August 30, 2016 | Author: Solomon Shon Mills | Category: N/A
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ScienceDirect Energy Procedia 00 (2016) 000–000
8th International Conference on Sustainability in Energy and Buildings, SEB-16, 11-13 September 2016, Turin, ITALY
Innovative High Capacity Heat Insulation Solar Glass and Application on Zero Energy Buildings Chin-Huai Young*,a, Shin-Ku Lee b, Shuo-Yan Choua a
National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, No.43, Sec.4, Keelung Road, Taipei, 106, Taiwan National Cheng Kung University, No.1, University Road, Tainan, 701, Taiwan
Abstract The glass is very unique in the world due to it can generate solar power to supply all the energy consumption from cooling and heating system and still remain some power to feed back into grid. There is no possibility for any other Low-e glass in the world to reach this target. The reflection of the heat insulation and reflection film can enhance the solar power generation and heat insulation simultaneously to gain more renewable energy and reduce more energy consumption from cooling and heating system. According to the test result of three real glass houses site testing at National Taiwan University of Science and Technology the Heat Insulation Solar Glass (HISG) house performed outstanding energy efficiency while compared with normal and low-e glass house. Based on a continuous site testing from Oct. 2014 to June 2015 of 3m x 3m x 3m glass houses, the HISG house gained 685 kWh during this period. It can supplied all the heating and cooling consumption of 317 kWh during this period and remained 368 kWh feeding back into grid. Contrarily, the ordinary glass house consumed 587 kWh on cooling and heating system. The energy efficiency during this period could be 955 kWh due to the contribution from HISG. The HISG has been proved to possess the highest capacity of energy efficiency for zero energy buildings in the world. The HISG could be applied on the vertical window or skylight for zero energy buildings. According to a computer simulation on the energy saving of a 26m x 26 m skylight on a 4 m high building in London and Abu Dhabi, the HISG can save 173,993 kWh and 256,512 kWh and decrease CO2 of 121,795 and 179,558 kg respectively while compared with normal glass. The HISG is very unique in the world for zero energy buildings in the future. © 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. Peer-review under responsibility of [KES International.]. Keywords: Heat Insulation Solar Glass, Zero Energy Buildings, Energy Efficiency, Solar Energy, Energy saving
1. Introduction Zero Energy Buildings (ZEB) is a kind of highest ideal for energy efficiency buildings due to no extra power is needed from grid to supply the energy consumption inside the buildings. It requires both reducing the energy consumption and supplying enough renewable energy. A kind of Heat Insulation Solar Glass (HISG) is introduced here to help reach the target of ZEB due to it can both generate high solar power and reduce the energy consumption of cooling and heating system. According to a real testing of glass house, the HISG glass house generated 686 kWh of solar power and only consumed 317 kWh of cooling and heating system and remained 368 kWh power to supply other electric facilities during 265 days. A simulation for the energy efficiency of a large area HISG skylight was performed to show it capacity on energy efficiency on a real building.
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +886-936159888; fax: +8862-87333489. E-mail address:
[email protected] 1876-6102 © 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. Peer-review under responsibility of [KES International].
Chin-Huai Young/ Energy Procedia 00 (2016) 000–000
2. Mechanism of HISG Fig. 1 shows the structure of the HISG. It indicates that the reflection layer at the back of solar thin film can reflect back the IR to increase the solar power up to 10% and reduce the IR penetration to obtain a good heat insulation during the summer time. In additions, two air spaces on both sides of reflection layer can reduce the U value to save heating consumption during the winter time.
Fig. 1 Structure of HISG .
3. Glass house testing 3.1 Test configuration Two glass houses testing was performed in National Taiwan University of Science & Technology to monitor the energy efficiency difference between normal glass house and HISG glass house as shown in Fig.2. Twenty pieces of glass of 110 cm x 140 cm size was built up on each glass house with a dimension of W2.5m x D3 m x H3m. Solar power generation on roof, east, west, south and north vertical sides on HISG glass house was recorded automatically to compare the solar power generation on each directions. As well, the energy consumption on cooling and heating system was also recorded automatically under a setting of 26 ℃ for cooling system and 20 ℃ for heating system. The cooling system turned on automatically while the room temperature was above 26℃ and the heating system turned on automatically while the room temperature was below 20℃.
Fig. 2 Testing configuration
Chin-Huai Young/ Energy Procedia 00 (2016) 000–000
3.2 Energy efficiency of glass house Fig. 3 shows the ordinary glass house consumed 587 kWh on cooling and heating system during 265 days testing. Meanwhile, the HISG glass house generated 686 kWh of solar power and only consumed 317 kWh of cooling and heating system and then remained 369 kWh power to supply other electric facilities. The test indicated an exciting result to encourage a hope to reach the target of zero energy buildings if the HISG could be applied on the buildings as a construction material due to it can generate enough solar power and save more energy consumption on the cooling and heating system.
Fig.3 Energy efficiency of glass house
3.3 Shading effect The indoor shading effect of these two glass houses was also taken into consideration in this test. Fig. 4 shows the indoor visible light comparison of these two glass house. It indicated the HISG house possessed a more comfortable indoors visible light while the ordinary glass house with a too high visible light. Fig.5 shows the HISG house performed a zero UV penetration all day to prevent the damage to human and furniture.
Fig.4 Visible lamination in the glass house
Fig.5 UV light penetration in the glass house
4. Testing in UK 4.1 Window installation The first stage of this study is to replace the traditional Double Low-e window to HISG window on the BASF Creative Home in the Campus of University of Nottingham to measure the solar power on a building as shown in Fig.6. The BASF house faces to south with trees at the front of the building and shading above the window which supplies a very good experimental study for this project on shadow effect on the solar power generation of HISG. As well, the test result is also compared with the
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simultaneous test in the campus of National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (NTUST) to measure the solar power under different location and various climate in EU and Asian Countries. Fig.7 shows the HISG on the BASF house.
Fig. 6 Installation of HISG on the BASF house in UoN
Fig.7 HISG installed on the BASF house in UoN
4.2 Solar power with respect to sun intensity The test result could be classified to four aspects for analysis which were solar power with respect to sun intensity, shadow effect due to sun shading, shadow effect due to tree shadow, time effect and location effect. The objective of this test is to measure the solar power generation capacity under various weather condition such as sunny day and cloudy day. The test was performed in the winter time of Oct. 2015. The maximum sun intensity measured in the winter time on the vertical position was 768 W/m2 and got solar power generation for a 1.1 m x 1.4 m HISG window as 84 W. The tendency of the solar power w.r.t sun intensity looked like linear relationship as shown in Fig. 8. One can predict the maximum solar power under 1000 W/m2 sun intensity will be at the value of 121 W based on the calculation of the linear equation.
Solar power w.r.t. sun intensity Solar power (W)
120 y = 0.1286x - 7.7284 R² = 0.981
100 80 60 40 20 0 0
Sun intensity (W/m2)
Fig.8 Solar power generation of HISG on the BASF house
In order to realize the HISG performed in Asian and European environment, the project built two vertical window with HISG and conducted experiments at the same time for comparison. The latitude induces the various inclination of sun shine in Asian and European countries. The HISG on BASF house in UK and on TBTC (Taiwan Building Technology Centre) building were tested for this study. Fig.9 showed the big difference between these two locations owing to their different latitude. The test result indicated a significant application was that the HISG gained a very good performance on solar power generation on vertical window in the higher latitude countries especially in the winter time as 27th Feb. 2015 with the similar sun intensity under 855 W/m2 at both locations.
Chin-Huai Young/ Energy Procedia 00 (2016) 000–000
Fig.9 Comparison of Solar power of HISG between Asia and EU on vertical window
4.3 Inclination effect To consider applications for the HISG on different part on the building, such as window, skylight or roof, solar power generation of HISG on various inclination angles was studied here. In which, the horizontal position represents the installation of HISG on the skylight, the 45 degree inclination angle represents the installation of HISG on the roof and the vertical position represents the installation of HISG on the window. Fig.10 showed the testing of HISG on 27/02/2015 in the campus of University of Nottingham. It indicated the HISG gained a very high power generation on the vertical position during the winter time due to the higher latitude in UK. It is quite different while compared with the countries in the lower latitude. Therefore, it could be concluded that the HISG gained a similar solar power generation both installed on roof or window within the higher latitude countries.
Fig. 10 HISG applied on different situations
Chin-Huai Young/ Energy Procedia 00 (2016) 000–000
5. Simulation on a real building A simulation on a real building was taken into consideration in this section based on the previous reliable prediction accuracy of the simulation software. For the calculation of the energy consumption when HISG is integrated on a public building, a large skylight with dimensions 25.7m x 25.7m is designed to simulate a shopping centre, with a minimum height of 3.7m. The inclined roof was made by fenestration materials. There were two kinds of glass taken into consideration in this simulation, which were normal glass and HISG. Fig.11 showed the diagram of simulation skylight. In order to compare the energy efficiency of HISG at different location in the world, we selected London, Abu Dhabi, Larnaca, Tokyo and Taipei for comparison. In which, Abu Dhabi represented equator countries, Larnaca represented tropics countries, Taipei represented semi-tropics countries and London and Tokyo represented temperate zone. Three common window systems that have been studied were the Ordinary double glazing, the Low-E double glazing and HISG.
Fig.11 Diagram of simulation skylight.
5.1 Solar power generation Based on the reasonable accuracy of the solar power simulation software described in the previous section, we simulated the skylight and got the solar power generation at different location in the world shown in Fig.12. It indicated the maximum solar power generation of the HISG skylight occurred in Abu Dhabi due to high sun intensity and longer sunny hours in this area. The lower solar power generation occurred in London due to lower sun intensity and shorter sunny hours of the city.
Fig.12 Solar power generation of HISG at different location
Fig. 13 Cooling consumption comparison
5.2 energy consumption Fig. 13 showed the comparison of cooling consumption of these three kinds of skylight at different location in the world. It indicated clearly that the cooling load in London was almost zero due to the indoor environment is comfortable and no
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cooling is necessary during the summer time. Contrarily, the cooling load in Abu Dhabi was quite high all the year due to the hot weather in this area. The HISG reduced a lot of cooling consumption while compared with ordinary double glazing and low-e double glazing due to its higher capacity of heat insulation at all the locations in the world. Fig. 14 showed the heating consumption of the simulation building. It indicated the heating energy demand is quite low in the city of Abu Dhabi due to the hot climate in this area. The cooling consumption was almost zero in London but the heating consumption is the highest among these simulation cities due to the cold climate in UK. Both the cooling and heating consumption were needed at the cities in Asia such as Taipei and Tokyo owing to the weather is very hot in the summer time and cold in the winter time in these countries. The HISG performed very well on energy saving for heating at any cities in the world especially in the cold countries such as UK and Japan. Fig.15 showed the total energy consumption of the simulation building. It indicated the HISG could save the energy demand all the year at any cities in the world. The tendency of the energy consumption saving is quite similar at all the cities in the world due to the HISG can save both cooling and heating consumption. The total energy consumption of HISG at Larnaca in Cyprus was only 29% of ordinary double glazing because the weather in Cyprus in quite different during the summer time and winter time, for example, the temperature could be highest at 39 ℃ during the summer time and lowest at 7 ℃ during the winter time. The reason was that the higher was the temperature during the summer time the higher capacity of insulation of HISG. As well, the lower was the temperature during the winter time the higher capacity of insulation of HISG.
Fig.14 Heating consumption comparison
Fig. 15 Total energy consumption comparison
5.3 Energy efficiency of HISG The HISG could both generate solar power and decrease cooling and heating energy consumption at all the cities in the world owing to its high capacity on solar power generation and heat insulation. The calculation of energy efficiency is based on the energy consumption minus the solar power supplied, in which, it is called energy demand from grid. Fig.16 showed the energy demand of each kinds of skylight at different cities in the world. It indicated the HISG could decrease a lot of energy demand from grid, especially, it could remain power feeding back to grid at Larnaca in Cyprus. It is quite unique in the world that the glass can supply the cooling and heating consumption and remain power feeding back to grid. The contribution is quite brilliant for decreasing the CO2 emission on the topic of global warming.
Fig.16 Comparison of energy demand from grid
Fig. 17 Comparison of CO2 emission
Chin-Huai Young/ Energy Procedia 00 (2016) 000–000
5.4 Environment contributions The HISG performed great contribution on decreasing CO2 for the world. Fig. 17 showed the contribution of HISG decreasing a lot of CO2 emission at any cities in the world. It was surprised that the CO2 emission of HISG on a building at Larnaca in Cyprus was even minus. That means the application of HISG can even contribute like a tree to absorb CO2 for the world. It is quite exciting that the HISG performs a great contribution for decreasing the crisis of global warming. After comparing HISG with two common insulation glass, it was very clearly that the HISG possessed the best energy efficiency in the world. The HISG should be highly applied in the world for solving the problem of global warming. We deeply hope the HISG could be widely applied on the low carbon buildings for the next generation to get a more economic environment and prevent the disaster due to global warming. Acknowledgements I would like to highly acknowledge to National Energy Program Phase II (NEP II) of Ministry of Science and Technology of Taiwan due to their financial support to finish this project and present this paper. As well, I also acknowledge the financial support from Marie Curie Fellowship to finish the research at the University of Nottingham in UK. The kind advice from Prof. Saffa Riffat of University of Nottingham was also very helpful for me to finish this research.
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