Exploring the Educational Use of an Augmented Reality Books
December 27, 2016 | Author: Abel Hopkins | Category: N/A
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1 Exploring the Educational Use of an Augmented Reality Books Cheolil Lim, Taejung Park Seoul National University, Repub...
Exploring the Educational Use of an Augmented Reality Books Cheolil Lim, Taejung Park Seoul National University, Republic of Korea Abstract This study aims at exploring and promoting the availability of AR books to augment real and physical books with virtual content for education. Above all, previously developed cases as well as literature review relating to AR books provide an introduction to what an AR book is and its educational effects and technical characteristics. To achieve this goal, we analyzed 13 research cases of developed AR books according to criteria of both educational and technical uses and examined needs of 42 education professionals via an online survey. Based on case analysis, AR books increase the educational effects on affordance, reading comprehension, memory, concentration, interactivity, problem solving, and imagination. It is found that they also enable students to engage in self-paced and level-differentiated learning. In terms of technical uses, AR books utilize mainly a tangible user interface while having various displays and markers owing to their unique technical features. Based on needs analysis, education professionals express the willingness to utilize AR books for educational purposes in spite of their low awareness of them. So in a nutshell, the results of the case and needs analyses suggest the potential of AR books to be applied to and used in educational environments. Therefore, successive studies on the instructional design and development of AR books along with empirical research on their multilateral learning effects are required. Introduction The rapid development of new digital devices and technology has offered both innovative opportunities and challenges for instructional designers and teachers. Among the newer types of digital media, Augmented Reality (AR) will become common. This type has been applied to numerous disciplines, including medicine, the military, engineering maintenance and repair, and entertainment. AR is an emerging technology tool that could afford a variety of learning opportunities to expand new interactive constructivist learning environments. Research in the field of AR is essentially technology-driven, which means that the needs and effectiveness of the educational applications remain undiscovered and a minor concern. Over the last two decades there have been numerous efforts and much prediction regarding the replacement of real books with digital equivalents such as electronic books (Grasset, Dunser, & Billinghurst, 2008). Along with the development of a variety of software content, the rapid growth of hardware such as e-Book readers, tablet PCs, netBooks, electronic ink (e-Link), and electronic paper (ePaper) transcend the limitations of paper books, which have the difficulty of updating the information with knowledge-centered, and one-sided, linear learning materials. However, not everyone welcomes the coming loss of paper-based books, which have the strengths of transportability, flexibility and robustness (Back, Cohen, Gold, Harrison, & Minneman, 2001; Marshall, 2005), as an electronic book is clearly not equivalent to a real book with real paper pages. With the help of the release of augmented reality books which combine digital content with physical analogue books, we don’t have to make an effort to choose e-Books or paper based books. Recently there are increasing numbers of cases of the research development of AR books by Korean and international computer science labs. However, the researchers tend to focus on the technical aspects of AR books, not educational ones. Thanks to the rapid development of information and communication equipment, not only handheld device, head mounted devices, and PCs but also smartphones include the display, marker, and camera features required for AR books. Therefore, it is becoming easier for AR books to be used for educational purposes. The aim of this study is to explore the potential effects of AR books in education. To achieve this goal, we examined works related to reviews on technological features and educational use and conducted a needs analysis to assess educators’ needs. A collective review of the study results, including a literature review and needs analysis, indicated that AR books have positive learning effects on both cognitive and affective domains, demonstrating their potential for use in classroom environments.
Theoretical Background The evolution of e-Books The concept of e-Books is changing in accordance with the trends of the times and technological development. The first-generation e-Books are digitalized books; they are characterized by the formatting of texts and images into xml or pdf files while retaining the original content and forms of paper books. However, they have limitations in offering various layouts and multimedia and an interactive reading environment. The secondgeneration e-Books are multimedia books that are a combination of a variety of texts, pictures, sounds, 2D animation(gif), and video files (flash), thus providing interactive multimedia materials and interactive environments to readers. However, they have some difficulty in increasing learners’ immersion and presence and, furthermore, predicting active interaction between learners and multimedia materials (Lee, & Cho, 2002). Finally, the thirdgeneration e-Books are AR books utilizing context-aware AR technology being actively researched and developed at present. They mix multimedia materials which allow learners to experience the multiple senses of touch, smell, and taste as well as sight and hearing by applying AR technology, thus offering additional information which paper books cannot and enhancing learners’ interaction(Ha, Lee, & Woo, 2009). These AR books are expected to enhance the strengths of and compensate for the weaknesses of paper books and other e-Books by adding diverse digital content to physical paper books with AR technology. Table 1 shows the development stages of e-Books. st
1 generation e-Books
Table 1. The Development Stages of e-Books 2nd generation e-Books
Digitalized books characterized by the conversion of the content and form of paper books into xml or pdf file format
Multimedia books offering various multimedia and interactive environments to readers due to a combination texts, pictures, sounds, 2D animation (gif), and video files (flash)
3rd generation e-Books
AR books providing virtual contents which offer contexts to paper-based books with a multi-sensory (visual, auditory, tactile, olfactory, gustatory) experience that support readers’ interactions in immersive environments
Augmented Reality(AR) books - Concepts and features The concept of AR can be easily defined through the mixed reality continuum (see Figure 1). AR is mixed reality that is closer to the real environment. AR allows users more immersion and presence by seamlessly merging the virtual environment and the real environment (Azuma, 1997).
Figure 1. Mixed Reality Continuum (Milgram & Kishino, 1994)
AR offers a realistic experience due to its multi-sensory 3D models and transitional interface which allow users seamless interaction between the real and virtual worlds and objects (Billinghurst, 2002). AR is simply the conveyance of data from the virtual world to the real world beyond the form of annotation data to generate a new world of enhanced visualization (Lee, & Ham, 2010). In addition, AR is a context-aware computer technique which can enhance interaction, providing users with the necessary information in real time by detecting their location and situation in a context (Azuma, 1997). With the beginning of the twenty-first century, the emergence of PDAs, camera phones, and wireless the internet induced the innovative growth of AR technology. Since 2008, with the development of as AR application for mobile phones, interest in AR has dramatically increased. Accordingly, AR books have appeared as an attempt
to apply AR to the e-Book format. AR books have enhanced the concept of books by creating interactive environment that incorporates animation, 3D graphics, and simulation (Shelton, 2002). AR books also have augmented physical paper books with 3D objects, video, voice, and multimedia elements generated by computer graphics using AR technology (Ryu, Cho, & Yang, 2009). AR books not only increase overall realism but also provide familiarity to readers so that they may interact in an environment based on the real physical environment (Park, 2009). Moreover, AR books are intriguing, thus prompting readers’ motivation and immersion (Korea Education & Research Information Service, 2006). A wide variety of AR books ranges from those which enable readers to simply observe the augmented 3D objects to those which require readers to actively interact with the books (Park, 2009). AR books are referred to by different names such as augmented book, AR multimedia books, digilog books, AR mediated books, 3D books, virtual pop-up books, and MagicBook. - Effects of educational use Shelton(2003) suggests that AR facilitates active, constructive, intentional, practical, and collaborative learning. Also, AR-based learning content reduces the acquisition of wrong concepts and raises the understanding of complex content (Shelton & Hedley, 2002). Therefore, AR leads to users’ curiosity and interest because users can easily observe and manipulate learning content (Korea Education & Research Information Service, 2006). In addition, several other studies (Dunleavy, Dede, & Mitchell, 2009; KERIS, 2006; KERIS, 2005; McKenzie, & Darnell, 2003; Noh, Ji, & Lim., 2010; Yeo, 2009) have reported the educational benefits of AR content on learning achievement and attitudes by discussing concepts such as immersion, satisfaction, presence, creativity, curiosity, motivation, engagement, and interest. Like AR-based learning content, AR books can support immersive learning, improve the understanding of complex information and increase motivation and participation (McKenzies & Darnell, 2003). This type of electronic book enables complex and various user interactions through the physical use of a real book. Using a real physical book for the development of an AR book has proven to have a positive influence on improving users’ enjoyment, engagement and usability (Grasset et al., 2008) and reducing their cognitive load (Neumann, & Majoros, 1998). Using AR books in educational settings leads to active participation, authentic learning and collaborative learning (Billinghurst, Kato, & Poupyrev, 2001; Shelton, 2003) and better understanding (Chen, 2006; Klopfer, Yoon, &Rivas, 2004; Shelton, & Hedley, 2002). Moreover, AR books can support teaching and learning by offering students the possibility of learning-by-doing (Doswell, Blake, Green, Mallory, & Griffin, 2006; Fjeld, & Voegtli, 2002), facilitating students' information searches as information can be provided when and where needed (Cooperstock, 2001), and reducing the likelihood of errors due to the availability of necessary data and cues with little effort (Neumann, & Majoros, 1998; Regenbrecht, Lum, Kohler, Ott, Wagner, Wilke, & Mueller, 2004). Besides the benefits of learning achievement and attitudes, AR books have positive influence on varied and dynamic interaction. According to Azuma (1997), AR book systems have the following three characteristics: 1) they combine the real and the virtual, 2) they are interactive in real time, and 3) they can be registered in 3D. As the user freely rotates, turns, touches or takes a closer look at a book, the AR book system reacts accordingly (Saso, Iguchi, & Inakage, 2003). AR books are expected to support active interaction as well as learning and collaboration through the user interface(O 'Malley & Fraser, 2005; Price, et al., 2003) and facilitate intuitive interaction since the real context: real paper books and the real-world environment remain (Grasset, et al., 2007). Additionally, using AR books students can reorganize a story by closely interacting with specific components of interaction tools and creatively writing and editing its parts(Dunser & Hornecker, 2007). In short, AR books have a significant positive impact on achievement, attitude and interactions which can drive self-directed learning - Technological components of AR books In the case of the PC monitor as a display, the operating principles of the AR book learning system are as follows. First, the viewer program of the AR book is installed on the PC. Second, the PC recognizes and tracks the book’s pages through the input image from the camera to the computer. Third, 3D models, video, sound, and other multimedia content stored on the computer are registered and augmented to the book. Even though the book moves, augmented content is still rendered on the book. Fourth, users can interact with augmented virtual content on the book by turning over book pages or manipulating physical objects as a user interface and experience responses of the virtual content with multiple senses (Ha et al., 2009). Figure 2 shows the AR book learning system with a PCbased monitor as one of the displays.
Figure 2. AR book learning system
The AR book system can be overviewed through essential technological components such as the displays, tracking methods and user interfaces, all of which have implications on educational settings. Display The display technology for AR books are divided into Head Mounted Display(HMD) and Non-Head Mounted Display(Non-HMD) as shown in Table 2. Table 2. Display devices Non-HHD HHD
Spatial Display
PC Monitor Display
Tracking Two different types of tracking technology exist: marker-based and marker-less. Using markers, the AR book system tracks and recognizes images for virtual objects. In early AR development studies, visible markers were used to easily find camera images. However, visible markers have the problem of decreasing students’ immersion in AR books. Therefore, marker-less tracking technology is being studied, which uses not visible markers but existing information, is being studied (Lowe, 2004). Marker-based Tracking (Park, 2009)
Marker-less Tracking (Scherrer, Pilet, Fua, & Lepetit, 2008)
Figure 3. Marker-Based and Marker-Less Tracking
User Interface
AR books are created by combining a traditional user interface, a Graphical User Interface (GUI) consisting of a mouse, keyboard, and screen; and a Tangible User Interface (TUI) consisting of physical objects such as marker-embedded paddles, cubes, and real-life objects (Brave, Ishii, & Dahley, 1998). The TUI allows students to easily manipulate content by touching, selecting and moving real objects in a more natural environment (Ishii & Ullmer, 1997). This TUI compared to GUI enables more immersive and intuitive interaction among multiple users in collaborative environments as shown in Table 3. Table 3. GUI-based and TUI-based Individual & Collaborative Forms of Interaction (Brave, Ishii, & Dahley, 1998) Individual Learning Environment
Collaborative Learning Environment.
Case Analysis of AR Books Method For the selection process of developed AR book cases, we searched for related research papers using keywords such as AR (AR-based) book, augmented book, AR electronic book (e-book), mixed reality (MR) book and other such terms on Korean and international databases from March of 2010 to July of 2010. Thirteen cases were chosen as shown in Table 4. The case analysis criteria were divided into educational use (e.g., related subjects, content, effects, target and method of use) and technological characteristics (e.g., displays, tracking methods and user interfaces).
Table 4. Selected AR books for Case Analysis Researcher(s) or Developer(s) (Development Year) Screen Shot Source
Billinghurt, Kato, & Poupyrev (2001) Retrieved from http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=10.
Saso, & Inakage (2003) Retrieved from http://portal.acm.org/ftgateway.cfm?id=965573&type= pdf
Woods, & Billinghurst (2004) Retrieved from http://www.hitlabnz.org/wiki/ARVolcano
Shibata et al. (2004) Retrieved from http://www.ritsumei.ac.jp/~asa/publication/VR2004T16.pdf
Little Red
AR Volcano
Vivid Encycloped ia
Augmented Story Book
Virtual Pop-Up Book
Aliens & UFOs
The House That Jack Built
The Haunted Book
Jack the Time Traveller
English Textbook
Digilog Book
Dunser, & Hornecker (2007) Retrieved from http://www.ehornecker.de/Papers/GIAR-final2.pdf
Taketa, Hayash, Kato, & Noshida (2007) Retrieved from http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1766591.176664 5
Metaio Co. (2008) Retrieved from http://www.wired.com/gadgetlab/2008/10/im-in-yurphysi/
Grasset, Dunser, & Billinghurst (2008) Retrieved from http://ir.canterbury.ac.nz/bitstream/10092/2391/1/1261 32362008EdutainmentMixedRealityBookVisuallyAugmentedIllu strativeChildrensBook
Scherrer, Pilet, Fua, & Lepetit (2008) Retrieved from http://cvlab.epfl.ch/publications/publications/2008/Sch errerPFL08.pdf
Zhou, Cheok, &Tedjokusumo (2008) Retrieved from http://www.ijvr.org/issues/issue42008/9-16%20wIzQubes-SZ-V3.pdf
Looser, & Clark (2009) Retrieved from http://www.hitlabnz.org/wiki/3DMagicbookdisplayatU Clibrary
Cho et al. (2008) Retrieved from http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=10.
Ha, Lee, & Woo (2008) Retrieved from http://cti.gist.ac.kr/
Results - Analysis of educational use Most research and development practices related to AR books were carried out with a technological approach centering on the field of computer engineering. Therefore, we had difficulty in finding cases which discuss AR books in terms of instructional design, teaching and learning theory and models and other educational aspects. Nevertheless, this study tried to analyze the selected cases according to related subjects, content, educational effects, and target users as follows. According to the results of the educational analysis, AR books are able to facilitate students’ comprehension, memory, concentration, affordance, interactivity, imagination, problem–solving and leveldifferentiated learning by offering them immersion, presence, and context. Table 5. Results of Educational Analysis
Reading stories
Reading and creating stories
Educational Effects
improving immersion, imagination, reading comprehension
Increasing interactivity
Increasing understanding principles Driving self-paced learning
Experiencing volcano eruptions
Multifaceted and detailed observation and manipulation of 3D insects (moving and resizing)
Reading stories and completing activities
Reading stories
Experiencing the planets and spacecrafts
of K-7~12
Increasing interactivity
Improving understanding with scaffolding Increasing motivation and interest Improving concentration, memory, affordance, and problem-solving
Improving understanding
Increasing immersion
Reading the storybook and revising stories
Obtaining positive feedbacks on interest, usability, and participation
Describing the content poems with pictures
Increasing immersion
Reading the storybook and creating stories
Improving interactivity
Babies & toddlers
Career Course
Comic book about a journey through the history of cinema to find an interesting job
Increasing immersion
Foreign Language
Comparing words of similar pronunciation for the study of vocabulary in an English textbook
Increasing motivation and academic achievement
Social Studies
Observing and experiencing various Korean Buddhist temple bells through direct interaction
Improving understanding
- Analysis of technological characteristics The following Table 6 shows the results of an analysis of the technological characteristics of thirteen selected AR books.
Items Display
Table 6. Results of Technological Analysis a b c d e f
Embedded in the book
√ √
√ √
Marker-less User Interface
√ √
Embedded in physical objects
h √
PC monitor Markerbased
√ √
Needs Analysis of AR Books Method Based on the analysis results of the thirteen developed AR book cases, we developed questionnaires to determine the needs of education professionals for their use of AR books in educational settings (i.e., appropriate subjects, content, application methods, teaching and learning methods, content types for using them, criteria to determine whether or not to use them, and requirements for adopting their use in schools) as well as levels of awareness of AR and AR books and the perception of their educational effects (Table 7). In order to explore the possibility of the educational use of AR books, thirty-one elementary and junior high school Korean teachers and eleven researchers of Korean organizations related to elementary and secondary education informatization participated in an online survey conducted from August 4, 2010 through September 3, 2010. Table 7. Survey Items Survey Area Awareness of AR books & perception of their educational effects Needs of educational uses of AR books
Detailed Items
Awareness of AR books Perception of AR books’ educational effects Willingness to use AR books
Appropriate subjects for AR books Appropriate content types, application methods, teaching and learning methods for AR books Criteria to determine whether or not to use AR books requirements for adopting the use of AR books in schools
Results The results of the survey on awareness, perception, and needs concerning AR books are shown in the following Table 8. Consequently, a large number of survey participants predict the positive effects of AR books on educational use and would like to use AR books for educational purposes. Table 8. Results of Needs Analysis 1)
Basic knowledge of AR books
a) never heard of b) have heard of
2) 31(74%) 11(26%)
a) no experience b) plan to use
Appropriate subjects for AR books (multiple responses)
art & physical education
social studies
foreign language
Response No. (Response Rate %)
Whether to experience AR books 39(93%) 3(7%)
Observing animal and plant life Simulation of volcanoes and earthquakes Presenting 3D universal models Presenting exercise postures Observing the engraving process Offering video clips on how to play musical instruments Presenting history- and geography- related materials Viewing geographical maps Visiting and experiencing historic sites, museums, and foreign countries Offering supplementary materials about environment and culture Using as motivation cues in the introduction of a story Presenting related materials to literature Studying listening and speaking through authentic conversation Offering situations and contexts for conversation
technical education
Observing how native speakers pronounce
Representing geometrical figures in a 3D space
Showing methods and procedures of crafts and cooking
4) Appropriate methods for taking advantage of AR books (multiple responses)
5) Suitable development forms of AR books for regular classes
regular curriculum
a) supplementary materials
b) extracurricular activities c) self-study
12(18%) 11(16%)
d) alternative courses
level-differentiated learning
after-school classes
35(83%) 7(17%)
6) Appropriate teaching-learning methods for the use of AR books (multiple responses)
7) Appropriate content types of AR books (multiple responses)
discovery learning
direct instruction
presentation of materials
c) game
individual learning
collaborative learning
drill and practice
f) tutorial
8) Evaluation criteria of AR books (multiple responses)
9) Required supports to adopt AR books (multiple responses)
a) quality of content
d) technology e) price
6(13%) 1(2%)
c) teaching and learning model d) lesson plan e) casebooks f) video clips of exemplary lessons g)
6(13%) 6(13%) 5(10%) 2(4%) 1(2%)
10) Expected educational impacts of AR books
11) Intent to educationally use AR books
a) very effective b) effective c) uncertain
a) will use b) will not use
5(12%) 23(55%) 14(33%)
35(83%) 7 (17%)
Discussion & Conclusions This study, through case analyses of AR books, shows that they have educationally positive effects on not only cognitive but also affective domains such as engagement, presence, interactivity and affordance. Additionally, the results of a needs analysis suggest the potential of AR books for application and use in classroom environments
since the willingness and intent of education professionals to use AR books for teaching and learning has been proven. However, efforts to seek out ways to use AR books educationally with a consideration of their technological features should be made. Additionally, empirical research on their multilateral learning effects should be conducted, and usability evaluations of these types of books should be carried out by adopting them soon. Specifically, while systemically establishing teaching and learning theories and methods, instructional design principles and the models, strategies, guidelines/manuals, casebooks, lesson plans, and worksheets of AR books, they should be gradually spread throughout schools. AR books, through the use of AR technology, have the potential to introduce innovation into education and open up new horizons in learning. AR book technology is entering the practical application stage, and currently, several AR books have been developed as a mobile cell phone application. Cell phones with GPS (a Global Positioning System) can be viewed as a place-independent AR system which can be superimposed onto any physical area. Using these cell phones to display virtual content in a real environment, a curriculum could be implemented immediately apart from the school building, in an area such as a school playground, a sports field, or a house. In the near future, the most likely platform for AR-based instructional models will shift to GPS-enabled cell phones such as the iPhone (Dunleavy et al., 2009). Although AR book technology is not new, its potential in education is just beginning to be explored. The utilization and contribution of AR books takes into consideration both technological and educational factors. The technological characteristics of AR books might make them useful instructional media for realizing a U-learning environment. Consequently, AR books should be designed and implemented in an effective and efficient manner for both teachers and students. Therefore, educators inclusive of researchers, instructional designers, teachers and other professionals should work with researchers and developers of AR book technology to find out how these technological characteristics can be optimally applied in an educational environment. Designing an effective and efficient learning environment using new technology such as AR is challenging. Future successive work ought to involve improvements for enhancing teaching and learning with little effort and at a low cost. Reference Azuma, R. T. (1997). A survey of Augmented Reality. In Presence: Teleoperators and virtual environments, 6(4), 355-385. Back, M., Cohen, J., Gold, R., Harrison, S., & Minneman, S. (2001). Listen Reader: an electronically augmented paper-based book. CHI 2001: ACM Press, 04/2001. Billinghurst, M. (2002). Shared space: explorations in collaborative augmented reality. Unpublished doctorial dissertation, University of Washington, Washington. Brave, S., Ishii, H., & Dahley, A. (1998). Tangible interfaces for remote collaboration and communication. Proceedings of CSCW '98, USA. Chen, Y. (2006). A study of comparing the use of augmented reality and physical models in chemistry education. Paper presented at VRCIA 2006. Hong Kong 14-16 June 2006, 369-372. Cooperstock, J. R. (2001). The classroom of the future: Enhancing education through augmented reality. Proceedings of HCI In- ternational, 688-692. Doswell, J., Blake, B., Green, J., Mallory, O., & Griffin, C. (2006). Augmented Reality learning games: 3D virtual instructors in Augmented Reality environments. ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games. EA Redwood City campus. Dunser, A. & Hornecker, E. (2007). An observational study of children interacting with an augmented story book. Edutainment 2007, LNCS 4469, 305-315. Fjeld, M., & Voegtli, B. (2002). Augmented Chemistry: An Interactive Educational Workbench. In the video program of the International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR) 2002, 259-260 Grasset, R., Dünser, A., Seichter, H., & Billinghurst, M. (2007). The Mixed Reality Book: A New Multimedia Reading Experience. Proceedings of CHI' 2007 Interactivity, USA. Ha, T., Lee, Y., & Woo, W. (2009). Trends ad prospects of research on interactive digilog books. Journal of Korea Multimedia Association, 13(3), 89-98.
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