July 2, 2017 | Author: Charleen Lucas | Category: N/A
1 DEUS MEUS ET OMNIA Year HANDBOOK 12 CONTACTS Our College Contents Assistant Principal 3 Our Mission Statement 4 Commun...
Year 7 2017
CONTACTS Our College Contents Assistant Principal
Our Mission Statement
College Uniform Requirements
First Week Procedures
Mr Chris Noonan
Mr Kyle Connor
Ms Marie Hansen
Mr Geoff Browne
Mrs Jacqui Sheehan
Mr Peter Carroll
Uniform Textbook Dates 8 Getting to school
Term Dates and Public Holidays 12
Mr Chris Noonan - Principal
[email protected]
Phone Numbers
Mr Kyle Connor - Deputy Principal
[email protected]
5586 1000
Sick Bay
5586 1006
Absentee Line
5586 1095
Student Office 5586 1007 Text Hire
5586 1087
Uniform Shop
5586 1014
5586 1088
Ms Marie Hansen - Assistant Principal Junior Curriculum
[email protected] Mr Geoff Browne - Assistant Principal Pastoral Care
[email protected] Mrs Jacqui Sheehan - Head of Year 7
[email protected] Mr Peter Carroll - Assistant Head of Year 7
[email protected]
Our College Throughout the years at the College, students will encounter many new experiences and opportunities I encourage them to embrace the challenges and make the most of the opportunities offered to them.
Assistant Principal’s Message I hope this booklet provides you with the answers to many of your questions and alleviates any of your concerns. It also describes the Year Seven curriculum in 2017. Year 7 is a very exciting year but sometimes challenging time for students as they move to a different structure of schooling. This Information Evening and the Orientation Day assists with the smooth transition to the College. The Orientation day provides an opportunity for the students to have a taste of the routines and experiences of Junior Secondary and also a chance to meet other students and teachers who are part of the supportive environment that is Marymount College.
Year 7 Curriculum
Religious Education
Science 18 Health & PE
Drama 21 Music 22 Visual Art
Food Technology
Industrial Design Tech
Throughout the years at the College, students will encounter many new experiences and opportunities. I encourage them to embrace the challenges and make the most of the opportunities offered to them. Embrace academic excellence ! Learning is our core business and at the core of all learning is the ongoing relationship between students, parents and the College. We aim to build positive environment where open communication is encouraged as we work in partnership to ensure your son or daughter achieve their academic goals. Welcome to Marymount College ! Marie Hansen Assistant Principal Junior Curriculum 3
Our Mission Statement
Lifelong Learning
Our College belongs to the Roman Catholic Church. The Leader of the Church is Pope Francis who is the Bishop of Rome. He is in communion with Catholic bishops throughout the world. We belong to the Archdiocese of Brisbane and our Archbishop is the Most Reverend Mark Coleridge. He delegates his authority to Brisbane Catholic Education which employs our staff, appoints the Principal and is responsible for the day-to-day operations of our school. The actual ownership of the College rests with the Archdiocese of Brisbane, through Burleigh Heads Parish.
Reflective, effective, self-directed, active, creative and engaged learning. Learning that is not just concerned with logic and argument. Life-long learning is responsive to the creative presence of God and the call to be the best person one can be along life’s journey. A person able to cope with change in a positive way.
Life-Giving Life-giving means that both the spirit and the mind is nurtured, the journey with and to God is positive and inviting, enriching and supported by people who love and care.
Gospel values are reflected in all aspects of College life. Important values drawn from the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John are: • Care for the poor and those forced to the outer edges of society, eg. Homeless, those with medical or psychiatric illnesses, those struggling financially • Tolerance and respect - listening to and valuing those whose ideas and behaviour are different from ours • Including everyone - we don’t discriminate against others • Respect for others; no bullying, caring behaviour, management of students • Forgiveness - you can make mistakes here • Faith - we are all on a journey to and with God. The College supports you in this • Hope - we are optimistic - we are not negative in our attitudes to school, others and life • Love - we treat others well, as we would like to be treated ourselves
Supportive School Environment
As a student at our College, you feel supported by the Leadership Team and Staff. Supported means you are treated justly by all and that you feel safe, valued as a person and included in the life of the school. You are given a decent chance to develop and show your potential. You are encouraged to work hard so as to fulfil God’s plan for you.
The Son of God whom we encounter in Christian Scriptures. The historical person who is portrayed in the four Gospels and whose Spirit lives on in us today.
Vision The meaning of Jesus’ teachings in relation to the Kingdom of God. Jesus’ vision requires a response from Christians today.
Communication Newsletter The weekly newsletter contains all the information you need to know about what is happening at Marymount College. You will receive an email with a link each Friday afternoon. Please take the time to read this information. Printed copies are available in the Main Office and SAO. Previous issues are available on the College website. Email We will regularly send email with information about upcoming events. Please ensure you have supplied a current email address. SMS The College will send SMS reminders to the Main Contact, for important events, and also to advise if your child was absent from Pastoral Class. Parent Portal Use the Parent Portal to notify an absence, view student information, reports, assessment schedules, excursion letters and more. An email with information on how to access will be sent to you early in the school year. Website There is a range of useful information for parents on our website www.marymount.qld.edu.au BCE Connect App Download the College App from Apple Store or Google Play. Once you download BCE Connect, search for Marymount College and mark as a favourite. The app is a useful way to access information on the go. We can also send you push notifications if there are announcements. Facebook Page www.facebook.com/marymountcollegeburleighwaters The facebook page is updated regularly with news and photos of student life and events happening at College.
REPORTING Reports are completed three times a year. You will be sent an email to let you know when reports are available on the Parent Portal. • • •
Interim Report (End of Term One) Semester One Report Semester Two Report
Parent/ Teacher Interviews There are two opportunities to meet with your child’s teachers each year. Information regarding online bookings will be sent home with reports. • •
Term Two, Week Two Term Three, Week Two
It is important that the College is kept up to date with any changes in address, phone numbers, and email addresses, so that we are able to contact you quickly.
College Uniform Requirements Hair For all students, hair should be neat, clean and tidy. •
It should not be cut in an extreme fashion nor should it be coloured in an unusual or extreme way For boys, hair should be to the shape of their head and should be no longer than the top of the collar Girls’ hair should be tied back at the nape of the neck with a plain tie or blue or white ribbon When leaning forward the hair should not obscure the face, for both boys and girls Boys are to be clean shaven. Beards, goatees, moustaches, rattails or long sideburns are not permitted Boys are not permitted to have their hair tied back
Students who cannot wear the correct College Uniform on any given day, for a particular reason, can request a variation from their Pastoral Coordinator. This should be a written request from a parent/ guardian. 6
School Uniform The full school uniform is to be worn whilst travelling to and from school (except on designated sports days) and at all College functions. Bags The navy blue Marymount regulation bag is required and is sold through the bookshop. Skirts Skirts are available in two lengths so as to eliminate the need to shorten. T-shirts T-shirts with writing clearly visible are not to be worn under the white school shirt. Jewellery, Make-up Students are not permitted to wear jewellery or make-up. The only exceptions are a wrist-watch, or a plain cross worn with an appropriate chain. Girls may wear one plain stud or sleeper in each lower ear lobe. Piercings Lip, eyebrow, tongue and other visible piercings are not permitted. Large jewelled studs or earrings are not permitted. Clear studs are not permitted. Students in breach of the uniform policy will be issued with a lunchtime uniform detention.
First Week Procedures TUCKSHOP Please Note: The Tuckshop will NOT be open during Week One. Students can purchase healthy, nutritious food from the Tuckshop each day during Recess and Lunch.
• •
• •
Meet in the Doyle Centre at 8:25am Wear Formal School Uniform Bring pencil case, morning tea, lunch and half your books Your Year Coordinator will allocate you a locker
Go to your PC Classroom Classes as normal
Go to your PC Classroom
Go to your PC Classroom Classes as normal
• • •
• •
Wear Formal School Uniform Go to your PC Classroom Bring other half of books
THURSDAY 26 JANUARY Australia Day Public Holiday FRIDAY 27 JANUARY •
Whole School Swimming Carnival (Pizzey Park) - information will be emailed regarding this event
Wear Sports Uniform Go to your PC Classroom Sport (Trials)
Go to your PC Classroom Classes as normal
Orders for sandwiches, rolls and wraps are placed by writing in an order book located at the Tuckshop during recess. For students convenience, the Tuckshop has EFTPOS facilities. Two vending machines are located adjacent to the Tuckshop, for students wanting to purchase drinks or other items. The Tuckshop is always looking for volunteers, so if you can spare one day a week, a month, or a term please contact Mrs Maher or Mrs Viney on 5586 1018. Volunteers receive lunch, a $10 voucher for each volunteer day, and a $40 credit applied to their P&F levy in Term 4.
Uniform & Textbook Dates Shoes
Bookings open at 9:00am
Only black leather, lace-up traditional style shoes are allowed.
Tuesday 8 November 2016
Bookings close at 9:00am
Black joggers sold as school shoes are not permitted Shoes with pointed toes or buckles are not permitted
For both boys and girls sports shoes are to be traditional runners. Shoes do not need to be white, they may be coloured. Slip-on style or canvas shoes not permitted •
Flat sole skate shoes are not permitted Ankle high basketball shoes are not permitted
FITTING DATES Thursday 10 November 2016
3:00pm - 4:50pm
Friday 11 November 2016
12:00pm - 4:45pm
Saturday 12 November 2016
8:00am - 2:45pm
8:00am - 3:30pm
Wednesday 18 January 2017
8:00am - 3:30pm
Thursday 19 January 2017
8:00am - 12:00pm
UNIFORM FITTINGS Your log in and details for booking a uniform fitting online are included in the information pack received at Year 7 Information Evening. Uniforms are available to try on and purchase on the Textbook and Stationery Collection days, however there will be no Uniform Fitting appointments available at these times.
Uniform Shop
The Uniform Shop and Text hire are open Monday to Thursday from 8:00am3:30pm during school terms.
Textbooks and stationery for all Year levels is available for collection on these days. Should you be unable to attend and collect your books, please make arrangements to have someone collect books on your behalf. If this is not possible, please email
[email protected].
Getting to school Bus College Bus Bays are supervised in the morning and afternoon until 3:30pm. Routes and timetables, as well as information on bus passes and travel assistance can be accessed from these websites:
Bike There are bike pathways leading into the school and students must lock their bikes up in a secure area during the day. It is a legal requirement to wear a helmet.
Surfside Buslines 5571 6555 www.surfside.com.au •
Western Drop-off/Pick-up & Parking Facility
Drivers using the ‘Kiss & Go’ have 30 seconds to pick-up or dropoff their children. The child must be ready to exit the vehicle to the side walk immediately, with all they need to take with them. At pick-up, if the child is not ready or present, drivers will be asked to move on and re-join the queue, via the staff only car park. If parents need to exit the car for any reason, it is recommended that they park in the Reedy Creek Road public car park. Eastern Drop-off /Pick-up & Parking Facility With the completion of the Mary, Mother of Mercy Church, a ‘Kiss & Go’ Drop Off and an additional 114 carpark spaces will become available, at the top of Sunlight Drive.
FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE You may be eligible for financial assistance for bus fares. Further information on College website www.marymount. qld.edu.au > Parent/Guardian Information > Bus Service Information.
• • •
Tweed Heads, Tugun and Palm Beach Bonogin & Reedy Creek Link Way Westminster Bvd, Elanora, Tallebudgera & West Burleigh Mudgeeraba, Worongary & Tallai Broadbeach, Miami & Burleigh Waters Robina, Varsity Lakes Cottesloe Dr & Rio Vista Blvd Carrara & Robina (Ron Penhaligon Way)
Koala Koaches 5535 2711 www.koalakoaches.com.au • •
Tallebudgera (Len Dickfos Rd) Tallebudgera (Goolabah Dr)
Attendance If you are unwell during the day at school Students who become unwell during the school day should: 1. Inform their Class Teacher who will send them to Sick Bay 2. Report to Sick Bay and show staff diary signed by teacher 3. Staff in Sick Bay will call a parent to collect the student if necessary Students should NOT call their parents to collect them. If this is necessary, a staff member will contact a parent/caregiver.
Absence If your child is absent from school for any reason (including sickness, family/personal reasons), or late due to an appointment, please call to advise before 8:30am on 5586 1007 or 07 5586 1095 (Leave a message if the lines are busy). Alternatively you can send a notification via the Parent Portal. A SMS will be sent to the parent of any student who is marked as absent in the Pastoral Care lesson without notification.
signing in late or out early If your child is late for school (even if school has been notified) they must sign in at SAO and take a printed slip and pink late slip home for a parent to sign. If your child needs to depart school early, they must present a note from a parent/guardian and have this signed by their Pastoral Coordinator and Year Coordinator, before coming to SAO to sign out. We do not allow students to meet parents in the Main Carpark, as this is unsupervised during the school day. Please come to SAO to collect your child. There is short term visitor parking in the driveway outside the Main Office.
Extended Absence Requests for leave of absence for more than two days must be made in writing to the Principal. While requests for leave of absence are necessary from time to time, students must accept responsibility for the impacts their absence may have on their learning and achievement. The Pastoral Coordinator will endeavour to assist the student, provided they make a timely and reasonable request for details of work and assessment prior to their absence Special Consideration will be given where necessary.
Student Record Book Every student will receive a Record Book, which is used to record homework, reminders and other tasks. Parents are asked to sign their child’s record book weekly. It is a very important communication tool between school and home. Stamps are received in the record book for non-completion of homework and classwork, and for not bringing the correct equipment to class. (3 stamps = letter home). Letters will be mailed home advising parents if student’s work habits in the areas of homework, equipment and classwork are of concern. A letter will also be sent home if assignments are not submitted by the due date.
The Responsible Thinking Process This process ensures most students resolve issues without parent or administration intervention. The process and key staff, support students who need help. Many students never do. Those who do quickly work out what the expectations are and how to resolve issues with their teachers when they have a problem. A small number of students struggle and parents, Pastoral Coordinators and Administration will become involved. We believe the tone of the school reflects good relationships and very effective processes in providing high quality pastoral care and support to our students. The Responsible Thinking Process works around the College’s 3 simple rules: 1) Say the right thing 2) Bring the right thing 3) Do the right thing These rules are designed to ensure that all students have the ability to learn without distraction and to be safe and happy in the College environment.
‘Period Seven’ Homework club The Learning Support Centre conducts after school support for any student who would like to access the library or require assistance with their homework. This support is provided from 3.10pm until 4.30pm on Thursdays. Students are welcome to utilise as much of that time as is required. There is no need to make a booking, students simply need to present themselves at the Library.
Maths Tutoring Maths Tutoring is available for all students on Friday during lunchtimes in Room A2. Students can work on homework, or assignments and receive help from Maths Teachers.
Maths Club Assistance with maths especially for students in Year 7 and 8. Tuesday lunchtimes in Room I203 11
Term Dates and Public Holidays Marymount After School Care The service is open to all students in Year 7 Marymount OSHC provides:
2017 TERM DATES Term One
Tuesday 24 January - Friday 31 March
Term Two
Monday 18 April - Friday 23 June
Term Three
Monday 10 July - Friday 15 September
Term Four
Tuesday 3 October - Friday 1 December
Before School Care 7:00am - 8:45am
Thursday 26 January
Australia Day
Friday 14 April
Good Friday
After School Care 3:00pm - 6:00pm
Saturday 15 April
Easter Saturday
Monday 17 April
Easter Monday
Vacation Care 7:00am - 6:00pm
Tuesday 25 April
Anzac Day
Monday 1 May
Labour Day
The service is closed on weekends, public holidays and for a two week break over the Christmas/New Year period. Marymount OSHC was established by the Marymount P&F Association and is managed by Centacare Child Care Services.
Friday 26 August
Gold Coast Show Day
Monday 2 October
Queen’s Birthday
To contact the OSHC, please phone (07) 5576 3756, or send an email to burleighheadsoshc@bne. centacare.net.au
Staff Briefing
Warning Bell
Pastoral Care
Period 1
Period 2
Period 3
Period 4
Lunch 1
Lunch 2
Period 5
12:20pm SPORT
Period 6
Year 7 Curriculum Students continue studying the National Curriculum in Year 7 with access to core and elective subjects. All students study Religion and the National Curriculum demands a major focus on core subjects: English, Maths, Science, History, and Health & Physical Education. Students also complete core elements from Civics and Citizenship, Economics and Business, and Personal and Social Development Education, which are embedded across the core subject areas. Most significantly, students will be introduced to elective subject areas completing two elective subjects each term. They subsequently choose three elective subjects for study for a semester each in Year 8. In Year 9 & 10 they will be able to study the three electives of their choice for the full year. Students in Year 7 will study the following Learning Areas: CORE SUBJECTS • • • • • •
Religious Education English Humanities Mathematics Health & Physical Education Science ARTS
• • • •
Dance Drama Music Visual Arts
French Japanese TECHNOLOGIES
• •
Food Technology Industrial Design & Technology
Co-curricular Many opportunities are available for extra curricular involvement in College life, including: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Chess Journalism Photography MUNA Readers Cup Opti-MINDS Musical Debating Mooting Public Speaking Rostrum Voice of Youth Speech Interact Caritas St Vincent de Paul Rosie’s - Friends on the Street Families Back On Track Vinnies Youth
Students are encouraged to ‘have a go’ beyond the classroom and develop their personal confidence, social skills and capacity to contribute to the community.
Religious Education Topics Studied • • • •
Where It All Began The Power of Words Doing Good Sacraments and Sacramentality
Assessment •
• • •
Construction of a Brochure as a Visual Representation of a Religious Order in Australia Analysis of Sacred Text and Journal Reflection Oral/Multimodal Presentation Knowledge and Understanding Test
SUBJECT OVERVIEW At Marymount College a Catholic view about Learning and Teaching is reflected in both dimensions of Religious Education, namely, the classroom teaching and learning of religion and the Religious Life of the School. We draw upon the Catholic Christian tradition in ways that are mindful of local contexts and the ecumenical and multi-faith realities of contemporary culture. Students at Marymount College are expected to participate fully in the Religious Education Program. This includes the formal inclass work and the broader religious life of the College (Reflection Days off campus, Liturgies, Prayer Life, Feasts and Celebrations, Outreach and Social Justice). Religious Education is a compulsory subject and is studied for five periods per fortnight. Students are expected to complete set tasks encouraging them to be lifelong learners and to develop their religious literacy. The Religious Education program at Marymount College has been prepared in accordance with Archdiocesan guidelines and approved by the Brisbane Archdiocesan Accreditation panel. It is not static and continues to develop to meet the students’ needs.
Students are provided with opportunities to demonstrate overall performance according to the year level achievement standard and learning intentions. This is monitored and recorded in student folios. The four strands studies are: Beliefs, Church, Christian Life, Sacred Texts. Course content is integrated across the four strands and designed appropriately for the Marymount College context.
English Topics Studied • • • • • •
SUBJECT OVERVIEW English is a core subject of the Australian National Curriculum or ACARA. The English curriculum is built around the three interrelated strands of Language, Literature and Literacy to develop students’ knowledge, understanding and skills. Students are exposed to a wide range of written and spoken genres using both classic and contemporary literature, as well as media material that is directly relevant to students’ present and future lives. An increased level of challenge is built into tasks as students move through their middle years of schooling. Technical control of language is emphasised through a clear focus on grammar, vocabulary, spelling, punctuation and expression. Comprehension dealing with basic understanding as well as deeper-level thinking is an integral part of the English program in both middle and senior years. Drafting, proof reading and self-editing is an essential component of English study. Students use both class time and home time to edit and refine their work as a preparation for increased independence as students move towards their senior years of study.
Childhood Recount Persuasive Texts Reflective Oral Procedural Listening Test and iMovie Poetry Narrative Writing (filling a gap or silence based on a class novel) Literary Analysis
Assessment Written: • • • •
Creative Persuasive Informative Procedural and Analytical
Oral: • • •
Persuasive Reflective Comprehension/ Spelling/Language
Extension Activities • • • •
Readers Cup Debating Marymount Insiders (Journalism) Write a Book in a Day
Humanities Topics Studied History Topics: • Investigating the Ancient Past and Ancient Rome Geography Topics: • Water in the World, Place & Liveability Civics and Citizenship Topics: • Government & Democracy, National Identity
SUBJECT OVERVIEW The Year 7 Humanities course combines courses in History, Geography and Civics & Citizenship.
Assessment • • • •
Assignment Source and Knowledge tests Field Study Progressive Learning Journal
In History, students study units on archaeological evidence from the Ancient World and Ancient Rome, including the discoveries (the remains of the past and what we know) and the mysteries (what we do not know) about this period. The Geography course covers two units. Water in the World examines the many uses of water, its value as a resource, its scarcity, the water cycle and specific water hazards. The Place and Liveability unit examines factors that influence liveability, including the services and facilities needed to support and enhance our lives. It develops students’ ability to evaluate the liveability of their own suburb and to investigate whether it can be improved through planning. In the Civics and Citizenship component of Government & Democracy, students will explore the key features of Australia’s system of government, the Australian Constitution and how its features, principles and values shape Australia’s democracy, the responsibilities and freedoms of citizens and how Australians can actively participate in their democracy. In the Citizenship, Diversity & Identity unit, students will identify the influences that shape Australia’s national identity.
Mathematics Topics Studied • • •
Number and Algebra Measurement and Geometry Statistics and Probability
Proficiency Strands
SUBJECT OVERVIEW Mathematics is organised around the interaction of three content strands and four proficiency strands, following the Australian Curriculum. The proficiency strands are Understanding, Fluency, Problem Solving and Reasoning. These strands describe how content is explored or developed, that is, the thinking and doing of mathematics. The Mathematics curriculum provides the opportunity to apply mathematical understanding and skills in context, both in other learning areas and in real world contexts. Students will use online programs to support their classroom activities and provide alternative learning experiences. Students develop the capacity to recognise and understand the role of mathematics in the world around them and the confidence, willingness and ability to apply mathematics to their lives. The more mathematically able classes will be exposed to content and experiences in all strands which will develop understanding and higher order thinking processes necessary for the more difficult mathematics subjects in senior school. Teachers set homework and class tasks as part of the ongoing assessment of the progress and application of the individual. Results of assessment in Year 7 Mathematics will give the information required to guide placement of students in Mathematics classes in Year 8.
• • • •
Understanding Fluency Problem Solving Reasoning
Assessment • •
Unit tests Assignments
Extension Activities • • • • •
Mathematics Club Lunchtime Maths Tutoring Canterbury College Maths Comp ICAS Maths Maths Olympiad 17
Science Topics Studied Investigating Science – An introduction to Science • • • •
Chemistry – Going separate ways Physics – Let’s get Moving Astronomy – To Infinity and Beyond Biology – Classification Where do I fit in?
Assessment • • • • • •
Topic exams Scientific prac reports Inclass tasks Marble run Making a Telescope Skills tests
Curriculum Activities •
Botanic Gardens and Planetarium Excursion
Extension Activities • • •
Science Night Science Competition STEM Cup (Year 7 & 8)
SUBJECT OVERVIEW In Year 7, students explore the diversity of life on Earth and continue to develop their understanding of the role of classification in ordering and organising information. They use and develop models such as food chains, food webs and the water cycle to represent and analyse the flow of energy and matter through ecosystems and explore the impact of changing components within these systems. They consider the interaction between multiple forces when explaining changes in an object’s motion. They explore the notion of renewable and non-renewable resources and consider how this classification depends on the timescale considered. They investigate relationships in the Earth-sun-moon system and use models to predict and explain events. Students make accurate measurements and control variables to analyse relationships between system components. They explore and explain these relationships through appropriate representations and consider the role of science in decision making processes. By the end of Year 7, students describe techniques to separate pure substances from mixtures. They represent and predict the effects of unbalanced forces, including Earth’s gravity, on motion. They explain how the relative positions of Earth, the sun and moon affect phenomena on Earth. They analyse how the sustainable use of resources depends on the way they are formed and cycle through Earth systems. They predict the effect of human and environmental changes on interactions between organisms and classify and organise diverse organisms based on observable differences.
Health & Physical Education Topics Studied • • • • • • • •
Teeball Introduction to Athletics Touch Football/Oztag Group Fitness Approaching Adolescence Decision Making Super Snacks Keeping Fit
SUBJECT OVERVIEW Health and Physical Education is one of the five mandatory subjects from the Australian Curriculum. In Health and Physical Education at Marymount College, students develop the knowledge, understanding and skills to strengthen their sense of self, and build and manage satisfying relationships. The curriculum helps them to be resilient, and to make decisions and take actions to promote their health, safety and physical activity participation. As students mature, they develop and use critical inquiry skills to research and analyse the knowledge of the field and to understand the influences on their own and others’ health, safety and wellbeing. Healthy, active living benefits individuals and society in many ways. This includes promoting physical fitness, healthy body weight, psychological wellbeing, cognitive capabilities and learning. A healthy, active population improves productivity and personal satisfaction, promotes pro-social behaviour and reduces the occurrence of chronic disease. Health and Physical Education teaches students how to enhance their health, safety and wellbeing and contribute to building healthy, safe and active communities.
Assessment •
Practical Assessment of Performances in Physical Activities (50% of Course) Theory Assessment is a combination of content in workbooks, written tests, multimodel presentations and assignments (50% of Course)
Dance Topic Studied Introduction to Danceincluding safe dance practices, physical and expressive performance skills; improvisation and choreographic process; responding to dance from various cultures and contexts, including the hip hop genre and dance of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples. Assessment CHOREOGRAPHY PERFORMANCE TASK: Students will learn a short teacher-devised sequence and then choreograph a section of the routine to teach to their group members. Students perform this dance in groups of 3-4. Extension Activities • •
• • 20
Dance Excellence Program Participation in local and regional competitions Annual Dance Showcase Sydney Dance Company Performance
SUBJECT OVERVIEW In Dance, students use their body to communicate and express meaning through purposeful movement. Students build on their awareness of their body and extend technical and expressive skills by increasing their confidence, accuracy, clarity of movement and projection. They explore dance as an art form through choreography, performance (making) and appreciation (responding). In Year 7 Dance, students identify and analyse the elements of dance, choreographic devices and production elements in dances in different styles and contexts and apply this knowledge to the dances they make and perform. They perform with confidence and clarity, dances which they choreograph and learn, using technical skills appropriate to the dance style.
Drama Topic Studied •
Creation of role
Script work
Assessment •
Scripted and group devised performances
Drama enables students to participate in dramatic play, drama and formal theatrical performances. Students make, create and re-create drama through improvisation, role-play, characterisation and interpretation of texts as they plan, rehearse and present their drama to others. Students also reflect on their own drama and the dramatic work of others. Students are able to participate in extension Drama activities such as entering the Gold Coast Secondary Schools’ Drama festival and the Gold coast eisteddfods. Drama also builds on: • • • • • •
Creativity – the ability to respond to situations and seek solutions Confidence – the ability to act and react to situations and people Critical thinking – the identification and evaluation of evidence to guide decision making Collaboration – the ability to work with others on a shared event Communication – the expression of ideas to others (within the class and to the audience) Culture – the exploration of difference and unity, be that historical or geographical
Extension Activities • • •
Evening Drama Excursions to QPAC Gold Coast Interschool Drama Competition Marymount College Musical
Music Topics Studied • Australian and international folk and cultural music • The elements of rhythm, beat and metre • Pentatonic scale • Part-work on voice and instruments
Assessment • Singing • Playing • Reading • Writing • Aurally and visually responding to music
Extension Activities • Instrumental Ensembles • Concert Band • Jazz Ensemble • Rock Bands • Musical Band • Vocal Ensemble • Drum Line • Liturgical Music Ensembles • End of Semester Concerts • Performance Opportunities at College Liturgies • Marymount College Musical 22
SUBJECT OVERVIEW Students in Year 7 Music begin their repertoire and theory studies with simple, sung songs so as to train the ear and develop intonation. Theoretical musical concepts are drawn from this repertoire to make conscious the elements and building blocks of Music. Students have the opportunity to then learn these songs on instruments including keyboard and guitar. Assessment in Year 7 Music involves performance tasks of songs studied in class, as well as written tasks based on the choice of repertoire. Simple composition tasks are also assessed. Class time for written and performance tasks is given, as well as home preparation time.
Visual Art Topics Studied • Introduction to Art Understanding and applying the Elements of Design
• •
Practical folio of work Visual Diary
The Visual Arts course provides students with the opportunity to develop their inherent imagination, creative problem solving and art making skills. The subject is predominately practical focusing on the Elements of Design through a range of practical activities. Content includes drawing, painting, collage, mixed media and sculpture(ceramics). Creating art is challenging and enjoyable, students learn perseverance, accountability, develop judgment and the importance of maintaining focus and dedication to a task. Students are encouraged to develop aesthetic sensitivity, knowledge, understanding and skills in line with the National Curriculum. Visual Art Extension Students have the opportunity to attend the ‘Fairweather Art Group’ after school to work on their own art, participate in extension activities or complete art assignments.
Extension Activities • •
Fairweather Art Group (All levels) Marymount College Musical (assistance with sets)
French Topics Studied • • • • •
Personal identity Family & Animals Numbers Pets Key Verbs
Assessment • • • • •
Speaking Exam Listening Exam Reading Exam Writing Exam Research projects
SUBJECT OVERVIEW Learning French is both interesting and rewarding! When you learn French at school you will have the opportunity to • • • • •
Use French in everyday situations Meet French-speaking people and learn about their way of life Read and order from French menus, read French magazines about sport, fashion, music and the cinema View French films and sing French songs Write to a French pen friend
Learning French is an investment in your future. Look at these facts! French is the living and working language of over 300 million of the world’s people. French is the official language of the United Nations, WHO, UNESCO, OECD, EU, NATO, Red Cross and International Olympic Committee and is widely used in international law, business and diplomacy. French is a language of business, trade, journalism and science
Japanese Topics Studied • Greeting • Q&A – personal details • Numbers • Japanese culture • Japanese writing script - Hiragana
SUBJECT OVERVIEW Studying a foreign language enhances meta cognitive ability (thinking about thinking) and complex reasoning processes. Not only do foreign language learners communicate in different modes, but study how to appropriate language forms to different social contexts. An awareness of the functions of one’s first language is derived from studying Japanese, as well as recognising how culture is embedded within language. As a result, one grows educationally, intellectually, personally, socially and culturally from study in this area. This in turn benefits study in other curriculum areas. In particular, Japanese language is relevant to students of Marymount College because of the school’s position on the Gold Coast. The thriving tourism industry in the area provides many real life contexts in which students can use their second language. This is complementary to the fact that Australia as a nation prides itself on having positive relations between our Asia Pacific neighbours. Such relations provide endless opportunities for students to use Japanese language in the workforce internally and internationally.
• • •
Speaking Exam Listening Exam Hiragana Test
Extension Activities •
Japanese Visitors
Food Technology Topics Studied •
Bring It On
Assessment •
Design Task
SUBJECT OVERVIEW In Year 7, students study Food Technology for one term. The course offers students the opportunity to explore food in an exciting and practical way. Students study food as an essential need for the function of the human body and its relationship with good health.
Extension Activities •
Junior Culinary Competition
They also learn about the importance of safety and hygiene in the kitchen environment and preparing food. Students learn through developing their practical skills and being exposed to a range of food items. In practical classes, students prepare a variety of recipes using a number of different cooking methods, including baking, grilling and frying and begin to develop skills in the kitchen which will become an invaluable tool for the rest of their life.
Industrial Design Technoloogy Topics Studied • •
Engineering Principles and Systems Materials and Technologies Specialisations
Assessment • •
Design Folios Practical Design Responses
SUBJECT OVERVIEW Design Technology is an exciting subject that enables students to become creative and responsive designers. They will consider ethical, legal, aesthetic and functional factors and the economic, environmental and social impacts of technological change, and how the choice and use of technologies contributes to a sustainable future. The students will develop the knowledge, understanding and skills required to become discerning decision-makers. Studying Design Technology will motivate students and engage them in a range of learning experiences that are transferable to family and home, constructive leisure activities, community contribution and the world of work. Student will use emerging technologies, such as Laser Cutter and 3D Printers to produce effective and meaningful solutions to identified problems or opportunities in personal, family, community and global context.
261-285 Reedy Creek Road Burleigh Waters QLD 4220 Phone: (07) 5586 1000 | Fax: (07) 5576 2511 www.marymount.qld.edu.au |
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