German-Moroccan Competency Network (DMK) Platform for Technology Transfer and Capacity Building\" Brussels Feb , 2010

August 13, 2016 | Author: Quentin Melton | Category: N/A
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1 German-Moroccan Competency Network (DMK) Platform for Technology Transfer and Capacity Building" Brussels Feb , 2...


German-Moroccan Competency Network (DMK) „Platform for Technology Transfer and Capacity Building" Brussels Feb. 25-26, 2010

Agenda • Introduction of our competence networks and how it has been built • Our projects, action plan 2009 and 2010 • Our experience, lessons learned and recommandations.


Currently every tenth Moroccans lives abroad (3 million about 10%).

Approx. 85% of them live in Europe. Thus, it is the second largest immigrant group after the Turkish in the European Union (FIMIP 2006: p. 58)

In Germany, 102,000 people live with Moroccan immigrant background (European University Institute )

The mobilization and strengthening of the engagement of Moroccans living in Germany in cooperation with their German colleagues was “imperative” for successful implementation of economic, technological and social transformation processes and projects in Morocco!

Who is DMK?

• An interdisciplinary network of 460 high-skilled experts of Moroccan and Germans, founded in May 2007, and legally registered since 07th March 2009 as non-profit organization. • Headquartered in Munich with representatives in most all German Bundesländer. The association is politically and religiously neutral.

Objectives of DMK  Promotion of technology and know transfer including investment projects in Morocco Reinforcement of integration of Moroccans into the German society  Promoting international understanding, culture dialogue and development cooperation

DMK Organization •

Honorary Chairmans − Mrs. Wieczorek-Zeul: The frormer German Federal Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development − H.E. Rachad Bouhlal: Moroccan Ambassador in Berlin

Executive Board

Advisory Board

President : Mr. Dr. Hachim Haddouti

Mr. Görz Becker

Vice President: Mrs. Dr. Soraya Moket

Mr. Dr. Wilke Behrends

Treasurer: Hr. Aziz Boutich

Prof. Dr. Michael Gerndt

Secretary General: Ms. Malika Bouziane

Mr. Horst Müller

Extended Board − − − − − − − − − − − −

Dr. Mostapha Ayaita Head of Renewable Energy and Environment Mr. Prof. Dr. A. Machraoui Head for medicine and health care Mr. Dr. Azzedine Maaroufi Head for Partnerships Mrs. Dounia Elkorchi-Buchert Head for Youth/Social/Culture Mrs. Malika Reyad Head for Music and Art Mr. Prof. Dr. Hassan Dihazi Head for R&D Mrs. Amal Benzina – Head for ITC / Event Manager Mr Karim Zidane – Head for Automotive/Automobile Mrs. Dr. Souad Bensalah-Mekkes Head for Public Relations (French) Mr. Hamid Rochdi Head for Public Relations (German) Ms. Halima Zaghdoud Head for Member Relations Mr. Houssam Haitof Head Technology

Our Competency…. •

Currently, the network consists of 460 experts − − − − − −

20% are in IT field 13% in Automobile / Automotive 9% in the social and cultural sectors 5% in the field of renewable energy and environment, 5% research and teaching. 30% live in Bavaria, 21% in Hesse, North Rhine-Westphalia in 18%, 15% BW and 12% in Berlin.

Geographically: 30% in Bavaria, 21 % in Hesse, 18 % in NRW, 15 % in BW und 12 % Berlin.

Gender: 15 % female

Current Projects (I) 

IT caravan through Morocco for the purpose of IT literacy in Moroccan schools ([email protected] ). Co-financed by GTZ/BMZ

Series of industrial presentations and training at Moroccan universities, cofinancied by CNRST and GTZ/BMZ

Promotion of scientific cooperation with the University of Cady Ayyad Marrakech and the University Hospital of Ibn Tofail Hospital (donation of medical instruments and training) ([email protected] ), Co-financed by GTZ/BMZ

Dual Masters in computer science between Technical University of Munich and Al Akhawayn University in Ifrane Morocco ([email protected])

Mentoring Program for Moroccan students at German universities - An innovative tool for staff development and talent with which motivated mentees (students) during your studies, career and life planning through the experiences of successful and competent experts should be encouraged

Current Projects (II) (Excerpt) •

First Autumn University for Moroccan competence abroad(first edition Germany), Fes 19-22 November 2009 in Cooperation with Moroccan Ministry for Diaspora ( , [email protected])

Argan d´or: Supporting Araganarie cooperatives in marketing their products (Argan oil etc.) in Germany and abroad (Mohamed El Karz).

Construction of a dialysis center in the northeast of Morocco ([email protected])

Opera Pasticcio Isli and Tislit, a Moroccan Romeo and Juliet story of the Berbers from the High Atlas with well-known arias and ensembles from Mozart operas with Berber music, bilingual. For 2010 and 2011 ([email protected])

Documenting Moroccan immigration history in Germany (50th anniversay of Moroccan immigration in Germany) ([email protected] )

Projects in Pipeline (Excerpt) •

Cloud Computing: A scientific and economic enabler: − Use the current Cloud solutions to pursue scientific research − Educate student on entrepreneurial initiatives providing commercial solution on top of the Cloud − Create local Cloud in Morocco that would allow Moroccan Universities to benefit from this technology and collaborate on scientific research

As result of IT Caravan there is a huge need of Museum of natural sciences and new technologies in order make the siences in particular for students at primary and secondary schools attractive.

“Les main dans la pate” hands-on in different fields (toursim, health, education, management, etc.) in the Oriental region of Morocco

Workshop “Research-Industry: partnering opportunities “ with Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, and Ecole Nationale de l'Industrie Minérale, Rabat − trends and characteristics of university-industry − presenting a general framework for fostering research collaboration and knowledge flow between university and industry

Issues and Lessons- learned  The success formula for our network is based on trust and relationship building between members; between members and Moroccan authorities; and members and German government.  But there is lot of work to do in order to gain the trust of the Diaspora in Moroccan authorities in general.  There is need to build confidence with also local partners that make migrants recognize that they are serious and committed to working with them.  Hometown Alumni - motivating members to help (training, donations, etc.) in their hometown  Assessment of needed Skill (skill management) :what skills are needed in home country? At all levels (municipal, regional, national)  Not only high skilled experts (with higher education) is needed but also specialized training

Our recommendations.. •

We are very much interested in cooperating with other networks or helping in creating other ones, furthermore we would like to share our best practices and experiences with other countries, in particular med countries.

Building thematic networks of excellence in the Med region, that will provide an appropriate context in which an euromed framework for fostering research collaboration and knowledge flow between university and industry can be developed and continuously updated.

Organizing summer schools in conjunction between universities and industries in different areas (such as Entrepreneurship, research-driven innovation,.. )

Supporting building euromed working groups and therefore scientific associations to (a) give a substantial contribution to the establishment of technology transfer (research/indutry) in several fields in the Euromed community, and (b) to promote research/industry activities through the organization of workshops, working groups, schools, etc.

However, best technology transfer is working together in common projects.

Partnerships and Cooperations with …

Moroccan Embassy in Berlin

F o n d a t i o n Ha s s a n I I p o u r MRE

Our Business Card…

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