Curriculum Guide Year 7
August 8, 2016 | Author: Alice Wells | Category: N/A
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1 LONGDENDALE HIGH SCHOOL We endeavour to achieve and aspire to be successful Curriculum Guide Year This document provid...
LONGDENDALE HIGH SCHOOL We endeavour to achieve and aspire to be successful
Curriculum Guide Year 7 2016 – 2017
This document provides you with basic information about the topics and some of the skills that your child will be studying throughout the year.
Year 7 - English Spring
Autumn Term 1
Spring Term 1
Summer Term 1
James Bond
Fundraising (Reading)
Continuation of Poetry
This topic gives students the opportunity to use a famous character as a stimulus for creative writing. Students are required to use their descriptive writing skills in creating their own hero and villain, writing a setting description and other writing tasks. They will complete an assessment with a focus on language using an image related to the topic.
This topic gives students the opportunity to complete tasks with a focus on fundraising for a particular cause. The students will complete a variety of reading tasks where they analyse the language and structure of various texts. They then complete an assessment with a focus on language.
Spring Term 2
Summer Term 2
‘The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas’.
This topic gives students the opportunity to look at the different ways in which poems can be structured. The students will study a variety of poems based on different cultures and then complete an assessment with a focus on literature. Built in to the topic are opportunities to complete writing tasks also based on other cultures.
This topic is a class reader. The students complete a variety of tasks based on the events of the book. There are opportunities to complete two assessments based on the novel, one with a language focus and the other with a literature focus.
Autumn Term 2 ‘A Christmas Carol’ This topic is a class reader. The students will study the text and complete a variety of tasks that will allow them to demonstrate their understanding of character, theme and setting. The students can complete an assessment with a focus on literature.
Assessment and exams Assessments and exams are built into the different topics. Students will be informed of when these are by their English teacher.
Year 7 - Maths Autumn Term Geometry and Measure 1 Angles Properties of shapes and solids Polygons Area/perimeter/volume Number 1 Ordering Symbols Four operations Fractions, decimals percentages Order of operations
Probability 1 Probability scale Theoretical and experimental probability Sample Space Diagrams 2 way tables Bias Sampling Algebra 1 Algebraic notation Indices Formulae Substitution
Spring Term Geometry and Measure 2 Construction Loci Congruence Similarity Transformations
Number 2 Primes, factors, multiples Prime Factor Decomposition (Venn Diagrams) Powers
Summer Term
Statistics 1 Types of data Averages Spread and outliers Graphs and Charts
Number 3 Approximation Rounding Ratio Proportion
Probability and Statistics 2 Graphs and Charts (scatter graphs) Venn Diagrams
Algebra 2 Solving Equations Simplifying Expressions Rearranging Formulae
Algebra 3 Inequalities Coordinates Graphs Sequences
Geometry and Measure 3 Circles Plans and Elevations Speed/density
Assessment and exams Assessments and exams are built into the different topics. Students will be informed of when these are by their Maths teacher
Year 7 Science Spring
P1 – Energy
C1 – Atomic structure and the Periodic Table
B1 – Cells
P2 – Electricity
C2 – Bonding, structure and properties of matter
B2 – Principles of organisation
P3 – Particle model of matter
C8 – Chemical analysis
B3 – Communicable diseases
P4 – Atomic structure
C9 – Chemistry and the atmosphere
B4 - Bioenergetics
P5 – Forces
C10 – Using resources
B5 – Homeostasis and response
P6 – Waves
B6 – Inheritance, variation and evolution
P7 – Magnets
B7 – Ecology
P8 – Space
Assessment and exams Formal exam at the end of each half term Ongoing teacher assessment
Formal exam at the end of each half term Ongoing teacher assessment
Formal exam at the end of each half term Ongoing teacher assessment
Modern Foreign Languages Winter Spring
Science - Space
Using the Cinderella story as a springboard, students will study greetings, names, the alphabet, age & birthdays (using months and days) and family. They will also be introduced to vocabulary related to where we live, brothers & sisters, pets, and opinions. This unit also familiarises students with the 4 skill areas of listening, speaking, reading and writing and establishes good language learning routines and skills.
Using a traditional poem, students will analyse a poem in French or Spanish. They will learn how to form the conditional mood and eventually, write their own poem using a range of structures and vocabulary. Students will also develop and improve on their dictionary skills during this topic to ensure they are confident with using reference tools.
Space-related vocabulary, including the rotation of the earth. Students will focus on higher level connectives and use these in context. They will also learn about Apollo 11 Moon landing and focus on the use of a range of tenses. Students revise formation of reflexive verbs in a range of tenses. They also learn how to use it in the negative.
Summer Literature: The day the crayons quit Students will analyse a story in French or Spanish. They will apply the knowledge of grammar that they have acquired over the course of year 7 to decipher the meaning of a range of tenses, including past, present and future tenses. Students will also develop their use of dictionaries.
Students are expected to build their language into sentences of more complex structure and start to manipulate language for themselves. They are introduced to conjugating verbs in present tense and the future tense.
Assessment and exams Students will complete four assessments in each assessment cycle: listening, speaking, reading and writing. These will have an equal weighting when determining an overall grade that is reported to parents.
Year 7 Geography Autumn Term
Spring Term
Geography basics – place and location:
Geography basics – map skills:
Weather and Climate:
Students will learn what the subject of Geography involves and learn about our place in the world through investigation of the location of the UK and that of continents and oceans.
Students study a variety of map skills which will be referred to and used throughout their course of study. These skills include grid references, scale, compass directions, longitude and latitude and symbols
Students investigate the key landforms that may be found along the river’s journey and the causes and effects of, and responses to flooding.
Students consider the difference between weather and climate; They explore reasons for the UK climate and how it compares to other places and the significance of depressions and anticyclones.
Summer Term Brazil:
Extreme weather:
Students are given an overview of a country that has hosted both a World Cup and Olympic Games in recent years. The major cities, issues of inequality and migration and the importance of the Amazon rainforest.
Students consolidate prior learning about weather and climate with causes and effects of, and responses to extreme weather events like tornadoes and hurricanes (tropical storms)
A baseline assessment conducted at the start of the year
Assessment and exams There will be a variety of assessments including extended writing (PEE chains) group work and presentations. There will be opportunities for self and peer assessment
Year 7 History Autumn Term History Skills
Students will develop important skills that they need to be successful in History Romans Students will investigate the Romans examining the development of the Empire and how the Romans have benefitted society today
Spring Term
Summer Term
Middle Ages
Stuarts and Civil War
Students will learn about life in the Middle Ages, exploring what life in Britain was like and how it compares to life today. They will look at the Norman Conquest and how William controlled England.
Students will learn about how the Tudors and how they ruled England.
Students will learn about the role of the Stuarts and the outbreak of the English Civil War.
Students will learn about the Slave Trade and the impact that this had on Britain
They will explore the role of monarchs and the significance of Henry VIII and Elizabeth I
They will examine the conflict between the King and Parliament and the restoration of the Monarchy
They will examine what the slave trade involved and how it impacted on different people. They will investigate why the slave trade ended They will explore the history of trade and the impact it had on the countries involved
They will investigate the role religion played at this time with Henry’s break from Rome and the Spanish Armada during Elizabeth’s reign
Assessment and exams There will be a variety of assessments based on GCSE style questions including extended writing (PEE chains) group work and presentations. There will be opportunities for self and peer assessment
Autumn Introduction to key skills in Art Unit 1:‘Tone’ (light and shade mark-making) Tonal Drawing from secondary (given) source material. Testing observational skills and accuracy in recording using pencil Pencil, charcoal and pastel techniques taught. The work of artists who use strong contrast in tone and use mark-making drawing techniques will be studied such as van Gogh. Unit 2: Colour An introduction to primary, secondary and tertiary colours. Reference to the work of artists such as Pollock, Kandinsky, Stella Klee and Seurat Introduction to drawing, painting and collage techniques – colour.
Year 7 - Art Spring Unit 3:Texture Drawing and mark-making techniques to represent texture. Textual rubbings Making textual boards using found and made textures
Summer Unit 5:3D and relief techniques An introduction to 3D construction methods will be made. With reference to abstract artists – a 3D construction (a modern art box/form) will be made. Low-level relief decoration techniques and painting skills will be used to finish the form.
An introduction to print-making techniques (using polyboard) – use of textural and mark making effects. Unit 4: Observational Drawings - 'Man-made Objects' Students will use a range of media and techniques to study objects. Students will be introduced to the work of artists who include objects and forms within their compositions. The work of artists such as Picasso, Braque and Pop artists will be studied. Mixed-media techniques will be used to produce a composition.
Assessment and Exams On-going progress is recorded based on sketchbook work and other supportive drawings, designs and models. As homeworks are set and returned, these are assessed and recorded to inform progress to target grades and attitudes to learning. Exam: In June an exam based on ‘Pattern and colour’, informed by the study of Modern artists' works will be set. A drawing- based activity will test students’ abilities to create and design.
Year 7 - Computing Autumn Unit 7.1 – School Network, VLE & Email Skills: Email, Expectations, Networks
Spring Unit 7.4 –Animation Skills: Stop/Key Graphics
Unit 7.2 – e-Safety Skills: Social Networking, Cyber- Unit 7.3 – Spy School bullying, Viruses, Trojans, Worms. Skills: Spreadsheets, Modelling Unit 7.5 – Binary & Control Skills: Binary, Computer Control
Summer Animation, Unit 7.7 – Scratch Programming Skills: Programming and Coding, Logic, Game Design
Unit 7.8 - Microbits/Fortronix and PicAxe Skills: Programming, problem solving, hardware
Assessment and Exams
Binary Test
008 Assessment Animation Assessment Microbits/Fortronix/PicAxe Assessment
Scratch Assessment
Year 7 - Drama Spring
Autumn Baseline assessment To provide data of prior experience of drama, understanding of theatre and a snapshot of performance ability.
‘The Island’ Introduction unit of drama. This unit of work introduces the students to basic ROLE PLAY and IMPROVISATION through a process of TEACHER IN ROLE/ MANTLE OF THE EXPERT.
The Victorians This unit explores the historical topic of ‘The Victorians’. It focuses on the changes between Victorian times and now. Script stimulus ‘Oliver Twist’ is used to develop understanding of life for children working in the mills. Techniques developed include: IMPROVISATION, FREEZE FRAMES, HOTSEATNG, DUOLOGUE, TEACHER IN ROLE, SCRIPT STIMULI. Pupil also have a written exam. Based on an extract of the play Oliver Twist.
This unit begins with factual material as a basis for employing the conventions of role play and character exploration. Characters are developed through group based IMPROVISATION and IN-ROLE WRITING to consider the thoughts and feelings of those forced to leave home and establish new relationships within an ‘alien’ environment. As process drama a range of explorative techniques are used to build character and situation allowing the students to express their findings and evaluate their response to true and imagined events.
The scheme aims to introduce the ‘theatrical elements’ of theatre as the students are required to look at a scripted usually linked to our school production and adopt the roles of a ‘mini’ production company as they work towards a performance in front of an audience.
Theatre skills introducing: TECHNICAL THEATRE. The unit should cover the following roles: DIRECTOR, DESIGNER, LIGHTING, SOUND, COSTUME/MAKEUP
Midsummer Night’s Dream Storytelling The aim of this scheme of work is to realise a practical introduction to Shakespearean theatre, placing a variety of extracts of Romeo and Juliet in both historical and contemporary settings. Students will experience theatrical conventions relevant to the period of traditional Shakespearean drama. They will also explore more contemporary methodologies for approaching and interpreting verse and prose dialogue, alongside the technical medium for staging scenes and extracts. Key techniques include: FREEZE FRAMES SCRIPT DRAMATIC TENSION. MONOLOGUE
This unit of work explores techniques of INTERPRETATION. Taking well known stories / legends / nursery rhymes students examine stylised theatre through the range of medium they use in order to ‘retell’ / ‘update’ the given stories. The unit focuses more upon performance technique and explorative strategies. Techniques explored include: REPORTAGE, DUOLOGUES, IMPROVISATION, HOT-SEATING.
Pupils also get assessed on a written exam from an extract studied.
Assessment and Exams Pupils have two lessons of drama a fortnight. They are formally assessed and are giving a level each half-term but formative assessment is given in every lesson. Pupils also have a spelling and content test each unit of work. Midsummer Night’s Dream and Victorians include written examinations in additional to practical assessment.
Year 7 - Music Autumn Module 1: An Introduction to Music. The Longdendale Benchmark Test for Music will provide data of musical ability – for music staff to plan personalised lessons. Exploring musical elements at Longdendale
Module 2: Pulse and Timekeeping. Developing rhythm. Practical and creative composition. Music literacy and The History of Music and Music Appreciation. Conducting skills. Christmas vocal work
Spring Module 3: Creating with pitch. Exploring pitch and composition. Music Literacy Composition Music appreciation Listening and appraising set works. Vocal training- class singing and harmony work
Module 4: Feeling the Blues.
Module 5: Song, Harmony and Structure.
Module 6: World Music and fusion.
Origins of Blues and keyboard introduction. Harmony and chords. Lyrics writing. Playing in an ensemble Listening and appraising set works Techie- Live sound training
Chord progressions and song writing/performing. Composition. Listening and appraising set works. Listening Challenges and pupil lectures. Class singing- solo and duet including whole class.
Assessment and Exams
Listening tests Spelling key words RAMP
Pulse and pitch Aural tests Elements test Christmas test
Literacy focus Weiting freely to music Pitch/vocal testing
Spelling test Blues practical assessment Easter test
Compositions assessed Year 7 exam Instrumental recognition
Ensemble playing Summer assessment
Year 7 - PE Acquiring and developing skills Making and applying decisions Developing mental and physical capacity Evaluating and improving performance Making informed choices about healthy active lifestyles
Boys Rugby, badminton, football and gym.
Boys Rugby, badminton, football and gym.
Boys Health related exercise, basketball, rugby and dance.
Boys Health related exercise, basketball, rugby and dance.
Boys Athletics, cricket and rounders.
Boys Athletics, cricket and rounders.
Girls Hockey, badminton, gym and cheerleading.
Girls Hockey, badminton, gym and cheerleading.
Girls Dance, netball and health related exercise.
Girls Dance, netball and health related exercise.
Girls Athletics and rounders.
Girls Athletics and rounders.
Assessment and Exams
Homework – linked to understanding 2 topics – Health and fitness and training
Health and fitness test 1
Training test 2
Year 7 - Technology Resistant Materials Autumn Term 1
Autumn Term 2
Graphic Products
Spring Term 1
Spring Term 2
Focus on Wood
Art Deco Pencil Box
Graphical Communication skills
Students learn how to safely use a range of workshop tools and equipment. These skills are developed through making a range of focussed practical projects. Outcomes include; Bag Tag, Ruler and Jigsaw.
Students use the skills and knowledge acquired in the first term to help them to design and make a pencil box. Skills in planning are also developed during this project.
Students work through a series of focussed practical tasks which include; Rendering and shading techniques. Isometric drawing Lettering design.
Summer Term 1
Summer Term 2
CAD Students use Computer software, 2D design, to create a headphone tidy. Students develop their own ideas and their chosen outcome is manufactured using our state of the art laser cutter.
Home Economics Eat Well and Stay Safe The focus during year 7 is to develop students understanding of hygiene and safety in the kitchen environment. There is a focus on healthy eating and nutrition and students study the Eatwell plate and government healthy eating guidelines. Practical skill: Students are taught to use a range of basic tools and equipment as well as use a range of cooking techniques. By the end of their year in Home Economics students should be able to cook a range of healthy, savoury and sweet dishes. Techonology topics are taught on rotation during the year
Assessment and Exams End of unit exam
End of unit exam
End of unit exam
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