMER Project Coordinator Mr. Bart MUYS Mr. Timm TENNIGKEIT Mr. Luis Fernando JARA Mr. Robert ZOMER Mr. Anko A. STILMA Coordinator Agriculture, Forestry and Spatial Planning The Climate is Right for a Change

Fachhochschule Muenster (FHM) Mr. Günter WITZSCH

Federation of Electric Power Companies (FEPC) Mr. Fumihiro NISHIMURA General Manager Siting and Environment Department

Mr. Toshio NISHIZAWA General Manager General Planning Department Mr. Shuji KAWADA Deputy General Manager General Planning Department Mr. Yasuo MIYATAKE Deputy General Manager General Planning Department Mr. Yoshimasa KOYAMA Deputy General Manager General Planning Department Ms. Hiroko UZAWA Manager General Planning Department Mr. Katsuyuki TAKEDA Director Environmental Management, Thermal Power Department Electric Power Development Co. Ltd. Mr. Yujiro UCHINO Manager Environmental Group, Thermal Power Department Electric Power Development Co. Ltd. Mr. Yuzuru NONAKA Director Climate Change, Corporate Planning and Administration Electric Power Development Co. Ltd. Mr. Masahiro SEKITA Senior Manager Climate Change Group, Corporate Planning & Administration Department Mr. Akinobu YASUMOTO Executive Managing Director Electric Power Development Co. Ltd. Mr. Masayuki HATSUSHIKA Director Environment Department Tokyo Electric Power Company Mr. Ikuo NISHIMURA Manager Environment Department Tokyo Electric Power Company Mr. Kenichiro YAMAGUCHI Siting and Environment Department

Mr. Kuniyuki NISHIMURA Siting and Environment Department Mr. Shuta MANO Siting and Environment Department Mr. Nobuyuki KOBAYASHI Siting and Environment Department Mr. Giacomo VALENTINI Siting and Environment Department Mr. Masanobu KATAOKA Assistant Manager, Global Environment Group Environmental Affairs Department Mr. Satoshi TAKASE Manager Global Environment Group, Office of Environmental Consideration The Kansai Electric Power Company Mr. Shintaro YOKOKAWA Global Environment Group, Office of Environmental Considerations The Kansai Electric Power Company Mr. Yuichi INOUE Chief Manager, Global Environment Group Office of Environmental Consideration The Kansai Electric Power Company Mr. Hirofumi KAZUNO Manager, Global Environment Group Office of Environmental Consideration The Kansai Electric Power Company

Federation of German Industries (BDI) Mr. Jörg ROTHERMEL Technik und Umwelt Verband der chemischen Industrie e.V. Mr. Christoph HOISCHEN Windwärts Energie Mr. Alan GILL Windwärts Energie

Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI) Mr. Deepak ASHER Vice President Gujarat Fluorochemicals Limited Mr. Prashant MODI Director Great Eastern Energy Corporation Ltd

FCCC/CP/2004/INF.3 Page 76 Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI) (continued) Mr. P. RAM BADU Associate Director PriceWaterhouseCoopers - India

Ms. Laura MAZZINI Foreign Affairs Team Milan City City of Milan Mr. Claudio MASI Chairman Milan Agency Agenzia Mobilità e Ambiente

Sr. Marcelo ROSSO CIMA Sra. Susana TIBALDI Asociación Ambientalista Mayu Sumaj Sra. Ricardo ROLLANDI CIMA

FERN Ms. Jutta KILL Climate Campaigner

Fondazione Lombardia per l'Ambiente (FLA) Ms. Daniela ANTONIOTTI Contact Point Mr. Antonio BALLARIN-DENTI Consultant, Scientific Co-ordinator of Kyoto Project Mr. Giovanni BOTTARI President Mr. Mauro CAIRO Researcher of Local Agenda 21 Team Mr. Stefano CASERINI Consultant Kyoto Project ARPA Lombardia Mr. Paolo COLOMBANI Vice-President Mr. Achille CUTRERA President of Scientific Committee Ms. Mita LAPI Researcher Kyoto Project Team Mr. Domenico ZAMPAGLIONE Counsellor for Environment and Energy City of Milan Mr. Giuseppe COZZA General Director Environment and Transport City of Milan Mr. Bruno VILLAVECCHIA Director for Environment and Energy Milan Agency Agenzia Mobilità e Ambiente Mr. Salvatore CARRUBBA Counsellor for Foreign Affairs City of Milan Mr. Andrea VENTO Director for Foreign Affairs City of Milan

Foro del Buen Ayre* (FOROBA)

Sra. Maria Virginia DEMATTEI Asociación Ambientalista Verde X Gris

Sr. Miguel Angel REMENTERÍA Comisión Interdisciplinaria de Medio Ambiente


Sra. Maria de los Milagros DEFANT CIMA Sr. Juan Miguel PRADO CIMA

Sr. Roberto RSVENNA Asociación Ambientalista Verde X Gris Sra. Adriana DE BIASI CIMA

Sra. Esther Adriana LOPEZ CIMA

Sr. Luis SARAVIA Asociación Argentina de Energías Renovables y Ambiente

Sr. Leandro M. ALTOLAGUIRRE Presidente de la Asciacion Aliheun Alihuen-Árbol en Pie

Sr. Daniel Ruben FERNANDEZ Amigos de la Tierra

Sr. Osvaldo CORVALAN Presidente Amigos de la Tierra Sr. Daniel LYNCH Fundador CIMA Sr. Leoncio MONTESARCHIO Asociación Ambientalista del Sur Sr. Fabian ROMAN Fundador CIMA Sr. Guillermo H. MARCHESI Asociación Ambientalista del Sur Sr. Ernesto DE MICHELI CIMA Sr. Roberto ORDUNA Presidente Asociación Ambientalista Piuke Sr. Gisela REMENTERIA CIMA Sr. Alejandro YANNIELLO Asociación Ambientalista Piuke Sra. Marisa CADOGAN Presidente Asociación Ambientalista Mayu Sumaj Sr. Mauricio SORASIO Empleado Plan 21

Sr. Jorge LOPEZ ORTEGA Amigos de la Tierra Sr. Erico SPINADEL Profesor/Doctor/Ingeniero Asociación Argentina de Energía Eólica Sr. Ariel Rolando CAPLAN Amigos de la Tierra Sr. Pablo PROVENZANO Asociación Argentina de Energía Eólica Sra. Lilian CORRA President Asociación Argentina de Médicos por el Medio Ambiente Sr. Oscar RIVAS Amigos de la Tierra Sr. Elias Díaz PEÑA Coordinador Sector Ambiental de Sobrevivencia Sra. María DEL CARMEN BALLON Asociación Civil Ambiente Sur Sr. Jorge TREVIN Asociación Civil Ambiente Sur Sra. Anna P. ROGE DE MARZOLINI Presidente de la Asociación Federación Amigos de la Tierra

FCCC/CP/2004/INF.3 Page 77 Foro del Buen Ayre* (FOROBA) (continued)

Sr. Angeles PEREIRA Centro de Derechos Humanos y Ambiente

Sr. German ORTIZ Asociación Proteger

Sr. David CARDOZO Amigos de la Tierra

Sr. Juan Carlos RIVAS Asociación Superficiarios Patagónicos

Sr. Frederick PEDERSEN Asociación Proteger

Sr. Bruno APIS Asociación Superficiarios Patagónicos

Sr. Santiago RIVAS Asociación Superficiarios Patagónicos

Sr. Ignacio PRAFIL Asociación Proteger

Sra. Laura ALVAREZ Fundaterra

Sr. Matías Emmanuel SILVA Asociación Vientos del Sur

Sr. Rodrigo Andrés REDONDO KRÜGER Asociación Proteger

Sr. Ricardo APIS Asociación Superficiarios Patagónicos

Sra. Susana Schetino DE GARAY Movimiento Por la Paz y El Medio Ambiente

Sr. Daniel CARMONA Fundación Ambiente y Recursos Naturales

Sra. Alejandra LLANOS Fundación Argentina de Energías Alternativas y Renovables

Sr. Osvaldo SALA Asociación Civil Red Ambiental

Sr. Alberto BIANCHI Asociación Superficiarios Patagónicos

Sra. María Cecilia UBALDON Movimiento Por la Paz y El Medio Ambiente

Sr. Gerardo MESQUIDA Fundación Argentina de Energías Alternativas y Renovables

Sra. Sandra DIAZ Asociación Vientos del Sur

Sr. Guillermo CARRICAT Asociación Superficiarios Patagónicos

Sra. Elda Viviana TANCREDI Representante Asociación Vientos del Sur

Sra. Judith MARTINEZ CUEVAS Asociación Ecologísta "Yaguareté ECO" Sr. Jorge Atilio FRANZA Centro Ambiental Argentino. CAMBIAR Sr. Diana Eugenia DE LA RUA Asociación Ecologísta "Yaguareté ECO" Sr. Alejandro Alberto LUCHELLI Asociación Superficiarios Patagónicos Sr. Gabriel LOGUERCIO Asociación Civil Ambiente Sur Sr. Eduardo MARTEQUIAN Asociación Superficiarios Patagónicos Sr. Carlos Omar MORENO Fundación Medio Ambiente y Desarrollo Armónico Integral - MAYDAY Sra. Claudia ORONA Asociación Superficiarios Patagónicos Sr. Héctor GÓMEZ SAÁ Fundación Medio Ambiente y Desarrollo Armónico Integral - MAYDAY Sra. Lilia Blas POSTIGO Centro Andino de Desarrollo e Investigación Ambiental Sr. Lucrecia ROMERO Asociación de Protección Ambiente Serrano

Sra. Amelia AZUAGA Asociación Proteger Sr. Jorge RABINOVICH Asociación Vientos del Sur Sr. Juan Ortiz BURGOS Presidente Asociación Proteger Sra. Natalia DAVERIO Asociación Proteger Sra. Maria Laura BETTOLLI Centro Argentino de Meteorólogos Sr. Matias SILVA Asociación Vientos del Sur Sra. Matilde RUSTICUCCI Delegada Centro Argentino de Meteorólogos Sra. Graciela FEINSTEIN Representante Asociación Proteger Sr. Ceferino FERNANDEZ Asociación Proteger

Sr. Rubén SARMEINTO Asociación Proteger Sra. Ana S. SRINGER Asociación Proteger Sra. Karoline WEBER Asociación Proteger Sra. Alfonsina BEVERAGGI Asociación Ambientalista Piuke Sr. Luciano BEVERAGGI Asociación Ambientalista Piuke Sra. Marisa BILDER Asociación Ambientalista Piuke Sra. Celeste DE VITA Asociación Ambientalista Piuke Sr. Ariel DRUCAROFF Asociación Ambientalista Piuke Sra. Mariana PALMA Asociación Ambientalista Piuke Sr. Sergio VASQUEZ Asociación Ambientalista Piuke Sr. Osvaldo ERCOLANO Asociación Civil Ambiente Sur Sr. Osvaldo LAVADO Asociación Civil Ambiente Sur Sr. Juan Carlos LONGHI Asociación Civil Ambiente Sur Sr. Ruben Daniel MENDEZ Asociación Civil Ambiente Sur Sra. Silvia MOZERIS Asociación Civil Ambiente Sur

Sr. Raul Argentino MAGALLANES Sr. Jaime Francisco WILKINSON Sr. Lutz HENKE Asociación Proteger

Sr. Osvaldo RAMIREZ Asociación Civil Ambiente Sur Sr. Oscar BURGHI Foro Cinturón de Buenos Aires

FCCC/CP/2004/INF.3 Page 78 Foro del Buen Ayre* (FOROBA) (continued) Sra. Alicia CABARROU Foro Cinturón de Buenos Aires Sr. Roberto CRUZ Foro Cinturón de Buenos Aires Sr. Gerardo DE NEGRI Foro Cinturón de Buenos Aires Sr. Martin LAZZARO Foro Cinturón de Buenos Aires Sr. Luis LUNA Foro Cinturón de Buenos Aires Sr. Fernando OLLIER Foro Cinturón de Buenos Aires Sr. Juan PARENTE Foro Cinturón de Buenos Aires Sr. Alberto WAINER Foro Cinturón de Buenos Aires

Sr. Pedro Raul LEIVA Asociación de Protección Ambiente Serrano Sra. Lucrecia Romero INDAVERE Asociación de Protección Ambiente Serrano Sra. Luisa Bertoletti DE REMONDA Asociación de Protección Ambiente Serrano Sr. Franco BORELLI Fundación Pasos Sr. Maria Josefina CERRUTTI Fundación Pasos Sr. Edgardo GRUNFELD Fundación Pasos Sra. Mónica LUXA Fundación Pasos Sr. Marco MORANI Fundación Pasos

Sr. Juan AGUIRRE Asociación Argentina de Energía Eólica

Sr. Alfredo L. SOMOZA Delegado Fundación Pasos

Sr. Pablo Garcia ARABÉHÉTY Asociación Argentina de Energía Eólica

Sr. Cristian BRISACANI Fundación Pasos

Sra. Graciela BAROLDI Asociación Argentina de Energía Eólica

Sra. Francesca CRISPOLTI Fundación Pasos

Sr. José CADIERNO Asociación Argentina de Energía Eólica

Sra. Valentina UCELLI Fundación Pasos

Sra. Hebe T. CARBONELL Asociación Argentina de Energía Eólica

Sr. Enrico DE DONÁ Fundación Pasos

Sr. Carlos Garcia EBBENS Asociación Argentina de Energía Eólica

Sra. Gabriela Margarita ALFARO Fundación Proyectos Ambientales "PROA"

Sr. Alejandro GESINO Asociación Argentina de Energía Eólica

Sr. Ramon ALFARO President Fundación Proyectos Ambientales "PROA"

Sr. Jorge GIL Asociación Argentina de Energía Eólica Sr. Ariel GONZÁLEZ Asociación Argentina de Energía Eólica Sra. Daniela IPAR Asociación Argentina de Energía Eólica Sr. José Florencio VELEZ Asociación de Protección Ambiente Serrano Sra. Patricia ORTEGA Asociación de Protección Ambiente Serrano

Sra. Inés Ethel BALLESTY Fundación Proyectos Ambientales "PROA" Sra. Margarita CARRIZO Fundación Proyectos Ambientales "PROA" Sr. Kalnay Jorge DAVID Fundación Proyectos Ambientales "PROA" Sra. Marcela Alejandra DE PAUL Fundación Proyectos Ambientales "PROA" Sr. Jorge Alberto KULEMEYER Fundación Proyectos Ambientales "PROA"

Sra. Maria Rosa PORTAL Fundación Proyectos Ambientales "PROA" Sr. Eduardo CONGHOS Asociación Ambientalista del Sur Sra. Gabriela Alejandra ALVAREZ Peace Child Argentina Sr. Martin Miguel ARIAS Peace Child Argentina Sr. Luis Betanzos DE MAULEÓN Peace Child Argentina Sra. Viviana Elsa FIGUEROA Peace Child Argentina Sr. Juan Jose GALEANO Peace Child Argentina Sra. Marina Mansilla HERMANN Peace Child Argentina Sr. Felipe de Lima RABELLO Peace Child International Sra. Deborah Rose WOOLFSON Peace Child Argentina Sr. Matias Fernandez DUTTO Fundación Cambio Democrático Sr. Kari HOOSE Fundación Cambio Democrático Sr. Tomas LEIVI Fundación Cambio Democrático Sr. Pablo LUMERMAN Fundación Cambio Democrático Sr. Julian PORTILLA Fundación Cambio Democrático Sra. Jimena PSATHAKIS Fundación Cambio Democrático Sr. Juliana ROBLEDO Fundación Cambio Democrático Sra. Eliana SPADONI Fundación Cambio Democrático Sra. Graciela TAPIA Fundación Cambio Democrático Sr. Frederico Eduardo GONZALEZ Amigos de la Tierra Sr. Ezequiel MIODOWNIK Amigos de la Tierra Sra. Natalia SALVATICO Amigos de la Tierra

FCCC/CP/2004/INF.3 Page 79 Foro del Buen Ayre* (FOROBA) (continued) Sr. Raquel SCHROTT Amigos de la Tierra Sra. Mariana ALVARADO Fundación para el Desarrollo Sustentable Sr. Gabriel ARZANI Fundación para el Desarrollo Sustentable Sra. Alicia BARLETTA Fundación para el Desarrollo Sustentable Sr. Ignacio Ricardo BELTRAMINO Fundación para el Desarrollo Sustentable Sr. Maximo JACOBY Fundación para el Desarrollo Sustentable Sr. Jorge Rodolfo PAZ Fundación para el Desarrollo Sustentable Sr. Gustavo RIPODAS Fundación para el Desarrollo Sustentable Sr. Oscar VEGA Fundación para el Desarrollo Sustentable Sr. Jose Luis ZAMPARO Fundación para el Desarrollo Sustentable Sra. Maria José ZELADA Fundación para el Desarrollo Sustentable Sra. Rosa Elida ALBARIÑO Asociación Ecologísta "Yaguareté ECO" Sra. Andrea BARRETO Asociación Ecologísta "Yaguareté ECO" Sr. Eduardo German BATAGLIA Asociación Ecologísta "Yaguareté ECO" Sr. Daniel DELLAZUANA Asociación Ecologísta "Yaguareté ECO" Sr. Jesus Adolfo LUCCA Asociación Ecologísta "Yaguareté ECO" Sra. Rosana Vilma LYARDET Asociación Ecologísta "Yaguareté ECO" Sr. Alejandro Carlos MENDOZA Asociación Ecologísta "Yaguareté ECO" Sra. Silvina Patricia PUGLIESE Asociación Ecologísta "Yaguareté ECO" Sr. Ramon Hector SANTOMIL Asociación Ecologísta "Yaguareté ECO" Sr. Jesus Fausto SUAREZ Asociación Ecologísta "Yaguareté ECO"

Sr. Damian Ariel PROFETA MOLINUEVO Asociación Vientos del Sur Sra. Maria Gabriela ALTILIO Asociación Vientos del Sur Sra. Mariana Lorena BALLESTERO Asociación Vientos del Sur Sra. Julieta GASTELLÚ Asociación Vientos del Sur Sr. Luis IRIGOYTIA Asociación Vientos del Sur Sra. Cecilia NOCETTI Asociación Vientos del Sur Sr. Waleed Aly Atalha SADEK Asociación Vientos del Sur Sra. Mariel UPERY Asociación Vientos del Sur Sr. Ezequiel VEROI Asociación Vientos del Sur Sra. Úrsula Carrascal VIZARRETA Asociación Vientos del Sur Sra. Maria Constanza BISOGNO Centro de Protección a la Naturaleza Sra. Yrma TOURN DE GRELA Centro de Protección a la Naturaleza Sr. Pablo Germán CABRERA Centro de Protección a la Naturaleza Sra. Luciana GOTTARDI Centro de Protección a la Naturaleza Sr. Alejandro Rafael JURADO Centro de Protección a la Naturaleza Sr. Jorge RABEY Centro de Protección a la Naturaleza Sr. Gustavo ROTTA Centro de Protección a la Naturaleza Sr. Gonzalo Carlos RUIZ Centro de Protección a la Naturaleza Sra. Ana Isabel BLANCHARD Asociación Civil Red Ambiental Sr. Juan Manuel GRIECO Asociación Civil Red Ambiental Sra. Cecilia IGLESIAS Presidente Asociación Civil Red Ambiental

Sr. Jorge MARTINEZ Asociación Civil Red Ambiental Sr. Adrian MONTELEONE Asociación Civil Red Ambiental Sr. Gonzalo Pablo SALABERRY Asociación Civil Red Ambiental Sr. Martin SCARAVILLE Asociación Civil Red Ambiental Sra. Karen STRAUSS Asociación Civil Red Ambiental Sr. Hernán Gaston FISBEIN El Mercurio de la Salud Sr. Marco Aurelio REAL El Mercurio de la Salud Sr. Jorge Pedro RICAGNI El Mercurio de la Salud Sr. Antonio SANCINETO El Mercurio de la Salud Sra. Natalia Niz WAGNER El Mercurio de la Salud Sr. Franco SALVADORES Centro Andino de Desarrollo e Investigación Ambiental Sr. Adolfo MEDALLA Centro Andino de Desarrollo e Investigación Ambiental Sra. Maria Soledad GALLEGO DIZ Centro Andino de Desarrollo e Investigación Ambiental Sra. Viviana Inès FERREYRA Centro Andino de Desarrollo e Investigación Ambiental Sra. Laura B. BRARDA Centro Andino de Desarrollo e Investigación Ambiental Sr. Adolfo Carlos BERCHEÑI Continental Nea Sra. Angela Antonio GONZÁLEZ Continental Nea Sra. Maria Isabel GASSMANN Centro Argentino de Meteorólogos Sr. Juan Manuel HÖRLER Centro Argentino de Meteorólogos Sra. Paola SALIO Centro Argentino de Meteorólogos

FCCC/CP/2004/INF.3 Page 80 Foro del Buen Ayre* (FOROBA) (continued) Sr. Celeste SAULO Centro Argentino de Meteorólogos Sra. Maria Elena SEGURA Centro Argentino de Meteorólogos Sr. Leonardo SERIO Centro Argentino de Meteorólogos Sr. Mario QUAGLIA Centro Ambiental Argentino. CAMBIAR Sra. Juliana Nora ABBIATI Fundación Hernandiana Sra. Priscila Giselda BARRERA Fundación Hernandiana Sra. Manuela Dolores BECERRA Fundación Hernandiana Sr. Mariano BERTOLDO Fundación Hernandiana Sra. Cynthia Nahir GAMALLO Fundación Hernandiana Sr. Carla Emilce GOMEZ Fundación Hernandiana Sr. Federico MILA Fundación Hernandiana Sra. Nicole Alumine O'NEIL CARVALHO Fundación Hernandiana Sra. Eliana Elisa SCOLLO Fundación Hernandiana Sr. Carlos Ezequiel SCORZA Fundación Hernandiana Sr. Mario Andres BOTTIGLIERI Asociación Ambientalista Mayu Sumaj Sr. Juan Carlos HERRERA Confederación General del Trabajo de la República Argentina Sra. Alicia Martha NOSENZO Aprodema Sra. Lydia NOSENZO Aprodema Sra. Norma Edith DEL VALLE Comisión Ecológica Ituzaingó Sr. Alejandro DOGAL Comisión Ecológica Ituzaingó

Sr. Jorge V. MALLA Presidente Comisión Ecológica Ituzaingó Sra. Matilde MULLER Representante Comisión Ecológica Ituzaingó Sra. Alicia Alejandra SANCHEZ Comisión Ecológica Ituzaingó Sr. Juan Martin VEZZULLA Fundación Ambiente y Recursos Naturales Sr. Daniel Alberto SABSAY Executive Director Fundación Ambiente y Recursos Naturales Sr. Daniel PERPIÑAL Fundación Ambiente y Recursos Naturales Sra. Maria Fabiana OLIVER Fundación Ambiente y Recursos Naturales Sr. Andrés NÁPOLI Fundación Ambiente y Recursos Naturales Sr. Juan Ignacio MOGNONI Fundación Ambiente y Recursos Naturales Sra. Natalia MACHAIN Fundación Ambiente y Recursos Naturales Sra. María Eugenia DI PAOLA Director Research and Training Area Fundación Ambiente y Recursos Naturales Sra. Maria Esperanza ALONSO Fundación Ambiente y Recursos Naturales Sra. Susana Carmen BATTISTA Fundación Ambientis Sra. Maria Teresa ISASI Fundación Ambientis Sra. Maria del Huerto TERCEIRO Fundación Ambientis Sr. Alberto N. VIRDÓ Fundación Ambientis Sr. Domingo A. VIRDÓ Presidente Fundación Ambientis Sr. Mario Francisco RASPINI Federación Amigos de la Tierra Sr. Mario RASPINI Federación Amigos de la Tierra Sra. Maria Alejandra RASPINI Federación Amigos de la Tierra

Sr. Luciano Gaspar RAMIREZ Federación Amigos de la Tierra Sra. Silvia MARZOLINI Federación Amigos de la Tierra Sra. Natalia Lucia MARZOLINI Federación Amigos de la Tierra Sr. Erico MARTIN Federación Amigos de la Tierra Sr. Gala MARRAZO Federación Amigos de la Tierra Sra. Silvia GONZALEZ Federación Amigos de la Tierra Sr. Alvaro José BALDASSINI Federación Amigos de la Tierra Sra. Miriam ALBORNOZ Asociación Civil Camino del Sol Sra. Mariana BOCHICCHIO Asociación Civil Camino del Sol Sra. Natalia COLLOCA Asociación Civil Camino del Sol Sra. Adriana FERNANDEZ Asociación Civil Camino del Sol Sr. Carlos Alberto GALLO Asociación Civil Camino del Sol Sra. Gisela GAUNA Asociación Civil Camino del Sol Sra. Andrea MAIURI Asociación Civil Camino del Sol Sra. Carmen MIRANDA Asociación Civil Camino del Sol Sr. Javier NUÑEZ Asociación Civil Camino del Sol Sra. Constanza PITEO Asociación Civil Camino del Sol Sr. Andrew WAHBA Centro de Derechos Humanos y Ambiente Sr. Daniel TAILLANT Centro de Derechos Humanos y Ambiente Sr. Victor RICCO Centro de Derechos Humanos y Ambiente Sra. Sofia BORDENAVE Centro de Derechos Humanos y Ambiente Sr. Jorge A. VIGIL Fundación Argentina de Energías Alternativas y Renovables

FCCC/CP/2004/INF.3 Page 81 Foro del Buen Ayre* (FOROBA) (continued)

Sr. Jaime Nestor NACACH Fundación Norte Ecológico

Sr. Rene VIEYRA Asociación Argentina de Energías Renovables y Ambiente

Sra. Liliana RUSSO Presidenta Fundación Norte Ecológico

Sr. Jose TEDESCO Asociación Argentina de Energías Renovables y Ambiente

Sr. Alberto Horacio SIMONE Fundación Norte Ecológico

Sr. Martin Walter SPONTON Asociación Argentina de Energías Renovables y Ambiente Sr. Enrique ROSSETTO Asociación Argentina de Energías Renovables y Ambiente Sr. Eduardo ROJAS Asociación Argentina de Energías Renovables y Ambiente Sr. Ariel HERRERA Asociación Argentina de Energías Renovables y Ambiente Sr. Ruben Actis DANNA Asociación Argentina de Energías Renovables y Ambiente Sra. Mirta Graciela BORGA Asociación Argentina de Energías Renovables y Ambiente Sr. Raul BORDA Asociación Argentina de Energías Renovables y Ambiente Sra. Suzana NIEVA Asociación Civil Ecologiá Social Sr. Leonardo PALAZZO Asociación Civil Ecologiá Social Sra. Catalina LANGBEHN Alihuen-Árbol en Pie Sr. Germán MARTIN Alihuen-Árbol en Pie Sra. Luciana RASTELLI Alihuen-Árbol en Pie Sr. Gaston RODRIGUEZ TOURÓN Asociacion Civil Tierra XXI Sra. Susana MIGLIOLI Asociacion Civil Tierra XXI Sra. Astrid MCCARTHY DE OGDON Asociación CONCIENCIA Sra. Jorgelina MIRANDA DE RODRIGUEZ BECERRA Asociación CONCIENCIA

Sra. Sandra E. SCHIOZZI Fundación América Sr. Alejandra Beatriz PANTUSA Fundación América Sr. Emilio Leon MAINFRAING Fundación América Sr. Ricardo Alberto MAGNARELLI Fundación América Sra. Mariela L. MAGNARELLI Fundación América Sr. Luciano MAGNARELLI Fundación América Sra. Nori Marta LATTANTE Fundación América Sr. Eduardo M. GONZALEZ Fundación América Sr. Mauro BOGLIATTI Fundación América Sr. Gerardo Tibor HONTY Centro Uruguayo de Tecnologías Apropiadas Sr. Juan José OÑA Centro Uruguayo de Tecnologías Apropiadas Sra. Gladys ENCISO Asociación Vecinal Moronense Sr. Nicolás METALLO Asociación Vecinal Moronense Sr. Eduardo Castro CISNEROS Fundación Península Rauli Sra. Maria Alejandra MALOSETTI Fundación Península Rauli Sr. Ricardo CASO Asociación Argentina de Energías Renovables y Ambiente Sra. Ada Judith FRANCO Asociación Argentina de Energías Renovables y Ambiente

Sra. Graciela Lesino GARRIDO Asociación Argentina de Energías Renovables y Ambiente Sr. adolfo IRIARTE Asociación Argentina de Energías Renovables y Ambiente Sr. Miguel Angel LARA Asociación Argentina de Energías Renovables y Ambiente Sra. Verónica MONTI Asociación Argentina de Médicos por el Medio Ambiente Sra. Elba STANCICH Representante Taller Ecologista/WISE-Rosario Sra. Florencia RUIZ Taller Ecologista/WISE-Rosario Sr. Livio ROVERE Taller Ecologista/WISE-Rosario Sr. Sergio RINALDI Representante Taller Ecologista/WISE-Rosario Sra. Moira MILLAN Taller Ecologista/WISE-Rosario Sr. Evis MILLAN Taller Ecologista/WISE-Rosario Sra. Claudia COSTINOVSKY Taller Ecologista/WISE-Rosario Sr. Javier CAYUPÁN Taller Ecologista/WISE-Rosario Sr. Luis CAMPRA Taller Ecologista/WISE-Rosario Sr. Guillermo Fabian URRIBARRI Multimedios Ambiente Ecológico Sr. Pablo BERTINAT Presidente Taller Ecologista/WISE-Rosario Sra. Liliana Caicedo SCHWARZBACH Multimedios Ambiente Ecológico Sr. Fernando J. DEL GIUDICE Multimedios Ambiente Ecológico Sr. Edgardo Daniel RAMADORI Multimedios Ambiente Ecológico Sra. Patricia Mónica PASTORE Multimedios Ambiente Ecológico Sr. Gabriel MARTINEZ Multimedios Ambiente Ecológico

FCCC/CP/2004/INF.3 Page 82 Foro del Buen Ayre* (FOROBA) (continued)

Sra. Julieta PETEAN Fundación Proteger

Sr. Alejandro Rodolfo MALPARTIDA Multimedios Ambiente Ecológico

Sra. Vivian LAVALLE DE VIGNAROLI Delegado Fundación Proteger

Sr. Fabián Gerardo Martín GÓMEZ Director Multimedios Ambiente Ecológico

Sra. Leticia ISAURRALDE Fundación Proteger

Sr. Sebastian GILLARI CÉS Multimedios Ambiente Ecológico

Sr. Jorge CAPPATO Delegado Fundación Proteger

Sr. Pablo GILLARI CÉS Correspondent Multimedios Ambiente Ecológico Sr. Antonio Nicolás GILLARI Presidente Multimedios Ambiente Ecológico Sr. Alberto Mario BERTONA Multimedios Ambiente Ecológico Sr. Eduardo SEGUETTI Fundación Orden Ecológica Sr. Patricio PARENTE Fundación Orden Ecológica

Sr. Omar SAUCEDO Filatina Sra. Lina Elena RUBIANES Filatina Sra. Rosana ROMASCO Filatina Sr. Hemilse FALESE Filatina Sr. Gustavo DE MAIO Filatina

Sr. Zvonimir Andrés MACEK Fundación Orden Ecológica

Sr. Luis Galand José DE LA CRUZ FERNANDEZ Filatina

Sr. Walter Hugo RANIERI Fundación Ambiente Ecológico

Sr. Alberto Rubén DE ANGELIS Filatina

Sr. Gustavo Fernando PAPA BAUMGÄRTNER Fundación Ambiente Ecológico

Sra. Silvia Andrea COSTA Filatina

Sr. Germán KULBERG Fundación Ambiente Ecológico Sra. Veronica Emilce COUTO Fundación Ambiente Ecológico Sr. Rodolfo CIVITARESE Fundación Ambiente Ecológico

Sra. Elda CEDRO Filatina Sra. Gladis CANELA Filatina Sr. Mario CABRERA Filatina

Sr. David Hector VALERGA Comisión Interdisciplinaria de Medio Ambiente

Sr. Pablo Luis CABALLERO Perito Tecnico Agropecuario Prensa Ambiental Filatina

Sr. Lionel REMENTERÍA Comisión Interdisciplinaria de Medio Ambiente

Sr. Gabriel BEBER Presidente Asociación Civil Pro Patagonia

Sr. Alvaro HUGUET Comisión Interdisciplinaria de Medio Ambiente

Sr. Juan Jose OÑO Centro Uruguayo de Tecnologías Apropiadas

Sr. Enrique LIPPS Presidente Org. Argentina de Investigaciones Espeleologicas

Sr. Marcelo ALVAREZ Rejima Inforse Argentina

Sr. Pablo BERGEL Presidente Iniciativa Arcoiris; Seminario Libre de Ecología Política; Multisectorial para la Defensoría del Pueblo Sra. Mariana GONZALEZ Greenpeace Argentina Sr. Juan Ernesto CASAVELOS Asesor Greenpeace Argentina Sr. Marcelo Pablo LIEBEHENZ Representante Asociación Demosvida Sra. Jennifer IBARRA Fundación Cullunche para la Protección del Medios Ambiente la Flora y la Fauna Sr. Valerio MENA Taller Ecologista Sr. German JACOME Taller Ecologista Sra. Yvonne YANEZ Taller Ecologista Sr. Ruperto BUSTOS Taller Ecologista Sr. Francisco OJEDA Taller Ecologista Sra. Yazmin TOBAR Taller Ecologista Sr. Luis MUJICA Asociación Ecologista Rio Mocoreta Sra. Sandra PEREZ BONAVENA Fundación América Sra. Natalia NIZ Fundación América Sr. Juan Carlos VARGAS Fundación América Sr. Ruben SUAREZ Fundación América Sra. Ana Maria SONJIC Fundación Rie - Red Informatica Ecologista Sr. Andrés Luis GIACOMELLI Multimedios Ambiente Ecológico Sra. Silvina Laura GUTIÉRREZ Multimedios Ambiente Ecológico Sr. François Siongo LUAMBO Multimedios Ambiente Ecológico

FCCC/CP/2004/INF.3 Page 83 Foro del Buen Ayre* (FOROBA) (continued) Sra. Sonia TORRES Multimedios Ambiente Ecológico Sr. Juan Nicolas FAÑA BATISTA Multimedios Ambiente Ecológico Sr. Martin SCHWARZBACH Multimedios Ambiente Ecológico

Sra. Helena Beatriz BARBOSA Asociacion Vecinal Villa Tomas de la Torre Sr. Pedro BASSI Zárate Asociación Civil Sr. Mario BELANZOS Zárate Asociación Civil Sr. Jose TORRES Zárate Asociación Civil

Sr. Emiliano VENIER Fundación para el Desarrollo Sustentable de Eco Regiones

Mr. Adrian AGÜERO Asociación Ambientalista Mayu Sumaj

Sr. Diego MENDEZ MACÍAS Fundación para el Desarrollo Sustentable de Eco Regiones

Sr. Juan Luis MÉREGA Ejecutivo Fundación del Sur

Sr. Francisco Lopez SASTRE Fundación para el Desarrollo Sustentable de Eco Regiones

Sra. Susana PAPALE Presidenta Asociación Ecologista Nueva Tierra

Sr. Juan Horacio SEFERCHEOGLOU Fundación Hernandiana

Sra. María Lucía COLLI Asociación Civil Red Ambiental

Sr. Ruben AYALA Asociación Civil Camino del Sol

Sr. Norberto OVANDO Presidente Asociación Amigos de los Parques Nacionales "Francisco P. Moreno"

Sr. Carlos Inocencio AVOGADRO Sr. Manuel LUDUEÑA Representante Foro Ambiental Ciudadano. Bs.As. Alerta Sr. Gustavo Darío MUJICA Photographer Sr. Daniel Eduardo GONZALEZ Executive Director Foundation "NA-CUL"(NAture anmd CULture) Sr. Jorge David KALNAY Sr. Jorge E. MAZAS Sra. Silvia SUAREZ Sr. Stella Maris BUENAVENTURA Sr. Miguel Angel ARAVENA Fundación América Sra. Bettina SILBERMAN

Sr. Daniel PETTIT Asociación Civil Camino del Sol Sra. Ana Inés PÉREZ Asociación Civil Camino del Sol Sr. Claudio MARZAN Asociación Civil Camino del Sol Sr. Alexis GONZÁLEZ Asociación Civil Camino del Sol Sr. Uara Ayelén CARRILLO Asociación Civil Camino del Sol Sra. Eugenia CÁCERES Asociación Civil Camino del Sol Sr. Rubén CÁCERES Asociación Civil Camino del Sol Sra. Flavia Paola CATTARIN Peace Child Argentina Sr. Diego Alberto GÓMEZ Peace Child Argentina Sr. Enrique ALASINO Peace Child Argentina

Sra. Carolina SCHEINSON Asociación Amigos de los Parques Nacionales Sra. Yamila Lorena BARASCH Asociación Amigos de los Parques Nacionales Sra. Silvia GARCÍA-ORMAECHEA Asociación Amigos de los Parques Nacionales Sr. Carlos ALONSO Asociación Amigos de los Parques Nacionales Sra. Gilda GRIMALDI Asociación Amigos de los Parques Nacionales Sr. Carlos Mariano MELOGNO Comisión Interdisciplinaria de Medio Ambiente

Sr. Raul ROCO Fundación Proteger

Sr. Marcos Javier ALEMÁN DOMINGUEZ Fundación para el Desarrollo Sustentable de Eco Regiones Sra. Silvia OLMEDO President Foundation "NA-CUL"(NAture anmd CULture) Sr. Tito Ernesto MORALES Technician Branch Salta Foundation "NA-CUL"(NAture anmd CULture) Sra. Anahí Sofía MARZOLINI Asociación Ambientalista Eco La PazFederación Amigos de la Tierra Sr. Federico Romeo LIMONGI Asociación Ambientalista Eco La PazFederación Amigos de la Tierra Sra. María HERNANDEZ

Sra. Marta ANDELMAN Representante de la Comisión de Educación y Comunicación De la Unien Mundial para la Meteolega Sra. María MORACCA

Sr. Esteban Jose PUNTIN Fundación Proteger


Sr. Emilio Hector MARANZANA Delegate Grupo Ecológico Bolivar

Sra. Marta Catalina VECHI Sra. María Silvina VIOLLAZ Sr. Matía SARMIENTO Sr. Jesus Felix GONZALEZ MARTINEZ Sr. Guillermo DAMONTE

FCCC/CP/2004/INF.3 Page 84 Foro del Buen Ayre* (FOROBA) (continued) Ms. Lucero Gabriela PERALTA

Sr. Jorge Alberto BORNAZ Sra. Ana María GARCÍA LACAYO Asociación de Comunidades Indígenas

Sr. José Carlos CABALLERO RUBIATO Consejo Asesor de Medio Ambiente (ASAJA) Ministerio de Medio Ambiente

Sr. Enrique Matias VIALE

Sr. Nicolás POUSTHOMIS Indymedia Argentina

Sr. Jorge Enrique BADINO Abogado Fundación Fauna Argentina

Sra. María Cruz GONZALEZ Coordinadora de Cooperación Universidad Nacionalde Lanus

Sr. Hernán Gabriel SCANDIZZO Indymedia Argentina

Sr. Carlos CAÑAS

Sr. Ivan Andres ORTIZ LUENGO Director Fundación Biosfera

Sra. Irene Haydee COSTAS Coordinadora de Investigación FACINTER

Mr. Carolina UGARTE Fundacion

Sr. Luis GUZMÁN CASTELLANO Director Agenda Joven

Mr. Marie Sofia DAVID Mr. Azul BLASEOTTO Sr. Daniel LAPOLLA Sra. Irene Rut WAIS DE BADGEN Consultora en Temas Ambientales Programa Cuidemos el Planeta de Rotary International Sr. Alejandro DOWHAL Tecnical Assistent Comisión Ecologica Ituzaingo Sra. Mar Asunción HIGUERAS Consejo Asesor De Medio Ambiente (ADENA) Ministerio de Medio Ambiente Sr. Franklin TOALA

Sr. Pedro Vicente ROSSI Sr. Elias CARRILLO Asociación Civil Camino del Sol Mr. Eric Marcelo JAKUBAVICIUS Sr. Carlos Julio PEREZ Presidente Sr. Fernando Martin LLORENTE Jefe de la Unidad de Contaminación Atmosférica Departamento de Medio Ambiente del Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas, Medioambientales y Technológicas Ministerio de Medio Ambiente Sra. Cristina ROIS ORZA Consejo Asesor de Medio Ambiente (Ecologistas en Acción) Ministerio de Medio Ambiente Sr. Emiliano EZCURRA Empleado Greenpeace Greenpeace Argentina

Sra. Lucia GIL ORTIZ Sra. Sara IMILMAQUI Sr. Anibal MEDINA Sr. Francisco OJEDA

Sr. Juan José MENENDEZ GARCIA Consejo Asesor de Medio Ambiente (COAG) Ministerio de Medio Ambiente Sr. Fiz FERNANDEZ PEREZ Consejo Asesor de Medio Ambiente (CSIC) Ministerio de Medio Ambiente

Sr. Marcelo IVAN Sra. Yazmin TOBAR Sr. Exequiel GIMENEZ MEZA Relaciones Públicas Sr. Manlio Eduardo WYDLER Secretario Fundación Argentino Para Los Espacios Verdes Sr. Alfredo J. EMILIOZZI

Sr. Miguel Angel CINQUANTINI Ecoclubes Sr. Ezequiel FERNANDEZ Y VALDIVIELSO Secrertario de Organización Nacional Mr. Roque Javier CAUSSE Taller Ecologista/WISE-Rosario Sr. Eliezer BUDASOFF Taller Ecologista Mr. Maximiliano R. AGUDO Taller Ecologista Sr. Marcel ACHKAR Sra. María Paz AEDO Taller Ecologista Sra. Mónica RÍOS Taller Ecologista Mr. Octavio KULESZ Mr. José Federico WESTERKAMPT

Sr. Sara LARRAIN Sra. Sonja Elizabeth STAROSTA

Sra. María Eugenia MARCOTE SUEIRO Ecoclubes

Sr. Miguel GARCÍA PEREZ Consejo Asesor de Medio Ambiente (FUCI) Ministerio de Medio Ambiente Sr. Juan José SANZ CID Consejo Asesor de Medio Ambiente (SEO) Ministerio de Medio Ambiente

Mr. Jorge Eduardo ROMERO Sr. Pablo Maximiliano CARRILLO Miembro Asociación Civil Camino del Sol Sr. Luis Alberto MORRA Miembro Asociación Ecologista Rio Mocoreta Sr. Julio Felix CARBALLO Member Sr. Sergio Ricardo PACHE Sr. Ricardo Felipe FERNANDEZ Member Asociación Civil Camino del Sol Sra. Lorena Isabel OJEDA DIAZ Member World Rainforest Movement

FCCC/CP/2004/INF.3 Page 85 Foro del Buen Ayre* (FOROBA) (continued)

Sr. Ignacio PISSO Mr. Ruben ACTIS DANNA

Mr. Martin HENRIKSEN Friends of the Earth Norway - Nature and Youth

Sr. Antonios DIAMANTIDIS World Rainforest Movement

Sr. Patricio Arturo CHANTRILL

Sra. María Belén GALLO

Sr. Luis Eduardo REMONDA


Sra. Julieta ADAMS

Sra. Alicia Ester MESSI

Sra. Analía Noelia SAHANIUK

Mr. Will BRIEGER Special Counsel


Sr. Liliana Haydee RIVERO Miembro

Mr. Jared SYNDER Assistant Attorney General

Sr. Sergio VAZQUEZ Miembro Asociación Ambientalista Piuke

Mr. Mike RUBIN Assistant Attorney General

Mr. Sindre Ostby STUB Friends of the Earth - Norway Sr. Ken ALEX Supervising Deputy Attorney General

Sra. Mónica SBARAGLIA Sr. Ricardo PERRETA Sr. Ricardo OMS Sr. Hector MEDINA Sra. Nora WAYAR Sra. Carmen SPOLETI Sr. Aracelis GIMENEZ DE BARETTO

Forum atomique européen (FORATOM) Mr. Hans KORTEWEG Head of Cabinet Institutional Affairs Manager (Global Issues)

Foundation Joint Implementation Network (JIN)

Sr. Enrique Carlos MEINERS Sr. Luis ARELLANO Sr. Carlos Dante PEDERNERA Assupa Sra. Silvina Paola PEDERNERA Assupa Sra. Fatima CASCANTE Co-Coordinador Asociación Argentina de Médicos por el Medio Ambiente Sra. Silvina REYNA Miembro Asociación Ambientalista Mayu Sumaj Sr. Juan Miguel PICOLOTTI Sr. Juan María GUTIERREZ Member Greenpeace Argentina Ms. Beatriz Liliana ALVAREZ Correspondent Asociación Proteger Ms. Ann KRUMBOLTZ Executive Director Breinerd Foundation Mr. James JENSEN Executive Director Montana Environmental Information Center

Mr. Catrinus J. JEPMA Professor Mr. Martijn BROEKHOF

Ms. Catherine PEARCE International Climate Change Programme Co-ordinator Ms. Simone LOVERA Campaigns Co-ordinator Sr. Hildebrando VELEZ GALEANO Friends of the Earth - Colombia Mr. Markus STEIGENBERGER International Campaigns Friends of the Earth - Germany Mr. Jan KOWALZIG Climate Change Campaigner Friends of the Earth - Europe

Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research (Fhg-ISI)

Mr. Alberto Roque Eduardo PEDACE Friends of the Earth Argentina


Mr. Yuri ONODERA Friends of the Earth - Japan

Fridtjof Nansen Institute (FNI) Mr. Jorgen WETTESTAD Sr Research Fellow

Sra. María José LÓPEZ ORTÍZ Friends of the Earth - Paraguay Mr. Myles ALLEN

Ms. Stephanie B. OHSHITA Assistant Professor University of San Fransisco Department of Environmental Science Mr. Jonathan SINTON

Friends of the Earth International (FOEI) Mr. Olatunde JOHNSON Executive Director Friends of the Earth - Sierra Leone Ms. Ane Hansdatter KISMUL Friends of the Earth - Norway

Mr. Peter RODERICK Director Climate Justice Programme Mr. Donald POLS Campaigner International Financial Institutions Friends of the Earth - Netherlands Mr. Tony JUNIPER Director Mr. Kokou Elorm AMEGADZE Information and Communication Officer Friends of the Earth - Togo Ms. Sarah Naa Dedei AGBEY Friends of the Earth - Ghana

FCCC/CP/2004/INF.3 Page 86 Friends of the Earth International (FOEI) (continued)

Sr. Daniela PEREYRA Legales

Ms. Adriana B. YANOVSKY Vice President

Mr. Ricardo CARRERE International Coordinator World Rainforest Movement

Sra. Griselda Leonor MARRERO DUARTE Acción Social

Ms. Patricia R. PALAZZI Secretaria

Sra. Ana FILIPPINI Coordinator's Assistant World Rainforest Movement

Sr. Roberto SARTORIS Contable

Ms. Raquel NUÑEZ WRM's Bulletin Coordinator World Rainforest Movement

Sra. Paula RODRIGUEZ Organización de Eventos Sr. Edgardo CARABALLO Acción Social

Ms. Claudia PALAZZI Pro Secretaria Mr. Saul YANOVSKY Tesorero Ms. Marisa V. VERGARA Protesorera

Ms. Teresa PEREZ Administrative Office World Rainforest Movement

Sr. Hugo GÓMEZ Diseño

Ms. Mariana A. MONTENEGRO Subdirectora Programa Piloto Sub 1

Ms. Elizabeth DÍAZ World Rainforest Movement

Sr. Antonio GÓMEZ MARCIEL Grafica

Ms. Diana E. SVICH DE BOTTANI Subdirectora del Progerama Piloto Sub 2

Mr. Chris LANG WRM's Forest Campaigner World Rainforest Movement

Sr. Maximilliano CONVERSO Eventos

Sra. Marta Beatríz GUZMÁN Asistente Coordinación y Enlace de Presidencia

Ms. Teresa PEREZ Administrative Officer World Rainforest Movement Mr. Elias DIAS Friends of the Earth - Paraguay Ms. Maria DE LA FUENTE Friends of the Earth - Japan Mr. Hannu HYVÖNEN Environment Specialist Friends of the Earth - Finland Mr. Ishii MICHIO

Sr. Gastón LAFFAILLE Soporte Web Sr. Marcos COLLIVADINO Soporte Web Sra. Allicia GAUCHAT Acción Social Sra. Marisa YOUNG Administrativo

Fundación Agreste Sra. Marina POSSE Prensa Sr. Julián Rafael VARELA Presidente Sr. Marcelo MONTENEGRO Legales Sra. Ana DOMINGUEZ Acción Social Sra. Erica DUTREY Legales Sr. Roberto Fabián MANZANELLI Legales

Sra. María Julieta PIÑA Comisión de Investigación de Recursos, Finanzas y Administración Sustentable Eficiente Sra. Norma SEPÚLVEDA Comisión de Investigación de Recursos, Finanzas y Administración Sustentable Eficiente

Sr. Daniel GALVÁN

Fundación Amigos de la Naturaleza (FAN)

Sr. John William BRIEGER Mr. Matthew Ian MAC CALLA

Sra. Natalia Lorena PIÑA Comisión Estratégica de Concientización

Ms. Natalia CALDERON Coordinator Economic Evaluation Conservation Department Sr. Jaime QUISPE Carbon Monitoring Program Coordinator Mission permanente de la République de Bolivie auprès de l'Office des Nations Unies à Genève

Sra. Catalina VECCHIO Departamento de Información Sr. Hugo TOMASI Comisión Estratégica de Concientización Sr. Corina TOMASI Comisión de Desarrollo Estratégico Institucional Sr. Patricia PENSI Programa Piloto de Difusión Estratégica, Cultura Geografía y Medio Ambiente

Sr. Joerg SEIFERT-GRANZIN Intergrated Expert Environmental Services

Sra. Sandra Daniela BOCCUTI Secretaría de Enlace

Sr. Christian SEILER Scientific Advisor Biomass Calculation

Sr. Ricardo FERNÁNDEZ Teniente Coronel Comisión de Paz y Seguridad Sustentable Eficiente

Fundacion Argentina a las Naciones Camino a la Verdad (FANCV) Ms. Graciela R. YANOVSKY President

Sr. Joaquín MONTENEGRO FANCV Jóvenes Sra. Alicia GUTIÉRREZ Dip de FANCV Area de Investigación Internacional

FCCC/CP/2004/INF.3 Page 87 Fundacion Argentina a las Naciones Camino a la Verdad (FANCV) (continued) Sra. María Luján AYBAR FANCV Jóvenes - Comision Estrategica Concienciacion/Area de Expresion Mr. Armado BERTOLOTTO City of Avellaneda

Sr. José Guaman SORIA Asesor

Sr. Martín Fernando VARGAS Oficial de la Armada Argentina

Sra. Laura Claudia ALLAF Abogada

Sr. Juan Arebalo Sgro NAMUNCURA Fundacion Jorge E. Rulet

Sr. Guillermo Héctor RODRIGUEZ Asesor

Sra. Maria Gracia PIAI Sra. Norma Graciela GUILLEN

Sr. Daniel Horacio CRUZ Asesor

Sra. Alcira Nélida IMAZIO

Sra. Elisa Silvia LUNA Sr. Jorge INNOCENTI Mr. Carlos A. FIORENTINO Sr. Santiago DANTE

Sra. Marcela Alejandra GONZALEZ Asesora Sra. Mercedes Lucia GONZALEZ Asesora Sra. Elena Cristina OTERO Asesora

Sr. Carlos ODIARD Lawyer Sra. Liliana Paulina Eva SIMONE Lawyer Sr. Jorge SANCHEZ DIAZ

Mr. Damian PAZ Sr. Baldomero ÁLVAREZ DE OLIVERA Sr. Francisco DEL CASTILLO Sr. Elvio Abel TOLEDO Director General Comunicación Institucional y Ceremonial Ministerio de Seguridad de la Provincia de Buenos Aires Sr. Francisco Oscar URSIC Subsecretario Relaciones con la Comunidad - Legislatura de la Ciudad Autónoma de Bs As Legíslatura de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires Sr. Juan Carlos AGOSTINACCHIO Secretaría de enlace - Área Institucional

Fundación Argentina de Etoecología (FAE) Sra. Alcira Noemí PERLINI Presidenta Sr. Eduardo ECHEVERRIA Vicepresidente Sra. Liliana Elda MIONE Secretaria Sr. Osvaldo Rául DORIA Prosecretario Sr. Pablo Antonio MARCIANESI Tesorero Sr. Mario Oscar ECHEVERRIA Protesorero

Sr. Gustavo Fabián HUEBE Asesor Sra. Monica ERCOLANO Asesora Sra. Mercedez Paula GONZALEZ Asesora

Sr. Fernando OLAIZOLA Licenciado en Economía Mr. Pablo LEE Lic. En Asuntos Internacionales Ms. Maria Natalia IRURITA

Sr. Jorge Isidoro BARZI Asesor

Ms. Verónica MORABITO Profesora de Danzas

Sr. Rubén Marcelo YBARRA Asesor

Fundación Bariloche (FB)

Sra Beatriz Sara SPREAFICO Asesora

Sr. Daniel Hugo BOUILLE Vice-president

Sr. Andrés Gerardo GARCEA Asesor

Sr. Leonidas Osvaldo GIRARDIN Director Environmental and Development Programme

Sra. Ingrid Cecilia HELLING Asesor

Sr. Gonzalo BRAVO Sr. Hernan FERNANDEZ Asesor Sra. Virginia Patricia NUÑEZ Voluntaria Sra. Nélida Marta ALONSO Voluntaria Sr. José Domingo GARRO Voluntario Sra. Carolina CRUZ Voluntaria Sr. Roberto Francisco PANEBIANCO Voluntario

Sra. Elida PERLINI Sra. Monica Beatriz CRISTIANI

Sr. Damián Victor PIZARELLI

Sr. Johannes HUBER Executive Secretary Sra. Hilda DUBROVSKY Sr. Fernando GROISMAN Sr. Hector PISTONESI President Sr. Nicolas DI SBROIAVACCA Instituto de Economía de la Energia Sr. Gustavo H. NADAL Research Assistant Sr. Raúl LANDAVERI

Sra. María Norma FONTICELLI Voluntaria

Sr. Víctor BRAVO

FCCC/CP/2004/INF.3 Page 88 Fundación Bariloche (FB) (continued)

Sra. Thelma VIVONI

Sra. Maria Eugenia Tagliabue AYRALA Dirrección de Educación

Sra. Elizabeth LEITES Sr. Roberto KOZULJ Sr. Hernán CRISTOBAL Sr. Andreas JOERGENSEN Sra. María Mercedes RAMIREZ Sr. Jakob Asger FORMAN Sra. Natalia MONTROULL Ms. Maria Gabriela GRECO

Sr. Ignacio DE JUANA Dirección de Investigación Sr. Fernando M. ILLODO Dirección de Investigación Sra. Mercedes Ruocco QUINTAS Dirección de Juventud

Sr. Cristian GRIBAUDO

Fundación Biosfera Sr. Trinidad DEL PINO Sr. Horacio Pablo DE BELÁUSTEGUI Lic. en Ecología y Conservación de Recursos Naturales Sr. Héctor Eleazar HORTEL Sr. Angel Amadeo LONGARTE Abogado Fundación para el Medio Ambiente y Desarrollo PACHA-MAMA Sr. Enrique Gabriel MAURTUA KONSTANTINIDIS Estudiante de Lic. en Biol. Orientación Ecología Sr. Gabriel Ricardo ROZAS Ingeniero Forestal

Sr. Sergio AGOSTINELLI Ingeniero Sr. Antonio VALLEJO Engineer Sra. Maria DEL ROSARIO MÉRIDA Sr. Gabriel ROVERA

Sra. Jimena RUY LOPEZ Abogada

Sr. Juan Carlos GIMENEZ Grupo de Asesoramiento CientíficoTecnológico Sr. Pablo O. CANZIANI Grupo de Asesoramiento CientíficoTecnológico Sra. Susana BISCHOFF Grupo de Asesoramiento CientíficoTecnológico

Ms. Alicia ACHIMON Mr. Flavio PORCILLE

Sra. Graciela MAGRIN Grupo de Asesoramiento CientíficoTecnológico

Ms. Jazmin SAENZ Ms. Viviana NURIE

Sra. Lilen YEMA Estudiante de Cs. Biológicas Orientación Ecologiá

Sra. Carolina D. BEGHER Dirección de Juventud

Mr. Juan Pablo GRAÑA Sr. Sandra Adela HUG

Sra. Maria Isabel TRAVASSO Grupo de Asesoramiento CientíficoTecnológico Sr. Jorge ACOSTA Grupo de Asesoramiento CientíficoTecnológico

Fundación Ecológica Universal (FEU)

Sra. Leila DEVIA Grupo de Asesoramiento CientíficoTecnológico

Fundación e-ciudad (e-c)

Sra. Liliana HISAS Presidente

Mr. Gianluca REDAELLI

Sr. Carlos WALTER Presidente

Sr. Gabriel JURICICH Vice President

Sr. Marcelo F. SANONER Director Medio Ambiente

Sra. Cristina M. CEVASCO Dirección de Biodiversidad


Sr. Rodrigo URES Dirección de Educación

Sr. Patrick PATELIN Abogado

Ms. Diana Matilde MIELNICKI Ms. Adriana HAUVILLER Mr. Angel Alberto LARCO Ing. Mr. Taleos KERVORKIAN

Sr. Luis Alberto MÉRIDA Sra. Marcela A. OYAGUE Sra. María José ALZARI Sr. Juan E. MARCONI

Sr. Diego Francisco GUTIERREZ Dirección de Política Ambiental Sra. Elena PALACIOS Dirección de Juventud Mr. Adrian ROSEMBERG Dirección de Investigación

Sr. Osvaldo SIMONINI Sr. Jorge A. MORENO

Sra. Verónica BODMER Dirección de Investigación

Fundación Jorge Esteban Roulet, Instituto de Estudios e Investigaciones Sobre el Medio Ambiente (IEIMA) Sra. Elida BARREIRO Directora Sra. Inge Maria Erica THIEL Consejo Asesor

FCCC/CP/2004/INF.3 Page 89 Fundación Jorge Esteban Roulet, Instituto de Estudios e Investigaciones Sobre el Medio Ambiente (IEIMA) (continued) Sra. Georgina GENTILE Directora Adjunta Sra. Elena BULAT Directora Administrativa Sra. Angelica Celina VERNAZ Consejo Asesor Sr. Jorge Augusto CUELLO Becario Sr. Osiris CHAMORRO Músico

German NGO Forum on Environment and Development Mr. Jürgen MAIER Director

Ms. Mihoko KAWAMURA Researcher Overseas Evaluation Cooperation Centre Mr. Satoshi IEMOTO Researcher Associate

Mr. Jörg HAAS Staff Member Heinrich Boell Foundation

Ms. Masako OGAWA Director of Project Division

Mr. Marc-Daniel REINHARDT Staff Member

Global Environmental Forum (GEF)

Mr. Dennis TÄNZLER

Mr. Atsushi SATO Visiting Researcher

GERMANWATCH Mr. Manfred TREBER Senior Adviser/Transport



Sra. Marina VILLORDO

Mr. Christoph BALS Strategy Director

Mr. Akira SAITO Visiting Researcher Mr. Nagayuki KURITA Visiting Researcher Mr. Masao TOMIZAWA Visiting Researcher


German Emissions Trading Association (BVEK)

Mr. Dr. Gerhard BERZ Munich Reinsurance Company

Global Commons Institute (GCI) Mr. Tobias KOCH Chair Person Mr. Jochen EICHLER Head Medienfactory Mr. Ulrich SAWETZKI Head of Market Research Jenbacher AG Mr. Arthur PELCHEN Senior Consultant Umwelt und Agrarberatung

Mr. Kotaro KIMURA Executive Director

Ms. Aubrey MEYER Ms. Lynda MCDONALD Mr. Tim HELWEG-LARSEN Liaison Officer

Mr. Mitsuo ARAI Director Mr. Hisashi ISHITANI Adviser Keio University

Global Environment Centre (GEC) Mr. Faizal PARISH Director Mr. Daniel BLANCO

Mr. Holger BROCKMANS Director MSO

Global Industrial and Social Progress Research Institute (GISPRI)

Mr. Hideki ABE Senior Researcher Global Environmental Affairs Mr. Yasuhisa YAOITA Researcher Global Environmental Affairs


Global Environment Centre Foundation (GEC)

Ms. Ibuki HIRUTA Researcher Global Environmental Affairs Department

Mr. Tomotaka INOUE Research

Global Legislators Organisation for a Balanced Environment (GLOBE)

Mr. Gerald SCHMID

Mr. Kunihiro UENO Assistant Manager Research Department

Mr. Peter BORIS-SCHMITT Personal Assistant to Mr. Florenz European Parliament

Ms. Lilia A. ABRON President Peer Consultants

Ms. Mari NISHIKI Assistant Researcher

Mr. Axel EGGERT Personal Assistant to Mr. Florenz European Parliament

Mr. Stephan SCHULTE Consultant Farmatic International Ms. Cornelia WOLF Wolf Ecoperform

Ms. Mutsumi HONDA Assistant Researcher

Ms. Ulriikka AARNIO Personal Assistant to Mrs. Hassi European Parliament

FCCC/CP/2004/INF.3 Page 90 Global Legislators Organisation for a Balanced Environment (GLOBE) (continued)

Ms. Yu JIE Energy Campaigner Greenpeace China

Mr. Miikka NIEMINEN Personal Assistant to Mrs. Korhola European Parliament

Sr. Walter Fabian KOVACIC Greenpeace Argentina

Green Markets International Mr. Steven Lee KAUFMAN Executive Director Mr. Samuel MILTON Research Associate Mr. Alan PATTERSON Principal InterEnviro

Greenpeace International Ms. Jessica COVEN Campaigner Energy Greenpeace USA Mr. Nick DAVIES Greenpeace UK Ms. Catherine FITZPATRICK Senior Climate Campaigner Greenpeace Australia Mr. Marcelo FURTADO Greenpeace Brazil Sr. Ramiro GARCIA Greenpeace Argentina Sr. Ignacio Gatto BELLORA Greenpeace Argentina

Mr. Sebastian LASTRA Greenpeace Argentina Sr. Arturo Moreno VEGA Campaigner Climate Change and Energy Greenpeace Mexico Sr. Hernan NADAL Greenpeace Argentina Mr. Maasaki NAKAJIMA Campaigner Climate Change Greenpeace Japan

Sr. Leonardo SILVA Greenpeace Argentina Sr. Rosario ESPINA Greenpeace Argentina Sr. Jorge PUNZI Greenpeace Argentina Mr. Hans ALTEVOGT Campaigner Climate and Energy Greenpeace Netherlands

Groupe d'études et de recherches sur les énergies renouvelables et l'environnement (GERERE) Mr. Faouzi Ahmed SENHAJI President M. Abdelkrim BENNANI

Sr. Hernan Perez AGUIRRE Greenpeace Argentina Mr. Jean-Luc ROUX Head Political and Business Unit Mr. Steve SAWYER Climate Campaigner Mr. Oscar SORIA Reporter Greenpeace Argentina

Ms. Samira SOUISSI Mr. Zahar ben Mohammed YADH

Hadley Centre Mr. David John GRIGGS Director of Haley Centre Ms. Vicky POPE Ms. Katherine Fiona SMITH

Mr. Krishnaswami SRINVINAS Campaigner Energy Greenpeace India Sr. Andres STEIN Greenpeace Argentina

Mr. Matthew COLLINS Mr. Jason A LOWE Metereology University of Reading

Mme Janaina TOPLEY-LIRA Greenpeace Belgium

Mr. Peter A. STOTT Metereology University of Reading

Sra. Natalia TRUCHI

Mr. Richard WOOD Mr. Jeff RIDLEY

Sra. Marta GOLDFABER Greenpeace Argentina

Ms. Stephanie TUNMORE Campaigner Climate Change and Energy Greenpeace UK

Mr. Steven GUILBEAULT Climate and Energy Campaigner Greenpeace Canada

Mr. Juan Carlos VILLALONGA Energy Campaigner Greenpeace Argentina

Mr. Michael VELLINGA

Mr. Bill HARE Director Climate Policy

Sra. Mariana WALTER Campaigner Greenpeace Argentina

Mr. Christopher FOLLAND

Ms. Chen HONGJUAN Energy Campaigner Greenpeace China

Ms. Laura YATES Climate Campaigner Greenpeace Argentina

Sr. Gonzalo GIROLAMI Greenpeace Argentina Ms. Gabriela VON GOERNE Campaigner Energy Greenpeace Germany

Mr. James M. MURPHY

Mr. Jonathan GREGORY

Ms. Deborah HEMMING Mr. Richard BETTS

FCCC/CP/2004/INF.3 Page 91 Hamburg Institute of International Economics (HWWA) Mr. Axel MICHAELOWA Head of Programme Department for International Climate Change Ms. Sonja BUTZENGEIGER Research Fellow Mr. Michael DUTSCHKE Research Fellow International Climate Policy Ms. Hanh Hong DANG Research Fellow Ms. Martina JUNG Research Fellow Mr. Honorat SATOGUINA Research Fellow Ms. Maike SIPPEL Research Associate Mr. Matthias KREY Research Fellow Ms. Felicia MUELLER-PELZER Research Associate Mr. Gunnar GEYER Research Associate Ms. Pamposh S. BHAT Head CDM-India Mr. Stepan UNCOVSKY Mr. Frank JOTZO Australian National University Mr. Carlos Fernandez ARMIJOS

HELIO International (HELIO)

Mr. Chien-Te FAN

Mr. Rod JANSSEN President of Helio International

Mr. Chien-Ming LEE Mr. Young KU

Mr. Sandor MOLNAR Director

Mr. Ming-Min WANG

Mr. Atamao B.T. KANE

Mr. Shi-Long CHANG

Ms. Elina Leyla ARZAR

Mr. Kuei-Ming CHEN

Ms. Claudia VALLE Researcher Federal University of Rio de Janeiro

Ms. Yueh-Yuan TU Mr. Hong-Ming CHIANG

Imperial College, Centre for Environment Technology (IC) Mr. Michael J. GRUBB Visiting Professor Environmental Directorate-General

Mr. Wain-Sun HOU

Ms. Mary Jean BURER-VAN VLIET IPEAS Research Officer International Programme on the Economics of Atmospheric Sterilization

Mr. Kuo-Tung LIU Associate Chief Engineer CTCI Corporation

Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education (ICFRE)

Mr. Robert Shin-Chih SHIH Adviser Business Council for Sustainable Development

Mr. Ravinderpal Singh KATWAL Director General Ms. Hooda NEETA Head BCC & PR

Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) Mr. Jiunn-Rong YEH Energy & Resources Laboratories Mr. Ta-Hsiung LIN Energy & Resources Laboratories

Ms. Kristina LEMKE Ms. Soon-Ching HO Mr. Jason YAPP Caleb Management Services Limited Ms. Rosmarie METZ German Technical Cooperation Ms. Anna LEHMANN GFA Terra Systems GmbH Mr. Robert DILGER GTZ German Technical Cooperation Mr. Gerald KAPP GFA Terra Systems GmbH

Mr. Ching-Hui LU

Ms. Hui-Chen CHIEN Energy & Resources Laboratories

Ms. Shu-Li HSU

Mr. Hsin-Sen CHU Director General Mr. Jhy-Ming LU Director Sustainable Energy Research Division Mr. Chi-Feng HUANG Mr. Wen-Cheng HU Mr. Yu-Tsang LU Associate Researcher Mr. Honda CHEN Associate Reseacher Mr. Shang-Hsuing YU Mr. Nein-Hsiung KUO

Mr. Wei-Ming HUANG Energy & Resources Laboratories

Mr. Fung-Lu YEH Energy & Resources Laboratories

Mr. Yunn-Ming WANG Mr. Chun-Pin CHANG Mr. Ching-Kang WANG Consultant

Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES)

Mr. Wei-I CHANG Mr. Chi-Liang TSAI

Mr. Christian DANNECKER Ms. Chia-Hui SHEN

Mr. Hironori HAMANAKA Professor Faculty of Environmental Information Keio University

FCCC/CP/2004/INF.3 Page 92 Mr. Hiroyasu TOKUDA Secretary General

Institute for Sustainable Energy Policies (ISEP)

Instituto de Pesquisa Ambiental da Amazonia (IPAM)

Mr. Tae Yong JUNG Project Manager, Senior Research Fellow Climate Policy Project

Ms. Mika OHBAYASHI Director

Mr. Paulo R.S. MOUTINHO Research Coordinator IPAM, Belem Office

Mr. Srinivasan ANCHA Principal Research Fellow and Project Manager Climate Policy Project Mr. Kentaro TAMURA Researcher Climate Change Project Ms. Hitomi KIMURA Researcher Climate Policy Project Ms. Soondeok PARK Project Secretary Climate Policy Project Ms. Megumi YAJIMA Research Supporting Section Mr. Shinichi IIOKA CDM Programmer Climate Policy Project Ms. Yukimi SHIMURA Country Officer CDM Programme Mr. Keisuke IYADOMI Country Officer CDM Programme Mr. Jun ICHIHARA Country Officer CDM Programme Mr. Kazuhisa KOAKUTSU Country Officer CDM Programme Ms. Kayo IKEDA Country Officer CDM Programme Mr. Yuji MIZUNO Senior Consultant Pacific Consultants Co. Ltd. Mr. Toshio OGATA Professor of Economics Department of Economics Chuo University Ms. Ayumi NAGAI Graduate School of Frontier Sciences University of Tokyo

Institute of Cultural Affairs (ICA) Mr. Alexander URUSHADZE

Mr. Marcio SANTILLI Climate Change Project Research Coordinator

Mr. Marcial ARIAS GARCIA Fundación para la Promoción del Conocimiento Indígena

Mr. Carlos Afonso NOBRE Center for Weather Forecast and Climate Studies (CPTEC/INPE)



Mr. Miguel LOVERA

Ms. Erika PINTO IPAM Brasília

Mr. Sandy GAUNTLETT Adviser


Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex (IDS)

Ms. Claudia AZEVEDO-RAMOS Researcher

Sra. Emma Lucy FREW

Ms. Maria de Araújo BARBOSA DE AQUINO Consultant

Mme Tamara LEVINE Research Assistant Mr. Peter NEWELL Doctor Department of Politics and International Relations Ms. Kath PASTEUR Research Officer Ms. Farhana YAMIN Fellow in Environment

Institute of Energy Economics, Japan (IEEJ) Mr. Hiroki KUDO Group Manager Environment Group/Energy Conservation Group Ms. Miki YANAGI Researcher Energy Data and Modelling Unit Mr. Naoki MATSUO Chair, Senior Research Fellow Climate Experts Ltd

Mr. Juan-Carlos CARRASCO RUEDA Conselho Nacional dos Seringueiros Mr. Joaquim CORRÊA DE SOUZA BELO Conselho Nacional dos Seringueiros

Instituto Ecoplan Sr. Marco Aurelio ZILIOTTO President Mr. Carlos SANQUETA Scientist Mr. Marcelo Dias JORDAN Specialist Ms. Ana Paula DALLACORTE Scientist Ms. Gessica MASSULINI Journalist Ms. Alessandra VILLA Specialist

Instituto Torcuato Di Tella (ITDT) Ms. Maki SATO Researcher Climate Experts Ltd

Ms. Beatriz ORTLIEB Ms. Micaela CARLINO

Ms. Kanako FUKUNAGA TANAKA Researcher Environment/Energy Conservation Group

Sr. Luciano DI TELLA

FCCC/CP/2004/INF.3 Page 93 Instituto Torcuato Di Tella (ITDT) (continued) Sr. Daniel PERCZYK Coordinador del Centro de Estudios en Cambio Global Sr. Luis CAVANNA Sr. Miguel ZORRAQUIN

Mr. Henry THOMAS Consultant UNEP Finance Initiative

International Center for Environmental Technology Transfer (ICETT)

Mr. Sascha LAFELD Head 3C Climate Change Consulting Gmbh

Mr. Morihiro KURUSHIMA Manager CTI Programme New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization

Mr. Thomas LOSTER Head Weather/Climate Risk Research Münchener Rück-Gesellschaft

Mr. Taiki KURODA CTI Programme Secretariat

Sr. Luis PEDRAZA Sr. Angel MENENDEZ Asesor Sr. Inés CAMILLONI Doctor in Atmospheric Sciences

Mr. Peter HOEPPE Head Geo Risks Department Münchener Rück-Gesellschaft Mr. Gustavo PORTALUPPI Country Risk Officer ABN AMRO Bank N.V Argentina

Sra. Moira DOYLE Sr. Hernán BEZAZIAN Sr. Daniel KRAITMAN Mr. Rubén BEJARÁN Mr. Mario NUÑEZ Sr. José Alberto GARIBALDI FERNANDEZ Director General Instituto de Energía Secretaría de Energía

Sr. Horacio ESCOFET

Ms. Malena SELL Project Officer Environment and Agriculture

Mr. Carlos JOLY Senior Vice President Storebrand

Ms. Heike BAUMÜLLER Programme Manager Natural Resources

Mr. Rolf HAESSLER Geo Risks Research Division Münchener Rück-Gesellschaft

Mr. Ricardo MELENDEZ-ORTIZ Executive Director

Mr. Mark WAY Swiss Reinsurance Company

Ms. Carmenza ROBLEDO

International Aluminium Institute (IAI)


Mr. Robert J. CHASE Secretary General Mr. Jerry MARKS Climate Change Consultant

Mr. Marcelo IEZZI Ms. Maria Cristina SANZ MENDIOLA

International Association of Public Transport (IUTP)


Mr. Lloyd WRIGHT University College London

Insurance Initiative/UNEP

Ms. Heather Caroline ALLEN Sustainable Development Manager

Mr. Paul CLEMENTS-HUNT Head Finance Initiatives Ms. Lisa PETROVIC Consultant UNEP Finance Initiative

International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development (ICTSD)

Ms. Marcela Beatriz CASAL Abeledo Gottheil Abogados S.C


Mr. Wakasa YAMADA Officer CTI Programme Secretariat

International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) Sr. Susan M. WOODS Science Liaison Queens University Sra. Maria Eugenia ABDALA Pasante Sustainable Business Unit Mr. Nestor ALONSO Secretary WEC Argentine Committee Mr. Jorge Luis ARIZA Law Consultant Joaquin Ledesma & Asoc. Sr. Adrien ASSOUS Researcher Sustainability Business Unit Joaquin Ledesma & Asoc. Sr. Juan Pablo BADIA Gerente de Proyectos INSTARG-SIAP ARGENTINA S.A. Sr. Eduardo BARREIRO Advisor World Energy Council Argentine Committee Sr. Walter BECKER Pasante Sustainability Business Unit

FCCC/CP/2004/INF.3 Page 94 International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) (continued) Mr. Lucas BEN Jefe Evaluacion de Proyectos Consur S.R.L. Ms. Lilian BRODTMANN Owner and Manager Trigo-Comidas Naturales Mr. Maximo CAFICI Energy and Environmental Department Law Firm Allonca Sra. Luis Maria CALVO Presidente Hidroestructuras S.A. Mr. Nick CAMPBELL Environment Manager Arkema Chemicals Ms. Maria José CANEPA Analyst Planning Commercial Department Tecpetrol Sr. Eduardo CASARRAMONA Energy Expert Joaquin Ledesma & Asoc.

Mr. Frits DE GROOT Senior Advisor Energy Affairs and Climate Change Confederation of Employers VNO-NCW Mr. Carlos DI PALMA Director Eco Automotor Mr. Facundo ETCHEBEHERE Senior Economist Joaquin Ledesma & Asoc. Mr. Ricardo FALABELLA Advisor World Energy Council Argentine Committee Mr. Carlos FEIGUIN Environmental Coordinator Instituto Argentino de Normalización y Certificación Mr. Rubén Juan FESTINESE Enterprises Consultant Rubén Festinese & Asociados Sr. Jose FONROUGE Environmental Manager Grupo Techint

Mr Roberto Pablo CASTILLO Associated Consultant Grupo Arrayanes

Mr. David FRIEDMAN Director Environmental Advocacy National Petrochemical & Refiners Association

Sr. Hipolito CHOREN Coordinator Ambiental Asociación Generadores Energia Electrica

Mr. Ronald GANZ Chairman Swiss Petroleum Association

Mr. Bryce CORBETT Media Consultant Communications Department

Sr. Julio GARCIA VELASCO Executive Director Grupo Arrayanes

Sr. Miguel Angel CORTES DIAZ Consultor/Investigador de Mercado Ingenieria IPA Argentina

Mr. F. Dee GAVORA Director Environmental Policy American Forest and Paper Association

Sr. José CROTTO Project Executive Director Samconsult S.A.

Sr. Marcelo GOMEZ Presidente Cámara Empresaria de Medio Ambiente

Mr. Juan Cruz JAIME Coordinator Sustainability Business Unit Joaquin Ledesma & Asoc.

Sr. Marcelo Jorge BAIGORRI GUERRICO Cámara Empresaria de Medio Ambiente

Sra. Constanza CSEH Pasante Sustainability Business Unit Joaquin Ledesma & Asoc. Ms. Guadalupe CUNEO Manager Sustainability Business Unit Joaquin Ledesma & Asoc.

Mr. Jacob HANDELSMAN Senior Director International Trade American Forest and Paper Association Mr. Rolf HARTL Managing Director Swiss Petroleum Association Sr. Eduardo HILSENRAT Miembro de la Comisión de Medio Ambiente

Mr. Yasuo HOSOYA Adviser Tokyo Electric Power Company Sr. Guillermo HUARTE Asesor Ambiental ExxonMobil Argentina Ms. Maria Jimena JOBE Junior Assistant Environmental Department Aeropuertos Arg. 2000 Ms. Norine KENNEDY Vice President Environmental Affairs United States Council for International Business Ms. Sharon KNEISS Vice President Regulatory Affairs American Forest and Paper Association Sr. Adolfo KOUTOUDJIAN Director Consur S.R.L. Sra. Adriana KOWALEWSKI Gerente Asociación Generadores Energia Electrica Mr. Joaquin LEDESMA Director Joaquin Ledesma & Asoc. Sr. Andrea LEONARDIS Consultor Sr. Ms. Carmen Longa VIRASORO Director Joaquin Ledesma & Asoc. Ms. Erica LUCERO Lawyer Le Pera & Lessa Lawfirm Mr. Gabriel Ricardo MACCHIAVELLO Lawyer Allende & Brea Sr. Daniel MARADEI General Director Garruchos S.A. Ms. Silvia Mares VON KLAUSER Project Manager Consur S.R.L. Sr. Artemio MARINOZZI Director Consultora Internacional de Negocios

FCCC/CP/2004/INF.3 Page 95 International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) (continued) Mr. Luc DE MARLIAVE Climate Change Coordinator Total Sra. Marina MARTINEZ MEIJIDE Head Environmental Law Saliba & Asociados Mr. George William MEYRICK Clean Air Capital Ltd Sr. Marcos FERNÁNDEZ MOUJAN Associated Consultant Grupo Arrayanes Sr. Federico MOYANO Forestry Expert Sustainability Business Joaquin Ledesma & Asoc. Mr. Matias NOTTI Project Executive Coordinator Samconsult S.A. Sra. Maria OGANDO Pasante Sustainability Business Unit Joaquin Ledesma & Asoc. Mr. Conor O'PREY Managing Director Clean Air Capital Ltd Mr. Horacio Alberto PEREZ Law Consultant Joaquin Ledesma & Asoc. Mr. Andrew PETERSEN Partner Environment and Development PriceWaterhouseCoopers - USA Sr. Carlos PIERRO President World Energy Council Argentine Committee Ms. Brigitte POOT Senior Advisor Climate Change/Air Total Sr. Sergio Carlos RECIO Coordinator Camara Argentina de Comercio

Sr. Marcelo E. ROLON Jefe de Silvicultura Investigacion y Desarrollo Establecimiento Las Marias SACIFA Mr. Alejandro ROSSI Attorney at Law Valls & Rossi Ms. Claudia RUIZ Planeamiento y Marketing Estratégico SGS Argentina Mr. Ernesto SALIBA Lawyer Saliba & Asociados Mr. Ricardo SEMBERG Treasurer World Energy Council Argentine Committee Mr. Hugo Cesar SUFFRITI Corporate Advisor SGS Argentina Mr. Alan TATE Senior Deputy Chair Partner Cambiar Pty Ltd Sr. Luis Alberto TRAMA Environmental Manager Instituto Argentino de Normalización y Certificación Sra. Claudia VALLS Representante de Eldial Albrematica S.A. Sra. Mariana VALLS Profesora e investigadora de la UBA Valls & Rossi

Mr. Martin FRAGUIO Executive Director Maizar Ms. Maria Emilia YANEZ Interpreter Estudio Lucille Barnes Ms. Andrea LALO Interpreter Traducción e interpretación Estudio Lucille Barnes Ms. Adriana CAMINITI Interpreter Traducción e interpretación Estudio Lucille Barnes Ms. Marina MAZZOCCHI Interpreter Traducción e interpretación Estudio Lucille Barnes Ms. Ana Karina ESTEVES DE SOUZA Lawyer Machado, Meyer, Sendacz e opice Advogados Ms. Simone NOGUEIRA Lawyer Associate Pinheiro Pedro Lawyers Ms. Christine COPLEY Senior Manager World Coal Institute Ms. Elisabet Neomi RODRIGUEZ Jefe Seccion Gestion Ambiental Nucleoeléctrica Argentina Sociedad Anonima Mr. Carlos GONZALEZ GUERRICO Mr. Fernando CUBILLOS

Sra. Maria Magdalena VENDITTI Lawyer Allende & Brea Ms. Fiona WAIN Chief Executive Officer Environment Business Australia Sra. María Cristina ZEBALLOS DE SISTO Directora Proyectos de Turismo Sustentable Catalinas Suites Apart Hotel

Ms. Marta M JOAN Sr. Andrés ANASTASI Coordinator Sustainable Business Unit Joaquin Ledesma & Asoc. Mr. Sabino MASTRANGELO Logistics Assistance in Operation Compañia Administradora del Mercado Mayorista Eléctrico

Mr. Alejandro Gabriel ZITZER Sales Manager Numericon S.A.

International Climate Change Partnership (ICCP)

Sra. Antonella RISSO Pasante Sustainability Business Unit Joaquin Ledesma & Asoc.

M. Thierry CHAUMEIL Avocat Hogan & Hartson

Mr. Steven H. BERNHARDT Global Director Regulatory Affairs Chemicals Honeywell International

Mr. Patrice ROLLET General Manager AVANTEC

Ms. Ruth KILE Executive Officer Renewable and Sustainable Energy Roundtable


FCCC/CP/2004/INF.3 Page 96 International Climate Change Partnership (ICCP) (continued)

M. Lucien Aimé ROYER Director OHSE

International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI)

Ms. Maureen DONAHUE HARDWICK International Pharmaceutical Aerosol Consortium

Mr. Marcelos TEMISTOCLES Unified Workers Confederation

Mr. Parin SHAH Director UN World Environment Day

Mr. Kevin FAY Executive Director

Ms. Rita DE CASSIA EVARISTO Instituto Nacional de Saude no Trabalho

Mr. Guillermina KOCH City of Buenos Aires

Ms. Sarah M. HARPER Intel Corporation

Mr. Jesus María LANDA AROCENA CCOO España

Ms. Moira ACHINELLI City of Buenos Aires

Mr. Steve HARPER Intel Corporation

Ms. Maria Cristina NAVARRO PIT CNT Uruguay

Mr. Marcelo BORMIOLI City of Buenos Aires

Mr. Thomas R. JACOB Senior Adviser, Global Affairs DuPont

Mr. Jose PEDRAZA Confederación General del Trabajo de la República Argentina

Ms. Maria del Pilar MOLINA

Ms. Kathryn SHANKS BP America Inc.

Mr. Jorge RAMADA PIT CNT Uruguay

Ms. Suzanne WERKEMA Arkema Chemicals

Mr. Antonio SILVAN OLIVEIRA FS Força Sindical

Mr. Tom WERKEMA Arkema Chemicals

Mr. Luis VERA CUT Paraguay

International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU)

Ms. Constanza ZELASCHI CTA

Mr. Pierre BOBE Societe d'expertise comptable Confederation Francaise Démocratique du Travail M. Ruben CORTINA Confederación General del Trabajo de la República Argentina Ms. Sophie DUPRESSOIR European Trade Union Confederation Mr. Winston GERELUK Public Services International Sr. Ivan GONZALEZ International Conferederation of Free Trade Unions-Organizacíon Regional Interamericana de Trabajadores Ms. Laura MARTIN MURILLO Confederación Sindical de Comisiones Obreras - Confederación Europea de Sindicatos Mme Mieke RAEDEMAECKER Relations Internationales Fédération générale du travail de Belgique Sra. Anabella ROSEMBERG Stagiere Trade Union Advisory Committee to the OECD

Mr. Jehan DE CROP Sr. Luis ANSALDO Confederación General del Trabajo de la República Argentina Sra. Silvia BAEZ Confederación General del Trabajo de la República Argentina Sr. Carlos BEN Confederación General del Trabajo de la República Argentina Mr. Natividad HERNANDO MARTIN Union General de Trabajadores Sra. Dora MARTINEZ CTA Sra. Claudia PEDRAZA Confederación General del Trabajo de la República Argentina Sra. Nora Carmen SOLANO Confederación General del Trabajo de la República Argentina Sr. Joaquín NIETO SÁINZ Director Consejo Asesor del Medio Ambiente (CCOO) Ministerio de Medio Ambiente

Mr. Fernando PASOS City of Buenos Aires Ms Helena BARRACO-NOGUÉS Urban Services and Environment Barcelona City Council Ms. Toni PUJOL Barcelona Energy Agency Mr. Bob PRICE Director Cities for Climate Protection International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives - U.S. Office Ms. Victoria LUDWIG Independent Consultant International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives - U.S. Office Mr. Jim YIENGER Technical Program Manager Cities for Climate Protection International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives - U.S. Office Ms. Michelle PAWAR Executive Director for US International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives - U.S. Office Mr. Ryan BELL Program Specialist Sustainability Initiatives International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives - U.S. Office Ms. Pam Gallares GALLERUS-OPPUS Regional Manager Southeast Asia International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives - Southeast Asia

FCCC/CP/2004/INF.3 Page 97 International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI) (continued)

Ms. Imma MAYOL Deputy Mayor City of Barcelona Barcelona City Council

Mr. Gino VAN BEGIN Regional Director for Europe International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives/ European Secretariat

Mr. Gabriele ALBERTINI Mayor City of Milan

Ms. Margarita Maria PARRA Technical Manager International Council for Local Environment Initiatives - Latin America and Caribbean Secretariat Mr. Pablo PONTES Technical Assistant International Council for Local Environment Initiatives - Latin America and Caribbean Secretariat Mr. Francisco ALARCÓN Advisor International Council for Local Environment Initiatives - Latin America and Caribbean Secretariat Ms. Diana SEGOVIA Program Coordinator International Council for Local Environment Initiatives - Latin America and Caribbean Secretariat

Mr. James MARZILLI State Representative Comittee on Energy Massachusetts House of Representatives Mr. John LARSEN Assistant to Representative Marzilli Massachusetts House of Representatives Ms. Dara OLMSTED Assistant to Representative Marzilli Massachusetts House of Representatives Mr. Thais CORRAL Coordinator REDEH Mr. Oscar VAZQUEZ Advisor to the Secretary of Environment City of Mexico Sra. Concepcion Tellez ESPINOZA Legal Advisor City of Mexico

Ms. Patricia KRANZ President of ICLEI Brazil International Council for Local Environment Initiatives - Latin America and Caribbean Secretariat

Sr. Helios ESEVERRI Mayo City of Olavarría

Ms. Megan JAMIESON Program Coordinator

Sr. Gabriel BLANCO Professor National University of Central Buenos Aires Province

Mr. David DAY Director Environmental Management, City of Calgary

Ms. Louise COTÊ Director Canada's CDM and JI Office

Mr. Malcolm LOGAN Director Transportation Planning Business Unit, City of Calgary Ms. Patricia ROSS Councillor City of Abbotsford Mr. Peter ANDZANS Manager Environment & Community Planning, City of Abbotsford Mr. Ross ANDERSON Mayor Ms. Chitra RAMACHANDRAN Commissioner Municipal Corporation of Hyderabad

Sr. Pedro SABAT Mayor Nuñoa Ms. Marta SUPLICY Mayor City of Sao Paulo Mr. Adriano DIOGO Secretary of Environment City of Sao Paulo Ms. Kelly Cristina SANTOS Press and Media Advisor City of Sao Paulo Ms. Laura CENEVIVA Programs Coordinator City of Sao Paulo

Ms. Teresa Maria EMÍDIO Technical Adviser City of Sao Paulo Mr. Carlaile PEDROSA Mayor City of Betim Ms. Cleide Izabel PEDROSA DE MELO Secretary of Environment City of Betim Mr. Carlos GOMES Technical Advisor City of Betim Mr. Afonso Henrique FRAGA DE SOUZA President of Transportation City of Betim Mr. Pedro Wilson GUIMARES Mayor City of Goiâna Mr. Walter CARDOSO Secretary of Environment City of Goiâna Mr. Robson SANTOS Technical Advisor City of Goiâna Mr. Joao VERLE Mayor City of Porto Alegre Ms. Maria Cristina PIOVESAN Director of Transportation City of Porto Alegre Mr. Dieter WARTCHOW Secretary of Environment City of Porto Alegre Ms. Beatriz WEISS Technical Advisor City of Porto Alegre Mr. Antonio Francisco NETO Mayor City of Volta Redonda Mr. Luiz Carlos RODRIGUES Secretary of Environment City of Volta Redonda Ms. Anna Claudia ZAMBOTI Technical Advisor City of Volta Redonda Mr. Cesar MAIA Mayor City of Rio de Janeiro

FCCC/CP/2004/INF.3 Page 98 International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI) (continued)

Sra. Monica CAPPELLINI Secretary of Environment and Production City of Avellaneda

Mr. Harvey ABRAHAMS Managing Director Natsource LLC

Mr. Luis Eduardo PIZZOTTE Programs Coordinator City of Rio de Janeiro

Sr. Humberto BORSANI Subsecretary for Environment City of Avellaneda

Ms. Paula ACZEL Senior Consultant ICF Consulting

Ms. Katia Christina FERREIRA Technical Advisor City of Rio de Janeiro

Sr. Raul DÁMICO Technical Advisor City of Avellaneda

Ms. Renata AMARAL Associate Baker & McKenzie

Ms. Nilmar Gavino RUIZ Mayor City of Palmas

Sr. Marie June MOW Subdirector of Environment City of Bogotá

Mr. Cédric AMMANN Research Assistant

Mr. Marcello DE LIMA LELLIS Councilor City of Palmas

Sra. Margarita GUTIERREZ Technical Adviser City of Bogotá

Mr. Herbert VERAS Mayor City of Palmas

Sr. Edgar ROJAS Programs Coordinator City of Bogotá

Sr. Anibal IBARRA Mayor City of Buenos Aires

Ms. Kim LUNDGREN Environmental Agent City of Medford

Sr. Vensentini MARCELO Subsecretary for Environment City of Buenos Aires

Ms. Amelia RAVIN Community Program Associate Clean AirCool Planet

Sr. Horacio WALTER Director of Environmental Assessment and Policy City of Buenos Aires


Sr. Juan Manuel VELAZCO President of Ecology Commission City Council City of Buenos Aires Sra. Marisa DIAS Programs Coordinator City of Buenos Aires Sr. Eduardo AGUILERA Mayor City of Tome Sr. Gaston PALMA Vice Mayor City of Tome Sr. Jorge Negrete PASCAL City Manager City of Tome Sr. Jose Quinteros CONCHA Technical Advisor City of Tome Sr. Baldomero ALVAREZ DE OLIVERA Mayor City of Avellaneda

Ms. Louise BARKLI Manager Mr. Richard BEDNAREK Registry Administrator Caisse des dépôts et consignations Mr. Hugo T. BERKEMEYER Partner Berkemeyer Attorneys & Counselors Mr. Werner BETZENBICHLER Head of Department Carbon Management Service TuV Industrie Service GmbH Tuv Sud Gruppe Mr. Paul BLEDSOE Director of Communications and Strategy National Commission on Energy Policy Ms. Corinne BOONE Managing Director


Mr. Luis BREUER Lawyer Berkemeyer Attorneys & Counselors

International Council of Environmental Law (ICEL)

Mr. Jorund BUEN Partner Point Carbon

S.E. Sr. Julio BARBERIS Embajador Comisión Mixta Argentino-Paraguaya del Río Paraná

Mr. Claudio CARPIO Chief Operations Officer MGM International

Mr. Juan A. BAEZ

International Emissions Trading Association (IETA) M. Edwin AALDERS Manager Ms. Antonia ABAD PUERTOLAS Dirección de Medio Ambiente y Desarrollo Sostenible Endesa Servicios S.L.

Ms. Ivana CEPON Senior Research Analyst MGM International Mr. Jack COGEN President Natsource LLC Mr. Neil COHN Senior Director Natsource LLC Mr. Nuno CUNHA E SILVA Director EcoSecurities Ltd.

FCCC/CP/2004/INF.3 Page 99 International Emissions Trading Association (IETA) (continued)

Ms. Mariko FUJIMORI Manager/Senior Consultant Pacific Consultants Co. Ltd.

Mr. Tamura KOSHO Manager Natsource Japan Co. Ltd.

Mr. Fabrizio D'ADDA Group Senior Vice President Healty, Safety and Environment Department ENI S.P.A/ SAIPEM

Sr. Fabián GAIOLI Project Manager MGM International

Sra. Alejandra KRÄMER Service Head Environmental Services SGS Argentina

Mr. Rutger DE WITT WIJNEN Partner De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek Mr. Carlos Henrique DELPUPO Manager PriceWaterhouseCoopers - Brazil Mr. Anthony A. DI NICOLA Emissions Marketing Consultant Unocal

Mr. Philippe GERMA Senior Vice President CDC IXIS Financial Engineering Mr. David GLOSKI Executive VP ESP Mr. Olivier GREMONT Directeur gestion sous mandat Caisse des dépôts et consignations

Mr. Robert DORNAU Conference Director

Mr. Henrik HASSELKNIPPE Senior Analyst PointCarbon

Sr. Gautam DUTT Chief Technology Officer MGM International

Mr. Tatsushi HEMMI Global Environment Research Pacific Consultants Co. Ltd.

Ms. Olivia ECKERSLEY Research Assistant

Mr. Chris HENDERSON CEO The Delphi Group

Mr. Mauro FADDA GHG Auditor Calidad, Capacitacíon y Asesoría S.A. ccaQualitas

Ms. Deidre HERBST Environmental Manager Generation Division ESKOM

Mr. Guilherme FAGUNDES Senior Aide to the Business and Market Development Sector Brazilian Mercantile & Futures Exchange

Ms. Luzía HIRATA Supervisor PriceWaterhouseCoopers - Brazil

Ms. Christine FEDIGAN GHG Policy Director Gaz de France

Mr. David HONE Adviser Group Climate Change Shell International

Mr. Pablo FERNANDEZ DE MELLO E SOUZA Adviser Ecosecurities Ltd - Brazil Mr. Pablo FERNANDEZ GUILLEN Manager Endesa Servicios S.L. Mr. Fabricio FERREYRA Head of Department ATISAE Argentina Mr. David FINDLAY Senior Advisor North American Affairs Mr. Derrick FORRISTER Managing Director Natsource Tullett London Ltd.

Mr. Michael INTRATOR Managing Director Global Emissions Market Natsource LLC Mr. Giuseppe IORIO Director ENI Mr. Rodrigo ITURRALDE Director of Latin America Natsource LLC Mr. Abid KALMALI Senior Vice President ICF Consulting Sr. Andrea KLOBUS Administrative Coordinator MGM International

Ms. Céline LAUVERJAT Principal Caisse des dépôts et consignations Mme Irma LUBRECHT Manager Technical Competence Centre Société générale de surveillance Mr. Chikako MAKINO GHG Auditor TÜV Product Service Japan Ltd Mr. Andrei MARCU President and CEO Ms. Christiane MAROUN Project Manager Mr. Rafael MARQUES Chicago Climate Exchange Ms. Daniela MAURI QHSE ENI S.P.A/ SAIPEM Ms. Sonia MEDINA GOMEZ Senior Adviser EcoSecurities Ltd. Ms. Beatriz MELLO Senior Associate Baker & McKenzie Mr. Augusto MELLO Senior Consultant ICF Consulting Sr. Heinrich MEYERHOLZ Chief Executive Officer Calidad, Capacitacíon y Asesoría S.A. ccaQualitas Mr. Marco MONROY President MGM International Mr. Pedro MOURA COSTA Managing Director EcoSecurities Ltd. Mr. Justin MUNDY Global Markets Deutsche Bank Mr. Lasse NORD Senior Vice President Climate Change and Environment Norsk Hydro ASA

FCCC/CP/2004/INF.3 Page 100 International Emissions Trading Association (IETA) (continued) Ms. Marte NORDSETH Analyst PointCarbon Mr. Takuya OHGUSHI Manager Climate Change Services PriceWaterhouseCoopers - Japan Sra. Claudia OTTAGGIO TAS Coordinator SGS Argentina Sr. Ricardo PAVEZ GHG Auditor Calidad, Capacitacíon y Asesoría S.A. ccaQualitas Sra. Yolanda PEREIRA ZALDIVAR Lawyer Berkemeyer Attorneys & Counselors Sra. Maria PIA IANNARIELLO Chief Financial Officer MGM International Ms. Wendy POULTON Corporate Sustainability and Environment Manager ESKOM

Mr. Henk SA Consultant EcoSecurities Ltd. Mr. Richard SANDOR Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Chicago Climate Exchange Mr. Anthony SCOTT Senior Manager Stakeholder Management ESKOM Mr. Laurent SEGALEN Vice President Climate Change Sevices CDC IXIS Financial Engineering Mr. Akira SEKINE Manager Sustainability Audit Service Det Norske Veritas As, DNV Certification Japan Mr. Paul SOFFE Senior Adviser Project Developmet EcoSecurities Ltd. Mr. Lee SOLSBERY Global Practice Leader Energy and Climate Change Environmental Resources Management

Mr. Laurent PIERMONT Manager Société forestière

Mr. Douglas F. STILWELL Team Leader Environmental Credits International Paper

Mr. Johan PYPE Senior Consultant Carbon Management TRACTEBEL

Mr. Marc STUART Director EcoSecurities Ltd.

Sr. Juan REBOLLEDO IT Coordinator MGM International Ms. Flavia RESENDE Adviser Ecosecurities Ltd - Brazil Ms. Karen RISSE Corporate Environment International Paper Company Sra. Mariel Elizabeth RIVADAVIA Lawyer MGM International Ms. Myriam RONDET manager Société forestière Mr. Michael RUMBERG Head of Division CDM/JI TÜV Süddeutschland Bau und Betrieb GmbH

Mr. Kenji SUZUKI Manager Pacific Consultants Co. Ltd. Mr. Kristian TANGEN Chief Executive Officer PointCarbon Mr. Gray E. TAYLOR Partner Environmental Group Davies, Ward & Beck LLP Mr. Einar TELNES Technical Director Climate Change Services Det Norske Veritas Mr. Dante TOLLIO GHG Auditor ATISAE Argentina Ms. Anna VAN DER KAMP Director The Delphi Group

Mr. Marco VAN DER LINDEN Project Manager Climate Change Programme SGS Nederland B.V. Mr. Bruno VANDERBORGHT Vice President Holcim Group Support Mr. Paul VICKERS Managing Director Natsource Asset Management Corp. Ms. Vera VIDIGAL Associate Baker & McKenzie Sr. Sergio VIVES Vice President Americas Mr. Michael J. WALSH Senior Vice President Chicago Climate Exchange Mr. Itaru WATANABE Advisor Japan Quality Assurance Organisation Mr. Martijn WILDER Partner & Head Global Climate Change Practice Baker & McKenzie Mr. Michael WRIGLESWORTH Senior Adviser European Affairs Mr. Kazuhito YAMADA Manager, Global Environment Research Group Environment Department Pacific Consultants Co. Ltd. Ms. Mayumi YOSHIDA Senior Accessor Climate Change Services PriceWaterhouseCoopers - Japan Ms. Nuria ZANZOTTERA Technical Research Staff MGM International Ms. Marisa ZARAGOZI Technical Research Staff MGM International Mr. Jorge Ruben ZAVATTI Environmental Manager MGM International Mr. Thorsten ANSORG Emissions Trader Nuon Energy Trade Mr. Robert DE BOER Emissions Trader Nuon Energy Trade

FCCC/CP/2004/INF.3 Page 101 International Emissions Trading Association (IETA) (continued) Mr. Kevin L. JOHNSON Senior Project Manager URS Corporation Ltd. Mr. Olaf KALLINICH Manager Nuon Energy Trade Sra. Carolina DIAZ Manager MGM International Sr. Eron BLOOMGARDEN Project Manager EcoSecurities Ltd - New York Sr. William PAZOS Partner ECOINVEST Sr. Juan Carlos URQUIDI Partner Urquidi, Riesco & Co, Law Firm Mr. Errick WILLIS Vice-President ICF Consulting, Inc. Mr. Alberto IANNARIELLO Manager MGM International

Mr. Bruce USHER CEO EcoSecurities Ltd - New York Mr. Miguel Rousseau PORTALIS Director Latinoconsult Mr. Stephen WILSON ERM Mr. Gabriel RATHE Sr. Masaya INAMURO Senior Operations Officer Carbon Finance Bussiness, The World Bank Ms. Aline RIBAS Research Analyst Natsource Asset Management Corp. Mr. Sumie NAKAYAMA Manager J-POWER Mr. Wolfgang LUTZ CDM Consultant MGM International Mr. Florencio Velasco DONOSO Director Vertedero Lepanto Ltd.

Mr. Ruben LOY MGM International

Mr. Camilo Velasco DONOSO Director Vertedero Lepanto Ltd.

Mr. Carlos MONROY Manager MGM International

Mr. Nicolas Velasco DONOSO Director Vertedero Lepanto Ltd.

Mr. Chester BROWN Soliator Clifford Chance

Mr. Jose Antonio Velasco DONOSO Director Vertedero Lepanto Ltd.

Sr. Hector Eliseo COPPOLI Mechanical Engineer/ Inspection Department ATISAE Argentina

Mr. Sergio Bihan MORENO Director Vertedero Lepanto Ltd.

Sr. Michael BROWN Project Development Manager Pacific Hydro Chile Sr. Marco BEDOYA Cemex Trademarks Worldwide Ltd. Ms. Melissa CREEDE Vice President The Delphi Group Mr. Daniel Luis MARTINO CARBOSUR Mr. Sebastiaan WALHAIN Fortis Merchant Bank Environmental Products

Ms. Liv RATHE Director Business Development Norsk Hydro ASA Ms. Olga GASAN-ZADE Senior Analyst PointCarbon Mr. Natsuki TSUKADA Project Manager MGM International Sra. Laura BERTI Det Norske Veritas Sra. Mariana SBARRA Det Norske Veritas

Sr. Sergio GIL Det Norke Veritas Mr. Edgardo DEVOTO Det Norske Veritas Mr. Masahito HIRATAKE Senior Operations Officer Mr. Louis REDSHAW Head of Environmental Markets Barclays Capital Mr. Klaus NÜRNBERGER GHG Auditor TÜV Süddeutschland Holding AG Mr. Christian PATRICKSON Arauco Generación S.A. Mr. Abyd KARMALI Director ICF Consulting Mr. Mark PROEGLER Director Business Development BP America Inc. Mr. Craig Douglas EBERT Executive Vice President ICF Consulting Mr. Vicenzo MIOZZA Environmental Manager Mr. Paul ZAKKOUR Consultant ERM Mr. James ATKINS Partner Vertis Environmental Finance Mr. David UNGAR Vertis Environmental Finance Sr. Jaime SUREDA JUAREZ IBERDROLA Sr. Iban CHICO DE LA FELICIDAD Jefe Medio Ambiente Sr. Pedro Felipe VIAL Baker & McKenzie International Ms. Tatyana KOSSEKOVA Head of Sales and Ge Power Systems Ms. Marialba ENDELLI CDM Consultant MGM International

FCCC/CP/2004/INF.3 Page 102 International Emissions Trading Association (IETA) (continued)

Mr. Mauricio MORAN

International Gas Union (IGU) Ms. Heloisa SCHNEIDER Gerente PricewaterhouseCoopers Mr. Samuel BARBOSA Gerente de novos negócios DNV Ms. Heloisa SCHNEIDER Gerente PricewaterhouseCoopers

International Fertilizer Industry Association (IFA) Ms. Kristen Elizabeth SUKALAC Head of Information and Communications Ms. Susan M. WOOD Science Liaison BIOCAP Canada Foundation Quenn's University Mr. Robert J. RENNIE Vice President Corporate Affairs/South America Agrium Inc Mr. Roger L. LARSON President Canadian Fertiliser Institute Sr. Arnoldo A. GIROTTI General Manager Profertil S.A. Sr. Alejandrano DELFINO Director Ms. Cristina MANZANO Head of Institutional Relations Sociedad Rural Argentina

International Forestry Students' Association (IFSA) Ms. Ariel Martin AMOROSO Agronomic Engeneer student

Mr. Bert PANMAN Chairman of IGU Coordination Commitee 2003-2006 Gastransport Services Gasunie

Ms. Myriam TRUCHON Director of Environment Hydro Québec Mr. Pravin KARKI Executive Secretary Mr. Antonio Fonseca DOS SANTOS Environmental Director Brascan Brasil

Mr. Ulco VERMEULEN Manager Gasunie

International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)

Mr. Arturo FRANICEVICH Technical Director Instituto Argentino del Petroleo & del Gas

Mr. Markus AMANN Leader Transboundary Airs Pollution

Ms. Alejandra CUNADO Assistant to the National Commitee Secretary Instituto Argentino del Petroleo & del Gas

Mr. Fabian WAGNER Research Scholar Transboundary Airs Pollution Program

Mr. Roberto D. BRANDT Incoming Chairman of IGU Coordination Committee 2006-2009 Instituto Argentino del Petroleo & del Gas Mr. Andrés KIDD Incoming Secretary of IGU Corodination Commitee 2006-2009 Instituto Argentino del Petroleo & del Gas Mr. Fernando ROMAIN Director Gas Instituto Argentino del Petroleo & del Gas Mr. Peter K. STORM Secretary General of IGU Mr. Jan Paul VAN SOEST JPS Sustainability Consulting Ms. Monique SCHOONDORP Gastransport Services Ms. Rosa RODRÍGUEZ Technical Activities Manager Mr. Carlos BORGES Technical Activities Assistant


Mr. Roberto CUNNINGHAM General Director


Mr. Walter SCHMALE

Mr. Nilton Augusto RUIZ RODRIGUEZ Forestry Engineer


Ms. Yamile Julio CASTILLO IFSA Councillor 2004-2005

International Hydropower Association (IHA)

Mr. Manuel Fernando TORRES GOMEZ IFSA Latin American Regional Representative

Mr. Refaat-Abdel MALEK Vice Chairman MWH Global, Inc.

Mr. Leo SCHRATTENHOLZER Leader Environmentally Compatible Energy Strategies Mr. Nebojsa NAKICENOVIC Project Leader Transitions to New Technologies Mr. Gunnar SJOESTEDT Research Scholar Processes of International Negociations Program Mr. Dirk HANSCHEL Research Scholar Processes of International Negociations Program Ms. Joanna DEPLEDGE Research Scholar Processes of International Negociations Program Ms. Susan E RILEY Manager Office of Sponsered Research

International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED) Ms. Hannah REID Research Associate Climate Change Ms. Janet BOSTON Mr. Laurel MURRAY Ms. Sarah LA TROBE

FCCC/CP/2004/INF.3 Page 103 International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED) (continued)

Ms. Anne HAMMILL Project Manager Climate Change and Energy

Mr. Saleemul HUQ Director Climate Change Programme

Ms. Jodi BROWNE Project Manager Climate Change & Energy

Ms. Sylvie WHITE Tearfund

Mr. Henry VENEMA Director Sustainable Natural Resources Management

Ms. Sophie HARDING Tearfund Mr. Gianluca RUBAGOTTI Legal Intern Climate Change Programme Foundation for International Environmental Law and Development Mr. Johannes Tonderayi CHIGWADA Vice Secretary General Zimbabwe Organising Committee, World Solar Commission Zimbabwe Environmental Research Organisation Mr. Victor Ayo ORINDI African Centre for Technology Studies Mr. Andrew Mark SIMMS Correspondent New Economics Foundation Mr. Pablo SUAREZ Boston University Ms. Janot Reine MENDLER Deputy Director GEF Ilu Learn Mr. David J. HORNSBY MA Candidate University of Guelph Mr. Sarder Shafiqul ALAM Research Fellow Bangladesh Centre for Advanced Studies Mr. Imran Habib AHMAD Section Officer Ministry of Communications

International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) Mr. Dennis CUNNINGHAM Project Manager Climate Change and Energy Mr. Jo-Ellen PARRY Manager Climate Change and Energy Mr. John DREXHAGE Director Climate Change and Energy

Mr. Aaron COSBEY Associate Mr. Warren BELL Associate B.C. Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection Government of British Columbia Mr. Louis COMEAU Affiliate

Ms. Patricia M. RICHARDS Director Federal Government Affairs Marathon Oil Corporation Mr. Wishart ROBSON International Manager EHS Nexen Inc Mr. Tim STILEMAN Project Manager Mr. Richard M. SYKES Group Environmental Adviser Shell International

International Policy Network (IPN) Mr. Alex CHAFUEN Mr. Juan Carlos HIDALGO Mr. Martin KRAUSE

Ms. Irith JAWETZ Ms. Ana Vidal LAMAS

International Petroleum Industry Environmental Conservation Association (IPIECA) Ms. Jill AIRD Project Manager Emissions Markets Group British Petroleum Company Mr. Mark AKHURST Manager Climate Change British Petroleum Company Mr. Leonard BERNSTEIN Environmental Consultant L.S. Bernstein & Associates L.L.C. Ms. Judith A. BLANCHARD Manager Federal Government Relations Chevron Texaco Corporation Ms. Georgia A. CALLAHAN General Manager Global Policy and Strategy Chevron Texaco Corporation Mr. Frede CAPPELEN Senior Adviser Environment STATOIL Mr. Brian P. FLANNERY Science Strategy and Programmes Manager Environment and Safety Exxon Mobil Corporation Mr. Robert GRECO Policy Analysis Global Climate Change American Petroleum Institute

Ms Viviana MORANDI Mr. Julian H. MORRIS International Director Reeep Ms. Kendra OKONSKI Director Sustainable Development Project Ms. Shane STEINFELD Ms. Heather TALLEY Mr. Jason TALLEY Mr. Stephen WELLER Mr. Guillermo YEATS

International Rivers Network (IRN) Mr. Patrick MCCULLY Campaigns Director

International Union of Railways (UIC) Mr. Mads BERGENDOFF Senior Environmental Advisor Ms. Margrethe SAGEVIK Project Manager Sustainable Mobility

FCCC/CP/2004/INF.3 Page 104 International Union of Railways (UIC) (continued) Mr. Drewin NIEUWENHUIS General Manager The Union of the European Railway Industries Ms. Susana MARTINS International Affairs Manager The Union of the European Railway Industries Mr. Robin Christopher CARRUTHERS Lead Transport Economics World Bank Mr. Fernando Jorge PETERSEN Lawyer Latin American Railways Association Sr. Atilio SANGUINETTI Technical Manager Latin American Railways Association Mr. Arnaldo ERCOLI Railway Expert Latin American Railways Association Mr. Jorge GUTRACHT Railway Expert Latin American Railways Association

Ms. Patricia VALLI Journalist Latin American Railways Association Ms. Ursula A. URES Journalist Logistica, Transporte y Comercio Exterior en Latinoamérica Mr. Ceferino Leopoldo FARBEROFF Latin American Railways Association Ms. Lia Noemi Maria REBORI Latin American Railways Association Mr. Gaston COSSETTINI Mr. Jorge CIOCCA Sra. Victoria MASSA Interpreter

Interstate Natural Gas Association of America (INGAA) Ms. Lisa Suzanne BEAL Director Environment and Construction Policy

Japan Environmental Council (JEC) Ms. Yasuko MATSUMOTO Director of International Affairs Ms. Yukari TAKAMURA Associate Professor Faculty of Law Ryukoku University

Japan Fluorocarbon Manufacturers Association (JFMA) Mr. Shoji ANDO Chairman Environment and Technology Committee Mr. Yasuo OKUMURA Chairman Steering Committee

Japan Industrial Conference for Ozone Layer Protection (JICOP) Mr. Akira OKAWA Director Science and Technology

Joanneum Research Mr. Luis BETANCOURT Environmental Protection Manager Pemex-Gas y Petroquímica Basica

Mr. Bernhard SCHLAMADINGER Senior Scientist

Mr. Carlos Daniel DENDARYS Mr. Eugenio GILES Mr. Elias RUIZ Railway Expert Latin American Railways Association Mr. Ricardo CANDAL Railway Expert Latin American Railways Association Mr. Roberto VALINOTI Railway Expert Latin American Railways Association Mr. Gonzalo Martin BARANDA Railway Expert Latin American Railways Association Mr. Juan FRANKE Railway Expert Latin American Railways Association Ms. Sonia BOBADILLA Railway Expert Latin American Railways Association Ms. Guillermina SABATE Railway Expert Latin American Railways Association Mr. Oscar Angel BERTOGLIO Railway Expert Latin American Railways Association

Inuit Circumpolar Conference (ICC) Mr. Sasha EARNHEART-GOLD Earnheart - Gold Mr. Eric CLOUTIER Administrator Mr. Aqqaluk LYNGE President Inuit Circumpolar Conference Greenland Mr. Chuck GREENE President Inuit Circumpolar Conference Alaska

Japan Center for Climate Change Actions (JCCCA) Ms. Kyoko KAWAJIRI Project Coordinator Ms. Maki SHIGETA Project Coordinator

Japan Electrical Manufacturers' Association (JEMA) Mr. Kiyoshi SAITO Head Environmental Department


Keidanren Mr. Masayuki SASANOUCHI Project General Manager Environmental Affairs Division Toyota Motor Corporation Mr. Toshiyasu UKITA Deputy General Manager Environment Department The Japan Gas Association Mr. Kosho TAMURA Manager Natsource Japan Co. Ltd. Mr. Ryuzo YAMAMOTO General Manager Global Environment Department Sumitomo Corporation Ms Ruiko KATO Senior Staff Sumitomo Corporation

FCCC/CP/2004/INF.3 Page 105 Keidanren (continued) Mr. Ichiro KEIDA General Manager Environment & Energy Office, Technology & Business Development Dept. Mitsubishi Corporation Mr. Norio SUZUKI Senior Manager Environment & Energy Office, Technology & Business Development Dept Mitsubishi Corporation Mr. Kunihiro NISHIKAWA Priate Equity Dept Daiwa Security SMBC Mr. Shinici TSUCHIDA Senior Engineer Environment Management Group, Environment and Safety Department Nippon Oil Corporation Mr. Masato ICHIMIYA General Manager Environment Project Center Mitsui and Company, Ltd. Mr. Toshiyuki YAMAZOE General Manager New Business and Technology Development Center Mitsui & Co.(U.S.A), Inc. Mr. Tadashi KOTAKE Group Leader Environment Department Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association Inc. Mr. Yoshito IZUMI General Manager Corporate Social Responsibility Department Taiheiyo Cement Corporation Mr. Meguri AOYAMA Manager Environment, Science & Technology Bureau Mr. Yasukiyo HORIUCHI Environment, Science and Technology Bureau Mr Yoshihiko NAGASATO President Asahi Research Center Co. Ltd. Mr. Toru YOSHIHARA Deputy General Manager Government and Industrial Affairs Office Honda Motor Company Mr. Jiro TOMIZAWA General Manager Business Development Division Mitsui and Company, Ltd.

Mr. Toru RYOSO General Manager Fuel Cell, Hydrogen and Environmental Department Mitsui and Company, Ltd. Mr. Satoshi TSUKADA Manager GHG Business Team Fuel, Cell Hydrogen and Environmental Department Mitsui and Company, Ltd.

Korean Federation for Environmental Movement (KFEM) Mr. Chang-Hwi LIM Citizens' Movement for Environmental Justice Mr. Dong-Hi HAN School of Economics and Trade Kyungpook National University

Ms. Kaori MIZUNO Environment & Energy Office, Technology & Business Development Department Mitsubishi Corporation

Mr. Seung-Jin KANG Professor Graduate School of Energy Korea Polytechnic University

Mr. Tomoichi YAMAGUCHI Toyota Tsusho Corporation

Kyoto Club

Mr. Atsushi KUBO Deputy Assistant Manager Tokyo Environmental Business Development Group/Energy Department Toyota Tsusho Corporation Mr. Ichiro FUKUDA Deputy Manager Engineering Section/Environmental Affairs Department Tokyo Gas Co. Ltd.

Mr. Paolo FRANKL Campaign Manager International Affairs Ms. Emanuela MENICHETTI Contact Point for Climate Change

Kyoto University, Institute of Economic Research Mr. Haruo IMAI Professor

Kiko Network Ms. Mie ASAOKA President Ms. Mari IWATA Member Mr. Tomomi KEMMOCHI Member Ms. Hiromi NISHIMOTO Member Mr. Tadashi OGURA International Coordinator Mr. Hiroshi OTA Researcher

Klima-Bündnis/Alianza del Clima e.V. Ms. Gotelind ALBER Director European Secretariat Mr. Edwin VÁSQUEZ CAMPOS Co-ordinator of Environment and Natural Resources Ms. Silva HERRMANN Project Manager European Secretariat

Mr. Takamitsu SAWA Professor Ms. Jiro AKITA Professor Graduate School of Economics and Management Tohoku University Mr. Yuichi SODA Research Associate Mr. Hidenori NIIZAWA Professor Mr. Matsuoka IWAO Research Associate Mr. Tetsuo TEZUKA Professor Socio-Environmental Energy Science

Latin American Section of ANS (LAS/ANS) Sr. Darío JINCHUK Executive Committee Member Asociación Argentina de Tecnología Nuclear Sr. Sebastián LUPPI BERLANGA Member Asociación Argentina de Tecnología Nuclear

FCCC/CP/2004/INF.3 Page 106 Latin American Section of ANS (LAS/ANS) (continued) Sra. Stella Maris SPURIO Member Asociación Argentina de Tecnología Nuclear Mr. Francisco REY

Midwest Research Institute/National Renewable Energy Laboratory (MRI/NREL) Mr. Daniel BILELLO Energy and Environment Applications Office Climate Policy and Programme Division, Policy Office National Renewable Energy Laboratory

National Environmental Trust (NET) Mr. Philip E. CLAPP President Ms. Debbie REED Legislative Director Sr. Cristian PEREZ

Mr. Norberto COPPARI Mr. Jorge GIUBERGIA Mr. Jorge BERTONI Ms. Elvira MASET Ingeniera Química Comision Nacional de Energía Atómica Mr. Nestor Rubén VENTURINI Instituto de Energia Mr. Roberto Ariel CASTELLANO Mr. Eric P. LOEWEN Observer INSC Office of the Permanent Observer for the Latin American Economic System to the United Nations

LEGAMBIENTE Mr. Daniele CALZA BINI Designated Contact Point for Climate Change

National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NARUC) Mr. Frederick F. BUTLER Commissioner New Jersey Board of Public Utilities Mr. David W. HADLEY Commissioner Indiana Utility Regulatory Commision Mr. Andrew SPAHN Director Energy, Environment and Infrastricture Programs Mr. Facundo ALBERDI Programme Officer

National Carbon Sequestration Foundation (NCSF) Mr. Alexander V. KHANYKOV Project Coordinator Mr. Marat LATYPOV Head Project Financing Program


Leland Stanford Junior University

Mr. Ilya Alexandrovich KHANYKOV Head Carbon Market Development Department

Ms. Maya TROTZ Assistant Professor Civil and Environmental Engineering University of South Florida

Mr. Peter GEIJERMAN Head Investement Program

LIFE - Women Develop Ecotechniques (LIFE)

Mr. Sergei SMIRNOV Head CIS Relations Program

Ms. Ulrike RÖHR Director - LIFE Frankfurt Mr. Minu Hemmari WEBER Consultant

Mr. Ilya SKLYAROV Manager CIS Relations Program

Mr. Brandon MACGILLIS Deputy Director Communications Mr. Mark WENZLER Director Energy Programs

National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES) Mr. Shuzo NISHIOKA Executive Director Mr. Hideaki NAKANE Deputy Director Atmospheric Environment Division Ms. Chisa UMEMIYA Assistant Fellow Greenhouse Gas Inventory Office of Japan Ms. Kanako MORITA Visiting Researcher Tokyo Institute of Technology Mr. Katsunori HIROKANE Research Coordinador

National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) Mr. A. VERHAGEN Plant Research International Mr. Michel DEN ELZEN Global Sustainability and Climate Mr. Bertjan HEIJ Mr. Jozef Andreas OUDE LOHUIS Mr. Ton MANDERS Mr. Johannes C. BOLLEN

Lloyd's Register (LR)

Ms. Julia SAKHAROVA Manager Carbon Market Development Program

Ms. Anne-Marie WARRIS Product Manager

Mr. Andrei CHERNOMYRDIN Inverstor's Relation

Mr. Onno J. KUIK Senior Research Associate Free University Amsterdam, Institute for Environmental Studies

Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers (CFMSA) Mr. John T. BRINKMAN

Mr. Harro VAN ASSELT Free University Amsterdam, Institute for Environmental Studies

FCCC/CP/2004/INF.3 Page 107 National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) (continued)

Ms. Akemi BABA Assistant Coordinator Energy and Environment Policy

North American Insulation Manufacturers Association (NAIMA)

Mr. Adrianus VERHAGEN Plant Research International

Mr. Hiroaki NIIZUMA Deputy Director Policy Planning and Coordination

Mr. Kenneth D. MENTZER President and CEO

Ms. Saskia E. WERNERS Climate Change and Biosphere Research Centre

Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) Mr. Jeff FIEDLER Climate Policy Specialist Climate Center

New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO) Mr. Hiroshi YOSHIDA Special Advisor to the Chairman Mr. Takashi HONDA Director General Energy and Environment Policy Mr. Kazuhiko SEKI Director Energy and Environment Policy Mr. Shigeru SHIOTANI Project Coordinator Energy and Environment Policy Mr. Takeshi KAMINO Project Coordinator Energy and Environment Policy Mr. Kotaro TAKEDA Project Corodinator Energy and Environment Policy Mr. Hiroyuki MIZUNO Project Coordinator Energy and Environment Policy Mr. Takeshi SAKURAI Project Coordinator Energy and Environment Policy Mr. Yukihiro KOYAMA Project Coordinator Energy and Environment Policy Ms. Chiyoko KAWAKAMI Chief Officer Energy and Environment Policy Mr. Hisashi YOSHIOKA Deputy Director Energy and Environment Policy

Mr. Hideo SHINDO Chief Representative New Energy and Industrial technology Development Organisation Mr. Kazunori FUKUSAWA Chief Representative New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organisation Mr. Nobuaki SANAGI Representative staff Sanagi Shoji Mr. Hideotoshi TONE Vice-president PESPASA Mr. Ruiko KATO Global Environment Sumitomo Corporation Mr. Hideo OZAKI President Summit-Agro Argentina S.A. Mr. Kanji KIKUCHI President EKIPARCON SA Mr. Takafumi NORI President Mitsui Argentina S.A. Mr. Sigeo SAITO Manager Mitsui Argentina S.A. Mr. Isao MURAKOSHI Mitsui Argentina S.A. Mr. Ernesto TUKADA Mitsui Argentina S.A. Mr. Kimihiko INABA Director General JETRO

Non Governmental Organization BIOS (NGO BIOS) Mr. Valentin CIUBOTARU Executive Director

Northeast States for Coordinated Air Use Management (NESCAUM) Mr. Kenneth A. COLBURN Executive Director Momentum Mr. Kelly LEVIN Policy/Technical Analyst Ms. Suzanne WATSON Energy and Climate Team Leader

Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) Mr. Steven C. KEREKES Ms. Angelina S. HOWARD Executive Vice President Mr. Richard J. MYERS Senior Director Business and Environmental Policy Mr. John E. KANE Vice President Mr. Jerry D. SLOMINSKI Senior Director Legislative Programs Mr. Richard N. SMITH Director Policy Analysis Ms. Mary M. QUILLIAN Senior Manager Environmental Policy & Programs Ms. Kaoru KIKUYAMA Director International Programme

Oeko-Institut (Institute for Applied Ecology e.V.) Mr. Felix C. MATTHES Project Manager Energy Department

Open University (OU) Mr. Stephen PEAKE Lecturer in Environmental Technology

FCCC/CP/2004/INF.3 Page 108 Oxfam Great Britain (OXFAM)

Mr. Tadashi OKIMURA

Ms. Jasmine WHITBREAD International Director

Ms. Setsuko SUMINO


Mr. Taku ASANO Mr. Phil BLOOMER Head of Advocacy Campaigns and Policy Mr. Antonio HILL Global Advisor - Agriculture and Environment Policy, Campaigns and Policy Division Oxfam GB Ms. Ruth GUTIERREZ Advisor Oxfam GB Ms. Farhana FARUQI-STOCKER Country Representative Oxfam GB

Pro-Natura International (PNI) Ms. Yumiko WATANABE Mr. Yasuaki KAMBE

Ms. Alice LEBLANC Director

Mr. Toshihiro INOUE

ProClim - Forum for Climate and Global Change

Pew Center on Global Climate Change (Pew Center)

Mr. Wolfram KÄGI

Mr. Elliot DIRINGER Director International Strategies Ms. Christie JORGE-TRESOLINI Senior International Fellow

Mr. Abid Qaiyum SULERI Head of Programme Oxfam GB

Ms. Sophie CHOU Senior International Fellow

Mr. John WATT Regional Humanitarian Coordinator Oxfam GB

Mr. Daniel BODANSKY Woodruff Professor of International Law School of Law University of Georgia

Mr. Roland HOHMANN Executive Secretary

Railway Technical Research Institute (RTRI) Mr. Hiroyuki NOZAWA ISO14001 Registration Center

Resources for the Future (RFF)

Oxford Institute for Energy Studies (OIES)

Mr. Raymond F. KOPP Senior Fellow Energy and Natural Resources Division

Mr. Duncan R. MARSH Senior Programme Officer Climate Change United Nations Foundation

Mr. William PIZER Fellow Quality of the Environment Division


Responding to Climate Change (RTCC)

Mr. Ananta B. GONDOMONO Research Director

Mr. Manik ROY Director Congressional Affairs

Mr. Adam Geoffrey BUMPUS Head of Programmes

Ms. Moekti H. SOEJACHMOEN Managing / Outreach Director

Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK)

Mr. James RAMSEY Director

Ms. Martha MAULIDIA Climate Change Researcher

Mr. Richard J.T. KLEIN Doctor

Ms. Olivia TANUJAYA Resercher Climate Change

Mr. Jochen HINKEL

Mr. Benito MÜLLER Senior Research Fellow


Mr. Robert J. NICHOLLS University of Southampton

Peoples' Forum 2001 GWRG Mr. Poul S. GRASHOFF Ms. Hye-Sook PARK Chairperson, Professor Faculty of Humanity and Social Sciences Mie University

Mr. Jusen ASUKA Energy System Group Tohoku University

Mr. Berend Allister SLINGENBERG Programme Officer Ms. Tamara LOMIDZE Programme Officer Ms. Lisa CREWS Programme Officer


Mr. Tomoaki NISHIMURA Faculty of Humanity and Social Sciences Mie University

Ms. Sarah PEAKE Editor

Mr. Carlo C. JAEGER Head Department of Global Change and Social Systems Mr. Stefan RAHMSTORF

Mr. Jeremy BLOW Projects Director Mr. Zoran VELJKOVIC Director of Photography UpsideDown Films

FCCC/CP/2004/INF.3 Page 109 Responding to Climate Change (RTCC) (continued) Mr. Alexander METCALFE Director of Photography UpsideDown Films Ms. Michela CATENACCI Junior Research Regional Agency for the Protection of the Environment ARPA Lombardia Mr. Turgut SOYSAL Technology and Production Group Director Arçelik Mr. Cemil INAN Product Development Manager Refrigerator Arçelik Mr. Ahmet TANGUN Director R&D Center Arçelik Mr. Sven KREHER Commercial and Financial Director One World Sustainable Investments IAFRICA

Sra. Graciela EGUES Manager END Bureau Veritas Quality International Sr. Rodolfo HOLM Regional Chief Executive Bureau Veritas Quality International Sra. Silvia TRUCO Bureau Veritas Quality International Mr. Deane THOMAS Managing Director UK Euro Group plc Mr. Malcolm CROSS Financial Director UK Euro Group plc Sra. Gema GARCÍA GONZALEZ Head of Climate Change Repsol Mr. Jamie MACKINNON Head of Carbon Credits Repsol YPF Sra. Maria del Mar GRANADOS CALATRAVA Responsible of Planning in Climate Change Repsol YPF

Mr. John R. OLSON Vice President Potlatch Corporation

Mr. Andreas WAIBEL Deutsche Lufthansa AG

Mr. Dennis MURPHY Potlatch Corporation

Mr. Stefan SCHAFFRATH Deutsche Lufthansa AG

Mr. Mark BENSON Director Public Affairs Potlatch Corporation

Sr. Ruben WERTHEIMER RR.WW Comunicaciones

Mme Alexia STOKES Scientist Laboratoire de Rheologie du Bois de Bordeaux M. Thierry FOURCAUD Scientist Laboratoire de Rheologie du Bois de Bordeaux

Mr. Jo LANOË CO2 Solution M. Iskender GÖKALP Director Laboratoire de combustion et systémes réactifs Mr. James WATKINS CEO Kwikpower International plc

Mr. Chris VAN RIET Environmental Adviser European Confederation of Woodworking Industries

Sr. Bernard ROLFE COO-Biofuels Kwikpower International plc

Mr. Marcio VIEGAS Global Product Manager Bureau Veritas - UK

Mr. Paul CAREY COO-Power Kwikpower International plc

Sra. Florencia POGGIO END Bureau Veritas Quality International

Mr. Todd JONES AgCert

Mr. Merrick G. ANDLINGER AgCert Mr. Harold GUBNITSKY Chief Relationship Officer Mr. Gareth PHILLIPS Senior Consultant Société générale de surveillance M. Jean-Xavier MORIN R&D Manager Alstom Power Boilers Mr. Paul STEWART International Association of Bioenergy Professionals Mr. Ola JOHANNESSEN Director Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Centre Mr. Jack ZIEBELL Researcher University College London - Department of Economics Mr. Joel CHENET Director of Observation Sciences Alcatel Mr. Peter READ Department of Applied International Economics Massey University Mr. Leo PERKOWSKI CDM Programme Manager AgCert International LLC Mr. David ESTERHAZY Marketing & Sales Director Alcatel Mr. Maria Paula PATTI Alcatel Sra. Florencia ESPONDA Ms. Lynda CLEMMONS AgCert International LLC Ms. Denise GIRARD CO2 Solution Sra. Florencia TRENCH Bureau Veritas Quality International Sra. Karina BATTAGLIA Ms. Karoline BATTAGLIA Ms. Susan E. WOOD

Mr. John MCMORRIS Vice President AgCert

FCCC/CP/2004/INF.3 Page 110 Responding to Climate Change (RTCC) (continued) Mr. Jean-Claude SÉMÉDARD Executive Senior Engineer Alstom Power Boilers Mr. Daniel Enrique MARTINEK Manager Radio Technologies Telefónica de Argentina Mr. Mario Raul MESSIA Ingeniero

Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA)

Sociedade Pesquisa em Vida Salvagem e Educaçao Ambiental (SPVS) Mr. André ROCHA FERRETTI Coordinator of the Guaraqueçaba Climate Action Project Sr. Ricardo MIRANDA DE BRITEZ Coordinator of the Atlantic Forest Restoration Project Mr. Eros Amaral FERREIRA Coordinator of the Antonina Reforestation Pilot Project

SouthSouthNorth (SSN) Ms. Jacqueline KARAS Research Fellow Sustainable Development Programme

Sierra Club of Canada (SCC) Mr. Ian B. BURTON Senior Policy Adviser

SILVA, Arbres, Forêts et Sociétes* Ms. Danièle DERLYN Mr. Clovis DERLYN

Small Business and Entrepreneurship Council

Mr. Stefan Dominick RAUBENHEIMER Chief Executive Officer Mr. Stephen THORNE Technical Leader South Africa Office Mr. Barry KANTOR Capacity Building and Communications Officer Ms. Lwandle MQADI Climate Change Policy Ms. Shirene ROSENBERG Project Manager Mr. Lester MALGAS Writer


Sociedad Argentino Para el Derecho y la Administración del Ambiente y de los Recursos Naturales (SADARN) Sr. Eduardo Antonio PIGRETTI Secretario

Sociedad Rural Argentina (SRA) Mr. Daniel PELEGRINA Director Secretario Mr. Juan CARRANZA Delegado Accim Gremial Mr. Marcelo E. FIELDER Asesor

Ms. Emily TYLER Climate Project Transactions


Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETHZ) Mr. Malte MEINSHAUSEN PhD Student

Tellus Institute Mr. Sivan KARTHA Senior Scientist Mr. Michael LAZARUS Senior Scientist Stockholm Environment Institute-Boston Center Mr. William DOUGHERTY Senior Scientist Ms. Alison BAILIE Associate Scientist Mr. Tom ATHANASIOU Co-Director Eco Equity Mr. Paul BAER Coordinator Eco Equity Mr. Thomas E. DOWNING Stockholm Environment Institute Stockholm Environment Institute

Ms. Lindsey CUPIDO Office Administrator

Ms. Deborah Wilson CORNLAND Director Mistra's Climate Policy Research Program Cornland International Environment and Development Initiatives

Ms. Beverley MKHIIZE Research Assistant

Mr. Merle JACOB University of Linköping

Sovereignty International

Ms. Eva LÖVBRAND Institution for Biology and Environmental Science Kalmar University

Mr. Henry LAMB Chairman Ms. Floy LILLEY Vice Chair

Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) Mr. Frank THOMALLA

Sra. Alicia URICARRIET Asesora Agronómica de la SRA

Mr. Marcus KING Research Director

Mr. J.Timmons ROBERTS Director Program in Environmental Science and Policy The College of William and Mary Mr. Johan ROCKSTRÖM Executive Director Stockholm Environment Institute

Sustainable Energy Institute* (SEI) Ms. Paloma SARRIA Project Coordinator

Mr. Tiit KALLASTE Programme Director Climate, Energy, Atmosphere Stockholm Environment Institute - Tallinn

FCCC/CP/2004/INF.3 Page 111 The Business Roundtable (BRT) Mr. Paul N. CICIO President Carbonleaf LLC Mr. Gary OSHNOCK GHG Issues Manager Environmental and Energy Planning Daimler Chrysler

The Climate Council Mr. Robert P. GEHRI Mr. Leslie R. HARRY

Mr. Vivek KUMAR Research Associate Centre for Global Environment Research Mr. Sudip MITRA Rseearch Associate Mr. Y. P. ABBI Senior Fellow Industrial Energy Group Mr. Mahesh VIPRADAS Fellow Renewable Energy Technology Applications

Mr. Karl R. MOOR

Mr. Varghese PAUL Associate Fellow Forestry Group

Mr. Donald H. PEARLMAN Executive Director

The Japan Economic Research Institute (JERI)

Ms. Shirley A. PEARLMAN

Mr. Kozo OIKAWA Senior Executive Director Development Bank of Japan

The Climate Group Mr. Steve HOWARD Chief Executive Officer Mr. Mark KENBER Policy Director Mr. James David Campbell WALKER Ms. Sophy BRISTOW Project Manager

The Corner House Ms. Anne PETERMANN

The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) Ms. Preety BHANDARI Director Policy Analysis Division Ms. Leena SRIVASTAVA Executive Director Ms. Ulka KELKAR Area Convener and Research Associate Centre for Global Environment Research Ms. Suruchi BHADWAL Research Associate Centre for Global Environment Research Mr. Yuvaraj Dinesh BABU Fellow Centre for Global Environment Research

Mr. Masato MASUDA M4U Mr. Takao AIBA Deputy Director Development Bank of Japan Mr. Hiroshi TOMITA Deputy Director Japan Bank for International Cooperation

The Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KCCI) Mr. Jeong-Kooc HAN Senior Vice President Korea Western Power Company Mr. Dae-Geun KIM General Manager SHE Management Team SK Corporation Mr. Eun-Jung KIM Researcher Sustainability Management Division LG Environmental Strategy Institute Mr. Chang-Hyeon KIM Assistant Manager Environment & Chemistry Team Korea Western Power Company Ms. Hyo-Sun KIM Senior Economist Center for Gas Economics and Management Korea Gas Corporation

Mr. Seung-Jae MOON Team Leader RCC Venture Team POSCO Pohang Iron and Steel Co. Ltd. Mr. In PARK Team Leader EHS Team LG Chem Ltd Ms. So-Youn AHN Assistant Manager Energy & Marketing Strategy Team SK Corporation Mr. Soo-Hun EOR Manager Power Generation Korea East-West Power Generation Co. Ltd. Mr. Ki-Hwa LEE Vice President Industry & Government Relations Team SK Corporation Mr. Jae-Koo LEE General Manager Technical Development Office Korea Midland Power Co. Ltd. Mr. Ye-Mo CHUNG Chief Researcher Samsung Global Environment Research Center Mr. Hyun-Jong HONG Vice-President Environment & Safety Planning SubDivision LG Caltex Oil Corp. Ms. Hyun-Seok LEE Executive Managing Director Economic Research Division Mr. Mu JUN Director Industry & Environment Team Mr. Chan-Gyu KIM Team Leader Center for Climate Change Mitigation Projects Korea Energy Management Corporation Mr. Seung-Ho HAN Project Coordinator Center for Climate Change Mitigation Projects Korea Energy Management Corporation Ms. Sung-Eun KIM Research Associate Industry Research Team/Korea Automotive Research Institute Hyundai Motor Company & Kia Motors Corporation

FCCC/CP/2004/INF.3 Page 112 The Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KCCI) (continued)

Mr. Gilberto TIEPOLO Forestry Climate Change Coordinator Programa Mata Atlantica

Mr. Jung-Man CHUNG Senior Executive Director Eco-Frontier Co.


The Transnational Institute (TNI) Mr. Min PARK Team Leader EHS Team Eco-Frontier Co. Mr. Min-Suk SHIN Research Fellow Environment & Energy Division Eco-Frontier Co.

Mr. Jim VALLETTE Research Director Sustainable Energy and Economy Network (SEEN) Ms. Nadia MARTINEZ Mr. Tombruce GOLDTOOTH

Ms. Hwa-Young KIM Deputy General Manager Consulting Exergy Engineering Inc. Ms. Yu-Sim JEONG Lead Auditor Environmental Management Research Korean Foundation for Quality Mr. Kyung-Hoon LEE Department Manager POSCO Pohang Iron and Steel Co. Ltd. Mr. Yun-Taek JO Assistant Manager Industry and Environment Team Mr. Jang-Ha KIM Manager Environment & Chemistry Team Korea Southern Power Co. Ltd. Mr. Myong-Sik KIM General Manager Power Generation Korea East-West Power Generation Co. Ltd. Mr. Chan-Hyo YOU Assistant Manager Environment & Chemistry Team Korea Southern Power Co. Ltd.

The Nature Conservancy (TNC) Ms. Cathleen KELLY Senior Programme Officer

The Woods Hole Research Center (WHRC) Mr. Kilaparti RAMAKRISHNA Deputy Director Ms. Judith FENWICK Research Associate Mr. James S. REGAN Environmentalist Ms. Maria Teresa ROBINSON Environmentalist Ms. Amy REGAN Trustee

Ms. Linda BROWN Administrative Support, PCIEP Ms. Ashli AYER President, STCL Environmental Law Society and Campus Climate Neutral Director for Texas, National Association of Environmental Law Societies Ms. Marta PANERO Project Manager, Harbor Project and Coordinator, Environmental Science Section New York Academy of Sciences New York Academic of Sciences

Turku School of Economics and Business Administration (TUKKK) Ms. Eeva KUNTSI-REUNANEN Researcher Ms. Eerika MELKAS Researcher Faculty of Law University of Turku Mr. Jarmo VEHMAS Researcher Department of Regional Studies and Environmental Policy

U.S. Climate Action Network (USCAN) Ms. Elmira Lee BYRON Coordinator

Third World Network (TWN) Mr. Hee Boon FOO Researcher

Tides Center

UK Business Council for Sustainable Energy (UKBCSE) Ms. Kirsty Sian HAMILTON International Policy

Mr. Donald A. BROWN Director Tides Center/PCIEP Pennsylvania Consortium for Interdisciplinary Environment Policy

Unión Industrial Argentina (UIA)

Ms. Nancy TUANA Ethics Advisor, PCIEP Philosophy The Pennsylvania State University

Sra. Marta G. ELISETCH

Sr. Jorge ACQUAVIVA Bunge y Born

Mr. Eduardo Abel PEDACE Sr. Carlos BRUNATTI

Ms. Lauren MIURA Conservation Writer Mr. Miguel CALMON Atlantic Forest Operating Unit Director Programma Mata Atlantica Mr. Fernando Cesar VEIGA NETO Forestry Agroforestry Coordinator

Mr. Adam ROSE Economic Advisor The Pennsylvania State University Mr. Edward Robert WELLS Policy Advisor, PCIEP Environmental Studies Wilson College Mr. John LEMONS Scientific Advisor, PCIEP Environmental Studies University of New England


Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS) Mr. Alden MEYER Director of Strategy and Policy Government Affairs

FCCC/CP/2004/INF.3 Page 113 Union of the Electricity Industry (EURELECTRIC) Mr. Ruggero ARICO European and International Affairs Enel Holding - Brussels Office Mr. Jean-Yves CANEILL Senior Research Scientist Electricité de France Sr. David CORREGIDOR SANZ Member of Environmental Team Dirección de Medio Ambiente y Calidad Endesa Servicios S.L. Mr. William Stanley KYTE Head Sustainable Development E.OM UK Ms. Jenny KYTE E.OM UK Mr. Soren E. LÜTKEN Research Fellow/Kyoto Mechanisms Mr. Bernhard RABERGER Holding Secretariat Österreichische Elektrizitätswirtschafts-AG Ms. Cristina RIVERO FERNANDEZ Environmental Adviser Energy Resources and Environment Department UNESA Sr. Eduardo RUBIO BRESCIANI UNESA Mr. John Frederick SCOWCROFT Head Environment and Sustainable Development Unit Ms. Joëlle DAMON

Mr. Kenty RICHARDSON International Affairs Ministry of Environment of Catalonia

Université Libre de Bruxelles, Centre d'Etudes Economiques et Sociales de lÉnvironmment* (CEESE)

Mr. Stanford MWAKASONDA Energy Research Centre

University of Colorado at Boulder (CU-Boulder)

Mr. Kevin MARECHAL Research Scientist

Ms. Nataly L. ASCARRUNZ Graduate Student Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research

University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR) Mr. Peter BACKLUND Director, Research Relations National Center for Atmospheric Research Ms. Anne OMAN Administrative Assistant National Center for Atmospheric Research Ms. Linda MEARNS Senior Scientist, Institute for the Study of Society and Environment National Center for Atmospheric Research Mr. Michael GLANTZ Senior Scientist National Center For Atmospheric Research Mr. Tom M.L. WIGLEY Senior Scientist, Climate and Globaly Dynamics Division National Center for Atmospheric Research Mr. Caspar AMMANN Scientist, Climate and Globaly Dynamics Division Mr. Darin C. OMAN

University Luigi Bocconi, Institute of Energy and Environment Economics and Policy (IEFE)

United Mine Workers of America (UMWA)

Mr. Gianni FERRARIO Manager, Expert in Air Pollution and IPCC

Mr. Frederick W. BANIG Director of Governmental Affairs

Sr. Edoardo CROCI Vice Director

Mr. Eugene M. TRISKO Attorney at Law

Sra. Appollonia MIOLA Senior Researcher Fondazione Lombardia per l'Ambiente

Universidad de Barcelona, Instituto de Economía Pública (UB - IEPYC)

Mr. Tommaso FRANCI


Mr. Jabavu NKOMO Professor Energy Research Centre

Mr. Benoit LUSSIS Research Scientist

Ms. Yolanda FERNANDEZ MONTES Directora de Medio Ambiente Hidroeléctrica del Cantabrico

Sra. Flavia ROSEMBUJ Profesora de Derecho

University of Cape Town (UCT)


Ms. Marilyn AVERILL Attorney Mr. Bryan Jamie BRANDEL Graduate Student Mr. Thomas J. DEAN Anderson Professor of Strategy and Entrepreneurship Management Leeds School of Business Ms. Erika ENGELHAUPT Graduate Student Mr. Nathaniel LOGAR Graduate Student Ms. Genevieve MARICLE Graduate Student Center for Science and Technology Policy Research Ms. Elizabeth Clark MCNIE Graduate Student Mr. David S. PAYNE Director, Strategy and Practice Climate Change Strategies Initiative Leeds School of Business Ms. Sasha Carey REED Graduate Student Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research Ms. Hillary Meryl ROSNER Graduate Student Sra. Myanna LAHSEN Research Scientist

University of East Anglia (UEA) Mr. Suraje DESSAI PhD Researcher Mr. Alex HAXELTINE International Research Co-ordinator Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research

FCCC/CP/2004/INF.3 Page 114 University of East Anglia (UEA) (continued)

Mr. Richard WARRICK Deputy Director and Associate Professor

World Alliance for Decentralized Energy (WADE)

Mr. Samy HOTIMSKY PhD Researcher

Mr. Peter WATERMAN Associate Professor

Mr. Michael Valentine BROWN Director

Mr. Mike HULME Executive Director Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research

Verification Research, Training and Information Centre (VERTIC)

Mr. Jeff BELL Research Executive

Mr. Larry MACFAUL Environment Researcher

Sra. Veronica MIGUEL Grupo Arrayanes

Vitae Civilis Institute for Development, Environment and Peace (Vitae Civilis)

Sra. Cecilia DELANEY Grupo Arrayanes

Ms. Emma TOMPKINS Senior Research Fellow/ Doctor Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research Ms. Sarah WINNE Research Associate Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research

Mr. Mark LUTES Associate Researcher Climate Change Policy

Ms. Merylyn MCKENZIE HEDGER Climate Change Policy Manager Environment Agency

Mr. Thomas FATHEUER Director Heinrich Böll Foundation

Ms. Laura MIDDLETON Science Communication Officer Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research

Ms. Eliane RAMOS Assistant Heinrich Böll Foundation

University of Göteborg (GU) Ms. Matilda PALM PhD Student of Physical Geography Earth Science Mr. Mikael ROMÁN Senior Research Fellow, PhD Political Science Stockholm School of Economics

University of Oslo, School of Law

Mr. Maria Eugenia JAQUE OLMEDO Southern Cone Project Coordinator Ms. Esther NEUHAUS Manager Mr. Delcio RODRIGUES Associate Researcher Sustainable Energy Project

Mr. Jean Pierre LEROY Advisor Ms. Lucia ORTIZ

Ms. Kay JENKINSON UK Climate Impacts Programme

Winrock International (WI) Mr. Venkata RAMANA PUTTI Director Clean Energy Group

Ms. Michelle COLLEY Mr. Alexander WEST UK Climate Impacts Programme

University of Waikato, The International Global Change Institute (IGCI) Mr. Wayne KING Manager

Sra. Cecilia GARAVANO Grupo Arrayanes Sra. Marta Coll BERON Grupo Arrayanes Sra. Maria BASILICO Grupo Arrayanes Sr. Federico PRETZEL Grupo Arrayanes Sr. Jorge NUÑEZ Grupo Arrayanes Ms. Carolina GARAVANO Grupo Arrayanes

World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) Mr. Charles NICHOLSON Group Senior Adviser British Petroleum Company

Mr. Ivan Marcelo NEVES Mr. Erico Francisco DA FONSECA

Mr. Christopher Charles WEST UK Climate Impacts Programme

Sra. Maria del Carmen PIZZORNO Grupo Arrayanes

Ms. Sandra Veronica HEYMANN

Ms. Christina VOIGT

University of Oxford, Environmental Change Institute (ECI)

Sra. Silvina BOUILLE Grupo Arrayanes

Mr. John KADYSZEWSKI Program Coordinator Ms. Sandra BROWN Senior Program Officer Mr. Bikash PANDEY Program Director South Asia Energy Winrock Nepal

Ms. Calliope WEBBER Adviser Gas Environmental Policy and Planning International Finance Corporation Mr. John O'BRIEN Director Carbon Market Solutions Mr. Hiroshi HAMASAKI Researcher Fujitsu Research Institute Ms. Melanie EDDIS Senior Manager Climate Change KPMG

FCCC/CP/2004/INF.3 Page 115 World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) (continued) Mr. Reid MINER Vice President Sustainable Manufacturing National Council for Air and Stream Improvement, Inc. Mr. Andrey ANDREEVSKY Executive Director Vernadsky Foundation Mr. Kirill STEPANOV General Director Vernadsky Foundation Ms. Mikako KOKITSU Osaka Gas

Ms. Mahua ACHARYA Poject Officer

Sr. Aldo ETCHEGOYEN Iglesia Evangélica Metodista Argentina

Mr. Simon SCHMITZ Proyect Manager

Sr. Juan GATTINON Consejo Latinoamericano de Iglesias

Mr. Daniel O'BRIEN Carbon Market Solutions

Mr. David Grant HALLMAN Coordinator WCC Climate Change Programme

Mr. Andres SOTO Director Carbon Market Solutions Mr. Milagros PADILLA Carbon Market Solutions Mr. Antonio GELONESI Global Leader Deloitte & Touche

Ms. Ritsuo SAKURAI Osaka Gas

Ms. Dorothy CHIEN Lead Auditor DNV

Mr. Jean-Claude STEFFENS Director Environment & Innovation Suez

Mr. Andrew JONES Consultant Environment Directorate General Hyder Consulting

Mr. Aaron E. KEHLER Trainee The Dow Chemical Company

Mr. Alejandro LOREA

Mr. George Edward KEHLER Commercial Manager The Dow Chemical Company

Ms. Maria de Lourdes LUQUE SILVA

Mr. Takashi IMOTO Mr. Hiroshi OZAKI

Mr. Ashok JAITLY Distingished Fellow The Energy and Resources Institute Mr. Eric LESUEUR Environment Director Veolia environnement M. Jacques HAYWARD Special Advisor Veolia environnement Mr. Jean-Sébastien THOMAS Environmental Studies Manager Veolia environnement Mr. Björn STIGSON President Ms. Gloria Marina GODÍNEZ Project Officer Energy and Climate Mr. Laurent CORBIER Project Director Energy and Climate

Sra. Astrid Laura HARDTKE Consejo Latinoamericano de Iglesias Sra. Ester IGLESIAS Disciples of Christ Sr. Andrés LEAKE Fundación Asociana Mr. Martin ROBRA Executive Secretary Unit III/Climate Change Programme Mr. Alfredo SALIBIAN Ph.D (Biology) Consejo Latinoamericano de Iglesias Sr. Juan Abelardo SCHVINDT Sr. Ernesto SINKA Consejo Latinoamericano de Iglesias

Mr. Miguel Angel GONZALEZ Ms. Aurelia Patricia SCHEPIS

Mr. Gordon SLACK Energy Business Director The Dow Chemical Company

Sr. Carlos E. HALPERIN

Mr. Natividad Fernandez RIPOLI Sr. Peter HULL Ms. Karla Bereniz GONZALEZ GUADIANA Cemex

World Council of Churches (WCC) Mr. Elias Crisostomo ABRAMIDES Commissioner Sra. Anna Laura ALVAREZ Fundación Asociana Sra. Marcela Nelly CACERES Consejo Latinoamericano de Iglesias Sr. David CALVO Iglesia Evangélica Luterana Unida Sra. María Luisa CARDENAS Roman Catholic Church of Argentina

Ms. Carol SOMPLATSKY-JARMAN Presbyterian Church - USA Mr. William SOMPLATSKY-JARMAN Reverend Presbyterian Church - USA Mr. Juan Angel TAFFI

World Economic Forum Mr. Jacques MARCOVITCH Professor Mr. Robert CASAMENTO Project Director World Economic Forum Global GHG Register Mr. Carlos EMMANUEL BrazilConnects

World Energy Council (WEC) Mr. Tony BECK Director Tony Beck Consulting Services Pty. Ltd.

FCCC/CP/2004/INF.3 Page 116 Mr. Giulio VOLPI Climate Policy and Renewable Energy Officer WWF European Policy Office

World LP Gas Association (WLPGA)

Ms. Mariana Sanchez ABREGU Assistant

Ms. Johanna WICKSTROM Project Manager

Ms. Jennie M. HOMMEL Development Associate

World Nuclear Association (WNA)

Ms. Jennifer FRANKEL-REED Researcher

Ms. Emma CORNISH Manager Environmental Affairs

Ms. Emily MATTHEWS Associate

Mr. Jonathan COBB Climate Change Advisor

Ms. Abigail MOY Researcher

Mr. Helmut WARSCH Manager Political and Public Relations Framatome ANP GmbH

Worldwatch Institute

Mr. Dennis PAMLIN Project Leader Trade and Environment WWF Sweden

Mr. David F. HALES Senior Policy Consultant

Ms. Alison WADE WWF UK

Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy

Ms. Vissa SUNDAR WWF India

Ms. Nicole DELLERO Deputy Director Energy, Economy, Environment COGEMA

Mr. Bernd BROUNS Senior Research Fellow Climate Policy Division

Mr. Prakash RAO WWF India

Mr. David HOGG Legal Directorate Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions

Mr. Hermann E. OTT Head Berlin Office Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy - Berlin Office

World Resources Institute (WRI)

Mr. Wolfgang STERK

Mr. Sergey RUCHKIN Deputy Director Strategy Analysis

Mr. Jonathan PERSHING Programme Director Climate, Energy and Pollution Program


WWF Mr. Robert BRADLEY Associate Ms. Maria Joâo CORDEIRO Associate Mr. Timothy HERZOG Associate Mr. Pankaj BHATIA Associate Mr. Derik BROEKHOFF Senior Associate Ms. Carolina DE ROSAS Program Coordinator Ms. Wei-Shiuen NG Research Analyst Mr. Matt MARKOFF Research Analyst Mr. Nicolas LUCAS Senior Associate

Mr. Alexander QUARLES VAN UFFORD Climate Change Communications Manager WWF Netherlands Ms. Jennifer Lee MORGAN Director Climate Change Program WWF Germany Mr. Liam SALTER Coordinator International Climate and Development WWF Philippines Ms. Regine Andrea GÜNTHER Head Climate and Energy Policy WWF Germany Mr. Stephan SINGER Head Climate and Energy Policy Unit WWF European Policy Office Ms. Imogen ZETHOVEN Leader PowerSwitch Campaign

Mr. Alexey KOKORIN Coordinator Climate Change Programme WWF Russian Programme Office Mr. Rafael SENGA WWF Philippines

Mr. Mette NEDERGAARD Project Manager WWF Denmark Sr. Mar ASUNCION WWF Spain Mr. Samrat SENGUPTA Policy Officer Climate Change and Energy WWF India Mr. Naoyuki YAMAGISHI Climate Policy Officer WWF Japan Ms. Mariagrazia MIDULLA WWF Italy Mr. Gordon SHEPHERD Director International Policy World Wide Fund for Nature Mr. Francis AREKI Project Officer WWF South Pacific Programme Office Ms. Penina MOCE WWF South Pacific Programme Office Mr. Anil Krishna MISTRY WWF India Mr. Javier CORCUERA Director General Fundación Vida Silvestre Argentina

FCCC/CP/2004/INF.3 Page 117 WWF (continued) Sr. Marcelo ACERBI Fundación Vida Silvestre Argentina Sra. Martina PIKIELNY Fundación Vida Silvestre Argentina Sra. Sarah JONES Fundación Vida Silvestre Argentina Sr. David BILENCA Fundación Vida Silvestre Argentina Sr. Pablo YAPURA Fundación Vida Silvestre Argentina Sr. Diego MARADONA Fundación Vida Silvestre Argentina Ms. Adriana MANDIROLA Executive Secretary Fundación Vida Silvestre Argentina Sra. Adriana CAFFERATA MSC Environmental Educative Fundación Vida Silvestre Argentina Sra. Laura TURRI Fundación Vida Silvestre Argentina Sr. Carlos FERNANDEZ Fundación Vida Silvestre Argentina Sr. Guillermo BELLINOTTO Fundación Vida Silvestre Argentina Sra. Carolina DIOTTI Fundación Vida Silvestre Argentina Sr. Milagros OLIVERA Fundación Vida Silvestre Argentina Sr. Carlos TANIDES Fundación Vida Silvestre Argentina Sr. Claudio BERTONATTI Fundación Vida Silvestre Argentina Sr. Fernando MIÑARRO Fundación Vida Silvestre Argentina Sr. Rodolfo KOENNECKE Director Fundación Vida Silvestre Argentina Ms. Kari HOOSE Fundación Vida Silvestre Argentina Sr. Edgardo DELGADO Fundación Vida Silvestre Argentina Sr. Dario GONZALEZ Fundación Vida Silvestre Argentina

Sra. Carolina ROCATAGLIATTA Fundación Vida Silvestre Argentina

Sra. Marina CUERVO Fundación Vida Silvestre Argentina

Sra. Maria Sol AGUIRREBURUALDE Fundación Vida Silvestre Argentina

Sr. Juan Patricio O'FARRELL Fundación Vida Silvestre Argentina

Sra. Daniela PAZOS Fundación Vida Silvestre Argentina

Mr. Franklin WILLIAMS Fundación Vida Silvestre Argentina

Sra. Claudia D'ACUNTO Fundación Vida Silvestre Argentina

Sr. Alberto ROEMMERS Fundación Vida Silvestre Argentina

Sr. Juan Gordon DAVIS Fundación Vida Silvestre Argentina

Sr. Pedro SIMONCINI Fundación Vida Silvestre Argentina

Sr. Roberto GARCÍA Fundación Vida Silvestre Argentina

Sr. Tomás WALLER Fundación Vida Silvestre Argentina

Sra. Maria Del Carmen LAMAS Fundación Vida Silvestre Argentina

Sr. Alejandro BROWN Fundación Vida Silvestre Argentina

Sr. Angeles LEONARDO Fundación Vida Silvestre Argentina

Sra. Mercedes ORIS DE ROA Fundación Vida Silvestre Argentina

Sra. Laura MARTINEZ Fundación Vida Silvestre Argentina

Sr. Fernando ORIS DE ROA Fundación Vida Silvestre Argentina

Sr. Miguel CASSINA Fundación Vida Silvestre Argentina

Sra. Dagmar HELD Fundación Vida Silvestre Argentina

Sr. Noel ORCAJADA Fundación Vida Silvestre Argentina

Sr. Claudio ARMADA Fundación Vida Silvestre Argentina

Sra. Diana BUSTAMANTE Fundación Vida Silvestre Argentina

Mr. Herbert LIMMER Fundación Vida Silvestre Argentina

Sr. Alejandro DEMARTINI Fundación Vida Silvestre Argentina

Sr. Diego LÓPEZ CUNEO Fundación Vida Silvestre Argentina

Sra. Constanza SASSALI Fundación Vida Silvestre Argentina

Sr. Rafael GÖTZ CAPEX S.A.

Sra. Mariel Inés MARTINEZ Fundación Vida Silvestre Argentina

Sr. Miguel GÖTZ Fundación Vida Silvestre Argentina

Sr. Jonathan CHATTAS Fundación Vida Silvestre Argentina

Sr. Sebastián GÖTZ Fundación Vida Silvestre Argentina

Sra. Diana MATUTE Fundación Vida Silvestre Argentina

Sra. Mara S. DE GÖTZ Fundación Vida Silvestre Argentina

Mr. Héctor LAURENCE Fundación Vida Silvestre Argentina

Sra. Alejandra BERTOLDI Fundación Vida Silvestre Argentina

Sra. Eva SOLDATI Fundación Vida Silvestre Argentina

Ms. Patricia SCHMID Fundación Vida Silvestre Argentina

Sr. Mauricio RUMBOLL Fundación Vida Silvestre Argentina

Sr. Juan Carlos BOLCICH Centro Atómico Bariloche Fundación Vida Silvestre Argentina

Mr. Miguel REYNAL Fundación Vida Silvestre Argentina Sr. Teodosio BREA Fundación Vida Silvestre Argentina

Ms. Imogen Pua INGRAM President Taporoporo Ipukea Society Inc

FCCC/CP/2004/INF.3 Page 118 WWF (continued) Mr. Nurbu SHERPA WWF Nepal Mr. Sible SCHONE Head Climate Change Unit WWF Netherlands Mr. Hans VEROLME Director Climate Change Mr. Turid FOLKESTAD Climate Change Officer WWF Arctic Program Ms. Freda Coleene COLBERT Events Coordinator Climate Change Campaign WWF Germany

Mr. Sandeep Chamling RAI WWF Nepal Sra. Paula BERSCHADSKY Fundación Vida Silvestre Argentina Ms. Tonje FOLKESTAD Sr. Pablo HERRERA Mr. Arnold VAN VLIET Sr. Pablo IBAÑEZ WWF Germany Sr. Pedro FASANO WWF Germany

Young Energy Specialists Development Co-operation (YESDC)

Ms. Cynthia ROTMAN Mr. Jose Luis RAOTA

Mr. Jelle VAN LEEUWEN University of Nijmegen

Ms. Mariangeles CASELLA

Ms. Jenneke SEGERS

Sr. Juan Rodrigo WALSH Legal Specialist Ciudad de Buenos Aires Mr. Jorge Victor MARTIN Mr. Cristian GRAPH Mr. Juan Brian SCANLAN Fundación Vida Silvestre Argentina Mr. Ulises MARTINEZ ORTIZ Ms. Florencia Monzon EGANA Mr. Nicolas WERTHEIN Mr. Osvaldo BONINO Mr. Sylvia CLOUTIER Ms. Sarah SURUSILA Mr. Ignacio Martín HERRERA Ms. Estafania Victoria BARREL Mr. Ricardo Adolfo BARRAL Mr. Gabrierl RIVANO Mr. Enrique MONTEMAYOR Mr. Rene DALESTRA -----

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